The Asian Debt-And-Development Crisis of 1997-?: Causes and Consequences

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World Development Vol. 26, No. 8, pp. 1.

535-1553, 1998
Pergamon 0 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd
All rights reserved. Printed in Great Britain
0305-750X/98 $19.00+0.00

The Asian Debt-and-development Crisis of 1997-?:

Causes and Consequences
Brown University, Providence, U S.A.
Summary. - Interpretations of the Asian crisis have coalesced around two rival stories: the
“death throes of Asian state capitalism” story about internal, real economy causes; and the
“panic triggering debt deflation in a basically sound but under-regulated system” story that gives
more role to external and financial system causes. The paper presents the stories and assesses
the evidence. The evidence - in particular, the chronology of the crisis - supports the second
rather better than the first.
The paper discusses the interests driving capital account liberalization without a framework of
regulation, the single most irresponsible act of public authorities in the whole crisis. US and UK
financial firms, allied with their treasuries and with the IMF, the WTO, and the OECD, saw
themselves at a chronic disadvantage in the Asian system of long-term relationships and patient
capital. This alliance, supported by segments of Asian political and financial elites, achieved
dramatic domestic financial sector liberalization and capital account opening in Asia over the
199Os,setting up the conditions for crisis.
Paradoxically, the crisis may be looked back upon not as the triumph of benign globalization
and neoliberal economic doctrine but as the beginning of its end. 0 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd.
All rights reserved.

1. INTRODUCTION 1997,and the Indonesian rupiah has fallen by

How on earth did the Asians get caught in the The debt crisis has become a full-fledged
debt trap? In the 1980s much of the rest of the development crisis. Output and living standards
world was caught - not only Latin America and plummet as unemployment rises and the effects
some African states, but also European social of huge devaluations work through into higher
democratic regimes that faced great pressure to import prices. Many millions of poor people are
reduce budget deficits and cut back social at risk, and many millions who were confident of
welfare programs. Asia, however, sailed free, middle-class status feel robbed of their lifetime
except for Korea. But Korea had very fast savings and security. It is not a humanitarian
growth of exports from which to service its debt. tragedy on the scale of North Korea, but the loss
The devaluation of the Thai baht in July 1997 of security and productivity is a tragedy nonethe-
precipitated a wave of currency crises or financial less, almost as cruel as war.
instability from Thailand, to the rest of Southeast Interpretations of the crisis in the West have
Asia, to Taiwan, to Hong Kong, to Korea, to the coalesced around two rival themes. One is the
Philippines, to Russia, to Brazil, to Estonia, to “death throes of Asian state capitalism”.’ The
Australia and New Zealand.’ other is “panic, triggering debt deflation in a
Commodity producers around the world have sound but under-regulated system”.
suffered. The International Monetary Fund
(IMF) has mounted refinancing efforts on a scale *Visiting scholar, Russel Sage Foundation, New York.
that makes the Mexican bail-out of 1994-95, the This paper builds on finance-development arguments
set out in Wade, 1990, especially chapters 6 and 11 (pp.
biggest in the IMF’s history to that date, look
364-368). Some of its arguments are developed in a
small, yet the run has continued, the panic complementary paper by Wade and Veneroso, 1998.
feeding upon itself. As of February 1998 the Relevant background, especially on Japan’s role in
Thai baht and the Korean won have lost almost Southeast Asia and on the worldwide push for financial
half their value against the US dollar since July liberalization, is given in Wade, 1996.


2. THE DEATH THROES OF ASIAN STATE of Asia’s house of cards is beginning to be seen as the
CAPITALISM end of an outdated economic and political system-
based largely on the mercantilist, government-run
Japanese model - much as the fall of the Berlin
The crisis, according to the death throes view,
Wall symbolized the demise of communism.6
reflects excessive government intervention in
markets, especially financial markets; and it George Soros, the international financier,
marks the beginning of the end of the outmoded advised the Korean government what to do on
state-directed Asian system, opening the way for Korean television. “You must invite foreign
a properly modem (read Anglo-American) free companies to come in and be direct investors
market system. The chairman of the US Federal and owners of Korean companies,” he said.
Reserve, Alan Greenspan, is the most promi- “And companies that can’t meet their obligations
nent, if not most eloquent, exponent of this idea. must be allowed to go bankrupt.“’ Korea must
Talking to the New York Economics Club in establish a proper market system.
early December 1997, he said, Stanley Fischer, deputy managing director of
the IMF, described the Asian problems as mostly
The current crisis is likely to accelerate the
dismantling in many Asian countries of the remnants
“homegrown.” He listed as causes such things as:
of a system with large elements of government- failure to dampen overheating, maintenance of
directed investment, in which finance played a key pegged exchange rates for too long, lax financial
role in carrying out the state’s objectives. Such a regulation, and insufficient political commit-
system inevitably has led to the investment excesses ment.8 The whole IMF strategy assumes that the
and errors to which all similar endeavors seem crisis reflects basic institutional deficiencies of
prone... . Asian markets.
Government-directed production, financed with The tone of voice ranges from gloating, to
directed bank loans, cannot readily adjust to the sanctimonious, to schoolmasterly. It is not hard
continuously changing patterns of market demand
for domestically consumed goods or exports. Gluts to imagine the offense of Japanese, Korean, and
and shortages are inevitable.. . other Asian policy-makers at the triumphalism of
Westerners who picture the Asian political
Greenspan warmed to the triumphant America economy as a system whose movement toward
theme in his testimony to the Senate Foreign America-without-the-ghettoes the current crisis
Relations committee in mid February 1998. One has simply accelerated.
of the most fundamental effects of the Asian Offense aside, how does this interpretation
crisis, he said, was a worldwide move toward square with the facts? In contrast to Latin
“the Western form of free market capitalism,” America in the 198Os, East and Southeast Asia’s
instead of the competing Asian approach that debt is mostly private; the debt has been incurred
only a few years ago looked like an attractive by private borrowers and private lenders, with
model for countries around the world. “What we little government direction. Prior to 1997 the
have here is a very dramatic event towards a macroeconomic “fundamentals” looked fine -
consensus of the type of market system which we and difficult to reconcile with Greenspan’s
have in this countly.“4 picture of the gluts and shortages inevitably
Steve Hanke, advocate of laissez faire and caused by large elements of government-directed
currency boards, said much the same thing in an investment.
interview with Forbes magazine at the end of Growth was fast. East and Southeast Asia
December 1997. accounted for a quarter of world output but half
FORBES: Some say it [the financial crisis] is an of world growth over the 1990s and almost
example of free enterprise gone berserk; that we two-thirds of world capital spending. Savings
need more regulation. rates were very high. Fiscal accounts were
HANIU? No. These economies were government balanced. Inflation was low. Educational levels
directed. More regulation by government isn’t a were deepening. Firms throughout the region
proper solution. Government is the problem.. .’ make products that sell in the most demanding
A correspondent for the International Herald markets - if the exchange rate is right. Korea,
Ttibune put it this way in late January 1998: by mid-1997 the world’s 11th biggest economy,
was growing at 8% a year over the 199Ck, with
As Asia’s economic crisis has intensified, it has been low inflation and low unemployment. Indonesia
widely noted that most of the urgent short-term
remedies prescribed by the international financial was also growing fast, with a balanced budget
community are labeled “Made in America”. Only and inflation at less than 10%. Its current
now is another point beginning to sink in: The account deficit was less than 4% of GDP through
upheaval is likely to bolster America’s global influ- the 1990s. Thailand, at 8.6%, was about the
ence over the longer term, too. The sudden collapse fastest growing economy in the world over

1985-94, and had one of the highest savings made no mention of breaking up the chaebol or
rates in the world (36% of GDP in 1995). It had allowing foreign ownership of banks or strength-
run sizable current account deficits over the ening banking supervision-issues that are now
199Os, but most of the corresponding capital central to the IMF’s program for Korea. The
inflow went for investment at a rate even higher same report praised “Thailand’s remarkable
than the high rate of domestic savings. A good economic performance and the authorities’
part of it was direct investment by Japanese consistent record of sound macroeconomic
manufacturing firms. policies” - shortly before the collapse of the
There were, however, serious internal obsta- Thai currency.”
cles to the continued fast growth and upgrading For all its popularity, the death throes inter-
of the Southeast Asian economies.’ The econo- pretation falls down at the second nudge.
mies have continued to engage in the world
industrial economy largely as subcontractors,
largely for Japanese firms. They have experi- 3. INVESTOR PULLOUT/DEBT
enced relatively little technology spillover from DEFLATION IN A SOUND BUT
the export-oriented subcontractors to the rest of UNDERREGULATED SYSTEM
the economy, so much so that their industrializa-
tion has been characterized as “technology-less,” According to Jeffrey Sachs, director of the
in the sense that even adaptive technology Harvard Institute for International Development
continues to come from abroad. Shortages of and a prominent exponent of the second view,
skilled people have grown “from a crisis to a There is no ‘fundamental’ reason for Asia’s financial
critical emergency,” according to a Thai analyst. calamity except financial panic itself. Asia’s need for
Thailand’s gross enrollment ratio at secondary significant financial sector reform is real, but not a
school level languished at only 37% in 1992, less sufficient cause for the panic, and not a justification
than half of Taiwan’s in 1978 when Taiwan had for harsh macroeconomic policy adjustments. Asia’s
the same per capita income as Thailand in 1992. fundamentals are adequate to forestall an economic
contraction: budgets are in balance or surplus, infla-
In Malaysia, too, the skills shortage has become
tion is low, private saving rates are high, economies
so acute that some prominent foreign companies are poised for export growth.
long operating in the country have moved
production elsewhere, mainly to China and
Asia is reeling not from a crisis of fundamentals but
Indonesia. Throughout the region infrastructure
a self-fulfilling withdrawal of short-term loans, one
is chronically congested, attested to by electricity that is fueled by each investor’s recognition that all
blackouts, traffic paralysis and rising cost of other investors are withdrawing their claims. Since
water. In short, serious problems in the “real” short-term debts exceed foreign exchange reserves, it
economy have been building up, even if they are is “rational” for each investor to join in the panic.”
problems of success. But the calamity unleashed
on the region is hugely disproportional to the Instead of dousing the fire the IMF in effect
severity of the problems in the real economy. screamed fire in the theater.”
There were few signs of impending crisis, such
as rising interest rates in the G-7 countries or a Joseph Stiglitz, now chief economist at the
sudden suspension of capital flows to developing World Bank and winner of the American
countries after the baht devaluation. The Economics Association’s John Bates Clark medal
Japanese government’s de facto credit rating for outstanding work by an under 40 year old
agency, the Japan Center for International economist, spells out the argument. The contrast
Finance, gave Korea one of its highest credit with the views of Greenspan, Hanke and others
ratings for any developing country in June 1997 of the first camp could scarcely be sharper.
and the World Economic Forum rated Korea the For the past 25 years East Asian economies [to
fifth best investment site in the world. The IMF include what we describe as Southeast Asian] have
and the World Bank lavished praise upon the grown more than twice as fast as the average rate for
governments of the region through 1997. Only the rest of the world....These successes have been
three months before Korea’s December 1997 fostered by sound fiscal policies, low inflation,
crisis the IMF annual report said, “Directors export-driven growth, and effective institutions,
which in turn helped make East Asia the world’s
welcomed Korea’s continued impressive macro-
leading recipient of foreign investment. Moreover,
economic performance (and) praised the the region’s high savings rate, more than one third of
authorities for their enviable fiscal record.” The gross domestic product, is six times foreign invest-
report called for financial sector reform in ment. These savings have made possible a high and
general terms, but gave no hint of alarm, and increasing level of investment..

Recent developments, however, underscore the more effective regulation, many western analysts
challenges presented by a world of mobile capital- consider this the opposite of what is needed.
even for countries with strong economic fundamen-
tals. The rapid growth and large influx of foreign
investment created economic strain. In addition
heavy foreign investment combined with weak finan-
cial regulation to allow lenders in many southeast
Asian countries to rapidly expand credit, often to
risky borrowers, making the financial system more The following history provides an interpreta-
vulnerable. tion consistent with the second theory. It shows
the build up of stocks of mobile capital in East
Inadequate oversight, not over-regulation, caused and Southeast Asia, and then the outflow after
these problems. Consequently, our emphasis should July 1997. The outflow grew into a panic-stricken
not be on deregulation, but on finding the right and regionwide run on a scale that has launched
regulutoly regime to reestablish stability and a debt deflation, that has in turn torn at the
confidence.” fabric of whole societies.
Stiglitz’s statement is remarkable in that it
comes from the chief economist of the World
Bank. It is implicitly a critique of the IMF’s
More indirectly still, the Japanese government The starting point is the Plaza Accord of 1985,
has also voiced opposition to IMF and US that caused a rise in the value of the yen against
prescriptions for the Japanese economy. Eisuke the US dollar. Japanese companies sought a new
Sakakibara, Japan’s vice minister for inter- cheaper manufacturing base in a US dollar zone.
national finance, popularly known as “Mr Yen,” Southeast Asia was the obvious choice - close
said on Japanese national television in late to Japan, currencies pegged to the US dollar,
December: cheap and well-educated workers. Very cheap
credit in Japan, and strong Japanese government
We should make clear to the public that we will not
allow banks to fail. [He cited the Hokkaido encouragement helped to stimulate a Japanese-
Takushoku Bank as one the government should not led investment and export boom in Southeast
have allowed to fail, as it did in early December.] Asia. Rising exports supported more borrowing,
We should not let securities companies of consider- more equity issues and more foreign direct
able size fail either. The United States and the investment.
United Kingdom have not done it either. This is the Meanwhile, Japan experienced stock market
global standard. and real estate bubbles in the late 1980s (aggra-
He went on to say that it is up to politicians vated, Western commentators should note, by
not to let banks fail, and up to banks not to let US pressure on Japan to stimulate its domestic
big companies fail.15 demand and act as a locomotive for the world
Sakakibara’s statement can be read as an act economy, thereby mitigating the US’s hemor-
of defiance of the broad IMF approach to the rhaging current account deficit). When the
Asian crisis, that calls for some banks and bubbles burst in 1990 they left a legacy of bad
companies to be let go bankrupt as part of a debts in the banking system, which has been at
comprehensive market liberalization. the root of Japan’s very slow growth. Japanese
The crisis, as this roundup of views shows, has firms and banks have been carrying very high
rekindled fundamental debates about the role of levels of debt, while Japanese households have
governments and markets, both national and been saving a high proportion of household
international. Moreover, it has exposed a basic income. (Japan’s gross domestic savings
incompatibility in the interaction between Asian amounted to 31% of GDP in 1995.) With
and Western financial systems. The difference in consumption depressed, Japan has been running
policy “ethos” between Asia and the West are a large current account surplus - the other side
caught in a minor news item from early January of which is capital export. Capital exports
1998. The Japanese government announced redoubled Japanese loans and foreign direct
plans to rein in stock speculators and punish investment (FDI) in Asia. Of Japanese bank
market manipulation more vigorously, intended lending to developing countries, 84% has gone to
to help halt the fall in the stock market. Western Asia, making the Japanese economy heavily
analysts called the measures “Mickey Mouse,” as exposed there.”
“misguided at best and damaging at worst”.16 Moreover, the central bank of Japan has
The Japanese government thinks of how to get pursued an expansionary monetary policy,

pushing money into the economy in an attempt (b) Capital liberalization

to revive the spirits of consumers. But consumers
have been slow to react. The central banks of the The Asian countries (excluding Japan and.
continental European countries have also partially, Korea) operated fixed-exchange-rate
pursued monetary expansion and for the same regimes, their currencies pegged to the US
reason of very low growth in the 1990s; there too dollar. It has been a reasonable assumption in
consumers have been slow to react. The result most of East and Southeast Asia that the peg
has been excess liquidity in the world system at would hold. Their domestic inflation was
large. The excess liquidity has spilled over into somewhat higher than that in Japan and the
financial asset markets world-wide, driving up United States, but their productivity growth was
prices. Much of the money ended up in the also higher.
hands of financial institutions in the United At the same time, these countries have under-
States, Japan and Europe. They invested in the gone radical financial deregulation over the
US stock market, creating the long rise in US 199Os, including near-removal of restrictions on
equity prices, and they also scoured the world the inflow and outflow of mobile capital. The
looking for higher returns. They invested heavily deregulation happened with little attention to
in Asia. the new kinds of regulation that would be
In a situation of excess liquidity worldwide and required and with only a thin base of financial
with very low inflation at home, lenders in the skills (much thinner than in manufacturing).
core countries have been prepared to lend to Banks and finance companies still operate in
East and Southeast Asia at nominal rates even much of East and Southeast Asia as family
lower than the cost of domestic borrowing, and businesses, with management structures unable
borrowers in East and Southeast Asia have been to cope with the complexity of present-day
prepared to borrow abroad to take advantage of finance. The deregulated financial systems
the lower nominal rates. (With domestic inflation enabled inexperienced private domestic banks
commonly on the order of 6% a year, nominal and firms to take out large, dollar-denominated
domestic interest rates have been on the order of loans from foreign lenders and on-lend with
lo%, compared to 5% or less for foreign generous spreads. High profits for those with
borrowing.) access to much cheaper foreign credit was the
Much of this inflow took the form of what is chief reason firms and banks, both national and
known as the carry trade. Banks, investment international, pressured governments to under-
houses and insurers borrowed in yen and dollars take financial deregulation, their pressure
and invested in short-term notes in Southeast converging with that of the IMF and the World
Asia that were paying far higher rates. These are Bank.
the carry trades.” Both domestically-based and Thailand, where the crisis first hit, fueled its
foreign-based companies and banks participated. fast expansion over the 1990s with heavy foreign
Capital flows to developing countries overall private borrowing, over half from Japan. The
grew from $46 billion in 1990 to $236 billion in Bank of Thailand undertook radical capital
1996. Flows to South Korea, Indonesia, liberalization and financial deregulation just as it
Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines rose from was overwhelmed with other complex issues and
$47 billion in 1994 to $93 billion in 1996. Of this, political strife.
the flow of private commercial bank lending In Korea the government of President Kim
jumped from $24 billion in 1994 to $56 billion in Young Sam that came to power in 1993 pro-
1996.19The flow of borrowed money had a self- claimed financial deregulation as an important
reinforcing effect on confidence, investment and policy objective, partly in order to facilitate its
economic growth. There was less and less acceptance into the OECD. It marginalized and
compulsion on the part of lenders, borrowers or then abolished the pilot-agency Economic
governments to improve financial supervision or Planning Board, and abandoned its traditional
control bank asset quality. role of coordinating investments in large-scale
The foreign borrowing and lending to East industries. This made it easier for market failure
and Southeast Asia was premised on the assump- to manifest itself in excess capacity in
tion that the exchange rate would hold. If the automobiles, shipbuilding, petrochemicals, and
value of domestic currency fell the advantages semiconductors.20 Also in the name of financial
might be wiped out as repayments increased in liberalization, the government relaxed its
domestic currency and foreign lenders faced monitoring of foreign borrowing activities.
higher risks of nonrepayment. Similarly if Korea’s external debt ballooned from very little
interest rates for yen or dollars should rise. in 1990 to around $150 billion in 1996.” On top

of all this, the government bought the monetarist sive shock will cause illiquidity, default and
view that inflation control should be the bankruptcy. Therefore banks and firms must
overriding priority of macroeconomic policy and cooperate to buffer systemic shocks, and govern-
that the exchange rate should be an “anchor” for ment must support their cooperation. The need
inflation control. This caused a significant for government support gives the government a
overvaluation of the currency, hurting exports. powerful instrument for influencing the behavior
of both firms and banks. This is an economic
rationale for the pattern of “alliance capitalism,”
(c) High savings and high debt derogatorily called “crony capitalism,” that is
often said to characterize East and Southeast
Meanwhile, well before the huge inflow of Asia and that is usually understood in political
foreign funds and continuing through it, Asian terms, such as corruption and the survival strat-
households saved. Gross domestic savings are egies of rulers.
typically one-third of GDP or more, about the Countries of the region vary in how the
highest in the world, giving East and Southeast government uses its influence over banks and
Asia the world’s biggest pool of savings. (Korea’s firms. At one end are the developmental states
gross domestic savings amounted to 36% of of Japan (1935-80), South Korea and Taiwan,
GDP in 1995, as did Thailand’s; China’s equaled where the state coordinated, directed, and
42%. In contrast, US gross domestic savings collaborated with firms entering major world
amounted to 15% in 1995, down from 19% in industries. In some of the new industries the
1980; the UK figures are the same.)** We state assisted firms with cheap credit, tax breaks
normally think of high-income countries as and other forms of subsidy, helping them to
capital-abundant and low-income countries as amass resources on the scale needed to under-
capital-short (an assumption at the heart of the take rapid upgrading and disciplining the alloca-
post-WWII international aid regime and the tion of help with criteria related to international
subdiscipline of development economics). But competitiveness, such as export performance. In
East and Southeast Asia is a lower-income some dying industries the state helped firms to
region where capital is in a sense more exit or move offshore. At the other end of the
“abundant” than in higher-income regions of scale are states such as Thailand and Indonesia,
North America and Europe. which have made no more than sporadic efforts
A large part of the savings come mostly from at public sector directional thrust or public-
households, and thanks to a relatively equal private collaboration in sectoral development.
income distribution a high proportion of house- Much of the directional thrust of their industrial-
holds are net savers. (Compare the United ization came from the strategies of Japanese
States, where only the top 10% or so of house- firms operating in close collaboration with the
holds are net savers. The US household sector Japanese government. In the middle is Malaysia,
overall is a big net borrower.) Asian households’ which has, in Business Week’s words,
risk preferences are such that the savings are for copied Japan’s aggressive partnership between
the most part deposited in banks rather than government and the private sector. In the Malaysian
invested in equities. Banks must therefore inter- version of Japan Inc., government officials meet
mediate a huge inflow of savings, and these formally with representatives of industry and
countries tend to have a high level of bank commerce to decide how much funding will go to
deposits to GDP (a “deep” banking system). each sector before the national budget is drafted.. .
Some of the savings are invested abroad, but Not surprisingly, Japanese companies, such as
most are invested at home. Government is not a Matsushita Electric and Mitsubishi Motors, have
robust operations in Malaysia, which imports more
major borrower (in contrast to most of the G-7
from Japan than from anywhere else.”
countries). Since households and government are
non-borrowers, the borrowers must be firms and For all the variation in the role of the state,
other investors. Hence the system is biased relatively deep debt structures, with their vulner-
toward high ratios of debt to equity in the ability to external shocks, are common to the
corporate sector, the other end of their high region.24
Firms with high levels of debt to equity are
vulnerable to shocks that disturb cash flow or the (d) Preconditions for the crisis
supply of (bank or portfolio) capital - for debt
requires a fired level of repayment while equity These, then, are the preconditions of the
requires a share of profits. The higher the debt- Asian crisis: (i) Very high rates of domestic
to-equity ratio the more likely that any depres- savings, intermediated from households to firms

via banks, creating a deep structure of domestic between 4 and 8% of GDP, Thailand’s being the
debt. (ii) Fixed exchange rate regimes, with biggest of all.
currencies pegged to the US dollar (apart from Responding to high savings, domestic inflation
Japan, and partially, Korea), that created the higher than trading partners’, and reduced
perception of little risk in moving funds from prospects for export-oriented manufacturing,
one market to another. (iii) Liberalization of investors in Southeast Asia invested in real
capital markets in the early to mid-1990s and estate. Property speculation flourished, and went
deregulation of domestic financial systems at on flourishing as foreign currency continued to
about the same time, without a compensating pour in and the domestic money supply
system of regulatory control. (iv) Vast inter- continued to expand. As people expected infla-
national inflows of financial assets, coming from tion to continue, property investment continued
excess liquidity in Japan and Europe being to appear the best hedge. For several years in
channeled through financial institutions scouring the first half of the 1990s property prices in
Asia for higher returns and lending at even lower Bangkok rose at more than 40% a year. Notice
nominal rates than domestic borrowers could that excessive real estate investment was under-
borrow from domestic sources, creating a deep taken by private agents, and not with government
structure of foreign debt. encouragement.

(e) Towards the tipping point (f) Thailand over the brink

The movement towards crisis began with infla- Thailand’s private sector-generated property
tionary pressure. The inflow of financial capital bubble burst in 1995, and the stock market
and foreign direct investment to Southeast Asia crashed in mid-1996. The property market, like
in the 199Os, combined with the fixed exchange the stock market, is a market where small
rate regime, forced an increase in domestic withdrawals can have a big effect on prices and
money supply (because under the rules of the leave the banking system in the sort of danger
fixed rate system the central bank has to buy the that makes depositors withdraw their money.
foreign currency and issue domestic money in When the property market crash came, it ripped
exchange). This fueled inflation at around 6% in through the whole financial sector and on into
the past few years, when inflation in Japan and the foreign exchange market as foreign investors
the United States had become much less. saw that domestic borrowers were less able to
Then came major shifts in exchange rates. meet the now much more expensive debt service
First, the US dollar has appreciated against the charges on their short-term foreign loans,
yen by 50% in the past two years as the Japanese Economic growth and export growth slowed
economy languished in recession. Second, China sharply. With the prospect of a baht devaluation
devalued the yuan by 35% in 1994,* while in sight (a breaking of the peg), companies in
keeping inflation low and productivity growth Thailand, both foreign and domestic, tried to sell
high. The combination of devaluation, low infla- their baht for dollars. There were runs on the
tion and high productivity growth made the yuan baht in mid-1996 and again in early 1997. The
the most undervalued currency of any major Thai central bank tried to buy up baht to prevent
trading country. For the fixed-exchange-rate the price drop, but eventually gave up as reserves
countries of East and Southeast Asia, the fell to dangerously low levels.
Japanese and Chinese devaluations against the Then in early May 1997, Japanese officials:
US dollar were a double blow, squeezing them concerned about the decline of the yen, hinted
from above and from below. that they might raise interest rates. The threat
The appreciation of currencies tied to the US never materialized. But the combination of the
dollar, coupled with domestic inflation at rates threat of a rise in Japanese interest rates in
higher than those of trading partners, made for a order to defend the yen, plus the worries that
squeeze on exports and a cheapening of imports. were circulating about Thailand’s currency.
Thailand had the biggest problem: its current raised fears among commercial bankers, invest-
account deficit exceeded 4% of GDP every year ment bankers, and others about the safety of big
since 1990. By 1996 all four Southeast Asian investment positions throughout the region that
economies ran current account deficits of were predicated on currency stability.”
The investors scurried to sell holdings in local
*There is dispute about the real magnitude of the currencies, and especially in Thai baht. In early
devaluation. The key point is that it was perceived as July 1997 the Thai baht was floated and sank. In
significant and responded to accordingly. August 1997, the IMF stepped in with a support

package and “conditionality” measures that pressure first Thailand and then Malaysia let
included the freezing of many finance their currencies float.
companies. This was the start of what Sachs calls
the IMF’s screaming fire in the theater. The
freezing of finance companies sent uninsured (i) Indonesia and Thailand
depositors into a panic.
Then Indonesia startled investors by letting its
currency float too, despite the fact that it already
(g) The contagion had a much wider target band than the others.
The Indonesian decision confirmed investors and
One of the mysteries of the Asian financial local companies in thinking that a competitive
crisis is how the widely acknowledged real estate devaluation in Southeast Asia was underway, the
problems of Thailand’s banks could have rational response to which was to sell as much
triggered such far-reaching financial contagion. local currency as possible - thereby fulfilling the
The fact that there were few signs of impending prophecy. Money managers in the rest of the
crisis is, it has to be said, par for the normal world began to think of “southeast Asia” as a
course of financial crashes. Historically, financial homogeneously dangerous place.
crashes have occurred in the industrial econo- The announcement of the IMF package for
mies not when the economy was in trouble by Thailand in August 1997 briefly boosted confi-
the usual measures, but when everything seems dence and slowed the contagion, because it
to be going well - when economic growth is seemed to indicate a concerted international
strong, inflation low, and optimism high (to effort. But then it became apparent that the US
paraphrase Alan Greenspan’s description of the had contributed virtually nothing to the bail-out
current US economy).26 fund because of congressional restrictions on
such help imposed after the Mexican crisis of
1994,2Rand that Japan had contributed only $4
(h) Refocusing of risk billion despite its heavy exposure in Thailand
and despite its statements in the preceding
During the boom years of the 1990s inter- months that it would play a big role in promoting
national investors and the international rating financial stability in the region. Suddenly the
agencies (Moodys, Standard and Poors) focused IMF’s Thailand package seemed to show the
on macroeconomic factors such as budget limits of international action rather than its
deficits, debt/GDP ratios, and export growth. promise. Moreover, the conditions of the IMF
After the shock of the Thai devaluation, funds required Thailand to undertake structural
investors suddenly began to reevaluate risk and and institutional reforms that were not closely
focused on different risk factors. They paid much related to restoring Thailand’s ability to repay its
more attention than before to microeconomic debt, which signaled to international investors
risks such as the volume of dollar debt maturing that the whole economy was in a much deeper
in the next 12 months, the debt/equity ratios of mess than they had assumed.
the corporate sector, and the currency denomi-
nation of external liabilities. In addition, they
had lent to highly indebted Asian firms even ( j) Taiwan, Hong Kong and Korea
though Western prudential guidelines should
have prohibited such lending, and they now Then came Taiwan’s devaluation in
applied their traditional prudential criteria. The mid-October. Though small in size (about 12%),
Japanese banks, struggling with bad debts at it came as a shock because Taiwan is famous for
home, especially tried to call in their loans. The its towering foreign exchange reserves. That
credit problems of Japanese banks weigh on the Taiwan could devalue led the owners of mobile
Asian financial crisis like the post-WWI repara- capital to fear that Hong Kong might do the
tions weighed on central Europe.” same, and Korea too.
From this new perspective, ail the Southeast Taiwan acted as a fire bridge from Southeast
Asian currencies suddenly looked vulnerable, to East Asia. After Taiwan the conceptual
since all the economies had a significant category of “Asian financial crisis” came into
overhang of short-term dollar debt whose repay- being.29 Capitalists began to sell the Hong Kong
ment looked problematic if exchange rates were dollar and the Korean won. Both cases are
to collapse. Investors and domestic companies surprising. Hong Kong is an autonomous region
began to sell local currencies in order to hedge of a country, China, running a huge current
their dollar liabilities. In response to the selling account surplus. But on October 23 the Hong

Kong stock market fell by more than lo%, junk bonds saw their value collapse with the
though the peg to the US dollar held. The Korean sell-off.
Korean economy was performing well, with 8% Since Japanese banks, known to be financially
growth, low inflation, low unemployment, with a fragile, had lent heavily to Korean companies,
(published) debt to GDP ratio of only 30%, one and since Korean companies competed against
of the lowest of the developing countries, and a Japanese companies in some important indus-
small and shrinking current account deficit. tries, investors saw the Japanese yen as vulner-
able to a won depreciation. Since Korea
competes with Taiwan, Hong Kong, and
southern China in many industries, investors also
saw risks of a further round of competitive,
Meanwhile, Indonesia and the IMF announced crisis-driven devaluations of the Hong Kong and
an IMF program of emergency finance, and the Taiwan dollars.
governments of Singapore and Japan also inter- The scale of the crisis is caught in the figures
vened on behalf of the rupiah. The United States on capital movements. A net inflow of private
was able to make more of a contribution to the capital of $93 billion in 1996 (to Southeast Asia
IMF’s Indonesia program because by this time plus Korea) became a net outflow of an
the congressional restriction on the post-Mexico estimated $12 billion in 1997, a swing in the net
use of US funds for such purposes had lapsed supply of private capital of $105 in just one year.
and Congress had begun to take on board the This is 11% of the pre-crisis GDP of the five
threat to US interests posed by the crisis. All this economies, a staggering change, and three
boosted investor confidence - temporarily. percentage points higher than the corresponding
Then came reports of a sharp deterioration in figure for Latin America in the 1980~.~’
the health of Indonesia’s long-time ruler, Presi-
dent Suharto. Indonesia’s wealthy Chinese elite,
(m) The IMF’s Korea strategy
that controls much of the business sector, has
long benefited from close ties to the Suharto
The IMF in December 1997 organized $57
family. Reports of his decline induced them to
billion from official sources to lend to Korea so
sell more rupiah and store assets offshore. The
that its private companies could repay US,
rupiah continued to plunge.
Japanese and European banks as the short-term
debt came due. If the Fund’s earlier inter-
ventions in Thailand and Indonesia amounted to
(1) Korea screaming fire in the theater, then its inter-
vention in Korea amounted to screaming even
By this time, around October and November louder. In Thailand and Indonesia the Fund’s
1997, the whole region was awash with panic. insistence on far-reaching institutional reforms in
Investors began to pay attention to the term return for loans signaled that it thought these
structure of Korea’s foreign debt. They estimated economies structurally unsound. In Korea the
short-term debt at $110 billion, more than three Fund demanded nothing less than an overhaul of
times Korea’s official foreign exchange reserves. the Korean economy, beginning with the tinan-
Rumors circulated that President Kim (like cial system and continuing into corporate
President Salinas of Mexico before him), not governance, labor markets, and the trade regime;
wanting to finish his term embroiled in crisis, as well as a contractionary macroeconomic policy
might be inflating the true level of the exchange of higher taxes, cuts in government spending,
reserves and concealing some of the debt. and much higher real interest rates. The Fund,
Investors scrambled for the exit, accelerating the talking tough, said it would provide the credit
fall of the won. only as Korea altered these central features of its
Korean banks had borrowed low-cost foreign economy. The signal of fundamental unsound-
funds and then invested heavily in “junk” bonds, ness was even louder than earlier for Thailand
with high yields and high risks, in an essentially and Indonesia.
speculative way, always on the assumption that the The Fund’s financial restructuring plans aim to
exchange rate would hold. They held large make Korea’s financial system operate like a
amounts of Russian bonds and Latin American Western one, without actually saying so. Trouble
“Brady” bonds.“” As the won fell, the banks financial institutions are to be closed down or
began to sell foreign securities in order to boost recapitalized; foreign financial institutions are to
liquidity. Their sell-off helped to spread the be able freely to buy up domestic ones; banks
financial contagion, as the holders of equivalent are to follow Western (“Basle”) prudential

standards; “international” (read “Western”) and only outsiders have the capital to buy them
accounting standards are to be followed and up or to recapitalize existing banks. We may be
international accounting firms to be used for the in the early stages of a massive transfer from
auditing of the bigger financial institutions. The domestic to foreign ownership. This is not just a
government is required not to intervene in the transfer of control and profits; it will affect the
lending decisions of commercial banks, and to basic dynamic of the economy. Foreign banks
eliminate all government-directed lending; also may not lend to high debt/equity local com-
to give up measures to assist individual corpora- panies, and may not participate in the kind of
tions avoid bankruptcy, including subsidized alliances between government, the banks, and
credit and tax privileges. The Fund also requires companies that a high debt/equity financial struc-
wider opening of Korea’s capital account, to ture requires. If Citibank buys up Korean banks
enable even freer inflow and outflow of capital. and applies its normal prudential limits (by
All restrictions on foreign borrowings by which lending to a company with a debt/equity
corporations are to be eliminated. The trade ratio of 1:l is getting risky), it will not lend to
regime, too, will be further liberalized, to remove Daewoo with a debt/equity ratio of 5:l. The
trade-related subsidies and restrictive import amount of restructuring of Daewoo before its
licensing. Labor market institutions and legisla- debt/equity ratio comes close to 1:l is hard to
tion will be reformed “to facilitate redeployment imagine.
of labor.““’ It seems particularly unwise for the IMF to
These requirements go far beyond what is insist that companies receive even more freedom
necessary to restore Korea’s access to capital than before to borrow on international capital
markets.“” Korea’s foreign exchange reserves markets on their own account, without govern-
continued to worsen after the stand-by agree- ment coordination, when it was their uncoordi-
ment with the Fund was announced, partly nated borrowing that set up the crisis in the first
because the agreement lacked credibility. place. This will make the country more, not less,
vulnerable to capital flight.
In short, the IMF approach is likely to
(n) The downward spiral
generate big social costs long before there is any
significant amount of debt reduction, all because
We now see a huge contractionary wave
of a short-term and unforeseeable run by mobile
propagating itself through the region. Inter-
capital. It aims to dismantle the high debt
national banks have slashed credit lines to all
borrowers, including the export-oriented firms system, its developmental advantages notwith-
that should be benefiting from currency depre- standing. Moreover, it wants to see a Western-
ciation. Even the big Korean chaebol, with type financial system in its place that can only
worldwide brand names, are finding it difficult to work with a huge reduction in levels of corporate
get even trade credit (letters of credit to cover debt. The Fund has not properly weighed the
the import of inputs into export production). economic and social costs of doing this, nor even
This did not happen to the same extent in the the question of whether it has any legitimate
Latin American crisis of the 1980s. Latin business entering the field of structural and insti-
American companies did not suffer from the tutional reform. Eventually Asian economies will
same withdrawal of credit, though Latin start to grow again, for their “fundamentals” are
American countries were far less creditworthy strong; but by then their fundamentals will not
than Asian ones, because companies had debt/ be as strong. There will be an inner source of
equity ratios within Western prudential lending instability created by the attempt to integrate the
limits. flow of household deposit savings with a financial
The much higher real interest rates and cuts in structure based on Western norms of prudent
domestic demand required bv the Fund are debt/equity ratios. By then they will have a rather
tipping many profitable but -high debt/equity different pattern of ownership, with foreign firms
firms into bankruotcv. Meeting Western stand- and banks - in particular, US firms and banks
ards for the adequacy of bank? capital entails a - having much more control than before. They
rapid fall in banks’ debt/equity ratios and a sharp will have given up the developmental advantages
cut in their lending, causing more company of a high debt system based on govemment-
bankruptcies. The resulting financial instability bank-firm collaboration in return for somewhat
and unrest may cause net capital outflow instead lower risks of financial crashes.
of the inflow that the Fund expects. On the other Once the crisis is passed, reneging on IMF
hand, whole swathes of the corporate sectors of agreements may occur. But by that time foreign
the region are being offered at fire-sale prices, banks and other financial institutions may be

well established, making the high debt/equity - Had the IMF stuck to its mandate of helping
system difficult to rebuild. countries to cope with temporary foreign
exchange shortages and regaining access to
international capital markets, its prescriptions
might have looked less like screaming fire in
5. TURNING POINTS the theater. This would have required the
Fund to focus less on mobilizing a bail out
Any coherent account of the crisis runs the fund and more on organizing debt resche-
danger of making it look inevitable. In fact, duling negotiations between the debtors and
things could have been different. Halting the the banks.
panic would have required something to restore
each lender’s confidence that its own refinancing
would be matched by others. 6. CAPITAL OPENING AND THE WALL
Had Japan addressed its banking problems
earlier by bolstering bank balance sheets
Perhaps the single most irresponsible action in
through a debt reconstruction program or by
the whole crisis was capital account liberalization
preferred stock purchases, Japanese banks
without a framework of regulation. This exposed
would not have had to slash their refinancing
economies built for patient capital to short-term
to Korean and other borrowers in the financial pressures, and allowed the private
autumn of 1997. sector to sidestep domestic monetary restrictions
Had the Japanese government pledged $10 via foreign borrowings, helping to cause currency
billion to the IMF package for Thailand in overvaluation. The blame is shared between
August 1997, rather than $4 billion, confi- national governments and international organiza-
dence may have been restored. tions. But it has to fall disproportionately on the
Had the US congress (supported by majority IMF, that for several years now has been pushing
US public opinion) had been less isolationist, hard for capital account opening.
less opposed to any government largesse Why has the Fund been pushing capital
abroad - had it had not put a restriction in account opening, and why in the present crisis
place after the Mexican crisis on the use of has it gone so far beyond its traditional concern
public resources for such purposes as the with balance-of-payments adjustments? This has
Thai package, had it not objected to occurred partly because it had already crossed
increasing the IMF’s resources (through the the line in dealing with the former Soviet Union
New Agreement to Borrow, announced by and Eastern Europe, legitimizing an expanded
the G-7 countries in January 1997 but not agenda in that context. Those countries clearly
ratified by the US Congress), had it not needed advice about the creation of basic market
declined to provide more funds to the IMF in institutions, and the Fund was able to get its
November 1997 because of a dispute about advice accepted because it brought vital financial
an abortion-related amendment to the rewards. In its next great intervention, in Asia,
country’s foreign aid program - the United the Fund has continued to operate over this
States may have been able to pump in more much wider jurisdiction, seeking to impose on
resources.34 Thailand, Indonesia and Korea institutional free-
Had developing countries liberalized their market reforms as comprehensive as those
financial systems more slowly (resisting imposed on Russia - even though such reforms
Western pressure for rapid liberalization), in the Asian case are not necessary to restart the
then the domestic lending excesses and flow of funds.35
vulnerability to outflows of hot money would The legitimizing precedent of the former
have been curbed. Soviet Union and Eastern Europe is one thing.
Had developing country political leaders been But the deeper answer involves the interests of
prepared to check wild real estate investment the owners and managers of international
and speculation in junk bonds, the vulner- capital. The reforms sought by the Fund are
abilities would also have been less. Taiwan is connected in one way or another with further
a case where these excesses seem to have opening up Asian economies to international
been checked. capital. Why is the Fund insisting on capital
- Had there had been “sand in the wheels” of account opening in countries that are awash with
the international financial system (such as a domestic savings? Why has it done so little to
tax on international currency transactions), organize debt rescheduling negotiations, prefer-
the build-up to crisis may have been slowed. ring to seek additional bail-out funds from G-7

governments and then give them out in return for responsive to their needs and Jesuistic in their
structural and institutional reforms? The short commitment to the neoclassical “Washington
answer is contained in a remark by James Tobin, Consensus.” The US Congress backs the US
the Nobel laureate in economics. Treasury. The Senate has passed a bill saying
that no US funds may be made available to the
south Koreans and other Asian countries - like
Mexico in 1994-95 - are.. .victims of a flawed IMF until the Treasury Secretary certifies that all
international exchange rate system that, under U.S. the G-7 governments publically agree that they
leadership, gives the mobility of capitalptiority over all will require of its borrowers (a) liberalization of
other considerations.3h trade and investment (no mention of qualifica-
tions to do with environmental protection, labor
Martin Feldstein, professor of economics at
standards and so on), and (b) elimination of
Harvard University and president of the National
“government directed lending on
Bureau of Economic Research, similarly
non-commercial terms or provision of market
observes that
distorting subsidies to favored industries, enter-
Several features of the IMF plan are replays of the prises, parties or institutions” (incuding, presum-
policies that Japan and the United States have long ably, subsidies for energy conservation,
been trying to get Korea to adopt. . . [The IMF] low-income housing and the like).
should strongly resist pressure from the United
The extended complex has over the past year
States, Japan, and other major countries to make
their trade and investment agenda part of the IMF led the process of amending the IMF’s articles of
funding conditions.37 agreement to require member governments to
remove capital controls and adopt full capital
Jagdish Bhagwati, professor of economics at account convertibility.“9 It has likewise worked to
Columbia University and champion of free trade, promote the World Trade Organization’s agree-
takes the argument further. Asked why the IMF ment on liberalizing financial services being
was seeking to open financial markets he replied, hammered out in 1996-97. Many developing
Wall Streeet has become a very powerful influence country governments, including prominently
in terms of seeking markets everywhere. Morgan several Asian ones, opposed the WTO’s efforts
Stanley and all these gigantic firms want to be able to liberalize financial services.4” In response,
to get into other markets and essentially see capital
account convertibility as what will enable them to Executives of groups including Barclays, Germany’s
operate everywhere. Just like in the old days there Dresdner bank, Societe Generale of France and
was this “military-industrial complex”, nowadays Chubb insurance, Citicorp, and Ford Financial
there is a “Wall Street-Treasury complex” because Services of the US, . agreed discreetly to impress
Secretaries of State like Rubin come from Wall on finance ministers around the world the benefits of
Street... So today, Wall Street views are very a WTO dea?’
dominant in terms of the kind of world you want to
see. They want the ability to take capital in and out Then came the financial crisis. By December
freely. It also ties in to the IMF’s own desires, which is 1997 the Asian leaders agreed to drop their
to act as a lender of last resort. They see themselves objections, and on December 12, 1997, more
as the apex body which will manage this whole than 70 countries signed the agreement that
system. So the IMF tinally gets a role for itself, commits them to open banking, insurance and
which is underpinned by maintaining complete securities markets to foreign firms. By then the
freedom on the capital account.
Asian holdouts (including Thailand and
Bhagwati goes on to observe that many Malaysia) saw no choice: either they signed or
countries have grown well without capital their receipt of IMF bail-out funds would be
account convertibility, including China today and complicated. Meanwhile the OECD has been
Japan and Western Europe earlier. “In my pushing ahead with the negotiation of the Multi-
judgement it is a lot of ideological humbug to say lateral Agreement on Investment, that liberalizes
that without free portfolio capital mobility, all direct foreign investment restrictions,
somehow the world cannot function and growth requiring signatory governments to grant equal
rates will collapse.“” Bhagwati’s “Wall Street- treatment to foreign as to domestic companies. It
Treasury complex” is more accurately called the will preclude many of the policies of the develop-
“Wall Street-US Treasury-US Congress-City of mental state.
London-UK Treasury-IMF complex.” US and These events - the revision of the IMF’s
UK financial firms know they can gain hugely articles of agreement, the WTO’s financial
against all comers in an institutional context of services agreement, and the OECD’s Multilateral
arms-length transactions, stock markets, open Agreement on Investment - are the expression
capital accounts and the new financial instru- of a Big Push push from international organiza-
ments. Their respective Treasuries are deeply tions, backed by governments and corporations

in the rich countries, to institute a worldwide benefit US firms that would in turn give political
regime of capital mobility that allows easy entry support for US contributions.42
and exit from any particular place. If the agree- Financial crises have always caused transfers
ments are ratified and enforced, they will ratchet of ownership and power to those who keep their
up the power and legitimacy of the owners and own assets intact and who are in a position to
managers of international capital in the world at create credit, and the Asian crisis is no excep-
large. This will in turn help secure the predomi- tion. Whatever their degree of intentionality and
nance of the Anglo-American system. That their methods of concerting strategy, there is no
system, based on maximizing returns through the doubt that Western and Japanese corporations
optimal allocation of the existing stock of capital are big winners from the Asia crisis. Their
and savings, is better suited to maintaining euphoria is nicely caught in the remark by the
stability when incomes are high and growth and head of a UK-based investment bank, “If
inflation low. The Asian system, focused on the something was worth $lbn yesterday, and now
accumulation of capital and deliberate creation it’s only worth $SOm, it’s quite exciting”.”
of Schumpeterian rents through the acquisition Indeed, the combination of massive devaluations,
of new technology, is better suited to fast growth. IMF-pushed financial liberalization, and
As long as the Asian system operates on the IMF-facilitated recovery may even precipitate
basis of long-term relationships and patient the biggest peacetime transfer of assets from
capital, Anglo-American capital is at a disadvan- domestic to foreign owners in the past 50 years
tage in these markets. Therefore the Asian anywhere in the world, dwarfing the transfers
system must be changed. What is the point of from domestic to US owners that occured in
being the core, the hegemon, if the periphery Latin America in the 1980s or in Mexico after
does not do what you want? Yet for all their 1994. One recalls the statement attributed to
implications for sovereignty, democracy, and Andrew Mellon, “In a depression, assets return
social stability the capital favoring agreements to their rightful owners.”
are being negotiated with scarcely any public The crisis has also been good for the multi-
debate. They have been protected from public lateral economic institutions, including the IMF,
concern partly because the champions of the the World Bank, and the WTO. Amongst the
wider movement towards free capital movement owners and managers of capital they gain great
centrality, both as organizations that can get
and lifting of government regulations have
them out of the crisis without serious losses and
managed to harness to their cause the most self-
as organizations that can cajole Asian govern-
justifying of slogans, “stopping corruption.”
ments to reshape their domestic economies in
Capital freedom, we are invited to believe,
line with Western models. True, the IMF in
checks corruption (as in Asia’s “crony
particular has attracted much criticism. But
capitalism”), and is therefore self-evidently a
compared to those who see it as the spearhead
good thing. The next step will be an international of their interests, the critics have little power.
agreement to deregulate labor markets, intended
to make them more “flexible” (code-speak for
freedom to hire and fire) while stopping short of 7. THE FUTURE
open migration. This would further consolidate
the global governance of capital. (a) Asia
There is always a fine line to be trod between
an interest-based theory and a conspiracy theory We are now seeing the playing out of a
(for all that everyone accepts the former and familiar four-step sequence of crisis. Step one is
hardly anyone accepts the latter). It is difficult to the exchange rate collapse. Step two is an
know to what extent and at what point some upsurge of bank failures and company bankrupt-
events in the Asian crisis were deliberately cies as a result of the now much higher cost of
encouraged by those who stood to gain from the servicing unhedged foreign debt. Step three is
sudden loss of resources by Asian governments domestic recession, with falls in consumption and
and from the opportunities to gain control of investment and rises in unemployment. Step four
Asian companies at knock-down prices. Certainly is political reaction to the slump, including civil
the role of the US Treasury in stiffening the unrest and anti-foreign sentiment.”
IMF’s insistence on radical financial opening in This is the likely sequence in each case, but we
Korea is documented. The Treasury made it have little idea of how this process will unfold in
clear that Korean financial opening was a condi- the interaction between the countries. We can be
tion of US contributions to the bail-out, on the confident that real spending will contract by
understanding that financial opening would more than at any time since the mid-1970s when

the first oil shock hit. Much will depend on what report] portrayed US intervention in the Asian
is agreed by way of debt restructuring of currency crisis in cynical terms.. . . “By giving help it
countries’ corporate sectors (whether in the form is forcing East Asia into submission, promoting the
US economic and political model and easing East
of a debt moratorium or government bond
Asia’s threat to the US economy”. The newspaper
offering). If Korea is unable to regain access to said the United States was stressing the authority of
international credit markets within the next few the International Monetary Fund (IMF) during the
months, the degree of disruption and civil unrest crisis to further its own strategic interests4’
is likely to be high, pushing the government
toward debt default. Ethnic conflict could be Henry Kissinger, former US Secretary of
kindled in many countries of the region as State, recently warned,
Chinese business elites come to be blamed. How Even [Asian] friends whom I respect for their
would China respond? moderate views argue that Asia is confronting an
It will be difficult to repair the relations of American campaign to stifle Asian competition. “It
trustworthiness between government, business is critical that at the end of this crisis”, [he went on
and banks, and between foreign (especially to say], “when Asia will reemerge as a dynamic part
Japanese companies) and domestic companies, of the world, America be perceived as a friend that
that have underpinned the Asian model. High gave constructive advice and assistance in the
common interest, not as a bully determined to
debt/equity ratios will be more difficult to impose bitter social and economic medicine to serve
sustain. On the other hand, the crisis means that largely American interests”:’
savings mobilization through the stock market is
even less likely an option than it was before. It For all the resentment, Asia’s regional
may take 10 years before the stock market response to the crisis has been weak, exposing
becomes a serious option for transferring the thinness of the existing regional structures.
savings. Yet Asian households are likely to There is an interesting story yet to be told about
redouble their savings, putting them into bank the Japanese proposal, in summer 1997, to estab-
deposits. This in itself gives impetus to restore lish a largely Japanese-financed Asian bail-out
the model of guided markets with interfirm fund for the purpose of refinancing short-term
cooperation and government support for deep debt-an attempt at long-promised but not
structures of bank intermediation. delivered international leadership. The US
The crisis will leave a legacy of resentment Treasury, including Secretary Rubin and Deputy
towards the West. The Malaysian prime minister Secretary Summers, reacted to this proposal with
Mahathir Mohamad is quite explicit. At the end public displeasure and private anger, saying that
of December 1997 he told Malaysians that they the crisis was something for the IMF to manage.
must be willing to make sacrifices in defending In the event, the Japanese proposal more or less
the country’s currency or risk being “recolo- died. Would the Japanese really have gone
nized” by foreign powers. ahead with it had the United States not objected
the fall in our currency’s value has made us so strongly? Did they see it as a backdoor route
poorer, exposing us to the possibility of being to doing something the Ministry of Finance had
controlled by foreign powers. If this happens, we will long wanted to do, namely to establish a public
lose the freedom to run our country’s economy and agency to bail out the Japanese banks similar to
with it our political freedom also. In short, we will be that which the United States established, to good
re-colonized indirectly.. . We cannot give up and effect, for the savings and loans institutions in
surrender. We must be willing to face challenges, the 198Os? An earlier Ministry of Finance
willing to sacrifice in defending our freedom and our proposal to this effect had been torpedoed by
Japanese politicians, responding to strong public
Other Asian leaders have been more circumspect sentiment against the use of public money to bail
in public but express sympathy in private. Senior out financial institutions. The Ministry of
Malaysian and Indonesian leaders have invoked Finance may have seen the establishment of an
a Jewish conspiracy as cause of the capital Asia fund as a way to help Japanese banks avoid
outflow, perhaps hoping to deflect public anger exposure to mounting loan losses in their South-
away from the local Chinese.& east Asian debt portfolios. On the face of it, one
The Chinese government has also been highly would expect the United States to welcome such
critical of the IMF and the US. An article in the an initiative since its costs to the US taxpayer
Chinese People’s Daily said, would be negligible, even less than in the case of
By imposing harsh terms of financial aid to troubled an IMF bail-out. Perhaps the Treasury opposed
Asian nations, the United States was forcing into the idea so strongly out of concern not to see
submission economic rivals in the region. China’s Japan shore up its weakening politico-economic
Communist Party mouthpiece [said the Reuters’ position in Southeast Asia and not to see Japan

divert its capital from the purchase of US other hand, has seen a serious erosion of its
Treasury bonds. The Japanese agreed to desist in leadership position in the region. In response, it
a November 1997 meeting in Manila (at which is covertly helping some ASEAN contries,
China, as well as the US, was a strong critic of notably Indonesia to handle the IMF, seeking to
the Japanese proposal). Japan and some other build up its position in ASEAN in order to
Asian countries are continuing to press for the counter the strengthening China-US axis.
creation of a contingency fund with which to European banks have lent more to Asia than
support countries in trouble, whereas the United either Japanese or US banks. Yet European
States continues to want the establishment of governments and the European Union have been
lines of credit rather than pay up front; but this conspicuously quiet, leaving the Americans and
debate is now being conducted discreetly inside the Japanese to make the public running.
the IMF, with the Asians in a weak bargaining Collective action theory teaches that a solution
position.49 to collective action problems-such as the Asian
A mini-step toward a regional response was crisis of refinancing-is most likely when one or
the special meeting of ASEAN leaders in early two players see it as being in their own interests
December 1997 in Kuala Lumpur at the invita- to act, even if others do not. This is what
tion of the Malaysian Prime Minister. Signifi- happened in the Mexico crisis of 1994: The
cantly, it was a meeting of “ASEAN plus other United States, seeing great costs to its own inter-
Asians,” excluding the Americans. The Japanese ests, intervened decisively to organize a rescue
Prime Minister, Ryutaro Hashimoto, returned package (with concessions about the restruc-
from the meeting and announced a substantial turing of the Mexican economy highly favorable
fiscal stimulus to the Japanese economy without to the United States). The Asia crisis of 1997
prior approval from the governing party. Barely shows only too clearly the power vacuum in Asia,
noticed in the Western press was the fact that with none of the major countries-Japan, China,
China’s political head attended, President Jiang the United States, Europe-willing or able to act
Zemin himself. At the conference his govern- in the same way, while there is within the region
ment negotiated a loan to Indonesia. On the a swelling tide of antagonism toward the
whole, though, ASEAN has distinguished itself “foreign” forces that have, apparently, been the
by sheer impotence?” cause of the downfall.
China’s leaders now understand more
emphatically than before the need to move
(b) The international financial regime
slowly toward a convertible currency and other
financial market openings. The yuan remains The IMF has gained centrality but is coming
inconvertible, and the banks remain mostly state- under renewed scrutiny. It has expended so
owned. The central bank can protect the state- much money to Asia that it will need additional
owned commercial banks from deposit runs funding to contain contagion effects in other
through domestic monetary policy. If China had parts of the world. In addition, the questioning
a fully convertible currency it would be difficult of its basic prescription for Asia may give
to protect the banks through monetary policy impetus toward reconsidering its whole approach
without encouraging capital flight. China will to financial crises. If the Asian program, with the
now proceed more slowly in abolishing exchange Korean program as the acid test, restores private
controls than its policy-makers were talking capital flows as quickly as they were restored to
about only six months ago.51 Mexico in 1995 (within three months), the IMF’s
China may be looked upon as a model by approach, and the IMF as an institution, will
other countries, whose governments draw on emerge as a more credible regulator of the world
China’s experience to justify slowing down finan- economy. But even if this happens questions
cial liberalization. China’s competition with about the IMF’s role remain, Above all, does the
Japan for influence in Southeast Asia may IMF encourage lenders and borrowers to be
explain why China was unwilling to cooperate careless, believing that they will be bailed out
with Japan’s idea of an Asia Fund, which would with little loss; does it encourage “moral
seem to require at least tacit Chinese support. hazard,” as so many critics claim? Almost
Asked recently about such Chinese support, the certainly not, although the opponents of the IMF
Chinese finance minister, Zhu Ronghi, is have managed to convince many US
reported to have replied that one co-prosperity congressmen that the Mexican bail out in 1995
sphere in his lifetime was enough.” This is the helped to create the conditions for the Asian
voice of a China that sees itself as the rightful crisis. The opponents assume that the prospect
center of the Asian economy. Japan, on the of IMF support was an important reason for

large-scale lending to Asia. More likely, the the ability to create enough credit to sustain
perception of Asia as a growth machine attracted domestic expansion and project military force
the funds, not expectations of IMF support. abroad at the same time, without raising taxes or
The crisis should provoke a Bretton Woods II, interest rates.
a fundamental debate about the character of the This paper has presented the crisis not as a
international financial regime in the post-Cold symptom of the weakness of “Asian state
War world. The debate should focus on capitalism” but as the result, on one level, of a
questions such as: Should we make a sharp collective action problem, in which each lender
distinction between free trade and free capital tries not to refinance for fear that others will not
movements, seeking to encourage the former also refinance. At a deeper level, the crisis is a
while constraining the latter? Are international symptom of the weakness of a regime of inter-
financial markets “efficient,” can they fail, can national credit creation with insufficient limits
speculation be destabilizing? Has the growth of and rules, in which such crises are endemic. We
derivative markets and other forms of leverage saw the symptoms in Latin America in the 1980s
created the preconditions for aggressive inter- in Mexico in 1994, and very much in the country
mediaries, such as hedge funds, to disrupt the that now lectures Asia on the insufficiency of its
financial markets of smaller countries? Does the financial regulation, the United States - with its
growing securitization of credit in response to commercial real estate, junk bond and savings
the emergence of pension funds and mutual and loan crises of the 1980s. In each case, exces-
funds require the development of new forms of sive debt is created, and the governemnt then
financial supervision comparable to those which squezzes the “real” economy (some groups more
have long existed for banks? How can developing than others) in order to repay the creditors.
countries obtain the benefits of international Developing countries should be able to derive
lending-in terms of investing more than they much benefit from large-scale international
save-while limiting their exposure to the costs
lending, because it allows them to invest more
of unstable flows? Given that the least affected
than they save. But the ability to put the inflows
Asian countries-china, Hong Kong, Taiwan, to good use is a function of their stability. When
the swing from net inflows to net outflows equals
Singapore-all have towering foreign exchange
11% of pre-crisis GDP, as in Asia during 1996
reserves, should developing countries all try to
and 1997, the social fabric is torn asunder.
raise their reserves? At what cost to their
We must now learn the lesson. The solution
development? We should keep at the forefront
has to involve regulation of international credit
of the discussion the absence of empirical
creation and of short-term capital movements
evidence that capital account convertibility is
-a new regime of international finance. In the
good for developing countries, and the
words of Martin Wolf, columnist for 7’he Finan-
abundance of historical evidence that free inter-
cial Times, one of the three main organs of world
national capital markets are prone to excesses
capitalist views,
that result in high social costs.
Indeed, Eisuke Sakakibara, Japan’s top finan- [I] is impossible to pretend that the traditional case
cial diplomat, has just proposed a new Bretton for capital market liberalization remains unscathed.
Either far greater stability than at present is injected
Woods agreement, saying that a return to into the international monetary system as a whole or
something like the 1944-71 regime of fixed the unavoidably fragile emerging countries must
exchange rates and temporary financing facilities protect themselves from the virus of short-term
should be one of the options. US Treasury and lending, particularly by-and to-the banks. After
IMF officials have poured cold water on the the crisis, the question can no longer be whether
latter idea, making “plain that any ideas being these flows should be regulated in some way. It can
studied stopped well short of a Bretton Woods- only be how.54
style fixed exchange rate system”.53 Not surpris- The how question, however, is made doubly
ingly, given the earlier discussion of the Wall difficult by the growth of private debt tied to
Street-Treasury-IMF complex. Constraining occult derivative contracts that escape estab-
financial markets by means of something like a lished methods of bank regulation. The sucesses
fixed exchange-rate regime would be deadly for of the international regime for tracing drug
its power and profit. Vast profit opportunities, money perhaps offer grounds for hope.
including those of the foreign exchange markets It is possible that several years from now the
and the derivatives markets, would shrink, Asia crisis will be looked back on as “the crouch
hundreds of thousands of employees would be before the leap.” We should bear in mind the
laid off. Moreover, the US government would history of a decade ago. In the late 1980s Japan
lose one of the great assets of hegemonic status: was resurgent, soon to be “number one”, and the

United States was in trouble and keen to learn American countries looked to be well on the way
from the Japanese model. Then the Japanese into the middle zone in the 1960s and
stock market and property bubbles burst, the 1970s-until the debt crisis of the early 1980s
United States became resurgent, and talk of the pushed them back down. The current Asia crisis,
Japanese model faded away. Will the cycle with its huge devaluations, has pushed Korea
repeat itself? The US is now probably in the last from the lower bound of the upper zone back
stage of its own stock market and currency into the middle, and pushed Thailand and most
bubbles. If they burst and if the Asian liquidity dramatically Indonesia from the middle into the
problems are overcome, the Asian model may lower. To what extent is the crisis - beyond a
look to have more staying power than most collective action problem of liquidity and beyond
commentators now think, and be more influen- a symptom of the weakness of the international
tial in setting norms for international economic financial regime -a reassertion of the stability of
and financial regimes. This crisis, far from repre- world income distribution? To what extent is it a
senting the triumph of global neoliberalism, may structure-restoring adjustment to the seismic
be looked back on as the beginning of its end. shocks of China’s rise through the lower zone?
On the other hand, one has to remember that The crisis, according to this interpretation, is less
world income distribution has been remarkably a crouch before the leap than a replay of Latin
stable over the past several decades, both in its America’s nosedive in the early 1980s. A decade
trimodal distribution and in the position within it from now we will be able to see whether the Asia
of individual countries. Very few countries have crisis of 1997-? was a blip on an upward Asian
increased their per capita income sufficiently to trajectory that changes the structure of world
move from the lower zone to the middle or from income distribution, or a restoration of the status
the middle to the upper.” Several Latin quo.


1. On Wall St., the fall of the Dow Jones industrial question was when the other shoe was going to drop,
average by a record 554 points on October 27 was a revealing the instability of an obsolescent and increas-
direct response to the Asian crisis. ingly corrupt system.
. ..In the course of this development, the state
2. “4 Asian currencies plunge to record lows,” New
created an impressive constellation of mammoth indus-
York Times, January 7, 1998, D2. In the first six days of
trial firms, the chaebol, a group of can-do oligopolies
1998 the Indonesian rupiah lost 26% of its value, after
with plenty of entrepreneurial spirit... that founded
a 56% decline in 1997 made it the world’s worst-per-
one new industry after another. In turn these firms
forming currency.
provided political support for the ruling party, in the
3. The Lex Column, Financial Times, March 3, 1998, form of floodtides of cash passing between the indus-
p.18. trialists and the politicians.
. . . the Korean economy is another kind of leftover
4. David Sanger, “Greenspan sees Asian crisis moving
world to western capitalism,” The New York Times, Cold War artifact, good for an era of security threats
February 13, 1998, section D, p.1, emphasis added. and close bilateral relations with Washington, but of
One’s interpretation of Greenspan’s remarks to the questionable use in the global ‘world without borders’
Senate must be qualified by the knowledge that he was of the 1990’s. At some point Koreans have to reckon
appealing for US IMF funding, though he was less with a highly-leveraged, highly political, manifestly cor-
constrained when speaking earlier to the New York rupt nexus between the state and big business.”
Cumings damns Korea by focusing on corruption, as
Economics Club.
though a corruption-free system is an end in itself. Her
5. Steve Hanke, interview in Forbes, December 29, indignation against the wheelers and dealers who
1997. dominate the country might be considered a poor basis
6. Reginald Dale, “Asia crisis will bolster U.S. pres- on which to condemn the system (Cumings, 1997).
tige,” International Herald Ttibune, January 20, 1998. 9. Wade (1997).
7. “Desperate for advice, South Koreans look to the 10. Jeffrey Sachs, “Power unto itself”: The head of
gloved one,” Wall St Journal, December 16, 1997. the Harvard Institute for International Development
8. From political science the US-based Korean aca- explains why the IMF needs reassessment.” Financial
demic, Meredith Jung-en Woo Cumings, professor of Times, December 12, 1997.
political science at Northwestern University, provides a
11. Jeffrey Sachs, “The IMF and the Asian flu,” i’7re
corroborating interpretation. “. . .The Korean economic
American Prospect, March-April 1998, p.17.
system has always been intrinsically unstable. and
therefore vulnerable to exactly the sort of financial 12. Joseph Stiglitz, “How to fix the Asian economies,”
calamity that has now befallen it. The only interesting New York Times, October 31, 1997, emphasis added.

See for a similar line of argument Alice Amsden and 29. Brady bonds were issued by Latin American
Yoon-Dae Euh, “Behind Korea’s plunge,” New York governments in the 1980s to restructure Latin
Times, November 27,199J. American debt, with partial US Treasury backing. Kor-
ean banks invested heavily in them.
13. For Stiglitz’s explicit criticism of the IMF see
“World Bank questions IMF plan: austerity in Asia 30. Martin Wolf, “Flows and blows,” Finuncial Times,
may worsen crisis,” Wall Street Journal, January 8, 1998. March 3, 1998, p. 16. The Latin American figure is for
Brazil, Mexica and Argentina, comparing 1981 and
14. Reuters, December 28, 1997. 1982.
15. “Japan plans to rein in speculators,” Wall Street 31. The IMF requirements are summarized in IMF
Journal, January J,199J,
p. A16. (1997).
16. Hale (1997, p. 8), based on BIS figures. 32. Feldstein (1998) pp. 20-33.
17. Jonathan Fuerbringer, “Many players, many los- 33. Hale (1997). According to the most recent Wall
ers,” New York Times, December 10, 1997, p.Dl ff. Street Journal-NBC News poll, Americans opposed,
18. Institute for International Finance (1998) and 51-34%, any US participation in IMF loans to the
Martin Wolf, “Flows and blows,” Financial Times, beleaguered Asians (Bruce Stokes, “U.S. firms mind
March 3, 1998, p. 16. their own business in Asia,” National Journal, Decem-
ber 20, p. 2570).
19. Ha-Joon Chang, “Perspective on Korea: A crisis
from underregulation,” Los Angeles Times, December 34. Feldstein (1998).
31, 1997. 35. James Tobin, “Why we need sand in the market’s
20. There has been much uncertainty about how big gears,” Washington Post, December 21, 1997.
Korea’s debt really is. Some estimates say more than 36. Feldstein (1998) p.32.
$200 bn.
37. Interview in Times of India, December 31, 1997,
21. World Bank (1997) Table 13. emphasis added.
22. “Japanese fusion,” Business Week, November 18, 38. The process of modifying the articles of agree-
1994, p. 32. ment to require countries to adopt capital account
23. See Wade and Veneroso (1998) especially Box: convertibility has been under way since early 1997. At
Shocks and Debt. The inherent vulnerabilities are the Hong Kong Annual Meetings of the Fund and
spelled out in Wade (1990). “The government must Bank in September 1997 the Interim Committee
maintain a cleavage between the domestic economy agreed in principle that the Fund should adopt an
and the international economy with respect to financial aggressive policy to encourage countries to institute full
flows. Without control of these flows, with firms free to
borrow as they wish on international markets and with 39. Presumably they distinguished between financial
foreign banks free to make domestic loans according to liberalization that allowed their banks and firms to get
their own criteria, the government’s own control over easy access to much cheaper international credit, and a
the money supply and cost of capital to domestic bor- liberalization of financial services that would expose
rowers is weakened, as is its ability to guide sectoral their financial firms to full-scale competition from
allocation. Speculative inflows seeking exchange rate international ones.
gains can precipitate accelerating movements in
exchange rates, with damaging consequences for the 40. Guy de Jonquie’res, “Vision of a global market:
real economy. Uncontrolled outflows can leave the WTO members are hoping to deregulate financial ser-
economy vulnerable to an investment collapse and vices,” The Financial Times, April 10, 1997, p. 28.
make it difficult for government to arrange a sharing of 41. See Paul Blustein and Clay Chandler, “Behind
the burden of adjustment to external shocks between the S. Korean bailout: speed, stealth, consensus,” The
the owners of capital and others; “the others” are likely Washington Post, December 28, 1998, p.1.
to be made to take the burden, with political unrest,
repression, and interrupted growth as the likely result” 42. Clay Harris and John Ridding, “Asia provides
(p. 367). golden buying opportunities,” Financial Times, Feb-
ruary 26, 1998, p. 16. Also “South Korea: Bargains
24. Jonathan Fuerbringer, “Many players, many los- galore,” The Economist, February 7, 1998, p. 67-8.
ers,” New York Times, December 10, 1997, p.Dl ff.
43. Hale (1997).
25. Fray Tomas de Mercado, “Global meltdown is
just around the corner,” Asia Times, May 22, 1997. 44. Mahathir Mohamad, Reuters, 31 December, 1997.
Talking of Indonesia, a New York Times report says,
26. Hale (1997). “Signs of an anti-American backlash have emerged
27. Restrictions on the use of the Exchange Stabiliza- here in statements ranging from newspaper columns to
tion Fund. Government officials to ordinary citizens. “We are now
in a very humiliating position: some foreigners are
28. For more on Taiwan’s escape from the crisis see coming to dictate to us“, said Adi Sasono, who man-
Wade and Veneroso (1998). ages a policy institute headed by Mr. Habibie, the next

vice-president”. (David Sanger, “U.S. is linking aid to Asia”, 7’he Country, February 23,1998, p. 6-9.
Jakarata to its reforms”, New York Times, March 4, 49
“Asean’s failures: the limits of politeness,” The
1998, p.Al and A8.)
Economist, February 28, 1998, p. 43-44.
45. James Ridding and James Kynge, “Complacency
50. Bloomberg News, January 6,1998.
gives way to contagion,” Special Report: Asia in Crisis,
p. 6, Financial Times, January 13, 1998. 51. Personal communication, Professor Bruce Scott,
Harvard Business School.
46. Reuters (Beijing), 6 January, 1998.
52. Gillian Tett, Nicholas Timmins and Bruce Clark,
47. Henry Kissinger, “The Asian collapse: one fix
“Monetary net needs rethink, says Japanese finance
does not fit all economies,” The Washington Post, Op-
envoy,” Financial Times, March 3, 1998, p. 1.
Ed, Februaty 9, 1998, p. A19.
53. Martin Wolf, “Flows and blows”, Financial Times,
48. See for example, “The Asian crash: beggars and
March 3, 1998, p. 16.55
choosers,” The Economist, December 6, 1997, p. 43-44.
Also Chalmers Johnson, “Cold war economics melt 54. Arrighi (1990).


Arrighi, G. (1990) The development illusion. In Semi- nomic Program, December 5, 1997. IMF,
peripheral States in the World Economy, ed. W. Washington, DC.
Martin. Greenwood Press, Westport, CT. Wade, R. (1990) Governing the Market. Princeton Uni-
Cumings, M. (1997) Bailing out or sinking in? The versity Press, Princeton, NJ.
IMF and the Korean financial crisis. Paper pre- Wade, R. (1996) Japan, the World Bank and the art of
sented at the Economic Strategy Institute paradigm maintenance: The East Asian Miracle in
Conference, Washington, DC, December 2. perspective. New Left Review, May-June, 3-36.
Feldstein, M. (1998) Refocusing the IME Foreign Wade, R. (1997) Globalization and flying geese?
Affairs 77(2), 20-33. States, firms amd regional production hierarchies in
Hale, D. (1997) How did Thailand become the Cred- East and Southeast Asia. Russell Sage Foundation.
itanstalt of 1997? Zurich Research, Chicago, New York.
December 23. Wade, R. and Veneroso, F. (1998) The Asian crisis:
Institute for International Finance (1998) Capital flows The high debt model vs. the Wall Street-Treasury-
to emerging market economies. IIF, Washington, IMF complex. New Left Review, March-April, 3-23.
DC. World Bank (1997) World Development Repot 1997.
International Monetary Fund (1997) Republic of Oxford University Press, New York.
Korea: IMF Standby Agreement: Summary Eco-

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