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speaker = Prof.


Research in Health Care : How to Learn Mixed Methods Research


 it began during 1985-1990-30 years old

 it is one of the three major research approaches :
quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods
 it has gained in popularity in the last twenty years as a new methodology
 it has spread around the world and is popular in the health sciences

mixed methods research

1. collects and analyzes both qualitative and quantitative data in response to research questions
2. uses rigorous procedures for the qualitative and quantitative data collection
3. integrates or combines the quantitative and qualitative data
4. organizes these procedures into a mixed methods design
5. frames the study using theory and/or a philosophy

Elements of mixed methods research in this nursing mixed methods study (cortez, del Rosario, & Dino,

 mixed methods stated in the title

 collection of both quantitative (instrument) and qualitative data
 Mention mixed methods design (nested concurrent design)

what major mixed methods elements are missing in this nursing mixed methods study (cortez, Del
Rosario, & Dino, 2016

 missing diagram of the design

 missing a discussion/table about the integration of the two databases
 missing a discussion about how the integration leads to new insights (rationale for importance of
mixed methods)

consider your research skill

 Quantitative skills
 Qualitative skills
 Mixed methods skills
 Writing Skills
 skills in receiving feedback
sample mixed methods study aims

 to compare the qualitative interviews about the ederly’s self-esteem with their perceptions on a
survey about their self-esteem.
 to explain the results from the survey about self-esteem with the ederly with qualitative focus groups
 to explore the meaning of self-esteem for the ederly, to develop a survey based on their qualitative
interviews, and then to administer the contextually-specific survey.

quantitative and qualitative types of Data

 quantitative Data (close-ended)

1. instruments
2. observational checklists
3. Document data

 Qualitative Data (open-ended)

1. interviews
2. observations
3. documents
4. Visual-Sosial Media Data
speaker = Prof. Nai-Ying Monica ko RN, Ph.D.

Smart care for Aging population From hospital to community

Socially assistive robots in ederly care

A care robot is the advanced equipment and systems to support nursing services , designed for use in
home, hospital, or other settings to assist people. it means “sensor”, “intelligence/control system”,
mechanical system with drive system components”. (Nursing care robot promotion project,2012)

classification of care robot

 Care-assisted
robots that support “care work” such as transfer, bathing, and excretion

 Autonomously assisted
Robot that support “independence of care” such as walking,diet

 communication guardian
Robots that give monitorization and social support.

socially-Assistive Robots, SARs

 researchers and scientists have been exploring ways to utilize robotic aid in the care of older adults.
 such as social robots (or called socially-assistive Robots, SARs) were created support the social and
psychological needs of the elderly.

social robots may serve multiple functions :

Affective therapy
cognitive training
social facilitator
physiological therapy

Al will change healthcare by 2030

 Al will access multiple sources of data to reveal patterns in desease and aid treatment an care.
 healthcare systems will be able to predict an individual’s risk of certain diseases and suggest
preventative measures
 Al will help reduce waiting times for patients and improve efficiency in hospitals and health systems.
Speaker = Prof. Jeffrey Fuller

Challenges in the management of Integrated Chronic care Program Across

Health and social care services
problems as people age

Multimorbidity, Frailty, & Functional decline.

Multiple needs & hence service multiple services.

Networked services can improve coordination.

Why networks

 Complexity of chronic health and social problems requires multiple services

 can lead to joint problem solving about older people’s needs & organizational learning abot this
 optimizes resources & shared responsibility -> Maximises commitment

It is hard to work together

 join production problem – reaching agreement

 Inter-related nature of decisions – negotiations of “cost-benefit”
 stability-instability paradox
 Boundary Spanners/ link workers/ coordinators

What do care coordinators do ?

 patient assessment
 Patient/carer engagement & education.
 care planning-collect information,counseling & goal setting,
 case management.
 follow up –monitor and adjust clinical patient care
 liaise & broker services – link people and services
 evaluate health outcomes.

care coordination : function for nurses?

been hard : takes time, new thinking, new roles

need :

 organitional systems
 the right people (coordinators)
 iterative team workers
 supervised well
 resourced to work collaboratively
 reflective – use evaluation feedback

What is needed for coordinated health & social care for older people?

a practical networked service system that leads to :

 collective ownership of older people’s health & social care service needs
 strengthened partnerships between health, aged care and social support services.
 better coordination to meet these health & social needs.
 Agreed referral pathways and local protocols between services
 involvement of the older person in setting their health and social care goals.

The Integrated Care for Older People:Thai Experiences


 Why is it necessary for integrated care?

 model used in Thailand
 Research agenda
 Summary

Complex Health Problems of Older Adults in Thai Ageing Society

 Hypertension,Diabetes mellitus
 Muscoloskeletal problems
 Pespiratory problems (i.e.,chronic obstructive lung disease,emphysema)
 Paralysis (The National health Examination Survey as cited in Vapattanawongo et al.,2017)
 Coronary art artery disease 56% of older adults in 2015 reported two or more chronic diseases
such as DM, hypertension

Integrated Care

 collaborative Care or Health Homes or interprofessional

 Physical Health Care + Mental Health Care
 Meets all of patient’s health needs in one setting
 Positive Health Outcomes and Cost Effective care
Current Picture of Elderly Care Regime
How to construck proper elderly care system to support medium-income older persons?
 Unprivilleged older person/household (low-income)
1. central government’s care facilities/shelters
2. Local authoritie’s care facilities/shelters
3. Non-profits organization’s care facilities/shelters
 Medium-income older person/household
1. community-based integrated older persons’ long term care system
 High-income older persons/houshold

Suryani Step 2

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