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Task 1

SWOT Analysis

SWOT stands for the following terms.

S = Strength

W = Weakness

O = Opportunity

T = Threats


 The main strength that I have got is confidence that I can present my idea and my point of

view in front of everyone easily and i can explain them what I want to say or what I am up to.

 I have an ability of leadership i can take people responsibility and help them and guide them

properly according to their caliber so they can achieve their goals easily.

 Honesty is also the part of my strength I am honest to my work my coworkers and my


 I know the importance of time I now my time is important and where to invest my time to get

my benefits from it.

 I have great focus I know I have to focus on my work and what things are important for me

and what things I have to ignore.


 I take unnecessary things seriously which affect me really bad I become mentally unstable

for some time and I start itching me from inside.

 I am introvert and it’s difficult for me to engage with new people around me I get nervous

and I don’t know how to deal with it.

 I am afraid of going to parties and other social activities.


 I am a devoted person and I know when and how to avail an opportunity that is good for me.

 I want to achieve big goals in my life but I have divided my big goals in to small goals and I

know buy achieving small goals I can achieve big goals as well.


 Failure is my biggest threat.

 I fear if I don’t work hard I won’t be able to achieve anything in my life.

Task 2
Note Taking Exercise
Ancient Egypt

1. Most Egyptians were probably descendants of the people who came to live in the fertile

Nile Valley and Delta before 4000 BCE (Before the Common Era).

2. The Ancient Egyptians are most famous for the pyramids, but

they can claim many other developments in a wide range of

areas. They were the first people to domesticate animals, making the cat into a house

animal and the donkey into a working animal. They also trained dogs for use in hunting.

The Egyptians built the first sail boats, made from reeds that were woven together. They

became expert at sailing, developing ocean-going ships in about 2500 BCE. These were

wooden ships, with 30 rowers. From the Rhind Papyrus, dating from about 1600 BCE,

we know that the Ancient Egyptians were very advanced in mathematics and skilled in

arithmetic and geometry. They are also famous for their hieroglyphics, or picture writing.

All of these were possible because of another great success of the civilization. The

Egyptian leaders brought a unified system of government to a huge area.

3. The economy was agricultural, and the people used the Nile for transportation. It seems

that they only imported wood and minerals, because they had enough meat, wool and

cereal. They produced a surplus of cereal, storing it in huge granaries made of mud

bricks. In fact, it was their ability to produce and store cereal that made Ancient Egypt

such a wealthy and successful country. The civilization lasted about 4000 years, up to

280 CE (Common Era).

The Sumerian Civilization

4. In about 3500 BCE, other people arrived in the delta of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.

They drained the marshes for agriculture, they developed trade with their neighbours and

they started weaving, pottery and metalwork industries.

5. The Sumerians established a city state system, with each city ruling itself. At first,

government was democratic, but later, as the city states began to fight each other, they

each became kingdoms. At the high point of Sumerian civilization, they developed a code

of law named the Code of Hammurabi, after a famous king of that time.

6. During a period of 1800 years until 1700 BCE, the Sumerians made a major contribution

to the development of civilization. In technology, they invented the wheel. In science,

they invented the system of time division that we use today. Because we can divide 60 by

2, 3, 4, and 5, they divided the hour into 60 minutes and the minute into 60 seconds. In

industry, they invented the pottery kiln. In agriculture, they invented the plough with

oxen pulling it.

7. But perhaps the most important invention of all was writing. It is possible that earlier

peoples had a system of recording information, but the

Sumerians took writing from record-keeping into

literature, producing the first epic story, Gilgamesh.

They were also the first people to make maps of their

towns and countryside on clay tablets.

The Indus Valley Civilization

8. The Indus Valley Civilization is one of the four earliest civilizations in the world. It

developed in the northwest of the Indian subcontinent in about 3000 BCE. The

civilization lasted 3500 years, ending in about 500 CE.

9. Archaeologists have found remains of private and public buildings, temples, baths, streets

and public drains. The people of the Indus Valley probably traded with Sumer and


10. It is clear that the Indus Valley people were interested in both science and the arts. On the

one hand, we know that they developed new techniques in metallurgy, producing copper,

bronze, lead and tin. On the other hand, we know that they invented a method for writing

down music.

11. A civilization has its own developed culture and way of life. Archaeologists have found

common features in all the sites in the Indus Valley and beyond, showing that the people

had a standard weights and measures system, a common script and the same pottery and

building materials.

12. The two largest cities are Mohenjo Daro and Harappa. Each city was originally about 1.6

kilometer’s square. The streets of all the cities were designed in a grid system like a

modern American city. The main building material was brick, but they also used some

wood. The houses were different sizes, from one room to large buildings with courtyards

and wells. They nearly all had bathrooms with drains.

The Roman Empire

13. The Roman Empire developed from a small village in the centre of Italy and was ruled at

first by a dynasty of kings from 753 BCE to 510 BCE. But after the last king was

overthrown, Rome became a republic.

14. The Romans developed a system of under-floor heating for villas in cold parts of the

empire, and to heat water in huge private and public baths.

15. Water was the lifeblood of all empires. Many ancient civilizations developed irrigation

systems and some even built canals for the transportation of goods. But the Romans took

it further. They built bridges, called aqueducts, carrying water over deep valleys.

16. The Romans also built a roads network of over 85000 km. It only took six days to travel

the 1500 km from Rome to London, which is an average speed of 10 miles an hour.

17. The Romans invented the ballista or catapult, which could throw huge stones over the

walls of enemy castles. They brought discipline to warfare, meaning that a small group of

Roman soldiers could often defeat a much larger army. Their success in warfare was one

of the main reasons for the expansion of the Empire.

Referencing Exercise

Q.1. Identify the source of the following references

A. Wong, B. K. (2009). Fostering creativity. Blackwell.

i. newspaper
ii. encyclopedia
iii. magazine article
iv. book

B. Tsang, S. (2004). A modern history of Hong Kong. I. B. Tauris.

i. Journal Article
ii. Book
iii. EBook
iv. Encyclopedia

C. Halonen, S. J., Simpson, R. R., Jolly, D. G., Au, P. R., Bagot, F. P., & Chui, J. J. (2010).
Computer games and personal development. Family Forum, 12(3).

i. newspaper article
ii. online journal article
iii. encyclopedia
iv. website

D. Martinez, C. O. (2020, May 25). Four ways to reimagine a better city. Greenpeace
International. /43455/reimagine-a-better-city-
economics-covid- pandemic/

i. personal communication
ii. encyclopedia
iii. newspaper article
iv. Internet Source ( Website)

E. Wentzel, V. K. (2015). Flamingos standing and feeding in a pool near salt beds, Netherlands
Antilles [Photograph]. National Geographic.

i. website
ii. e-mail
iii. CD ROM
iv. Image from website

F. HongKongPolyU. (2011, November 17). PolyU milestones [Video]. YouTube. .com /watch?v=8XsfWmFyrN

i. personal communication
ii. encyclopedia
iii. You Tube Video
iv. newspaper article

Annotated Bibliography Exercise

.Annotated Bibliography

 Reference

Marquié, J. C., Jourdan-Boddaert, L. & Huet, N. (2010). Do older adults underestimate their

actual computer knowledge? Behaviour & Information Technology, 21(4),273-280.
 Tittle

Do older adults underestimate their actual computer knowledge?

 Summary of the article

This article investigates the hypothesis that old people have less confident than youth about their

own computer knowledge. This study was conducted by having 49 young (M = 22.6 years) and

42 older (M = 68.6 years) participants to assess their global self-efficacy beliefs and to make

item-by-item prospective (feeling-of-knowing: FOK) and retrospective (confidence level: CL)

judgments about their knowledge in the two domains of computers and general knowledge. The

latter served as a control domain. Item difficulty was equated across age groups in each domain.

In spite of this age equivalence in actual performance, differences were found in FOK and CL

ratings for computers but not for general knowledge, with older people being less confident than

young people in their own computer knowledge. The greater age difference in ratings observed

in the computer domain, as compared with the general domain, was even greater for the FOK

than for the CL judgments. Statistical control of age differences in global self-efficacy beliefs in

the computer domain (poorer in the older participants, but not in the general domain), eliminated

age differences in FOK and CL judgments in the same domain. These findings confirm earlier

ones. They suggest that under confidence in their relevant abilities is one possible source of the

difficulties that the elderly may encounter in mastering new computer technologies.

 Evaluation
The article evaluates the Elderly people’s knowledge about their computer skills and their

lack of confidence in their abilities in this field. This lacks of confidence has barred them

from getting expertise in computer skills.

Reading Exercises

Breaking Records

1. Do you think that younger people are more active than older people? Kozo Haraguchi

Match each fact with the correct person.

Fact Person

1. was born in India a. Kozo Haraguchi

2. set a record for the 100-meter race b. Fauja Singh

3. walks for an hour every day c. Haraguchi

4. has a weekly training session with his coach d. Fauja Singh

5. started competing in races when he was 65 e. Haraguchi

6. ran a marathon in 5 hours and 40 minutes f. Fauja Singh

Scan the article for the answer to each question. Look for key words, numbers, and names
to help you find the information. Work as quickly as possible.

7. How fast did Kozo Haraguchi run the 100-meter race in 2005?

_______________________22.04 Seconds___________________________________________

8. How fast did Haraguchi run the 100-meter race in 2000?

____________________18.08 Seconds______________________________________________

9. How many marathons has Fauja Singh run in New York?

____________________One in New York___________________________________________

10. How fast did Singh run the London marathon?

____________London Marathon in 6 hours and 2 minutes_______________________________

11. How old was Singh when he set a new world record in Toronto?

_________________92 Years Old when he set a new world record________________________

Complete each sentence with the correct word or phrase.

active compete reporter schedule stay in shape

12. Our company is too small to _______compete______________________ with a large

company like that.

13. My friend is a ___________reporter__________________ for The New York Times.

14. My doctor has a very busy ___________schedule__________________ this week. I can’t

get an appointment with her until next Friday.

15. I usually go to the gym three times a week in order to ______stay in


16. My uncle has a very ___________active__________________ lifestyle. He does a lot of

different activities and has a lot of energy and interests.

Creating Questionnaire

Part A




Level of Study_____________________

Part B
1. The Teacher was Properly Organized and Prepared for all classes

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

2. Lecture time was managed well by the teacher

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

3. My interest in the course was stimulated by the teacher

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

4. The teacher stimulated group discussions and responded to questions

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

5. The teacher showed deep knowledge of the course

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

6. The teacher appeared enthusiastic and attentive

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Task 3
In Hyflex class learning experience there are some challenges that most of the students faced

during classes first one they have to proper attention to the lecture because it’s not class room

where you can easily ask questions and teacher reply easily its online class where you have to be

focus because in online you cannot understand proper you miss some of the important points.

Second some students have internet issue so they listen some things and cannot understand

proper according to the teacher’s instruction. In Online classes you cannot learn proper you

cannot do physical work or lab work in online classes and it’s not a good thing. The system of

online papers is also not good means you can easily attempt paper by looking data on in internet.
By doing these different types of activities in course work we have learn how to do make notes

during the online lectures and how to maintain them and how to do proper referencing of the

notes or lectures and how to prepare questions according to the lecture and how to ask them from


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