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Narme — Vikesh Band hu SID- ailo7e7? Due te the bad condition the mvirenm which iw cautecl by the human bemgs itrelp = threot to themself os wll ox te the creature Luin a ew The earth becoming the huge concern «To pew hid problem we alk have te open cur mincls a gather Jimowledge todepect it. Because of Mia UGC hes reguloted a circwdumn Which include the Ax outedye Sewermes abet threats te the Cnuronment Wich cawed by us de fre new gererolion Com cAaxge vt & ter thy cocks eppurnities Xr wahe gun eorth beoutifel to Ave. e: increasing Lowe towon lA Gnplbon witty wt also develop te polly of Socio? ovebl being A alle to reduce stress i» oun Life then we abso fo cur ectivesites of the creatures thet (3 diving eutie cork & achraukedg © obeud bow eur ol cpeckunt dagitons velebed tothe ci" mort im be sng each other. Ihe aban e hich oe or ola Suptucls Me, bane a pant ophre heoudi ful fom foot we howe te tohe respons bili ty to woke it bellex forpoture gimercsion as v0, Jhe healthy environment " Pee i

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