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Add transient variable in View object of required table

On Right click of that transient add the dependenicies.
Add LOV for the required table which we need to display on the page.
Now add the view criteria of particular or respective VO ... which will be
available in View accessor------select VO-----Query------View Criteria
Add the filter as required...
Bind variable to be created in 'Operand'------select the dropdwn and add Bind
After bv, select the same Link from view accessor and select'edit(pencil icon)',
shuffle the rquired part and add the column name in the Value.

IN view Accessor, select'Plus button' and move the required VO to the other side
Add name _E for reference
now, Create a view criteria for VO by naming it with 'Edit'for reference.
Same process for creating criteria.. Apply, OK
Now the 'Edit' view critweria will be shown in 'EDit(Pencil)' of View Accessor.
Shuffle the required criteria.
Map the Value

Now select the required transient in attribute----property inspector-----Value----

change as expression and paste the below

if(LocationCVOVA_E.first()!=null && LocationId !=null){


return null;

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