Please Read Carefully Before You Proceed To The Questions

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Language Studies Deanship

English Language Unit

Summer 2020


Student’s Name Student’s ID

Khalid mohammed radhi 6190201

Dear Student,

Please read carefully before you proceed to the questions:

· Students will refer back to their course books whenever indicated in the questions.

· Exam date is:

· Exam submission date is 10 AUGUST 2020

· No email submission is allowed under any circumstances.

· Submission is only through LMS.

. No hand-written TMA is accepted.

Section Section Maximum Points Earned Points

Reading Comprehension 5
Grammar 5
Vocabulary 10
Writing & Research 15
Student’s Total Points

I. Reading Comprehension

Read the following article and then answer the questions that follow:
Nowadays all the information we could ever need is available online and some people say that means the
end of having to learn anything.

It is true that these days everything you want to know is a few clicks away as long as you have internet
access. However, not everyone has working internet all the time, for example in certain buildings or remote
locations, so we do need to be able to remember information. Moreover, it takes time to look up everything
you need to know online, whereas remembering something is immediate. The human memory is a much
more efficient system.

Another problem is the quality of the information online. How do we know if it is accurate or reliable? We
need to think about other facts we know and remember how to compare information from different
websites. Knowing (and remembering) how to find certain information will be more important than knowing
the information itself.

Finally, the internet is a good tool but it is not a useful replacement for our brains. If we did not remember
anything, we would all spend even more time on our phones and computers than we already do, which is
not good for society.

In conclusion, the internet offers us many things but it is still important to use our knowledge and memories.
We need our memories to function without the internet and we also need to know how to use the internet

Give complete answers to the following questions:

5 Points (Each answer is worth 1 point)

1. Give a suitable title to the article.

Learning online

2. According to the text, what is more important than knowing the information itself?
Remembering the information and know what’s the use for it , not just reading it and know it.
3. Why is it that some people believe that we don’t need to learn anything anymore according to the text?
Because they think that you don’t have to waste your time while you can search any information online in few
clicks .
4. What’s wrong with the assumption that, nowadays, we don’t have to learn anything anymore?
The problem is that you need time to search something , so just remembering it using your mind will be much
easier, faster and more helpful to others.
5. The signpost word ‘however’ in paragraph 2 establishes a logical relationship of ……………… before and after it.
A. Condition B. Similarity C. Contrast D. Purpose

II. Grammar

I. There are (5) errors in the following extract. Detect the errors; write them down in the table
along with the corrections.
5 Points (Each error is worth 1 point)

Error Line Number Correction

1.confident 8 Confidence
2.repeated 2 Repeatedly
3.might to 4 Remove to
4.shouldnt 4 Should
5.varies 3 very

III. Vocabulary

1. Give synonyms, antonyms, prefixes and suffixes for the following vocabulary items.

10 Points (Each answer is worth half a point)

Vocabulary Item Synonym

Component Element
Tutor Teacher
Brain Mind
Rehearsal Practice
Reduce Decrease

Vocabulary Item Antonym

Primary Secondary
Group İndividual
Personal Publice
Previous Next / following
Original Fake

Prefix Suffix
unfortunately Shortly
disagree Therapist
impolite Assignment
illegal Formality
irrational Naturally

IV. Writing & Research

A. The following business letter is not in the right order. Go through the different paragraphs
and reorder them for the letter to make sense. Write the first few lines of each paragraph in
the correct slot in the table. The first one is done for you.
(5 Points)

Dear Karl,

Judy is an extremely conscientious worker and is eager to contribute positively to the team. Personally, I think she is
someone with high potential and will be an asset to our international projects if properly mentored. I'm keen to
know your thoughts on the matter and am open to any suggestions on how we could better support Judy so that she
has a more smooth-sailing experience on the team.

Judy really enjoys working with you and the team and finds the project very interesting, but I think she's feeling a bit
lost and struggling to see the big picture. It seems that she's been given a fair amount of autonomy to carry out the
tasks that you've given her, and of course this level of delegation is not uncommon in your branch. But I believe in
her Tokyo office, she is used to a bit more managerial direction and guidance and so is finding this international
project quite daunting.

I was also thinking it might help to touch base with her every so often to make sure that she's up to date with any
changes to the overall plan of attack. In the meantime, I'll write to her manager in the Tokyo office and see how
aware they are of the deadlines you've given her, and if they could in some way review her responsibilities and co-
ordinate her tasks so that she doesn't constantly feel pulled in both directions.

Looking ahead, I was wondering if we could make it easier for Judy by offering her more direction when setting her
tasks, at least until she learns the ropes and gets used to working unsupervised. I think she'd also appreciate you
giving her a clearer idea on how her role in the team fits into the overview of things. Do you think you could maybe
outline the group and individual targets at your next team meeting and that way, everyone not only gets a reminder
of the end goal, but each team member, including Judy, might have a more holistic view of the whole project?

I received a call from Judy a couple of days ago to discuss some of the issues that she was having and I thought I'd
give you a heads-up on what was said, seeing that you are Judy's project team leader.

When I asked her about meeting her deadlines, she mentioned that due to the recent changes to the project
timeline, her goalposts have been moved, and she doesn't seem to really understand why this has happened.
Bearing in mind that she's also facing simultaneous deadlines from her department in Tokyo, we can presume that
she might be feeling a bit stretched.

Paragraph 1 I received a call….

Paragraph 2 Judy really enjoys
Paragraph 3 When I asked
Paragraph 4 Looking ahead
Paragraph 5 I was also
Paragraph 6 Judy is an extremely

B. Decision making is a complicated matter and key decision makers within the family differ
depending on the weight of the decision and its importance.
Study the part on decision making in Theme Two; Pages 61,62,63,64,65&66 and then write
an essay of not less than 300 words on how decisions are taken and who normally takes
them in your culture.
(AOU Plagiarism Policy Applies Here)

Decision making is a complicated matter and key decision makers within the family differ
depending on the weight of the decision and its importance.
Usually the families in our culture shares the decisions when it comes to family matters, like
choosing the type of children education , where the family will live , and which type of place
they will make it their home ,sometimes the parents even make the decision On behalf of their
own children when it comes to their future, for example :they tell him what to study in collage , who
should he marry , even what job he should take!, and I don’t think that is the right thing to do,
because parents should make their son choose what is good for his future ,even if they didn’t like it.

Every decision you make has an impact on your both future and personality , even your
happiness , that’s why you have to think deeply before making any decision about your life , I
am not talking about small decisions like : what should I eat for dinner , or what should I wear
tomorrow , sure this decisions build the character but I am talking about the big decisions that
will have an impact on you for ever ,like :who should you be friends with and who you should be
avoiding, believe me ,that kind of decisions will make a huge impact in your life in the future,
like the Arabs say tell me who is your friend and I can tell who you are.

That’s why in my opinion we must know when we choose and make our own decision, for
example if you are young don’t think that your parents don’t know what’s the best for you , but when it
comes to the decisions about your future like what job you should take, that’s a decision no one
can make it except you.

(10 Points)

End of TMA

Good luck!

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