Imaging of Spondylodiscitis

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Imaging of Spondylodiscitis

Meera Raghavan, MD,* Elena Lazzeri, MD, PhD,† and Christopher J. Palestro, MD*

Spondylodiscitis is an infection of the vertebral body or disc and may also involve the epidural
space, posterior elements, and paraspinal soft tissues. It is a cause of morbidity and mortality,
and warrants early diagnosis and prompt treatment. Diagnosis can be difficult because of non-
specific signs and symptoms. Magnetic resonance imaging is sensitive and specific and is the
imaging modality of choice for spondylodiscitis. Gadolinium contrast can show the extent of soft
tissue and bone phlegmon and abscess. The test is less useful for evaluating treatment re-
sponse. When magnetic resonance imaging cannot be performed or is not diagnostic, radionuclide
imaging is a useful alternative. Although bone scintigraphy frequently is used as a screening test,
false-negative results can occur, especially in the elderly. This test is not useful for detecting soft
tissue infections that accompany or mimic spondylodiscitis. Gallium-67 citrate improves the speci-
ficity of the bone scan, can detect infection earlier than the bone scan, may be more sensitive,
especially in elderly patients, and identifies accompanying soft tissue infection. Performing SPECT
and SPECT/CT improves accuracy. The 2- to 3-day delay between radiopharmaceutical admin-
istration and the relatively poor image quality are significant disadvantages of gallium-67. Indium-
111 biotin, alone or in combination with streptavidin, accurately diagnoses spondylodiscitis;
unfortunately, this agent is not widely available. Currently, 18F-FDG imaging is the radionuclide
test of choice for spondylodiscitis. The procedure, which is completed in a single session, is sen-
sitive, has a high negative predictive value, and reliably differentiates degenerative from infectious
vertebral body end plate abnormalities. In comparative investigations, 18F-FDG has outper-
formed bone and gallium-67 imaging. Preliminary data suggest that 18F-FDG may be able to provide
an objective means to measure response to treatment. Gallium-68 citrate and 99mTc-radiolabeled
antimicrobial peptides have been investigated, but their role in spondylodiscitis has yet to be
Semin Nucl Med 48:131–147 © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Spondylodiscitis etal infections.2 There is a 60% male predominance with mean

age of 66 years.3
S pondylodiscitis (SD), also known as spinal or vertebral
osteomyelitis or septic discitis, is an infection of the ver-
tebral body or disc. Infection may also involve the epidural
The majority of SD cases are pyogenic in origin, most com-
monly caused by Staphylococcus aureus (60%) followed by
Enterobacter species (30%). Less common, non-pyogenic agents
space, posterior elements, and paraspinal soft tissues.1 Pre-
include Myocobacterium tuberculosis, Brucella, fungi, and
existing conditions such as endocarditis, septic arthritis, urinary
parasites.4 SD can occur anywhere in the spinal column;
tract infections, and indwelling catheter infections can pre-
however, the most common location is the lumbar spine (60%)
dispose to SD. Other risk factors include advanced age, diabetes
followed by the thoracic (30%) and cervical spine (10%). In-
mellitus, coronary artery disease, spinal interventions, im-
volvement of a single spinal segment (which includes 2
munosuppression, and intravenous drug use.2 The rising
consecutive vertebral bodies and the intervening disc) occurs
incidence of SD is due in part to longer life expectancy, ma-
frequently (65%), followed by multilevel contiguous (20%)
lignancy, increased intravenous drug use, and spinal
and non-contiguous infection (10%).4,5
interventional procedures. SD accounts for about 1% of skel-
*Department of Radiology, Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine Route of Infection
at Hofstra/Northwell, Hempstead, NY Hematogenous spread is the most common form of inocu-
†Regional Center of Nuclear Medicine, Pisa University Hospital, Pisa, Italy. lation, usually from a distant site of infection. This occurs
Address reprint requests to Meera Raghavan, MD, Department of Radiology,
Division of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, Long Island Jewish
through the arterial blood supply or in a retrograde manner
Medical Center, 270-05 76th Ave, New Hyde Park, NY 11040. E-mail: through the venous system via the Batson lumbosacral plexus. Other mechanisms include direct inoculation from surgery, 131
0001-2998/© 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
132 M. Raghavan et al.

Figure 1 Arterial anatomy of the lumbar vertebral body. Axial (A) and sagittal (B) diagrams demonstrate the paired seg-
mental arteries arising from the aorta. These arteries originate from the aorta, and course along the anterolateral surface
of the vertebral body. Segmental arteries give rise to paired metaphyseal arteries, which run parallel to the segmental
artery along the metaphyses. The segmental and metaphyseal arteries are connected by multiple periosteal arteries.
Metaphyseal and nutrient arteries (not shown) give rise to arteriolar anastomoses, which span multiple vertebral body
levels, and are most abundant at the end plates.

spinal procedures (such as lumbar puncture or discogra- allowing for retrograde spread of infection from abdominopelvic
phy), or penetrating trauma. Contiguous spread is rare, but organs, such as the urinary tract.9 Retrograde venous spread
can result from extension of an adjacent soft tissue infection is also postulated as the mechanism of tuberculous and fungal
such as an infected aortic graft or retropharyngeal abscess.6 SD.
The vascular anatomy of the vertebral body is important
in understanding the typical spread of infection (Fig. 1). In Clinical Presentation
the lumbar spine, paired segmental arteries arise from the aorta, Back pain is the most common presenting symptom (86%).2
and pass anterolaterally along the sides of the vertebral bodies. Fever can be present in up to 60% of patients; in a system-
Segmental arteries give rise to paired metaphyseal arteries, atic review of 14 studies, however, fever was often absent at
which run parallel to the segmental artery along the me- presentation.2 The lack of fever in the setting of back pain
taphyses. The segmental and metaphyseal arteries are connected can mask the possibility of infection, delaying the diagnosis
by multiple periosteal arteries. The metaphyseal arteries give from 11 to 59 days.2 Manifestations of neurologic deficits at
rise to multiple branches; ascending branches anastomose with presentation, such as radiculopathy, limb weakness, or pa-
the descending branches from the level above the end plates, ralysis, can aid in the prompt and accurate diagnosis of SD,
providing a rich anastomotic network in the end plates, similar but are present in only about 34% of cases.10 White blood
to that which is present in the metaphyses of long bones.4 cell (WBC) count may be normal or elevated. Blood cul-
In children, the network of arterial anastomoses extends into tures can be negative. Laboratory markers including erythrocyte
the intervertebral disc; however, in adults, these end- sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein (CRP) are sensi-
anastomoses regress and terminate at the end plates. In tive, but not specific. If elevated at the time of diagnosis, CRP
children, therefore, SD typically begins in and usually is con- can be useful in monitoring response to treatment.
fined to the disc, whereas in adults the infection usually begins Because of its nonspecific clinical features, SD can be mis-
at the end plates. Infected microemboli lodge in the ante- diagnosed as a degenerative process, leading to considerable
rior aspect of the end plate arterioles, producing infarction. morbidity and mortality. Untreated infection can result in sig-
The infection then spreads in an anterior-to-posterior direction,7 nificant spinal deformity (vertebral body collapse) and
sparing the relatively avascular intervertebral discs. The discs neurologic deficits, hence the need for accurate and timely
usually become involved later in the course of infection because diagnosis.
of bacterial proteolytic enzymes. Approximately 95% of pyo-
genic SD cases involve the vertebral body, with only 5%
involving the posterior elements, because of the abundant
blood supply and presence of cellular bone marrow in the Radiologic Imaging
vertebral body.8 Infection of the posterior elements in pyo-
genic SD is uncommon; it occurs more frequently in Radiography
tuberculous and fungal infections. Radiographs, which are almost always performed in the initial
The venous blood supply is a less common, but equally workup of back pain, are not sensitive, especially early in the
important mechanism for infection spread. Veins from the ver- course of the disease. Radiographs may be normal, or show
tebral bodies drain into the valveless Batson lumbosacral chronic degenerative changes, including loss of disc space
plexus. Deep pelvic veins also drain into the Batson plexus, height and end plate definition (Fig. 2). A systemic review
Spondylodiscitis 133

of 14 studies showed that radiographs performed for evalu-

ation of SD showed abnormalities in 89% of cases, whereas
another study revealed radiographic abnormalities in only
58%.2,8 Thickening of the paravertebral soft tissues may be
present, prompting additional cross-sectional imaging.

Computed Tomography
Because of its superior anatomic resolution, CT is more sen-
sitive than radiography. It is readily available, and can
demonstrate or confirm findings seen on radiographs. Loss
of disc height, end plate irregularity, and erosive changes are
often present (Fig. 3A). Loss of soft tissue planes and swell-
ing in the paravertebral soft tissues (Fig. 3B) can suggest
underlying abscess. Epidural extension of infection may also
be identified. CT is also helpful in confirming advanced de-
generative changes, or other bony causes of back pain such
as fracture or metastatic disease. Intravenous contrast sig-
nificantly aids in the evaluation of the soft tissues and in some
cases, can equal the diagnostic ability of magnetic reso-
nance imaging. CT is also useful in guiding percutaneous
biopsy and drainage. CT can be particularly useful in pa-
tients for whom MRI is contraindicated because of implanted
devices or if MRI is unavailable.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

MRI is the imaging modality of choice for SD. MRI should
Figure 2 Lateral radiograph of the lumbar spine in a patient with back be performed when SD is suspected, as the nonspecific clini-
pain. There is mild disc space narrowing at L4-L5, and subtle ir- cal features can lead to delayed diagnosis and increased
regularity in the inferior end plate of L4 and the superior end plate morbidity and mortality. Advantages of MRI, in addition to
of L5 (arrows). Radiographic findings could easily be overlooked a lack of ionizing radiation, include multi-planar capability,
or attributed to degenerative changes. superior soft tissue contrast, and evaluation of the neural

Figure 3 Thirty-year-old female with persistent back pain following multiple epidural steroid injections. Sagittal CT
images in bone (A) and soft tissue (B) windows show irregularity and fragmentation at L5-S1 with loss of the disc
space. Note the thickening of the anterior paraspinal soft tissues, consistent with phlegmon (B, white asterisk). Fungal
species was isolated on surgical specimen.
134 M. Raghavan et al.

Figure 4 MRI images of patient in Figure 2. T1-weighted (A), T2-weighted with fat suppression (B), and post gadolinium T1 (C) images dem-
onstrate irregularity of the end plates of L4 and L5 and high T2 signal in the disc. Following gadolinium administration, there is diffuse
enhancement of the disc. Epidural abscess (red arrows) and intraosseous abscess (white asterisk) are identified on the postcontrast image
(C). Note the normal nuclear cleft, the linear low T2 linear signal in the non-infected L1-L2 disc (B, white arrow).

structures. MRI has a sensitivity of 97%, specificity of 93%, MRI can be limited in the evaluation of patients with spinal
and an accuracy of 94% for diagnosing SD.11-13 Standard hardware because of magnetic susceptibility artifact. The
imaging protocols should include T1- and T2-weighted se- artifact is amplified at higher field strengths because of
quences, and gadolinium contrast should be administered. the ferromagnetic hardware. Titanium implants are
T2 and post gadolinium T1-weighted sequences should also nonferromagnetic and produce fewer artifacts.17 The use of
be performed with fat suppression to increase the conspicuity specific imaging sequences and coils can be used to miti-
of findings.14,15 MRI allows for the evaluation of bone marrow gate artifact; however, even with these techniques, evaluation
edema and disc space inflammation, as well as paraspinal and may still be limited.18
epidural soft tissue involvement. The use of gadolinium allows Epidural abscess extension (Figs. 4C and 6B) can cause com-
the differentiation of phlegmonous changes vs abscess pression of the spinal cord resulting in a surgical emergency.
formation. Soft tissue phlegmons reflect inflammation and hyperemia and
SD causes inflammatory exudate replacing normal marrow are not drainable.4 They are poorly defined areas of high T2
with white cells as well as hyperemia.9 This results in hypo- signal and diffuse enhancement, in contrast to abscesses, which
(low) or isointense T1 and hyperintense (high) or fluid T2 are T2 hyperintense, rim-enhancing, drainable collections
signal in the subchondral end plates and intervening disc (Fig. 6C-E).
(Fig. 4).11,12,15 Signal changes are usually seen first in the an- Modic changes refer to a spectrum of end plate signal
terior aspect of the vertebral body, involving a single spinal changes seen with degenerative disc disease. End plate marrow
segment. There is loss of end plate definition and dimin- signal changes are postulated to occur as a result of axial
ished disc height. A positive nuclear cleft sign may be present. loading and stress, producing various degrees of fibrovascu-
The nuclear cleft is a T2 hypointense band in the nonin- lar tissue and marrow replacement.19 Modic type I changes
fected disc, which is effaced in the presence of infection are acute to subacute in nature, histologically reflecting dis-
(Fig. 4B).12 However, the nuclear cleft sign is not specific for ruption and fissuring of the end plates and formation of
SD as it may also be effaced in degenerative disc disease fibrovascular tissue.19 Modic type I changes characterized by
(Fig. 4B). low T1 and hyperintense T2 signals caused by hypervascularity
Following gadolinium contrast administration, enhance- and marrow edema mimic the signal changes seen in SD.20
ment of the subchondral bone or vertebral body can be seen, However, the key factor in distinguishing Modic type I changes
and the affected disc enhances diffusely (Fig. 6C).16 If present, from SD is the T2 signal intensity in the intervening disc. In
abscess within the disc (Fig. 6D) or bone (Fig. 4B) can be SD, the disc shows high T2 signal, whereas in Modic type I
identified. The posterior elements of the spine are generally changes, the disc is usually low signal (Fig. 5). Severely de-
not involved in pyogenic SD. generated discs, however, may also show T2 hyperintensity.
Spondylodiscitis 135

Figure 5 Modic type 1 changes. T1-weighted (A) and T2-weighted fat-suppressed (B) MRI images. There is low T1
and high T2 signal at the L1-L2 end plates (arrows). Although the disc space is narrowed, it does not demonstrate a
high T2 signal. The vertebral end plates are smooth, not irregular. These findings support degenerative change, not

There are imaging features that may help to differentiate Modic Follow-up imaging is not routinely indicated, as there is
type 1 changes from infection. The “claw” sign refers to well- poor correlation between clinical response and improve-
defined linear areas of high signal in adjacent vertebral bodies ment on MRI. Symptoms and clinical parameters such as pain,
seen on diffusion-weighted images, which are thought to rep- fever, and CRP levels are used to guide management. Kow-
resent a physiologic response to axial loading and stress, and alski et al23 demonstrated no association between follow-up
are suggestive of Modic changes.21 Other imaging findings that MRI findings and clinical status. Soft tissue and bony changes
suggest Modic changes include lack of change over time, on MRI can persist or even appear worse despite clinical im-
absence of disc or end plate enhancement, and the presence provement. MRI imaging follow-up is warranted in patients
of vacuum changes in the disk. The “psoas sign,” hyperin- with lack of clinical improvement 4-6 weeks after treat-
tense T2 signal in the psoas muscle(s) on noncontrast MRI ment. Because of the more indolent nature of tuberculous SD
examinations, identifies SD with 92% sensitivity and 92% and higher incidence of spinal collapse and deformity, CT or
specificity.16 Distinguishing tuberculous SD from pyogenic SD MRI can be useful in long-term follow-up.
is important to institute appropriate treatment, thereby re-
ducing morbidity and mortality. Although most cases of SD
are bacterial, tuberculous spondylitis is a frequent cause of Radionuclide Imaging
SD in endemic areas, and is increasing in prevalence because
of the resurgence of tuberculosis during the past decade, es- Single Photon Emitting Agents
pecially in immunocompromised patients. Tc-diphosphonates
Although there is considerable overlap between pyogenic Bone scintigraphy is performed with technetium-99m labeled
and tuberculous SD, several imaging features can suggest a diphosphonates. These radiopharmaceuticals bind to the hy-
diagnosis of tuberculous SD. Tuberculous SD more com- droxyapatite crystalline matrix of bone, and their uptake
monly affects the thoracic spine, usually with involvement depends on blood flow and rate of new bone formation. When
of the posterior elements.7,22 A lack of proteolytic enzymes osteomyelitis is suspected, bone scintigraphy is often per-
is commonly seen with Mycobacterium tuberculosis; this leads formed as a triple or 3-phase bone scan. The first, or perfusion,
to late or lack of involvement of the disc and greater degree phase consists of a dynamic imaging sequence, followed im-
of soft tissue involvement.7 Well-defined, thin-walled ab- mediately by the second, or blood pool or tissue phase, in
scesses can be seen in the paraspinal and psoas muscles which static images of the region(s) of interest are obtained.
(Fig. 6C-E). Infection usually spreads along the anterior lon- The third, or skeletal, phase consists of images of the region(s)
gitudinal ligament in a craniocaudad direction, which can lead of interest, acquired 2-4 hours after radiopharmaceutical in-
to noncontiguous spinal segment involvement and skip lesions jection. Focal hyperperfusion, focal hyperemia, and focally
(Fig. 6C). increased bony uptake are the classic presentation of
136 M. Raghavan et al.

Figure 6 Tuberculous spondylodiscitis. Sagittal T1 (A), T2 fat-suppressed (B), postcontrast (C), and axial post contrast (D, E) MRI. There is
decreased T1 and increased T2 signal at the L2-L3 level with high T2 signal in the disc. There is diffuse enhancement of the vertebral bodies
and disc (6C). Note the epidural abscess narrowing the spinal canal (6B, black arrow). There is non-contiguous spinal level involvement,
with abscess tracking superiorly along the anterior longitudinal ligament (6C, white arrow). Thin-walled, peripherally enhancing bilateral
psoas abscesses (6E, F, black arrows) and bone abscess (6D, black arrowheads) also are present.

osteomyelitis on 3-phase bone scintigraphy. The test is both Lisbona et al26 retrospectively reviewed the results of bone
sensitive and specific for diagnosing osteomyelitis in bones scintigraphy in 21 cases of infectious spondylitis, including
not affected by underlying conditions. Abnormalities on bone 6 cases of tuberculous spondylitis. The test was positive in
scintigraphy reflect the rate of new bone formation in general, 16 of 17 sites of nontuberculous infection. Bone scintigra-
and in the setting of preexisting conditions such as degen- phy was definitely abnormal in 6 of 9 sites of tuberculous
erative joint disease, fracture, and orthopedic hardware, because spondylitis and subtly abnormal in the other 3. None of the
of decreased specificity, the test is less useful.24 8 paraspinal infections (6 non-tuberculous, 2 tuberculous)
Adatepe et al25 reviewed the results of planar bone scin- were detected.
tigraphy performed on 12 patients with hematogenous Gratz et al27 prospectively studied 30 patients, all of whom
pyogenic vertebral osteomyelitis and reported that the test was had vertebral osteomyelitis at the time of imaging. They re-
positive in all 12. Abnormal uptake was diffuse and in- ported that planar bone scintigraphy was 86% sensitive for
volved 1 vertebral body in 11 patients and 2 vertebrae in the diagnosing spinal osteomyelitis. Performing SPECT in-
12th patient. The abnormal uptake extended into the sur- creased the sensitivity to 92%. Love et al28 retrospectively
rounding soft tissues in 2 patients with a paravertebral abscess. reviewed bone scintigraphy performed on 22 patients with
Spondylodiscitis 137

Figure 7 L3-L4 spondylodiscitis. There is hyperperfusion, hyperemia, and increased bony uptake in the lower lumbar
spine on this 3-phase bone scan, a pattern that is specific, but not sensitive for spondylodiscitis.

suspected SD. Planar imaging was 73% sensitive, 31% spe- bined bone/67Ga SPECT and 67Ga SPECT were identical (91%
cific, and 50% accurate for infection. Sensitivity increased to sensitivity, 92% specificity, and 92% accuracy) and were more
82%, whereas specificity decreased to 23% with SPECT. Ac- accurate than planar (50%) and SPECT (71%) bone, planar
curacy was unchanged at 50%. When the SPECT images were Ga (79%), and combined planar bone/67Ga (75%) imaging.
interpreted alone, the test was 73% sensitive, 69% specific, Nine of 11 (82%) sites of extraosseous infection were iden-
and 71% accurate. The presence of abnormal uptake in 2 con- tified on 67Ga imaging; none were seen on bone scintigraphy.
tiguous vertebrae on SPECT was the single most accurate The authors concluded that 67Ga SPECT was sufficient for di-
criterion (71%) for detecting spinal osteomyelitis in this in- agnosing SD, and bone scintigraphy was not necessary.
vestigation. None of the 11 sites of extraosseous infection were More recent investigations have focused the role of 67Ga
identified on planar images or on SPECT. SPECT/CT for diagnosing SD31-34 (Figs. 8 and 9). Domin-
Performing the test as a 3-phase bone scan does not improve guez et al32 investigated 9 patients with SD who underwent
accuracy. Gratz et al27 found that 3-phase bone imaging was 67
Ga SPECT/CT as well as planar and SPECT bone imaging.
positive in patients with severe infection, but not in indi- Ga SPECT/CT was abnormal in all 9 patients and detected
viduals with mild or moderate infection. Love et al28 reported adjacent soft tissue infection in 3 patients (Fig. 10). Bone scin-
that although specificity improved with the 3-phase tech- tigraphy was abnormal in 8 of the 9 patients and detected
nique, it did so at the expense of sensitivity, which decreased none of the soft tissue infections. Fuster et al33 prospec-
from 92% to 36% (Fig. 7). tively investigated 34 patients with combined planar bone
scintigraphy and 67Ga SPECT/CT. The sensitivity, specificity,
Gallium-67 and accuracy of the combined test were 78%, 81%, and 79%,
Several factors contribute to gallium-67 (67Ga) uptake in in- respectively. The positive predictive value was 82%, and the
fection. About 90% of circulating 67Ga is transferrin bound negative predictive value was 76%. 67Ga SPECT/CT de-
in the plasma. Increased blood flow and vascular mem- tected 10 of 12 cases of soft tissue involvement. Tamm et al34
brane permeability result in increased delivery and retrospectively reviewed 34 patients who had undergone bone
accumulation at infectious foci. 67Ga binds to lactoferrin, which SPECT/CT and 67Ga SPECT/CT for suspected SD. They re-
is present in high concentrations in sites of infection. Direct ported that combined bone/67Ga SPECT/CT detected 17 of
bacterial uptake, complexing with siderophores, and leuko- 18 cases of SD and was negative in all 16 patients without
cyte transport also may contribute to 67Ga uptake in infection. infection.
Imaging generally is performed 18-72 hours after injection.24
Hadjipavlou et al29 reviewed the results of 67Ga imaging per- 111
formed on 41 patients with suspected SD. The test was positive Biotin, also known as vitamin B7 and vitamin H, plays a key
in all 39 patients with infection and negative in the 2 pa- role in glucose metabolism including regulation of hepatic
tients without infection. Lisbona et al26 reported that 67Ga glucose uptake, gluconeogenesis, lipogenesis, insulin recep-
scintigraphy was positive in all 17 sites of spinal infection as tor transcription, and pancreatic β-cell function. Biotin also
well as in 6 paraspinal abscesses; bone scintigraphy was posi- is used as a growth factor by certain bacteria.35,36 In initial
tive in 16 of the 17 sites of spinal infection and negative in studies, the 2-step streptavidin/111In-biotin imaging accu-
the paraspinal infections. Gratz et al,30 in a prospective in- rately diagnosed various forms of osteomyelitis, including SD.
vestigation, reported sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of The predominant uptake mechanism at the site of infection
73%, 61%, and 80%, respectively, for diagnosing SD with 67Ga is related to nonspecific accumulation of streptavidin because
planar plus SPECT imaging. 67Ga was less sensitive, but more of locally increased vascular permeability. 111In-biotin accu-
specific, than bone scintigraphy. The accuracy of the 2 tests mulates at the infected focus because of its high affinity for
was the same: 80%. streptavidin.37,38 Lazzeri et al36 prospectively studied 110 pa-
Love et al28 retrospectively reviewed the results of planar tients with 111In-biotin alone, without streptavidin pretreatment.
and SPECT 67Ga imaging performed on 22 patients with sus- Seventy-one patients with suspected hematogenous spread
pected SD. 67 Ga images were interpreted alone and in of infection and 39 patients with suspected postoperative in-
combination with bone scintigraphy. The results of com- fection were included. Planar and SPECT imaging of the region
138 M. Raghavan et al.

Figure 8 Spondylodiscitis T12-L1. There are destructive vertebral body end plate changes (arrow) on the CT component of the examination
(left), with increased gallium-67 uptake in the same region. The infection does not extend to the hardware in the lower lumbar spine.

of interest were performed 2 hours after radiopharmaceuti- depends on intact chemotaxis, number and types of cells
cal administration. The overall sensitivity, specificity, and labeled, and cellular response in a particular condition. A cir-
accuracy of 111In-biotin were 93%, 90%, and 92%, respec- culating WBC count of at least 2000/µL is needed for
tively. There were no significant differences in any of these satisfactory image quality. The majority of WBCs labeled usually
parameters between the 2 groups of patients. In a subse- are neutrophils, and the test is most sensitive for detecting
quent investigation, Lazzeri et al39 incorporated SPECT/CT neutrophil-mediated infections.24
into their 111In-biotin imaging protocol. They found that al- In contrast to other locations in the skeleton, labeled leu-
though there were no significant differences in sensitivity and kocyte imaging is not useful for diagnosing SD. Although
specificity between SPECT and SPECT/CT, SPECT/CT impacts increased uptake is virtually diagnostic, half of all cases present
patient management by precisely localizing the infection and as areas of decreased, or absent activity.41 The explanation for
facilitating selection of the most appropriate treatment (Fig. 11). this phenomenon is not known. It has been suggested that
Advantages of 111In-biotin include same-day imaging, little the photopenic presentation is caused by occlusion of the mi-
or no bone marrow uptake, and less patient radiation than crocirculation of the involved bone. Infection-induced death
labeled leukocyte and 67Ga studies. Antibiotic therapy does of reticuloendothelial cells that normally accumulate labeled
not appear to affect test sensitivity.40 Unfortunately, this agent leukocytes also may be involved. Marrow uptake in the normal
is available in only a few centers worldwide. spine may be greater than in infected bone, masking the ab-
normality or causing a relative photopenia.42 Duration of
Labeled leukocytes symptoms appears to affect the likelihood of a photopenic
In vitro leukocyte (WBC) labeling usually is performed with presentation. Patients who are symptomatic for less than 1
In oxyquinolone (In) or 99mTc-exametazime (Tc). Uptake month more frequently demonstrate increased uptake, whereas

Figure 9 Degenerative changes L5-S1. There are vertebral body end plate irregularities (arrow) on the CT component (left) of the examina-
tion. There is normal gallium-67 uptake in this region, however, making infection unlikely.
Spondylodiscitis 139

Figure 10 Spondylodiscitis and infected hardware with psoas abscesses. There is abnormal gallium-67 uptake in L4-
L5, which extends into both psoas muscles (arrows). Gallium-67 is superior to bone scintigraphy for detecting soft
tissue infections that often accompany spinal infections.

photopenia is more common in individuals who are symp- metallic hardware and 14 patients had previous spinal surgery.
tomatic for more than 1 month. Regardless of the explanation, Twenty (74%) patients had a final diagnosis of SD. Imaging
photopenia is associated with several noninfectious condi- was performed approximately 2 hours after radiopharma-
tions including previously treated SD, tumor, infarction, ceutical administration. They reported that the test was 100%
compression fracture, and Paget disease24,41,42 (Fig. 12). The sensitive and 87.5% specific for SD.
photopenic presentation of SD on labeled leukocyte imaging
is not unique to the in vitro labeled leukocyte procedure. It Positron Emitting Agents
also has been observed with in vivo labeled leukocyte imaging Positron emitting radiopharmaceuticals have several advan-
agents.43,44 tages over single photon emitting radiopharmaceuticals. PET
is intrinsically a high-resolution tomographic technique, which
Radiolabeled Antimicrobial Peptides facilitates the precise localization of radiopharmaceutical uptake,
Antimicrobial peptides are an important component of the especially when performed as PET/CT. Semiquantitative analy-
natural defenses of most living organisms. They are small, cat- sis is more feasible with PET agents than with single photon
ionic, and amphipathic (hydrophilic and hydrophobic), and emitting agents, and this potentially could be used to differ-
attack pathogens by multiple mechanisms. They exhibit broad- entiate infectious from noninfectious conditions and to monitor
spectrum activity against Gram-positive and Gram-negative treatment response.
bacteria, yeasts, fungi, and enveloped viruses. They also are
involved in apoptosis, wound healing, and immune modu- Fluorine-18-fluorodeoxyglucose
lation. Their expression may be constant or induced on contact F-FDG is a structural analog of 2-deoxyglucose. Cellular
with microbes.45,46 uptake of 18F-FDG is governed by several mechanisms: passive
Radiolabeled synthetic fragments of ubiquicidin, a murine diffusion, active transport via a Na1-dependent glucose trans-
antimicrobial peptide present in the cytosolic fraction of mac- porter (GLUT), and, most importantly, via GLUT-1 through
rophages, have been investigated as infection-specific imaging GLUT-13 transporters. After entering the cell, 18F-FDG is phos-
agents.47 Dillmann-Arroyo et al48 studied 99mTc-ubiquicidin- phorylated to 18F-2'-FDG-6 phosphate by the hexokinase
29-41 in 27 patients with suspected SD. Twelve patients had enzyme. In contrast to glucose-6-phosphate, 18F-2'-FDG-6

Figure 11 Surgical wound infection and osteomyelitis. There is abnormal 111In-biotin accumulation extending posteriorly from L3 into the
surgical wound (arrows), in a patient who had undergone removal of the intervertebral disc 3 months previously. Cultures grew Staphylo-
coccus aureus.
140 M. Raghavan et al.

uptake in tumor was due, at least in part, to newly formed

granulation tissue and activated macrophages associated with
tumor necrosis and growth. They observed that 18F-FDG
uptake by non-neoplastic cells was even higher than its uptake
in viable tumor cells. Histopathologic and autoradiographic
analysis of a turpentine inflammation model in rats showed
that uptake of 18F-FDG corresponded to areas of inflamma-
tory cell infiltration: neutrophils in the acute phase and
macrophages in the chronic phase.52 Kaim et al53 reported
similar results in a rodent abscess model. 18F-FDG uptake was
Figure 12 (A) T6 spondylodiscitis. There is an area of decreased labeled
leukocyte accumulation (arrow) in the mid-thoracic spine. (B) T10 greatest in areas of inflammatory cell infiltrates, predomi-
compression fracture. There is an area of decreased labeled leuko- nantly in neutrophils in the acute phase and in macrophages
cyte accumulation (arrow) in the lower thoracic spine, similar to in the chronic phase of the infection.
A. Although more than half of all cases of spondylodiscitis present F-FDG is an attractive agent for imaging musculoskel-
as decreased activity on labeled leukocyte images, this pattern is not etal infection for several reasons. It is a small molecule that
specific for infection. rapidly enters poorly perfused regions, and the procedure is
completed within hours rather than days. Normal bone marrow
uptake of this radiopharmaceutical is low, which may facili-
phosphate is not a substrate for the enzymes of the glyco- tate the differentiation of inflammatory cellular infiltrates from
lytic pathway or the pentose-phosphate shunt. It is not marrow. 18FDG uptake in spinal infection is higher than normal
metabolized and does not diffuse back into the extracellular bone marrow uptake (Figs. 13 and 14). Degenerative bone
space and is trapped intracellularly.49 changes generally show only faintly increased uptake (Fig. 15).
Several factors influence 18F-FDG uptake in infection. 18
F-FDG uptake in traumatized bone usually normalizes within
In activated inflammatory cells, such as neutrophils, 3-4 months.50
lymphocytes, monocytes, and macrophages, there are both The role of 18F-FDG in the diagnosis of SD has been ex-
an increased number and an increased expression of glucose tensively investigated.43,54-60 Guhlmann et al55 reported that
transporters, as well as an increased affinity of these trans- F-FDG-PET was positive in all 3 cases of infection and nega-
porters for deoxyglucose.50 Kubota et al51 demonstrated that tive in the 1 patient without infection. In another investigation,

Figure 13 L3-L4 spondylodiscitis. There is intense uptake of 18F-FDG in the intervertebral L3-L4 disc space and body of L3, with extension
into the right ileo-psoas muscle. Staphylococcus aureus was the causative organism.
Spondylodiscitis 141

Figure 14 Multilevel spondylodiscitis. There is intense 18F-FDG uptake in the T8-T9, T11-T12, and L3-L4 vertebrae. Staphylococcus aureus
was the causative organism.

Guhlmann et al43 reported that 18F-FDG-PET was signifi- in 12 patients with spinal infection and negative in 3 of the
cantly more accurate than the radiolabeled antigranulocyte 4 patients without infection.58 Meller et al59 prospectively in-
antibody, 99mTc-besilesomab, for diagnosing SD. Schiesser et al56 vestigated 8 patients suspected of having SD and reported that
reported that 18F-FDG-PET was true negative for infection in 18
F-FDG-PET was 100% accurate. Hungenbach et al60 per-
6 patients with spinal hardware. Kalicke et al57 reported that formed 18F-FDG-PET examinations on 42 patients including
F-FDG-PET correctly identified all 7 patients with spinal 13 who had previously undergone surgery. They evaluated
osteomyelitis. In another investigation, the test was positive both intensity and patterns of 18F-FDG uptake. Using visual

Figure 15 Degenerative spine changes. There is mildly increased 18F-FDG uptake in the vertebral end plates of L5-S1. 18F-FDG uptake in de-
generative changes, as this case illustrates, usually is mild and less intense than uptake in infection.
142 M. Raghavan et al.

analysis, they found that the test was 86% sensitive and 95% SUV max between pyogenic and tuberculous spondylitis on
specific for SD. The 3 false-negative results were attributed early or delayed imaging, and concluded that it is not pos-
to low-grade tuberculous infection and to reduced uptake in sible to differentiate between these 2 types of infection with
poorly controlled diabetes. The 1 false-positive result was F-FDG PET/CT. It should be noted that the time intervals
because of a recent vertebral fracture. Hartman et al61 re- between radiopharmaceutical administration and early and
ported that 18F-FDG-PET/CT was positive in all 7 patients with delayed imaging were longer in this investigation than in those
spinal osteomyelitis, and negative in 2 patients without spinal of Bassetti et al62 and Kim et al,63 which could explain the
osteomyelitis. They found that the improved anatomic lo- differences in the results obtained.
calization provided by PET/CT facilitated the differentiation The diagnosis of SD in the patient with spinal hardware
of soft tissue from bone involvement, which was helpful for is a diagnostic challenge. The presence of a foreign body can
therapy planning. incite an intense immune response, and increased 18F-FDG
Tuberculous SD, or Pott disease, can be difficult to diag- uptake around uninfected spinal implants, in the absence of
nose because of nonspecific symptoms and similarities with infection, has been reported (Fig. 16). Using 18F-FDG PET,
non-tuberculous spinal infections. Appropriate treatment de Winter et al65 reported the specificity of the test was con-
depends on accurate differentiation of tuberculous from siderably lower in patients with, than in patients without,
nontuberculous infections. The potential of 18F-FDG PET/ implants (65% vs 92%). In subsequent investigations in which
CT for differentiating tuberculous from pyogenic SD has been PET/CT rather than PET was performed, the results have been
studied by a few investigators, with variable results. Bassetti better. As part of a larger investigation, Hartman et al61 re-
et al62 performed 18F-FDG PET/CT on 30 patients with SD, ported that 18F-FDG PET/CT had a 100% accuracy in patients
including 10 with tuberculous infection. Imaging was per- with metallic implants. Inanami et al66 studied 14 patients
formed about 1 hour after radiopharmaceutical administration. with spinal hardware, including 8 with suspected spinal
They found that the maximum standardized uptake value (SUV implant infection and 6 controls. Imaging was performed 5-33
max) was significantly higher for tuberculous than for pyo- weeks after surgery. Six of the 14 patients eventually were di-
genic infections. Kim et al63 performed dual time point agnosed with infection. These investigators reported that using
F-FDG-PET/CT studies on patients with SD, including 11 visual analysis, all 6 infected devices were positive and all 8
with pyogenic and 11 with tuberculous infection. Imaging infected devices were negative (100% accuracy). Both the mean
was performed approximately 1 and 2 hours after radiophar- and the range of SUV max values were significantly higher
maceutical administration. Like Bassetti et al,62 they observed in the infected than in the uninfected groups (9.0 and 5.5-
that the SUV max, at 1 hour, was significantly higher for tu- 14.7 vs 3.3 and 2.0-4.3, respectively; p = 0.003).
berculous than for nontuberculous infection. At 2 hours, Bagrosky et al67 retrospectively reviewed 18F-FDG PET/CT
however, the differences were not significant and they con- studies performed on 20 patients, 6-31 years old, with pos-
cluded that delayed imaging was not useful for differentiating terior spinal fusion rods. Six of the patients ultimately were
between the 2 entities. Gunes et al64 investigated 18F-FDG PET/ diagnosed with hardware infection. In all 6 patients there was
CT in 32 patients with SD, including 8 with tuberculous intense, confluent increased 18F-FDG uptake in soft tissue and
infection. Nineteen of the patients underwent dual time point bone immediately adjacent to the hardware at multiple con-
imaging. Images were acquired at about 90 minutes and 2 tiguous levels. In 3 of the 6 patients, there was 18F-FDG uptake
and one-half hours after radiopharmaceutical administra- at the bone-hardware interface of one or more interpedicular
tion. These investigators found no significant differences in screws. Nine patients had noninfectious hardware complica-

Figure 16 Uninfected spinal hardware. Focally increased 18F-FDG uptake is confined to the spinal hardware, probably related to reactive in-
flammation. The lack of uptake in the adjacent bone and surrounding soft tissues makes infection very unlikely.
Spondylodiscitis 143

tions, primarily hardware loosening or bone remodeling, which MRI, identified additional spinal lesions in 3 patients, as well
was characterized by focal 18F-FDG uptake adjacent to 1 or as new paravertebral soft tissue involvement and epidural
2 hooks, screws, or anchors, usually at the upper or lower masses. The additional information provided by 18F-FDG PET/
aspects of the spinal hardware. The intense contiguous areas CT helped determine the duration of treatment. Nakahara
of uptake in bone and soft tissue surrounding infected hard- et al,74 in a study of 9 patients, reported that 18F-FDG PET/
ware was not present in these patients. The patients in this CT was superior to MRI for localizing sites of active infection
series underwent whole-body imaging, and alternative sources and providing a guide for minimally invasive surgery.
of infection were identified in 7: pneumonia (n = 5), pyo- F-FDG appears to be useful for monitoring response to
nephrosis (n = 1) and superficial wound infection (n = 1). treatment in patients with SD (Figs. 17 and 18). Nanni et al75
F-FDG has outperformed single photon emitting evaluated the potential of 18F-FDG PET/CT for early evalu-
radiopharmaceuticals in comparative studies. Guhlmann et al43 ation of response to antibiotic therapy in 34 patients with
reported that 18F-FDG PET was significantly more accurate hematogenous SD. They compared the SUV max of the base-
than 99mTc-besilesomab for diagnosing spinal osteomyelitis. line study (SUV1) with the SUV max of the second study
Gratz et al30 observed that 18F-FDG PET was superior to 67Ga (SUV2), which was performed 2-4 weeks after the start of
for detecting paraspinal soft tissue infection and was supe- treatment, as well as the change in SUV max (delta-SUV max)
rior to bone scintigraphy for differentiating infection from between the 2 studies. In responders, SUV2 was signifi-
advanced arthritic changes. Fuster et al33 studied 34 pa- cantly lower than SUV1, with sensitivity and specificity of 83%
tients, including 18 with SD. The sensitivity, specificity, and and 46%, respectively. Using delta-SUV max, sensitivity and
accuracy of 18F-FDG PET/CT were 89%, 88%, and 88%, re- specificity both were 82%. Kim et al76 found that the change
spectively. The sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of combined in SUV max between the initial and the follow-up studies was
planar bone/67Ga SPECT/CT imaging were 78%, 81%, and the best predictor of residual infection. Ioannou et al73 re-
79%, respectively.18F FDG-PET/CT identified soft tissue in- ported that successful treatment of brucellar SD was associated
fection in 12 patients; 67Ga SPECT/CT identified soft tissue with a significant decrease in SUV max values.
involvement in 10 patients. Riccio et al77 reported that evaluating uptake patterns was
F-FDG also has been compared with MRI. Gratz et al30 more useful than quantification for differentiating patients with
reported that18 FDG-PET was superior to MRI for detecting active infection from those without active infection or from
low-grade spondylitis or discitis. Ohtori et al68 studied 18 pa- those who had had a successful response to therapy. In their
tients with Modic type 1 changes on MRI, including 11 with investigation, patients with a poor response to treatment for
spinal osteomyelitis and found a 100% concordance between hematogenous SD had persistent 18F-FDG uptake in bone and
F-FDG PET results and final diagnoses. Stumpe et al69 com- soft tissue, whereas uptake confined to the margins of a de-
pared 18F-FDG PET and MRI in 30 patients (38 sites) with stroyed disc after treatment was not indicative of infection.
vertebral end plate abnormalities. 18F-FDG PET was true posi- Skanjeti et al72 reported that, in 21 patients with 24 sites of
tive in all 5 infected sites and true negative in all 33 uninfected disease, 18F-FDG-PET/CT was more accurate than MRI for as-
sites (100% accuracy). The sensitivity and specificity of MRI sessing treatment response (90% vs 61.5%).
were 50% and 96%, respectively. Seifen et al70 analyzed 38 Dauchy et al78 prospectively investigated 30 patients, in-
consecutive cases of suspected SD in patients with inconclu- cluding 19 with spinal hardware, with microbiologically
sive results on conventional imaging modalities. The sensitivity, confirmed SD, who were suspected of having relapsed in-
specificity, and accuracy of FDG-PET/CT were 81.8%, 100%, fection. All 30 patients underwent 18F-FDG PET/CT and 27
89.5%, respectively; positive and negative predictive values also underwent MRI 1 month after completion of antibiotic
were 100% and 80%, respectively. Sensitivity, specificity, and treatment. Patients were followed for a minimum of 1 year.
accuracy of MRI performed on 27 patients were 75%, 71.4%, Seven of the 30 patients were diagnosed with relapsed SD,
and 74.1%, respectively; the positive and negative predic- which was based on microbiological samples. Studies were
tive values were 88.2% and 50%, respectively. Fuster et al71 interpreted using a combination of visual and semiquantitative
compared 18F-FDG-PET/CT and MRI in 26 patients with clini- analysis. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and
cal symptoms of spinal infection. Sensitivity, specificity, and negative predictive value were 85.7%, 82.6%, 60.0%, and
positive and negative predictive values for 18F-FDG-PET/CT 95.0%, respectively, for 18F-FDG PET/CT, and 66.6%, 61.9%,
were 83%, 88%, 94%, and 70%; for MRI they were 94%, 38%, 33.3%, and 86.6%, respectively, for MRI. Although the results
77%, and 75%, respectively. Accuracy of 84% for 18F-FDG of 18F-FDG PET/CT were better than those of MRI, the dif-
PET/CT and 81% for MRI was similar. MRI, however, was ferences were not significant.
superior for detecting soft tissue involvement.
Skanjeti et al72 reported that 18F-FDG PET had a sensitiv- Gallium-68
ity, specificity, and accuracy of 92.9%, 50%, and 75%, The positron emitting gallium isotope, gallium-68 (68Ga) in
respectively for SD. MRI had a sensitivity, specificity, and ac- the form of 68 Ga-citrate, offers certain advantages over
curacy of 100%, 50%, and 81.3%, respectively. These Ga-citrate for diagnosing infection. The physical half-life of
investigators found that 18F-FDG-PET is a useful adjunct to 68
Ga is 68 minutes, which is much shorter than the 78-
MRI and can be used when MRI is inconclusive or cannot hour half-life of 67Ga, and allows injection of larger quantities
be performed. Ioannou et al73 studied 10 patients with brucellar of radioactivity. Imaging is performed within a few hours after
SD. 18F-FDG PET/CT identified all foci of infection seen on radiopharmaceutical administration, in contrast to the typical
144 M. Raghavan et al.

Figure 17 (A) L5-S1 spondylodiscitis. There is intense 18F-FDG uptake in L5-S1 on the baseline study. (B) There is near-complete resolution
of the abnormal 18F-FDG uptake on the follow-up PET/CT scan performed after 3 months of antibiotic treatment, consistent with resolving

48-72 hour interval between administration of 67Ga and and same-day imaging, the other disadvantages associated with
imaging. Because 68Ga is a positron emitter, image quality is 67
Ga remain.
vastly superior to what can be obtained with 67Ga. In an attempt to develop a more specific infection imaging
There are few data on the role of 68Ga-citrate imaging in agent, some investigators have complexed 68Ga with various
SD. Nanni et al79 reported on 31 patients with suspected SD agents. Based on the results reported with 111In-biotin in SD,
who underwent 40 68Ga PET/CT scans. There were 23 cases efforts have been made to complex biocytin with 68Ga. In an
of infection. The authors reported a sensitivity of 100%, a initial investigation, 68Ga-DOTA-biocytin was very stable over
specificity of 76%, and an accuracy of 90%. False-positive 3 hours and may have potential for diagnosing infection.80
results were associated with tumors. Unfortunately, the uptake At the present time, MRI is the imaging test of choice for
mechanisms of 68Ga in inflammation and infection are the same diagnosing SD.18F-FDG is the radionuclide imaging test of
nonspecific mechanisms that are responsible for uptake of 67Ga. choice for this entity and is a useful compliment to MRI. In
Although 68Ga offers the advantages of superior image quality addition to its value for diagnosing SD, 18F-FDG has shown
Spondylodiscitis 145

Figure 18 (A) Multifocal spondylodiscitis. There is intense 18F-FDG uptake involving T11-L1 and L4-L5 on the baseline study. (B) There is
complete resolution of the abnormal 18F-FDG uptake on the follow-up PET/CT scan performed after 3 months of antibiotic treatment, con-
sistent with resolved infection. Mildly increased 18F-FDG uptake at the L5-S1 level, also present on baseline study (6a), is related to degenerative
146 M. Raghavan et al.

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