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(Thời gian từ 18/10/2021 đến 22/10/2021)


1. Read the passage carefully and choose Yes or No.


Hello! My name’s Pedro. He’s 10 years old. He’s from Australia. He’s a good student and he
usually gets good results in his tests and exams, but he now doesn’t go to school. The truth is he lives
in a big city, where there are many schools, but all the schools are closed. COVID- 19 is a pandemic
in the world, so children can’t go to school.
Pedro studies at home. He’s got books, pens and pencils but his lesson are on the computer.
Every morning, Pedro sits in front of his laptop for three hours and watches and listens to his lessons.
His teachers use camera and interactive worksheets. He can talk to his teachers and the other students
in his class. In the afternoon, Pedro often does his homework or he reads History, Geography and
Maths books. He always emails his homework to his teachers on Friday afternoon.
All the children are at home at the moment. Pedro misses his friends and his teachers but he
knows that he has to stay at home. It is all for the best. He hopes the pandemic goes away soon so
that he can go back to school and play to the school yard with his friends.
1. Pedro is 10 years old. ___Yes____
2. He’s from England. ____No_____
3. He’s a lazy student. ________
4. He usually gets good results in his tests and exams. ______
5. Children must go to school during COVID- 19 pandemic. ______
6. Every morning, Pedro sits in front of his laptop for three hours. ______
7. His teachers use computer and interactive worksheets. ______
8. He sometimes emails his homework to his teachers on Friday afternoon. ______
*Notes: - pandemic: đại dịch

Vo Truong Toan primary school 1Exercises of the revision in grade 5

2. Read the text below and write Yes or No.

Brian Billy Peter

Hello! Everybody. My name’s Brian. I’m 10 years old. I am a skater. I skate two hours a day,
five days a week. I try to eat healthily. Breakfast is a part of necessary for my health every day. Every
morning I eat organic cereal with goat milk. At ten o’clock in the morning I usually have a snack like
an apple or banana. For lunch I just eat a sandwich and some fruits. I make my sandwich with tuna
fish or grilled meat balls. For dinner I usually eat chicken breast and mashed potatoes. I always
remember not to eat cheese because it is high-in-fat. I drink eight glasses of water every day. I never
eat junk food. I shouldn’t eat them.
Hi! My name’s Billy. I’m 8 years old. I love eating. I always have a big breakfast; I eat boiled
eggs, butter, honey or jam, sausages and a big glass of milk and a bar of chocolate. I always eat nuts
and sweets during the day. I usually eat hamburger and chips for lunch because in our school canteen
you can buy only fast food. I don’t like vegetables. I prefer cheese biscuits, rice crackers, and salami
slices. In the evening I always have dinner at home. My mother cooks meal and potatoes and
sometimes pasta with delicious sauce. I often drink two glasses of coke before going to bed. I don’t
like doing my exercises because it is very boring.
Hi! My name’s Peter. I’m 9 years old. I’m not very easy when it comes to food. My eating
habits are not healthy and that’s a reason my mum is usually worried about eating habits by myself.
I don’t like milk but I drink it because I want to build a strong body. When I’m at school, I usually
eat a bar of chocolate and rarely a fruit. For lunch I often have spaghetti, which is my favourite food,
and I try to eat some kind of salad like tomatoes or lettuce. In the afternoon I drink some juice and in
the evening I have fish or meat with rice. I don’t eat green beans and any other vegetables. I think I
should change these habits if I want to be healthy.
1. Brian is a skater. ___Yes___
2. He skates three hours a day. ____No___
3. He sometimes remembers to eat cheese because it is low-in-fat. ______
Vo Truong Toan primary school 2Exercises of the revision in grade 5
4. He eats organic cereal, sausages and a glass of orange juice every morning. ______
5. Peter usually eats a bar of chocolate and hardly a fruit. ______
6. He thinks that he has a balanced diet. ______
7. Billy always has an enormous breakfast in every morning. ______
8. He never eats hamburger and chips for lunch. ______
1. Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines.

homework tea ruler handbag

armchair piano teacher a coat

You wear this when it’s cold. ……………a coat…………
1. You do this after school to help you learn. ______________
2. Some people drink this with milk and sugar. _______________
3. You can sit in this when you are tired. _______________
4. You need this to draw a straight line. _______________
5. This person helps you learn to read and write. _______________
6. You can play beautiful music on this. _______________
2. Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines.

Vo Truong Toan primary school 3Exercises of the revision in grade 5

a diary a taxi a pilot a dictionary

a museum piano a street a coat

You wear this when it’s cold. ……………a coat…………
1. If you don’t remember how to spell a word you can use this to help you. _______________
2. You can write your secrets in this. _______________
3. You can go to this place if you want to see a dinosaur. _______________
4. There are usually cars, motorbikes and buses on this. _______________
5. This person’s job is to fly planes. _______________
6. If the bus is late, you can take this to get to work in time. _______________
3. Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines.

a biscuit salt a cook a bridge

Vo Truong Toan primary school 4Exercises of the revision in grade 5

a museum a planet money a coat
You wear this when it’s cold. ……………a coat…………
1. It is in space and goes around the sun. _______________
2. You can cross a river or road if you walk on this. _______________
3. There is a lot of this in the sea. _______________
4. Some people like eating this with their tea or milk. _______________
5. This person usually works in a restaurant and makes food. _______________
6. You don’t have any of this you can get some at the bank. _______________


1. Read the passage and write the correct words. You only need 6 words from the box.

In my neighborhood there are many places to go. If I am hungry I can go to a (0) restaurant and
eat. There is a post office in my neighborhood where I can mail a (1) _______________to my
grandmother. There is a shopping mall to go shopping, a (2) _______________ where I can buy a
birthday cake too! If I want to read some books or do my (3) _______________ I can go to the
library. I go to the cinema with my (4) _______________ to watch a movie. My favorite place is the
(5) _______________, because I can get money there! There is an internet bar in my neighborhood,
my big brother goes there to surf the internet or play (6) _______________.

restaurant bakery homework bank

Vo Truong Toan primary school 5Exercises of the revision in grade 5

letter library computer games friends
2. Read the passage and write the correct words. You only need 6 words from the box.


Well, I almost always get up very early, at about five-thirty. I get up early because I like to go
(0) jogging along the beach and watch the sun rise. Later, after breakfast, I go to work. I work in a
(1) __________near my home. I don’t drive to work, I take a (2) __________. It only takes about (3)
__________minutes to get to work. After work, I like to go to my favorite (4) __________and buy
some fresh bread. I get home between five o’clock and five-thirty. My husband Michael usually
makes dinner because he loves to cook. In fact, he is a (5) __________ in a restaurant. His hobby is
(6) __________, and my hobby is growing flowers in our garden. We also have a pet dog called Kiki.
In the evenings we take Kiki for a walk, and then get to bed by nine-thirty because we have to get up
so early again the next morning.

jogging motorcycle chef painting

bank twenty bakery flowers

1. Look at the picture and read the sentences. Write “There is some…” or “There
are some…” to complete the sentences about the pictures.

Vo Truong Toan primary school 6Exercises of the revision in grade 5

1. There is some coffee in the box.
2. ____________________eggs on the table.
3. ____________________ cakes on the plate.
4. ____________________ meat on the plate.
5. ____________________ rice in the pink bag.
2. Write the correct words.
fishing camera playing
season taking country

Anne is ten. She’s from Australia. Australia is a beautiful (1) country. Anne likes living in
Australia. Her favorite (2) __________________is summer. Anne likes (3) __________________
volleyball on the beach. She doesn’t like (4) __________________. She likes (5)
__________________photos. She has a great (6) __________________.
3. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
(0)What’s your favorite season?
- My favorite/ because/ is / season/ spring/ very/ the weather/ beautiful./ is
- My favorite season is spring because the weather is very beautiful.
1. I/ a bowl of/ have/ noodle soup/ for/ rice/ breakfast.
2. We/ the/ national/ sing/ song/ Monday morning./ every
3. Phan Thiet/ the perfect/ beach/ is/ place/ for/ a/ vacation.
4. Jackaroos/ on/ sheep farms,/ work/ so/ they /the sheep./ look after
5. Cat Tien National Park/ lots of/ wild/ has/ animals/ in/ it./ living
Vo Truong Toan primary school 7Exercises of the revision in grade 5

Vo Truong Toan primary school 8Exercises of the revision in grade 5

(Thời gian từ 18/10/2021 đến 22/10/2021)
1. Read the passage carefully and choose Yes or No.
3. No 4. Yes 5. No 6. Yes 7. No 8. No
2. Read the text below and write Yes or No.
3. No 4. No 5. Yes 6. No 7. Yes 8. No
1. Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines.
1. homework 4. ruler
2. tea 5. teacher
3. armchair 6. piano
2. Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines.
1. a dictionary 4. a street
2. a diary 5. a pilot
3. a museum 6. a taxi
3. Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines.
1. a planet 4. a biscuit
2. a bridge 5. a cook
3. salt 6. money
1. Read the passage and write the correct words. You only need 6 words from the box.
1. letter 2. bakery 3. homework
4. friends 5. bank 6. computer games
2. Read the passage and write the correct words. You only need 6 words from the box.
1. bank 2. motorcycle 3. twenty
4. bakery 5. chef 6. painting 7. flowers
1. Look at the picture and read the sentences. Write “There is some…” or “There
are some…” to complete the sentences about the pictures.
2. There are some 3. There are some
4. There is some 5. There is some
2. Write the correct words.
2. season 3. playing 4. fishing 5. taking 6. camera
3. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
1. I have a bowl of rice noodle soup for breakfast.
2. We sing the national song every Monday morning.
3. Phan Thiet is the perfect place for a beach vacation.
4. Jackaroos work on sheep farms, so they look after the sheep.
Vo Truong Toan primary school 9Exercises of the revision in grade 5
5. Cat Tien National Park has lots of wild animals living in it.


Vo Truong Toan primary school 10Exercises of the revision in grade 5

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