Deep-Sea Research Part I

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Deep-Sea Research Part I 131 (2018) 75–86

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Deep-Sea Research Part I

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Sponge assemblages on the deep Mediterranean continental shelf and slope T

(Menorca Channel, Western Mediterranean Sea)

Andreu Santína, , Jordi Grinyóa, Stefano Ambrosoa, Maria J. Urizb, Andrea Goria,
Carlos Dominguez-Carrióa, Josep-Maria Gilia
Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM-CSIC), Barcelona, Spain
Centre d’Estudis Avançats de Blanes (CEAB-CSIC), Blanes, Girona, Spain


Sponge assemblages on continental shelves and slopes around the world have been known about for centuries.
However, due to limitations of the traditional sampling systems, data about individual sponge species rather
than assemblages have been reported. This study characterizes sponge assemblages over a wide bathymetric
range (~50–350 m depth) and covering the entire continental shelf and the upper slope of the Menorca Channel,
an area soon to be declared a Marine Protected Area (MPA) as part of the Natura 2000 Network. Quantitative
analysis of 85 video-transects (a total linear distance of 75 km), together with representative collections to
confirm species identifications, allowed us to discriminate six major assemblages. Differences in the assemblages
mainly corresponded to differences in substrate type and depth. On the inner continental shelf, a semi-scia-
philous Axinellid assemblage dominated the rocky outcrops. Maërl beds on the inner continental shelf were
dominated by Haliclona (Reniera) mediterranea, whereas the horny sponge Aplysina cavernicola and several other
haliclonids mostly dominated maërl beds and rocky substrates of the outer shelf. Soft sediments on the shelf
break hosted a monospecific Thenea muricata assemblage, whereas rocky substrates of the shelf break were
characterized by a mixture of encrusting, columnar and fan-shaped sponges. Finally, the upper slope was
dominated by Hamacantha (Vomerula) falcula and the hexactinellid Tretodictyum reiswigi. Overall, sponge di-
versity showed its highest values above the shelf break, plummeting severely on the upper slope. Despite this
diversity decrease, we found very high densities (> 70 ind./m2) of sponges over vast areas of both the shelf
break and the upper slope.

1. Introduction In general terms, sponge assemblages show a high variability in

their species composition across different environments, with diversity
Sponges play a significant role in the functioning of marine benthic values that tend to increase with depth in littoral habitats (Roberts and
ecosystems, (Gili and Coma, 1998; Van Soest et al., 2012), where some Davis, 1996; Bell and Smith, 2004). Nonetheless, this pattern has barely
of them are key bioengineering species (Rützler, 1975; Wulff and Buss, been studied in areas beyond SCUBA depth range (> 60 m) (Vacelet,
1979; Buhl-Mortensen et al., 2010) thanks to their three-dimensional 1969; Bourny-Esnault, 1971; Vacelet et al., 1994), and sponge assem-
structures and long lifespans (McMurray et al., 2010). Sponges can blages of the continental shelf and slope have been explored with less
modify environmental properties and provide suitable habitats for a intensity. Although the Mediterranean sponge fauna is among the
wide variety of other marine species (Van Soest, 2007; Bell, 2008), from world's most studied (Van Soest et al., 2012), information is minimal for
bacteria to commercial fishes (Buhl-Mortensen et al., 2010; Hogg et al., sponges from Mediterranean deep-sea areas compared to shallow wa-
2010; Van Soest et al., 2012). Sponge assemblages dominate several, ters (Bo et al., 2012), with most of the data deriving from indirect
distinctive, hard-bottom environments (Lissner et al., 1986), being one sampling methods (Vacelet, 1969; Voultsiadou, 2005) or from by-catch
of the most important structural organisms at several locations around specimens collected by bottom trawlers.
the world (e.g. Indo-Pacific, Bell and Smith, 2004; Atlantic, Hogg et al., Recent technological developments and increased availability of
2010; Antarctica, Göcke and Janussen, 2013; Mediterranean Sea, towed video equipment, remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), manned
Bertolino et al., 2015; Caribbean Sea, Maldonado et al., 2016). submersibles and autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) have

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses:, (A. Santín).
Received 8 April 2017; Received in revised form 9 November 2017; Accepted 16 November 2017
Available online 06 December 2017
0967-0637/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Santín et al. Deep-Sea Research Part I 131 (2018) 75–86

significantly increased our access to deep environments (Longo et al., 2. Material and methods
2005; Bo et al., 2015; Maldonado et al., 2016; Pierdomenico, 2016;
Pineda et al., 2016). Most studies based on these technologies, however, 2.1. Study area
have been conducted below 150 m depth, leaving intermediate depths
relatively unexplored. Moreover, most studies have focused on an- The Menorca Channel is located between Mallorca and Menorca
thozoan species (Longo et al., 2005; Danovaro et al., 2010; Buhl- Islands (39°53'0.73"N, 3°29'51.16"E) (Fig. 1) in the Balearic Archipelago
Mortensen and Buhl-Mortensen, 2014), and only a few have focused on (western Mediterranean Sea), and is part of the Balearic Promontory
sponge assemblages (Bo et al., 2012; Bertolino et al., 2013, 2015). (Acosta et al., 2002). The Channel's continental shelf extends between
Novel work has revealed the presence of highly diverse sponge as- 40 and ~110 m depth, and mainly consists of maërl substrates of
semblages on the continental shelf of the Mediterranean Sea (Pedel and varying densities, alternating with patches of coastal detrital sediments
Fabri, 2011; Bertolino et al., 2015). Nevertheless, these areas have been and coralligenous outcrops (Barberá et al., 2012). Deeper, distinctively
intensely impacted by fishing practices, especially bottom trawling and smooth relief and large extents of detrital sediments and fine sand with
long line fishing, which have decimated their sponge assemblages a few isolated patches of outcropping rock characterize most of the
(Pansini and Musso, 1991; Pronzato, 2003). Consequently, relatively continental shelf break and continental slope at 150–350 m depth
well preserved benthic communities are mostly confined to locations (Grinyó, 2016). Vertical walls and rock outcrops are the dominant
not frequented by bottom trawlers (Bo et al., 2015), generally thanks to substrate near Cap Formentor (Fig. 1a) and in the Menorca Canyon's
outcropping rocks that would damage trawl nets (Díaz et al., 2015). As head (Fig. 1b). Hydrologically, the Menorca Channel is located in a
for the continental shelf and slope of the Menorca Channel, trawling border zone between the Balearic and the Algerian sub-basins. The
pressure during the past decades has mainly been restricted to a few northern part of the study area is mainly influenced by a branch of the
locations, leaving large areas relatively unimpacted (Grinyó, 2016). Liguro-Provençal-Catalan current (also termed the Northern Current),
This area will soon be declared a Marine Protected Area under the known as the Balearic Current (Balbín et al., 2012) and its associated
Natura 2000 network; thus, a detailed characterization of the species front (Ruiz et al., 2009). The Balearic Current flows over the northern
and assemblages currently present on its bottoms is required to provide slope of the Balearic archipelago at ~200 m depth (López García et al.,
tools for management and as baselines for monitoring changes in its 1994; Ruiz et al., 2009). The southern slope is not influenced by a
diversity in coming years. steady current (Amores and Monserrat, 2014), but mesoscale gyres
The current study aims to: (i) determine the best size of sampling arrive intermittently after detaching from the Algerian Current and the
unit to study sponge assemblages on the Balearic continental shelf and Almería-Oran front (Millot, 1987).
upper slope, (ii) characterize the sponge assemblages in deep habitats of
the continental shelf and upper slope in the Menorca Channel and (iii)
evaluate the variation of sponge diversity with depth.

Fig. 1. Location of the video transects in the study area. (a) Enlargement showing video tracks 1–10 in Cap Formentor. (b) Enlargement showing video tracks 75–82 in the Menorca
Canyon's head. The location of the survey area in the Mediterranean Sea is shown in the upper right corner. Projected view (UTM Zone 31N (WGS84) with geographic (WGS84)
coordinates indicated for reference.

A. Santín et al. Deep-Sea Research Part I 131 (2018) 75–86

2.2. Video recording doubling that surface and recounting the species present, and then
enlarging the sample successively. Initially, the species area-curves tend
Eighty-five video transects, covering a total distance of 75 km, were to rise sharply until reaching a break point, after which they approach
recorded between 50 and 350 m depth during six different surveys in the to a stable asymptote. The area at that point is assumed to be the
frame of the LIFE+ INDEMARES and ENPI-ECOSAFIMED projects on board minimal area characterizing the sampled community. In order to obtain
the R/V “Garcia del Cid” (September 2010, April 2011, October 2011, June an objective estimate of the asymptotic value, several approaches have
2012), the R/V “Miguel Oliver” (August 2011) and the R/V "SOCIB" been given (Cain and Castro, 1959; Weinberg, 1978). We selected
(August 2014) (Fig. 1; Supplementary material 1). The first 20 video Weinberg's (1978) stabilization criterion, that is, the minimal commu-
transects during the first two surveys were recorded with the manned nity-defining area is reached when doubling the sample area results in
submersible JAGO (IFM-GEOMAR), whereas the remaining 65 video an increase of less than 10% in the number of species counted. This
transects were recorded during the last four surveys using the ROV Nemo, criterion was favored as it fits better than others for marine invertebrate
operated by Gavin Newman. Both vehicles were equipped with depth communities (Weinberg, 1978).
sensors, a grabber and an HD camera (1920×1080) that recorded images in This species-area analysis is of key importance for the later statis-
a digital format. Two parallel laser beams provided scales on the images, tical analyses and hence is detailed here. Raw analyzed video data were
which were required for the spatial-density analyses. Both JAGO and Nemo transformed into a matrix of 1 m2 samples in which all sponge in-
moved at a constant speed of ~0.3 knots, with transect lengths ranging dividuals were considered. Species-area curves were generated with R
between 80 and 2375 m. Transects were haphazardly set along the study software (R Development Core Team, 2014) by means of the function
area in order to cover as much of its extension as possible, with areas specaccum in the vegan package (Oksanen et al., 2016).
suspected to be dominated by rocky substrates explored more intensively The minimal area for the study of sponge assemblages in the
(Fig. 1; Supplementary material 1). Menorca Channel was selected as 20 m2 (Fig. 2).
In order to confirm the taxonomic identifications of the species
observed in the video footage, individuals were collected along several 2.5.2. Sponge occupancy and assemblage composition
transects and preserved for morphologic analyses using 10% formalin For statistical analysis, transects were divided into strings of ad-
in seawater. Additionally, a small tissue sample from each individual jacent 20 m2 sampling units (0.3 m width and 66.66 m long), adding to
was preserved in absolute ethanol for genetic determination. a total of 926 sampling units. For all sampling units, the numbers of
individuals of each identified species were tabulated. Sponge species
2.3. Video analysis were then evaluated according to occurrence (frequency of appearance
of each species in the set of sampling units), abundance (number of
Quantitative video analysis followed the methodology described in Gori individuals per sampling unit) and density (ind./m2).
et al. (2011), Ambroso at al. (2013) and Grinyó et al. (2016), using the To explore the possible assemblages present, the sponge species
software Final Cut Pro 7 (Apple Inc.). Pauses and loops were removed from abundance data were square-root transformed and distances between
the footage to avoid overestimation of transect length. Video sequences pairs of samples were calculated using the Bray-Curtis dissimilarity
recorded too far above the seafloor or with poor image quality were dis- index. The dissimilarity matrix was then represented as a dendrogram
carded from the analysis. The remaining video footage was considered using the hclust function of the R vegan package, and groups were de-
suitable for analysis (93.4%, linear distance of 70 km). Every sponge ob- termined using a 20% similarity threshold. To determine the statistical
served within the laser beams (marking a width of 0.3 m) as the vehicle significance of differences among groups, an ANOSIM test was run
cruised over the seabed was annotated and assigned a time reference, this using the anosim function of the vegan package. Additionally, a SIMPER
being the time elapsed since the beginning of the video transect. A similar analysis (Similarity Percentage; Clarke and Warwick, 1994) was per-
procedure was used to characterize substrate type, depth and slope along formed to identify the species contributing most to the dissimilarities
each transect. Seabed substrate types were classified in four categories
based on the Wentworth scale (Wentworth, 1922): sands, cobbles and
pebbles, maërl, and outcropping rock. Seabed slope was classified as hor-
izontal (0–30°), sloping (30–80°) or vertical (80–90°). Slopes were estimated
from the video and the depth sensor. Depth was recorded as the time re-
ference of any 0.1 m depth change. Time references were transformed into
distances (d) from the beginning of the video transect according to the
vehicles speed (d = t· v, where t is the time reference expressed in seconds,
and v is the velocity expressed in meters per second).

2.4. Species identification

Species identifications were carried out on collected individuals and

HD images from the video transects using previous taxonomic studies
on Atlantic-Mediterranean and Balearic sponge faunas (e.g., Uriz, 1986;
Bibiloni, 1990; Hooper and Van Soest, 2002). Whenever possible, close-
up images of relevant parts of the sponges (e.g. inhalant/exhalant
structures, surface patterns) were recorded to help in species identifi-
cations. Sponges were identified to the lowest possible taxonomic level.

2.5. Data analysis

2.5.1. Determination of sampling units

In order to determine the minimal areas necessary to adequately Fig. 2. Species-area curve for sponge assemblages in the Menorca Channel. Black line
characterize communities, we calculated a species-area curve as sug- represents the mean species richness, whereas the grey area represents the 95% con-
gested by Weinberg (1978). A species-area curve is drawn by assessing fidence interval. Dot-dashed lines and the dot at their intersection mark the threshold
where the minimal assemblage defining area is reached.
the number of species present in a first quadrat of a given area, then

A. Santín et al. Deep-Sea Research Part I 131 (2018) 75–86

among assemblages. That was done using PRIMER v6 software (Clarke 3. Results
and Warwick, 2001).
3.1. Sponge diversity and assemblage composition

2.5.3. Relationships with environmental parameters Sponges occurred in 76% of the 926 sampling units. A total of
The environmental factors determining sponge assemblage compo- 40,523 sponge individuals were recorded along all transects, from
sition were explored by canonical correspondence analysis (CCA), with which 32,234 individuals could be identified at least to genus level (109
species abundances square-root transformed. CCA is a constrained sponge taxa; species list given in Supplementary material 2). Sponges
multivariate ordination technique for identifying possible relationships belonging to the classes Calcarea, Demospongiae, Homoscleromorpha
between species composition (response variables) and their habitat and Hexactinellida were identified in the video footage. Demospongiae
(explanatory variables) (Ter Braak, 1994; Greenacre, 2013). The en- represented more than 98.8% of all sponge individuals and was dis-
vironmental variables used in our CCA where depth, slope and substrate tributed along the whole bathymetric range. Calcarea and Homo-
type. Depth was coded into five fuzzy categories that reduce the in- scleromorpha were only present on the continental shelf, whereas
formation contained onto a categorical scale (Greenacre, 2013). The Hexactinellida were limited to the upper slope.
fuzzy-coding approach allows for a more accurate depiction of non- Haliclona cf. elegans and Rhabderemia sp. were the most abundant
linear relationships among environmental data and biological gra- and frequent species, each accounting for 20% of the observed sponge
dients, as well as improving the explained variance (Greenacre, 2013). individuals, and they were present in 19% and 17.7% of the sampling
Since the inclusion of rare or sporadic species in multivariate analyses units, respectively (Table 1). Beside these two species, the most fre-
might constrain or cause distortions in the final results (Marchant, quent sponges were Axinella damicornis, Dictyonella sp. 1, Haliclona
2002; Poos and Jackson, 2012), sponge species observed less than 5 mediterranea, Aplysina cavernicola, Poecillastra compressa, Axinella ver-
times were excluded from the CCA analysis, as were sampling units rucosa, Hexadella cf. dedritifera and Hamacantha falcula. The most
without sponges. As a result, the CCA was conducted on a reduced abundant sponges, beside H. cf. elegans and Rhabderemia sp., were A.
dataset of 380 sampling units which contained 87 sponge taxa. cavernicola, H. mediterranea, H. falcula, A. damicornis, Haliclona implexa,
Hamacantha sp., Haliclona sp. 1, and Dictyonella sp. 1 (Table 1). The
remaining species accounted individually for less than 2% of the overall
2.5.4. Variation of sponge diversity with depth observed sponge abundances (Supplementary material 2).
Sponge species richness or beta-diversity was compared among the Cluster analysis separated six assemblages at a 20% similarity
continental shelf (50–110 m depth), shelf break (110–180 m depth) and threshold, being significantly different from each other (ANOSIM,
the upper slope (180–350 m depth) by evaluating the slopes of rando- p < 0.001). Average similarity in species composition within assem-
mized species accumulation curves (Ugland et al., 2003) with the blages ranged between 31% and 62% (Fig. 3; Table 2).
speaccum function of the vegan package. Mean species accumulation The Thenea muricata assemblage was monospecific, with only T. muricata
curves and their standard deviation from random permutations of data individuals. The Axinellid assemblage was characterized by A. damicornis and
(n = 100) give an estimate of the rate at which new species are en- A. verrucosa, contributing 85.5% and 9.6% of the total individuals present,
countered as sampling effort increases (Vetter et al., 2010; De Leo et al., respectively. The Haliclona mediterranea assemblage was characterized by H.
2014), avoiding the distortions due to variations in species abundance mediterranea (82.7%), Siphonochalina sp. 2 (10.1%) and Tethya aurantium
or sampling effort (Gotelli and Colwell, 2001). (3.3%). The “Haliclonid-Aplysina” assemblage was the most diverse, with the
Sponge species richness and diversity (quantified by means of the greatest number of species required to reach a 95% cumulative contribution:
exponent of Shannon's diversity index) were also computed at a finer H. cf. elegans (52.5%), H. mediterranea (10.8%), A. cavernicola (5.8%), A.
scale of 20 m depth intervals over the studied depth gradient damicornis (4.7%), Axinella cf. pseudominuta (4.2%), H. implexa (4.1%),
(50–350 m depth). The exponent of Shannon's information entropy was Haliclona sp. 1 (3.4%), Haliclona sp. 10 (2.8%), Rhabderemia sp. (1.9%),
preferred over other diversity indices (e.g. Shannon's entropy or the Haliclona poecillastroides (1.8%), Haliclona fulva (1.7%) and Hamacantha sp.
Simpson index) because it weights all species by their frequency (1.7%). The “Rhabderemia-Dictyonella” assemblage was characterized by
without favouring either rarest or most common species (Jost, 2006). Rhabderemia sp. (51.3%), Dictyonella sp. 1 (28.0%), H. falcula (5.6%), P.
Sampling effort was also evaluated based on the number of sampling compressa (5.5%), H. cf. dedritifera (5.3%). Finally, the “Hamacantha-
units in each 20 m depth interval. Tretodictyum” assemblage consisted of H. falcula (76.6%), Tretodictyum reiswigi
(10.3%), Haliclona mucosa (6.6%) and H. cf. dedritifera (2.8%).

Table 1
Most abundant and frequent sponge species in the study area. Occupancy (frequency of occurrence in the set of sampling units), abundance (number of individuals), mean and maximum
density and bathymetric range are given for each species.

Species Sampling units N° individuals Mean density ± SD Max. density Depth-range

2 2
Number (%) Number (%) Individuals/m Individuals/m m

A. cavernicola 105 (11.33) 3882 (12) 5 ± 4.9 53 72–179

A. damicornis 131 (14.14) 1555 (4.8) 2.4 ± 2.5 20 52–100
A. verrucosa 85 (9.2) 583 (1.8) 2.2 ± 2.2 18 52–100
Dictyonella sp. 1 128 (13.82) 1075 (3.3) 2 ± 1.4 8 92–246
Haliclona sp. 1 66 (7.1) 1149 (3.7) 2.8 ± 2.9 26 75–113
H. cf. elegans 176 (19) 6481 (20.1) 5.3 ± 6.8 71 61–116
H. implexa 66 (7.1) 1414 (4.4) 5 ± 6.4 45 73–110
H. mediterranea 119 (12.85) 1799 (5.6) 2.6 ± 2.8 25 60–110
Hamacantha sp. 51 (5.5) 1204 (3.6) 2.8 ± 2.3 14 95–174
H. falcula 83 (9) 1557 (4.8) 3.4 ± 3 17 102–346
H. cf. dedritifera 85 (9.2) 447 (1.8) 2 ± 2.3 18 86–321
P. compressa 88 (9.5) 282 (0.9) 1.3 ± 0.8 10 95–246
Rhabderemia sp. 164 (17.7) 6509 (20.2) 6.2 ± 6.5 43 72–228

A. Santín et al. Deep-Sea Research Part I 131 (2018) 75–86

Fig. 3. Dendrogram representing the sample clustering based

on a Bray-Curtis dissimilarity matrix. Red-dashed line re-
presents a 20% similarity threshold. Groups are differently
shaded on a grey-scale to ease visual group identification.
Assemblages are labeled as follows: Axinellids (Ax); Haliclona
mediterranea (H-m); “Haliclonid-Aplysina” (H-A); Thenea
muricata (T-m); “Rhabderemia-Dictyonella” (R-D);
“Hamacantha-Tretodictyum” (H-T).

Table 2 characterized by A. damicornis and A. verrucosa (the Axinellid assemblage;

SIMPER analysis. Species that constitute up to 95% of cumulative contribution of each Fig. 5; Supplementary material 3). Horizontal maërl beds of the inner
similarity group are present. The average similarity values were as follows: Thenea continental shelf were mainly characterized by the Haliclona mediterranea
muricata = 45.63%; Axinellids = 61.69%, Haliclona mediterranea = 43.41%, “Haliclonid-
Aplysina” = 51.75%; “Rhabderemia-Dictyonella” = 31.21%; “Hamacantha-Tretodictyum”
assemblage (Fig. 6; Supplementary material 4). On horizontal maërl beds,
= 51.25%. cobble grounds and rocky substrates of the outer continental shelf the
sponge fauna was characterized by Haliclona species (mainly H. cf. elegans,
Assemblage Species Contribution % Cumulative H. implexa, Haliclona sp. 1), A. cavernicola and Hamacantha sp. (the “Hali-
contribution %
clonid-Aplysina” assemblage; Fig. 7; Supplementary material 5). On sandy
Thenea muricata T. muricata 100 100 grounds of the shelf break T. muricata was the only sponge species (the
Axinellids A. damicornis 85.55 85.55 Thenea muricata assemblage; Fig. 8a). Rhabderemia sp. and Dictyonella sp. 1
A. verrucosa 9.62 95.18 dominated sloping rocky grounds of the shelf break, along with the fan-
Haliclona H. mediterranea 82.74 82.74
shaped sponge Poecillastra compressa (the “Rhabderemia-Dictyonella” assem-
Siphonochalina sp. 2 10.08 92.83 blage; Fig. 8b-g; Supplementary material 6). Finally, sloping and vertical
T. aurantium 3.28 96.1 rocky substrates of the upper slope were dominated by H. falcula and T.
“Haliclonid- H. cf. elegans 52.53 52.53 reiswigi (the “Hamacantha-Tretodictyum” assemblage; Fig. 8h-i; Supplemen-
Aplysina” tary material 7).
H. mediterranea 10.84 63.37
A. cavernícola 5.72 69.1
Supplementary material related to this article can be found online at
A. damicornis 4.66 73.76
A. cf. pseudominuta 4.2 77.95
H. implexa 4.06 82.02
Haliclona sp. 1 3.41 85.43 3.3. Variation of sponge diversity with depth
Haliclona sp. 10 2.76 88.19
Rhabderemia sp. 1.88 90.07 Beta-diversity of sponges decreased with depth, being considerably
H. poecillastroides 1.76 91.83
higher on the continental shelf compared to the shelf break and slope
H. fulva 1.72 93.55
Hamacantha sp. 1.71 96.25 (Fig. 9). Both species richness and the exponent of Shannon's Index (Fig. 10)
“Rhabderemia- Rhabderemia sp. 51.26 51.26 presented peaks at 70–90 m depth (Fig. 10). We observed an acute plum-
Dictyonella” meting of species numbers and the exponent of Shannon's index at the
Dictyonella sp. 1 28.02 79.28 beginning shelf break (~110–130 m depth). Below that, a small increase in
H. falcula 5.58 84.86
P. compressa 5.53 90.39
species richness, and an evenness-diversity peak occurred at the transition
H. cf. dedritifera 5.27 95.65 between the shelf break and the upper slope (170–190 m depth). Finally,
“Hamacantha- H. falcula 76.61 76.61 that was followed by gradual decreases in these measures down to
Tretodictyum” 250–270 m depth, where both species richness and diversity were lowest.
T. reiswigi 10.30 86.91
Diversity values remained more or less stable on the remaining upper slope.
H. mucosa 6.64 93.84
H. cf. dedritifera 2.84 96.68
4. Discussion

3.2. Relationship with environmental parameters

4.1. Representative size of the sampling unit

The environmental variables used in our analysis explained ~34.4% of

The area selected to determine sponge assemblages in our study (20 m2)
the total inertia in the CCA, with the first two axes accumulating 15.86% of
considerably exceeds that of other work performed in neritic environments
the variance. Named based on their dominant contributing species (Fig. 4b),
(Weinberg, 1978; Coppari et al., 2016). In coastal areas, environmental fea-
six sponge assemblages (identical to those identified by the cluster analysis)
tures change dramatically at very small scales (Garrabou et al., 2002), so that
were differentiated in the CCA (Fig. 4a), which shows the relations of their
small sample areas can include large parts of the regional faunal diversity.
presence to the examined environmental factors (Fig. 4c). Depth strongly
Conversely, environmental conditions on continental shelves and slopes
segregates the Menorca Channel sponge assemblages into those occurring
worldwide generally remain constant over vast areas (Snelgrove and Smith,
on the continental shelf, the shelf break and the upper slope. On horizontal
2002). In these deeper environments, small-scale (e.g. random disturbances;
rocky bottoms of the inner continental shelf the sponge fauna was
Rex, 1981) and regional-scale processes (e.g. barriers and re-colonization;

A. Santín et al. Deep-Sea Research Part I 131 (2018) 75–86

Fig. 4. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) ordination biplots. (a) The sampling
unit distribution (n = 380) are color-coded based on their main substrate type as follows:
blue: maërl, yellow: cobbles and pebbles; red: rocky substrates; green: medium
sands. Assemblages are represented with black ovals as follows: Axinellids (Ax);
Haliclona mediterranea (H-m); “Haliclonid-Aplysina” (H-A); Thenea muricata (T-m);
“Rhabderemia-Dictyonella” (R-D); “Hamacantha-Tretodictyum” (H-T). (b) Biplot re-
presenting most contributing species. Length of the lines shows the contribution of each
species to the CCA. The scale of greys indicates the degree of correlation; lines in black
indicate the highest correlations. (c) The biplot shows the different environmental vari-
ables. Depth is set as a continuous variable with 5 subdivisions, represented with a light
blue line and dep1, dep2 … for the subdivisions. Substrate and sloping are presented with
the following acronyms: M: maërl; R: rock; CP: cobbles and pebbles; MS: medium sands;
Hor: horizontal; Slo: slope; Ver: vertical. Acronyms used for all sponge species can be
found at the Supplementary Material 2.

Gage, 2004) that alter biological diversity are more widely spaced. Thus, in
order to obtain a representative area that encompasses both the small and
regional scale processes affecting species diversity in these deep environ-
ments, larger sampling units are required. That was confirmed by our results.

4.2. Sponge assemblages in the Menorca Channel

The community analyses revealed six sponge assemblages residing on

the continental shelf and upper slope of the Menorca Channel. They were
segregated by depth, substrate type and, to a lesser extent, slope. Two of
them were exclusively present on the inner continental shelf, segregated
primarily by substrate composition. That is the case of the Axinellid as-
semblage, which mostly occurs atop horizontal, coralligenous, rocky out-
crops. Its characteristic species (Axinella damicornis and Axinella verrucosa)
are common sciaphilous inhabitants on rocky bottoms of the entire
Mediterranean continental shelf (Bourny-Esnault, 1971; Pansini and Musso,
1991; Kefalas et al., 2003; Bertolino et al., 2013). Although Axinella spp.
have been observed to develop assemblages down to 130 m depth in other
areas of the Mediterranean Sea (Bertolino et al., 2015), the Axinellid as-
semblage in the Menorca Channel was mostly restricted to the inner, more
illuminated, continental shelf. Benthic communities (and sponge popula-
tions in particular) and their dynamics are strongly influenced by irradiance
(Uriz et al., 1992; Canals and Ballesteros, 1997; Kefalas et al., 2003). In the
Balearic Islands, the absence of fluvial systems and the scarce terrestrial
inputs result in an exceptionally transparent water column (Canals and
Ballesteros, 1997), which translates into relatively strong irradiance: >
0.05% of surface irradiance down to ~90 m depth. As a result, algal beds
reach deeper and attain greater biomasses in this area compared to other
Mediterranean sites (Ballesteros, 2006). Algal shading has been suggested to
enable sciaphilic sponges to inhabit otherwise less-suitable environments
(Woodin and Jackson, 1979; Uriz et al., 1992). Indeed, a dense and diverse
algal canopy was observed together with the Axinellid assemblage, partially
covering the rocky surface and shading the substrate below. In contrast, in
areas where the canopy was sparser or absent, less-schiaphilic sponges, such
as Crambe crambe or Cliona viridis, were observed. In this regard, some
sponges in the Mediterranean Sea are known to display marked seasonality
(Laubenfels, 1952; Uriz et al., 2017), which possibly correlates with the
diminishing of the algal canopy in winter. In those conditions, less-schia-
philic sponges that were sparse or had shrunk during summer might colo-
nize the newly available, alga-free rocky substrate (Woodin and Jackson,
1979; Becerro et al., 1994). Thus, we infer that the observed Axinellid as-
semblage might be a more complex semi-sciophilous assemblage than that
we observed, likely influenced by the seasonal shading provided by the
algal canopy.
The Haliclona mediterranea assemblage showed an almost identical
depth distribution with the Axinellid one, although the Haliclona cluster

A. Santín et al. Deep-Sea Research Part I 131 (2018) 75–86

Fig. 5. Axinellid assemblage. (a) Close up of Axinella damicornis in association with Parazoanthus axinellae, (b) close up of Axinella verrucosa, (c) A. damicornis and A. verrucosa facies atop
of a partially sand-covered rock, (d) A. damicornis individuals observed under a dense algal canopy, with Crambe crambe growing on the exposed areas of the rocky bottom. Scale bar: 1 cm
(a, b) and 10 cm (c, d).

only occurred on horizontal maërl beds. It was mainly dominated by assemblages) and outer (“Haliclonid-Aplysina”) shelf assemblages, the
Haliclona (Reniera) mediterranea, a well-known inhabitant of shift most likely being triggered by changing light penetration
Mediterranean coralligenous communities (Griessinger, 1971; (Ballesteros, 2006).
Ballesteros, 2006; Bertolino et al., 2013). Species belonging to this as- From the outer continental shelf down to the upper limit of the shelf
semblage have also been found in maërl beds, but rather sparsely, on break (~70–110 m depth) the “Haliclonid-Aplysina” assemblage occurs
the Tunisian shelf, at depths of 50–60 m where trawling takes place (El on horizontal maërl beds as well as on vertical rocks. This agrees with
Lakhrach et al., 2012). This pattern contrasts with that observed in our previous studies in the Mediterranean Sea, where Aplysina cavernicola
study area, where H. mediterranea occupied vast areas of the inner and Haliclona cf. elegans have been observed inhabiting both horizontal
continental shelf. No other records can be found in the literature that maërl (Griessinger, 1971; Maldonado and Uriz, 1995) and vertical
restrict this assemblage to maërl beds, despite the prevalence and wide coralligenous substrates (Uriz et al., 1992; Cocito et al., 2002). As de-
distribution of its dominant species along the northwestern edges of the scribed by Vacelet (1969) for offshore rocky-bottom (roche du large)
Mediterranean basin (Griessinger, 1971). communities, we observed two distinctive morphologies of Haliclona
Around 70 m depth, we observed that the Axinellid, Haliclona poecillastroides: (1) laminar, in close contact with the substrate, mostly
mediterranea and “Haliclonid-Aplysina” assemblages occasionally over- present on sloping or vertical surfaces, and (2) fan-shaped, present al-
lapped. It is common for assemblages to change gradually from one to most exclusively on horizontal surfaces (Fig. 8c).
another across a variable transition zone (ecotone), where the numbers Ballesteros (1991) and Augier and Boudouresque (1975) defined
of species often increase due to assemblage overlap (Bellan-Santini, two well-differentiated algal communities, the Lythophyllo-Halimedetum
1985). In this transition zone, H. cf. elegans and H. mediterranea were tunae and the Rodriguezelletum-strafforellii, occurring on maërl and
the dominant species, co-occurring with A. damicornis and A. verrucosa, coralligenous substrates. We reported the co-occurrence of the Axinellid
where the highly sciaphilous A. cavernicola (Maldonado and Uriz, 1995) and Haliclona mediterranea assemblages and the Lythophyllo-Halime-
was completely absent. So, this zone appears to be the transition depth detum tunae algal community and, to a lesser extent, co-occurrence of
(70 m) between the inner (Axinellid and Haliclona mediterranea the “Haliclonid-Aplysina” and Rodriguezelletum-strafforellii groupings.

Fig. 6. Haliclona mediterranea assemblage. (a) Close up of Haliclona (Reniera) mediterranea, (b) H. mediterranea and Siphonochalina sp. 2 growing on maërl beds within a facies of Flabellia
spp., (c) A close up of Phorbas tenacior individual growing next to H. mediterranea. Peyssonnelia spp. and Flabellia spp. algae can be seen. Scale bar: 10 cm.

A. Santín et al. Deep-Sea Research Part I 131 (2018) 75–86

Fig. 7. “Haliclonid-Aplysina” assemblage. (a) Close up of Aplysina cavernicola, (b) Close up of Haliclona cf. elegans growing among laminar red algae (“mixing area”), (c) Overview of
“Haliclonid-Aplysina” at outer areas of the continental shelf, with H. cf. elegans and the fan-shaped Haliclona poecillastroides, d, e) View of the transition zone (70 m depth; upper limit of
the “Haliclonid-Aplysina”), with H. cf. elegans, H. mediterranea, Axinella damicornis and the orange-encrusting Haliclona (Halichoclona) fulva. Red laminar algae and the green-encrusting
Palmophyllum crassum dominate the algal community f) view of the A. cavernicola (yellow) H. cf. elegans (pink) growing atop of maërl beds at the lower distribution of the assemblage.
Scale bars 4 cm (a, b) and 10 cm (c-f).

We thus propose that the sponge assemblages and algal communities bottoms around the Mediterranean Sea (Pansini and Musso, 1991),
are associated in the area and are probably limited by the same driving ranging from ~50 m depth to the abyssal plain (Uriz and Rossell,
factor: the gradient in irradiance penetration (Uriz et al., 1992; 1990). It is known to be susceptible to bottom trawling (Pansini and
Ballesteros, 2006). Musso, 1991) and is a common species in the trawling by-catch in the
At the shelf break (~110–180 m depth) sponge assemblages were Menorca Channel (Massutí and Reñones, 2005). Thus, trawling, com-
clearly segregated by substrate type. Sandy-muddy bottoms were home bined with the limited availability of suitable soft bottoms (Grinyó,
to the Thenea muricata assemblage, with only Thenea muricata in- 2016) could explain its narrow distribution in our study area.
dividuals present. T. muricata is a fairly common species on similar The “Rhabderemia-Dictyonella” assemblage mainly occurred on

Fig. 8. Thenea muricata assemblage. (a) Close up of Thenea muricata; “Rhabderemia-Dictyonella” assemblage (b) Close up of Rhabderemia sp., (c) Rhabderemia sp. facies on a vertical wall,
(d) Facies of Dictyonella sp. 1 on an horizontal rocky surface, (e) Facies of the fan-shaped sponge Phakellia robusta growing on a vertical wall, (f) Pachastrella monilifera (white) and
Poecillastra compressa next to a facies of the gorgonian Viminella flagellum, (g) Poecillastra compressa individuals; “Hamacantha-Tretodictyum” assemblage, (h) Hamacantha (Vomerula)
falcula (grey-blue) and several Tretodictyum reiswigi individuals growing on a vertical wall, (i) Close up of T. reiswigi individuals. Scale bar 1 cm (a, b, i) and 10 cm (c-h).

A. Santín et al. Deep-Sea Research Part I 131 (2018) 75–86

Fig. 9. Randomized species accumulation curves calculated

for each depth range. (a) Continental shelf (50–110 m depth);
(b) shelf break (110–180 m depth); (c) upper slope
(180–350 m depth). Coloured areas along each line represent
a 95% confidence interval for each bathymetric range.

rocky substrates at the shelf break (110–180 m depth) and on the upper associated, vagile fauna. However, in our results, the “Rhabderemia-
slope (180–350 m depth). Rhabderemia sp. and Dictyonella sp. 1 domi- Dictyonella” assemblage was dominated by encrusting sponges (~63%),
nated this assemblage, following the distribution pattern described by with fan-shaped (~6%) and erect species (~28%) being considerably
Vacelet (1969). Vertical and sloping rocky bottoms in this zone were less abundant. This is in contrast with the results of Bo et al. (2012) who
inhabited primarily by encrusting sponges (Rhabdaremia sp.), whereas reported fan-shaped species dominating over encrusting ones in the
columnar sponges (Dictyonella sp. 1) were more characteristic of hor- Bari Canyon (Southern Adriatic Sea). Such differences could be ex-
izontal rocky bottoms. Fan-shaped sponges (> 20 cm width), such as plained by the much higher sedimentation rates reported in the Bari
Poecillastra compressa, and, to a lesser extent, Phakellia robusta, Pa- Canyon (Turchetto et al., 2007) compared to the Balearic Archipelago
chastrella monilifera and Phakellia hirondellei were also present in this (Pasqual et al., 2015; Grinyó et al., 2017), as higher sediment accu-
assemblage. mulation can limit the presence of encrusting sponges that can become
Bo et al. (2012) have highlighted the paramount roles of large, fan- smothered.
shaped sponges in providing habitat, shelter and food to a wide range of Finally, the “Hamacantha-Tretodictyum” assemblage occurred on

Fig. 10. Distribution with depth of species

richness and the exponential of Shannon's
index. Depth is divided into 20 m intervals,
with the number of species and diversity
represented as black dots. Black-to-grey
scale histograms represent the total numbers
of sampling units for each substrate type and
degree of slope (see legend) over the studied
bathymetric range.

A. Santín et al. Deep-Sea Research Part I 131 (2018) 75–86

rocky walls on the upper slope at ~230–350 m depth. It consisted explain the diversity peak at 170–190 m that coincided with the pre-
mostly of the encrusting sponge Hamacantha (Vomerula) falcula and the sence of vertical walls.
hexactinellid Tretodictyum reiswigi, both known to be frequent on the
upper slope (below 400 m depth) along the French (Pedel and Fabri, 5. Conclusions
2011; Fourt et al., 2017) and Italian (Taviani et al., 2017) Mediterra-
nean coasts. Moreover, T. reiswigi has only been known previously in More than 40,000 sponges individuals belonging to 109 taxa were
the Balearic archipelago from the Emile Baudot seamount (Maldonado observed to inhabit the deep areas of the Menorca Channel area. This
et al., 2015). Its presence in the Channel is a new addition to the known high number of species reflects the interactions among multiple en-
Menorca sponge fauna and supports the view that T. reiswigi is very vironmental factors, which creates a variety of niches and favors de-
likely widespread around the Mediterranean basin (Bourny-Esnault velopment of multiple sponge assemblages. Overall, six different as-
et al., 2017). semblages were identified inhabiting distinctive shelf and slope
environments, with depth and substrate type being the important fac-
4.3. Depth-diversity distribution tors establishing these species associations. The high densities of par-
ticular species in many locations indicate that a pool of millions of
Diversity of megabenthic sponge species in the Menorca Channel individuals inhabits the whole study area. Thus, we believe that the
was higher than that reported for other Mediterranean littoral and Menorca Channel harbors one of the best-conserved, best-developed
neritic areas (Bibiloni, 1990; Maldonado and Uriz, 1995; Cocito et al., sponge assemblages recorded and remaining to date in the Western
2002; El Lakhrach et al., 2012). More than 100 large sponge species Mediterranean. Due to the imminent establishment of this area as a
were observed between 50 and 350 m depth, which is a high diversity marine protected area (MPA), it is of paramount importance to increase
in agreement with previous records from the Balearic Sea (Bibiloni, our knowledge about the distributions, population size structures and
1990). The sponge assemblages observed in the Menorca Channel fol- vulnerabilities to anthropogenic stressors of its most representative
lowed the bathymetric pattern commonly described for other areas: species. We need a quantified and objective faunal baseline to support
Demospongiae contributed the dominant species over the entire range, implementation of effective management and monitoring measures.
from 50 to 350 m depth, whereas calcareous and homoscleromorph The present study is a contribution towards meeting that goal.
sponges were restricted to the inner continental shelf (Van Soest et al.,
2012) and hexactinellid sponges appeared at around 200 m depth Acknowledgments
(Reid, 1968).
Highest diversity values were concentrated on the outer continental The authors thank the crews of the R/V García del Cid, Miguel
shelf (70–110 m depth), followed by an abrupt decline that continued Oliver and SOCIB, the JAGO team (J. Schauer and K. Hissmann) from
progressively downward. This pattern may be a response to several, IFM-GEOMAR (Kiel, Germany), the NEMO ROV pilot Gavin Newman,
interacting environmental factors: light intensity, substrate type, ha- and Charles Miller, Michael Greenacre, David Díaz, Creu Palacín and
bitat heterogeneity, other competing organisms and hydrodynamic Carlota Ruiz for their aid. This work was funded by the European
patterns. Highly illuminated shallow environments tend to be domi- project LIFE+ INDEMARES ‘‘Inventario y designación de la red Natura
nated by algae, which may exclude the presence of sessile organisms 2000 en áreas marinas del estado español” (LIFE07/NAT/E/000732)
with slower growth rates (Maldonado and Young, 1996; Witman and and the EU-ENPI CBC-Med project ECOSAFIMED ENPI-ECOSAFIMED -
Dayton, 2001). This phenomenon, termed “depth emergence”, is the II-B/2.1/1073 (“Towards Ecosystem Conservation and Sustainable
increase of macroinvertebrate abundance and diversity with depth, Artisanal Fisheries in the Mediterranean basin”) (2014-15).
coinciding with the disappearance of the algal turf (Witman and
Dayton, 2001). Thus, the initial increase we observed in species rich- Appendix A. Supplementary material
ness and diversity (from 50 to 90 m depth) could be driven by the de-
creased light intensity, favoring the presence of a more diverse in- Supplementary data associated with this article can be found in the
vertebrate fauna (Kefalas et al., 2003). The presence of well-developed online version at
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Main Main Date
Transect Depth (m)
Substrate slope
Latitude Longitude
129–223 MS H June - July 2012
1 39,99426838 3,101521851
117–293 R S Mar. - Apr. 2011
2 39,999445 3,120466667
117–223 R H June - July 2012
3 39,99666186 3,1233274
115–143 R H June - July 2012
4 39,9974344 3,1254479
200–224 MS H June - July 2012
5 39,99320853 3,139124453
144–207 R S Mar. - Apr. 2011
6 40,01159 3,143505
135–190 R S Oct. - Nov. 2011
7 40,01098167 3,145908333
155–207 CBP S June - July 2012
8 40,01082904 3,147817893
120–248 R S June - July 2012
9 40,016884 3,15115
103–229 MDS H Mar. - Apr. 2011
10 40,01808833 3,155811667
113–146 R S Mar. - Apr. 2011
11 40,03830167 3,166181667
110–116 CBP H June - July 2012
12 40,03035 3,172840957
103–115 MS H June - July 2012
13 40,0279648 3,1802042
130–200 MS S June - July 2012
14 40,060532 3,175133
233–341 R S Mar. - Apr. 2011
15 40,0835 3,2675
165–251 MS H June - July 2012
16 40,06435 3,293333
289–346 R V Mar. - Apr. 2011
17 40,07633167 3,310833333
174–180 MS H June - July 2012
18 40,04120598 3,35010009
177–301 MS H Mar. - Apr. 2011
19 40,0515 3,433333333
140–244 MS S Mar. - Apr. 2011
20 40,076 3,637866667
154–201 MS H Mar. - Apr. 2011
21 40,09543833 3,658056667
94–111 M H June - July 2012
22 39,98788991 3,309564234
102–104 M H July- Aug. 2014
23 39,98914776 3,307714193
July- Aug. 2014
24 39,99284405 3,309567126 97–110 M H
July- Aug. 2014
25 40,01289173 3,3356009 103–113 M H
July- Aug. 2014
26 40,01404871 3,332346633 103–108 M H
102–117 M H July- Aug. 2014
27 40,01393766 3,33284778
149–146 MS H June - July 2012
28 40,00305776 3,523648568
134–141 MS H June - July 2012
29 39,94863034 3,470327944
53 R H Aug. - Sep. 2011
30 39,99821667 3,702966667
52 R H Aug. - Sep. 2011
31 39,98046667 3,684466667
54 R H Aug. - Sep. 2011
32 39,9757 3,724783333
66 M H Aug. - Sep. 2011
33 39,96253333 3,648366667
July - Aug. 2014
34 39,93320938 3,695487424 63–66 MS H
67 M H Aug.–Sep. 2011
35 39,92841667 3,69125
July- Aug. 2014
36 39,92008841 3,640199905 73 M H
74–91 M H Mar. - Apr. 2011
37 39,91497333 3,636185
102 MS H Aug.–Sep. 2011
38 39,91643333 3,590333333
97–137 MS H June - July 2012
39 39,900746 3,366027205
60 MS H Aug. - Sep. 2011
40 39,86739574 3,342702259
77–81 M H Aug. - Sep. 2011
41 39,88445 3,443766667
80 M H Aug. - Sep. 2011
42 39,88035 3,520566667
July- Aug. 2014
43 39,87854496 3,527235103 73–79 M H
88 M H Aug. - Sep. 2011
44 39,88016667 3,569083333
July- Aug. 2014
45 39,87855867 3,569505262 85–90 M H
57 CSP H Aug. - Sep. 2011
46 39,85833333 3,415216667
65 M H Aug. - Sep. 2011
47 39,8649 3,491733333
68 CSP H Aug. - Sep. 2011
48 39,8582 3,4839
67–72 M H Mar. - Apr. 2011
49 39,85369333 3,541128333
73 M H Aug. - Sep. 2011
50 39,85168333 3,5511
58 R H Aug. - Sep. 2011
51 39,82818333 3,491316667
60 M H Aug. - Sep. 2011
52 39,8185 3,5569
68 M H Aug. - Sep. 2011
53 39,80588333 3,583816667
55 R H Aug. - Sep. 2011
54 39,78226667 3,514783333
56 R H Aug. - Sep. 2011
55 39,7521 3,528766667
61 M H Aug. - Sep. 2011
56 39,748 3,589
76 CSP H Aug. - Sep. 2011
57 39,74411667 3,653333333
67 CSP H Aug. - Sep. 2011
58 39,59411667 3,5096
82 MS H Aug. - Sep. 2011
59 39,66 3,628733333
80 R H Aug. - Sep. 2011
60 39,66641667 3,628166667
131–290 MS H Sep. 2010
61 39,649415 3,70606
140–212 MS H Sep. 2010
62 39,67501667 3,761941667
230–239 R S Sep. 2010
63 39,68433833 3,775805
93–102 CSP H June - July 2012
64 39,7949521 3,724034128
122–137 MS H June - July 2012
65 39,81266363 3,738941789
217–232 MS H June - July 2012
66 39,81055568 3,748022401
115–187 MS H June - July 2012
67 39,82351287 3,754702939
155–268 MS H June - July 2012
68 39,81564233 3,774984831
July - Aug. 2014
69 39,85930828 3,786797717 76–86 CSP H
July - Aug. 2014
70 39,85518202 3,808042273 96–100 CSP H
July - Aug. 2014
71 39,88705665 3,823465422 73–79 M H
July - Aug. 2014
72 39,87789726 3,845174118 77–81 M H
115–151 MS H June - July 2012
73 39,86048046 3,866007765
319–347 R S Sep. 2010
74 39,81484667 3,927195
100–175 CSP H June - July 2012
75 39,86153344 4,012877317
92–132 R S Sep. 2010
76 39,87006833 4,018556667
102–211 R S Sep. 2010
77 39,87213333 4,027653333
July - Aug. 2014
78 39,8766896 4,03129652 95–112 R S
108–184 R S Sept. 2010
79 39,87266 4,029665
95–202 CSP H June - July 2012
80 39,86702127 4,037647151
171–182 CSP H June - July 2012
81 39,86295402 4,037271377
100–217 MS H June - July 2012
82 39,868649 4,021917
90–188 MS H June - July 2012
83 39,83936831 4,045295132
123–272 MS H June - July 2012
84 39,80608355 4,131433358
135–244 R S Sept. 2010
85 39,802075 4,150125
Nº Depth
Acronym Frequency Assemblage
Ind. range

Sycon sp. Syc_sp 25 1.6 87–104 H-A

Clathrina clathrus (Schmidt, 1864) Cla_cl 3 <1 68–78 (M)
Ascandra contorta (Bowerbank, 1866) As_co 2 <1 74–78 (M)


Agelas oroides (Schmidt, 1864) Ag_or 2 <1 110 (M)

Axinella sp.1 Ax_sp1 12 <1 99–124 (M; R)
Axinella damicornis (Esper, 1794) Ax_dam 1555 14.14 52–100 Ax*; H-A*

Axinella polypoides Schmidt, 1862 Ax_pol 69 2.3 66–112 Ax*

Axinella cf. pseudominuta Bibiloni, 1993 Ax_sp2 389 8.4 74–127 H-A*
Axinella vaceleti Pansini, 1984 Ax_vac 15 <1 68–98 (S)

Axinella verrucosa (Esper, 1794) Ax_ver 583 9.1 52–100 Ax; H-A
Phakellia hirondellei Topsent, 1890 Pha_hi 22 1.6 127–172 R-D
Phakellia robusta Bowerbank, 1866 Pha_ro 181 5.6 120–346 R-D; H-T

Raspailia sp. Ras_sp 10 <1 79–90 (M)

Stelligera sp. Ste_sp 1 <1 75 (M)

Rhabderemia sp. Rha_sp 6509 17.7 72–227 H-A*; R-D*; H-T

Acanthella acuta Schmidt, 1862 Ac_ac 9 <1 53–76 Ax

Dictyonella sp.1 Dic_sp1 1075 13.82 92–246 H-A; R-D*; H-T

Dictyonella sp.2 Dic_sp2 15 <1 68–82 (R)

Dictyonella sp.3 Dic_sp3 20 <1 78–80 (R)

Dictyonella sp.4 Dic_sp4 28 1.72 75–112 H-A

Dictyonella obtusa (Schmidt, 1862) Dic_ob 47 2.05 52–58 Ax

Halisarca sp. Hal_sp 4 <1 75–79 (R)

Chondrosia reniformis Nardo, 1847 Cho_re 74 2.26 53–81 H-A

Cliona viridis (Schmidt, 1862) Cli_vi 7 <1 53–67 Ax

Diplastrella bistellata (Schmidt, 1862) Dip_bi 18 <1 183–199 R-D

Aplysilla sulfurea Schulze, 1878 Ap_su 3 <1 74 (R)
Dendrilla sp. Den_sp 1 <1 124 (R)

Dysidea sp. Dys_sp 3 <1 53–61 (R)
Dysidea avara (Schmidt, 1862) 21 1 53–65 Ax
Pleraplysilla spinifera (Schulze, 1879) Par_spi 7 <1 77–123 (E; R)

Ircinia spp. Irc_spp 8 <1 53–79 (R)

Hippospongia communis (Lamarck, 1814) Hip_co 12 1.18 53–82 Ax
Spongia (Spongia) lamella (Schulze, 1879) Spo_la 12 1 53–58 (R)

Cacospongia sp. Cac_sp 7 <1 55 (R)

Siphonochalina sp.1 Sip_sp1 85 2.15 74–106 H-A
Siphonochalina sp.2 Sip_sp2 46 2.37 60–79 H-m*
Siphonochalina sp.3 Sip_sp3 17 1.07 63–80 H-m

Neophrissospongia nolitangere (Schmidt, 1870) Neo_no 51 2.15 120–329 R-D; H-T

Haliclona sp.1 Hal_sp1 1149 7.1 75–113 H-A*
Haliclona sp.2 Hal_sp2 19 <1 64–68 Ax

Haliclona sp.3 Hal_sp3 38 <1 78–80 (M; R)

Haliclona sp.4 Hal_sp4 23 1 73–114 (M; R)

Haliclona sp.5 Hal_sp5 2 <1 61 (R)

Haliclona sp.6 Hal_sp6 1 <1 75 (R)

Haliclona sp.7 Hal_sp7 44 <1 98–104 H-A

Haliclona sp.8 Hal_sp8 42 1 75–104 H-A

Haliclona sp.9 Hal_sp9 34 1.8 75–112 H-A

Haliclona sp.10 Hal_sp10 547 5.18 73–105 H-A*

Haliclona sp.11 Hal_sp11 24 <1 76–103 (M; R)

Haliclona sp.12 Hal_sp12 89 1.6 75–111 H-A

Haliclona (Reniera) sp.1 Hal_re1 6 <1 61 (S)

Haliclona (Reniera) sp.2 Hal_re2 19 <1 68–82 (R)
Haliclona (Reniera) mediterranea Griessinger, 1971 Hal_me 1799 12.85 53–112 Ax; H-m*; H-A*
Haliclona (Halichoclona) fistulosa (Bowerbank, 1866) Hal_fis 38 1.8 138–298 R-D; H-T
Haliclona (Halichoclona) fulva (Topsent, 1893) Hal_fu 297 5.18 53–105 Ax; H-A*

Haliclona (Halichoclona) magna (Vacelet, 1969) Hal_ma 2 <1 100 (R)

Haliclona (Soastrella) implexa (Schmidt, 1868) Hal_imp 1414 7.1 73–110 H-A*
Haliclona (Soastrella) mucosa (Griessinger, 1971) Hal_mu 66 3.13 148–326 R-D; H-T*
Haliclona cf. elegans (Bowerbank, 1866) Hal_el 6481 19 61–116 H-m; H-A*
Haliclona poecillastroides (Vacelet, 1969) Hal_po 262 6.5 74–114 H-A*

Petrosia (Petrosia) ficiformis (Poeiret, 1789) Pet_fi 9 <1 79–110 (M)
Petrosia sp. Pet_sp 25 1.3 106–297 R-D

Hamacantha sp. Ham_sp 1204 5.03 95–174 H-A*
Hamacantha (Vomerula) falcula (Bowerbank, 1874) Ham_fa 1557 9 102–346 R-D*; H-T*

Crambe sp. Cra_sp 26 1.1 59–67 Ax
Crambe crambe (Schmidt, 1862) Cra_cr 34 2 56–80 Ax

Crella (Crella) sp. Cre_sp 64 1.3 73–112 H-A
Crella (Crella) elegans (Schmidt, 1862) Cre_el 21 1 53–80 (M; R)

Amphilectus fucorum (Esper, 1794) Amp_fu 37 1.5 53–81 H-A

Hemimycale sp. Hem_sp 7 <1 79–104 (E)
Hemimycale columnella (Bowerbank, 1934) Hem_co 18 <1 53–80 (E; M; R)
Hymedesmia sp. Hym_sp 2 <1 104 (R)

Hymedesmia (Hymedesmia) versicolor (Topsent,1893) Hym_ver 34 2.05 102–174 R-D

Hymedesmia (Stylopus) coriacea (Fristedt, 1885) Hym_cor 23 <1 53–104 (E; R)
Phorbas sp.1 Pho_sp1 3 <1 75–79 (R)

Phorbas sp.2 Pho_sp2 15 1 56–73 (R)

Phorbas tenacior (Topsent, 1925) Pho_te 48 1.4 53–82 H-m

Latrunculia sp.1 Lat_sp1 1 z1 97 (M)

Latrunculia sp.2 Lat_sp2 7 <1 136–329 (R)

Latrunculia sp.3 Lat_sp3 3 <1 67–82 (S)

Polymastia sp. Pol_sp 1 <1 98 (S)
Quasillina brevis (Bowerbank, 1861) Qua_br 17 <1 74–104 (M; S)

Axinyssa digitata (Cabioch, 1968) Axi_dig 2 <1 55–110 (S)
Ciocalypta penicillus Bowerbank, 1862 Cio_pe 2 <1 79 (S)
Spongosorites sp.1 Spo_sp1 21 1 146–223 (R)
Spongosorites sp.2 Spo_sp2 11 <1 153–237 (R)
Topsentia calabrisellae Bertolino, Bo, Canese,
Top_cal 59 3.23 96–223 R-D
Bavestrello & Pansini, 2013

Aaptos aaptos (Schmidt, 1864) Aap_aa 351 7.2 77–181 H-A
Aaptos papillata (Keller, 1880) Aap_pa 7 <1 63–82 (S)
Protosuberites rugosus (Topsent, 1893) Pro_rug 19 <1 78–84 (M)
Rhizaxinella pyrifera (Delle Chiaje, 1828) Rhi_py 4 <1 174–209 (S)
Suberites carnosus (Johnston, 1842) Sub_ca 21 1.4 158–293 H-T
Suberites domuncula (Olivi, 1792) Sub_dom 13 1.18 53–82 (E)
Suberites ficus (Johnston, 1842) Sub_fi 1 <1 55 (S)
Suberites syringella (Schmidt, 1868) Sub_sy 10 <1 98–128 (S)

Tethya sp. Tet_sp 14 1.07 56–80 (M)
Tethya aurantium (Pallas, 1766) Tet_au 48 2.9 53–98 H-m*

Erylus sp. Ery_sp 43 2.26 79–112 H-A

Pachastrella monilifera Schmidt, 1868 Pac_mo 67 3.5 114–295 R-D

Craniella sp. Cra_sp 23 <1 174–183 (R)
Craniella cranium (Müller, 1776) Cra_cr 5 <1 67–80 (R)

Thenea muricata (Bowerbank, 1858) Th_mu 415 2.15 100–270 Th-m*

Poecillastra compressa (Bowerbank, 1866) Poe_co 282 9.5 95–246 H-A; R-D*; H-T

Aplysina aerophoba Nardo, 1833 Apl_ae 1 <1 53 (R)

Aplysina cavernicola (Vacelet, 1959) Apl_cav 3878 11.33 72–179 H-A*; R-D

Hexadella cf. dedritifera Topsent, 1913 Hex_ded 447 9.17 86–321 R-D*; H-T*
Hexadella topsenti Reveillaud, Allewaert, Pérez, Vacelet,
Hex_top 27 1.18 56–80 (R)
Banaigs & Vanreusel, 2012


Oscarella sp. Osc_sp 20 <1 56–58 (E; R)


Tretodictyum reiswigi, Boury-Esnault, Vacelet &
Tre_tub 143 3.7 142–329 H-T*
Chevaldonné, 2017

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