第一课 答案笔记

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汤老师讲雅思 雅思阅读机经

Questions 1-5

Complete the summary with the list of words A-L below.

Write the correct letter A-L in boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet.

The question, arisen from Captain Cook's expedition to Hawaii, and others derived from it

has fascinated researchers for a long time. However, a surprising archaeological finding on

Efate in the Pacific nation of Vanuatu began to provide valuable information about the

_____H_____. On the excavating site, a _____L______ containing _____A______ of

Lapita was uncovered. Later on, various researches and tests have been done to study the
ancient people Lapita and their _____C_____. How could they manage to spread
themselves so far over the vast ocean? All that is certain is that they were good at canoeing.
And perhaps they could take well advantage of the trade wind. But there is no
_____F_____ of it.

A. bones E. inquiring minds I. pottery

B. co-leader F. proof J. assumption

C. descendants G. ancestors K. horizons

D. international team H. early seafarers L. grave

Questions 6-9

Choose the correct letter, A, B C or D.

Write your answers in boxes 6-9 on your answer sheet.

汤老师讲雅思 雅思阅读机经

6. The chemical tests indicate that D

A. the elements in one’s teeth varied from childhood to adulthood

B. the isotope signatures of the elements remain the same in different places.
C. the result of the study is not fascinating.
D. these chemicals can’t conceal one’s origin.

7. The isotope analysis from the Lapita D

A. exactly locates their birth island.准

B. reveals that the Lapita found the new place via straits.海峡
C. helps researchers to find out answers about the islanders.答

D. leaves more new questions for anthropologists to answer.?

8. According paragraph F, the offspring of Lapita A

A. were capable of voyages to land that is not accessible to view.看不见

B. were able to have the farthest voyage of 230 miles.最远

C. worked their way through the archipelagoes of the western Pacific.通过

D. fully explored the horizons. 完全

9. Once out exploring the sea, the sailors B

A. always found the trade winds unsuitable for sailing.x

B. could return home with various clues.回家
C. sometimes would overshoot their home port and sail off into eternity.x

汤老师讲雅思 雅思阅读机经

D. would sail in one direction. 一个方向

Questions 10-14

Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1?

In boxes 10-15 on your answer sheet, write

TRUE if the statement is true

FALSE if the statement is false

NOT GIVENif the information is not given in the passage

10. The Lapita could canoe in the prevailing wind. True

11. It was difficult for the sailors to find ways back, once they were out.False

12. The reason why the Lapita stopped canoeing farther is still unknown.True

13. The majority of the Lapita dwelled on Fiji.NG

14. The navigators could take advantage of El Nino during their fourth voyages.NG

根据 Efate in the Pacific nation of Vanuatu 定位 1-3
根据“How could they manage… over the vast ocean?”反推定位 4
根据 Fiji 和 El Nino 定位 13
顺序原则找到 call it quit 定位 12,向上定位 prevailing wind 第 10 题
往下找定位 11 题 swift ride home
根据 El Nino 和 Fourth Voyage 定位第 14 题
先定位 F 段 230 mile 第 8 题,向上定位 isotope analysis 第 7 题,chemical tests 和 teeth 定位第 6

汤老师讲雅思 雅思阅读机经

9:顺序原则和平均分布原则往下找 trade wind 第 9 题

thrill n 快感 insight n 洞察力
inquiring adj 求知的 landfall n 初见陆地
startling adj 惊人的 thrust v 冲向
scrape open v 刮开 prevailing adj 盛行
harbor v 包含 leads n 线索
derive from v 源自于 clue n 线索
daring adj 大胆 betoken v 预示
seedlings n 幼苗 presuppose v 预设
descendants n 子孙 call it quit v 停止
offspring n 后代 embarrassment n 尴尬
bequeath v 遗赠 reversing adj 推翻的
deposit v 沉淀 mariner n 水手
reveal v 揭示 upwind n 逆风
pinpoint v 查明 excavate v 挖掘
puzzling adj 不解 strait n 海峡
rigging n 索具 offspring n 后代

汤老师讲雅思 雅思阅读机经

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