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Department of Education
National Capital Region

Quarter 1 – Module 3:
Factors Affecting Potential and
Kinetic Energy


City of Good Character

What I Need to Know
This module teaches the students to learn about energy. The students
learned already about the concept of energy from the previous grade since it is one
of the most relevant concepts in physics.

After going through this module, you should be able to identify and explain
the factors that affect potential and kinetic energy.

Specifically, you are expected to:

1. determine the factors that affect the potential and kinetic energy gained
by an object;
2. differentiate gravitational potential energy from kinetic energy; and
3. calculate the potential and kinetic energy of an object.

What I Know

Choose the letter of the best answer and write it on a separate sheet of paper.

1. If a stone falls freely towards the ground, its _______energy was converted to

A. kinetic, heat C. potential, kinetic

B. mechanical, chemical D. kinetic, potential

2. Which situation shows the greatest potential energy?

A. A ball rolling down a hill.
B. A boy running down the hill.
C. A motorbike parked at the top of the hill.
D. A basketball falls freely from a 20-storey building.

3. Which statement shows that the kinetic energy of a man sledding down the hill
is at maximum amount?
A. The kinetic energy is maximum ounce it stopped.
B. The kinetic energy is maximum at the middle of the hill.
C. The kinetic energy is maximum at the very top of the hill.
D. The kinetic energy is at a maximum amount at the bottom of the hill at
its fastest speed.

City of Good Character 1

4. Which of the following describes kinetic energy?
A. Energy possesses an object due to its motion.
B. The energy of an object created.
C The energy stored within an object
D. The energy available to a stationary object

5. Which of the following statement pertains to potential energy?

A. It is the energy of moving objects.
B. It is the energy held by an object due to its height or position.
C. It is the energy released by an object
D. It is the energy of motion

6. Assuming that air resistance and friction are neglected, which point has the
most potential energy?

A. Point. W B. Point. X C. Point. Y D. Point. Z

7. What transformation of energy is being displayed when an arrow was pulled

back by a bow?
A. potential energy C. from kinetic energy to potential energy
B. kinetic energy D. from potential energy to kinetic energy

8. Gravitational potential energy depends on the _____, ______ and ______ of the
A. mass, height, and movement
B. friction, resistance, and movement
C. mass, height, and gravitational strength
D. height, friction, and gravitational strength

9. Which of the following illustrates kinetic energy?

A. A carton top of the hill. C. A picture hanging on the wall.
B. A tennis ball rolling across the court. D. A piece baked loaf of bread.

City of Good Character 2

10. Assuming that air resistance and friction are neglected, which point has the
most kinetic energy?

A. point a B. b C. c D. d

11. Which of the following is the unit for energy?

A. newton B. joule C. gram D. watt

12. When a pendulum swings, at which point is the potential energy is at its
greatest amount?

A1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

13. The faster an object moves, the _________ the kinetic energy it possesses.
A. higher B. lesser C. shorter D. fixed

14. A ball weighing145 grams was thrown with a velocity of 20 m/s. How much
kinetic energy does the ball have?
A. 65, 000 J B. 65, 200 J C. 65, 250 J D. 650, 250 J

15. A 70 kg construction worker walks from the ground to the roof of a 90-meter
tall building. How much potential energy was created in the situation?
A. 61, 000 J B. 61, 700 J C. 61, 640 J D. 61, 740 J

City of Good Character 3

Factors Affecting Potential
1 and Kinetic Energy

In the previous module, you learned about Newton’s Laws of motion to

utilize the motion of an object. You already learned the motion of an object
concerning force, mass, and acceleration. In this module, you will be able to
differentiate potential from kinetic energy and identify the different factors that
affect the potential and kinetic energy in an object. You will also learn how to
calculate the amount of potential and kinetic energy possessed by an object.

Jumping Jacks
To illustrate potential and kinetic energy

1. Stand straight (see figure 1 below). Next, put your arms above your shoulder in
a wide V position with your legs apart in an inverted V position. (see figure 2

2. Do at least 5 jumping jacks.

Photo credited to

Figure 1. Normal position Figure 2. Cross position

City of Good Character 4

Guide Questions: Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. What do you think is the type of energy you possess when you raise your
arms above in a V position?
2. What do you think is the type of energy you possess when you stand with
your feet apart in an inverted V position?
3. What do you think is the type of energy created when you move your arms
and legs doing a jumping jack?

Energy is the capacity to do work. It is a vital part of our daily work because
we use energy to perform our work. People obtain energy from the food they
consumed. This energy can be transferred to objects.

When people performed activities such as running, climbing, and walking

they used this energy. There are many forms of energy that have been discussed
during your previous grades. This time you will be able to identify and differentiate
the two types of mechanical energy which are the potential and kinetic energy.

Potential Energy
If you lift an object at a certain height from the ground, it will gain energy.
The energy gained is called Potential Energy or PE. Since the force of gravity acts
on the object, the amount of potential energy will vary depending on the situation
whether it is against or along with gravity. If an object is falling, it is against the
gravity so the PE decreases as this energy is being transformed to KE as it falls.

The potential energy is dependent on its position because this energy

depends on the product of mass, the height of the object, and acceleration due to
gravity which equals 9.8 m/s2. The equation for potential energy is PE = mgh.
Where PE is potential energy, m is mass, g is the gravity and h is height. The unit
for potential energy is the joule (J).

1 kg.m2/s2 = 1 joule
Sample problem:

A 50 kg suitcase is raised 2 m above the table. Calculate the potential

Given: Solution:
m = 50 kg PE = mgh
g = 9.8 m/s2 (Constant PE = 50 kg x 9.8 m/s2 x 2 m
Value) PE = 490 kg. m/s2 x 2 m
h=2m PE = 980 kg. m2/s2
PE =? (since 1 kg.m2/s2 = 1 joule)
Formula: PE = mgh PE = 980 J

City of Good Character 5

Kinetic Energy

The energy of motion or moving object is called Kinetic Energy (KE). The
kinetic energy of an object can be determined by its mass and velocity. The KE is
proportional to the square of the velocity, thus if the velocity was doubled, the KE
will be quadrupled. The formula for kinetic energy is KE = ½ mv2 where KE is
kinetic energy, m is mass and v is the velocity. The unit for kinetic energy is the

1 kg.m2/s2 = 1 joule

Sample Problem:
A 5000 kg truck has a velocity of 20 m/s. What is the car’s kinetic energy?

Given: m = 5000 kg
v = 20 m/s
KE = ?
Formula: KE = ½ mv2
KE = ½ (5000 kg) x (20 m/s)2
KE = (2500kg) x (20 m/s)2
KE = (2500kg) x (400 m2/s2) (since 1 kg.m2/s2 = 1 joule)
KE = 1, 000, 000 J

Try this out!

Answer the following problems. Complete your answer by using the GFESA
format. (given, find, equation, solution, and answer). Write your answer on a
separate sheet of paper. Problem number 1 is done for you.

1. What is the kinetic energy of a running boy whose mass is equal to 50

kg and a velocity of 5 m/s?
Given: m = 50 kg v = 5 m/s
Find: Kinetic Energy (KE)
Equation: KE = ½ mv2

Solution: KE = ½ mv2
Answer: KE = ½ (50kg) x (5 m/s)2
KE = (25kg) x (25 m/s)2
KE = (625 kg.m2/s2) (since 1 kg.m2/s2 = 1 joule)
KE = 625 J

City of Good Character 6

2. A man with a mass of 80 kg climbs set of stairs that are 5 m high?
How much gravitational potential energy he gained climbing up the

3. A roller coaster of mass 3500 kg is rolling down a track with a speed of

15 m/s. What is its kinetic energy?

4. What is the potential energy of 50 kg rock sitting on a cliff 80 meters


Write the word AGREE if the statement is correct and DISAGREE if it is

incorrect. Use a separate sheet of paper for your answer.

_______________1. Energy is the capacity to do work

_______________2. The energy of motion or moving object is called potential energy.

_______________3. The potential energy is dependent to its position because this

energy depends on the product of mass, height of the object and
acceleration due to gravity.
_______________4. The stored energy refers to potential energy.

_______________5. The unit of potential and kinetic energy is newton.

_______________6. The higher the object from the ground, the higher the

amount of its potential energy.

_______________7. The faster the object moves, the lesser the amount of its kinetic

_______________8. When an object falls freely towards the ground, its potential

energy decreases and is converted to kinetic energy.

_______________9. The KE is proportional to the square of the velocity, thus if the

velocity was doubled, the KE will be quadrupled.

_______________10. If you lift an object at a certain height from the ground, it will
gain kinetic energy.

City of Good Character 7

Objective: Compute for the Kinetic and Potential Energy of the pendulum.
What you need:
500 ml plastic bottle filled with water (the weight of the bottle is
approximately 0.5 kg)
plastic straw
1. Attach the 500 ml plastic bottle filled with water to the string; this will serve as
your pendulum. (see figure 3 )
2. Suspend the weight by attaching the string on the lower portion of the table.
3. To compute the PE, Measure the height from position 1 to the ground of where
the pendulum will be released.
4. To measure the KE, measure the distance between the two legs of the table.
5. Measure the time it takes for the pendulum to travel from the first leg of the
table to the second leg. Use a separate sheet for your answer.

plastic straw Table

position 1
height plastic bottle height

Figure 3: Pendulum set up

City of Good Character 8

Table 1. Computation for PE

Object Height Mass Constant Formula PE

(m) Of the PE= mhg

Plastic 0.5 kg

Table 2. Computation for KE

Object Time distance of Formula KE

table’s legs
(s) KE = ½ mv2

Plastic bottle

Guide questions: Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. What specific example could be used to show how PE could be converted to KE?
2. How can we calculate the speed of the swinging of the pendulum?
3. Can you use the roller coaster ride in the conversion of PE to KE and vice versa?

Let’s go deeper!
Do the following problems. Write your answer on a separate sheet of
1. An object moving at a constant speed of 25 m/s possesses 500 joules of kinetic
energy. What is the object’s mass?

2. A truck weighing 10,500 grams is moving with a speed of 30 m/s. Compute its
kinetic energy as it moves in a straight motion.

City of Good Character 9

3. A wheelbarrow is loaded with gravel and pulled at a constant speed along an
inclined plane to the height of a seat-top. If the mass of the loaded cart is 5.0 kg
and the height of the seat top is 1.2 meters, what is the potential energy of the
loaded wheelbarrow?

4. An object was held at 0.5 meters above a workbench that is 1 meter above the
floor. If the potential energy relative to the workbench and the floor is 22. O5
joules. What is the mass of the object?

Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answer on a separate sheet of

1. What type of energy can be displayed if an arrow was pulled back by a bow?
A. Kinetic Energy C. Chemical Energy
B. Elastic Energy D. Potential Energy

2. Gravitational potential energy depend on the _______ and ______ of the object.
A. Mass and movement C. Friction and movement
B. Mass, Height and gravitational strength D. Height and friction

3. Assuming that air resistance and friction are neglected, which point
has the most Potential Energy?

A. Pt. Z B. Pt. Y C. Pt. X D. Pt. W

City of Good Character 10

4. Which of the following illustrates Kinetic energy?
A. A carton top of a hill C. A picture hanging on the wall
B. A tennis ball rolling across the court D. A newly baked loaf of bread

5. ________ is the capacity to do work.

A. Energy B. Power C. Force D. Mass

6. A stone falls freely towards the ground, _______energy is converted to

A. kinetic, heat C. mechanical, chemical
B. potential, kinetic D. kinetic, potential

7. What is kinetic energy?

A. Energy an object has due to its motion
B. Energy an object creates
C. Energy stored within an object
D. The energy available to a stationary object

8. Assuming that air resistance and friction is neglected, which point has the most
Kinetic Energy?

A. a B. b C. c D. d

9. Which situation shows the greatest potential energy?

A. A ball rolling down a hill
B. A boy running down the hill
C. A motorbike parked at the top of the hill
D. A basketball falls freely from a 20 storey building

10. Which of the following describes potential energy?

A. It is the energy of moving objects,
B. Is the energy that the objects have due to their height or position
C. It is the energy released by an object
D. It is the energy of motion

City of Good Character 11

11. The faster an object moves, the _________ kinetic energy it possesses.
A. higher B. Lesser C. minimal D. fixed

12. Which of the following is the unit for energy?

A. Newton B. Joule C. Grams D. Watt

13. A 145 grams ball was thrown with a velocity of 20 m/s. How much kinetic
energy does the ball have?
A. 65, 000 J B. 65, 200 C. 65, 250 J D. 650, 250 J

14. A 70 kg construction worker walks from the d=ground to the roof of a 90 m tall
building. How much potential energy was created in the situation?
A. 61, 000 J B. 61, 700 C. 61, 640 J D. 61, 740 J
15. When a pendulum swing. at what point the potential energy has the greatest

A1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

City of Good Character 12

13 City of Good Character
Additional Activities
What I have learned What’s more
1. m = 1.6 kg
1. Agree 1. KE = 625 J
2. KE = 4, 725, 000 J 2. Disagree 2. KE = 3,920 J
3. Agree 3. PE = 393,750 J
3. PE = 58.8 J 4. Agree 4. PE = 39,200 J
5. Disagree
4. m = 1.5 kg 6. Agree
7. Disagree
8. Agree
9. Agree
10. Disagree
What’s New What I can Do
1. As you raise your arms in 1. The simplest example is by observing how pendulum
a V position you are storing works.
potential energy, just waiting
to be converted into kinetic 2. To calculate the velocity we can use the formula; V = D/T.
energy which is also called This is called the measured velocity. To get the Distance (D),
the energy in motion. measure the distance between the two legs of the table. To get
the Time (T), measure the time it took for the pendulum to
2. As you stand with your travel from the first leg to the second leg.
legs apart in an inverted V
position you are storing 3. As the roller coaster moves to the highest peak, all of its
potential energy. kinetic energy will be converted to potential energy. Upon
reaching the highest peak, the roller coaster has the
3. As you move your arms maximum amount of potential energy and zero in kinetic
and legs, you are converting energy. The moment that the roller coaster started to move
your potential energy to down, its potential energy will start to be converted to kinetic
kinetic energy; at each pause energy and upon reaching the lowest point of the rail, the
your body is holding roller coaster has the maximum amount of kinetic energy and
potential energy. zero in potential energy.
Department of Education, Science Learner’s Material 8
Internet sources

City of Good Character 14

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Amado D. Pebres

Content Editors: Mary Ann N. Taway
Imelda N. del Rosario
Jessica S. Mateo

Language Editor: Zeny P. Toco

Cover Illustrator: ARRIANE JOY F. ISORENA
Reviewers: PNU External Validators
Management Team:

Sheryll T. Gayola
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
OIC, Office of the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Elisa O. Cerveza
Chief, CID
OIC, Office of the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Jessica S. Mateo
Education Program Supervisor – Science

Ivy Coney A. Gamatero

Education Program Supervisor - LRMS

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Schools Division Office- Marikina City

Email Address:

191 Shoe Ave., Sta. Elena, Marikina City, 1800, Philippines

Telefax: (02) 8-682-2472 / 8-682-3989

City of Good Character

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