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Bahria University

Lahore Campus
Midterm- Lab (Fall-2020 Semester)
Department of Computer Sciences
Lab Midterm Date: 11th November, 2020

Instructor Name: Fakhra Batool Program/Semester: BSIT-5

Course Code: ITL 312
Course Title: System and Networking Lab
Deadline: 1:30 PM (2.0 + 0.5=2.5 Hrs) Max Marks: 30

Name: Muhammad Saad Enroll: 03-135182-012

Read out the Instructions carefully.

I. Read the assignment carefully and attempt all the questions

II. Understanding of all questions is the part of the exam.

III. Copied Assignment will straight away awarded with ZERO.

IV. Timely submission is required, if in case of even 01 min late the exam will not be accepted at all.

V. Submission of the Midterm is to be done on LMS under Paper Section.

VI. If there is any query regarding Midterm it should be asked via personal message on WhatsApp, but not
in course groups. If anyone tried to do so, negative marking will be done.

VII. For Output you need to take full screen Screenshot and paste it in the given space.

VIII. Submission method is as follows, it should be strictly followed otherwise marks will be deducted

Make a Folder to add this word solution file in the folder naming “Name_Enroll_Midterm_Section”
along with the .cpp files of each programming question. The .cpp file name should be saved according
to the question no i.e “Q1.cpp” (no cpp file required for output question). Make .zip/.rar of the folder
and upload it on the given link on LMS.

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Question No 01: [15 marks]

Cybernet, a part of Lakson Group of Companies, is a leading Internet and Data Communication Network Service
Provider in Pakistan. Our company focuses on providing specialized solutions for different enterprises with end-
to-end solutions, be it Single-Site or Multi-Site Data and Internet Connectivity Solutions, Wholesale or Multi-
homed Internet Solutions, Local or International VPN Solutions, Backhauling Solutions, Enterprise Voice
Solutions, Cloud Powered Hosting, Disaster Recovery and Data Center Co-location Services or Enterprise/SMB
Web and E-mail Solutions. We’re currently present in 20 cities within Pakistan, offering various technology
services to more than 1500 corporate customers in 52 cities and towns. Cybernet Started a child company name
Storm Fiber for share the Internet Services amount home users. They have need to design a network server for
Storm Fiber network to manage external or internal Clients.

Configure following for the network:

1. Install Active Directory and Domain Controller.

2. Create an Organization Unit and Domain “” Yourname_storm”.LAN”.

3. Create a Group of Internal Users and External Users.

4. Ping domain from client Window.


1. Firstly we install Active Directory so we need first to set host machine network to NAT in Win 7 and
Also Server 2008.
Win 7:

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Server 2008:

1.2. After setting the NAT Network option then go to Server also set IP Address:
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 First, go to Network icon on the bottom on right side and right click on it.
 Click on Network and sharing center.

1.3. After open Network and Sharing Center then go to left side.
 Click on Manage Network Connection.

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1.4. Now rename the Adapter name to Storm Fiber User
 Then right click on Adapter and click on status a new window pop up.

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1.5. Then go to properties.

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1.6. Now click on Version 4 (TCP/IPV4) and double click on it.
 Now set the IP address.
 Make sure win 7 network and server 2008 network IP address are same.

Server 2008 IP Address:

Win 7 IP Address:

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1.7. Now close all the windows that are showing on desktop
 Now go to Server Manager and go to configuration and click on Local User and Groups and
double click on it.
 Now double click on user.
 Now Right click on Administrator and a new window pop up.
 Now go to set password and set the Administrator password.

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1.8. Now close all the windows and go to windows menu button and click on RUN.
 And write the command DCPROMO
 This command is used for making Active directory

1.9. A new windows is pop up

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1.10. Now make the Active directory
 After making directory
 Restart your Server

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1.11. Now go to Win 7 and right Click on My computer
 Now right click on my computer and click on properties
 Now go to change setting and click on it
 And now Set the machine name and Domain Name

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1.12. Now restart the machine and check the Connection by using CMD:

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1.13. Domain is created and work perfectly.

2. Now step 2 making Organizational unit:

 Go to server manager and extend the roles
 Now extend the active directory
 And click on right click on it and create organizational unit

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3. Now make the External and Internal Group

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3.1. now create user


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4. Now ping from users:
External ping user:

Internal ping User:

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Question No 02: [10 marks]

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a network management protocol used to automate the process
of configuring devices on IP networks.

a. How does a DHCP server dynamically assign IP address to host?

1. DHCP provides a static and dynamic address allocation that can be either automatic or manual. Static
addresses are produced manually while dynamic addresses are generated automatically.

2. So when the DHCP client requests to its associated domain, the servers first locate their static database,
and when the entry matches, the client's IP address is returned. But if the entry is not matched, it uses the
Dynamic Address

3. Allocation principle, where DHCP has a pool of available IP addresses, assigns the address from the pool
to the DHCP client, and adds the entry to the dynamic database.

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4. The addresses allocated from the pool are temporary addresses and, at the end of the lease term, the client
must either stop using that IP address or renew that IP address as per the server instructions.

5. This is the application layer protocol used by hosts to obtain network setup information. A DHCP server
that dynamically distributes network configuration parameters such as IP addresses, subnet masks, and
gateway address manages DHCP.

b. Configure Dhcp server on domain you created above “Yourname_storm.LAN


c. Create a IP pool for Employee of Storm Organization.


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 go to menu.
 Now go to administrator tool
 Not go to dhcp
 And set the ip pool
 And set the pool setting

Question No.03: [5 Marks]

There are three types of networking available to virtual machines. Each type has its own uses, behaviors and
features, describes according steps following.

a. How these are work with the physical (HOST) machine.

The virtual machine ( VM ) normally has two components: the host and the guest. The host is a virtual host
server; the hardware that provides computing resources, such as processing power , memory, disc and network I /
O, and so on. The visitor is a fully different and autonomous body of the operating system and application
software. Guests are software workloads that live on a virtual host machine and share the computational resources
of that server.
There is a chance to provide one or more network interface cards when setting up a virtual machine. The virtual
NIC would have a connexion between the VM and the host. The NIC would have three possible forms of links.

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Network Address Translation (NAT) can set up a virtual router on your host. This will encourage you to set up a
subnet on the VM / s with all traffic to / from the subnet being routed to the host. Both IP addresses in the subnet
would be different from the host. This choice makes more sense if you want a few VMs that can communicate
together and access the Internet.

Bridged means that the VM would have an IP address in the same domain as the host. It's going to act as like it
was just another computer on the same network as the host. This choice is primarily used when you don't need to
be on a different network and need Internet access.

Host means that the NIC can only interact with the host and other VMs on the host. It will not be able to access
the physical NIC of the host, because there will be no access to the Internet or any other infrastructure on the
physical LAN beyond the host.

Hyper-V in Windows and Windows Server replaces older hardware virtualization products such as Microsoft
Virtual PC, Microsoft Virtual Server and Windows Virtual PC. Hyper-V provides networking, performance,
storage and security features that are not included in these older products.

Hyper-V and most third-party virtualization applications that need the same processor features are not compatible.
This is because the processor functions, known as hardware virtualization extensions, are designed not to be

b. How we can change VM adaptors. Show steps with screen shots.

We change adaptors in the bottom of the right side and click on the network Adaptor here we showing some
adaptors such as:
1. Bridge.
2. Host.
3. Nat.

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By clicking the option we change the adaptors.

c. What are the roles of these adaptors when we connect to Host Network, screen shots must be attach of
their networks.

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