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UNIT I: HUMAN VALUES Q&A Professional Ethics & Indian Constitution - 15ME44T Page 1 of 7


Level-1: Remember
1. Define Engineering Ethics?
Engineering ethics is defined as the personal and corporate rules that govern behavior within
the limit of a particular profession.
Objectives of study of Engineering ethics:
a) To understand the moral values that guides the Engineering profession.
b) To resolve the moral issues in the profession.
c) To justify the moral judgment in the profession.

2. State the two approaches to Engineering ethics?

There are conventionally two approaches in the study of ethics:
a) Micro-ethics: It deals with decisions and problems of individuals, professionals, and
b) Macro-ethics: It deals with the public problems on a regional or national level. For
example, global issues, collective responsibilities of groups etc.

3. List different meanings of ‘ethics’.

The branch of knowledge that deals with moral principles. Ethics refers to morals, values and
beliefs of the individuals, family or the society.
The branch of philosophy that deals with morality.Ethics is concerned with distinguishing
between good and evil in the world, between right and wrong human actions, and between
virtuous and no virtuous characteristics of people.
Ethics are moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an activity.
Ethics are codes of conduct approved by engineering (professional) societies with respect to the
particular set of beliefs, attitudes and habits displayed by the individual or group.

4. Distinguish between ‘morality’ and ‘ethics’?


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5. List different types of values and give a few examples in each?

The five core human values are: (1) Right conduct, (2) Peace, (3) Truth, (4) Love, and (5) Non-
1. Values related to RIGHT CONDUCT are:
(a) SELF-HELP SKILLS: Care, diet, hygiene, posture, self-reliance etc.
(b) SOCIAL SKILLS: Good behavior, good manners, good relationships, No wastage and good
(c) ETHICAL SKILLS: Code of conduct, duty, efficiency, respect for all, punctuality etc.

2. Values related to PEACE are: Attention, concentration, dignity, discipline, equality, focus,
happiness, patience, self-confidence, self-control, self-discipline, self-esteem etc.

3. Values related to TRUTH are: Accuracy, fearlessness, honesty, unity, justice, purity, reason,
self-analysis, sprit of enquiry etc.

4. Values related to LOVE are: Acceptance, affection, care, devotion, forgiveness, friendship,
kindness, patience, sacrifice, selflessness, sharing, trust etc.

5. Values related to NON-VIOLENCE are:

(a) PSYCHOLOGICAL: forgiveness, manners, happiness, loyalty, morality, and universal love.
(b) SOCIAL: Brotherhood, citizenship, equality, national awareness, respect for property etc.

6. List the civic virtues one should develop?

Civic virtues are the moral duties and rights, as a citizen of the village or the country or an
integral part of the society and environment. An individual may exhibit civic virtues by voting,
volunteering, and organizing welfare groups and meetings.
Civic virtues one should develop are:
1. To pay taxes to the local government and state, in time.
2. To keep the surroundings clean and green.
3. Not to pollute the water, land, and air by following hygiene and proper garbage disposal.
Example: not to burn wood, tyres, plastic materials, spit in the open, even not to smoke
in the open, and not to cause nuisance to the public, are some of the civic (duties)
4. To follow the road safety rules.

7. List the types of virtues, with an example for each.

The civic virtues one should follow are divided into four categories:
1. Civic Knowledge
Citizens must understand what the Constitution says about how the government is working, and
what the government is supposed to do and what not to do. We must understand the basis of
our responsibilities as citizens, besides duties and rights. We must be able to recognize when
the government or another citizen steal (break) upon our rights. It implies that the government
requires the participation of the enlightened citizens, to serve and survive.
2. Self-Restraint (self-control)
For citizens to live in a free society with limited government each citizen must be able to control
himself; otherwise, we would need a police state—i.e, a dictatorial government to maintain
safety and order.
3. Self-Assertion
Self-assertion (strong statement) means that citizens must be proud of their rights, and have the
courage to stand up in public and defend their rights. Sometimes, a government may be very
unkind. In such cases, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish that government (e.g., voting
rights, rights call back).

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4. Self-Reliance (self-dependent)
Citizens who cannot take care of themselves will need a large government to take care of them.
Once citizens become dependent on government for their basic needs, the people are no longer
in a position to demand. Self-dependent citizens are free citizens; they are not dependent on
others for their basic needs. They do not need a large provider-government, to meet those
needs. Only strong self-reliance citizens will be able to enjoy freedom.

8. List the factors for one to work peacefully?

The factors for one to work peacefully
1. Helpful environment (safe, ventilated, illuminated, productive and comfortable).
2. Secured job and motivated with ‘recognition and reward’.
3. Absence of threat or tension by pressure due to limitations of money or time.
4. Absence of unnecessary interference or disturbance, except as guidelines.
5. Healthy labor relations and family situations.
6. Service to the needy (physically and mentally-challenged) with love and sympathy.

9. List different ways the honesty reflects?

Honesty is a virtue, and it is classified as:Truthfulness andTrustworthiness.
The common reflections of honesty are:
(a) Beliefs (intellectual honesty).
(b) Communication (writing and speech).
(c) Decisions (ideas).
(d) Actions (means, timing, place, and the goals).
(e) Intended and unintended results achieved (planned and unplanned results).

10. List the benefits of empathy?

The benefits of empathy include:
1. Good customer relations (in sales and service).
2. Good labor relations (in manufacturing).
3. Good vendor-producer relationship (in partnering.)
Through the above three, we can maximize the output and profit, as well as minimizing the loss.
While dealing with customer complaints, empathy is very effective in realizing views of others
and in admitting one’s own limitations and failures. Purpose of the business is not only to make
a sale, but to make and keep a customer.

11. Define ‘character’ and ‘spirituality’?

Character: It is the mental and moral qualities characteristic of an individual.

Spirituality: It is a way of living that which gives importance for the constant awareness and
recognition of the spiritual dimension (mind and its development) of nature and people, with a
dynamic balance between the material (information) development and the spiritual
development. Sometimes, spirituality means the faith or belief in God.

Level-2: Understand
12. Explain the term ‘respect for others’ with suitable example?
We cannot take respect until we give respect to others. Giving respect is a basic requirement for
good friendship, team work etc.The principles are:
a) Recognize and accept the existence of other persons as human beings, all have right to
b) Respect others ideas, words and action.
c) Always listen to others, you can correct, if they commit mistakes.

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d) Appreciate your colleagues and subordinates on their good job.

e) Do not make fun of a person if he falls morally.
f) Show ‘goodwill’ on others. Allow others to grow and love everyone.

13. Explain what should one do or not to do live peacefully?

One should adopt the following means to work peacefully:
1. Self-regulation, discipline, and duty.
2. Pure thoughts: loving others, blessing others, friendship, and not hurting others by thought or
3. Creative thinking.
4. Good in one’s heart (love, service, happiness, and peace).
5. Good health/body (physical strength for service). Stay away from bad habits.
6. Help others. Service to the poor.
7. Not hurting and torturing others either physically, verbally or mentally.

14. Distinguish between ‘caring’ and ‘sharing’?

15. What are the impediments (obstruction) to proper co-operation?

Co-operation means help and assistance. It is a team-spirit present with every individual
engaged in engineering. Co-operation is activity between two persons or sectors that aims at
integration of operations.
The difficulty or impediments to successful cooperation is:
1. Clash of ego of individuals.
2. Lack of leadership and motivation.
3. Conflicts of interests, based on region, religion, language and caste.
4. Ignorance and lack of interest
By careful planning, motivation, leadership, fostering and rewarding team work,
‘cooperation’ can be developed.

16. Explain the factors that shape self-confidence in a person?

The factors that shape self-confidence in a person are:
1. Heredity (attitudes of parents) and family environment (elders): It is very true that a child
learns so many things from its parents. Even the confidence is a part of environment in which we
are put up and this will become our personality. Hence family becomes an very important role in
building self-confidence
2. Friendship (influence of friends/colleagues): Whenever a person is depressed, he seeks some
help from others. Those matters which cannot be shared with family can be shared with the friends
and work related problems or issues can be shared with the colleagues. Our friends / colleagues
will boost our confidence and will help us to come out morally from certain situations.

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3. Influence of superiors / role models: Though human beings have unique personality, every one
of us is influenced by some great people around us. They may be our parents, teachers, superiors
or some great personalities. These people make us to believe in our self and show us the right way
to success.
4. Training in the organization: Knowledge about our job is very key to success. Newly joined
employee may have a limited resource about the organization. Initially he may be uncomfortable
about his role and this may put him in unpleasant situation which may destroy his self confidence.
To avoid all such scenario every organization will provide training to their employees. These
training not only provide knowledge about job role / organization structure / job skills, also builds
confidence in each employee.

17. Explain two methods of developing self-confidence?

The following methodologies are effective in developing self-confidence in a person:
1. Encouraging SWOT analysis.
2. Self-acceptance.
3. Self-talk: It is conditioning the mind for preparing the self to act, without any doubt on his
4. Study and group discussion, on the history of leaders and innovators.

1. Encouraging SWOT analysis. By evaluating their strength and weakness, they can face threats
and explore more opportunities. Ask following questions, fill it in SWOT analysis grid, find
suitable solutions
 What do you do well?
 What unique resources can you draw on?
 What could you improve?
 Where do you have fewer resources than others?
 What others likely to see as weakness?
 What good opportunities are open to you?
 What trends could you take advantage off?
 How can you turn your strengths into opportunities?
 What trends could harm you?
 What is your competition doing?
SWOT – Analysis Grid:

2. Self-acceptance
a) Self-acceptance is acceptance of self.
b) It is an individual's satisfaction or happiness with oneself.
c) It is necessary for good mental health.

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d) Self-acceptance involves self-understanding, awareness of one's strengths and

e) It results in an individual's feeling about oneself that they are "unique".
f) It is considered the condition for change to occur.
g) It can be achieved by stopping criticizing and solving the defects of one's self.

18. Illustrate the ethical aspect principle of caring or sharing, with an example?
 Caring is feeling for others. It is a process of showing support for the welfare of other
 It includes showing respect to others and keeping the interest of others. Caring is
reflected in activities such as friendship, family, community, profession, country and in
international councils.
 In the present day caring for the environment has also become a necessity for our very

 Caring influences ‘sharing’. Sharing is a process that transfers knowledge, experience
and facilities with others.
 The transfer should be pure without any expectation in return. However, the
confidential information should not be shared with outsiders.
 For human being sharing is a culture. The happiness and wealth are multiplied and
sufferings are reduced by sharing.
 Small-scale industries in the industrial estates, the co-operative societies for producers
as well as consumers are typical examples of sharing of the goods, profit and other social
 It is better to share instead of losing, hence the industries will share some amount
information or assets or profits or business in corporate.

19. Explain various actions of an engineer leading to dishonesty?

Some of the actions of an engineer that leads to dishonesty are:
1. Lying: An engineer may communicate wrong test results to others, intentionally. It may
give wrong information to the right people.
2. Misleading: An engineer may judge or with insufficient data or proof, to impress upon
the customers or employers. This is a self cheating.
3. Withholding the information: It means hiding the facts during communication to one’s
superior or subordinate, intentionally.
4. Not seeking the truth: Some engineers accept the information or data, without applying
their mind and seeking the truth.
5. Not maintaining confidentiality: It is giving right information to wrong people. The
engineers should keep information of their customers/clients or of their employers
confidential and should not discuss them with others.
6. Giving professional judgment under the influence of extraneous factors such as personal
benefits and prejudice. (Unfavorable opinion) Certainly this is a higher-order crime.

20. Explain Service learning and discuss on its components?

It is a non-paid activity. It refers to learning the service policies, procedures and conditions
other than technical practices.
The service learning includes the characteristics of work, basic requirements, security of
the job and awareness of the procedures while taking decisions and actions.
Service learning helps to interact with colleagues, other department members, suppliers
and customers. It maintains friendly interactions.

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The service learning is a methodology falling under the category of experiential education. It is
one of the forms of experiential learning and community service opportunities. It is
distinguished in the following ways:
1. Connection to curriculum: Integrating the learning into a service project is a key to
successful service learning.
2. Learner’s voice: Beyond being actively engaged in the project, trainees have the
opportunity to select, design, implement, and evaluate their project.
3. Reflection: Structured opportunities are created to think, talk, and write about the
service experience. The balance of reflection (feedback) and action allows the trainee to
be constantly aware of the impact of their work.
4. Partners in the community: Partnership with community agencies are used to identify
genuine needs, provide mentorship, and contribute input such as labor and expertise
towards completing the project.


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