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J Appl Physiol 123: 884 –893, 2017.

First published June 29, 2017; doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00536.2016.


Factors contributing to lower metabolic demand of eccentric compared with

concentric cycling
Luis Peñailillo,1 Anthony J. Blazevich,2 and X Kazunori Nosaka2
Exercise Science Laboratory, School of Kinesiology, Faculty of Medicine, Universidad Finis Terrae, Santiago, Chile; and
Centre for Exercise and Sports Science Research, School of Medical and Health Sciences, Edith Cowan University,
Joondalup, Western Australia, Australia
Submitted 16 June 2016; accepted in final form 26 June 2017

Peñailillo L, Blazevich AJ, Nosaka K. Factors contributing to 47, 50). For example, Bigland-Ritchie and Woods (7) reported
lower metabolic demand of eccentric compared with concentric cy- that muscles consumed 79% less oxygen in eccentric than
cling. J Appl Physiol 123: 884 – 893, 2017. First published June 29, concentric cycling for the same work output and speculated
2017; doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00536.2016.—This study compared that this was due to fewer muscle fibers being recruited to
muscle-tendon behavior, muscle oxygenation, and muscle activity perform eccentric vs. concentric cycling. Indeed, it has been
between eccentric and concentric cycling exercise at the same work
output to investigate why metabolic demand is lower during eccentric
shown using surface electromyogram (EMG) recordings and
cycling than with concentric cycling. Eleven untrained men the interpolated twitch technique that muscle activation is
(27.1 ⫾ 7.0 y) performed concentric cycling (CONC) and eccentric lower and force output is higher during maximal eccentric than
cycling (ECC) for 10 min (60 rpm) at 65% of the maximal concentric during maximal concentric contractions (5). Peñailillo et al.
cycling power output (191 ⫾ 45 W) 4 wk apart. During cycling, (48) reported that vastus lateralis (VL) EMG amplitude was
oxygen consumption (V̇O2), heart rate (HR), vastus lateralis (VL) 38% lower during eccentric than concentric cycling performed
tissue total hemoglobin (tHb), and oxygenation index (TOI) were at the same power output (⬃175 W). However, it is not
recorded, and muscle-tendon behavior was assessed using ultrasonog- necessarily clear how the same work can be performed with
raphy. The surface electromyogram (EMG) was recorded from VL, lower muscle fiber activation in continuous (cyclic) eccentric
vastus medialis (VM), rectus femoris (RF), and biceps femoris (BF) exercise than in concentric exercise.
muscles, and cycling torque and knee joint angle during each revo- Although an action of passive elastic muscle structures (i.e.,
lution were also recorded. Average V̇O2 (⫺65 ⫾ 7%) and HR
aponeurosis, tendons) has been postulated to explain the
(⫺35 ⫾ 9%) were lower and average TOI was greater (16 ⫾ 1%)
during ECC than CONC, but tHb was similar between bouts. Positive greater force generation and low metabolic cost during eccen-
and negative cycling peak crank torques were greater (32 ⫾ 21 and tric contractions (39), a recent study has shown that titin, one
48 ⫾ 24%, respectively) during ECC than CONC, but muscle-tendon of the sarcomeric proteins responsible for elasticity, actively
unit and fascicle and tendinous tissue length changes during pedal contributes to this capacity due to the ability to change its
revolutions were similar between CONC and ECC. VL, VM, RF, and stiffness in the presence of calcium (59). Furthermore, titin
BF peak EMG amplitudes were smaller (24 ⫾ 15, 22 ⫾ 18, 16 ⫾ 17, appears to be involved in the capacity of the muscle to produce
and 18 ⫾ 9%, respectively) during ECC than CONC. These results greater isometric force after it is actively lengthened in com-
suggest that the lower metabolic cost of eccentric compared with parison with a purely isometric contraction performed at that
concentric cycling was due mainly to a lower level of muscle activa- length, i.e., the residual force enhancement phenomenon (46,
tion per torque output. 59). This contributes to the lesser ATP utilization in eccentric
NEW & NOTEWORTHY This study shows that lower oxygen contractions (34) and increased neuromuscular efficiency
consumption of eccentric compared with concentric cycling at the (force/EMG) (33). In addition, although muscle fascicles
same workload is explained by lower muscle activity of agonist and shorten during concentric contractions, fascicles may remain
antagonist muscles during eccentric compared with during concentric quasi-isometric, whereas the myotendinous region and aponeu-
cycling. rosis of the muscle are lengthened during eccentric contrac-
metabolic cost; lengthening contractions; muscle efficiency; stretch- tions, suggesting that the tendinous tissue elongates signifi-
shortening cycle; muscle-tendon behavior cantly (31).
In fact, previous studies have shown a quasi-isometric be-
havior of muscle fascicles during maximal eccentric isokinetic
MUSCLES ARE ACTIVATED during lengthening in eccentric con- contractions of medial gastrocnemius (10) and tibialis anterior
tractions, whereas they are activated during shortening in (53). For example, Chino et al. (10) showed that tendinous
concentric contractions. The classic study of Abbott et al. (1) tissues contributed 40 – 65% of the ankle flexor length change
reported 41– 67% lower oxygen consumption (V̇O2) during during maximal eccentric contractions. However, some authors
eccentric cycling when compared with concentric cycling for have reported that muscle-tendon behavior is different between
the same work, and this finding was confirmed by others (7, 17, muscles such that fascicle and tendinous tissue stretching in
vastus lateralis are greater than those in medial gastrocnemius
Address for reprint requests and other correspondence: L. Peñailillo, School
muscles during a drop jump (32), and this is also affected by
of Kinesiology, Universidad Finis Terrae, 1509 Pedro de Valdivia Av., the intensity of the contraction (i.e., less fascicle stretch at
Providencia, Santiago Chile (e-mail: higher intensities) (30, 32). Furthermore, during activities that
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Low Metabolic Demand of Eccentric Cycling • Peñailillo L et al. 885
involve significant stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) patterns and that a combination of these factors would explain the lower
such as walking, running, and jumping, where the muscle- metabolic cost of eccentric cycling.
tendon unit stretches to store elastic energy, skeletal muscle
length change may be minimal, whereas the tendon undergoes METHODS
significant strain (8, 9, 13). This cyclic performance of the
Participants. Approval was obtained from the Institutional Human
muscle-tendon unit during terrestrial locomotion differs from Research Ethics Committee before the study. Eleven healthy, physi-
the eccentric contraction-dominant eccentric cycling task, in cally active young men who had not performed lower limb resistance
which SSC is minimal, as we have shown previously (49). In training regularly in the 6 mo before the study and who reported no
eccentric cycling, a large number of repeated pure eccentric history of neurological disorder or orthopedic lower limb injuries
contractions are performed without active concentric contrac- were recruited from the university community. Their average (⫾ SD)
tions; thus, when compared with traditional concentric cycling, age, height, body mass, and body mass index were 27.1 ⫾ 7.0 yr,
the opportunity is provided to compare characteristics of pure 178.4 ⫾ 8.2 cm, 73.6 ⫾ 6.2 kg, and 23.1 ⫾ 1.3 kg/m⫺2, respectively.
eccentric vs. concentric exercise. They completed an informed written, consent form and a medical
Using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), Denis et al. (12) questionnaire before participating in the study. The sample size was
showed that the VL oxygenation index (TOI: %of oxygen in calculated on the basis of an ␣-level of 0.05 and a power (1-␤) of 0.8,
with an estimated 20% difference in VL fascicle length change
myoglobin) decreased during maximal knee extensor isokinetic between concentric and eccentric maximal isokinetic contractions
(60°/s) eccentric contractions to exhaustion but was not differ- based on a previous study (21). Participants were instructed not to
ent from the changes observed during maximal concentric perform any exercise, take anti-inflammatory medication, or apply
contractions of the same muscle. In contrast, Muthalib et al. any treatments (e.g., massage, stretching) from 2 days before each
(44) reported that TOI of biceps brachii was 50% greater cycling bout.
during maximal eccentric than during concentric contractions Study design. The present data were collected in a larger study, and
of the elbow flexors despite 30% greater torque being gener- physiological and muscle damage profiles during two bouts of eccen-
ated during the eccentric contractions. These authors specu- tric cycling have been published previously (49). Participants reported
lated that this resulted from a lower central activation of the to the laboratory on four occasions: the first visit for an incremental
muscle and consequently lower ATP demand at the muscle exercise test in a recumbent cycle ergometer to determine their power
output-V̇O2 relationship during concentric cycling, the second visit for
level during eccentric compared with concentric contractions.
a concentric cycling bout (CONC) 2–3 days later, and the third and
Furthermore, Ryschon et al. (57) estimated that the ATP fourth visits for an eccentric cycling bout separated by 2 wk. The
production rate per work output was 20% greater during participants were more familiarized with eccentric cycling in the
submaximal eccentric vs. concentric contractions of tibialis second eccentric bout than in the first, and fewer coordination prob-
anterior in humans, using 31P-nuclear magnetic resonance lems were observed for the second than for the first bout. Thus, the
imaging. Beltman et al. (6) reported that energy cost (i.e., second eccentric cycling (ECC) bout was used in the present study for
high-energy phosphate consumption) was 70% lower during comparison with CONC. It was assumed that the initial eccentric
maximal eccentric vs. concentric contractions of medial gas- cycling bout familiarized the participants with the eccentric ergometer
trocnemius of rats. Thus, it seems that eccentric contractions and eccentric cycling. The participants performed 10 min of cycling at
have a lower muscular ATP demand, which has been typically the same work output for CONC and ECC cycling, and oxygen
consumption (V̇O2) and heart rate (HR) were assessed during the
shown indirectly through the measurement of muscle tissue
cycling. Furthermore, muscle oxygenation and hemodynamics, VL
oxygen uptake and ATP synthesis/resynthesis markers. fascicle behavior and the surface electromyogram (EMG), crank
Taken together, it has been proposed that the lower energy torque, and knee joint angle were recorded as detailed below. Because
cost of eccentric contractions could be explained by 1) the of the limited number of probes available, VL muscle-tendon behavior
nonadenosine triphosphate (ATP)-dependent mechanical was examined and assumed to be representative of the mono-articular
detachment of the actin-myosin cross-bridges (28, 40); 2) vasti muscles in the quadriceps, as described previously (49).
the spring-like properties of the muscle-tendon unit allow- Cycling exercise. An incremental cycling test to determine V̇O2peak
ing the storage and reuse of elastic potential energy (39), was performed using a recumbent ergometer (Tunturi F30R). The test
and more recently sarcomeric structural proteins, that en- started at a power output of 50 W for 4 min and increased 25 W every
hance force production and which may not be dependent on minute until volitional exhaustion. Cadence was kept at 60 rpm, and
the participants received verbal encouragement during the test. The
ATP hydrolysis (27); and 3) the lower muscle fiber recruit- concentric cycling (CONC) was performed in the same recumbent
ment at a given level of muscle force (14, 43). However, no ergometer as that for the incremental cycling test for 10 min (60 rpm)
previous study has systematically investigated these possible at 65% of the maximal power output (POmax) obtained during the
mechanisms simultaneously. Therefore, in the present study, V̇O2peak test. The eccentric cycling (ECC) was performed using a
we compared the muscle-tendon behavior, muscle oxygenation recumbent cycle ergometer fitted with a motor that moved the cranks
of VL, and muscle activity of VL and its agonists and one of the ergometer backward at a selected cadence (Eccentric Trainer,
antagonist (biceps femoris) between eccentric and concentric Metitur, Finland). Subjects were given the instruction to “smoothly
cycling to better understand the factors contributing to the resist the backward movement of the pedals,” and thus eccentric
lower metabolic cost of eccentric compared with concentric contractions were performed mainly by the knee extensor muscles.
cycling. It was assumed that SSC contribution would be Both ergometers were equipped with flat pedals, and thus the subjects
could not actively pull upward during the exercise. A 5-min familiar-
minimal in cycling, and thus the comparison between eccentric ization period was performed at a low power output (50 W), and this
and concentric cycling would be ideal to understand the char- was completed ⬃3 min before each 10-min cycling bout.
acteristics of eccentric vs. concentric contractions better. It was Synchronization process. Fascicle length, crank torque, EMG, knee
hypothesized that eccentric cycling would elicit smaller joint angle, and NIRS data were collected simultaneously. Both cycle
changes in muscle oxygenation, lesser muscle activity, and ergometers were equipped with a switch (crank angle of 270°) that
greater strain of the tendinous tissue than concentric cycling sent a pulse to the ultrasound apparatus and the PowerLab system,

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886 Low Metabolic Demand of Eccentric Cycling • Peñailillo L et al.

allowing the synchronization of ultrasound, EMG, crank torque, knee quency was set at 2,000 Hz, and a 10- to 450-Hz digital band-pass
joint angle, and NIRS data. The data collected at different frequencies filter was applied. EMG data were smoothed using a root mean square
(ultrasound collected at 47 Hz, crank torque collected at 477 Hz, and (RMS) algorithm with a 50-ms window to produce a linear envelope
EMG and knee joint angle collected at 2,000 Hz) were resampled at according to a previous study (41). Values are presented as the
200 Hz to allow multiple calculations over each revolution, and data percentage of EMG peak amplitude obtained during a maximal
presentation as done in a previous study (21). After synchronization, voluntary isometric contraction of the knee extensors and flexors
ultrasound video clips, EMG, knee joint angle, and crank torque data performed at 70° of knee flexion on an isokinetic dynamometer
for the first three full revolutions at 1 and 10 min of cycling were (Biodex, System 3) before each cycling bout. Before maximal volun-
analyzed. No significant differences were found between 1- and tary isometric contraction (MVC) torque of the left knee extensors
10-min results for all variables. Thus, 1- and 10-min values (200 data was measured, each participant performed a 5-min warmup on a cycle
points over an averaged revolution) were averaged as representation ergometer (Monark 828E) with a load of 1 kp at 60 rpm. Once seated
of the whole corresponding cycling bout for further comparisons. in the chair of the dynamometer, each participant performed three
Near-infrared spectroscopy. Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) submaximal contractions at 50, 50, and 80% of the perceived MVC
measures O2-dependent absorption of hemoglobin (Hb) in the microcir- for 3 s each, with 1 min of rest between contractions, followed by
culation blood vessels (i.e., arterioles, capillaries, and venules) and three MVCs with a 1-min rest between contractions. All participants
myoglobin in the muscle cytoplasm. A NIRO-200 oximeter (Hamamatsu were instructed to contract as fast and hard as possible, and visual
Photonics, Hamamatsu, Japan) shows concentration changes in oxy- feedback was provided as a real-time display of the torque output on
genated-Hb (O2Hb), deoxygenated Hb (HHb), and total Hb volume a computer screen. The maximum value of the three measurements
(tHb ⫽ O2Hb ⫹ HHb) expressed in ␮M/cm as well as an absolute was used for further analysis.
measure of O2Hb saturation represented as tissue oxygenation index Muscle and tendon behavior. An ultrasound probe (60 mm, Model
(TOI ⫽ O2Hb/tHb ⫻ 100) expressed in percent. TOI reflects the dy- UST-5712, 7.5 MHz, B-mode, Aloka SSD ␣-10) was attached to the
namic balance of O2 supply by the muscle microcirculation and O2 left midthigh proximal to the VL EMG electrode (explained above) by
consumption/demand of the muscle, and the changes in tHb can be surgical tape, and the probe was supported by a custom-made flexible
considered as an indirect measure of changes in local muscle blood plastic cast (size: 10 ⫻ 20 cm, surrounding the leg and secured by
flow/O2 supply (20). Velcro straps). Echo absorptive tape was used to ensure that no probe
The NIRO-200 optical probe unit consists of one emitter (with 3 displacement occurred during the 10-min cycling bouts. The ultra-
laser-emitting diodes of 775, 810, and 850 nm) and one detector (with sound video clips were captured at a sampling rate of 47 Hz (i.e., 47
2 silicon photodiodes separated by a 6-mm center-to-center distance) frames/pedal revolution) and analyzed offline with video analysis
separated by a center-to-center distance of 4 cm. The probe was software (Tracker 4.7, free download:
supported by a black rubber shell and firmly attached to the skin at the ~dbrown/tracker/). The superior and inferior aponeuroses and a
VL muscle belly of the right leg parallel to the major axis of the thigh clearly identifiable fascicle (i.e., visible echo from the fascicle inter-
by double-sided adhesive tape and covered by a soft black cloth, and spaces that could be followed across the image) were identified to track
all wires were taped down to the skin to minimize movements during the same fascicle throughout the movement and digitized frame by frame
exercise. Before each testing session, an initialization procedure on assuming a linear continuation of the fascicles. For each subject, the
the NIRO-200 was carried out, which set each laser power automat- entire length of the VL fascicle (Lf) was estimated using the trigonomet-
ically to establish the optimum measurement conditions. The zero-set ric method (21) because Lf could not be visualized throughout the
procedure was also adopted to return the tHb to the zero value, but this pedaling cycle. The error for estimating Lf with this method has been
did not affect the TOI values. The NIRO-200 sampling frequency was reported to be 2–7% (21, 22), and the methodology of the measure has
6 Hz, and NIRS data were collected simultaneously with EMG and previously been published elsewhere (49). Since no significant difference
ROM data (see below) into a PowerLab system (ADInstruments) and in the change in the fascicle length was evident, and considering the time
stored on the computer for later analysis. The baseline of TOI and tHb constraints of manual frame-by-frame fascicle length analysis, the aver-
was determined as the mean value ⬎6 s before the start of the cycling. age of three consecutive revolutions was used to represent the average
Measurements are presented as a 1-min average of the TOI absolute length change at 60 rpm. The fascicle length and angle data were filtered
values (TOI; %) and difference from the baseline in tHb (⌬tHb). using a smoothing spline method (61).
Statistical analyses were made based on the 1-min average of TOI and The length of tendinous tissue (LTT) was defined as the sum of the
tHb during cycling. proximal and distal tendinous structures and aponeuroses (29). Length
Crank torque and knee range of motion. Crank torque was mea- change in the tendinous tissue (tendon and aponeurosis; LTT) was
sured continuously by a KIP power meter bicycle crank (Breakaway calculated using the formula LTT ⫽ LMTU – Lf ⫻ Cos ␪, where LMTU
Innovations) implemented to the left crank of the eccentric and is the MTU length and ␪ is the angle between fascicle and deeper
concentric bike, and sampling at a frequency of 477 Hz. The data were aponeurosis, as reported in previous similar studies for VL (29, 49).
stored in a data logger, and power output was instantaneously calcu- LMTU changes were estimated using previously derived models on the
lated and displayed on a power meter device (Rider 50, Bryton, basis of the knee joint position (angle) data and the limb length of
Taiwan). Knee joint range of motion was continuously measured by each subject using the Hawkins and Hull (25) model.
an electronic goniometer (SG; Biometrics) and collected at 2,000 Hz Statistical analysis. A paired t-test was used to compare the average
in the PowerLab system. power output, V̇O2, and HR during cycling between CONC and ECC.
Electromyography. Surface electromyography (EMG) was re- Because no significant differences in fascicle length changes, EMG,
corded from vastus lateralis (VL), rectus femoris (RF), vastus medi- crank torque, or knee angle were evident between 1 and 10 min of
alis (VM), and biceps femoris (BF) muscles during cycling. The skin cycling by a two-way repeated-measures analysis of variance
was shaved and cleaned with alcohol swabs, and electrodes were (ANOVA), values at 1 and 10 min were averaged to represent the
placed at two-thirds of the distance from the anterior superior iliac whole exercise to compare between CONC and ECC. After synchro-
spine (ASIS) to the patella for VL, at 50% of the distance between nization of crank torque, EMG, muscle fascicle length, and tendinous
ASIS and the patella for RF, at 80% of the distance between ASIS and tissue (TT) length data, the average pattern of changes (means ⫾ SD)
the patella for VM, and at 50% of the distance between the ischial within the pedal revolution was obtained (see Fig. 3). Paired t-tests
tuberosity and the lateral condyle of tibia according to the SENIAM were used to compare the changes in fascicle and tendinous tissue
guidelines. A Bagnoli-8 desktop EMG system (Delsys) was used to length, average fascicle angle, peak cycling torque, and peak and
record EMG data using a bipolar electrode configuration (DE-2.1 mean EMG amplitudes (normalized to the EMG measured during
SEMG sensor) with a 10-mm interelectrode distance. Sampling fre- MVC) between CONC and ECC. A two-way repeated-measures

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Low Metabolic Demand of Eccentric Cycling • Peñailillo L et al. 887
ANOVA was used to compare changes in tHb and TOI over time
(immediately before and 1-min average during the 10 min of cycling)
between CONC and ECC. If a significant main effect was found, a
Fisher’s least significant difference test was followed. The signifi-
cance level was set at P ⬍ 0.05. All statistical analyses were
performed with PASW Statistics 21 software for Mac (SPSS, IBM).
Data are presented as means ⫾ SD.


Cycling power output, oxygen consumption, and heart rate.

In the incremental cycling test, the participants’ average
(⫾ SD) maximal concentric power output, peak heart rate, and
peak oxygen consumption were 286.4 ⫾ 62.6 W, 188.9 ⫾ 7.0
beats/min, and 3.3 ⫾ 0.6 l/min, respectively. During the 10-
min cycling bout, the average cycling power output was not
different (P ⫽ 0.07) between ECC (194.0 ⫾ 48.5 W) and
CONC (188.6 ⫾ 40.8 W). As shown in Fig. 1, the average
oxygen consumption during ECC (0.96 ⫾ 0.24 l/min) was
64.8 ⫾ 7.4% lower (P ⬍ 0.001) than that during CONC
(2.81 ⫾ 0.53 l/min). The average heart rate during ECC
(106.9 ⫾ 17.9 beats/min) was 34.7 ⫾ 8.9% lower (P ⬍ 0.001)
than during CONC (163.7 ⫾ 15.4 beats/min).
Muscle oxygenation and hemodynamics. Figure 2 shows
changes in tHb and TOI during the 10-min cycling bouts. tHb
decreased from baseline similarly for ECC and CONC soon
after the onset of cycling (P ⬍ 0.001) without a significant
difference between conditions (P ⫽ 0.13). TOI decreased only
during CONC and remained on average 16.3 ⫾ 6.1% lower
during CONC than during ECC (P ⬍ 0.001). Fig. 2. Changes (1-min average) in total hemoglobin (tHb) from preexercise
Knee joint range of motion and peak crank torque. The knee values (A) and absolute changes in total oxygenation index (TOI) from
joint range of motion during cycling was not different between preexercise level (Pre) during 10-min concentric (CONC) and eccentric (ECC)
ECC and CONC (P ⫽ 0.28) and ranged from 17.2 ⫾ 8.9 to cycling.
119.2 ⫾ 5.1° (0° representing full extension). Figure 3A shows
the average crank torque during a complete cycle revolution for
CONC and ECC. Torque increased during the pushing phase 0.31 ⫾ 0.14 mV, P ⫽ 0.62), RF (0.28 ⫾ 0.11 and 0.28 ⫾ 0.16
and reached the peak at ⬃70° knee flexion for ECC and 40° mV, P ⫽ 0.98), VM (0.25 ⫾ 0.14 and 0.27 ⫾ 0.10 mV, P ⫽
knee flexion for CONC and decreased in the recovery phase. 0.38), or BF (0.22 ⫾ 0.15 and 0.23 ⫾ 0.11 mV, P ⫽ 0.81).
Positive peak torque generated during ECC (75.2 ⫾ 19.4 Nm) Figure 4 shows changes in EMG amplitude normalized to the
was 32.3 ⫾ 20.5% greater (P ⫽ 0.006) than that during CONC peak EMG amplitude during MVC for a complete revolution
(50.2 ⫾ 10.6 Nm), and negative peak torque generated during for ECC and CONC. Muscle activity increased during the
ECC (14.4 ⫾ 4.4 Nm) was 47.5 ⫾ 24.3% greater (P ⫽ 0.002) revolution with increasing torque, and EMG amplitude peaked
than that during CONC (7.3 ⫾ 3.7 Nm), as shown in Fig. 3B. at ~70° knee flexion for VL, RF, and VM during ECC and at
EMG. Isometric MVC torques were not different between ⬃100° for CONC, followed by gradual decreases during the
CONC and ECC for the knee extensors (263.6 ⫾ 55.7 and recovery phase. EMG peak amplitude during cycling (relative
275.3 ⫾ 47.9 Nm, respectively, P ⫽ 0.4) or knee flexors to the amplitude during MVC) was significantly lower (P ⬍
(117.3 ⫾ 24.3 and 122.5 ⫾ 26.5 Nm, respectively, P ⫽ 0.6). 0.001) for ECC (VL: 17.3 ⫾ 8.7%; VM: 15.4 ⫾ 4.4%; RF:
Peak EMG amplitude during MVC before exercise was not 13.7 ⫾ 7.3%) than for CONC (VL: 41.1 ⫾ 17.6%; VM:
different between CONC and ECC for VL (0.29 ⫾ 0.13 and 37.7 ⫾ 23.6%; RF: 29.4 ⫾ 20.8%). BF EMG peak amplitude
was also significantly lower (P ⬍ 0.001) for ECC (4.6 ⫾ 2.6%)
than for CONC (22.8 ⫾ 13.1%). Similarly, mean EMG ampli-
tude during cycling (relative to the amplitude during MVC)
was significantly lower in ECC for most of the muscles
assessed (VL: 5.2 ⫾ 2.9%, P ⫽ 0.003; VM: 5.6 ⫾ 1.4%, P ⫽
0.004; RF: 5.4 ⫾ 2.9%, P ⫽ 0.3) than in CONC (VL:
10.8 ⫾ 4.7%; VM: 15.6 ⫾ 7.2%; RF: 7.9 ⫾ 6.5%). BF EMG
mean amplitude was also significantly lower (P ⬍ 0.001) in
ECC (1.3 ⫾ 1.3%) than in CONC (8.8 ⫾ 5.2%).
Fascicle and tendinous tissue behavior. The coefficient of
Fig. 1. Average oxygen consumption (A) and heart rate (B) during concentric
variation of the fascicle length for the six revolutions used for
(CONC) and eccentric (ECC) cycling. *Significantly different from CONC. the analyses was 5.6 ⫾ 1.4% (range: 4.6 – 9.7%), which was
small; thus the average of the six revolutions was used for

J Appl Physiol • doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00536.2016 •

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888 Low Metabolic Demand of Eccentric Cycling • Peñailillo L et al.

Fig. 3. Changes (means ⫾ SD) in crank torque

(A), muscle-tendon unit length (C), vastus
lateralis (VL) fascicle length (E), and tendi-
nous tissue (TT) length (G) in relation to knee
joint angle during 1 pedal revolution and pos-
itive and negative peak crank torque (B), max-
imal change in muscle-tendon unit length (D),
and maximal change in fascicle (F) and TT
(H) lengths during concentric (CONC) and
eccentric (ECC) cycling; 0° of knee flexion
represents knee full extension. The standard
deviations (SD) of CONC and ECC are shown
by dark and light gray shadows, respectively,
in A, C, E, and G. *Significantly (P ⬍ 0.05)
different from CONC.

further analyses. Fascicle length increased as the knee joint Fig. 3F. Peak torque was achieved at a greater (P ⬍ 0.001)
angle increased, resulting in maximum fascicle length at knee joint angle in ECC (71.6 ⫾ 10.4°) than in CONC
112.9 ⫾ 4.6 and 117.8 ⫾ 7.0° of knee flexion during ECC and (45.3 ⫾ 6.9°). Peak torque was generated at similar (P ⫽
CONC, respectively, without a significant difference between 0.7) fascicle length during ECC (13.5 ⫾ 3.1 cm) than
the two (P ⫽ 0.1). No significant difference between ECC and CONC (12.7 ⫾ 2.8 cm). Fascicle angle changes were simi-
CONC was evident for the knee joint angle at which the lar (P ⫽ 0.65) between ECC and CONC and increased
fascicle length was maximal (P ⫽ 0.23), and fascicle length significantly from 7.8 ⫾ 3.1 to 13.3 ⫾ 4.6° during ECC
changed from 8.5 ⫾ 1.9 to 15.8 ⫾ 3.9 cm during ECC and (P ⬍ 0.001) and from 7.8 ⫾ 1.6 to 13.1 ⫾ 2.7° during
from 10.1 ⫾ 2.8 to 17.8 ⫾ 3.9 cm during CONC, with a CONC (P ⬍ 0.001).
significant difference between ECC and CONC at minimum TT length increased as the knee joint moved toward maxi-
and maximum lengths (P ⫽ 0.01 and P ⫽ 0.01, respectively). mum flexion, as shown in Fig. 3G. The maximum TT length
The magnitude of fascicle length change (i.e., the difference changes were not significantly different (P ⫽ 0.45) between
between the minimum and maximal fascicle lengths) was ECC (10.1 ⫾ 3.3 cm) and CONC (10.3 ⫾ 2.5 cm), as shown in
similar (P ⫽ 0.54) between ECC and CONC, as shown in Fig. 3H.

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Low Metabolic Demand of Eccentric Cycling • Peñailillo L et al. 889

Fig. 4. Average muscle activity[electromyogram

(EMG) amplitude] of vastus lateralis (A), vastus
medialis (B), rectus femoris (C), and biceps femoris
(D) during 1 full cycle revolution (x-axis; knee joint
range of motion) for concentric (CONC; dashed
line) and eccentric (ECC; solid line) cycling as
%EMG activity measured during maximal volun-
tary isometric contraction (MVC); 0° of knee flex-
ion represents knee full extension.

DISCUSSION by thermal response of group III and IV muscle afferents. It is

important to note that heart rate does not necessarily represent
The present study tested the hypothesis that muscle oxygen-
metabolic demand during eccentric cycling, and oxygen utili-
ation changes and muscle activity of the knee extensors and
flexors would be less and the use of the tendinous tissue greater zation is a more reliable measure of skeletal muscle metabo-
during eccentric than during concentric cycling. The results lism and energetic demand during exercise.
revealed a 65% lower oxygen consumption in ECC than in In the present study, the total muscular hemoglobin (tHb)
CONC, which was associated with a 16% smaller muscle level, an indirect measure of blood flow, was similar during
deoxygenation and 16 –24% lower muscle activity of VL, RF, ECC and CONC (Fig. 2A). As shown also by Clifford and
VM, and BF during ECC than during CONC. However, the Hellsten (11), the similar decrease in tHb during ECC and
magnitudes of fascicle and tendinous tissue length changes CONC suggests that intramuscular pressure during the contrac-
were similar between ECC and CONC. Thus, muscle-tendon tion phase was sufficiently high as to occlude blood vessels and
behavior differences do not appear to explain the different reduce the volume of blood in the muscle under both condi-
metabolic demands of ECC and CONC. Hence, the hypothesis tions, and the circulation returns to the muscle during the
was only partly supported, with the lower metabolic demand of subsequent relaxation phase. Ruiter et al. (56) showed that
eccentric cycling resulting primarily from the smaller knee muscle reoxygenation was stopped during isometric contrac-
extensor and flexor muscle activations and lesser muscle de- tion at 35% of MVC. The level of muscle contractions pro-
oxygenation. duced during cycling in the present study was ⬃30% of MVC,
Oxygen consumption and heart rate were 65 and 35% lower, as shown in a previous study (49). Thus, it is possible that
respectively, during ECC compared with CONC, which is in CONC and ECC cycling progressively reduced the reoxygen-
line with several previous studies reporting a lower metabolic ation capacity of VL throughout the 10-min cycling bout.
demand during eccentric vs. concentric cycling (7, 48, 50). The However, the dynamic contractions performed during cycling
smaller difference found in heart rate (35%) vs. oxygen con- may have less of an effect on blood occlusion. Muscle tissue
sumption (65%) has been also reported in a previous study oxygenation (i.e., TOI) was 16% greater during ECC than
(16). The heart rate response during ECC may have been during CONC (Fig. 2B), which is in line with a previous study
influenced by inputs from sympathetic (catecholamine) and (44) showing a lower muscle tissue deoxygenation during
parasympathetic systems as well as peripheral mechanical maximal isokinetic eccentric vs. concentric contractions of the
(joints and muscles) and chemical receptors (metaboreceptors) elbow flexors. It is generally accepted that the use of oxygen by
(2). However, such regulation did not specifically affect the the muscle reflects ATP synthesis during submaximal exercise
oxygen consumption, since this is a measure of the oxygen (58). Thus, the maintained muscle oxygenation for the same
utilized by the working muscles and is thus less influenced by blood supply during muscle contraction in the eccentric cycling
afferent inputs (2). Dufour et al. (16) speculated that the may indicate a lesser ATP utilization at the muscle level. In
relatively higher HR during eccentric vs. concentric cycling fact, Ortega et al. (45) have shown that ATP cost of force
performed at a similar metabolic power could originate from an production in concentric contractions is ⬎50% greater than
elevated muscle temperature that induced HR-mediated ele- that of eccentric contractions of the first dorsal interosseous. It
vated cardiac output either by thermoregulation activation or appears that the difference in the whole body oxygen consump-

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890 Low Metabolic Demand of Eccentric Cycling • Peñailillo L et al.

tion (65%) between ECC and CONC reflects the difference in cycling not having a stretch-shortening cycle as in other ex-
ATP cost. However, the difference in TOI between ECC and perimental models; therefore, it may be considered as a purely
CONC was only 16%. It is speculated that NIRS measurements eccentric exercise. Furthermore, it should be noted that eccen-
in VL reflect only a portion of the oxygen utilization by the tric contractions during ECC were submaximal, as indicated by
whole knee extensor group during cycling. Elmer and Martin EMG activities that were ⬍20% of those of maximal voluntary
(18) showed that quadriceps muscle produced 54% of the force contraction and probably ⬃30% of the force production mea-
generated during eccentric cycling and that hip extensors and sured during maximal eccentric contractions (49). This could
ankle flexors were also involved in this exercise. Thus, it is explain that muscles were lengthened during ECC in a similar
likely that these muscle groups also contributed to the greater extent to that of CONC, thus resulting in similar changes in
differences in whole body oxygen consumption. Furthermore, fascicle and TT lengths for the same range of motion (Fig. 3,
it may be that other regions of the body such as knee flexor C–H). It should be noted that the data of ECC analyzed in the
muscles also worked more during CONC than during ECC present study was from the second ECC bout after the partic-
(Fig. 4). If all of these muscles are considered, the difference in ipants performed the same ECC 2 wk earlier. We have reported
TOI between ECC and CONC may explain the 65% difference previously that muscle fascicles were elongated less during the
in oxygen consumption. second than during the first ECC (49). It is possible that
Although the average power output was similar between dynamic and/or passive muscle stiffness increased after the
ECC (194.0 ⫾ 48.5 W) and CONC (189.7 ⫾ 43.2 W), the peak first bout of ECC, which contributed to the smaller minimum
positive and negative crank torques produced per revolution and maximum fascicle lengths for ECC than for CONC (Fig.
were 32 and 48% greater during ECC than during CONC, 3E). It is possible that the current ultrasound technique was not
respectively (Fig. 3, A and B). It was surprising to find this sensitive enough to detect small changes in fascicle (and thus
difference since the participants were asked to maintain a tendon) behavior, and we cannot provide information on po-
constant workload that was matched between ECC and CONC tential differences at the sarcomere level. Nevertheless, the
(65% of concentric POmax). Because EMG amplitude did not results of the present study indicate that the utilization of the
change over time, and power output is the product of the force stored energy in the tendon was not a major factor influencing
applied to the pedal and the change in angular distance per unit the lower energy cost of ECC. However, the possibility exists
of time, it is possible that participants resisted harder the that some energy storage during the lengthening phase of the
backward movement of the pedals (greater positive work) to muscle contraction could occur within muscle tissue. Recently,
overcome the negative torque produced during ECC and, some research groups (e.g., see Refs. 27 and 42) have sug-
therefore, to perform similar targeted power output (65% gested that the titin protein works as a molecular spring to
power output of CONC POmax). This may explain the similar enhance muscular force production during active contractions
average torque during ECC and CONC cycling (Fig. 3A). It is without additional requirement for ATP, and it is possible that
known that muscles can generate greater force during eccentric the role of titin may indeed partly explain the energetic effi-
than concentric, such that MVC force is 28 – 40% greater in ciency of eccentric contractions.
eccentric than concentric contractions of the knee extensors It should be noted that a low level of EMG activity (mean
(41). LaStayo et al. (38) reported that eccentric cycling could and peak EMG amplitude) was observed throughout the full
produce four to seven times greater power output compared pedal stroke in ECC cycling (Fig. 4). Thus, it is possible that
with concentric cycling when performed at the same relative stretching of active muscles occurred during the pushing phase,
intensity (i.e., 65% HRpeak). These greater force and power and recoil of it contributed to mechanical work during the
production capacities in eccentric contractions have been pos- phase when no positive torque was produced. However, this
tulated to be related to the spring-like properties of structural may provide only a small force due to the relatively small
proteins of the sarcomeres and tendinous tissue (26) and number of activated cross-bridges. Although the storage of
specific neural control strategies (14, 19). From our data, it elastic energy would require some energy to be retained by
seems that the positive torque is greater during eccentric active cross-bridge formation, and any detachment of cross-
cycling, although average power output is matched to concen- bridges would dissipate energy from the muscle-tendon unit
tric cycling. This could influence muscle mass and strength (55), actomyosin cross-bridge detachment occurs with only
gains shown after eccentric cycling training due to greater small changes in muscle length (e.g., ⬍2% strain; see Ref. 52),
mechanical stimuli. and the force required to trigger detachment is lower under
It is well known that energy is stored in the lengthened conditions of slower stretch velocity (23, 51, 56). Thus, it
muscle-tendon unit (as potential elastic energy) during eccen- seems possible that force generated during eccentric contrac-
tric actions and subsequently utilized (recoil) in the subsequent tions may come from the stretch of sarcomeres. In the present
propulsive movement phase (i.e., concentric) during activities study, muscle fascicles were lengthened ⬃70% during eccen-
that involve a stretch-shortening cycle, such as running and tric cycling (from ⬃9 to 15 cm; Fig. 3). Under slow-velocity,
jumping (8). This would allow the muscle to function more low-intensity eccentric contractions, the majority of muscle
efficiently (consume less oxygen) and generate greater muscle length change should occur through active cross-bridge cycling
force, especially when fast eccentric contractions are per- rather than forced muscle lengthening, and thus elastic energy
formed (62). Furthermore, previous studies showed that muscle storage might be expected to be minimal. It is possible that
fascicles behaved quasi-isometrically during maximal isoki- mechanisms contributing to a residual force enhancement
netic (10, 53), submaximal, isotonic (60) eccentric contractions (RFE) were associated with the lower energy requirement
in humans and maximal eccentric contractions in animal mod- during ECC. The RFE phenomenon has been observed in
els (3, 54). However, such behavior was not observed during studies on single sarcomeres as well as whole muscles (59),
ECC in the present study, which was possibly due to eccentric and it enhances force following stretch while the metabolic

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Low Metabolic Demand of Eccentric Cycling • Peñailillo L et al. 891
energy consumption per unit force is small (34). Some of the sightful in the future. In fact, some concentric contractions
mechanisms proposed to explain RFE include Ca2⫹-dependent indicated by the negative torque produced in the recovery
increases in titin stiffness as well as increases in the number of, phase during ECC were observed, but the level of muscle
and force produced by, active cross-bridges (59). RFE has also activity was low. This was likely due to the difficulty of muscle
been observed during submaximal voluntary contractions (46), coordination during ECC even during the second bout. We
so it is possible that titin plays a role in the energetic efficiency speculate that when participants become expert at eccentric
of eccentric contractions. cycling, no concentric contractions would be performed, and
A lower muscle activity during eccentric actions is also this may result in greater differences between eccentric and
postulated to explain the lower metabolic cost of eccentric vs. concentric cycling than those presented in the current study.
concentric cycling (7). Enoka (19) showed that eccentric con- In conclusion, the lesser activity of agonist and antagonist
tractions require a unique motor unit recruitment pattern, muscles in addition to the lower muscle tissue oxygen utiliza-
which may require a different input strategy from the central tion underpin the lower metabolic cost of eccentric compared
nervous system when compared with concentric contractions. with concentric cycling, whereas changes in the muscle and
We found that mean EMG amplitudes of knee extensor (ago- tendon lengthening appear to have a negligible effect. Future
nist) muscles were 6 (VL) and 10% (VM) smaller during ECC research should utilize more direct muscle energetic measure-
than during CONC. These results are consistent with those of ments from muscle samples or through the use of nuclear
Beltman et al. (5), who examined muscle activity during magnetic resonance spectroscopy to confirm these findings,
maximal isokinetic contractions (60°/s) using the interpolated which would allow a more detailed understanding of the
twitch technique and found that knee extensor voluntary acti- differential muscle adaptations to eccentric vs. concentric cy-
vation was significantly lower during eccentric (79%) com- cling training. It has been shown previously that eccentric
pared with concentric (92%) contractions despite torque pro- cycling training produces greater adaptations to skeletal mus-
duction being 30% greater for eccentric contractions. More- cles than concentric cycling training (38) or weight training
over, in the present study, the antagonist (i.e., coactivated) BF (37); however, mechanisms underpinning the adaptations have
muscle was 7.5% less active during ECC than during CONC yet to be elucidated. A better understanding of the physiolog-
cycling (Fig. 4D), indicating that maximal coactivation by BF ical and biomechanical characteristics of eccentric cycling will
ranged between 4 and 5% of MVC. Coactivation levels have shed light on these mechanisms.
been reported to range from 10 to 55% of the EMG activity of
the hamstring muscle when working as an antagonist in iso- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
metric (24) and dynamic contractions (36). Furthermore, EMG We acknowledge Drs. Julien Louis and Eduardo Saez-Saez de Villareal for
amplitude has often been reported to be lower during maximal their help in data collection and analysis.
eccentric contractions than during maximal concentric and
isometric contractions (7, 35). However, some studies have not GRANTS
found any differences in EMG amplitude between eccentric This work was partially funded by a research grant awarded to L. Peñailillo
and concentric contractions (4, 15). These discrepancies may (no. 11150293) by FONDECYT of Chile.
be related to the muscle length, joint angular velocity, and type
of contraction (isotonic, isokinetic, etc.) assessed or to the
phase of the movement used for analysis. For instance, we have No conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise, are declared by the authors.
recently shown that EMG amplitude was different between an
initial and a secondary bout of eccentric exercise during the
recovery phase, but not in the propulsive phase of eccentric L.P. conceived and designed research; L.P. performed experiments; L.P.
analyzed data; L.P., A.J.B., and K.N. interpreted results of experiments; L.P.
cycling pedal stroke (49). The smaller muscle activity (peak prepared figures; L.P., A.J.B., and K.N. drafted manuscript; L.P., A.J.B., and
and mean EMG amplitudes) in each revolution in ECC vs. K.N. edited and revised manuscript; L.P., A.J.B., and K.N. approved final
CONC indicates that muscle activation during ECC was much version of manuscript.
less than in CONC. Thus, the lower muscle activation of
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