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An overwhelmingly affirmative vote. If no

opposition is indicated, the resolution or other
item of business passes “by acclamation” .

1 Yaygın Kullanım acclamation i.

tezahüratla ilan etme

2 Yaygın Kullanım acclamation i.

alkış Ad Hoc:
3 Genel acclamation i. övme For a specific purpose; for a single case only.
4 Genel acclamation i. övgü 7 Ticaret/Ekonomi ad hoc zf.
8 Ticaret/Ekonomi acclamation i. geçici
alkışlama 11 Siyasal ad hoc s. belirli bir amaç
9 Siyasal acclamation i. (bağırarak) oy için yapılmış
birliği ile seçim 12 Siyasal ad hoc s. belirli bir amaç
için düzenlenmiş

A diplomatic agreement that does not have the
The management of institutional or
same binding force as a treaty but is often
governmental affairs; a term for the
treated as such, e.g., the Camp David Accord
government itself and its policymakers, as in
signed by Israel and Egypt in 1978
“the Clinton administration”.
44 Siyasal accord i. anlaşma
2 Yaygın Kullanım administration
45 Siyasal accord i. mutabakat i. yönetim

46 Siyasal accord i. razı olma 24 Genel administration i.

47 Siyasal accord i. uygunluk

48 Siyasal accord i. Uyum

A list of things to be done or dealt with.
A union for joint action of various powers or
26 Genel agenda i. ajanda
states in international relations, such as the
93 Siyasal agenda i. Gündem alliance of the European powers and the
United States against Germany and its allies
during World War II

32 Hukuk alliance i. ittifak

33 Hukuk alliance i. Pakt

38 Siyasal alliance i. Konfederasyon


An act of force; belligerent actions by one state

against another. Iraq committed an act of
aggression when it invaded Kuwait in 1990
AIDS Acquired Immune-Deficiency
Syndrome. A disease that destroys the immune
system of the human body. The disease was Ambassador:
first diagnosed in 1979 in the United States,
and incidence increased dramatically after its The highest rank of diplomatic representatives
identification, with a death rate of about 40%. sent by one government to another. Prior to the
Extensive research into social and physical development of modern communication,
contacts among victims has sought to aid ambassadors were frequently entrusted with
medical determination of the cause and extensive plenary powers. They have since
transmission of the disease. tended, however, to become spokesmen of
their foreign offices, and rarely does an
12 Hukuk aggression i. ihlal ambassador enjoy extensive discretion. An
ambassador’s personality may play an
13 Hukuk aggression i. saldırı important part in making the views of his
government understood, and her firsthand
14 Hukuk aggression i. Tecavüz
knowledge of the country to which she is
19 Siyasal aggression i. saldırma accredited may enable her to influence her
government’s policy decisively
20 Siyasal aggression i. Taarruz
13 Hukuk ambassador i. büyükelçi

14 Hukuk ambassador i. Sefir


Amnesty: An agreement or exchange involving two

parties only, for example a trade agreement
A state pardon of political or other offenders, between the U.S. and Japan
usually as a group. Amnesties are often used
as a gesture of political reconciliation. In 1990 62 Hukuk bilateral s. çift taraflı
the ruling Sandinistas in Nicaragua declared an
amnesty for over a thousand political 63 Hukuk bilateral s. iki taraflı
prisoners as a prelude to a general election.
Amnesties are sometimes granted after a
change of government or regime

5 Hukuk amnesty i. af

6 Hukuk amnesty i. genel af


A joint effort by two or more persons for the

accomplishment of a specific purpose, such as
a literary or scientific endeavor. It can also
refer to cooperating with the enemy .
5 Genel collaboration i. birlik
The policy of giving in to the demands of a
hostile or dangerous power in an attempt to 6 Genel collaboration i. uyum
prevent trouble
7 Genel collaboration i. birlikte
8 Siyasal appeasement i. düşmana ödün çalışma
vererek savaştan kaçınma
11 Genel collaboration i. İşbirlikçilik
11 Siyasal appeasement i. taviz verme

12 Siyasal appeasement i. yatıştırma

13 Siyasal appeasement i. yatıştırma


Collective Security Agreement:

An agreement by participating nations that

they will take joint military action against any
nation that attacks any one of them. NATO is
an example

1 Genel collective security i.

karşılıklı güvenlik

2 Siyasal collective security i.

Collective Defense: kolektif emniyet
An alliance among states against external 3 Siyasal collective security i.
threats kolektif güvenlik
1 Siyasal collective defence i. toplu 4 Siyasal collective security i.
savunma müşterek güvenlik
2 Askeri collective defence i.
müşterek savunma


A body created to perform a particular

function, whether administrative, legislative, or
Collective Goods:
1 Yaygın Kullanım commission i.
Goods and services enjoyed in common komisyon

1 Ticaret/Ekonomi collective 2 Genel commission f. memur etmek

goods i.ortak/kamusal mallar
3 Genel commission f. Yıkmak


The process of bringing two sides in a dispute
to agree to a compromise. The conciliator is a
third party not involved in the dispute. The
agreement must be voluntary; the process of
conciliation does not compel the disputants to
accept the proposed solution

12 Hukuk conciliation i. uzlaşma

16 Hukuk conciliation i. Arabuluculuk

18 Hukuk conciliation i. sakinleştirme
A group of delegates, often representing a
20 Hukuk conciliation i. Barıştırma
larger group

1 Genel delegation i. delege atama

2 Genel delegation i. yetkilendirme

21 Hukuk delegation i. delegasyon

22 Hukuk delegation i. heyet


Convention: A form of government in which the right to

make political decisions is exercised directly
A practice or custom followed by the by the whole body of citizens. In direct
government although not explicitly written into democracy, citizens rule directly through
the constitution or in legislation procedures of majority rule. In representative
democracy, citizens exercise the same right
59 Hukuk convention i. akit
not in person but through representatives
60 Hukuk convention i. Anlaşma chosen by them

68 Hukuk convention i. mukavele 9 Genel democracy i. demokratlık

Delegate: 10 Genel democracy i. Elerki

A person authorized to act for others; a 23 Genel democracy i. Demokrasi

representative. To delegate means to give
someone the authority to act as one’s agent or

1 Yaygın Kullanım delegate i.


36 Hukuk delegate i. delege

38 Siyasal delegate f. vekil tayin


The conduct of relations between nations, as in 8 Ticaret/Ekonomi embargo f.
making agreements yasaklamak

1 Yaygın Kullanım diplomacy i. 9 Ticaret/Ekonomi embargo i.

Diplomasi ambargo

3 Genel diplomacy i. Ustalık 10 Ticaret/Ekonomi embargo i.

ekonomik ambargo

11 Ticaret/Ekonomi embargo i.
ihracat ve ithalata konan yasaklamalar


The reduction or removal of armed forces and Embassy:

A body of diplomatic representatives,
3 Genel disarmament i. zararsız hale specifically one headed by an ambassador
1 Yaygın Kullanım embassy i.
4 Genel disarmament i. silah bırakma Elçilik

7 Hukuk disarmament i. Silahsızlanma 3 Genel embassy i. sefarethane

4 Genel embassy i. büyükelçilik

5 Genel embassy i. Sefaret


A government order prohibiting the entry or

departure of commercial ships at its ports,
especially as a war measure. Also refers to any
restriction imposed on commerce by law Ethnic Cleansing:

7 Ticaret/Ekonomi embargo f. The expulsion, imprisonment, or killing of

ambargo koymak ethnic minorities by a dominant majority group

2 Siyasal ethnic cleansing i. etnik


3 Siyasal ethnic cleansing i. etnik

Free Trade:

Facilitator: Trade carried on without governmental

regulations, especially international trade
In diplomacy, a neutral person or country that conducted without protective tariffs, customs
brings warring parties or states to a meeting duties, and so on
and helps them exchange views and, possibly,
come to a preliminary agreement—a less 2 Genel free trade i. serbest ticaret
formal role than that of mediator or broker in a
treaty negotiation

1 Genel facilitator i. kolaylaştıran

2 Genel facilitator i. kolaylaştırıcı

3 Genel facilitator i. Yöneten


The systematic killing or extermination of a

whole people or nation

9 Hukuk genocide i. Soykırım

Foreign Affairs:

Matters concerning the policy of a country in

its relation to other countries

14 Siyasal foreign affairs i. dış


15 Siyasal foreign affairs i. Grass Roots:

Originating among or carried on by the
common people

1 Genel grass root i. bir şeyin

temeli veya kaynağı

1 Siyasal grass-root i. parti tabanı 6 Siyasal head of state i.

Head Of Government:
The person in effective charge of the
executive branch of a government. In a A system of beliefs and values that explains
parliamentary system, this refers to the prime society and Indigenous Born, growing, or
minister produced naturally in a region or country;
prescribes the role of government native
1 Siyasal head of state or government i.
devlet ya da hükümet başkanı 4 Genel ideology i. düşünyapı

2 Siyasal head of government i. 6 Genel ideology i. ülkülem

hükümet başkanı 8 Siyasal ideology i. ideoloji

9 Siyasal ideology i. Mefkûre

Head Of State:

An individual who represents the state but

does not exercise political power Interdependence:

1 Genel head of the state i. devlet Dependence on each other or one another;
başkanı mutual dependence

2 Siyasal head of state or government i. 2 Genel interdependence i.

devlet ya da hükümet başkanı dayanışma

3 Siyasal head of the state i. devlet 3 Genel interdependence i.

başkanı bağlılık

4 Siyasal head of the state i. devlet 13 Siyasal interdependence i.

reisi karşılıklı bağımlılık

5 Siyasal head of state i. devlet başkanı

Liaison: Minister:

A linking up or connecting to, so as to 1 Diplomatic agent of the second class. The

coordinate activities, especially of a military full title is Envoy Extraordinary and Minister
nature Plenipotentiary.

1 Yaygın Kullanım liaison i. 2. Cabinet member, as a minister of foreign

bağlantı affairs or foreign minister

2 Yaygın Kullanım liaison i. 1 Yaygın Kullanım prime minister

irtibat i. başbakan

3 Genel liaison f. irtibat görevi 2 Yaygın Kullanım minister i.

görmek bakan

4 Genel liaison i. Münasebet 5 Genel minister to f. -e yardım


6 Genel minister to f. -e hizmet



An activity of interest groups aimed at

influencing governors and the public
1 Genel lobbying i. lobicilik
1. Collective term for cabinet, particularly in
2 Genel lobbying i. lobi çalışması Great Britain.
3 Genel lobbying i. kulis çalışması 2. office or department of a cabinet minister,
as the ministry of war
4 Siyasal lobbying i. kulis
faaliyetleri 1 Yaygın Kullanım ministry i.

Multilateral: NGO (Nongovernmental organization):
1. Having many sides A private-sector not-for-profit organization
that contributes to development in developing
2. involving or participated in by more than
countries through such activities as
two nations or parties (as in multilateral
cooperative projects, financial aid, material
aid, the dispatch of personnel, the acceptance
59 Siyasal multilateral s. çok uluslu of trainees, and development education. Some
NGOs are accredited by the United Nations or
60 Siyasal multilateral s. çok taraflı its specialized agencies and can represent their
interests before ECOSOC.

2 Hukuk non-governmental
organization i. sivil toplum örgütü

3 Siyasal non-governmental
organization i. hükümet dışı

4 Siyasal non-governmental
organization i. hükümet dışı kuruluş

1. The condition of state that has in it more

than one nationality in terms of cultural
background, such as Switzerland, which is a
composite of French, German, and Italian

2. A corporation that operates in more than one

country. National Interest Interests specific to
a nation-state, including especially survival
and maintenance of power Peacekeeper:

1 Genel multinational s. çok uluslu Person assigned the task of helping to

maintain peace where conflict has just ended.
2 Ticaret/Ekonomi multinational i. Strictly speaking, “peacekeepers” can include
çok uluslu şirket civilian staff (whereas “peacekeeping
soldiers” does not); in practice however, the
4 Medikal multinational s.
term usually refers to the military component
of a peacekeeping operation

2 Siyasal peacekeeper i. arabulucu 2 Genel pluralism i. çoğulluk

3 Siyasal peacekeeper i. Uzlaştırıcı 3 Genel pluralism i. plüralizm

4 Genel pluralism i. pluralizm

6 Siyasal pluralism i. Çoğulculuk

Prime Minister:
Hybrid politico-military activity aimed at
conflict control, which involves a United The leader of the government and head of the
Nations presence in the field (usually including cabinet in parliamentary systems. The prime
military and civilian personnel), with the minister is also the leader of his political party
consent of the parties, to implement or monitor
the implementation of arrangements relating 1 Yaygın Kullanım prime minister
to the control of conflicts (cease-fires, i. başbakan
separation of forces, etc.) and their resolution
(partial or comprehensive settlements), and/or 2 Genel prime minister i.
to protect the delivery of humanitarian relief Başvekil

1 Genel peacekeeping i. barışı koruma


A person invested with full authority to act as a

representative of a government

8 Hukuk plenipotentiary i. tam

yetkili temsilci

14 Siyasal plenipotentiary s. tam

Private Sector:
That part of the economy made up of business
enterprises owned by individuals or groups of
individuals, in contrast to the public sector.
Also refers to consumer expenditure for goods
and services. The private sector accounts for
about four-fifths of the economy of the United

26 Ticaret/Ekonomi private sector

i. özel sektör

The open competition of political interests


1a A belief that race is the primary determinant

Public Sector: of human traits and capacities and that racial
differences produce an inherent superiority of a
That part of the economy that involves, or is particular race
controlled by, federal, state, or local
government, as opposed to the private sector. 2. racial prejudice or discrimination
The public sector accounts for about one-fifth 4 Genel racism i. Anasoyculuk
of the total economy of the U.S
8 Genel racism i. Irkçılık
2 Genel public sector i. kamu kesimi

3 Genel public sector i. kamu sektörü

To divide into regions or administrative
The number of members of a legislature, or of districts; arrange regionally
any organization, that must be present before
official business may be conducted 1 Genel regionalize f.
13 Hukuk quorum i. çoğunluk
2 Siyasal regionalize f. yerel yönetim
14 Hukuk quorum i. ekseriyet bölgelerine ayırmak
15 Hukuk quorum i. nisap 3 Siyasal regionalize f. bölgelere göre
16 Hukuk quorum i. oran düzenlemek

17 Hukuk quorum i. yeter sayı 4 Siyasal regionalize f. bölgeleştirmek

5 Siyasal regionalize f. bölgelere


6 Siyasal regionalize f. Yöreselleşmek

A coercive economic or military measure,
To state or do over again or repeatedly, usually adopted by several nations in concert,
sometimes with wearying effect for forcing a nation violating international law
8 Hukuk reiterate f. vurgulamak to desist or yield to adjudication

9 Teknik reiterate f. Yinelemek 19 Hukuk sanction i. müeyyide

20 Hukuk sanction i. Yaptırım


To restore or return to the country of origin, Sovereignty:

allegiance, or citizenship, as with prisoners of
war 1. Supreme power, especially over a body
politic b. Freedom from external control;
1 Genel repatriate f. uyruğunda autonomy c. controlling influence.
olduğu ülkeye geri göndermek
2. One that is sovereign, especially: an
2 Genel repatriate f. ülkesine iade autonomous state
1 Yaygın Kullanım sovereignty i.
3 Genel repatriate f. iade etmek Egemenlik

4 Genel repatriate f. ülkesine geri 5 Genel sovereignty i. özerklik

6 Genel sovereignty i. Büyüklük

11 Genel sovereignty i. hükümdarlık

12 Genel sovereignty i. Hükümranlık


21 Hukuk affirm f. tasdik etmek

22 Hukuk affirm f. teyit etmek

23 Hukuk affirm f. doğrulamak

24 Hukuk affirm f. Onaylamak


The systematic use of terror or unpredictable

violence against governments, publics, or
individuals to attain a political objective.
Terrorism has been used by political
organizations with both rightist and leftist
objectives, by nationalistic and ethnic groups,
by revolutionaries, and by armies and security
police of governments themselves

14 Genel terrorism i. Terörizm Approving

1 Genel approving s. onaylayan

2 Genel approving s. onaylayıcı

3 Bilgisayar approving expr.


War Crime:

A crime, such as genocide or maltreatment of

prisoners, committed during or in connection
with war

6 Siyasal war crime i. savaş suçu

Aware of
7 Askeri war crime i. harp suçu
1 Genel aware of s. haberdar

2 Genel aware of s. -in farkında

Bearing in mind

7 Genel bearing in mind i. göz

önünde bulundurma

8 İfadeler bearing in mind expr. göz

önüne alınacak olursa

9 İfadeler bearing in mind expr. eğer

10 İfadeler bearing in mind expr. göz 3 Genel conscious s. kasti
önünde tutulursa
4 Genel conscious s. uyanık

5 Genel conscious s. farkında olan

1 Genel contemplating i.
tasarlama 10 Genel fulfill f. icra etmek

2 Genel contemplating i. iyice 14 Genel fulfill f. tatmin etmek

15 Genel fulfill f. gerekeni yapma
3 Genel contemplating i. niyet
etme 16 Hukuk fulfill f. ifa etmek

4 Genel contemplating i.
düşünüp taşınma

5 Genel contemplating s. niyet


6 Genel contemplating s.

Further deplorings

1 Genel deplore f. acımak

2 Genel deplore f. fena bulmak

3 Genel deplore f. acı duymak

4 Genel deplore f. çok üzülmek

12 Genel deplore f. müteessir

Deeply conscious
1 Yaygın Kullanım conscious s.
13 Genel deplore f. -e yerinmek
14 Genel deplore f. -e
2 Genel conscious s. şuuru yerinde

15 Genel deplore f. yasa boğulmak


10 Ticaret/Ekonomi authorize f.
Reaffirming izin vermek

1 Genel reaffirm f. tekrar 11 Ticaret/Ekonomi authorize f.

doğrulamak salahiyet vermek

2 Genel reaffirm f. yeniden tasdik 12 Ticaret/Ekonomi authorize f.

etmek yetki vermek

3 Genel reaffirm f. tekrar teyit 13 Hukuk authorize f. müsaade

etmek etmek

14 Hukuk authorize f. salahiyetli


15 Hukuk authorize f. yetki vermek


22 Hukuk welcome f. memnuniyetle


23 Siyasal welcome f. iyi dileklerle Call upon

14 Ticaret/Ekonomi call upon f.
ödenmesini talep etmek

15 Siyasal call upon f. istemek

16 Siyasal call upon f. rica etmek


18 Genel designate s. atanmış

19 Ticaret/Ekonomi designate s.
tayin edilmiş
13 Genel condemn f. hüküm giymek
20 Hukuk designate f. Belirlemek
14 Hukuk condemn f. cezaya

15 Hukuk condemn f. istimlak etmek

16 Hukuk condemn f. müsadere

kararı vermek

17 Hukuk condemn f. mahkum

18 Hukuk condemn f. reddetmek
1 Genel endorse f. arkasına
19 Hukuk condemn f. suçlu bulmak
20 Hukuk condemn f. suçlu çıkarmak
2 Genel endorse f. uygun bulmak

3 Genel endorse f. ciro etmek

4 Genel endorse f. vize etmek

10 Genel endorse f. onaylamak

11 Genel endorse f. tasdik etmek

Declare accordingly

5 Genel accordingly zf. gereğince

15 Genel accordingly zf. binaenaleyh

18 Genel accordingly zf. Tensiben

Further proclaims

11 Hukuk proclaim f. duyurmak

12 Siyasal proclaim f. açıklamak

13 Siyasal proclaim f. beyan etmek 27 Teknik transmit f. vermek

14 Siyasal proclaim f. ilan etmek 28 Teknik transmit i. Gönderme

15 Siyasal proclaim f. kamuya ilan


16 Siyasal proclaim f. Yayınlamak


1 Yaygın Kullanım urge i. Dürtü

9 Genel urge f. sevk etmek

Further resolves
24 Ticaret/Ekonomi urge f. teşvik
32 Hukuk resolve f. hükme etmek

33 Hukuk resolve f. karar vermek

34 Hukuk resolve i. karar

35 Hukuk resolve i. kesin karar

36 Hukuk resolve i. Önerge


20 Siyasal transmit f. radyo yayını


21 Siyasal transmit f. tv yayını


24 Teknik transmit f. frekans


25 Teknik transmit f. iletmek

26 Teknik transmit f. transfer etmek


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