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17/04 2014 12:48 01123387293 leAR HQ HE' PELHl 1295,1 P.


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F. No. GAC·21·1 21201 4-CDN Date the 26 th February, 2014


.. _.... -_._-.. _--_.• _.._._.-.----- __ ---------------_._---_

. ....-. .. -._._•....-. -.......
Department of Personnel and Trainini, Ministry of Personnel. Public
Grievances and. Pensions, Government of India, N~ Delhi has issued O. M. No.
13026/412012-Estt(L) dated \8.2.2014 regarding Execution of Bond for availing Study
Leav~ under rule 53(4) of the CCS(Leave) Rules, 1972. The above mentioned O.M. is being
uploaded on the ICAR Web·Site www.icar~org.in for information and further guidance.

~,c, .-.
(K.N. Chaudhary)
Deputy Secretary (OAC)


1. All Directors/Project Directors of all ICAR InstituteslNational Research

CentreslProject Coordinators/Coordinated Research Projects/Zonal Project
CoordinatorsiBureaux .•
2. Sr.PPS to DO,ICARIPPS to Secretary, ICARIPPS taPA (DARE).
3. Chairman ASRBIND, NAIP/ Project Director(DKMf,), Pusa, New Delhi.
4. Shri Hans Raj, ISO, (DIPA) KAB-I for putting in th4 ICAR Web-Site .
. 5. All officers/sections.at ICAR Ktishi Bhawanll<AB...)1 &. n.
6. Secy. (Staff Side), ClSC, NRC on Meat, Chenilcher!a, Hyderabad -500039
7_ Secy. (Staff Side). HJSC, ICAR.I<AB-I1, Pusa, New Delhi.llOOl2
8. Guard fi Ie/Spare ~opies

., ,., .

¥ ........
fl'i" ~¥tllii ~
fl'i" 3;q.; -;:rt ~

~o.<IT.q-.R- 21-12/20144111i'il"l ~ 26.2.2014

...... ---~. '.' ··.'.~;,,<~:~¥/~~~§t;</~t'~f#;.,ffli\4+'~~"':'-'--"'-'

..-_.----... ~ ~ ¥i~ 3IT.~..~ '130261412012 - iH1litJi~ 1f.rti 3.2.2014 ~ ~AMi . --'-'
~1~72 ~ 53 (4) t- ~ ~t-~ ~ lIJl:ii m <l; ~;R-t\" t ~
lfiT.~~a.n-~"f.Jr.t:[~ ~.Hil~C: www.icar.Qrg.in qr ~ trci' 3fi1.4/i.>ti'! ~ ~ 'R'

. ., , .........
~ QH"lhili11 'ft6'l;<t<l4'i/",,,,,,< qtt'Ml.,1
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3;'.'f.M.tr. ~ ";'!if<j:DIT:Ii1="M,toqr..R4:m'I""Ji&j""'1 i:~r.)-~""tll""('i<l:tlllliT$ 3lij'l1t1Ii1 q.,~i:liqRq';;j.,1 M~a",ifiil
_... """'"
...... ..... .
'ftH.... "l'l11 '" ..,." I.,,,,.rq:;/i<m ... ~

2. 6'l61~ati"'.. 1'iT.'f,Jr.tr. ~ ~ ~ f.1.o!r ~~. a:rr.'f.3T.4'. t" ;rm;; f.1.o!r
~I fctn flOIlfiifiH (~ q:; ~ ~ ~I
3. ~. f.t.~.o:i'.~ 1:tlltllfi 1l'iiQ"'.;II~ctIJll~4IJi"Ir.tatfili (t1*>QHQ). '!.<IT. ~~
4. ~ ~ u.;r. ~. (tI~Q"'Q). ~ ~ mr.r-1 ifi't ~ ~ a.<il$' 'IT
5. m.'f.3f.'1.;);- ~ ~/..-r ~ ~ ~ ~-1/2, Qi1QQ'ft'!fj
"'I4"1i~*'Ii I
6. <I1'Vcr (+>tj'll{i tre') '!fjJiQ<l'!il ~ Hhr ~ ~IfMt~@ ~c;{t.\Ic;·500039
7. ~ (ifi.hli{i <m) <f\JiQ<l'ff1 au.ifMH., ~ ~ 1rof-2
8. m ~/l!~j{'f'i'I ~

" .

.; q
17/04 2014 12:49 01123387293 leAR HQ NE"DELHI #2951 P003/010

., g..? ,~~.. j Cf\)

No. 13026/412012-Esn.(Ll
Bharat Sarkar/Qovern~t of India
Ministry of Persollnel. Public GrieVances and peostOI's
Departml!nt of Personnel aiId Trnilling

New Delhi, the It February. 2014


Subject: Execution of Bond for availing Study Leave under rule 53(4) of the
CCS(Lenve) Rules. 1972 - regarding

The undersigned is direcled to SUIte thaI Govenunent servants nre allowed 10

avail "Study Leave" in tenus of tile provisions of rules 50-63 of the ecs. (Leave) Rules,
1972. The provisions of rule 53(4) mandaies for execution of a bond by the
Govenunent Servant who is granted such leave in tile relevant format prescribed for the
said pUrpOse i.e. . Forms 7-10 of the ecs (Leave) Rules,

2. The said Bond executed by the Government servant requires putting in specified
period of service after expiry of the Study Leave as prescribed by provisiollS of rule
S0i5) of the said rules. .

3. It has come to the notice oftlu.~ Department that the provisions of tile at;'re.~jd
bt)lld are being circumvented and officers who have availed Study Leave proc!:ed on
prolonged spells of leave due and admissible to lthem and thus do 110t put in ac~ive
service for the requisite period as indicatec:. in the bpod executed by them,

-t. In view of the above position, the provi$ions of the pl'escribed lenIn!1 ,~f the
Bond have beell reviewed in consultation with the DepSI1me11t of Legal Affairs and .1
hllR been deoided thaI the prescribed fonns 7. 8. 9 and 10 of the CSS (Lenvc) Rules.
1972 may be revised by incOtporating a Specific <ilause confiITl1ina commitment of the
Govenunent servant to put in requisite active setVice after expiry of the Study Leave.
The copies of the revised fOITl1ats are enclosed hcttwith. The grant of Study Leave shall
continue to be regulated in tcnns of the relevant provisions of the rules as indicated il1
para I above, Ministry of Home Affairs. etc are requested to ensure that the necessary
Bond in respect of grant of Study Leave under the CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972 may
henceforth be obtained in the revised form~ts.

~. These orders are be.hlg issued after consulwion with the C&AG of India in
respect of persons servitlg in the indian Audit & ACCOunts Depanment.

1'00'1n~i qmendments to CCS (Lea,,~) Rule~ 1972 3rc being isslled sranllcIY,

. __ .


(Mukul Ratru) I '~
Director (L&AI s·,·'

I. -y'<li\
All Milli>1tri ..~!Dt'Puru11llnls 111' the Govcnlmenl or lndi:, (29 per the slnndlll'd O1(lilil1l.' liNt I

17/04 2014 12:49 01123387293 leAR HQ HEWPELHl #2951 P,004/010

No. \ 3026!4!2012-Estl. (L) New Delhi. Pa1ed the Jt,;' Febl'u<lT)', ~O 14

Copy forwarded 10:

. I. Office of the Comptrollci' and AuditaI' G.enerl!l of lnelia! Controllet· Gcn~I'O'i of

Accounts- Ministry of Finance.
2. Secl'Ctnries/ UnioD Ptlblic Service Commissionl Supreme Court or Indiu!
Election COlllmission! Lok Sabha Scott.! Rajya Sabha SectU Cabinet ScClI.I
Central Vigilance Commission! President's Sec:It.l Vice President's Seeil) Prime
Minister's Office! Planning Commission! Central Information Commission.
3. Additional Secretary (Union Territory) Ministry of Home Affairs.
4. All Stale Governments & Union Territories.
5. Governors of all States! Lt. Governors! Administrators of Union Ten·ilOl'ics.
6. Secretary National ~ouncil (Staff Side), I3-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi.
7. All MCIIlbers of Staff Side of the National Council ofDepartmcnlal Council.
8. All attached/subordinate offices and desk! section Officers ofMHA includinB
Rehabilitation Wing.
9. All Officers! Sections of OoPTIDARPG!Deptt. of Pension & Pensioners'
10. Department of Official Language (Legislative Departmenl)
11. Railway Board, New Delhi
J 2. N1C, DoPT for uploading on the website of the Ministry.
• I,
1.1:, ....... -'l:~
.~ ",
IMlIKlIl R.tlU;;l
Director (L&A 1
17/04 2014 12:49 01123387293 leAR HQ NEW DELHI #2951 P005/010

F<.Ill~1 7
IX.., Hili. 5) 10111

IrONI. '1'0 IIF. ~1(.:(.'lI·I'Kn ltV A GOVli:ltNMRN'I' SV.ltvANT IN I'I~IWIAN€N'I'


KNOW ALI. MflN rsy 'I'IIP-II, 1'ln:SliNTS THAT I, ................. "',idenl or ........ .
iu !he Dislril.'l nI' . -,,' .•.. " ...... ;'Il IWI'teIiI .:m)lh'yuU lIS .......•..... "_ in fbI MinisirylO/lil.-': (If'
.... ,", ...•. ,. ' .. , dn hen:hy hind lny£C.-'f ;1"" Iny heil't. CUII.'eUlonllllKJ lldll)inislrn,orx 10 pot}' 1,\ IItt
Ilr.sid~'11 tlf 111"ill Ihcl"IJimltier I!Jllll9,j -Ihe Oo'·~rn.ualll'" "(lti dctnllnct If)/;! ~'In of It!.
IRs ... ·····" ...... ·· ...... ",lll\t,V) tO~lhcr
with ilul!rolq (h6:reoo from the C.hll4i1 of' dt"Oullld:ll
CoVC'rnll\Cul r:UllrS lOr Ih" lint\' hcint iu 14H'\:...• 011 ,"=idVt."f'Ilmenl Jol1ltl or. if l)Uymcllli tS '"lte:&': in n
~lItf) (Miler Ihilll India. fh..· cquivalcnl nl' Ijw ,.~"" ~'lQOUq, III Ihe: (.~n'IWI.I.l)' oj" Ihat C'(It,dlr)'
om"lIl1 ":111.' r.II" CNc.:h:ln,-,," 1)d:IWtl!l1 Ihltt ~Ulllt.y I,,"ii" AND '!'()(JETHBI<
C(~h: helWCeR UI.1f>OIt',Y illld dil"lll ;Itld /III dlilri,tH lind I!XpcnSt.!s Ihll tlhilll tlr 1000y hlt"..,
l!OnvL"t1cd ill tht, nnd
wj.tl uil
~B iOCtlfrcd hy jhvG(1~l1Intl.:llf.

WH~RGAS r .•....••.••••.... :1/11 ~rnml..'\.1 :rolmir h:uw Ii}, (;nv~I'I'UIIt:!nl.

HUllrl \vilh
r{Jr Ihe IlCllI:r (lI'U1l.:'.,;lil"l \,r .Ii': (jUW'h\fll~11
~llC'h ct\II"'i~j,"llIS" 1I1;I\'llIIlf",,· j~ Wnrh.'ll:
I III'IV" "Wt.'L..l ,I, "'X I:III,,'

NII'Il Till:: !.'ONIJITION <"II' n I~ AIIOVI! W[UTI'EN QUI.I'lATION IS 'I'll".,. i" Ih. 'v.."
ur 'II~' Inihllp 1',1 1"1:';111111.' dilly, ur ~'liiW'Ii'I'" hr n.·lirill~ I'rum ~tVtcC 01' "lhl.1Wittc l)UiIIUl1t ~l:'tVk!1.:
'¥ill~ltlll'-'fIIl'nijl1l1C1 dU1:r :Ifh:r II,,,· ~'.'piry UI" 1\!11Ilinmj("tll\l'lhu rwu'hlt1 (If "'nely k,"fW'i ~Ir I~ilill~, In
l'tlllll'''-'{'' the ":III~ lIl' l'Ililtiy 'If III wll)' 1i1l11.1 wilbill II I"-"tind ~lr 'hn..'C )'1l1II'N/liv,-, yt.!m~ IIn~r lilY
1'\:'llIni In cJllly. I "I'IU Ihr1h\Vilh I'")' In Ihl: (1,1VUl'llfl"'UI Ill' ilK lUll)' hi! dinrcltd hy Ihe
n'IVcrrnll~lII. cl1.:l1l1l1hlllw !lOIil1lilllll I)f Ib;, ...•.• , .. lltwpt'u~ •.•.••... ,., .......•... ~1I1)') UI\:!.Clh("'"
lhlo!l'~lM' II:II~' ,I!' 11~'IlIlUIlIIlI (,jl\\'CrlUIICJIII mil:#> I~)j' Ih~ lilllo;' tleill~ ill I','n.',"

1.111 Inh:n.·NI IO"I'~.
I'r"111 IlIl'

>lOW FIJI\TI':IiI, Tl1!; 1I..NIJITI(JN 1)(1 TilE AiliNg WItITTUN OULlCiATf()N IS "llIA'f
Ihl.! p!,!l'incl 1.11' 11)), Otilloll IIlmlckuill~
pUllmJ; IH Sl:'n'lct' (iU llle: ~i'iocl
a:!i sptcit'll=d Itl.ow. llfil;'l
t'~llil~ 01',",- nll4l~. i.t:IV~ :Ivai......' b~' me: •..hll!! b·.;- cXlCmdPl b~.' Jj C01np:lr.. hJli."" pc:-rhtd. Cllllj'flllcnllu
u ..~ !1s;,:1~¥:'I'I' fldri(.d~ ", Ic:lV~' n, {l1I~' '-illd n"'IIIJell bt Ilk:. !.IuI·lui Ibe el1rreo,.~ of Ilk" bond

AND tll)UU I 'I.\.' 11J:t'... jn~ l11f(h '''4YlllClll. II~ ahu..,\!' \..,.. ilk-II c,hli;;ill;OiU slmfl be \'uid lind I1v
~IT~r.:l, t'\clk'rwi:cC' II sh:tll he illll' 1'1:111:,;., ill fill/ ((m.'1: ;Int.l Vi~hll!,

'Il~ U,'"J f;h,11I jll aU rl."SI)l-CI:- hl.' ~\vcn)C,.-d b\' Ihe: I:IW~ ul'lndin for 1I.c:' linlt; betn~ in ti.Itl'L' .I,d
lilt' ",ghl'i ,\lid liilNlilic:.
liPl}I(II)/lUlt' ("'1I11~ .~I
hCI"cUlult.'( sh::.IL \Vh~I'\' n ..~-..ciA'y. lk" tlcellrdil1!tly dbfe-m1i/,e-d b)' Ib~'

Si!!,t.:'41 lH1\1 "i.l\td Ihi~ .•.. ,.

. ......... f,", Iht~Uiblid lind". , ........... .

....... ,... ,. .............. . .... .. " ." ..

In 11M.: (lr~!ool!\",'c: ol!' ............ .
_. ,........ .
.., ......

r•. r "1111 1111 tR:hlljf.,l'flll'
'I.~~jdt'lil (,If

E.x,1I:ut:tfi.;II: 1'1.,,· Itm11 ·..:ttrnml.:)· uf IlIllld' lrte,lIIlO 1Ik.1 ptrkl..J dll!'illS whi"h Ihe linbiiil,. uf ,ltl.'
(';(;VCl'Ilnll::lll ::.:r"·:HlI i$ il"'Ii"'ilh~d :11\" tltl: ri!.l.lIl ut' lite.: Cnyemilieru
.... . . is
1I1ivt' fl') 1.:i;linl llll'
,·I'.ItJ!,"Ililll l. ;llId "ii,)tll:ue:d :lIIhJllm~: h""'ll Ihe t.j~\~I·l1Ineltl H\.'1'\':UlI whu (;Iils h~ di:Sl!h,'f¥L' hi'"
17/04 2014 12:50 01123387293 reAR HQ NEWV1;:LHI #2851 P.006/010

l'OI\M ~
IS..,\, kllic 53('f'l

I'(INI.ITO 111£ KXECLr!'I:III1\' A (;(}VI'.UNMtN'1' /lICit\' "NT IN "I(I/MANI~N'r

KMPI.lJV, WI! F.N t:III1Nl'll;t, .:~""!NNIIJN 01' /f1'1II}I' I.I'.A VI:

"N/)W 111..1. M/lN In' 1'1'11 .:',1., I'W.r.SliNTS 'IHAT I..... , .............. ..
l"QidloWlt or ...................... in Iht Di$Vh.:1 111'." ...... ,.... ,. ..•. . .. _, .,1 Jlr~clll C'lnplllY..:lI
QJ .................................. in 'he MinilOI'Y IOffiCe ,,1'................................. chi
ht'n:by billd mysdt'ltnd my h.:in;. u."'~'1I01'$ An«1ltdmill~TJII('I1"li In ('lilY In Iht- f'rc;$id~1I1 IIi' India
thcn.NmtOCf e;llIcd -1I~e (i"YC't"l\~nl"l ,»1 c.h:n~nd lhe 1"111 nf ,t:.. ........ .,'" ...... , ,.. ,.... .
IRIlpecs. •. "'., ...•••••.... ," •..... , •• , oMI)') )I,"I¥t.lhcr with inIO~Jillh':::I-e'II' (1"11111 11111 d~lle Clr("~nl:llwl
.In Gnvetnnte.nl '~IIl~" ILlr fk litll~ heing, ilt I\..-clt au ~~m"~llI h1illl~ or. If 11l1!11nCIU 110 mild" iIi
od~r tilM India, II~ "'IpivalCl\t (lr th~ snid JUlInqnt in the: curn:.c:)· 1,)1 lhilt Wllnllr
II COVillI")'
c:onYerlod at til" olTtcml roUe ,~r C'xehfJI,i'l haI'~1 thai «:(\01\11)' :tntl IIld;•• ANf) TOGI;,nICk
with aU 01.)5',. bcfwc:el1 llUllrfWY al1tJ eliCit'! i..I/lll
heen inc.'Ul'Tcd by the <.iavcmlll"nl. .
:.U c;hnr..oe. ftRei t'~pell~ Ih:11 Sh.1" ur nlay ha",'

WHEltEAS I. ·················.·.·\\'811 ~1I~ctl ",lIdy 1,\lIW by <lUWI11111Clllli,,· 111l! pcritN./

.............. In ................. .in I,.i,n.:itfcrllli,ttl ur whklll , eXO'I,'-l"I!\( h Iii I.huud ... " .. ". 1;.'1' I'' '.
I(~ ....... · .... ···· ......f f{lfltl.·I,'s, ... ,........ . ....(mty,. ill fllvt")ur (t/'Ihr; I'n:sicl(fli 'If 1t1~1;1.

r~\K.·!l1 \111111. .............. .

"'NO \II/litiREA~ f~lr Ihl: 1.... 'l:r Pl'lll\'\:lit111 ,)i'IIIl; (illWhllHCIII I haw "J;!,rt'I.:t1I,\ \":\(.'\.'111\'
Ii.if,' 'hillfl willi "u('h ennclillun:; :1''1 h~n:ul1Llcr tI/'C wl'iUclJ.

NOW, 'om t'ONI)ITlnN OF Tilt: '''''lYl! WRITI1\N Olll,ilWl'lilN I~ TII,\ r jll

Ilu; '-'Will nl' lilY litllillP III rl!Ji:IItI1L' 11111)', 411 rt.:!lipuilIP, III' Mldll!! thllli 1:"''f\Ii~c Ilr IIIIU'I"I\ i:k'
tlll"lhILL ~rvll.:\" wIlIHIl1' rclUfllihp \II dlll~'lIfI"'I' [he L'~llil')' ur h.!nlliltllllh'l (d'lhp,! 1M.~rht(II)1 ,\I\I~;.I'
Ic:qvc Jlt) eXl.euded (lr Iilifill11 ttl \l4.lmplctc c.")UIliC ('I" siudy '"' It flny IlI1w within fh'ri,,(; !II'
(Ill! ~I
Ibrt!C yeurslri~ )'(!:l1'S "nc;t" m." return I,· dllf)', I ~hltU
fiC'lhwllh Imy lei tito.: 'illVI:t"RlUI:I.1 'Ii' :1'.
ma)' ... di"Ul;htd I'Iy Ih~ r.ICI\fCl1~me-(lL tm Ck.'1uund Ihe ~.,Uj
"'011\ uf R) .............. ..
(rI.Ul)Q('1 ...... ·· .•...• , •••..• dl1ly, 11.J~~IIM:l· wIlh 'nlel ....,1 UICr\!,'I' from f~
d:llc uf CII!II1:lII.! ~I
Ct(lvt:rltlltelil \'.. 11.')1 Irw lht" lilll(' ~in!:! III I\,I'CI.' 'III (jowrll.n~~fI( hlilll:i,


THl\'r fhe:: peril.wJ (If III)' hood In.,,,dalhlg. pUllinl\ in ."'ice fur lito reriC'M.1 ... s 1o'Jl:lI:ili~tl nJllIVt:.
i,ncr expiry (I~ i1lkly IC11VL' lIVRik."tt by ml!', t:.11i111 bt c);1f.sndcd hy a I!"m,);'rnh~ fk!'ritKJ.
cquivalellt 1(1 lhe j)~rc:~ah: rx:r;(lrf.~ l.l"I~IVI.: (.1' ~ull' kind ~vl\i led hy 11K.\ dllrinf!, Ihl.' CIIIH:ncy IIf
Iht b()flU periud.

A.NJ) tlfh~1 m)" 11WJ.IIIL' S'II~~I ,,1I\'I1II.":lII:., 11\1.' u\lll\"\· \Yrhh:li "hl!~nhlltl:; :.hllll t~~ "flitl ;11111
(If nn "1~~cl. ·.\lhol'\";~ il '%111 tw '11111''''''11111 HI Ilill IUI'I."1111111 I'lrIm.'.

'111c U(~KI Khnll ililitl r=Iif1(,OCIN I)C; )I~\"\.·Il\...d hy 'ht hl\\')i til' illlliu ror tbl.' lune beill!, ill
Ii Ire.: lind lite ri~hl~ "nel ji;'lhilili""J: hl..·l~und ..·1' o:hnll. whe,," nCC~slUy. I~' III.:L'f,lrdil,lt-ly "~II..'nnlll':cI
II,\' Ih~ IlflI"l'Pfifllc ('''"I1I~ ill ludi:..

Si~lt:tl ;lnl! '{.'1h.-,1 Ihi.....

.'nd .................... , . .. Iwu ,ht'll:i;rl\d

'Ulhu II.....I!:'· or.... , ..

\Vhll~\"lt.'N: I ..................................... .
.2 ........... .

Ace !!I''fut)
Ii.lf illld UII heh..,1r (,1' f~
l'l'c~idcfll 0" "NU:I
l'::cpl:uuUin,,: ·ctl'l·... ' ...:) hlllili' perielei dudll).'. whi.~1t
:I\a: iillhiljl~ Ill' 111\
nt,;.li\·;III~1l :III(~ t~1 I.:bill! Iii.'
'nlt: II! lilC,·4'1i •. Iil1-'
O"wmRICIII :lI.:rv:llli. i:; rj",h: '-'1' IItl' C"i1'l\·{·nm ....'IU b :llivL'
111111 ~li'.III,.h:" illllrllllli.·. 'filth Ij,,· .. ;'I\'I:UIIII.. :r.1 j"..... •.... rn \\"11<, I+lii. II' Ili~hnft'., tll~
17/04 2014 12:50 01123387293 leAR HQ NEI DELHI -
.2951 P.007/010

rs..'C it.l. SlH)]
II(1NIl10 liE t.:XIOC!U"rJ;l) hv A OOVF./lNMI"-NT SEftVAN1' NOr IN 1.1t1~II1AN".NT
EMI'I..()V. WH~N l'ROC££IlHW ON ~J)V LF..\ VF.

I(NClW 1.1.1. Ml~ IIY 'I'I'II).~I! 1'llllSLlNTS THAT WI! ................... Mide,",
"r......... in 111&.' r)imrl(', "roo ........ , ," fN'l:SI..'f11
t)f11rl,-)'U(I' ql............... ill UIU MinitnryfnmcL'
"", •. ".".... . .... tlldt'Uitruflcr \:llllL'<J "Ih~· Ohli»ul,tot ",ld ShrilSlwj1nIHi/KuRlll1'i.. ... ".,
~1;d:".I~h'C'1" of ..• -... .. .... and ShrllSflrilnnlilKllluari ... ,•. ,..... ~...\ld"hgJller oj ....... ,•.
Ill .••.... ,. ;11111 Shril~hrillUtli/KIII":'(i .... ,....... !fol'lldapghlcr nf•.. , ...... (11'. ••.••.. ,. (hl.!l"ell1tll\C,I'
c.'lliI.:II "'llw ~;lIrclic=!i"') dh h..:reh)' ;Oi"II)' 1I11t! !jl/'v\~nllir binc.1 ')ill'selv(!, HIMol ()ur I'C$fleclivc heirs.
',IIlin ~1,,",roIfVtnur clllk:fl "I!II.'
I!lOCllllJ1li 1I11d !t "liflr.dntlnl':' hi I""f In Ihl.' ''f't'!ii,k,1d uf
(Im·l"rnllll.'111".' :In dC:IIlQllfl 11"" filllU HI" Ih' ...... " ....... , .. .(RI,I~~,. ........, ... """nil1lyl hllJUlltllf
with IHI(-I'l'Sl lIu:n....lIi I;'UIII 1111: '.kll~· Ill'dL'llumtl i.1 • hlVl,.,..lIIlCI)I I'nlc::s t'1~f Ihe; tinlt: I'lt:iog hi lima-
~'11 Gllvcrlll,,:ml lUling or. IS '''iuh: iu II c..'tllliitry Unltr du..n India. Ih,' ~lIi\lillclll alibI:'
:~.Iill iIt\l~ILtlU <), dl;1I CIIUIIIl)'. C\111\l~"C1,I illlh" "lfjcjn' mfr. oJ' 4~cll.. tlH~ hl.CWt:;11
j'l lite: c.;tln·l!ncy
IIIi'll ,,'\1111'1(')' l'lI1.! lu\olin I\ND l"()(;lrrHI~H \vilJ, 1111 I.:~rs h.lwecol. l\ICUl'nc:y IlIId diem iUl'" jIll
~h:lr1,l:I#S tMlf.! ':NPC,~~.. IIt:U ~hlllllll'IlIUY hllW l"''C1l irh:lllTcd by thl:! Cuv.e:nll"~I ..
wr·,nH I!A~ tht' (l~i;,ul' i$ grrmrcd sllt~l,\' WilVC hy lilt. (jc.I\,crnmcllI:

ANr) WHutUlA~ 1\11' Iii... hcd.:r "''LlIL~li(l1l Hr II~ GCIV~nlmQIII. 11Il' OhlilLU( 1t:1" fl~~d
h. L'1<C":lrtc lhi-c n.'lIcl willi ~uch mtltliliOIl ;tit 11I:\'I:nl1"\,1' is \"I'iHvll.

ANI) WI.t13ItI~AS Ih~ liUk! ~ttl't"lll!r. IIllYf;l 1I~'tI1(1 t~c:cllh: '(hb;: !J.t»t,d u!o; Slltl!!l,~=, 1111
hduli!' Ilr Ute nll(tvl.: hOUlUiotl .......... ,", .......... " ..... ,."., .. "

NOW 'f1'W "ONl.)rflUl'< Ill' 1'11~ AII(IVI! WKrrrUN OSLICA'I'IONS IS 'I'IiAT ill
II ..' I ....
~ .... 1.'\',:.11: Uhliltllr ~hrifflhrhMlil Kt4tllllri ." ..... " .... " ....... rDilill~ t" rcsUII)lt tlul\' nt
ul' IIII..'
l ......... .
- ..
#2851 p.007/010
17/04 2014 12:54 01123387293

[I!.c It.io SJt4)j
II(\NO 1 () liE 1I:,xIOC!l.rrt;t) itv .... OOVI!RNMItNT SIRV.... N1· NcrI' IN tItlIMANF.NT
£MI'U)V. WH~N '·ROC£ .....nINC; ON irnJl)'V LP. .. 'VI':

I(NClW .... 1.1. Ml>N 11'1 ·I·I·IC~I! 1'lt/.lSUNTS THAT Wf!................... ""id..."
Ilf. _....... in Ifll.' r)i,"-rifl ,,,.,, ......... 1,1 rN~ilillnl 4)(I.l'lu,'oo ftl.......... "". ill niL! M;lIi~lry'("JJr.cc
I,f'......• , ......... lh"t\lillUiI\.'i" '.:lllh.'<I "'lit- Ohliv,m", Lind ShrVSI\l'iln~Ui/Kun1J1j·i. .... ,., ..
'lil'lnitl;tlIvJ"c::r ... r ............. alill ShrtlShri,"AlilKll1l ...ri ............ st..."d.~lIcr of ......• , ..
III .••....•. :11111 Shrj/~hriIIiMli/KllIl'l:lri ....•.... _.. !loold:'pShICf nf•....•••.. of.••....... thl!l'til'l\ltIJr
C",n~l,1 "'lilt' !;urclios") dc, h..:n:hy .i(li'Il1), lllh.l ~.:-v~~nl!l)' bilKI 1'I1H'st;lv~s Ill"" ()m respecl,vl: Iwit'tl.
l!,;ocuhlOl lllld !ltI'llifli~lnt1nl':'l lu III',Y lu Ihl: I'ft~d1:ul til' ,,1,lill ~1W'l'(!jll"lh.1· culll;lt "I~I.'
()(l\'l'nlllll.'tll".1 ~In <1("111111)11 II,," fitlm ~.r ItH ••••••••.• I • • • • • . . .tillll"'''-''''' I' ", ,. I • • • • • • , .('July' IIIg:utltut
with InI(,,'l'Sl 11":11.·.... 1 hUIil Ihc ¢ll~' IIf dL'm:mll ;,1 ChlVl."fItlllcllll'Jllt:S (nr ,hf; th'~ heing il' fOre,·
'.'11 (Jl\Vt:I'IIII\~'1I1 luan~ tll'. if PotYUllI'llt I" ",~dl: ill II \:".utllitry Ilfhtr dllt" ItUli~, 1IlL' t.:qllj\ll'It:IU Il/ th~
;'<.li.1 iIt~llIL"U il, lit< c,;un-t~ncy ... 1 d~;~ CIIUIIl(~I. C\IIl"'~"CI,I (II lhll OmCiA' "'Ie of uchangc tk·t\tIc!~tL
Ii.i"li ":\lul"lfry lind hl"ia AND l'()(iHTNril( \... i,h nil ~UJ¢$ h"W~11 .1Ilum,,·y IIlId "'iclll all" ,III
cf,:I"1F1:S :I!lC.! .:XPCI~ II~ ~hlln 111'!lill)' htlW lll."C:rt inClined by Ih&:' CuvdMlln\!f\l ..

WHPJ( eA~ the- (1I'ttig~I(;9 ~t1ICtr ~IINI~' Wll\IC h.Y !h~ {)m'crnmCUlI:

ANO WHlmnA~ (~)I'lh1: hcn1:r jbdll'l:li(llll,r Iht' lI(Wdrumltlli. 1I1~ OhliJllr 1.:I!llllCn:cd
III eX"IIU! lhi~ I1llll(1 wilh ~lIl,!h (,'tllklilj"l1 illl hcr~IIIHIi'1' is \\lI·UI"II.

I\NI) WI.IGltF.AS Ih&: 1I1id ~tN'C"IU!r. 1I11~ I~""I 1(1 ~a:ccu'c (hili. It.olld n~ SUn..'1;I=:I 011
1'at:h~IH' llr the "llOV~ hoU'''iotl...... ... ...•.. ........ ,,,. . .......... ..

NCJW ·f1·I~ CONnmur. or "11~ AII(lVf' WRrrniN OSL.ICATIONS IS 'I'IIA"!' ill

II..• til' lite Ohliw.lf Nhrifflhrinlmil KliJUliri ...................... .fuililiit In r<$I,"~ !..ltlly. nr
rl.'!CI~llillg I"l"oul ~rvlc.:C \'I'i),lllcnv;lIc quillillll ~noit:11 wilh,'"' f'(tUIt11j'll!. 10 'lfll~' ;.I\~ 'h~ e"I,iry (lr
1("'I'llllll'lliall u("ht' IlCriL..u ur sllltly ICi3\1<t ur rl,ilin~ II' 1~.I''Imf'llt'lt' fhe ct,)"''1Ob of sll,tly or nt 1111)' lirue
wiruio il 1)c:ri,\cJ ,,' Ihrel! YI:"IIl"fVlh,,! yl!l\rs- :di"r hi:. n.'lhm nl Ilul)', Ihi~ Obll~tn' lind Ihe! SllrC[~
sb:-.II i"l'Ir(.I!I·'ilh P:!)' 11\ Ihe: f.;ovt.:rnmtnl tV"" iDi 1I\'1'y be- du·t:~loo fly ahe (':oVfnb1lC!llt. on demand rht
:lrli(~ Sl-11l1 "i P.~ ..... ",. I 'hll)o,t~·Ii ... " .................... t)I'It)" 'ov.,ClI,ur wilh imrresl
IhC"'<:{Hi rr·.lll~ jh~ dille 1.11 ~"IJl:llhl fli t.i~'VI:TllIIll·nl r:1f~~ IiII' thi' litlll' f'l,:in!, ill hltCc hll
:Jl.wc.·I·nnn:ttl ; .·iIlIS.

NOli' fl.lRTfltlR Tl-If, CliNlllTiON 01· ·t·fll, ~nOVg WI(f"ITPN Ofll..II:'i,·\TIUN I:;
'l'i IAT dllJ p..:rjllC~ ill' tll.uld. 11I0001LMh1J! I'IIUiIl~ ill :i\.lf\liL'1.I hy th~ Uhll!l'll' 1i.;t ·lill.! IlCrincl It!;
illC ... itit!C.lllh,w~·. 111l1-'r L'~j1il'y ul" tlk! limtl)' 1IJIIVI.l i,\'lIilclJ l.y 11hll I.lr h~l'~ :.Imll be I.!xtellrJcd b}' :i
~nlJl:lmhll'! I~I i,,)(}. c:quivl,iL'1ll (U fhe ;.~U,t\..Wl': l~riNi of h:a ....l· (If ;IllY killd av:til&!d hy him Or
1!{,\'r dllfjllc~ duo ":lltrcncy of IIw bot1.;! pea .IKf.

"ND "1'011 llle OIlligor ~hrlillhri,",'\(ilKl",...i............ ................ "lid Of

Shri/1).hrim.ati!h.uIlIQri, ...................... :1I\d. 1"If Sh:i/Shtin.:llii KIII'nl.lri ......................... ..
IIie Sun::tics "rl~'¢fl;rjd mQ1:ill:;' SUI..h p;tYf"cni (hie' IIbc .....e \win." (,~.lip:ltion 51\0111 l~ yoid lind IlrlKl
Cnr:Cl~ 4)'ht:IWist'. ,t shnll he- ~11d 1'l:II~ill il'J l'"III\lrtt: 11.\' vinuc.

l'IWV!DIl" ALWA y~ """ rh" fild.ili,)' " .. Ih. S"rolio, I"'..."m....r 01,11111111 he: illlllll""~
ill' tli:;1:lliIr~cd
hy r":I'ltUll nr IIlIh' 1'It.\jn~ Jp"qnh:ll \1/' b~ lUI)' rill'l~lIrnne&:. m:1 I)r umiff)lku\ nr the-
nIWUI'nIlIOU! in' lilly 1"~t"'"1 JlllifIOI·11.L'd b)' 111L.'1\I j'.vftuthl'f wilh ur' wHit"", lI,e cntlfiC'1I1 '11'
Iw.:h'IOl(Iv,v .,( Ih~ !\'n\:Ii~t(J our tdUl1I it Ill.' 1k.~C"SlIt~. rul' Ilk' (;inv~iRrocnl it: ;;:Ut: II~ ()hl;~or
b.:fM" ~uhl~: UII,,' !!I1I1'l'I~ !\IlI'ilShrllllaljl 1~I/III;a .. j •...•.••••.••.•... ,.. .••••......... IIllll
SIIlI:Sllrill~lI,j' K,llhari •..•...• ,', ............ ,', .. ur :11"0)' ,,," Hlelll 1'1\( ;)11".\U,l"l> d'"~ ttct"&ltllltl..:,
Th': l:iUlld l'h:lll fi, ilil J~I"M!i ""= IJ.IIVI.'III~d h~' Ihe kh~ of" 'u.jj'l 1;,lI 1111': 'lint ,.dns ill
r'·I.':(.· iIIIt! ~~ ri,p.UI: aiM( liilhili.k.", h~I~UI!d~f lihal! 1\·IICI...• IIl'i....·Io:rrHIr)· N: m:l.'ordin:h c.f1!k:ra~ll'Ic:t!
l,~. Ih~ ·.IPIU"PI'Ii'llt: ("Illins lII'hldl;'.

il: H,;; 1""\·!o.o:,l\.:I.· ,.f

~. 'i·;:··:·~"··

.. ~t'

-1-1 10 -
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