Scan 13 Jul 2021

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Explam the comcept of

Pasticipatory Budjenn, also
ditcus ilc olevance in
Budgehn9 of Local go1f
gDveNnMeNt in mdia,
(2D od1)
Ans Tne
Panticipaory Budgehng' is the PDcess
dRmbane deliberahiom
and decicion maki
by the p1dinary pepple dn the
questipn oF
allocahon oF muncipal os public Thus
budget. ms
Con ce pt war fisct
implemented in 189 im a
B10zibian ci.In mdia, it oxiginared in 5D
DemcYanc Voice : Pe6ple them.
-Selvet decide on what secho
Televan ce chould be given. They age
Potici ahng in theis economic sociaL
Imcluei ve Pashcipahon WMeh
Chulde, PODY P.LDple ere can Put
Relevance in th ei opiion,
8udgeng Infomed iixny This wil
LOcal &ef
fhUsthes assuse anupax DnCy, and
aCCDuntability in Govesnment

Pioicahon: People in. tme villages

kmow theiY Dwr_poblems and they
can efeC1vely allocare the
yctMy Budget campaign (AoI)
ha3 put lignt om the efechveness OF
this cSDCept Im enmpou)enn Pespe

( MpONtant (c cues v. lrelevant csues

1t cam iqnove the important iccues

qovON nanCe and cSn cennahon on

YelevAnt iecUes.

C i c t Between pepple t 0ne whose

ccue ic not cmsidexod may genenae
Csuggeition) excluston orn the sodely
Feeliny of

Delay in Budgehna Psocess Soluims

COWMtes&DuHon, debahes_MaY cauJe delay

passing of Budaet w1Mout final

Dndexmining 0f YOices OF vanaUS
Dopashments ptt the quvexn Ment

No inal soluhon: 1t may cause the

bwnden eE I¢CuR but 10 final coluhon
tD thee ccue

Way FYWas d:
Pashiclpatony Democsac' is a Vey relevant
Cmcept as
tndia'vepresen the laxget
democrathe Countyy 1n the w l d
Though th.ese ase ceuPs but they can be
&olved by eFfechve_ules and egulanons ano

the pmpex IMplementaion.

Centye Govexnment can ive or tll
mpytant secrDsS wich tho pu blic
dell bexahn can be made to avofd
Peple can choose
QM ng themselve1 (each vepresentative

c6mmuw 1
WSMe, ld polies etc) oho can then deode
on the decicim to be taten
GoveN ment- Citizen interocnon,
e the
cey to cuccecc of this csmcept
pashcipavyy udgehi

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