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Demo 2 - RE Reporting in SAP Business Information Warehouse (BW)

1. User Menu Demo BW RE-FX

In this tutorial you will process a report to analyze the size of your real estate portfolio.
Expand the Folder "BW REFX" to display the queries and workbooks available.
2. Portfolio Lists
A number of queries and workbooks are available for you to analyze your real estate portfolio.
Expand the "Portfolio Lists" folder.
3. Overview Portfolio - Areas
You will process the query Overview Portfolio. The results will be displayed as a Web-Report.
Double click "Overview Portfolio" to continue.
4. Key date of the Query
Here you can enter the variables for the selection details for your report.
Enter the key date 31.12.2003 and select Enter from the keyboard to continue.
5. Execute Query
Execute the query.
6. Filter Measurement Type
The results display the size of your real estate portfolio per regional location. Area totals are displayed, as well as the values
per measurement type.
Select the Filter for the Measurement Type.
7. Select Filter Value for Measurement Type
You will look at the Total Area in more detail.
Select the check box for Total Area.
8. Transfer
Select Transfer.
9. Drill down by Real Estate Object
The total areas are displayed. You now wish to display the values per real estate object.
Select Drilldown in the rows for the "Real Estate Object" free characteristic.
10. Expand the Real Estate Object Hierarchy
The results show the areas for all real estate objects.
Expand the hierarchy for this rental object (Pooled Space).
11. Filter by Regional Location
The individual rental spaces that have been extracted from the pooled space and their measurement types are displayed.
The rental object 1 is in the list as a hierarchy node and below this hierarchy node as a child. The total area for the hierarchy
node is the size (capacity) of the pooled space. It is cumulated from the nodes below. The child node area total is the current
vacant area in the pooled space. It is calculated from the sum of the vacant and occupied area.
Now filter the results for Milano.
12. Keep Filter Value
Select Keep Filter Value.
13. Remove Measurement Type Filter
The portfolio for Milano is displayed.
Now remove the Total Area filter.
14. Close Tutorial
The results now display the rental objects, rental object type, usage type and the various measurement types and totals for
Milano. You have now processed a query for portfolio areas and navigated through the results.
Scroll to the right side and close the report.
Portfolio List Rental Object

15. Portfolio List Rental Object

You will now process a report that displays the rental objects in your real estate portfolio for different company codes.
You will process the query Portfolio List Rental Object. The results will be displayed as a web report.
Double click "Portfolio List Rental Object" to continue.
16. Graphical Display
The initial results display the rental objects in your real estate portfolio according to the usage type of the rental object.
Before you analyze more information related to these objects, display the results as a graphic.
17. Data Analysis
The results per usage type are displayed.
Select the Data Analysis tab strip to return to the query results.
18. Drilldown in Rows by Company Code
You manage rental objects belonging to a number of different company codes. You will now display the objects and their
assignment to company code.
Select Drilldown in the Rows for "Company code".
19. Drilldown in Rows by Rental Object
The company code assignments are now displayed.
Now choose Navigate in the Rows for the "Rental Object" free characteristic.
20. Display Company Codes
The rental object number is also displayed in the results. You now wish to analyze this data per company code.
Select RU Usage Type with a right mouse click.
21. Enhanced Menu
Select Enhanced Menu.
22. Swap Usage Type with Company Code
The enhanced menu is displayed.
Select Swap RU Usage Type with Company Code.
23. Display Contracts for CC 2100 - Portugal
The results display the rental objects in your real estate portfolio by company code and usage type.
You will now filter these results by usage type. Select the Filter icon in the navigation area.
24. Select Filter Value
Select Store.
25. Filter by Store
Transfer the filter value to the report results.
26. Transfer Filter Value
The results are now displayed for all stores in your portfolio. You have now analyzed the results of a web query for your real
estate portfolio.
Scroll to the right side and close the web query.
Comparison Vacancy

27. User Menu Demo BW RE-FX

You will now process a report that displays the vacancy ratio for two key dates, and a comparison of these ratios.
Expand the Folder "BW RE-FX" to display the queries and workbooks available.
28. Occupancy and Vacancy
Expand the "Occupancy and Vacancy" folder.
29. IDES - Comparison Vacancy
You will process the query Comparison Vacancy. The results will be displayed as a web report.
Double click "Comparison Vacancy" to continue.
30. Variable Screen
The initial results display your real estate objects, the regional locations and the vacancy ratios. Dates have been defined as
variables to allow the vacancy comparison calculation. You will now display the variables for these dates.
Select the Variable Screen pushbutton.
31. Display Variables
These two key dates are mandatory, and filled with default values. All other variables displayed are optional.
Select Execute.
32. Remove Drilldown
To display the cumulated values for all locations, remove the drill down for Real estate Object.
33. Select Filter
You now see the vacancy ratio for the two key dates for the buildings in your portfolio. You will now analyze the results for a
particular building.
To analyze the data for your objects in Barcelona, select the Filter icon for the "Real Estate Object".
34. Clear Filter Values
All filter values are currently selected. The names of the buildings are displayed.
Select Clear All.
35. Select Filter Value
Select Centro - Oficinas y Tiendas / Office and Store Center.
36. Transfer Filter Value
Select Transfer.
37. Drill down by Real Estate Object
The vacancy levels for your building in Barcelona are displayed.
To drill down by Real Estate Object, select drill down in the rows for the free characteristic Real Estate Object.
38. Display Contracts for CC 2100 - Portugal
You will now display the hierarchy of real estate objects that belong to this business entity.
Select the business entity with a right mouse click.
39. Select Filter Value
Select Enhanced Menu.
40. Expand Hierarchy
Select Expand hierarchy to level 4.
41. Select Date
You see that there are two vacancies recorded; one for the pooled space and one for rental unit 14. The rental spaces
belonging to the pooled space are not vacant. The vacant space is therefore the space recorded in the pool itself.
To continue the analysis, expand the hierarchy node for key date 1.
42. Scroll
Scroll down and a little bit to the right to display more information.
43. Display Measurements
The report now displays the measurements of the rental objects in your portfolio for key date 1. The total area, the occupied
area and the area available are displayed.
This is the end of the tutorial. You have now analyzed vacancy and occupancy results for your portfolio for two key dates.

This is the end of this tutorial.

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