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WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF USING A COURSEWARE? STI develops courseware to maintain the quality of delivery of all courses across all campuses in the STI network. It ensures that the learning 1 outcomes are achieved and demonstrated by e the students. ARE FACULTY MEMBERS ALLOWED TO OMIT OR SKIP CONTENT/TOPICS IN THE COURSEWARE? PR RR on ee ean Ree cee Tone mu uaa CCC UROL eat Reo Ree emcee at ARE FACULTY MEMBERS ALLOWED TO MODIFY/ ADJUST THE TEACHING METHODOLOGIES AND ASSESSMENTS? Yes, Faculty member may modify/adjust the content and actual activities based on the students’ needs for as long as these are still anchored on the learning objectives specified in the Syllabus and Course Outline and the Instructor's Guide WHAT IS STI eLEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (eLMS)? The STI eLMS is an oniine learning platform that helps ==== YES. All you need is an eLMS account schools manage all classroom activities, such as and an internet connection. For more creating and delvering educational content, assessing ree ene eten eee students, tracking their results, and promotin communication ae collaboration seen ene your respective Program Heads. To and teachers. It is an interactive educational app, help you navigate the eLMS, refer to engaging social networking platform, and personal the LMS 101 for Teachers organizer all in one. eLMS IS THE eLMS EASY TO USE? ‘COURSEWARE MANNER OF —PRINTING/ ‘COMPONENT DESCRIPTION aes DISTRIBUTION ACCESS This contains a brief statement about the course and hs ums (ie mmsana | its topics learning objectives strategies and sesessments, | al dh bi ‘COURSE OUTLINE Iti a guide on how to explain the content ofeach topic ry instructors and the use ofall materials included in the courseware. oo y= It contains the key points or highlights of a ‘sue particular topic. a a a rn It is a material intended for courses with laboratory Bena en Bic a It contains the content of the topics. oT a oa HANDOUT These are materials that might be needed in discussing - seruryonsees_ a\certain topic, which also include assessment tasks. al dil oS hm Itis any learning activity or assessment that requires ; students to perform or demonstrate the learning outcomes. Co TASK Its a tool used to assess the student's performance in ge Bg aims i = 5 seuscascuuy "elation to the identified learning outcomes, These are detailed descriptions/instructions of different . tccnze | ¢lasstoom activities to have a smooth flow of discussion. | ia ida EL, These are procedures essential for the completion of = usacwwry _iLS (I Learn and Share) activities for a given subject in SHS. + Tertiary ~ Preliminary, Midterm, Pre-final, Final Exams Dotice36 stawomsoze0 + SHS — First and Second Periodical Exams HG hih Foe XAMINATION'SPE) LEGEND: GJ-Faculty fgh- Students = School = Courseware Dispatch [_]- Courseware Viewer eLMS- Electronic LearningManagement System ‘or=2:: - Cloud-based Microsoft Office

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