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Power Electronics

Solved Examples:
Topic: Power Electronics Mark:
Concept: Type:
Sub-Concept: Level:
Concept Field: Time:
Q.1 In given voltage commutation circuit, V S = 230 volt peak inverse voltage across free wheel diode and
main thyristor is

(a) 460V, 460V

(b) 230 V, 460 V
(c) 460V, 230V
(d) 230V, 230V
Ans. (c)
Sol. Peak inverse voltage across FD = 2VS
= 2 × 230 = 460 volt
Peak inverse voltage across main thyristor = VS = 230 Volt

Topic: Power Electronics Mark:

Concept: Type:
Sub-Concept: Level:
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Q.2 In a triggering circuit, source voltage is 16 volt and load line has a slope of –128 V/A. The frigging
voltage and fringgering current for an average gate power dissipation of .5W is –
(a) 5V and 12.41 mA

(b) 7V and 64.1 mA

(c) 6V and 6.12 mA

(d) 8V and 62.5 mA

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Sol. Slope of the load line gives gate source resistance
RS = 188 V/A
VgIg = 0.5A

0 .5
Vg 

By applying KVL in the loop

–VS + IgRS + Vg = 0

0 .5
16  Ig  128 

128 I2g  16Ig  0 .5  0

By solving quadratic equation, we get

Ig = 62.5 mA

0 .5
Vg   8 volt
6 2.5  10 3

Topic: Power Electronics Mark:

Concept: Type:
Sub-Concept: Level:
Concept Field: Time:
Q.3 In the current commutated chopper shown below

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Thyristor T1 is conducting a load current I 0 when thyristor TA is turned off with capacitor polarity as
shown, the capacitor iC would flow through
(a) Diode D1 because it provides easy path
(b) Thyristor T1 because it is already conducting
(c) Diode D1 because thyristor T1 is unidirectional device and therefore current i C can not flow from
cathode to anode
(d) Thyristor T1 because diode D1 is reverse biased by voltage drop across T1
Ans. (d)

Topic: Power Electronics Mark:

Concept: Type:
Sub-Concept: Level:
Concept Field: Time:
Q.4 In a CSI (Current source inverter). If frequency of output voltage is f Hz, then frequency of voltage
input to CSI is
(a) f Hz
(b) 2f Hz
(c) f/2 Hz
(d) 3f Hz
Ans. (b)

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f 
In CSI if T is the frequency of output voltage V0, input voltage Vin has a frequency of 2f.

Topic: Power Electronics Mark:

Concept: Type:
Sub-Concept: Level:
Concept Field: Time:
Q.5 If the converter shown below is triggered at  = /2, then rectification efficiency is

(a) 40.16%
(b) 18.16%
(c) 35.21%
(d) 20.25%
Ans. (d)
Sol. Average output voltage of half wave rectifier is

Vm V
V0  (1  c os  )  m (1  c os 9 6)
2 2
V0 = 0.1591 Vm

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0 .159 1Vm
I0 

(0 .159 1)2 Vm2

Pd c  Vd c Id c 

Vm N2 V
V0 (rm s )   m  0 .3535 Vm
2 2 2 2

0 .3535 Vm
I0 (rm s ) 

(0 .3535)2 Vm2
Pa c  V0 (rm s ) I0 (rm s ) 

Pd c (0 .159 1)2
  10 0   10 0
Pa c (0 .3535)2
 = 20.25%

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