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Ass, hello everyone good afternoon, how’s life? I hope u’re great.

my name is Rafida Aulia Sudarto

I’m the delegate of xi science 6

Today i will tell you a legend from west java, that is the legend of situ bagendit. The story tells about
the origin of bagendit lake

Ass, hello good morning, how’s life? I hope you’re great. My name is Rafida
Aulia Sudarto and i’m the delegate of xi science 6

Today i will tell u a legend from west java that is the legend of situ
bagendit. The story tells us about the origin of bagendit lake.

Lets start..

One day there lived a couple, Juragan Bagendit  and Nyai Bagendit . He was a very
successful and rich person. They had many fields, fish pools and farms. He was a
very kind person but his wife was an arrogant one.

 Everytime he went home from a business he gave his wife a jewelry

One day while he was on a business trip, his wife sat beside her jewelries.

“oh my god  .. i’m so happy! I wish i can live forever.. hahaha”.

Suddenly the door  knocked.


“Nyai ...Nyai Bagendit..nyai.. “

“hmm .. what’s up? Don’t you know i’m busy?”

“The ..the..the..ship.. the ship..”

“.. What ship.?”

“ I’m sorry’s the ship of Juragan Bagendit. Your husband, he’s drowned and

“ my husband ...” fainted.

Then she became a widow.

She became the richest person in the village. She always wore her jewelries
everywhere she went. 

“Now, i can own this house and money by myself. I’m so happy..happy..happy.”

One day she ordered her servant.

“ Minah, get me some food and drink, faster!.”

“ All right, Nyai..”

“Here you are, Nyai.. “

“Eww.. what’s this..! Get me the new one! It’s too salty.”

She was soo fussy and beside that she was very stingy,

Nyai bagendit did not like to help others for free.

As one day, her neighbour came to her house.

“Nyai Bagendit, may i borrow your money, my son is sick, i need to buy a medicine.”

“ Hmm, my money is hard to get you know, but you want to borrow?”

”Yes, Nyai..please, i will give it back to you after the harvest”

“ What? It’s too long! How about this.. I will give you now, but you have to pay
doubled when you get your harvest, ok?”

“ But Nyai.. All right, Nyai.”

“ Good, Wait here.. here’s your money !” “ Now, Leave!”

“ Thank you, Nyai”

And on another day an old beggar came to her house

"Excuse me, Nyai, can i have some food. I'm so hungry," said the beggar.
"Food? You ask for food? This is my house , not a restaurant. Go now! I don't want
to see you here!

Then the beggar said, "Nyai Bagedit, . I know you are the richest person in the
village. But you are not grateful to God.  You will be punished!"

"Ha ha ha! You are right. I'm the richest person here. So no one can punish me, not
even God can punish me!"

Not long after that, an earthquake happened. Her house shook.

"Help me! Somebody please help me!" But nobody listened to her.

Nobody in the village felt the earthquake.

Amazingly, the earthquake only happened in Nyai Bagendit's house. The land was

It was so big that the entire Nyai Bagendit's house went down to the bottom of the

The villagers were amazed. They knew that God punished Nyai Bagendit for
behaving badly and never helped other people.

Slowly, the place where Nyai Bagedit's house stood became a lake. Since then,
people named the lake as Situ Bagendit It means Lake of Bagendit.

That the end of the story.

The moral value is we shouldn’t be greedy and selfish we should be willing to help
others especially those who are in need.

That’s all, thank you, wassalamualaikum wr. Wb.

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