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, i\ Huruau REsouRcE lUtaruual

O Lahore Waste Management Gompany



Manpower ptans and budgets must be finatized and approved before the start of
next financial year in order to accomptish LWMC goats and objectives in a timety
and efficient manner.

8.1.1 Responsibitity

o A manpower ptan and budget for any given year must be approved by the
Board of Directors.

a Manpower requirements are provided by the departmental heads for

preparation of the manpower budget keeping in view the objectives and
future needs.

a Annuat manpower ptans and budgets are requrred to be submttted to the HR

department by each departmentat head by Aprit 1'teach year.

a As part of the manpower ptanning process, departmental heads witt be

required to send a tist of surptus emptoyees.

a ln case of any ctarification, queries can be made to GM (HR&A)

8.1 .2 Procedure

To prepare a manpower ptan and budget, the fottowing procedure shatl be


a Every head of the department shatl prepare a budget and specify the number
of vacancies, surptus emptoyees etc. for the financial year within the
specified deadtine. This budget witt be forwarded to the HR department by
Apri[ 1't each year. The department head wi[[ consider scope and burden of
work on the existing emptoyees white preparing the budget.

The departmental heads shatl forward the budget to the HR department even
if there is no need for additionat staff or retrenchment, in the existing

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i' Hur*aru REsounce Maruunl

Ld Lahore Waste Management Company

a The GM (HR&A) sha[[ receive atl the departmental budgets and forward a

summary to the CFO. The CFO shatl assess the budgetary requirements in
consuttation with the Managing Director and respective departmentaI heads.

a Managing Director with the assistance of finance and planning committee,

shatl forward a final tist of the manpower requirements, to the Board of
Di rectors.

a The Board of Directors shatl approve the proposed or modified summary

manpower ptan by Aprit 1Oth each year.


LWMC maintains certain poticies to guide its emptoyees with respect to standards
of conduct expected in areas where improper activities coutd damage LWMC

reputation and otherwise result in serious adverse consequences. The purpose of

this poticy is to affirm required siandards of conduct and practices in -a
comprehensive statement.

LWMC has developed a Code of Conduct (the "Code") to provide guidance to

emptoyees in identifying situations that create or have the potential to create legal
and ethicat probtems, or the appearances of such, and to provide direction in
handting actuaI and potentiat confticts of interest between personaI and
professionaI retationships.

LWMC shatl operate in futt comptiance with att appticabte [aws. The conduct of
employees shatl conform to the requirements of all appticabte laws and poticies,
rules and regulations.

The code requires faithfut comptiance with att applicabte [aws, rutes and
regulations by emptoyees, even if an employee betieves non-comptiance does not
present ethicaI imptications

Comptiance with at[ appticabte tocal and federaI taws, rutes and regulations shatl
not etiminate the need for employees to conside. *he business conduct and ethics
etement in their activities.

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O Lahore Waste Management Company

It is important to avoid even the appearance of any ittegat or unethicat behavior.

Emptoyees shatt behave in a manner that promotes the trust of other emptoyees,
and pubtic.

8.2.1 Responsibility

a The HR department shatt be responsibte to obtain at the time of hire, and

subsequentty in each calendar year, a code of conduct and ethics statement
signed by att the emptoyees indicating their understanding of an agreement
with this code.

a The GM (HR&A) shatt have overalt responsibility for imptementation and

updation of the code. He/she shatl atso be responsibte for responding to the
queries, providing clarifications and take appropriate action in case of non-

a Att heads of departments shall be responsibte to ensure that emptoyees under

their control operate within the specific terms and conditions of the Code as

wetl as its intent.

a Every emptoyee shatl be accountable to LWMC for performance that futfitts

the specific terms and conditions of the Code as wetl as its intent.

8.2.2 Procedure

Any question regarding whether a specific behavior is covered by the Code shatl be
addressed to the GM (HR&A), who shatl review the question and ctarify the position
to the emptoyee. However the Code provides guidance regarding the fottowing

Conflict of interest;

a lmproper personal benefits;

a FinanciaI interests in other businesses;

a I nstitutionaI opportunities;

a Outside emptoyment or activities;

a Protection and proper use of LWMC Assets;

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Lahore Waste Management Company

a Futt, fair and accurate disctosure of facts;

a Workptace harassment;

a Weapons, workptace violence, drugs, dtcoh'' and gambling;

a Loans and other credit facitities from financiaI institutions;

a Responding to inquiries from ttre press and others;

a Confidentiatity;

a Comptiance with laws and the Code;

a Rights created;

a Disctosures of interest, affitiation or activity;

a Whistte-btower protection; and

a Sanction.

a. Conflicts of lnterest

A conftict of interest shatI occur when persona[ interests of an emptoyee

interferes, or appear to interfere, in any way, with the interests of LWMC.
Confticts of interest may atso arise wlren an employee takes action or have
interest, or a meinber of the emptoyee's famity have interest, that may make it
difficutt for the emptoyee to perform hisi her duties objectivety and effectivety.
When a potentiat conftict of interest arises, it is important that the employee
shoutd dectare his/ her interest, act with great care to avoid such conf(ict.

lf the emptoyee becomes aware of an actuat, potential or apparent conftict of

interest, he/she shatt bring it to the attention of the Head of Department.

b. lmproper personal benefits

An emptoyee shatl not solicit or accept, directty or indirectty, any cash or monetary
equivatents, objects of vatue or preferential treatment from any person or business
that has or is seeking business with LWMC, where doing so may inftuence or appear
to inftuence an emptoyee's judgment.

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lAHOfit o Lahore Waste Management Gompany

c, Financial interests in other businesses

An employee shatl not have an interest in any other business if that interest
compromises or appears to compromise an emptoyee,s toyatty to LWMC.

d. Outside employment or activities

Simuttaneous employment with or serving as a consultant to or director or

emptoyee (with or without consideration) of any other entity is strictty prohibited.

e. Protection and Proper use of LWMC Assets

An employee shalt be expected to protect LWMC assets and ensure their efficient
use, and is prohibited from engaging in theft, carelessness, or waste. Att LWMC
assets shoutd be used for tegitimate purposes, but incidental personal use may be
permitted if anciltary to a LWMC purpose. An employee shatl atso be prohibited
from making any improper use of property such as funds, software, e-mait systems,
voice mait systems, computer networks, vehictes and facitities for personal benefit
or profit.

f. Full, Fair and Accurate Disclosure of facts

LWMC commitment shatl be to provide futl, fair, accurate and timety

disctosure in the reports, documents and communications fited with the
regutatory authorities. Atthough certain personnel are more directty invotved
in the preparation of such reports, documents and communications than
others; neverthetess, LWMC expects atl of its emptoyees to accePt this

Accordingty, atl emptoyees shatt have an ethica( responsibility to provide

prompt, comptete and accurate information in response to any inquiry retated
to preparation of LWMC pubtic disclosure documents and pubtic

communications. ln addition and in order to ensure accurate financial

reporting, the personnel who participate in the maintenance and preparation
of LWMC books, records and accounts must ensure that the transactions and

events recorded therein are done so in an accurate and comPlete manner in

comptiance with requi;ed accounting principtes and LWMC poticies.

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Lahore Wasie Managetnertt Companv

g. WorkplaceHarassment

a LWMC is an equal opportunity emptoyer and is committed to cuttivating a

diverse work environment where individuat differences are appreciated and
respected. lt is LWMC poticy, through responsibte management, to recruit,
hire, train, and promote persons regardtess of their cast, retigion, cotor, sex
and creed.

a An emptoyee shatt maintain an environment that is free from harassment and

in which att emptoyees are equatty respected. Workptace harassment shalt
inctude, but not be limited to sexual harassment, disparaging comments and
insinuations based on gender, retigion, race and ethnicity.

h. Weapons, Workplace Violence, Drugs, Alcohol and Gambling

a LWMC staff whether on duty or not, may not possess or use weapons of any
kind, ammunition, gunpowder, fireworks, exptosives, and other dangerous
artictes and substances in LWMC premises. lndividuats employed as contract
security guards may be given authorization *o carry, keep and handte pistots,
firearms and ammunition.

Specific ctassification of emptoyees may be required to utitize dangerous

artic(es or hazardous materiat to carry out their job requirements. Each
department is responsibte for monitoring the use of dangerous artictes or
hazardous materia(s in its areas.

i. Loans and other Credit Facilities frcm Financial lnstitutions

Any toan and/or credit facitity obtained on fatse representations inctuding, but not
timited to, preparing of forged financial statements shatl be deemed to be a

viotation of the Code.

j. Responding to lnquiries from the Press and Others

Onty authorized spokespersons shat[ speak with the press as LWMC representatives.
for information about LWMC from the media, the press, the financiat
community, or the pubtic shatt be referred to the Manager Communication.

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tAt{osE ,o Lahore Waste Management Gompany

Requests for information from regulators or the government shatt be referred to

the Company Secretary.

k. Confidentiality

a The confidential lnformation shatI inctude att non-public information,

correspondbnce, docurnents, papers, records, drawings and data.

a The emptoyees shatt maintain the confidentiatity of information entrusted to

them or which comes to an emptoyee's knowtedge because of the position
that the emptoyee hotds. An employee shatl disclose confidentiat information
if the emptoyee is duty authorized by LWMC or is tegatty mandated to do so.
Prior to making a disctosure of any confidentiaI information which is tegatty
mandated, an emptoyee shatt be required to consutt with the Manager

a An emptoyee shatl not make or keep for persona[ use, copies of any
confidentiat information. AtI confidentiaI information shatt be surrendered to
LWMC when a person ceases to be an employee.

a This responsibitity continues in the case of ex-emptoyees and LWMC shatt pursue alt

avaitabte [ega[ remedies to prevent current and former emptoyees from benefiting
or misusing such confidentiaI information.

l. Compliance with laws and the Code

. An emptoyee shatt be expected to compty with, both in letter and spirit, att
appticabte governmental laws, rules and regutations and the Code, and to
promptty report any actual or suspected viotations to the HR Department. No
one shatt be subjected to retatiation because of a good faith report of a

suspected viotation. lf an emptoyee faits to comply with the Code or any

applicabte [aws, rutes or regutations, the emptoyee sha[[ be subject to
disciptinary actions under the rules of LWMC, inctuding termination of

a To avoid inadvertent violations, an employee sha[[ be encouraged to ask

questions to resolve any uncertainty as to whether or not some act or conduct

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compties with the Code. To encourage open communication, employees are

advised to discuss the retated matters with the GM (HR&A).

m Rights Created

The Code shatl be a statement of certain fundamentaI principles, policies and

procedures that govern LWMC emptoyees.

n Disclosures of interest, affiliation or activity

The fottowing procedures shatl be established to attow disclosure of any

material interest, affitiation, or activity on the part of any emptoyee that
conflicts with, is tikety to conflict with, or may appear to conftict with the
duties of any emptoyee, LWMC , or the Code.

On an annual basis, HR department shatt distribute to att staff members, a

questionnaire to eticit disclosures of conftict or possibte confticts.Human

Resources department shatt distribute to each newty hired emptoyee, at
the time of emptoyment, a questionnaire to eticit disctosure of confticts
or possibte confticts.Any emptoyee who, in the course of year, becomes
aware of a potentiat conftict shatl immediatety contact the GM (HR&A) to
obtain and comptete a questionnaire. Atl completed questionnaires shall be
returned to the GM (HR&A), who shall prepare a report for determination of
any act that indicates a possibte conftict.Al[ information reported by
questionnaire shatI be treated as confidentiat, except to the extent
necessary for the protection of LWMC interest or as required by any
appticabte [aw.Emptoyees not subject to the disctosure procedures, as
represented by completion of questionnaire, shall not be exctuded from
the Code.On the annual basis, HR department shatt distribute to every
employee, the Code and a memo stating that the Code was previously
signed by the emptoyee and is stitt in fult force and effect. HR department
shatl obtain a signed code from each new hired employee at the time of

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ur,tlAN REsounce lU,,\t{ual
I. AHOBE ro Lahore Waste Managenrent Company

interest to ensure hazardous waste is stored, processed, and disposed of onty

at permitted hazardous industriaI sotid waste facitities

a To implement Hazard Specific lmmunization Programs e.g., Hepatitis B

vaccine, Vaccine (Smattpox), Rabies, lnftuenza, Meastes, mumps and rubetta,

Tetanus-diphtheria, and Foreign traveI immunizations/medication for
emptoyees ptanning trave[.

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