Eng105 Final paper-Soumik-1431019630-Sec-4

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Effects and importance of Padma bridge in Bangladesh

Soumik Majumdar

Department of English and Modern Languages, North South University

Author Note

Soumik Majumdar

Soumik Majumdar -1431019630, is doing BBA from North South University and major in
Human Resource management.


My research is all about how the people of the country will have benefited from Padma Bridge.

It was the biggest project in our country's history, and it was the dream of Bangladesh people,

Especially the southern part of Bangladesh. I am very excited to complete this project, and I think,

like me, the maximum number of people in our country will be benefitted directly or indirectly

from this project. So, for this research, I have conducted some surveys in Bangladesh people who

are maximum university students and some of our general people. According to this survey, some

people think this is not much benefit for the country. Some of them thought it was a dream

construction for them. But interestingly, we got a fully positive review, and everyone was so

excited to visit Padma bridge after it was open. So, I think some people thought this bridge was

just a dream for our country they are also waiting to complete this project.

Keywords: benefitted, southern part, project, survey, university student, general people, dream

construction, maximum positive review, visiting Padma Bridge, completion



Padma bridge will be the most vital link in the national highway network of Bangladesh.

Specifically, it will benefit the southwest part of Bangladesh will primarily for this bridge. This is

a multipurpose bridge because of the railway and road in one bridge across the Padma river. It

connects Munshiganj, Louhajong to Madaripur, Shariatpur, linking southwest to the northern and

eastern region. It carries a four-lane highway and a single-track railway line. The total length of

the bridge is 6.150km. We all know reliable infrastructure always plays a crucial role in economic

growth. For a country, infrastructure and economy are always on the same path. Suppose

infrastructure development the financial growth increase in the same way.

The Padma Bridge outcome should positively affect their peoples, planners, workers, engineers,

government officials, and many other concerned persons in Bangladesh. One of the significant

effects of the bridge will be stop migration because maximum people come to the capital city for

work. So, it should be an opportunity for many people to access much business and create the job.

Besides its helps improvements in uninterrupted electricity, healthcare, education, and internet in

the villages. So they don't have to come to Dhaka. This bridge will reduce a big chunk of traffic

costs and travel time. Another important thing will improve the uninterrupted connection with

healthcare, education, internet, and electricity in the village and the rural area also in town. The

Padma Bridge has an estimated GDP of more than 1%, which will be very important. This bridge

will reduce erosion and vulnerability in the Char area. The research will help know how this bridge

is going to be helpful for Bangladeshi people.

So, I think the Padma bridge should be the biggest economic changer in Bangladesh, and maximum

people will benefit from this bridge.


Literature Review

The Padma Bridge will have an estimated GDP of the country of more than 1%. It's helpful and

benefits about three crore people across 21 south-western districts. These districts can be used for

a new economic corridor (Khatun,2021). The impact of this bridge within the regional SAM SW

model found an injection of $2.1 billion in the regional economy. Other regional exogenous

elements will be unaffected. There were two different impact scenario shoes in the regional

economy. First, the entire injection assumed accrue in the region, and secondly, its 70 percent

(Raihan and Khandakar,2010). There are many char lands in Bangladesh. The Char-Janajat is one

of the most potential char in the Ganges-Padma river channel. It is in Madaripur, Faridpur,

Munshiganj, and Shariatpur. The Padma Bridge will reduce erosion and vulnerability (Padma

Bridge in Bangladesh- An Opportunity and Challenges for Char-land Livelihoods Sustainability:

A Case Study on Char-Janajat in the Ganges Active Delta,2011). Much foreign trade already wants

to invest in a different area in this construction site. They are most likely RMG, Manufacturing

business, different kinds of plants, and facilities of storage. It creates a bond between two main

seaports that will positively affect the near future (Padma Bridge Gives Ruse to abundant

Possibilities, 2021). And lastly, the relationship between energy consumption and economic

development. This article shows how electricity is generated from the highway by using

piezoelectric materials. They showed all calculations about this project which might be very

helpful (T. Ghosh, N. Paul, P.K. Halder, S. Rahman, P. Mondal,2013).



To construct this bridge definitely, we sacrifice lots of money, hard work, efforts, but for all

this, finally, this dream comes true day by day. Every people will have benefitted from this bridge

one way or another. Without this bridge, we have to use a ferry ghat that will take too much time

and hassle. This bridge will be a multipurpose bridge with train lines and public roads and

electricity, internet, gas, and water lines. So, spending money on this bridge would be worth the

decision and we have to support our Government. This project is something that we cannot neglect.

Some other countries will never have thought Bangladesh would have made this bridge with their

own money, but this time, Bangladeshis people should feel proud of it. And from my side, this

project will not be harmful to us; rather, it will be a very helpful and time-bound decision.


I conduct primary research on people who live in our country's western and southern regions.

Questionaries' will be prepared very shortly so that everyone can understand. And it’s already

come online survey. And also, some surveys took from random people in our country to know how

they feel about this massive project or how they will have benefited.

And for the secondary resources, I searched for valuable articles in google scholar, our university

online library, and other sources.


Data Presentation and Analysis

I have conducted this survey, maximum from University students and some from random people.

I got 20 responses from them. Below I summarized their thoughts one by one.

1. What's your age?

From this bar chart, we can see, I got a response from two different age barriers. The first part was

19 to 23, and the second part was 24-28. So here, I got the maximum number from 19 to 23 age

limit people. They are a maximum University student, and in 24 to 28, some of them are random

general people, and others were university students. All of them were well-educated people who

put their lovely comments on my survey.


2. Your gender?

In this survey, I got responses from both males and females. This graph shows the maximum result

received from male people and got less response from female people. The ratio was in male 70%

and from female 30%.


3. Have you dreamed about Padma Bridge?

From this chart, 65% have known and thought it was a big-budget bridge and dreamed about it.

The second-largest section said no. I did not know much about it. So, we assume that they forgot

that this construction would be built. And lastly, 15% of them said the Padma bridge was far away

from their home. That means they did not bother about this bridge.

4. What do you think is necessary for Bangladesh?

I have received a 90% response from this graph. The Padma Bridge is one of the biggest projects

in Bangladesh, and our own money makes this. Many of our neighboring countries would not

though I will be built. But now, it is no dream. The maximum percentage of the bridge is already

visible. This bridge is very much necessary for Bangladesh. That’s why maximum people choose

this option. But some of them thought it was costly for Bangladesh. Yes, it is costly, but if we want

to increase our economy and ensure people's good side, the cost is nothing. So, o assumes that this

10% of people would not go through with proper research that how Padma Bridge will have helped

our economy, transportation, decrease travel time, job opportunity, and many more.

5. What do you think? What kind of benefit will BD get from this bridge?

I got a response from 90% of people from this question, which was a combined answer. Here 45%

of people thought people would have benefitted from faster economic growth and faster

transportation facilities. This is very true. And the other 45% said the broadband line and electricity

will become better from now. Lastly, a very small portion of people thought whole Bangladeshi

people would not have benefitted. Only the southern part of the country will have benefitted.

Based on one of the journals, Bangladesh is the country where the river is one of the main

transportation around the country. It plays a vital role in our regular cycle of life. All towns or

huge urban communities experienced the childhood bank of the river. But this kind of big bridge

always plays a vital role in the country’s economy (Jalil & Mia, 2021). Because fuel consumption

in an irrigation project in the southwest of Bangladesh affects the economy, many lands in that

area. Still, business people are not interested in invest lack communication.

6. What do you think spending a huge amount of money will it worth?

I have got 14 responses from this question where people thought yes, the bridge is necessary at

any cost. Yes, this kind of transportation always brings a positive vibe in every country in off of

sector. Five of them thought they wanted many years ago. I think they faced lots of problems when

they visited the southern part of Bangladesh. And some of them thought Government spent more

money than he expected. If we elaborate this state, then yes, the bridge estimate cost was 10,1620

million in 2007. It was just estimated, but over time it's now 302,930 million, which is huge and

like triple time bigger budget from the first budget (Ahmed,2018). This cost increased because of

added railway track under the bridge and others many other things. But it will bring more profit

and make people's life easier.


7. What do you think, is this bridge will create job opportunities for jobless people?

Two options will create job opportunities for jobless people. Here, 45% of them thought there is

some job in toll fee booths, and 55% of them thought there is some sector where people do more

research for development, and people earn from this bridge. Actually, not only these two, many

job opportunities will create when the bridge opens. Like there is a railway line under the road

line, of the road so Government needs to maintain that line so people will get some job. Another

is there are more lines like broadband, gas, electricity, water so for maintaining this line, the

Government needs people, and they got a job. The Government needs engineers because they have

to maintain the overall project. Apart from this, many more options where the Government needs

people to maintain this bridge so that many job opportunities will create.

8. When will this project finish? Will you take a tour there?

Maximum people want to visit the Padma Bridge when it’s done. I got a 75% response why are

cordially said yes, they definitely will visit the bridge. In the news and social media, we already

saw that many people visited Padma Bridge when the construction started. So, when it finishes,

many of them want to visit the bridge. Then 10% of them said they are interested in visiting the

bridge but are far away from it. Another 10% of them were not interested in visiting the bridge.

They thought its nothing special for them. And very few of them, like 5%, were not interest in

visiting the bridge.


9. What about the toll fees proposed by the Government?

From this graph, I got some mixed thoughts. Because all people in the country were concerned

about this, 35% said this tolls some are decent but not all. And another large portion said, which

is 30% think they are adequate. And 20% of them said that was completely not worthy. So, they

cannot agree at all. And last 3 of them, which is 25%, think they are not fear enough. But the fees

were not finalized. It was just proposed. The proposed tolls fees for medium size truck was 2100

Taka, for big truck 2775Taka, bus 2370 Taka and the mini truck might be 1620 taka (Akhter,

2021). This is the information I got from a newspaper article so far. Bangladesh is a developing

country so far, so I think this tolls fee should be decreased.


10. Instead of building this bridge government should have invested this money in another sector.

What do you think?

From this graph, a maximum of 10 out of 20 people thinks this is necessary for Bangladesh.

Though it is a very big budget construction and honestly like our country, it was very challenging.

But I got a very positive review in this area. Then 5 of them think this bridge will open lots of

opportunities for many people. For exam not for urbanization but in the charred area in the Padma

river a, rea the people are surviving just for food, flood, and river erosion. In the article, I got some

information for Char Janajat, which is on the Padma River tunnels and its huge char. Interestingly

there are lots of people living, and they survive with flood erosion and river erosion. In that article,

the authors want to say how the positive impact in socio-economic for Padma Bridge in Char-

Janajat. (Karim, Alam, Akter & Shaheed, 2011). And some others think Government could spend

some money on poor people and other construction.


11. If this bridge could harm us somehow? What do you think?

I have got full positive reviews from this response. There are 12 of them who think this is a well-

planned project. Yes, this is a well-planned project. I got some information from one article where

they said how difficult it was and how beautifully well planned it was. I found that the design

capacity for a pile was 8200 tons, but the clay layer was encountered when the work started, so it

decreased by 6250 tons. Another interesting piece of information was that there was crated

artificial river by dredging for sufficient floating in crane movement—this kind of interesting

topics knowing from this journey. And I think it’s helpful to know about the challenges for making

this infrastructure besides discussing the effects of this bridge (Mushfiq, Abbas, Mohosin, 2020).

4 of them think this corrupted country, so they did not maintain this bridge. Some of them increased

the VAT again, and some thought it would not be harmful in a century.

12. What do you think, will this bridge help somehow overall Bangladesh people?

We all know this bridge is situated in the southern part, but maximum people will have benefitted

from this bridge. Here I got a 50 % response from the people who think it will be helpful for all

Bangladeshi people. It helps moving anything southern part to the western part at a low cost and

decent time. And travel time and cost will be decreased. From this graph, 30% of them will benefit

directly or indirectly, but 15% think this bridge is only for rich people because of expensive tolls.

And lastly, some of them think this will help only for South- West and northwest part.


From all of the above information and survey, I could say Padma Bridge will be the big

economic changer of Bangladesh. Apart from this, if we see the travel time from Dhaka to any

southern part of Bangladesh, ferry ghat has lots of hassle. Due to heavy fog, the ferry is sometimes

delayed 20 to 24 hours in the winter season. Also, when the river water level increases above the

general level in the rainy season, the maximum ferry ghat collapses. Also, the truck transporting

raw materials, vegetables, and many things containing septic products suffer a lot.

Another important thing is ambulances have to wait. They didn’t reach Dhaka in an emergency.

So, this bridge will have solved all of these problems.

Another important thing is that it’s not only transport people; it contains the gas line, fiver

cable line, water line, and electric line. Fiver cable helps the southern part people with flawless

internet service. The gas line provides them. And water and gas lines provide them more and easy

secured lines. So, according to the survey, the hypothesis machetes with it. Maximum people

though all southern part people will enjoy this kind of facilities, and Then additionally, the Padma

Bridge will create lots of job opportunity. Because the Government needs lots of people to take

care of this bridge, maximum people in those areas will get the job to improve their economy.

Lastly, the economic change will tremendously because the bridge will have connected to the

national highway road. From the survey, I got maximum positive responsive. Some of the people

had their confused, and they said some negative opinions. And some people are thinking about

corruption and VAT rather than the good side of this bridge. My hypothesis is mismatched here,

but I think all confusion will clear soon and bring positive vibes.


In my personal opinion, throughout this research paper, I want to suggest one recommendation

in the toll system. Though it's estimated Government should think more carefully about this issue.

Bangladesh is more likely a developing country. Maximum people in our country are poor, and

the largest of the people belong to the middle class, so the Government should have to think. If

they want, they could minimize the toll. I hope they do that because after, it's all for the nation.


This bridge will be one of the biggest achievements in Bangladeshi history. The people of

Bangladesh should be proud of the Padma Bridge. When the world Bank and some neighboring

countries didn’t want to invest in this bridge, our prime minister Sheikh Hasina said she needed

no help. She also said this bridge will have made with our people’s money. It was a challenging

journey, but now it’s not a dream at all. All of the spans are installed already. Not only bridge

government made six lanes high standard highway road for connecting those bridges. When others

country uses this national highway, they have paid us, which increased out GDP. Then Benapole

international border and Payara seaport will be connected with this bridge. So that import and

exporting will have added new era in our GDP. After finishing this project, people of the southern

part will get uninterrupted internet service, fuel electricity, etc. This bridge will not harm at all.

Some of them think it could be better if the Government spent this money on another sector. I think

this kind of confusion will have gone out in a short time when this bridge will open. So, I would

say the Padma Bridge will be the economic changer of Bangladesh, and every people of this

country will benefit from this bridge.



1. Raihan, B.H & Khandakar, S. R. (2010, November). Estimating the Economic Impacts of the

Padma Bridge in Bangladesh.


2. Khatun, F. (2020, December 13). Padma Bridge and the pursuit of inclusive growth. The Daily




3. Islam, S. N., Karim, R. U., Newaz, N., Alam, S. I., Akter, Z., Akter, S., Rouf, A., & Shaheed,

H. (2011). Padma Bridge in Bangladesh - An Opportunity and Challenges for Char-land

Livelihoods Sustainability: A Case Study on Char-Janajat in the Ganges Active Delta. Asia-Pacific

Journal of Rural Development, 21(2), 119–138.


4. T. Ghosh, N.Paul, P.K. Halder, S. Rahman, P. Mondal. (2013) Green Electricity Generation:

Prospective Analysis on Proposed Padma Bridge, Bangladesh: Global Journal of Researches in

Engineering Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 13(12)


5. Padma bridge testing title. Light Castle Partners. (2021, June 24).


6. Jalil, M. A., & Mia, M. T. (2021). The Role of Padma Multipurpose Bridge in the National

Sustainable Development in Bangladesh. Asian and African Social Science and



7. Sharmin, R., Rashid, M.M., Ferdous, M.M., & Ahmed, R. (2014). Energy and environmental

impact for the development of multipurpose Padma Bridge. Renewable energy resources, 18-27.

8. T. Ghosh, N. Paul, P.K. Halder, S. Rahman, P. Mondal. (2013) Green Electricity Generation:

Prospective Analysis on Proposed Padma Bridge, Bangladesh: Global Journal of Researches in

Engineering Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 13(12)

9. Islam, M. M., Hossain, A. S. M. F., S. M. Abbas, Silvy, S., & Hasan, M. S. (2020). A study on

impacts, construction challenges, and overcome of Padma multipurpose bridge, Bangladesh. Civil

engineering for sustainable development, 7–9. https://doi.org/SBN-978-984-34-8764-3

10. Islam, S.N., Karim, R.U., Newaz, N., Alam, S.I., Akhter, Z., Akter, A., & Shaheed, H. (2011).

Padma Bridge in Bangladesh – an opportunity and challenges for char-land livelihoods

sustainability: A case study on Char-Janajat in the Ganges Active Delta. Asia –Pacific Journal of

rural development, 21(2), 119-138. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F1018529120110208

11. Ahmed, A. (2018, July 3). Padma Bridge Construction Cost Escalates Three-Folds. Retried from

Business Outlook. Padma Bridge Construction Cost Escalates Three-Folds – Welcome to Business

Outlook (businessoutlookbd.com)

12. Akhter, S. (2021, February 20). Proposed Padma Bridge tolls 1.5 times ferry tolls. Retrieved from

Proposed Padma bridge tolls 1.5 times ferry tolls (newagebd.net)



Survey on Padma Bridge

Greetings, I am Soumik Majumdar, a student of North South University. I am surveying the Padma

Bridge project. This is the purpose while I am doing ENG105. It would be very helpful to put your

valuable opinion on Question/Answer below. I would not take your personal information, and it's

completely secured. Thank you.

1. What's your age?

a) Below 18

b) Between 19 to 23

c) Between 24 to 28

d) Above 29

2. Your gender?

a) Female

b) Male

3. Have you dreamed about Padma Bridge?

a) No, I didn't know much about it

b) Yes, it was a big-budget bridge

c) No, because it was far away from my house

d) I Never thought it would be built


4. What do you think is necessary for Bangladesh?

a) Yes because there are lots of hassle in ferry ghat

b) No, because it was costly for BD

c) Yes, it’s necessary for political profit

d) No, because its built-in unnecessary place

5. What do you think? What kind of benefit will BD get from this bridge?

a) Faster transportation and economic growth

b) Broadband, electricity, and broadband service will become much better

c) Not evert BD people will not benefit only south people only

d) Both a & b

6. What do you think spending a huge amount of money will it worth?

a) Not, it’s unnecessary

b) No, Government spent more than I expected

c) yes because we wanted it many years ago

d) yes, the bridge is necessary at any cost


7. What do you think, is this bridge will create job opportunities for jobless people?

a) Yes, both side toll fee booths and some other necessary staff

b) Yes, there might create some sector for research purpose

c) I think this is not enough praiseworthy

8. When will this project finish? Will you take a tour there?

a) Yes, I definitely will go

b) No, not interested

c) Yes, interested but too far from my house

d) it does not seem special to visit

9. What about the toll fees proposed by the Government?

a) They are adequate

b) That was completely not worthy

c) Some are decent, not all

d) They are not fair enough

10. Instead of building this bridge government should have invested this money in another sector.

What do you think?

a) Yes, the Government could spend money on poor people

b) No, this is necessary for the country

c) This bridge going to open lots of opportunities for many people


d) Government could have spent money on other road construction

11. Is this bridge could harm us somehow? What do you think?

a) No, it is a well-planned project

b) Yes, because Bangladesh is full of corruption

c) Yes, because will increase VAT again

d) No, not in a century at least

12. What do you think, will this bridge help somehow overall Bangladesh people?

a) Yes, it will be helpful for all Bangladesh people

b) It will help rich people because of the expensive toll system

c) It will help South-West and North-West people only

d) People of this country will be benefited directly or indirectly

Any further comments?

Thanks for participating.

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