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Portfolio 15: Reflection on “Exploring Emotions” and “I Am”

1. The emotions you felt recently and the circumstances in which you felt them

With Finals coming to an end, I have been experiencing more stress than before. Keeping
up with the demands of this school year and the track is definitely having a grave effect on
my stress level.  There are times where I would just stare blankly at ahead instead of
finishing a task or even a sentence. Other times I would not be able to give a response when
being conversed with because my mind would be somewhere else or I would take too long a
time to comprehend what was said. Stress is definitely the emotion I have been feeling

2. Your self-awareness

I wouldn’t say that I’m very self-aware regarding my emotions. There would be moments
where I would not know what I’m feeling during moments that would upset me.  I have a hard
time determining if what I’m feeling is upset, anger, or rage. Sometimes when I’m laughing I
wouldn’t know if it is because of happiness or sadness. I still have some improving to do
when it comes to my emotional self-awareness.

3. What you learned through these exercises and how you can use these learning’s to
improve your emotional development 

I have learned that there are so many different emotions. You can’t generalize what you’re
feeling. With one word. It is important to express what you’re feeling and to learn what it is
and what is causing you to feel this way. . Keeping emotions to yourself and hiding them
from others may be destructive for you. It is important to develop your emotional self-
awareness and emotional intelligence.

PORTFOLIO OUPUT NO.15: Reflection on “Exploring Emotions” and “I Am”

1. The emotions I have felt recently and the circumstances in which I felt them.
The emotions I have felt recently are panic, stress, pressure, tension, worry, anxiety, and
desperation. I have felt these emotions in many and different circumstances especially in
managing my problems in school, at home, and even in my own thoughts. The upcoming
finals, upcoming submission of requirements, and other school related worries are one of the
factors that made me feel this way. Likewise, by having these emotions, I have become
more sensitive and aggressive in dealing with different situations like even the simple
problems I have at home or at school, these emotions I have felt recently are always rushing
over me.

2. My emotional self-awareness.
Ever since more responsibilities and tasks were assigned to me, I have been constantly
trying to control my emotions. Likewise, my emotional awareness has become more
sensitive and must be in control. It must be controlled in dealing with the problems in school
and at home. By being aware of my current emotional state, I can find way how to neutralize
my emotions thus, engaging me to my tasks effectively.

3. What I learned through the exercises and how I can use the learning to improve
my emotional development.
What I learned through the exercises is being able to assess your own emotional state and
how to manage your emotions effectively. Also, I was able to recognize the causes, effects,
and what I truly feel when I experience a specific emotion. I can use the learning from the
exercises to improve my emotional development through properly managing my emotions

and continuously practicing the assessment of my emotional state. By being able to increase
my emotional intelligence, I can build good relationship with other people, create my own
decisions and deal with difficult situations.

Reflection on “Exploring Emotion" and I Am"

The emotion you have felt recently and the circumstances in which you felt them.

 Problems are definitely inevitable. And sometimes it cause pain that makes the
person felt like drowning and nobody can help. I myself sudden sadness because
of misunderstanding with my mother. And other problems suddenly popped out
that makes me cry a lot that I can't identify what will be the solution. But this is what
I did; I prayed and asked for guidance to the Lord. Then suddenly realized that I
cannot solve problems altogether. So I solved it one by one. And the moment that I
finally solved my problems, I thanked God because he gave me the opportunity to
know myself better. And it serves as a challenge to make myself stronger and use
it for better future.

Your emotional self-awareness.

 I am now aware that in responding to different feelings should be in an assertive

response so that it does not infringe on another's person's rights or put an
individual down.

What you learned through these exercises and how you can use these learning to
improve your emotional development.

 Through exploring our own emotions, we are able to asses ourselves on the things
that easily can made us felt sad, what are the circumstances that hurts us or the
things that makes us happy.

Now that we become more familiar on our emotional strengths and weaknesses, we
can able to plan or do actions that we think can improve ourselves

Portfolio Output No. 15: Reflection on “Exploring Emotions” and “I Am”

This days my emotions are mixed because there are times that I feel sad happy,
lonely and I don’t know why b u t I m a n a g e m y s e l f t o h a n d l e a l l e m ot i o n s I
m a d e . M y emotional awareness is that if I know that I can feel I will d o a n y t h i n g
t h a t m y s e l f m a d e m e h a p p y . I l e a r n e d t h i s kind of exercises that if you can
feel sad, happy, lonely, bad mood or all emotions you feel you need to handle
it because that ’s you’r e self you’r e the one or how to f ind your happiness.

Portfolio 16: Responsible Action

In this unit I learned how important being aware of your own emotions is. Emotional
Intelligence is just as important as Intellectual Intelligence. It is also important to not keep
emotions bottled up and always express them so that you are aware of what you are feeling

and why you are feeling that way. My plan on managing my emotions is to not let it always
consume me. When I’m happy, I shouldn’t forget about my sadness. When I’m angry, I
shouldn’t let it take over. I also plan on being more aware of the type of response that should
be used in different situations.

PORTFOLIO 16: Responsible Action

What I learned in this Unit on Aspects of Personal Development.

In this Unit on Aspects of Personal Development, I was able to learn the importance of
monitoring and managing your mental and emotional development. By doing so, we must be
able to know how to cope with stress and other situations that trigger uncontrollable and
overpowering emotions and thoughts. Also, I was able to learn how to take care of myself-
mentally, emotionally and physically. One of the tips given in this chapter is staying away
from harmful chemicals to protect us from any brain damage, having enough sleep, eating
healthy foods to nourish our body, and finding the good or happy side in most problems.


 Avoid situations that make you lose your cool

 Meditate and reflect about your own thoughts and emotions
 Assess your emotion in a day to day basis
 Be optimist in most situations
 Have someone you can talk to about you are feeling inside

Portfolio Output No. 16: Responsible Action

The unit on aspects of personal development gave me a glimpse into the complex make-up
of the human person. Such is not only divided into physical aspects and parts that we see as
tangible, rather, much more is hidden underneath which proves to be more complicated than
what we think. The human personality deserves equal priority with the physical self. That is a
common mistake, taking for granted our mental and emotional self for our physical

Taking into consideration the welfare of your emotional and mental health means
understanding key concepts of personal development. One of which is dealing with life’s
main struggle – stress. The gravity of how stress affects our lives has been severely
overlooked that it has become an unnoticed killer that claims hundreds of lives every day. It
comes from almost every situation, even those that seem light and joyful. Learning how to
control it and keep it in check is necessities of you don’t want to end up embarrassing
yourself, or worse, have your physical and mental health at stake. Though these might seem
cliche or overrated, the issue of severe stress build-up is definitely not something that should
be taken lightly. Or else, your mental and emotional health will suffer.

From learning the importance of mental and emotional health through adverse effects of
stress, we move on to deeper analysis of these two entities that coexist within ourselves.

Our brain, the central most integral part of our body, holds a beauty of complexity that up till
now still puzzles most scientists. Like the CPU (Central Processing Unit) of a computer, the

brain is responsible for every action within and outside our body, may it be voluntary or
involuntary. The wrinkled organ is the reason why we are able to breathe without noticing it,
or run so fast in times of emergencies. With many parts to work with, the brain uses
electrical signals to communicate with the rest of the body. Through these signals, our whole
body just tends to work.

However, the marvel it beholds all comes at a price. The brain and the nervous system are
as fragile as how it is as complex. With it reaching an early maturity at age 3, growth and
development tend to slow down we grow older. Add the fact how certain activities, like drug
use, can severely damage the brain and you have a delicate organ that needs to be taken
care of.

The Mind power isn’t, however, the only thing that thrives within us. Another, more
meaningful one, hides in the corners of our head and into the will of the heart. Emotional
Intelligence is the new emerging aspect that seeks attention because of its importance in
people’s lives. Learning how to control one’s emotion is as important as strengthening
his/her mind power. It is the foundation of how we build our relationship with other people, a
crucial step needed to be part of society.


 Contemplate first and try to label or identify your emotions.

 Try to observe how you respond to different situations.
 Learn how to control your emotions.
 Find a healthy outlet like a journal, where you can express your sentiments without
affecting others.
 Forgive your emotional triggers.
 Think first, before reacting.
 Ask for guidance from a professional or someone you know who can help you.
 Filter out negative emotions.


In this unit on Aspect of Development, I learned a lot of things. In module 5 I learned all the
things about stress, like what are the causes of it, how to cope with it and how to keep it
under control. Through this I was able to determine my own stress signals and the things
that help me feel relaxed.

In the next module I learned new things regarding the parts and the functions of the brain. I
found out that there are two side of the brain which has different inferred characteristics.
Despite this difference, the two still wo0rl together to accomplish the tasks but there are
instances that one may be more appropriate than the other.

The concept of mind mapping was also introduced in this module which made thinking more
visible and gives clearer pictures about things and ideas. I also learned some ways to make
my brains stronger and tips to get smarter.

The next module has a great impact on me because it was all about health and well-being.
The most important lesson that that I learned from this module is how to be a critical viewer
of media and the concept of self-esteem and boy image.

This module also tackled about different disorders that can be related to self-esteem and
body image. It also included the things and signs that may tell if you are depressed.

The last module on this unit talked about emotional intelligence. I learned about emotional
intelligence and how to properly use it. I realized that there are different responses to
different situations and each really requires analysis before reaching. Also, I learned to
manage my emotions and to only use the necessary ones at different situations.


 Have faith on HIM

 Read the different verses of the Bible to help you enlighten remember “His word is
my lamp to my feet and the light to my path”
 Always assess the situation give in order to react appropriately
 Have a positive mid in facing different struggles
 Avoid the things that make me lose my cool
 Do the things that makes me enjoy in order to lessen the chances of negative
 Always remember the things to consider when reacting to a situation

Portfolio Output No. 15: Reflection on “Exploring Emotions” and “I Am”

 Exploring Emotions:
 Emotion – What was happening when you felt this emotion?
 Afraid – Walking alone on the streets.
 Angry – Someone is making a fool out of me.
 Ashamed – My elementary teacher got angry tome in front of the whole class.
 Confident – Teaching my classmate on playing the guitar.
 Confused – My friend telling me jokes with nonsense.
 Depressed – Thinking about what to do with my requirements.
 Embarrassed – I hit my head as I was entering the jeep full of people.
 Energetic – Playing basketball.
 Excited – Watching Anime.
 Glad – I got a passing mark on my Calculus quiz.
 Jealous – My brother showing that he is better than me in video games.
 Lonely – Riding the jeepney alone.
 Proud – Getting a high score in my exam.
 Relaxed – Having a vacation with my family.
 Stressed – Doing research.

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