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Everglades Inc.

Parking Lot
Final Project of PM

• Lisha Fan
• Dec 12th 2021

1. Overview

In this project, a series of progressive and interdependent steps by which a successful

instalment of automatic vehicle barriers and surveillance cameras on the parking lot

is attained are designed and employed.

Through in-depth analysis of the contents mentioned in the project background

information, I planned the Everglades Parking Lot project, which will be lasted for

four and half months, from April 1, 2022 (Early Spring) to August 15, 2022 (Late

Autumn), so as to ensure that the completion of the project meets the time cycle

specified by the client. In addition, the project is divided into seven phases, and five

milestones are set, they are:

Phase1:Designing & Planning (2022.4.1-2022.4.15)

Phase2: Requirement Budgeting and Sign-off (2022.4.15-2022.4.30)

Milestone 1: Confirm plan & Sign all the contracts

Phase3:Procure Material and Equipment (2022.4.20-2022.5.24)

Milestone: All necessary materials purchased

Phase4:Implementation (2022.5.25-2022.6.30)

Milestone: Implementation Completed

Phase5:Testing Project (2022.7.1-2022.7.22)

Milestone: Pass the Testing

Phase6: Client Training (2022.7.25 - 2022.8.5)

Phase 7: Project Closure and Handover (2022.8.8- 2022.8.15)

Milestone: Project Completion

2. Justification for the tasks and sequences

As we all know, the successful completion of a project management task must go

through a careful planning stage, which is also the first stage, namely “Designing &

Planning”, of the project. Considering that the client has not made budget planning,

we hope to provide a complete contract with project procurement items and budget

planning at this stage. At the same time, considering that no one in the client has

relevant experience in installing automatic vehicle barriers and surveillance cameras,

we hope to sort out the most important requirements of this task for reference.

In the second stage, considering that all our plans must be clearly understood by

clients and signed for confirmation, the "sign off" stage is set. At this stage, the

important links that will exist in the project operation process, such as the purchase

list of goods and equipment, the bidding standard when introducing the third-party

vender, business requirements and budget, can wait for the formal signature and

confirmation of the client. The first two stages are to obtain the formal signature of

all documents of the client as milestone.

Mentioned in the project background information, ‘Equipment and materials for the

project is not sourced yet.’ Therefore, our company Compu Networkz should be

responsible for determining resources needed to fulfill the client’s requirements and to

plan accordingly. Nevertheless, formal planning and negotiation with clients to

purchase goods and equipment is listed as the third stage. In this process, since neither

the client nor our company has advanced experience in building parking lots, and the

client allows the introduction of third-party vendors for assistance, we plan to

introduce vendors to select hardware facilities and software systems. And purchase

materials (such as electronic barriers, cables, network, etc.) and control software

according to the suggestions of professional third parties. In this stage, all necessary

equipment, materials, and software are purchased as the milestone.

The project implementation in the fourth stage is carried out according to the needs of

clients and existing conditions. The specific analysis process is as follows:

1. As a lighting team currently installing energy efficient streetlights at strategic

points on the property, as well as the perimeter fence is already erected, so our

company does not need to construct the planning and installation of light and

perimeter fence. Therefore, these two tasks are not mentioned in the project;

2. According to client’s requirement that four automatic vehicle barriers are needed

and then one for each entrance and exit point, therefore, #24 and #25 of the tasks

are to install automatic vehicle barriers respectively. These barriers need to be

integrated because they have access management and other functions, as well as

export payment functions. Therefore, about 3 weeks are reserved for design,

installation and coordination integration. Other requirements of the client have not

been clearly put forward, but the necessary equipment in the actual project, such as

servers, computers, necessary infrastructure of parking lot, etc., are also installed

synchronously at the same stage. The installation quality affects the visual effect,

actual function and service efficiency of the whole parking lot, so about one month

is reserved for installation.

3. In order to make the project run perfectly and smoothly, it is also necessary to

conduct integration test on all facilities after the whole installation, that is, the fifth

stage "testing", as an electronic garage management system, which is mainly

divided into hardware equipment test and software debugging. And provide clients

with Q & A links to solve clients' questions.

4. The last stage is to provide special training for clients in the use of the system.

After all, operators are proficient in the operation mode and principle of the system,

and can give quick solutions to common problems, which will greatly increase the

use preference of final parking people. Therefore, the training link is a very easy to

be ignored but very important link. Its good implementation can avoid unnecessary

negative feelings and practical troubles. By sorting out the materials, common

questions and answers in the training process, we can integrate this information

into the final stage "phase7 project closure and handover", which can not only be

used as the final summary archive file of the company's internal projects, but also

be provided to clients as necessary files.

In a word, this project is a new project for both customers and our company. It needs

to make a comprehensive and detailed overall planning in the planning stage, and seek

effective external resources when professional suppliers are needed to help the smooth

progress of the project. Implementation of the project, Need to be based on customer

needs and realistic conditions (such as the installed lighting system) and maintain

communication with customers in the process. The formulation of budget and final

needs to be understood by customers. The assumptions of the project also need to be

discussed and confirmed with customers. We must pay attention to the testing,

training and closure links in the middle and later stages to ensure that the project is

carried out in a stable and compliant manner and finally delivered customer.


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