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1. What is ISO 14001?

a) An International standard for environmental management.
b) IMO regulations dealing with pollution from ships.
c) Standard with guidelines for vessels and ship managing companies pertaining to safety and protection of the
d) International Ship Operator’s list of approved garbage reception facilities in seaports.
2. The strategy for pollution prevention and protection of the environment has changed over the years.
a) Last decade the focus has been more on Being “pro-active” by preventing pollution from occurring.
b) Dealing with the pollution problems locally in each country.
c) Leaving it to the industry (including shipping) to implement standards for pollution control and environmental
3. Which environment is ISO 14001 about?
a) Working conditions and the environment onboard vessels.
b) Pollution of the oceans from ships.
c) The environment around us i.e. surroundings in which an organization operates.
4. Implementation and maintaining ISO 14001 – Environmental management – in a company should involve
all employees.
a) Yes
b) No
5. ISO 14001 are a set of rules and regulations that all ship managing companies must comply with.
a) Yes
b) No
6. A company having ISO 14001 certificate must have a documented environmental policy.
a) Yes
b) No
7. ISO 14001 requires the top management of the company to commit themselves to prevent pollution,
continuous improvement, comply with rules and regulations and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
a) comply with company requirements.
b) appoint an “ISO 14001” officer.
c) annually present a written review to the board.
8. Also for ISO 14001 – environmental management – we have an important improvement process where we
can use the phrase : “Plan what you do”, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, “Record it”.
a) “Do what you plan”
b) “Give precise working orders”
c) “Ensure safety”
9. To ensure continuous improvement of our environmental management system we use a PICC circle
where the three first key words are: PLAN – IMPLEMENT – CHECK. What is the fourth key word?

10. In ISO 14001 the definition of “Environment” is : “Surroundings in which _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ operates”.

a) an organization
b) a vessel
c) a shipping company
11. An important part of ISO 14001 is “environmental aspect”. The definition is “Element of an organization’s
activities, products or services that can _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the environment.
a) pollute
b) interact with
c) harm
12. An important part of ISO 14001 is “Environmental impact” The definition is “Any _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the
environment, whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or partially resulting from an organization’s activities,
products or service.
a) pollution of
b) damage to
c) change to
13. Why are we so concerned about ballast water in connection with ISO 14001 – environmental
a) It affects the stability of the vessel.
b) Use of chemicals in the ballast water can damage the paint and steelworks of the tanks.
c) Spreading of exotic organisms in the water can lead to irreversible processes effecting human health
and industrial activities as well as the ecological balance of the seas.
14. Why are we so concerned about the escape of and use of Freon in connection with ISO 14001 –
environmental management?
a) It is a harmful substance and might cause skin injuries to people.
b) It affects the ozone layer.
c) It is a very expensive commodity.
15. Where can we dispose of plastic?
a) At a shore reception facility only.
b) At a shore facility and at sea in accordance with MARPOL regulations.
c) At a shore facility and at sea only outside restricted areas.
16. Is it required that every vessel shall have a vessel specific “garbage management plan”?
a) No, only for vessels trading on USA.
b) Yes.
c) No, only for vessels not having incinerator.

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