The Indian Public School - Salem Grade - II English Worksheet Name: - Sec: - Date: - Eating Healthy

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The Indian Public School – Salem

Grade – II English Worksheet

Name: __________________ Sec: _______ Date: __________

Eating Healthy

Anil loved eating chicken nuggets, pizza, fries and burgers. To

drink, he always liked milk shakes, cola or sugary drinks. His mother
frowned and said “You can’t keep eating this stuff! You have to go
to the dentist.”

“Why do all the delicious things have to be bad for me? I can’t eat
broccoli forever. I am not a rabbit.” Anil frowned.

“I know, but you do not get all the vitamins and minerals you need
from the food you like to eat. All that food is sugar and fat. You
need good food for a healthy body and even your brain. Snacks are
supposed to be occasional treats and not regular meals.” Advised his

Anil did not listen and continued having his breakfast of a donut and
sugar sprinkled cookies. Suddenly he gave a loud cry out of pain. His
tooth was aching.

Now he realized that his mother’s suggestion was not wrong. His
teeth will not hurt anymore and he would grow up healthy.

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