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Lifting Daily Checks for DSVs

1 No bolts through shackles, anywhere even on safety line.

2 All web slings on the worksite being controlled. The Rig manager should
know the number of slings in use, what they are being used for and who last
inspected them. If service companies bring slings you should be able to read
the serial number etc and ask for certificates if you are not happy with them..
3 If power swivel is rigged up then the wire must be at least xx” and all
turnbuckles / shackles in the system be rated to XX tonne.
4 No SWL, ID or colour code do not use (if colours start to disappear after 2
months get them repainted before they disappear all together).
5 Homemade lifting equipment is not allowed. It will fail and hurt some.
6 Uncertified /old lifting equip should not be left on location. New lifting
equipment can be painted with the current colour as long as the certs are on the
well site.
7 Is one designated banksman signalling the crane or is every one having a go.
Does the banksman have a hi vis vest? Does every one know the signal for
“Emergency Stop”. Is the crane drivers licence valid for this crane.
8 The life saving rule requires no one to walk under a suspended load. This
applies to the catwalk. Explain to the guys what can go wrong if they continue
to offend enter it in fountain and ask rig management to follow up.
9 Bulldog clips are allowed on wires that do not move (not tugger lines)
remember “never saddle a dead horse”
10 Fractured wire strands on the outside of the eye and the wire sling then the
sling should be scrapped.
11 No hooks allowed on drillfloor ???

General Knowledge for DSVs

1 Know weight of annular, Know weight of double bops. Know weight of
Christmas tree. Ask crane driver how much different loads are. Equate every thing
back to a 4 ¾” Drillcollar 75 kg/m.

2 Know max load forklift boom can lift, depends on forklift type IT 28G = 1.5
ton, IT 38G = 3.1 ton, IT 62G = 4.6 ton.

3 When two slings are being used to pick up a load the angle between the slings
should always be less than 90 degrees. Max load = sling cap x 2 x 0.707.

4 BOP cranes should not be used to lift loads below 10% of the hoists capacity as
the weight of the load might not activate the friction brake
5 shackle above the snatch block will see twice the weight that is being lifted. Can
the service winches pull more than their SWL.

6 a 12mm sling has a swl of 1.6 tonne. Know the size of a 5/8” (diameter of bow)
x ¾” (diameter of pin) shackle 3.25 tonne from a distance.

7 Who on the hoist is trained as a banksman is this included in the training

matrix. Are the forklift drivers training up to date.

8 Are you familiar with the flyers on : dropped 2 7/8” PAC, Gap on
slips….other flyers,

9 4 part safety shackles should be used on everything that is above head height.
You should inspect safety pins yourself every time mast comes down.

When SOS turn up to do the six monthly inspection take an interest in what they
are doing. To comply with PDO PR 1708 the following minimum requirements
should be met (They are not allowed to restamp any lifting equip as this means the
equipment has no original certs):-

6 monthly inspection of all lifting equipment.

All items of lifting equipment and accessories should be visually inspected.

All slings and shackles inspected for damage.

All lifting subs should be visually inspected.
All padeyes, slips , elevators.

The serial numbers are to be x checked with original certification either on site or
in Muscat. No serial number no x check= scrap.
The SWL must be visible.

Elevators, bails, dead line anchor, hook, safety clamps, dp and casing / tubing
elevators, slips. These require a inspection and NDT of critical areas that may
involve some disassembly (exception being the safety clamp which requires full

1 yearly inspection (6 monthly above and)

NDT (MPI) the following:

Shackles, lifting subs, turnbuckles, BOP lifting equip (?)

Drilling equipment – slips, hook, elevators, bails, tongs, brake bands.
Base mountings of manridding winch.

Elevators, bails, dead line anchor, hook, safety clamps, dp and casing / tubing
elevators, slips. These require full disassembly MPI’ing and maintenance..

Do not worry about cranes these will go away and be tested every 12 months and
load tested every 2 years.

Items that need additional inspection every 2 years

8.2 Containers, lifting frames, tool baskets – load tested and NDT’d (hugo how
do we do this to frames around generators ?). It says that lift frames are
included so the BOP lift frame has to be load tested every 2 years (I do not
know how we would do this). I would class the BOP lifting frame / lifting
cap as lifting gear so only required to be tested before putting into service.

Swivels need to be disassembled and MPI’d

Additional requirements every 4 years

load tested: (see PR 1078 for values)

Forklift, sheave blocks, BOP trolleys and cranes, personnel baskets, fabricated pad
eyes (this means every pad eye on the mast ?). Man riding winch (1.1 x swl in PR
1708 and 1.5 x swl in sp 1239).

Strip down and MPI; Chain blocks ,Ratchet levers, Sheaves, Padeyes, service winches
and manriding winches,

6 Yearly Inspection

Hooks disassembled and fully MPI’d

Lifting Register

The lifting register must show as a minimum:-

1 Original certificate number and date.
2 original manufactures data.
3 Proof load test certification and verification by 3rd party

Discussion Points

PR 1508 appendix 2, lifting tubular goods.

Lifting of tubulars should be carried out using a double wrap hitch. Hoist use
slings to pick up laydown tubulars so drag them up the V door.

My observations are that the slings are single wrapped for DP, this is fine as a
tooljoint is a good stop.

For heavy slick tubulars, like 4 ¾” DCs (750 kgs) the slings are double choked.
For light tubulars the drillcrew do not like double choking as they can not get the
sling to grip the tubular as well. Do we go along with this.

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