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Domain: Cyber Security

Under Guidance of Project Guide: Mr. K.PALANIVEL,

M.Tech, UGC-NET,
System Analyst (Sr. Scale),
Computer Centre,
Pondicherry University.

Submitted by,

S.Maduvanthi M.Tech(CSE),


1. Problem Statement

2. Feasibility Study

3. Modules

4. Requirements

5. References

6. Schedule
In this project, Algorithm is tested by adopting three case studies to cover the most
common cases of attacks. The exchanger data are received and analyzed by the base
station. Receiving data base station.

An Algorithm to detect, mitigate and prevent the effect of DOS attack. It is important
to note that the nodes send this reading every 10 sec to be received by base station at the
same time. We block the suspicion nodes IP address and consider it as a dos attack. This
node is disconnected from the WSN by blocking its IP address. Server will send alert to the

Python code is responsible for displaying the sensor readings for three nodes via the
MQTT broker. It used two important thresholds to detect the dos attacks, which are the time
difference and size of received messages from included nodes.








Mac address based node sensor filter

Moisture Sensor
The moisture sensor consists of two probes that are used to detect the moisture of
the soil. The moisture sensor probes are coated with immersion gold that protects
Nickel from oxidation. These two probes are used to pass the current through the soil
and then the sensor reads the resistance to get the moisture values.

This soil moisture sensor module is used to detect the moisture of the soil. It
measures the volumetric content of water inside the soil and gives us the moisture
level as output. The module has both digital and analog outputs and a potentiometer
to adjust the threshold level.

Soil Moisture Sensor Module Pinout Configuration

Pin Name Description

VCC The Vcc pin powers the module, typically with +5V

GND Power Supply Ground

DO Digital Out Pin for Digital Output.

AO Analog Out Pin for Analog Output

Soil Moisture Sensor Module Features & Specifications

 Operating Voltage: 3.3V to 5V DC

 Operating Current: 15mA
 Output Digital - 0V to 5V, Adjustable trigger level from preset
 Output Analog - 0V to 5V based on infrared radiation from fire flame falling on the
 LEDs indicating output and power

 PCB Size: 3.2cm x 1.4cm

 LM393 based design

 Easy to use with Microcontrollers or even with normal Digital/Analog IC

 Small, cheap and easily available

Raspberry Pi

The Raspberry Pi is a low cost, credit-card sized computer that plugs into a
computer monitor or TV, and uses a standard keyboard and mouse. It is a capable
little device that enables people of all ages to explore computing, and to learn how to
program in languages like Scratch and Python. It’s capable of doing everything you’d
expect a desktop computer to do, from browsing the internet and playing high-
definition video, to making spreadsheets, word-processing, and playing games.

 If Server/ MQTT protocol getting connection lose in a form of any kind of security
attack or something else, internal MCU taking case of node control
 Server will send Alerts to the Supervisor/Admin.
o Manage general Alerts
o Configure client status Alerts
o Email Alerts
o Monitor Alerts
o External notifications.

 Hardware:
o Raspberry pi,
o ESP8266 (microcontroller),
o DS18B20 (temperature sensor),
o Soil moisture sensors,
o Two actuators (LED1, LED2).
 Software:
o Language – Python,
o Operating system – Linux,
o Arduino.

1. Kore and D. Kadam, “IoT Based Real Time Greenhouse monitoring system using
Raspberry Pi,” International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology
(IRJET), vol. 06, no. 04, 2019.
2. S. G. Nikhade, "Wireless sensor network system using Raspberry Pi and zigbee for
environmental monitoring applications," 2015 International Conference on Smart
Technologies and Management for Computing, Communication, Controls, Energy
and Materials (ICSTM), Chennai, 2015, pp. 376-381, doi:
3. Ahmad, K. Shah and S. Ullah, "Military Applications using Wireless Sensor Networks:
A survey," International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, vol. 6, no. 6,
pp. 7039-7043, June 2016, doi: 10.4010/2016.1678.
4. N. S. Ali, Z. A. A. Alyasseri, and A. Abdulmohson, “Real-Time Heart Pulse Monitoring
Technique Using Wireless Sensor Network and Mobile Application,” International
Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 5118-512,
Dec. 2018, doi:10.11591/ijece.v8i6.pp5118-5126.
5. M. ur Rahman, S. Rahman, S. Mansoor, V. Deep, and M. Aashkaar, “Implementation
of ICT and wireless sensor networks for earthquake alert and disaster management
in earthquake prone areas,” Procedia Comput. Sci., vol. 85, pp. 92-99, 2016, doi:
6. B. Kantarci and S. Oktug, “Special issue: Wireless sensor and actuator networks for
smart cities,” J. Sens. Actuator Netw., vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 1-5, 2018, doi:
7. Kochhar and N. Kumar, “Wireless sensor networks for greenhouses: An end-to-end
review,” Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, vol. 163, Aug. 2019, doi:
10.1016/j.compag.2019.104877. ISSN: 1693-6930 TELKOMNIKA Telecommun
Comput El Control, Vol. 19, No. 4, August 2021: 1177 - 1184 1184
8. Chaturvedi and L. Shrivastava, “IOT Based Wireless Sensor Network for Air Pollution
Monitoring,” 2020 IEEE 9th International Conference on Communication Systems
and Network Technologies (CSNT), Apr. 2020, doi:
9. Pedersen, “Altering Perceptions, Visualizing Sub-ground Metal Objects,” Emerging
Science Journal, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 205-213, Jun. 2020, doi: 10.28991/esj-2020-
10. Fazelabdolabadi and M. H. Golestan, “Towards Bayesian Quantification of
Permeability in Micro-scale Porous Structures – The Database of Micro Networks,”
HighTech and Innovation Journal, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 148-160, Dec. 2020, doi:

S.No. Month Week Work

1 Sept 1 Find Base paper

2 Studied Base Paper (related chain of papers)
3 Finding texttools and resources
4 Read complete basics
2 Oct 1 Started doing MQTT cyber security and python
2 Studied cyber security related papers
3 Studied DOS attack and Python
4 Learning WSN SRS Documentation
3 Nov 1 Requirements – microcontroller and sensors
2 Implementation - Cyber Security
3 Design
4 Deployment
4 Dec 1 Requirements – Cyber Security Algorithm
2 Implementation – DOS/DDOS/other Security
3 Design
4 Deployment - architecture
5 Jan - Final Output
6 Feb - March - Second Phase

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