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Shaykh Omar Abdur-Rahman - Confronting The Ruler

"And do not incline to those who do wrong, or the fire will touch you..." (Surah Hud, ayah 113)

O stranger of truth, amidst the cry to falsehood, and the deserted ones who are few when they are
many. Many are those who have accepted falsehood, who are pleased with humiliation, who are
happy with a peaceful life; for such there is nothing except positions in the dunya (world) and praise
of the ruler. As for those who have refused submission, except to Allah (subhannah wa ta'ala), coming
out openly with the word of truth, being punished for it with every oppression, making their lives
expendible as a result of it, how few are they? How few are they who have sold their souls to Allah
(subhannah wa ta'ala), sacrificing the delights of this world and its false comfort.

The submissive ones from the people of Egypt bade farewell to the tyrant Jamal 'Abdul Naasir to the
garbage can of history; overflowing with sadness for him. Everything was clothed in black - the
houses, the pillars, and the streets - sad with the death of the one who had perished. Amidst all these
cries, the fatwa (legal verdict) of Sheikh Omar Abdur-Rahman was reverberating - 'As-Salah (Prayer)
is not valid for 'Abdul Naasir because he is a kafir'. Just as this fatwa was echoing due to its strength,
it was similarly a powerful blow to the regime. The Sheikh was arrested and put in Al-Qal'ah prison,
and thus began a series of confrontations with the people of oppression and custodians of the
government of Egypt; he confronted Sadat and firmly announced that there can be no peace with the
Jews. When Sadat was killed, the Sheikh was arrested again and tortured; even though the Sheikh is
blind, he was beaten and electrocuted. He was forbidden medical treatment and food needed for his
diseases since he is diabetic and suffers from high blood pressure. The Sheikh was then tried in what
came to be known as the 'Case of the Assassination of Sadat and Jihad'. The Sheikh stood like a lion
and remained unconcerned about the noose dangling around his neck. His words confronted the judge
as he said:

"In the presence of my 'aqeedah (creed) and my conscious, I am called upon to repel oppression, to
refute the misconceptions and errors, to uncover the deviations and digressions, and to expose the
oppressors in front of the people even if that costs me my life and my possessions... I am a Muslim; I
live for my deen and I die in its path. And the situation does not permit me to keep silent whilst Islam
is being fought in every place, or that I stay calm whilst the waves of shirk (associating partners with
Allah (subhannah wa ta'ala)) and misguidance are striking and surging in every direction: «Or as
darkness on an ocean. He is covered by a wave, above which is a wave, above which is a cloud. Layer
upon layer of darkness. When he holds his hand out he can hardly see it. And he for whom Allah has
not appointed light, for him there is no light.»

How can I be gentle whilst the tyrants increase in arrogance and insolence: «They desire for you to
compromise so they could compromise.»

No and never shall we be pleased with the rule of tyrants, we shall never live with the rule of men -
those who are high-handed with the people, humiliate them, and make them serve others besides
Allah (subhannah wa ta'ala)...

This deen does not and will never die, and if it were to die, it would have died the day it was confined
and pursued in Makkah, and its time was like that of a newly-born or a small seedling, but it survived

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and grew to be towering.

This deen does not and will never die, and if it were to die, it would have died the day its Messenger
was expelled alone and isolated; none was with him but his Lord and his companions, yet he
migrated, gathered the Muhajireen (Emigrants from Makkah to Madinah) and Ansaar (Helpers and
residents of Madinah) around him, formed the Islamic state, and strengthened its might.

This deen does not and will never die, and if it were to die, it would have died the day Madinah was
beseiged in the Battle of the Trench, when there came upon them from above and below, when eyes
grew wild and hearts reached to the throats, and they imagined various thoughts concerning Allah
(subhannah wa ta'ala), but it endured, raised high its flag, and reached wherever the night and day

O ' Chief Justice of the Supreme Court', the proof has been established and the truth has become
visible, as clear as daylight for the one who has eyes; it is your duty to rule with the Sharee'ah of Allah
(subhannah wa ta'ala), and to implement the laws of Allah (subhannah wa ta'ala); if you do not do so,
then you are a kafir (disbeliever), Thaalim (oppressor), and fasiq (evil-doer) for the words of Allah
(subhannah wa ta'ala) will have proven true concerning you: «Whoso does not judge by that which
Allah has revealed: such are disbelievers.» «Whoso does not judge by that which Allah has revealed:
such are oppressors.» «Whoso does not judge by that which Allah has revealed: such are evil-doers.»

And the rule is not limited to this court-room, or in this world, but the rule ends its command in the
aakhirah (hereafter), where Allah (subhannah wa ta'ala) will judge with justice:

«One day the earth will be changed to a different earth, and so will be the heavens, and they will be
marshalled forth, before Allah, the One, the Irresistible»

And we do not fear prison, nor execution, and nor are we frightened by torture or injury, but we say
what the magicians said to Fir'awn (Pharoah): «We will never choose you above the clear proofs that
have come unto us, and above Him Who created us. So decree what you will decree, for you can only
decree (touching) the life of this world.»

And O 'Chief Justice of the Supreme Court', know that Allah ( subhannah wa ta'ala) sent down
hudood (punishments) to deter from vice, so what if those who are supposed to prevent it, become
involved in it themselves? And that Allah ( subhannah wa ta'ala) sent down qisas (retribution) as life
for his slaves, so if they are murdered, who will retribute for them?

And O 'Chief Justice of the Supreme Court', remember death and what happens after it when your
attendants and helpers will be few, so prepare for it and its aftermath with great fear.

O 'Chief Justice of the Supreme Court', know that you have a station other than the station at which
you are now, during which your period of stay will be long, you will be separated from your beloved
ones, and you will be delivered to your abode, lonely and isolated, so prepare for that which will
accompany you: «A day when man will flee from his brother, from his mother and his father, and from
his wife and his child. »

And remember when the contents of the graves are poured forth, and that which is (locked up) in

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(human) breasts is made known, then the secrets will emerge, and the Book does not leave out
anything, small or big, except that it has recorded it. As for now, you are in ease before your time
expires, and your hopes are cut off. Do not judge between the slaves of Allah (subhannah wa ta'ala)
with the laws of the ignorant, nor make them follow the path of the oppressors, , nor impose the
arrogant over the weak, else you will bear your burdens and burdens in addition to your burdens.

Do not look to your power today, but look to your power tomorrow when you will be enthralled in
the web of death, and you will stand in front of Allah (subhannah wa ta'ala) in an assembly of angels,
Prophets, and Messengers, and faces will humble themselves before Al-Hayy (the Living), Al-Qayyum
(the Eternal), and he who bears wrongdoing will indeed be a failure.



O 'Chief Justice of the Supreme Court' fear Allah (subhannah wa ta'ala), for indeed the messenger
from the Lord of the Worlds is about to come to you, who will remove you from your chair, and take
you out from the expanse of your palace to the narrowness of your grave. Then you will leave your
authority and your dunya behind your back, be brought to your Lord, and then fall back upon your

O 'Chief Justice of the Supreme Court' death is a pursuer which does not grow weary of its pursuit, it
does not make a mistake, nor fail in its appointment, the staunch one cannot weaken it, the fugitive
cannot escape from it, and remembrance of the convulsions during death is enough to make the limbs
tremble. Death is that which brings the giant to the ground with the same ease with which it brings
the dwarf down; the people of authority are overcome by it just as the people of subjugation are
overcome. It is like a mill-stone which revolves around the creation; a cup of it passed around them -
every one with a soul must drink of it and experience its taste. It is the demolisher of enjoyment, the
spoiler of lusts; death is that which splits the loved ones, and it continues in its path, it does not stop
and it does not care; it does not respond to the cries of the overwhelmed and worried, to the sorrow of
the separated ones, to the wishes of the one who wishes, nor to the fear of the frightened. Death is no
delight for men, and yet they do not reflect on the strength of this subduer which keeps on.

What then will be of you O 'Chief Justice of the Supreme Court' when the humiliator of kings,
defeater of oppressors, and breaker of tyrants reaches you and throws you to the ground between your
beloved ones and bystanders, cleaving your household and your fellow men, who will have no power
to benefit or defend you.

O 'Chief Justice of the Supreme Court' Allah (subhannah wa ta'ala) forbids you from the government,
and the government does not forbid you from Allah (subhannah wa ta'ala), and the order of Allah
(subhannah wa ta'ala) is above every order, for there is no obedience in disobedience to Allah
(subhannah wa ta'ala), so I warn you of His force, that which is not held back from the people of

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O 'Chief Justice of the Supreme Court', the account is right behind you, whiplash for whiplash, anger
for anger, and Allah (subhannah wa ta'ala) is on the look-out."

The words of the Sheikh shook the court-room, for he announced the word of truth in the most
gloomiest of places. The Sheikh was acquitted and left the prison to join his da'wah and jihad; he did
not lose courage, neither did he compromise nor did he keep silent.

He left Egypt and traversed the world following the footsteps of Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal and Ibn
Taymiyyah. He eventually arrived in the USA, the chief of kufr (disbelief), the crusade, and the 'new
world order'. Still he gave the good news of the demise of the tyrants in the east and west, and the
emergence of the dawn of Islam which will rip the mulberry leaf of American 'democracy'.

Sheikh Omar Abdur-Rahman became the symbol of jihad and a model for the youth who search for a
mujahid scholar.

Currently the Sheikh is in prison in the USA, serving a life sentence. We ask Allah (subhannah wa
ta'ala) to save the Sheikh and keep him as a symbol of jihad and sacrifice, and to produce from his
progeny those who will openly speak the truth.


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