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Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) is often in the urethra as well as the bladder, as I've
seen in the videos, whereas cystitis is solely a bladder infection. If cystitis is severe, it
can develop complications and infect the kidneys, a condition known as pyelonephritis,
sometimes known as kidney infection. Some illnesses have comparable signs and
symptoms, such as fever, dysuria (difficulty urinating), and urine frequency. Urine
analysis is performed for diagnostic purposes, looking for murky and odorous urine that
is loaded with white blood cells, indicating general infection. Finally, urine culture and
sensitivity might be requested if nitrites suggest kidney infection. Keep in mind that
more than 10,000 organisms/ml implies a urinary tract infection. Pyelonephritis has the
same signs and symptoms as Uti; however, it can be severe and have different pain
locations. Before beginning antibiotics, acquire blood and urine cultures. It may promote
urine retention, which allows germs to stay in one spot for too long, making infection
more likely, as in bph, which enlarges the prostate in older men.

Sulfonamide antibiotics or Trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole, trade name Bactrim,

are the first line of treatment for urinary tract infections. The mechanism of action of
sulfonamides is that they inhibit the production of folic acid. When it comes to side
effects, remember the word sulfa and the acronym sulf, s stands for sunburn avoid sun
and use sunblock, u stands for urine crystals and specific gravity that is high which
means the body is dry, l stands for love the water remember to drink 2-3 liters per day,
and f stands for folic acid it must be taken daily. Contraindications, hypersensitivity the
next drug is Fluoroquinolones, levofloxacin, and ciprofloxacin, whose trade name is
Levaquin, which is administered to patients with pneumonia and urinary tract infections.
The next drug is Phenazopyridine, also known as Pyridium. It is not an antibiotic, but

rather a Uti analgesic that is used to relieve discomfort caused by Uti burning
and irritation. Antibiotic therapy should never be interrupted while using this drug. Urine
medications, the first on the list is Bethanechol, which is used to treat neurogenic
bladder, or urinary retention. It's also used to treat urinary atony. It acts by activating
cholinergic receptors, and frequent adverse effects include excessive sweating, urine
urgency, and a low heart rate and blood pressure. The second medication is
Finasteride, which is prescribed to people who have an enlarged prostate. Terazosin
and Tamsulosin, the third urinary infection medication, are used to treat urinary
retention in patients with enlarged prostates that hold back pee. Headache and
orthostatic hypotension are common adverse effects. The last urinary medicine is
Oxybutynin and Tolterodine, which is used to treat an overactive bladder by reducing
urine frequency. Urinary retention is a side effect.

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