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This contract of Lease dated January 11, 2016 (the “Contract”) by and between:

BERNARDO A. URBIZTONDO, a Filipino of legal age, married and a resident of

Barangay 3, San Francisco, Agusan del Sur, Philippines, hereinafter referred to as the “


CAIRODEN B. YUSOP, a Filipino of legal age, single and a resident of Purok 11,
Poblacion, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur, Philippines, hereinafter referred to as the


WHEREAS, the LESSOR is the owner of one (1) storey Privately Construction
Block Tiendas Nos. 73 and 74, located at Public Market, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur (the
“Leased Premises’);

WHEREAS, for and in consideration of the payment of the rent herein stipulated and
of the faithful compliance of all the conditions and covenants hereinafter contained, the
LESSOR has agreed to lease unto the LESSEE and the LESSEE does hereby accept under
lease, the Leased Premises which is composed of three (3) spaces, under the following

1. Period of Lease

This lease shall be for a period of two (2) years commencing in March 2017 and
ending in March 2019 (‘Lease Period”). This lease is renewable by written agreement
between the parties and under such terms and conditions as may be mutually agreed upon
by them, provided that the LESSEE gives written notice to the LESSOR of its request to
renew the lease at least sixty (60) days before the expiration of this lease. For the
avoidance of doubt, the LESSOR shall not be obliged to agree to the renewal of this
lease, nor shall the LESSOR have any obligation or liability whatsoever to the LESSEE if
this lease is not renewed as a result of the parties being unable to agree upon the terms
and conditions for the requested renewal.

The LESSEE acknowledges having inspected the Leased Premises to his satisfaction
and agrees to accept the Leased Premises as is, in good order and condition.

2. Amount of rent

a. That the actual monthly rental of the lessee is supposed to be Eighteen

Thousand (Php18,000.00) Pesos, but since it was the lessee who paid for the
installment of rolled up doors of the three (3) spaces, Php3,000.00 of which is
deducted every month for a period of twenty (22) months, prompting the
lessee to pay a monthly rental of Fifteen Thousand Pesos (Php15,000.00),
until the amount of the improvement introduced thereto is consumed.
b. That after the last deduction has been made, the regular rental of Php18,000.00
shall sit in until the end of the contract ;
c. The LESSEE shall also pay a deposit, in the amount of Twelve Thousand
Pesos (Php12,000.00), Philippine currency, upon the execution of this Contract
d. The rental shall be payable every 01st day of the month by the LESSEE to the
LESSOR without need of prior demand;
e. The above-stipulated rentals shall be paid by the LESSEE to the LESSOR in
f. That the one (1) month advance rental shall be applied to the first one (1)
month rental ;

3. Use of Leased Premises

It is agreed that the LESSEE shall use the Leased Premises for commercial purposes

4. Care of Leased Premises

a. The LESSEE shall keep the Leased Premises in good sanitary and habitable
condition, fair wear and tear excepted, at all times. The LESSEE shall follow such
instructions as may be promulgated by the LESSOR relative to the use, care,
preservation and internal maintenance of the Leased Premises;

b. The LESSEE shall be liable for any damage to the Leased Premises unless it
proves to the satisfaction of the LESSOR that the said damage was not due to the
fault or negligence of the LESSEE, its employees, agents, visitors or customers;

c. The parties hereby agree that the LESSEE shall renovate the aforementioned
building at her own expenses;

If the LESSOR, if their reasonable opinion, determines that any damage to the
Leased Premises is due to the fault or negligence of the LESSEE, its employees,
agents, visitors or customers and the LESSEE fails or refuses to repair the damage,
then the LESSOR may enter the Leased Premises (upon prior notice to the LESSEE)
to effect the appropriate repairs. In such event, the cost of the repairs shall be for the
account of the LESSEE and shall be paid by the LESSEE forthwith on demand.

5. Inspection of Leased Premises

The LESSOR or his authorized representatives shall, with prior notice to the LESSE,
have the right to enter the Leased Premises during reasonable hours to examine the same, or
make alterations or repairs thereon, or for any purpose which he may deem necessary, and,
during the last one (1) month of the term of the lease, to exhibit the Leased Premises to
prospective tenants.

6. Sublease

The LESSEE may not sublease or sublet the whole or any portion of the Leased
Premises to any party without the prior written consent of the LESSOR.

7. Utility Charges

All charges for water, electricity, telephone, gas and such other public utility services
in the Leased Premises used by the LESSEE ( collectively, Utility Charges”) shall be
for the account of the LESSEE. The LESSEE shall pay the Utility Charges promptly.

8. Termination

In the event of a breach by the LESSEE of any of her material obligations,

representations, warranties or covenants under this Contract (such as but not limited
to a failure by the LESSEE to pay any Rental or any other amount of whatever nature
due hereunder to the LESSOR, by the due date thereof), and such breach is not
remedied within five (5) days from a written notice from the LESSOR regarding such
breach, the LESSOR shall have the right to:

a. Immediately terminate the lease hereunder by written notice to the LESSEE;

b. Eject the LESSEE from the Leased Premises, and /or enter into and occupy
the same, without being liable to any prosecution therefore; and;
c. Collect immediately from the LESSEE the payment for all financial
obligations hereunder unpaid rentals for the year as liquidity charges and
effect the forfeiture of the deposited amount of Php12,000.00.

Upon termination of this Contract, the provision of paragraphs 9 shall apply.

Any outstanding obligation of the LESSEE at the effective date of termination

of the Contract shall bear interest at the rate of two percent (2%) per month, or
fraction thereof, from the date such obligation was due until it is fully paid.

If the LESSOR files a suit against the LESSEE to enforce his rights
hereunder, the LESSEE shall be liable to the LESSOR for attorney’s fees, costs of
suit and other related expenses.

9. Return of Leased Premises

Upon the expiration of the period of the lease or any renewal or extension
thereof, the LESSEE shall peacefully vacate the Leased Premises and restore
possession thereof to the LESSOR in as good condition as at the time of delivery to
the LESSEE, excepting ordinary wear and tear. The LESSEE shall turn over to the
LESSOR all keys to the Leased Premises, including all duplicates.

10. Waiver

No waiver by the LESSOR of any of his rights under this Contract shall be
deemed to have been made unless expressed in writing and signed by the LESSOR.

11. Resort to Arbitration

In case of disagreement on the terms and conditions of the Leased Contract,

the same shall be submitted to a group of arbitrators composed of three (3) members, one to
be appointed by LESSOR, another by LESSEE and the third one to be agreed upon by the
two arbitrators previously chosen and the parties hereto shall submit to the decision of the

The parties hereto agree on a faithful execution of the provision hereof and to
settle difference that may arise herefrom amicably. Should any controversy arise which the
parties hereto cannot resolve, the same shall be submitted to a group of arbitrators and the
parties hereto shall submit to the decision of the arbitrators.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Contract to be

executed as of the day and year first written above at San Francisco, Agusan del Sur,


Lessor Lessee
Issued on Issued on
At At

Signed in the presence of:

__________________________ ___________________________


BEFORE ME, this March 23, 2017 at San Francisco, Agusan del Sur, personally
appeared the above-named persons presented to me to be the same persons who executed the
foregoing instrument, and they acknowledged to me that the same are their free act and deed.

WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL, the day, year, and place above-mentioned.


Notary Public
Until December 31, 2017
Doc. No. IBP Lifetime No. 03110
Page No. PTR No. 6878409 1-11-17
Book No. 171 At Agusan del Sur
Series of 2017 Roll No. 44691

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