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Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to mugesh veluswamy -

chennai( [for non-commercial use( only].

IS : 4031 Part 4 ) - 1988
( Reaffirmed 2005 )
Indian Standard (Reaffirmed 2014)
(Reaffirmed 2019)

( First Revision)

Third Reprint OcrOBER 1997

( Incorporaling Amendment No.1)

UDC 666.94:539.57

@ Copyrigh, Il)07


NEW DELHI 110002
Gr t AI/gust 1988
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to mugesh veluswamy -
chennai( [for non-commercial use only].

IS: 4031 (Part 4) - 1988

Indian Standard

( First Revision)
O. FOR E W 0 R D
0.1 This Indian Standard (Part 4) ( First Revi- standard in 1968, a number of standards covering
sion) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian the requirements of different equipment used for
Standards on 24 February 1988, after the draft testing of cement, a brief description of which
finalized by the Cement and Concrete Sectional was also covered in the standard, had been
Committee had been approved by the Civil Engi. published, In this revision, therefore, reference
neering Division Council. is given to different instrument specifications
0.1 Standard methods of testing cement are deleting the description of the instruments as it
essential adjunct to the cement specifications. has been recognized that reproducible and repeat-
This standard in different parts lays down the able test results can be obtained only with
procedure for the tests to evaluate physical standard testing equipment capable of giving
properties of different types of hydraulic cements. desired level of accuracy. This part covers the
The procedure for conducting chemical tests of procedure for determining the quantity of water
hydraulic cement is covered in IS : 4032-1985'. required to produce a cement paste of standard
0.3 Originally all the tests to evaluate the physical consistency.
properties of hydraulic cement were covered in 0.4 For the purpose of deciding whether a parti-
one standard but for facilitating the use of this cular requirement of this o;tandard is complied
standard and future revisions, it has been decided with, the final value, observed or calculated,
to print different ' tests as different.. parts of the expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall
standard and, accordingly this revised standard be rounded off in accordance with IS : 2-1960' .
has been brought out in thirteen parts. This The 'number of significant places retained in the
will also facilitate updating of individual tests. rounded off value, should be the same as that of
Further, since the publication of the original the specified value in this standard,
"Method of chemical analy.i. or hydraulic cement
(first rertllon ) . ·Rulcs for rounding off' numerica1 va1ues ( revised ).

1. SCOPE 27 ± 2°C. The relative humidity of the labora-

1.1 This standard ( Part 4 ) covers the procedure tory shall be 65 ± 5 percent.
for determining the quantity of water required 4. APPARATUS
to produce a cement paste of standard consis- 4.1 Vicat Apparatus -Vicat apparatus con-
tency. forming to IS : 5513·1976".
2. SAMPLING AND SELECTION OF TEST 4.1 Bala.nce - The balance shall conform to (he
SPECIMEN following requirements.
1.1 The samples of the ce:nent shall be taken in 4.2.1 On balance in use, the permissible varia.
accordance with the requirements of IS : 3535- tion at a load of I 000 g shall be plus or minus
1986' and the relevant standard specification for \'0 g. The permissible variation on new balance
the type of cement being tested. The represen- shall be one·half of this value. The sensibility
tative sample of the cement selected as above reciprocal shall not be greater than twice the
shall be thoroughly mixed before testing. permissible variation.
3. TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY NOTE 1- The sensibility reciprocal is generally
defined as the change in load required to change the
3.1 The temperature of moulding room, dry position of rest of the indicating clement or elements of
materials and water shall be maintained at a non-automatic indicating scale a definite amount at
any load.
-Methods of sampling hydraulic <;ements (first
reF/sion ). ·Specification for Vicat apparatus (first rev;s;oll ).
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to mugesh veluswamy -
chennai( [for non-commercial use only].

IS : 4031 ( Part 4) - 1988

NOTE 2 - Selr-indicating balance with equivalent 5.2 Prepare a paste of weighed quantity of
accuracy may also be IJscd.
cement with a weighed quantity of potable or
4.3 Stall.dard Weights - The permissible vari- distilled water, taking care that the time of
ation on weights in use in weighing the cement gauging is not less than 3 minutes, nor mor<
shall be as prescribed in Table \. than 5 min, and the gauging shall be completed
before any sign of setting occurs. The gauging
TABLE I PERMISSIBLE VARIATION time shall be counted from the time of adding
ON WEIGHTS water to the dry cement until commencing to
WEIGl1 'I' PEnftlISSIBLB V AlIJA'l'ION ON fill the mould. Fill the Vicat mould E with this
WEIQHTS IN USE, PLU S Ol{ paste, the mould resting upon a non-porous
MINUS plate. After completely filling the mould,
g g smoothen the surface of the paste. making it
500 0'35 level with the top of the mould. The mould
300 0'30 may be slightly shaken to expel the ".ir.
250 0'25 5.2.1 Clean appliances shall be used for
200 0'20 gauging. In filling the mOUld. the operator's
100 0'15 hands and the blade of the gauging trowel shall
50 0'10 alone be used.
20 0'05
5.3 Place the test block in the mould, together
with the non-porous resting plate, under the
0'03 rod bearing the plunger; lower the plunger gently
2 0'02
to touch the surface of the test block, and
0'01 quickly release, allowing it to sink into the paste.
This operation shall be carried out immediately
4.4 Gauging Trowel - Gauging trowel confonning after filling the mould.
to IS 10086: 1982t. 5.4 Prepare trial pastes with varying percentages
5. PROCEDURE of water and test as described above until the
amount of water necessary for making up the
5.1 The standard consistency of a cement paste standard consistency as defined in 5.1 is found.
is defined as that consistency which will permit
the Vicat plunger . G shown in IS: 5513-1976" 6. CALCULATION
to penetrate to a point 5 to 7 mm from the 6.1 Express the amount of water as a percentage
bottom of the Vicat mould when the cement by mass of the dry cement to the first place of
paste is tested as described in 5.2 to 5.4. decimal.

·Spccification for Vial apparatus (first r~Yij;on ).

tSpt"..cificatioQ fur for use in tests Qf «menl and
roncrete. Reprogrnpby Uni~ BIS, New Delhi, India

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