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Republic of the Philippines


Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz

College of Education, Arts & Sciences (COEAS)


Asian Studies
(Social Studies 105)
Lorence Albert Estilloro Dr. Edwin D. Daliva
BSED Social Studies 2A Course Facilitator

Activity 1 and 4

What you know about Asia What do you want to know What have you learned
about Asia about Asia

Asia is the largest continent of Among the seven Asia is a continent of

the world. So, it have the most continents, Asia is well diverse cultures and ancient
diverse human and physical known for its unique and civilizations. It is land of
geography, the knowledge is fascinate cultures, economic, political, and
so vast that even mega size economies, plants and socio-cultural contrast. The
books cannot help to show animals. Being a social geographical diversities
everything. With its diverse studies major, I want to dig present in the Asian
physical features and the more everything about the landmass are truly
climatic conditions they are Asia most likely the current remarkable.
subjected to clearly, no two issues.
places in Asia experience quit Asia is the largest of the
the same weather. I know that Asian studies seven continents. It is home
can give me facts and to nearly 60% of the
It is land of skyward information to answer the world’s population. Asia
mountains, colossal plains, questions in my mind and to covers an area of
murky swamps, and deeply analyze what 44,509,000 square
unforgiving deserts. All these happened in the past and the kilometers (44.4 million sq.
features truly justify Asia as a present to better understand km) 17,212,000 sq. mi.,
land of contrasts. “Asia” was the future. To learn about about 30% of Earth’s total
the name of titan goddess in the regions, political land area and 8.7% of the
Greek mythology and Greeks divisions, features of Asia Earth’s total surface area.
are generally credited with were my main concerns too. The Asian continents
creating the concept of Asia extend between the latitudes
which at the time included 10 degrees South to 80
Persians, Arabs, Indians, and degrees North and lies
anyone not African or almost in the Eastern
European. Hemisphere between the
longitudes 25 degrees East
and 170 degrees West.

Asia is bordered by oceans

on three sides—the arctic
ocean to the north, the
pacific ocean in the east,
and the Indian ocean in the
south. It is separated from
Europe in the West by the
Ural Mountains., the
Caspian Sea, the Caucasus
mountains and the Black
sea. In the West, it is linked
with Africa through the
Sinai Peninsula. The
Narrow Bering Strait
separates Asia from North
America in the North East.
It is divided into different
regions: Central Asia, East,
South, Southeast, Western
and North Asia. Asia can be
divided into five major
physical divisions: The
Northern Lowlands, Central
Mountains, Southern
Plateaus, Great River
Valleys and Islands Groups.
Activity 2
Vocabulary: Locate on the chart below the word referred in each item. Encircle the
answer and write it on the blank.
(Asia)1. The largest continent of the world.
(Continent) 2. One of the main division of the Earth’s land.
(Culture) 3. The entire range of customs, beliefs, social forms and material
(History) 4. The record or account of the past events.
(Civilization) 5. An advanced stage of social, cultural, and moral refinement.


Asia is the land of contrasts because of its diverse physical features and it is
known as the largest of the seven continents.
Continent is a very large land masses on Earth and there are seven continents
in the world: Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, South America, Antarctica, and
Culture is the shared and negotiated system of meaning informed by
knowledge that people learn and put into practice by interpreting experience and
generate behavior.
History is what makes the present better and without it we can’t understand
the past.
Civilization is the time where the development of culture and technologies
expand to high level.
(Desert) 1. Dry, barren region, able to support little or no life.
(Continent) 2. One of the major divisions of Earth’s land.
(Climate) 3. Weather characteristics of an area.
(Geography) 4. The study of the physical description of Earth.
(Monsoon) 5. A seasonal with of Southern Asia; the rainy season.

Desert is large area of land that usually in hot region where there is almost
no water, rain, trees or plant.
Continent is largest and discrete mass of land.
Climate is an area’s long term weather pattern in a region.
Geography is the study of Earth’s lands, features, and inhabitants as well as
it affects and affected by there, including the distribution of populations and
resources land use and industries.
Monsoon is a seasonal shift in wind direction and can cause wet and dry
seasons throughout much of the tropics.
Activity 3
The Regions of Asia
Southeast South Asia West Asia East Asia Central/North
Asia Asia
Brunei, Pakistan, Armenia, China, Hong Kazakhstan,
Cambodia, India, Azerbaijan, Kong, Macau, Uzbekistan,
East Timor, Bangladesh, Bahrain, Taiwan, Tajikistan,
Indonesia, Nepal, Georgia, Iran, Japan, North Turkmenistan,
Laos, Bhutan, Sri Iraq, Israel, Korea, South Kyrgyzstan,
Malaysia, Lanka, Jordan, Korea, Afghanistan,
Myanmar, Maldives Kuwait, Mongolia Russia, Siberia
Philippines, Lebanon,
Singapore, Oman,
Thailand, Palestine,
Vietnam Qatar, Saudi
Arabia, Syria,
United Arab

1. Why is the concept of continents open to interpretation?
Continent is very large land mass that is separated from other continents in the
world by oceans. But, that is not precise. These continents are separated only by
geographical boundaries that limit these land masses to a certain area. Rather, the
continents are defined by rocks it’s made of and how it came to be that matter.
These continents are a group of some countries which are conglomerated based on
certain physical and geographic characters.
The reason why the concept of continent open to interpretation it is because
there are many different and confusing definitions of what a continent is. The most
widely accepted one says that a continent is defined as large, continuous, discrete
mass of land, ideally separated by an expanse of water. The definition somewhat
confuses things. Many of the current continents are not discrete land masses
separated by water.
2. How do you pinpoint the exact location of a place on the globe or map?
To help us locate places on earth’s surface, we use a coordinate system. This
coordinate system is like placing a giant grid over the earth. This grid has lines
extending from east to west called lines of latitude and lines extending from north
to south called lines to longitude. The coordinated of a location like an address for
what place. Maps show the location of places and features on the Earth’s surface.
A title, compass rose, map key, and scale are important tools map makers use to
help you read a map.
3. In addition to the physical aspects, what are the other issues or concerns that
need to be considered in the division of the territories?
Sometimes, in the division of the territories there is a conflict that arises, but
what has not been known is that once neighbors settle their territorial disputes they
can have long periods of peace and prosperity, even if new salient issue arise. In
this way, territory is a key both to war and to peace. Territory may be a motive
war, it is its role as a source of power that is crucial for realist. People in one are
well fight against those who tried to invade their own territory. Everyone should
respect one another, in that case there is no war and misunderstanding to both
4. Does physical geography play an important role in shaping regional
It played the important role in shaping regional variations in the sense that
through physical geography you will be able to recognize spatial distributions at all
scales in order to understand the complex connectivity of people and places. But I
think regional variation is more on focus in human geography. It is a characteristic
of language: there is more than one way of saying the same way. Language
variation is a core concept in sociolinguistics.
5. Why should we study Asia?
Many current concerns taking place in the Asia. It is in the forefront of
significant global event. More than 6 billion people live in Asia and it is the site of
early human settlement. The location of the oldest Neolithic cities and cradle of the
oldest civilizations. We should study to again deeper understanding of that nature
of Asian societies. Understand themes that highlight particular experiences of
Asians. In addition to understanding of our own society, this is also the way to be
familiar with the history of our neighboring Asian countries. Lastly, to show that
we are proud of our Asian heritage.
6. When can we say that the perspective used in the study of history is Asian
centric? Eurocentric in nature?
Asian centric perspective used in the study of history in relation to Asia to
be either superior, central or unique relative to other regions. This self-opinionated
viewpoint may take the form of ascribing to Asia significance or supremacy at the
cost of the rest of the world. The role of Asians in molding the history of culture of
Asia as an important geographical and cultural region is given more emphasis.
From Asian perspective to Asian nature down to rightful importance.

7. Was the word Asia a by-product of the Eurocentric point of view? Explain your
Eurocentrism denotes a world view which implicitly or explicitly posits
European history and values as “normal” and superior to others. Thereby helping
to produce and justify Europe’s dominant position within the global capitalist
world system. Some historians say that the word “Asia” was derived from the
Phoenician word “asa” which means “east”. The ancient romans picked up the
word from the Greeks. The Latin word “oriens” means “rising” the sun rises in the
east, so any people originating from that direction were eventually referred to as
Even to this day, the boundaries of what we called Asia are disputed. Asia,
Europe, and Africa technically share the same continental shelf; however political
religious and cultural differences make clearly defining what is considered Asia.
All but impossible. One thing that is certain is that the concept of an Asia came
from early Europeans. Asians are so vastly varied in culture and beliefs that they
never collectively referred to themselves as from Asia or as “Asians”. By-product
of the Eurocentric viewpoint and the main reason why the naming of places has
always been relative to them.
8. Prove that there is ‘’unity in diversity’’ in Asia?
Asia is home of abundance of traditions and customs that have shaped its
unique and distinct identity. A blend of cultures, Asia is known for its historical
heritage and great diversity.
One of the evidence that Asia has unity in diversity is the association of
southeast Asian nations (ASEAN) that promotes economic, political, and security
cooperation comprises by ten countries; Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos ,
Malaysia ,Myanmar , Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. According to
ASEAN Declaration the purpose of the association are to accelerate the economic
growth, social progress and cultural development in the region through joint
endeavors in the spirit of equality and partnership in order to strengthen the
foundation for a prosperous and peaceful community of southeast nation, to
promote regional peace and stability through abiding respect for justice and the
rule of low in the relationship among countries in the region adherence to the
principle of the united nations charter.
No doubt, Asians have a coordination relationship, teamwork, and undeniable
performance, work quality productivity, productivity and lifestyle. Despite being
diverse in various ways, leads to the habit of national unity among the people of
the country. Being united helps to enrich the agricultural sector through various
crops and thus the growth of the economy. Asia is the source of skilled and
advance professional in various areas of the country.
Activity 5
Southeast Asia South Asia West Asia East Asia Central/North Asia
Mainland Southeast In the case of West Asia gets a Mongolia, Central Asia's main
Asia consists of two South Asia, negative image Taiwan, physical features are
large Peninsulas: there are many as a place of North highlands, deserts, and
Malay Peninsula and important endless deserts, Korea, and steppes, such as the
Indochina Peninsula. mountains, but it is South Korea Kirghiz Steppe in
rivers, plains, dominated not are the other Kazakhstan. The Kara
Mainland ranges and
and plateaus, injust by deserts countries in Kum desert covers
those found on
particular. But but by two major the region. much of the land in
Borneo are folded
landforms also Peninsulas. The East Asia Turkmenistan, while
mountains formed by
include lakes, Anatolian includes the Kyzyl Kum desert
the colossal between
valleys, Plateau is high covers much of
the Indian
canyons, sandwiched mountains, Uzbekistan. Most of
subcontinent and
coasts, and between the vast deserts, Central Asia has an
Eurasia. These
deserts. Pontus cold arid or semiarid
mountains tend to run
Mountains and climates, climate with cold
in parallel chains. Land and water
Taurus and Pacific winters.
Insular mountains are forms include:
Mountains in waters. The
formed by volcanic Himalayas, The plateau and plains
Turkey. Mount mostly
activity. Indo gangetic of Northern Asia
Ararat in Turkey rugged
plain, comprise the West
Mountains include: rises to 5,137 terrain was
Karakorum, Siberian lowlands; the
Arakan Yoma, meters. The formed by
Hindu Kush, Angara Shield, with
Annamese Cordillera, Zagros the collision
Brahmaputra the Taimyr Peninsula,
and Khorat Plateau. Mountains are of tectonic
River, the coastal lowlands
Southeast Asia is located in Iran, plates.
Narmada and (North Siberian
surrounded by water in areas along its
Mahanadi Two great Lowland and East
— the islands and border with Iraq.
Rivers, Gulf of rivers run Siberian Lowland), the
Peninsulas divide the The central
khambai. through Central Siberian
water into bays, gulf, Plateau in Iran is
China Plateau, (Putorana
and seas include: The three great divided into two
Proper: the Plateau, Lena Plateau,
Irrawaddy Range, rivers of South drainage basins.
Yellow Anabar Plateau,
Salween Range, Red Asia have their The northern
River in the Tunguska Plateau,
Range, Gulf of origins among basin is Dasht-e
north, and Vilyuy Plateau and the
Thailand, Gulf of the snowcapped Kavir (Great Salt
the Yangtze Angara Plateau); and
Tonkin, Chao peaks of the Desert), and
(or Yangzi) the Lena–Vilyuy
Phraya, and Mekong. high Dasht-e Lut is
River to the Lowland. Western
The rivers provide Himalayas. The
fertile soil for Indus flows the Southern south. In Siberia is usually
farming, west and then basin. fact, most of regarded as the
transportation for south through China Northwest Asia,
Three major
inland trade, fresh Pakistan to the Proper Kazakhstan also
tectonic plates
water, and fish for Arabian Sea. belongs to sometimes included
converge on
food. The Ganges the drainage- there. But Northwest
Western Asia,
drops down basins of Asia sometimes refers
including the
from the central these two to Caucasus or nearby
Himalayas and rivers. Both provinces.
Eurasian, and
flows eastward originate to
Arabian plates. West Siberian
across northern the far west
The boundaries lowlands; the Angara
India. in the
between the Shield,
The people rely tectonic plates
Plateau. The Taimyr Peninsula,
on waterways make up the
much the coastal lowlands
for Azores-
smaller Xi Other land and water
transportation, Gibraltar Ridge,
River cuts forms: Amu Darya,
drinking water, extending across
through Syr Darya, Balkhash-
and North Africa, the
southern Alakol, Ob-Irtysh,
communication Red Sea, and
China. and Ural rivers, Ob
. They also help into Iran.
with Other land Basin, Angara Shield,
Eight seas
agriculture. and water Yenisei River, Lena
surround the
forms: River
(clockwise): the Pamir Knot,
Aegean Sea, the Hindu
Black Sea, the Kush, Tien
Caspian Sea, the Shah,
Persian Gulf, Kunlun
the Arabian Sea, Shah,
the Gulf of Himalayas,
Aden, the Red Northwest
Sea, and the chine plain,
Mediterranean North
Sea. China
Huang he

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