Question and Answers Biology

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Academic year 2021-2022 Class: From Three

biology Question and answer exam


1: The leaves make food for the plants by process called :

a) Photosynthesis
b) Light
c) Glucose
d) None of them

2: The tissue between the upper and lower epidermis is called;

a) Mesophyll
b) Cortex
c) Stomata
d) None of them

3: the transport of sucrose amino acids and other substances is called:

a) Translocation
b) Stomata
c) Excretion
d) None of them

4 : the transfers of pollen from anther to stigma is called :

a) Pollination
b) Fruit
c) Receptacle
d) None of them

5: they may take in solid food as animal do or digest is Frist called

a) Feed
b) Growth
c) Died cells
d) None of them

6: saprotrophs are organisms which feed on

a) Dead and decaying matter

b) Live
c) Only animals
d) All of them
7: mammals my be classed as

a) Carnivores
b) Insects
c) Filter feeders
d) All of them

8: sexual reproduction involves the production of :

a) Sex cells
b) Dis infection
c) Gametes
d) None of them

9: he breaks down of food to obtain energy most organism need oxygen for this

a) Respire
b) An reproduction
c) Fighting for the organism
d) None of them

10: is the process the evaporation of the water from the leaves of plants.

a) Transpiration
b) Evaporation
c) Stolen
d) None of them

11: The flowering plants two parts that are knows as .

a) Root system
b) Shoot system
c) Tape root
d) A and b

12: the central tissue of the stem is called

a) Pith
b) Root
c) Outer layer
d) None

13: the main reductive structure in the plants.

a) Flowering
b) Stem
c) Fertilization
d) All of them

14 : The main role of stomata .

a) Opening and closing of stomata can be triggered by variety of factor

b) Dark reaction
c) To make glucose
d) None

Part two : fill the blank space with suitable word.

( Tropism, symbiosis, breathe , Gills , biomass)

1 : Tropism___ Tropism is growth movement related to directional stimuli.

2: symbiosis_ is a term used related organisms living more or less permanently together

3: Breathe__ they rake in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide.

4: fish absorbs dissolved oxygen from the water by means Gills_

5: Pyramid of biomass is the mass of living cells in the organism

Part three do all the following Questions

1 : What are the factors that effect germination ?

Factors effect germination is :

1. water
2. oxygen
3. temperature

2: List the diversity of the germination ?

Diversity of the germination is ;

 Feeding
 Breathing
 Reproduction
 Growth And Development

 Movement An D Locomotion
 Sensitivity

3: List two types of the nutrition ?

Types of nutrition is ;

autotrophic and heterotrophic

4: what is epidermis ?

The epidermis is a single layer of the cells on the upper and lower surface of the leaf.

4: what is skin ?

Skin is one of the excretory organs but it is not important as others.

5: what is stomata ?

Stomata are openings found in the leaves of the plants.

6: what is the plasma.

Plasma is the liquid part of the blood

Prepared by: Abdirashid Mohamed osman

Thank you all .

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