G-2 Comprehension Worksheet: The Indian Public School - Salem

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G-2 Comprehension worksheet

Name: _____________________ Sec: ____ Date: _________

I. Read the passage aand answer the questions that follow:

The 3 R’s

People make a lot of trash. Just think about all of the things you throw away each
day. There are wrappers from food and drink, old newspaper, old clothes, broken
bottles, old plastic cans packing items and much more. This trash
thrown is increasing everyday. It is very harmful to our environment.

How will we save our planet? There are three things that we all
can do to make less trash – REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE.

A good place to start is by buying things that we really need.Purchase in bulk with
minimum packaging, Reduce the use of fuel by walking or cycling for short distances and
carpooling or using the public transport for lang distances. Reduce the use of water and

Instead of throwing away articles try and find various efficent ways to reuse it.
Use old jars and bottles for storage, newspapers for package, plastic cans to grow
plants, old clothes as bags and mats

Recycling is a process that makes it possible to create new products out of old
ones. Paper, aluminium, glass, paper and plastic can often be recycled.

Thus the three Rs help us to save our natural resources, conserve energy and save
1. The 3 R’s are
o Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
o Reduce, Refuse, Recycle
o Refer, Reuse, Recreate

2. The process of creating new products out of old ones is

o Reduce
o Reuse
o Recycle

3. People are encouraged to reduce the waste by

o Purchasing in bulk
o Cycling
o Using public transport
o All of the above

4. Name a few articles that creates trash.


5. State if the action given below is - Reduce, Reuse or Recycle

a. A cloth bag was carried to the shop for buying things. _________

b. A shoe box was used to store things. _________

c. Old paper was used to make new paper. _________

d. Plastic water bottles are used to grow plants. _________

e. Switch off the lights when not in use _________

6. Using the dictionary find the meaning of

a. Trash - ___________________________________________

b. Conserve - _________________________________________


7. Find the antonym of the following from the passage

a. Inefficient x _______________________

b. Maximum x _______________________

8. State two ways to reduce the use of resources.

a. __________________________________________________

b. __________________________________________________

9. State two ways to reuse things.

a. __________________________________________________

b. __________________________________________________

10 . State two things that you would recycle.

a. _________________________________________________

b. _________________________________________________

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