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The Farmer's Law

Author(s): Walter Ashburner

Source: The Journal of Hellenic Studies, Vol. 30 (1910), pp. 85-108
Published by: The Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies
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Accessed: 27-05-2020 19:43 UTC

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THE origin of the little code for the government of Byzantine

agriculturists, which is known in the manuscripts as the Farmer's Law
(vsPov yecOpY'ctx6), has occasioned some difference of opinion among the
learned men who have dealt with it. The greatest authority on Byzantine
law, Zachariai von Lingenthal, changed his mind on the subject. He began
by thinking it the work of a private hand-the compiler of the Appendix
Eclogae-and assigning it to the eighth or ninth century (Historiae Juris
Graeco-Rormani Delineatio, p. 32). It was put together, in his opinion,
partly from the legislation of Justinian and partly from local custom.
According to his last view (Geschichte des Griechisch-2rmischen Rechts, 3rd ed.
pp. 249 sqq.) it is a product of the legislative activity of the emperors Leo
and Constantine and was enacted about the year 740 A.D. For the opinions
of other scholars I may refer to C. W. E. Heimbach, Griechisch-rdmisches
Recht in Mittelalter, p. 278; Vito La Mantia, Cenni Storici su le Fonti del
Diritto Greco-Romano, p. 13; and Luigi Siciliano Villanueva, Diritto Bizantino,
p. 50. It is clear that there are points of contact between the Farmer's Law
and the Ecloga; and I am inclined to agree with the view that the Farmer's
Law as it stands forms part of the legislation of the Iconoclasts. It is
equally clear that it is, to a great extent at least, a compilation of existing
customs. The arrangement and style of the treatise suffice to show this.
Customary law, when it is put together into a book-whether it is put
together by the public authority or by a private jurist-exhibits one marked
difference from the law that is laid down by a legislator. In a statute
framed to regulate circumstances which have not been touched before by
legislation or custom, each chapter or paragraph deals with a different set of
facts. There is, if the statute is properly drawn, neither repetition nor
overlapping. On the other hand, where a legislator or jurist is framing a
code on the basis of an existing body of custom, he finds divergent rules
governing the same set of circumstances. This is especially the case if he
has before him the customs of different localities. Now the tendency of the

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compiler is, not to mould ,the diver

to give one rule after the other or
completed work. No one can rea
several of these repetitions and ov
Law has on one side points of cont
even more striking marks of resem
I hope to deal with these matters h
merely with the text of the Farmer
Although the Farmer's Law has o
never before been presented to the
in very many manuscripts. Sevent
Inventaire sommaire des manuscrit
are five in the Ambrosiana (A 4
Q 50 sup.): five in the Court Library
in the Marciana (gr. fondo antico,
(Barocc. 131, 149; Laud. gr. 91; Roe 18). There must be at least a
hundred manuscript copies in existence, ranging in date from the eleventh to
the sixteenth century.'
Most of these manuscripts, however, may be left out of account by a
student who is trying to arrive at the original text. Shortly before the
middle of the fourteenth century Constantinus Harmenopulus put together a
legal handbook in six books-the JtditXov. To most manuscripts of the
cid/3t/3,ov are added drriteTpa, one of which contains the Farmer's Law.
The better opinion is that the Farmer's Law was not added by Harmenopulus
himself (see G. E. Heimbach, Praefatio to his edition of Harmenopulus,
p. xv; C. W. E. Heimbach, op. cit. p. 450); whether this is so or not, it appears in
some of the earliest manuscripts of the 64dp3t/3Xo9. Zachariii von Lingenthal
pointed out (Geschichte des Gr.-r6mn. Rechts, 3rd edition, p. 249) that the
oldest manuscripts of the Farmer's Law, such as Paris gr. 1367 and
Marcianus gr. 579, differ widely from the version of Harmenopulus not only
in the order but also in the text of the chapters, and that they leave out
several chapters which are contained in that version.
Unfortunately all the printed texts, with one exception, are based upon
the version of Harmenopulus; and the exception is not much of an improve-
ment upon it. In 1898 the lamented but injudicious Ferrini published in
the Byzantinische Zeitschr'ift, vii. pp. 558-571, what he called an 'edizione
critica del vbtov /yeEopytkc.' If by critical edition is meant an edition in
which any discrimination is displayed, Ferrini's text cannot be called critical,

1 Krumbacher (Gesch. der Byz. Lit., 2nd ed., manuscripts of the Farmer's Law. I have not
p. 610) cites an article by Vasiljevskij on two seen the article.

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as it simply reproduces, subject

manuscript which was at Fer
says,' la pidi antica recensione d
Essa e di gran lunga pidi corr
posteriori di tutte le altre che m
at either of the manuscripts wh
he would have seen that they of
gives. Now Paris gr. 1367 is of t
p. 26), and Marcianus gr. 579 is i
-possibly of the end of the ten
pins his faith is ascribed by the
Graecoruwm Bibliothecae Ambr
thirteenth. It is true that a late
than an early one, but, if all the
text, while the later manuscript
another, there is some probabili
the early manuscripts.
I give complete collations of s
seventh. These manuscripts va
tenth) century to the early t
although there are divergenci
substantial agreement as again
manuscripts. In all of them the
same. The language is substan
the order of the words or in th
different, but very few differenc
which was before the scribe. Ve
As against the consensus of th
diversity among the later ones.
one version, and Paris gr. 1383,
twelfth century, agrees very
(fourteenth century) gives anot
century) another; and Vaticanus
There is still another version,
xxvi. of the Ecloga ad Prochir
published in the fourth volume
great part upon the Farmer's Law
The manuscripts of which I gi

2 For a fuller Rhodian Sea-law.

account ofI use the same lettersmanusc
these to
see the Introduction
denote the to my
manuscripts edition
which I used there. of

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G Vallicellianus E 55 f. 241 v sqq

M Marcianus gr. fondo antico 167
N Marcianus gr. fondo antico 579
P Paris gr. 1367 f. 97 r-100 v (tw
Q Paris gr. 1384 f. 128 r-134 r (t
S Ambrosianus Q 25 sup. f. 5 r-1

Of B (Vaticanus gr. 2075), of

collation only for the first eleven
collation will be the less felt as S
not think that it is copied from it.3
The editor of a Byzantine tex
Zacharia von Lingenthal: 'nemo
fungatur is, qui ex codicibus rec
differ widely in matters of acci
knowledge of Byzantine usage--esp
and ninth centuries-is so imperf
between two conflicting reading
there was no fixed usage. The ut
reader's attention to the conflict o
material has been collected, it w
rules. Here are some cases wher

(1) As regards the order of wo

generally followed by M, to separa
substantives in apposition by pu
are 8 1 EIev 8t6o avp wvrlaoat eyewp
/yeCwpyot a v~Zvoo t BGQS; 1 pe
toprtnrrpg (,top-ri-a P) Oepla A A
MN] o01 rTf6 8oaipt Xo'yo LdratTrol
(2) There is some variety in the
participle with the verb and the
For instance: Icy 1 rIapaXa/
avycxarag~li M Xad,8P Kat a-vy
81807C GQS] arep(wrIep- N)o0.4t
ood-raW P; ic 2 eyXco oxaow7Y7(to)0e
cat 7rotel o M. Sometimes all or s
participle and the verb: 9 1 O

3 I use A to denote to
thedenote the agreement
agreement of BGPQS
where I give a collation
or of of all B, and that
except of GPQ
where I do not give a collation of B. I use

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icov3alcTy PQ; try 1 Xapw

See my notes on the Rhodian Sea
(3) There is the widest difference as to the use of simple and
compound forms: " 3 a'rrapao-dXevTov BPQS] OaciXevroq GMN; t8 3
awo&tBb6m, NS] arotBrOwTOav M &&'com GPQ; q 1 &cdet MNS] 7rapa-
8coet GPQ.
(4) The word &8c6vat in its different forms gives rise to constant
variants. These variants may be classified as follows:-
(a) Wherever we get in some manuscripts forms from SL86vat, we are
sure to get in others forms from 8oirvat: e 4 ts8&roTo-av BGS] 'T18irwoav
MN aVT180Oaav P; X 2 L86TOO f ] 8cro P; vy 3 1&8r0o MN] 86r' A;
oa 1 Irapa3o8obv A] rapa3obv M; ra 5 tU6wTooaav MQ] rTCo-av GPS.
(b) In other cases there is a difference in the tense or mood: ' 2
aro8covat A] dro8alct MN. Perhaps the true reading is a'vor8iovat.
See De Boor's Index Graecitatis Theophaneae, p. 739. /, 2 8det GMN]
806o PQS.
(c) There is some manuscript support for forms from Ist Aorist Asw-a.
For instance, L- 3 ~6o MN] o WdrT A; ice 4 &t&8Wo If] 8ora P;
X)3 4 8c'woxav MN] drwo''oav GS Swodaro PQ; ve 3 806w MN] Swo'rw A.
(5) The manuscripts often hesitate between d~preXkow ap.e'Xov and
a/i-reX(0v. For instance, T - 1 dAp/reX&vo4 fI] c'ta'renXIov P; Ixa 3 T~a ca're'ove
MN] TroV' tareXc-va4 A; 6 Tar q w e'Xovq MN] 7]c6 4u; v Av preXoL' PS
rL deV ciph reX6vam GQ; Ice 3 (ALFpriXotS GMNP] a/wrenotv QS; Xq 1 and

va 1 AJ/reXW6vt f] /re'Xw P; vi 1 p/rr7.Xov fl] cOreXC&vo; P; 7r 1

,cwrdfh]ov fi] lA,,reX-vaQ Q; 7rry 1 4a rreXc^vaq f] at'urrXdovq G; 7TE 1
wXc fo l] 5 reX&^vt Q.
(6) In phrases which relate to taking land upon the half-profits system,
the manuscripts sometimes vary between v L(o-eiav and r3 ureai : p 1
(Xaaet^v) 7Tv iluoaeiav 4iTreXov MN] 7T" o-elia lapreXov A; y 1 TOO
c7retpat r v I2,uaeiav NS] 70roD wepat r1 LOel GMPQ. In 8 1 and Ce 1
0 7T27 VrUle'av Xaf3iwv all my manuscripts agree.
(7) When several animals are enumerated, which are afterwards
collectively referred to by a pronoun, the manuscripts vary between the

masculine and the neuter. For instance, j/y 2 (3oiv0 rq voO) ab-rO GMNS]
ar7Tv PQ; Ie 2 (oi19 ) o6vo 4 Kicp'o) aabrT GMNS] abrTv PQ; p 2 (xoipov
n~ 'p6oparov 7 lwvov) abvo PS] avTo\0v GMNQ; 4 avro' NS] av'O v GPQ;
om M; vs 2 (Xoipov ? 'cv'ov) abTr GS] abzrv PQ; om MN. In S there is a
tendency to treat /oof as a neuter; icy 2, / 1, r 1, 4.
The candid reader will admit that, in these and similar cases, it is
impossible for an editor to determine with certainty which reading is to be
placed in the text and which relegated to the critical apparatus. All he can

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do is to state the authority for

a more perfect knowledge of Byz

But there are other variants in

considerations apply and with res
a modest confidence of discrimina
possible for us, upon the materia
two principles with regard to the
clastic epoch which will be of ma
from later readings. While I appl
the manuscripts upon which I am
them in mind when the time com
Ferrini's manuscript and of other si
(1) The solicitude of a legislato
extends as a rule beyond the redr
under his eyes. If he sees A's don
law to protect the vinegrower ag
in the course of ages and as fresh
attention that legislators begin to
extended without danger-that i
devastating animal into any close,
to be protected against A's donke
Legislation historically proceeds
therefore, if we get in one manu
while in another the principle of
safely conclude that the particula

very plain. C. pt deals with Xoipo

of the chapter: To av3T 8 cal Eali
deals with a 1coov or Xotpov which

adio (diXXov Q) Trt KT^VOv. C. y deals with a fpov,. Q adds at the end: 7T
aiVTCO Ka- a rept ~vov. Another way in which the scope of a provision is
enlarged is by the substitution of a general for a limited word: e.g. tq 1 ,/p-
7reXcOva MNS] d'yphv GPQ.
(2) Another mark of an original body of legislation is the existence of
inconsistencies; and here I do not speak of inconsistencies between different
provisions, but of inconsistencies within the limits of a single chapter.
Where a law is laid down for the first time the legislator is sometimes in
doubt as to the precise limits of its application His enactment is tenta-
tive; and the result is that sometimes, as he goes on, he seems to forget what
he has said in the beginning. He lays down the law at first with respect to
two or more objects. In the end his thoughts are concentrated on one. Or,

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vice versa, he begins by dealing w

finished that the same princip
C. t begins by referring to an da
an ~ypo6. Here there is no varia
speaking of a farmer who build
aXXorpl, 7 M rwrp. Here GPQ
is referred to as the man who bui
here again GPQ give a different p
of ol 701 OOTo'rov K ptot and later
variants. Again, x8 speaks first
uses in reference to the owner a p
hX the content of the chapter
destructive ox; it, ends by includ

an ap/re0Xqv or co9 and then onl

(3) In the first draft of a law

These are gradually corrected as t
is no real ambiguity, words or ph
clearness. The fine careless flow
a meticulous accuracy. Example
3 6't&catoX0ymja-ev 2] ei] ? 6'ticoX6

aypo P To alVTrb d ypov Q; K

*7rp. (SrtTC (80odmC P) 'raicav MP
byti0 P; Xe 1 ICXe'rM0V aUo'rp
xopa lov 4 aK47rcv ot'iov M cX. iX

eaLK7TCnyV oMcov Q; p,3 2 rv

Q; ,y 2 &8tcEW MN] StdJCov
icptov N] J 70r To a/yy7dov i
P; vS 2 a'rro3oXret MN] ad'roSo
--' t t paq GPS; KcaO' eKaOCq
(( 2 cap=?6pevot GM] Kcaprrtr6,ev
TvwrTdPeVoZ ?27ptoV0el P; o 1
/LOtov Kcal IrETpov Q; 2 T^ tpX
apXato7rapaa'orov Efrpl7Otv P; o8
oq 3 7T; 3Xa36'rVTt ] 7T 6cvpIc Tp79
(4) A characteristic of the Byz
istic of all Byzantine style of thi
of the Geoponica, p. xxv)-is his
not 'stand curiously upon an iden
has to express the same thing
express it in two different way

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(Introduction to the Rhodian Se

myself here with giving some e
has to describe an agreement betw
he describes it in three different
taking land from another: he d
He wishes to speak of an ox-herd
it first (Ky) ~av cAyEXaptoi pov to?oe
In the four next chapters he has
same words the order is always
cases such as these, which might b
same idea is repeated and some m
give the same form in both cases,
represent the original text. Thu
trespassers who trespass to eat
the distinction thus: Etl elu /pv p
have Veevv (in some form) in both
place and substitutes v"eKa in the
The readings which have been gi
the oldest manuscripts as follow
carefully written, so it is undoubt
whole with N but it is carelessl
influenced by a manuscript of th
one another and form another an
generally agree with BGS as again
inferior to those of BGS.

Some evidence may be added in confirmation of this view. In the

following passages, in addition to those mentioned before, MN agree as
against BGPQS or GPQS (= A).

a 4 rapopLav A] 7rapp~riav MN.

j 2 epyaanr;" N epyaotaq M] pyd'raL A
S3 tarT p'qr0- MN] Setacpiryoa-t A (KCpdariti Q).
Ka 4 Xap3cvetv aVTtTO7rlav SvvavTat MN] hXaPave rv aVTtTOwlrav av
(Ov av G 5'rov &iv P) 8Bo;Xo(o Q)vrat A.
xcy 3 aiuoq avT'4 ?60-at MN] at~ro (oive'r G) (Avatitoq e'orw (6'ar
avI0ro? Q) A.
,c9 2 &$od.7rdio-rw4 EXfceyg MN] EXE YXv U7rvo Svo Ktcal WpM^ov zfJapDTVop

atO~torrov A.

py 2 omi e"7arvvod , A] ' E'trrovvady MN, but see critical apparatus.

,ir 1 a7reXarL dE 7TO 7ro/lV?7r Ta OpEiULara B~aF EK 7'/ v tav3paF MN]
t'EreXoL-E dic 'T ~, dv pay rT Opi~U/iaTa (7rp6paTa G) A.

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" 2 r7 J roXwoX6ra MN] Th rr

'h 2 dlroXapdvowv Tr6 kd'oq
g0 2 Icai Irapa8co-a ;EVTEpov
It is obvious that we have here
that of MN seems to me the p
very difficult to judge as betwee
disagree, N is generally supporte
scripts: M that is to say stands e
manuscript-generally Q (M a
K~s 1; he 1; A0 4; vid 2). In these
N preserves the original text. In

t 2 E'iKo-pao'p6tva MA] 6op' yp

Xe 2 "7ro8 "ce N] wapeXrTo a
x9 1 'Ipoo-EXq1 N] r pooeti or 7rp

v,8 3 ToVTov N] T70O, /La7avov M

In all but one I have placed N's
complete confidence. That the be
instances in the beginning of t
homoeoteleuton ei 86 o6 KaTre
After Es, where N breaks off, we are compelled to rely for the tradition
of the best family upon M, which, as I have said, is carelessly written and
bears marks of interpolation. Here are some of its special readings:

(t 2 bavcoat A] qOavE'po M.

4 KcedXatov (-ata S) A] Kce0aXljv M.

(q 2 To a?4,UCov r icOpiKp (70o Vcvplov acro3 Q) 7TOLmtTTi GQS] T' alqtov

,rotelkT,) T) KXa7rTVTr P To arItOv J, ? 7rT OLETEo M.

3 T7 o?'cklpa A] Tr c KXerTd M.

of 3 avTroi M] rTj vpe6qaTpomw A.

oe 4 8ta0opaq 70rTO VVds M] 8taoOopa^ 7T49 70T KVVO9 ('70ro ICVv o70
xvV, Q) qvXaccqi A.
o5- 4 Xap/,pavE'Trw ad"oTEryaq 8oeica M] Xa,paierw ,tdoa'rTyaq GS: om. PQ.
o 1 ro' avvQLvo-lov avTroV A] ,TOV'9 Vo/OVq av'Trv M.
orq 3 dpryado-r-a A] 7rot?7-eTra M1 'rot'o-et M2.

7-a 3 T70O Xwpov KoLv4Trv KaTa/oC 0T& ^ 7A (in substance)] omrn M.

5 allji M] a AroLv A.

M is sometimes supported by Q as against the other manuscripts.

Examples are (6 2, of" 1, 7rfP 4, Try 2 (twice).

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As between BGPQS, PQ repres

They have some points of contact
perhaps closer to M than it does t
manuscripts. Here are some of its

X 1 ic6o4'r ] KXe*fl P.
2 r v KXowrv f2] TO 'XE'LLa P.
pry 4 prPv'ov 1] pit oov P.
pe 1 'vov 7 xploOv 12] Icploi' iq V

p~y 3 o' Xap/a3dvet f] ovicapeL P.

vp 1 9Iqa]y & -] crl-a4 P.
Kap7r(Wv fl] 9epcov P.

v8 2 Avro8cooet II] atroriae P.

o, 1 ola S'VOTE Opep/lwpa7p a &f] oL
wa 3 KOLVO'T7r9 f2] KIOLw P.

In some of these cases P's read

probable or even plausible. P als
r 1, K, 2, py 1, 3, vp 1, ve 2, vr 1,
The manuscripts which I have d
striking differences among them
P has been doctored more than the
extent for the rifacimenti which we
The text of Ferrini's manuscript
reader can compare it with mine.
seem to me decisive in showing th
with. Ferrini's manuscript omits
and which bear every mark of ge

are in all my manuscripts (e.g. iKc 2 dv 'ov6part 70'ro Cvpiov /p?, ar v ~rrE'rovr,-
peXa'Oat Kal; rI aoparyt,.ao 7' XEIPp av'TOv aXXh ia\ ; K - 2 C0 etq Ta
'8ta dppdaavreu 4i Icra-caTE; oe 6 papTrvpel'O to the end of the chapter):
it gives in a very condensed form chapters which all my manuscripts give in
a much longer form (a, cPa, Xpf, 14, 0, P, o3, oy, 7a). Ferrini's manu-
script constantly substitutes a colourless word or phrase for a picturesque
one and a vague word or phrase for a precise one. In the following examples
my reading is on the left of the bracket and Ferrini's on the right.

t- 1 TEXl yaT' a TO~ Ta dECrpaopStva 7TO 8or)OOV"oU Xodov] Te? 7rdvTa VTa
av4Koura atb-.
<W 2 aO0 o3] eEVOvVo'.

Xa 2 XawroxowrdjuEe] kO-cfLaW.

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'X 3 To7v 3oiv XiOKXoqpov] avro

XO 2 #vX7 dvri LVTl ]#uX?] aTr
j7py 3 Av'rdvXov] dvO'Tepov.

y 2 arrortvvVrawoav] i.rapeXr

Ferrini's scribe has an objectio

substitutes reXevrTio-at (e.g. Xs
use a7rolavetv (o' 3).
Roe 18, which was written in
represents another and equally
somewhat different principle
nothing is left out which is g
inserted from other legal autho
These are the principal addi
xapCrcov 7reTvsoOTvS eltS r?Tv v
xix. 5, 14, 3; cp. Bas. xx. 4, 14.]
Kap7rob pEposv eMZUL V7rto-7
a chapter taken from Ecloga xv

Ecloga xvii. 39 and 38. (Aft

cdL c da7 o WovL ToT tr
followed by chapters 7repl 8v p
erpt, X?1vCv Kt opveov.
In Roe 18 the language of the
Here are a few of the most s
manuscripts being on the lef
the right.

E 3 rS Xtfyor0-3] Tq- 3XiyOv '/ OvrXt.

4 7 7-rrtStdrVeo-av] pevE'.
8 1 Kaa KovtGaX-Ct] &&-vv y.
t 2 8 E'KrT TOVTrv pLEptOVZIEov ?eoGarTapaTro] 80 F LP OvrE' /peplowV

ta 3 icaa ra -E vpbwca KpaTrelrTav] xal oViro0 paTr~)?Mo.

tl 2 Oe Tr 7rperov] 8e6VTr1.

a TEy rE Kat XapaKcoa&G &LaaKaplop]a KaG 7V7 raav 'payao-ai

L 2 dErrrpvfyTrOrw(av] rfpelTrwOOav.
GY 3 & (4peoF] ave;vvvo'.
va 2 7ra'dkov] aK6Xot. The same correction at 7re 3.
(3 2 'n-vptcavoTrot 'rroW av] rrvpt ca7ew0ar.

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oe 5 cawXcO Kal c o'T7vXe] T&v rv

o' 3 xcvXaXw9vat] rv4Aa8Wdvat.

wrr8 1 al'ivrat] /Kptot.

The alterations are generally con

It is rare that a whole sentence

Sc \cal to the end of the chapter, f

ov anopov Icat TV tEicap7riaL ;

chapter, for which Roe 18 substitutes "av 4 Ocw'ys6Tfl ica/a3o5-t 700 T T

p^pyao-Trptov eXovTro ~ KaK&~C
Vr 6 v o 0epyaCopt7oovT (ParlPVTOKaICOLVOV itorotroavo'a.vov,
'ovpYo-av 386joaav 7ricrav
L Kat rav Kca avrot
KcowVOitT r wpoEpfyao-a/?ev9
These changes, which might be greatly multiplied, are evidently due to
the desire of improving the language, interpreting obsolete words, avoiding
ambiguities, or giving a more rounded turn to the sentence. There are also
constant changes in the grammar, on which I need not dwell, as the variants
of P in my critical apparatus give an idea of the modifications which Roe 18
carries out on a larger scale. In other cases the tendency of the alteration
is to enlarge the scope of the chapter. Thus in 4y 1 for 8oo\s 7TOV 6vov
Roe 18 has crrTvov;. C. va in the oldest manuscripts is confined to a Poik
Si'voq. Roe 18 rewrites the chapter thus: 0ioloc Kat d tEplfr7ap6 77 Ol
KO'cvXO#L 70Ti paytofi o7rroto&vey ta o i6r1 tOTov aEctpo,? ErCT. The version in
Roe 18 is more honest than Ferrini's. Where the scribe finds a difficult
phrase in his archetype he does not leave it out but interprets it. Thu
5-- 2 o ElqS Ta 7't8ta pai;avTreS ? AcKTIcaVT6e , which Ferrini's manuscript leaves
out, is replaced in Roe 18 by wv i-h T 8ta OvXaoa'-t.
Enough has been said, I hope, to show that, while these and other
versions of the Farmer's Law may throw considerable light on the develop-
ment of the Byzantine vocabulary and grammar, they throw little or no ligh
on the development of the law. The only version-of those which I hav
examined-which shows any sign of an adaptation of the original provisions
of the law to a different state of society is that given in Vaticanus gr. 845 ;
and this version diverges so widely in language from my manuscripts that it
would have to be printed separately.
I return to my manuscripts and the text which I base upon them.
They agree on the whole both as to the number and as to the order of the
chapters. According to the title of N there are eighty-three chapters
according to the title of M eighty-five. N is unfortunately imperfect. It is
possible that it treated my 82, 83, and 84 as all one chapter. As t
the others: B and S treat my 83 as part of the chapter before it, and
number my 84 *ry. They terminate with my 85, which they number 7r&.

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G commences a new numbering wi

the end of the book. It treats my
numbers my 84 ?4 and ends with
give the numeration of my text, P
the numbering is carelessly done. T
to be rubricated. The rubricator
time neglects to give the appropria
85 is numbered oO. It is possible th
chapters from a desire to imit
M inserts a chapter after Ica wh
This chapter is also found in the
the end of vy MN add a chapter-
a new chapter-which is not in
Ecloga xvii. y. After 7re, M add
Dig. xlvii. 11, 9 and is also given in
The second comes from Dig. xlvii
Prochiron mutata, xxiv. 22.
As regards my critical apparatus,
of P, as both are carefully written
manuscripts in exceptional cases. In
in the other manuscripts it is almos




a XP? 7T1V yeop6yov 7 epyao1/e'o/lvov 7"1 ?l&tov a ypov etvat

L rrapop'ewtv alXaxcaw roi0 ' "rXclovo eJV L8 ' 7apopicw
roXop18c7y Iepl8a T7\V E'yto-tra arToL, e/,i ?/v ev veaTr TOTro
WT6XXEL rv Vcootv aurov, el OV Icalel) dv-7r aO dp TVrqvT
CErotra-TO,, ea7roXXEt 7r y oVropov ica 7T)v ,yeopylav aVroV Kal
7riav o rrapopl-a4 ryewpryov.5

4 I give the title as it is given in BGS. votu.

iov" ahU~Itiavo-" ba~frov (read, UoBsrTov).
ye.] ro7 yewpyucKOV 'o'/ov M voNu. ye. KOa. dha.]
jlouyeiYavo*ic Kal rav'Aov a'iTrKL'vaTdpcY, : v,'rtY-
roztrta eilaaycwy)
TOV V dovT 7O Kao EyAWYIYV TO ^'YEWpYLICOV Q vdou"ov Oop[hov- wpo0eov ,al
ro0] 7js N; TizV M f3LfXAiov] GL'OAov N;
o're4padov 01- pwv.
i cal] on M aiAaaa GS ihv] ei MN
BAwzyv M. After this word N adds: ce(pdxata
w7y, M adds: iceCpdAaa 7re. P has the following
title: v4dos yewpyuo's : anyre'ta : sBdraTs (-n P)
dp- MN MNPQ;
iv] rI rapopi,l (-eL G) BGS
70MN vEa'W&rL N;

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a VPr 7re yE(op7oqY veV 7 0ij etlo7

ve00 7 o-re7py, 'l XapavErTO rT

E'7rtaprrtav ~7rip Tro0 o-ropov, &'XX

"7 6a o-vtpovyo-Ao-t o yev p yo7t

vara feraf6 0o cKat 7pLCov faprT
Kal darapao-cXevrov.7

8 eav S o o-vpov roaio-o- 7cpyo i

oT7retpat Kcal Stao-pEeE Cv pi'p
3tao-Tp owa-tv el8 ob KcaTe3X-'7'
ovic Evdeaev, o 6 & repov eveao-ev, ve

e Cav 8 o y7wp7yot aKraTaXX o0

t)yveE4F, cKal ebpeRO v /' po9 KoXo/b

Oos4, o AvrTrotla 0.. Ton'a r

o-vvE~)(vr)o-av, p ) it irmwsao-avr.

r Edar yEopye cXWV lKryv

o-lretpavrov cal OepLo-y, Eav "L v eX
cKat i&KatoXevo 7-ev, E v L7rrX' TrO
i o Xopla pcixwovrat rept b'pov i aypoV, rType6roo-av ot
aKcpoarTa iKat 7 T8t&acparo-avre ET74 77rXe~ova a7ro1oo-ovat -u b ' icalo(a' el
8& icKal po ; apXaio; dEor0-T, )7 pxaia tar7pro-0-l EOw- cTa7rapao-aeXfv vro

vea'r n. The better opinion is that words of araudaW at MQ Gov Q i rpuTv M IeAF-
this class, e.g. &ari-os, rpvY)ros, are propar- varT N orWV 'r B0; orlOEts Kal] om P
oxytone when they denote the season of the 8 60o crvyp. yE] avOwrcwvijwr 86o yewpyol
agricultural operation, oxytone when they de- MP b6o yewpyol cav.Cwv'Ociw(-ov. G),rtv BGQS
note its results. Sch. 11. xix. 223; Hesych.
After yewpyol MP add tEr' &A'AA, v w p Rpdo-
s.v. 'p6'yqrros ; Etym. Mag. s.v. ,.Lnros ; Bekker, KaLpa P; Wrpb KaLpbv S Ltac-rpef*7 P 'b
Anecd. p. 387. Ammonius, however, s.v. AMrlnros, ev P Ka'fE$A.] 8LE$ELA QO Q J] om QS
gives the opposite rule. &4rd$Nev P Kal] el 8' o'b vafefl. 8Lta'p.] om MNQS ca-
om M rapoptcav] rappqalav MN. ' apopla crpe*walv P 8f] om G vEwoaY P 6 8'
is not in the lexica; wrapoptryds is cited fromCE. ev.] om BS 6 r epos 8 GPQ vewaeo' P
the Basilica. wappnlo'a may possibly be right. After ataOr'ipef(Pv GP add Kal aLar'ipe4E'iw.
It is sometimes used in Byzantine Greek in the 9 Wrpo'dKaLpa P els ib]omQ rb Yv A
sense of usus promiscuus. Due. 1124 &'r-$h-
KoxoIbv] om MNS Wpbs ib &XAA] i pbs rb .A-
AeL] &dXrhew Kal P After aordpov BG add ab'roVAhw N; Wpbs b AAhov MQ; b'rp ib &ANo G;
yewpy-fav] pya'i'av Q ab'roi] omn MN AfterbViEp 70oi AAov P orw Q &i6186rce-
ErttIcapwrav MNP add abroVi. rav MN ; avrtdrwcrav P.
S T-s] om P ?r] 011om Q 4'p-a'ir-Tas]
10 elOfABOot P avapXws Bepoal P
?pyarLa&s N dpyraltas M ~'pyd'ras A For dpya-
Before 4t8K. P adds EduK, Q dl (?) 4cKOX6-
'-Eta in the sense of wages, see Due. 434 and
,yn(-,- Q),ev PQ.
Sophocles, s.v. After Ka'-raAvlrra G adds 11 FXova'XOrra MNP Kal ypo( h G (?)
chapter k, beginning it, however, with Kal and r7p4?jtiCrav N Kal] om Q d rl Cfrn BGS J?'-
writing 'yiv instead of ghVAv. ?rnEova corrected into 9T77 rA'etova N &ro-
7 y comes in P after & A&v... Kcarah- &6oovo'w (P -weiv GQ woaet BS) A] h &aiOaWOr
xhdat] &dv ,Its yCewpybs &veV rijs ^18o'ews (&vev r '-s MN 8taKpd7'rt'Ls BGPS ; KpawTels Q
Tradhevros GMN
1i. om Q) ov~upeviaW r /lerh &Q 'pov yewpyopV els 'rb

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eav/ peto'poq ryeVOLeVo ro 77

a8etav eX'Tav va1 atXve 77v fyev

dericaplra(; aLaTOV.
Iw ^\ I \ 13
I /OPTLTOV I-POE se/LTLea yevve'a, T70 V XPO87ov 8 6\pepog &LdaLov g

0 6 dic TO)To V Itepto'Veaov eOKaaoTapa TO."

oa dv ' t rt gpiv Xd/a arapo Acrop?7o-avTo yepfyov al 0ooLXo-

veCctaL FLprov IKaL aLepaao-Oat, KcpaTrel'Cwo-av Ta O avowva EL aeca

atrVe4q (Olfeav ar oprav, IcarTa r. vi5awra KpaTeiTwaav.l5

Seav yeopryoa Xa3y 7rapa TtVO r yeWpYOVa awopocavTrog 77p V 7' tareatov
drreXov (;wp pyao-iav ra" o xXaevc ao vy Va0 o (T rro oca# 7 e
cal taparco-ag Gtamma loy, 4486 dic 98 im-aPKatlaa 6appa s

ty eav etvpEpyoV Xapo\v wpav ro oaVretpat rTv p71/ol av cal 'roy

capoa Ica ovoa0 o0 )reoesL aXXt, e OlrtV fjirtL rt iccOV , I0 6cO K74;
i ptov.17 oXaLLave'rw, La Tt e Vo-adpevarto eC e'a. 1T 7 7X pa

eav E 0 T7v 1pwelav hap 70T ov ypoV 70 TD7ropotrv epryov

d yrr L, o8vpb-aVoT
7rOOT77TrL L peaTaIoel
Tac wecapwLaq e e ot c vep7ay7rat 7 Tv rbypov, ev a8'rlX

te eav 7Ta 7LCelao Xa/ pav 7rpO To0 KatpoV 7T)7 rpfyao-la
/eTra/LeXel i /rvO7 7T cvplTOD 700 bcypoG v a n lo?-xvwv, ica icpto~o TO0
aypoD v a/eXio-, a?E4/joq '6T0T0o ? o7to-taT47.'

t 5eavf yeWpyoq eKXa/3o'/evoq fye(opylav au7zrexcwvoq 7 Xcopaq a70toto-aq

/etTa 7'O icplov aoV rocat appaCzva tXa/c'w a\raipy'rat, Kcalt iyarpe'fa
7rp7rt aiTav, 7tv 'TU vv T ,LiaV To ypoaZ 86 d 0 cat 7 a byporv 6X7 o
ivpto. a1To.0
1 2 yevQprvos Q tlKafl0ev] Bfq S is not in the lexica, but it is found in &icros
$] om f e'ro'tots M -taAv'et Q pidpt- Kud'afews hardAXtov / 4Lp7or/ldpitov in Sathas
truly Q.
(C. N.), Bibliotheca Graeca Medii, vi. p.
621, line 1. e?] &iro Q.
13 0 Oeploaas OpT'iThs MN] 'OP7L's (, wprt-
Tr s Q opTrhas P) Oeploas A Kal] om PQ 17 1y in PQS is 1, Tr h((el- M)AuLOet(-' Q)a
KovSahXajO' P 7ris] om NM abro,] om G. GMPQ KaipoJ om M icaXovros] c~aXob
14 i Tro-] om PQ XwpoSrov P 8f] omr Q i'vros Q vdre P 4 P; 4 t4 S ~-jq P
3Be TLov] om Q After OeoC. Q adds ~erTiv.
9T,] dweKla G.
15 a Ad.Bn yv P yiv] yvvfi M; om Q 18 8 Aap.dvw vQ Troi &'ypoi] om G r70
K&cad roXr.] rsx ]T oDaretpat .al O'TroXo'as O7'rot- ar. 'e. aro8.] 70 ro &To-lqtavros yecwpyo, Q
xIhon P vePvetL P; vaSwowv Q A'dvos Q yewpyoi om S After yewpyoV MN add hiro-
Cal ovve4.] uvvce4SvqoavY (.ev B) KCal Kara p4#cavros ai, although they retain &7rdpov
T& nvqqp. iCpar.] KpaTC-i'rwar Cw rVT &b w'r G v b harolt8rwoav M; 8Lt3dw GPQ.
tAbpCwvov Q. 19 te leAiaws G QL?T(-v- Q)aTr's A.
16 $ in PQS is ?y AdSoL M rwaos ye. &ar.] 20o r" KiAA4Kh.Fvos M &/Ahfrtv P r?1-.
avophOavcros yewpyo G V rf T jlJeT(4 Q)a A Xha'- G ab'rv& P hpafdva S ; appaSdvas Q
a&jreAw G oh] A; G KXAa8evet PQ SP awaplt.] aplrdgarat Q 8~aO'rTrE*as S &ai'ioe P
KCal S 8~(-v- Q)o'Caqpi-(- P)fre a A&acr'KaplCeiv abrv G 8w(-o- GP)Od'rw A.

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Seav eyewpybo; e-eXacow epaarT

T7pa T?7) arroIcap7revo-ret avrT, Kat
a 7 9. 21

tr 7av a7roop7rar yeopyvia' w7rpo TO TepryaaOaaOath T\ V'tor, aV.7reXco va

ta7y97 t a2evtreaOy), oL 7T' (pl otpO) a7ratTOVpLCEVotXOy C rod tTrpvyI7T(O-av
avTov, 1 XOVTO' a'3etaV TODG e7ravepXoEvov "yemop/yov ;l.oVv aaTOL;
T'vr ovov.22

to cv yeopyo;e arro8paa a' dEc TOl 70 1OU aypo reX iC car' ET'r Ta
dIor-TpaopSwtva T70) %317tpo.ov XAoyov, ol TrpvyCOVTre; at ve/P.tO~ vot TOv a ypoiv
ytptor-9Owoav d v 8trXq Tror'T7Ttre.3
c 0cK7rTwOv 6a XoTrpav vX7rlv aEev el'3(eo 7" TOV lcvplov av;Tic icat

ep/yardevo ical aoreipwv IfrlV E ~o) dE iT T' Ecrt/caprtlaq.24

ica Eav yewpyo' oiKotOj1I7ol tKov \aT cfvre aFTreXova iv ,ypc

aXXorpl 4) Torq, ical Iear XpOV oo oAC'OtV ol 70T To'rov ivptot, obV
eXovutr, w etarv TOV o IcOV KaTaO7ra ar icat Ta; a p7rEXhov; EKdicptL? , aJXXa
Xapdv3vtv aL'VTtTO7riav~, vaVTat" el ' L avave1&v avavete 6 el' To/) Ca'X6o-
TptOV aypov KicTiaw i) VTeo'a' / 8077 r'vat artTO7roav, aoetav EXEtV TOV
I , e,\ V8\ ^
T70 TorWov KVptorV Ta L7rEv
KIc dah\v ye wpyo iKeiy dr" 'TKLr a X ,,lYorV 7 '7iiceXXavr ica terTa Xpovov
ayvorO,, 7rapexeTC b T .Jepro'ov. . . avToI doXXet ;ecaE E ollaOtW ' ical d
KXs6crTw, dV Katpt KXa8eiag KchaEevVptor, 1 dK cv atpaF epptoj op o pdravor
i) EV Kao)ap bXoKolaq 7reXEKVV.26

21 eCloreXBV] om Q (vXwA X&pac P Xdpav] &vavcwde] &vavzedoo P; &davr6Cte QQ; om M Vby

rdorov G ; yYv rOL XX&pav Q'Q ipov] &XXov P
&XAAd'pov 'ypbv] h T& om
G; om S S tv'r'roTwfav] X.-rpia
M r&SPQgiU
A 'rTrov
rpiac ir] rpLCtriav P rKapwecre' A &w4a;]
a&/rex@vas GQ &Ava-ra-v] iCpCv Q robs B
abcdra N; aberi GMQS; ab'rrv P it7Xv 'rev o'louvs Q After this chapter M adds the follow-
XCpav] abrrvy cirALx P Oe icovptov S ab'-
rou M. ing chapter, which it numbers sc: 6 ~r &,-
Xo'rplw 94177 KTtCoWV 4 alipYwY C 4 (Cv'rewY
22 L7 &'aopiavros roi yewopyoi Q V pyd-" &AAw Ort Ipya~duzevos d~KrTr'rE'rw rie S8eao'rlas
SCerat P atireXtzva] aypbv GPQ &a(p?yoL Q
C-evYrEar 7 P Xo'-y?' &vratr0oAEVot A drtrrp'-. tC1r &Ba'
given in Ecl. ad Proch.amut.
XAagCtvwev. This
xxv. 18, with thepassage is
ydTCrwaav P abrWo 8 8 Xw'v S ltC71L?V Q ;
substitution, however, of o'rwelpwv for oC'dpvwv,
rib olov obv SP. a-roTs]
acvrobs P; om Q rbv olov] as to which see Due. 1421.
2 10 reXet P Kae7rdos P; caKaOE"os Q 6 KB KAtc n A v aKpxQ Atoyov This is the
dEir(E'?- GS 'Or- M)padpar a M& MA] $4p8nva N. reading of Haenel's MS., as reported by G. E.
In Dig. L, 16, 10, F reads exordinario as Heimbach in his edition of Harmenopulus,
against extraordinario of the others (ed. Momm- p. 836, and of Laur. lxxx. 6 (from my own ex-
sen, vol. ii. p. 934, 19) rpdvov'res N; -pu- amination). The other late manuscripts read
Y4VFes P Kal] ? GQ; om S of vejdudevoL PS 4-v TKeL7p] ICtXEev e'KatcoXWa-yov (-.aoKov P)
i-by ab'ro &'ypby P ; bv a'Trbvr yppbv Q. GMNPS a4xi '~ev oeaptctAyo"v Q 8eayvw-
24 c See note on 3 4.
arOeC P; aLayvwptLO?1 MS rb] om P lAIpiotov
25 Kal] P &ypf] rardpw; adwpw ral NS ; '.4epoi'tov PQ (P repeats the word) ab'roi]
brEp abwroi P ; om Q PJAEIS P al]] om P
Q; om G ] om A XpdVov] -O'Dro P Troy
r-7drov] ri'roov P Kie r&sA &/rAr.] ~ 0ros & L- Kxaetfa]] a6roi, n. This has evidently come in
from abeU-ro in the line above. Roe 18 has
ireXA'vas A icp&sitv Q xAa4diJe? Q aQvav-
Tal] &v (9v &v G, 87rov &v P) pob'o(-w- Q)vrcZL A IAdcovs reX~K'qv MS ; dXEKa Q.

This content downloaded from on Wed, 27 May 2020 19:43:34 UTC
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K7y Eaiv a7yeXcpto 8o&0v O9ev 7rrapaXaovw 7rapa 7yemppyo /3o0

cvycKaTa/tlp aVbrv /LETa 7? I ayeX779 c vKal
3 \ ifcv/
28 7Toi /oiv XvKowl9
teLT~r70 7 T 7 a 7rO KvpLOa avbTov Katl a; abVTo; er
ic( aIv ayeXaptoq 8oiv capaXa/iov arroXel I7 catl 7- av
ov o0v9 abrwXero ov IKaTarap)?vy 7 iKvpLt 70T /obv Ot T
icateL "e OpaKa, 7TI 0 yeyovev obvc ot(8a, !/Aj 607(TO a;7/.LtoE,
-a'rw &aa?to?.29

/ce v aryeXapto9 /o8iv 7rapaXailov ta'ro yewp7yov ew9ev

'mpLe0t 0 8o0 ^ c 706 TODXOoVI? ToV o a7XroeV

a &w'XotCo icat 7rpai8av 7roVtr10y, To70y Atao Oo avtoV .LI? r
7rpaU8av 00To7w.3o

K" EaV" cEXaepto(; E(0Oev 7rapaXc , O p oiv r Opyo 7E

fyVr)Tat 0 80i;, LoaW7'Ca byE' a ipovozaT vplov pavTo rE'rr
o7r obic ~owrovye' ~ " r;~ a7whata ToO poba cal atyo; 6eT
ea v 4yeX7 pv o EoCOev 7rapaX/ 7rraph yeopyo /o iv
abToyV cXao-Oi vab ? 7eK7VbX(09?vat, , o/POOa7'(A o (7yeXaLp

7rewrovflpe-Oats ica ~t' a tor r,,t r 0.32

icrK Eav ayeXaptoq der' d7rroXhea /obo ' A crtKXaoeoO 7 i

byhtras 3arepov &,sodrmrlrso d.e[Xg 7O cC drtOpico0v, 7[Xo i
d?jptov T7) KcvpPL) 70T D8ob0 1ro9lOtT).3

KcO E'av d7yeapto /Cer7C rTO EV Traive XepO av ov' TOvX

aic X 7TaXtov,'
pLer7a 1o0V KTVdiXrCO'eL,
o iV.34
t a &)O(?60-rtv. oVoc ',rwv " j(o9 .ca7 t?7(TVL(7( el ocal'

27 TT 6 P I A r. in P is in the margin, in n hdyBp . . .yewiyoi] rapahd'otL rapah ywpyovi

in the body of the text. Boi-v G; FBov r apaXa'Bv (Xaa9uv Q) birb yewp-
iy KEwOwv] N here and sometimes writes yoi MQ 61dweTrdw P 7revrovJlpev'e'Oa PQS
adroAEatL N.
gwO6v rapaA. . y] rap&h ro7 yewpyoi xAd$?
32 KC 7rapahAdotO G Boi] om M P adds
PQS Bovr] om M vyI v .... &y'XA~s] om Q
Kal vyKaTajLt?7 (-Et P) MPS aTiCr& S 'roO after Boirv: e KXeiXaoydvov A A' iyd- $
Iupiou MQS a~i/,. at'r. Go'rat] abvrbs (oV"- {rvipAxwOcevaL] om P reovnpre1eOraet PQS.
rws G) aYafrioS o'trW GPS; a'rjrbs orc'w avy- 33 K 1 a0kias (?) N '700 ods Q KCXd-
nTov Q &MimGos N. aeis Q erucpXyA as M; rvAcd-ews PQ
46cas P b'uepov S' Q & lortlrTWs eAeyXO71
29 K8 7^ a'T ] raT77 7~ M ; 7r Q Ka-
TraLrblvuOe P; M.tveciz Q 70Q ro Kvpon M Toy0 MN] C'AeyxO (dAeyxObs Q) rb ? 6o acl rpciiv
jtap'ripwv &vSo awr'rwv A ywa'eoroorlOefIs]
Bobs] ab'ro, M a&(JIos Mlh EO~rC P eC 1B XwyAoooooreoOEls GQ ; y7AwroooowvecIaOw al M
Kal P KarEmliv77Ev Q. roiITw P ; 7roe-tOw GQS.
30o 7- BoV. . . . wOEv] 'wOv wapaAaB&P hrb
yewpyo7i Bofiv P &rnb] ir5b Q &r'0B7] om P
34 KO a-s] orn S t{Aov M At roAhoat
e~Ore/Ap] laye'XOot S; &w'rXOoi Q d' &tr- (-nr P) GMP caKl K Adp] om MN ] Kal N
AXos (a7reAXLoLs QS) A vrpa^8av N] 7rpalav P K'vrpAc6Sdro P a60os N, but &Octos below
as usually ro,~eat P 'rep. r1Yv B] o-ae- ,al (1st)] om PQS CnLovBcOw M Cal (2nd)]

p(btirep- N)oFtevvos r1vA MN ; repnOfli rTV 8c P om G & XtAlOoU P] jeTraet Q; ~e'hr& XaOov
oo'd'rw P MPQ add r'aav. bXtyou G; ~reT3hlyov MN; MeTaxaiyov S gao?rm Q.
31 ' lOWeV] cm MPQS AdBfl PS wapa-

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X dVc TP' K# 7 (IC)0va? K /O *K ov

c6Xrr7rT7, IlacTrTLtywO 7w el 8e\ avcl ;
hXolrw rotcrac 70oiK ##8oV0.35

Xa eav tSvepov t-rarat ev iepet Xwpiov", eC C ev K? 77T9 aCTLV 77

UEFtptKat v-7roo-KtaTatV7r TOV OVVE77
o'veyyv, Ciperp Kal b rroax va L brb 70o o'vev7vy s8v6pov, icXwvokorowdar
aCv'ro 0 cpO8 airoEt El ~p obc 'oret I 7rrOq, If1Co17 co(ETE0m.
X3 dca p86pov avaTpa 7 Vro6 rtvo Ely 707rco a/EplTaT(, Icat l/eTa
7a7a JpepLro-pov e/vou/ivov e'XaXe dcpep/Co/J fx (XX , ) E7EX T(TV
e&ovo-tav 70r &?VlpoT El E r ,w oava0pE*a9 advra 'v o ' E 8\ Kacta/o ' 70TO
7o'roovic pto a brt tEaKO t LoatI ro' To'ii 8'vypov, o6or\oaav c 708o D8v8pov
86Wvpov ETEpov 7~ avaOpelaVt aiV-oa cal t EXoTav ablo.37
Xr7 c p eEpeO drrwpoXc a rckXw l (Oi vX aTT T7r ),
aTrepeUO-O 70To ,taoOoi aTroi icat o-4 68pa TvuwrTCo6.38
X8 tav ep elp Gourv -OwCBT7 \ akEywo 7t /oYic4/ara aT8roi XICpa
GTO IKvplov avTOJv ica 7rtrrpaao-icv, TV7rTOPeOV TO7 p/o-Oov L aVTroV

Xe acv Tq eVebpe8j iXck Twl XXorplav KaXd/r7v, dv &,rkX woo-o6rrtge

aoror o-6Ot.40
Xa - Lv TtLq 0V ov O)7 7vov qoloh oov Ic/' voq ary0oovV0o0 7v o KUvpov
avTrov appy cat dv rrpayTaTrt " a7EL
El)OS' f, 07 rovTL
e0ttov) avrov
C EV"41
7roo-rrT e e a7cr
X- "caav Xay ( T o0v 7pot epylal) Ica ratroOavly, TrypfETowCav oLt
dicpoara(, cal El CC p evevG c,-, 6 c7rer arev KEIl) ical a7re'avev,
S E o 4w' aXXp E'py( A7ravev, &0cE 'o ToV 8o0l dXXcpOv.4

TV E v 7LeEpy (30? av a/V7XCv kt iE' dl) (7p9P) c7 El)E ETEp) To7r

7rpatoay 7ro0o0VVora Kat O 7rapaoopet aTE TICOvpoL avTO 9 CqEXXlv
aVLTOl L,7rratre7tV 7aacav TOlv capwoov 7TV a7rCoXLtav aXXa bovlEvy 7
XXcao-y, 67o pvov avri t obo ; ovo v av vov O /po3aov 77wi

35 ,cx40 P In N the o of fcdn is over abvriv] ab'ro QS.

an erasure d-t 7rpo$&'ov] Q omits ic ; in P it 40o -XE eipe60 'ts A After ahd.uayv M adds:
is above the line 'os corr from 6 P Acavi awrb Xwpa4iov g undkrqrY oTKou; Q adds: &rb
Xwpacpov 4 Eriepav KaxdcIL71v eted'7v ofKou
Q &8To P P b K /LAca P.
36 ha tXplt GPQ Xwpa)lov P Ku- wrodroTL P ahroc5rlT] 7rapeXE'w abirv MA.
ros Q 7rLaKda(ceraT P KXovoIoIrro7l P 41' 4 ;- ovom M 4 AAws r b olov ov P ;
abrbv Q; om M al obk G dros QQ 4 &XAov b oTov oIv Q rjVos] 'rtvos Q; C
KXovoKornOrr w4 P. Twros P ayvooyv0ros] ayvoi PS ab'roi3]
37 X-- &vEpdcrc A After a'vap. MN add 4 om S &pp] before &yvoi in P wpa'yLa'ri(-ei- S)a
GQS arEXBOL P etn] PS; etr rb CS'ov Q
&Xov 7rQ; d,xxcv
,rivos]P om
eP QE yeva~eivov
] AXX' aAS A 42" x r r Ad8-X7c M r7p?TrwTra N abrb

&vaOpEd,'as Q pQvos] om P Sawcd'ro PQ;GPS tKELYvo P Ccal] om A C~lros... A&rwBavev]

wdrrwar GS & rl OViroVo V'oi3 G ,repov]om
43Qx 6XoKuxpws P.
1 'v ArXw &ypw P " &4rpw Q
om P avaOea'arprt S, yet in line 3 it has &va-
Opit4as abvrb] om PQ xi'rc Ms. a1r- S rc K pq'r aibroe i V] r w Kuplw P
s oXy rplarep vQOw Q opoapws GP. abvrwv Q ra-av in N is above the line
KAdarp ab'rJv P.
39 xs ro orqr] 6 wotljVy P; woAIb 4 Q o mL-
T0wTrbs OL/LY G id&] om P av'roi] om A

This content downloaded from on Wed, 27 May 2020 19:43:34 UTC
All use subject to

a-O V'dv
a7rOK7relv o 1 7rt Cd~rTw
oo , vov 4 Ta1Xo d'
T P epvU(P Xov
olo 8 o Wv, oib ?fruvyv
8WoVe& porpEX av rd7XXy
vXi s. 7-y, KaI
SieYdv rtV /CO7rTTw v A a pov avwPev ayvwo-a pt 70r 7reXKvv Kat
Jovevo-e& aX1o7-pov K7- qv
ea d7t XE'4171 /30) ov 0
' 46
pao-treywo,9oE9 8 o-e~ e aro

tP3 av t' EKX Alat& O

Jay7X7 8OlptP3pW7ro9 y dvrrT

"LY Eav 7T ~ y rp vayp

abrovi ovv&w Fyio ~Fer'
aXXa droXear7a XvoO,aV5rov
c8Saro TdE7vrvxoY
Cal eTpov,
7a KaL
icvp ob0c '7rLVo'a
P' aTro /o vv ,y aVUo IETr
7 0ovov. el c ~rVW?7Vv Edye ca7 VO v K 7Torov brdr~eLevE , droXoyl xra-evo
w' lSvvarw" T eXoev avTrov wctpa7r79 ye?wvoaat, a'4f'7to0 EoCr.4s
Eai dp EvL e piv dV Ely V oX v /%7 T avrov Kcal ap1 Ta K rpa aVroV,

16e Tdv 0rt (o XoVo o-fda/ EV aovv \ 0vov ' ICplov vca pE , 0 vcpto
avroi ar0o&sc'et aUTO.50
ea vde 7t9 BoVho9, 9ero de eViC7T KcXEfaat, dreXo-EL Ec 7 r Wol1/vIr7
Ta Op9iara, 8t9a dc? 7 9 tdv8pa9, ical ArrXowarTat Oqptop/poTra
EyVC7OV7Ta, CoVPICt vET W9 fovEv9P
,,/vwera, dovpctvo-oo) <6 kovweds.5
( ad V 8TO ToI L ~oq to; okXXathtv c'fXalr KcrVrlvy Ev vvoKte 77
trMeXao-a1 vroia"Ktv vtotey rrotvtulov, 7r0l!etcaetrat o Kvptog aVoT T
arooOr a <AT V ytc(A'oK bvao7rt TBv oGXov, avro5 86 ovp\ct refo5.52

g7 eaV Vr? eqpy v ?r pat6eovra cal ob o-t " a'O y 70 cVPLO

abroDi d~roXatL9miB Th t400o, 'zX' <hroicoPn'a'y ab'rb4 h7 r )o'
r' ab'o.53
ovpoco r#GI, ob hapkdves abroy d IcdPIow aUroD UhC' ha/.3aVves &Alby

44 x 0 pvya? corrected from 8putbpv S wpo-

49 u ~-Epby after Bo v in Q arb S Kpe'a
cXxe MQS ; spoOx- GP &XXo rl] NXhho
P] xpnti rb
; Kpat'e M ; KyOL QS.
5o je after -- in S rtvbs P roda'?q o0-
PS ; &Xov rb Q; axx' 6i lM . oTov] om M.
4 5A dal &yzwoLa GS rbv] rb S we- Nos P ~'a] om A & voV z Kxpov] cplo 'v P
6 Kvlpros av-rovi] 6 pteds'rov S ; 6 'roiroov KdICPOS
xEKPv GM and perhaps S; wivKa Q epoetr i P
Tr71vos] rLvov Q 8td(-c6- QS)rW PQS. P ar4dv PQ.
, u;- before Ie in S; are&wEXo P 77es
46 ,a 'XxexOBs Q Eiv ir. wro. aanr.] om
P =aCrTxO6s Q daeLt N aibrbV PQ.
a7 tB Od6hwv KXh/4at PS Onlptodporos N .. .Adv8pas] 7 rs 4xYdvpas ra Opeq.a'ra
PQS r7is lAdvypas ard irpo'Bara G &aw5AXovrat
PN 07 OlproS. yev.] o0m G OnpCdhAwra M C s]
After rv-xAoOw Q adds: 6 ro'rw B wofiras.
4 8ty E'A6Oow P; Q puts f',XeO after Gvou
6 P After covEo's G adds: e Kal K Ocptd0,8pwra
ro)i vouV] yov Q ,,8cwv ?rbv (rb GS) rMtop
A av4PdLeL P Kai rby 'repov Q obKc] , MN, 52 ju c ] before Iv vUrl GQ; om P woX-
but in N it is above the line abdrbv PQ EAr'
hdKts] om A OLwL rotPl'wo'otoELt G rwoL.wVioU Q
abvroi] perh roi703 1ov PQ haroX-atQ P XAvu KeSl
wroXX(-cox- G)6(-4- P -C- GS)eva A 0oi8-
P IrA7v1wv] UvvLwyP Q ; U oTov P tP vvev Q
Xov abvro M abv'b s 6 ' oi;Aos o Q cpoVupdc'Lrac
didEe eV MN &vpvdrws] &dtva-ros d-el -S
abrov hrVIc. yev.] d 4?rpaTRs Cabroi 7Y veaL5/P ,77 Ts ,E. r. w.] EpEf'e okSs rpaLEdwev P
irwrpaT7cat abTbv Q abVT S.
o]] plM Q rapaco.e GPQ arb S Trof

This content downloaded from on Wed, 27 May 2020 19:43:34 UTC
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tO eav TrV evpy Xo'pov v 7rpai, 41 rpo/arov t c7vva, 7rapa6co~Let

avro d, rpCroTo0C 7 icyplt avToL* elTa Kcai wapa8aca "eVrTEpov,
avTo, 7T K)vpLj avTo" Tb C 7Tp0,TOV OVPOKO7rE l7 7roiKOVrEi 7 TO?eVie

v cav 8ol0^ oy eleX8cv ENov cv ac rev i" cxv T'rXw, ' y

"v Ea3 oVoE 'TOD Ot rr7roXov"
ElV T1 7OVS a/U~rXov rdapov q4 To0r Itcrov KcaL aKroaavy, fqtLLtoq -T(r 0
KVpoC TO apL7reXovo VO 7 TO it 7rOV.55

va Eav 3o049 A) vo 'Xw0v eto-EXOEtv V a/L7reXhovtL 9 ev ICi7Wc E/w4rapp

EV TOlv 701o fparylJol 7rndXotc, d 0)Ttttoq orT ( 70T ic77rov tcpto.5

v3 aev Tte Oyo'y tdayyavov Ev T 7 tpCeP) TCov capprwiv Kacal E/Lr7o' iv

aVTOV ~cdOV v X oipoT ia~a 'O y, ,'to( 0r" Todv rov icVpto;.5

vy "av Ttv dic /.tt' cal a evT7pa IcaTa/3oX rrpala rrpatevaav

c7apa ob rwapa&~w%'t
6av abrovi, Tbwevrv.58
&S T7w o"7rp rOV 54ov 7 cvpo, abroi tva d-roX~,/3 'riv
v6 c dv tA 7 EytcKXeloKi Xo pov i c vva ICal StafAelpy, dv &w0Xj woo~6T or
Ct7ro 7CrOOt.59

ve cav icva wrottzavovTa ta v oveTpav o o oaaoovy XAAa 7ylrrLt

9yplwv JoSov dEv 7 CLdv8pa9, /LETEr7ELera &tayvwo-aO9 Tyy vtva
bovedvo-a%, rr-aav 7rIv ayEYtv T 7rO ol/v T0T& I T e& rT cal 7aT7 Tt/,A, 9
70To) KcVvV.60

cvpiov S ShroX. Trb Ad80os] om. A a'bTb S TO7V oIrov] 7ris A&/reIov TOO I(-G- Q -El -S),WoU
F v4Xda)l] om M M rvc Xdrn a'Tbv P P obpo- PQS.

,or0odr] om P ob AcpBcdvet] obicape^ P abrrb S 57 v$ OJo'] rr-Tras P dv iaipA PQ 7ir-

xacutdvei] AdjBl P; xhds/t Q over an erasure
icapwrv S ; 7~Wa OepWv P d.WE'Cot P Xo[pos
&v7' avbrov &Axov S After abroi Q adds: Tb NP XopoS o &AAo (&AXov Q) rT ICvOS MQ
abvr& ical r epl vGov. To'rov] T70oO aCyydvov MA.
5 4ue0 E'pot P rpai~a N; rpaT18a is some- 58 vy ical] P wrpalCas rpalfevoav] 7rpat-
times treated as indeclinable. See my appara- Beras ?4 MN; 7rpat(-E- S)BEaoas GS; rpat(as
tus to vy 3 and De Boor's to Theophanes, pp. PQ Trb 3ovJ] om Q; roOI Cuplov MP
178, 14; 218, 7; and 451, 20 iai 7rapa- 7rpa78av PS] 7rpaisav Q; rpa7ia GMN 8Tw A
MN add : 6 varoiKeLoas &XAAdTrpov Opiqia ,al
rpo0pns ltacpeipas &hAAwoATs &veAv eIs T'r
dr~il G rapaodrie P abv'b PS] abc'bv GMNQ
dv pc'r6~s Q r5 Kcvp(? abr'ro0] om P Er8tlrAd&lov
G icwaTaKSKd&ETa. M treats this as a
ial ~e',repov] rEVTrepOcas Sal rapaad.-
new chapter and numbers it p,. It agrees
closely with Ecloga, xvii. j.
oas A rapayyAXei] rapayyeimhl N ; rapay-
59 V8 P begins fol. 99 v with chapter va and
,l?n 0, obpoKoirre] obpoKoda7rr1(-E, Q) abrbwv
e &
GQ; obpoCoCrx aCbb S ; doyroicooret P 4 'T-O.
KOwrE] . AyOKorio'n (-EL S) GS; 6rWKOri EL on the left han
abTrbv Q ; oipocoraet ab'-bv P ,roIVtEL]
edyKteoel N N Xopov E
v^a &~Xdrptov P 8t
ToIEV'a (-e QS) A ab'rb N] ab7rb PQ; om
A add abr4Yv (abrT GS).
GMS &vey-CXiws N] &v'y(&vEt,- Q &v'- S)-
KhNros 0'7w (EOTtv G) MA MQ add : rb abrb ?860 Ve dv TIts KtVa 7rLo
ial ElS t ra (Q inserts rb oTor oBv) ICrvos. S oVboCOIoXoyiir7 QS
5 5 5 6vos] om PQ OXoAwv elaOEXOiE M itayvwaOeeq P 6 4
dV cr9] om Q ial ccdf'/AretE S 'rpd4o
GS; 6 cpoves Tro, KIvbs
ahcr(-o- Q)AEiav PQ o
GMQS; TdpPov P o70 KiTrou 7'OO &/ATe-
hXAvos P. odr A cKvJvs] icov
56 va OEAV P & &w P XWP KEawr S

This content downloaded from on Wed, 27 May 2020 19:43:34 UTC
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vY Eav Tv; r7np 4pdXp ev qi Ly

TO n-vp Kcat ac-fv, o'tcovg4 eycdap'nrovs ypoiv, ovc KaTatKacETat eav ov/c
dv roXX* ave/, prorTo V7Erorl.EV.61
v: oKatwv bpog aXX7rptov vAo74 KtodrTv e'vpa adXXopta el 7To
twrXdc-tov Kaa8at6dae7Tat.

,y icatOv 'CLnr Xoov pay ov 7vr',7nevo9 oo-pat ~L'eOw - ) XE p a'ro

(LXX& cal qpcat 4ovOw &wXev 'rv $Xdfylv.62

vo K7oTTWav W/.a47eXOV9 aXXoTp/lag IKCwpwovp 7 2ag avaorTv& Xetpok'o-

&Tel)a7o ?ptoe1Lot.;LeVO.63
o t70 /cA ?CoTOy0 6.eptGo elo .epPXO/,t eo dv aoTVplta avhXaotp i~ al
IKdTOrVTv C8tpara 4 a 7rdXvaw 7 o-wrpta rTv XtTOvV p 'replo-wO-av
,Pao-t ~LeVOt.64

4a ol v ap7-ekoL ) ovicaLt aXXorTplatvc e~lopXd o evot, tel tpev /pwewo

eveKeV, VOwot,
o-TapeCo-Owo-av. ero-oav'- eL of KXo, r" TV7TTO L EVOt XtT~V Ow

SoL KtcKxETOVTe? appoTpov n VvnV vy OV 77 epa 7L.tovto-amoar

icara TIV 7rocoTrTa TOW vlqepw v' ~d b' 7 cKXe-.a EyVeTo, KcaO' ";co-T3v
ob6X?t9L 80)8elca.66
$y oi KaiOV-re9 &lpagav aXXo-rplav 2 /cX4rTovTeS9 Tiv SWrX\v 7o00-TTa

SoL ov li"Xwtv
7rvpKicavrTOtL dv
aEowo-av. rlovlato FalaXXovT-e 'ip r7rpk a/, vav d.Xpw

f.e ol dtv otic(t XOpTov 7\ aXvpov dlXXhovT7e w7p X&tpoKOwErr~t'Oo-av."

ol ,caracTr&vrTe? o'Kove aXXOTrplov? avapXw" a ?aXpePoivfe9
cpayLodv, h(09 `e Ta "a T jpdaav re.v 2 KTo-av7-e, XUepoKiorelo-Owo-av.70
61P ~ M prefixes to this chapter in capitals authorities as to both spelling and accentu-
Wrepl ljrptr/LAWv d4z$8dAos P dv ahypf] &ayp& ation of this word. vubv ?4 r'Tepa] Ctytorrpa P ;
NiM 5ropal.teTv Tb erp] Tb 6'bp 5pa/.eiv Q cvyo}o aOTepa Q KaTr] om Q a' ?Js 771'pas
cKavat PQ ivE'apris S ob A] om M; in GPS Tb K6aOE2dS7r;v S ; icaO' i CKdaT7 7"I-
N it is added above the line by a later hand pav PQ qd pAes P; qdxxLes Q; d4A~ S.
obvc iv] over an erasure in G ; iv M To0iro 67 Sy xaLovzres] corrected from cAl7rovres
wer.] 7TOvro i7roleEv Q ; drotloe rb oroLroov P ; in S KcAE'rwvrTes Q ickr'Tov'Tes] ical es Q
rov'rov oVbK irol0e'v S.
?v 8thrA wo7odrT7rt P crarvaeTEOwav G.
62 vrl a&lgreavos P Xe-pa G ; see Due. 68 I O /ovPiazs] Ou/oviazs M This is the
accentuation of all my manuscripts bicdA-
63; v &AAo'rplas] Before a&7r,'Aovs in M,
Awv'rES Q 7pbs a. '. v. aTr.] X~epoKcorrerOw6oav
after a&vao7rw in P; AAorplovs GQS. PS tlA.tvav G.
64 5 ro) iapo P; rvi Kaip-v Q AAXo'rplw 69 e is omitted by S but the next chapter is
GMPS Kd7rrovre] iXE'7rovrTE PQ Ed-a'Tra correctly numbered Ed'jAdAAovres Q.
Q ardXozas Q XLrdvv N. 7o 0i- &vdpXws] is added in N in the lower
65 a hA~rEaors S S os GS ; oaVIcor Q margin axupvlovOvres Q cppa-yabv P 1s
&AAho'piots GS; omn Q EwEzCV] C'veyICV S ; ls... ICTLOWavTs] This is the original reading
om P XdPLV] iUVEKEV G ; FVEK(a PQ ; E'veyicev S.
in P afterwards corrected to tr-e & '-Maa upvAdaat
66 8 bvv NPQ] gIvjv G; own-v S; x'n1v
NM There is the widest diversity among the j rlTaLa tppdatavras QS t irToamv'es] g jriT-
avrTas S; om Q. The parchment part of N

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0 o Tozovr Xdptv Xap,67re- wayp

oavotr Kapvrt?g61evOt, ncr1ctrOo' 6 dKpoa7r- a d'7ro\ 7 (; r7aerTia9 icat T7v
av(o 7rao-av KaL rTv KaTCD icaTa r T 7 i/4L- tav eloopav TottXroaLTr el9
0 EP4 opm (ebvptowKooevo9. KXA7rT(O LTOJ TV7rTi-0) (A aOnke' EJ
7pdO7TOt eKaTOV K 7at T dO ?OV T&)I KVpip 7rotCT' E 8\ 6K 6evTEpOv
far ,u/.za- ooel' 86\6cT rpt ov
bavj, q v &trX^ 7roTOr7Tt q7rt7/tO;, 70) KXtLW el 6" pIV,
rvko or-Ow.72
0 0 E VK7VT KXce"r7Tv Otvov 7rdiov 77E/ c X?7vov ? a7 ro 0V77iov
777 aI;v bO/r3o-,dc&,-6h wowji ica6lo iTn dr 7cp Kec/Pv caXali ylypa-

o o01 /.TrpOV rov Ka oLvov Koxop/Ov EXOVTE7e cal Iz ~ aKoXovOov~'rE

r dapXala 7rarTporapao oe0t dXxa S " alaoXpoKoptlav 7raph t a 3ara/Eteva

wrTpa tiKXa ,Xovre rT7r-Eo-o-av ce ad'e'pes,4.
oa 0 0rapa8ov'; 7rpo0 vol I7V KTV?7 806X1) lVeV el o eo w Tov? Kvptov
abro i, cal 6 0oIXo 7rwcoXl o avr ?i tiXX&w 7rwc dXpEstoo-, d7r7jo, to6-r
0 "8o0Xo; cat o 'Ic6ptoq abTroiV.

op eavKat
Opl.qaTa a(v KaTa
et8,qo/et roi 7Icvplov
yy aT 6 8o0oo tavioEt,
XXo' 7rw09 wrrapa.~3y, oar8 or7e
O Kipto O70
80"Xov TO ct/Xag3E 7rotEl7 7T)& KVpI ab7jv.76
oy v 7rapepX9l'ral rtE dO 0E Kct EVpl KpeKCXao-tuvov 7 aTroXX velvov
KcTrVO( icatal oruXayXvtco-Oe /?JVvoeEt, 0 K EC PO' 70Ti KTr7VOVq v7-ro#lav Xet

7W r7Vlvr7nv 7rE7rOVwpe6'V-Oat, oLoo-aTdrWL 7repl T?1 Kdo-ew(, 7rept 8\ 7

tvXrwoXEla.a Lrl')7c I avaKptveo-o.77
ends here at the bottom of f. 194 v. The bVrosW4A?OKETO Q; 5wro,$AiaOw G caOcos] KaOb
Farmer's Law is continued on a leaf of &v
Q cKacos. .. yeyp.] Kal abvbs (?)G; om PS.
in a 16th century hand. I do not give 7its
4 After otvov Q adds: -itl dAs8tov Kal
readings. ,i&pov Kal K ai ] Ah P Trj &PX. rwapowr.] ?v
71 &( aypobs PQ 7r Alwv Q pav@OT A] wrarpIhCv pXapaorap~'oTrov /de'TpTGrtv P rarpb-
pavcpws M MapwrSid~rvoL rby aypby PQS a'rb rapbd81el S; rarpwrapa8dot? M ; wracrp6a 7rapa-
rhey brraErhavy P T? &Vvw w7FlV ra I reY 8(Goet Q 7rapa 8ta'r.] "rap& r a'reT'rv-
KdTrw ar K ah 7r)/A .] T')y &VW Ka'C r rarav TVy IardC vroudva
rjv (Ka'' G) 4piErtav , n Ehlapav M ; iEK- 7&pa 63KaQ;E'XOVres]
rapar~vrwWc/va P t6Iaw.icErpa
om Q vWr'oOi &ls &ae-P
O1s Q.
cpophv GQS OrvXdrw S 'T S KecAcuca S; KEpa-
A4V M.
72 ?_q P has in the margin: repl roO iEv 'p...
75 a wrapatiobs A o6iAw iKiV P oiA(.]
om Q Kal d K rorov 6 oi0xos P P cWArOaes
IA7'rovros v bpiLY] voplw MQS ; iev Wpeiw P ?] om S arTw Kal 6 GQS.
P; dv &ptow G See my note, Rhodian Sea-law, 76 oo In the margin P has: rWepl 80oXwv
p. 106 rbv kTroy PQS ISAATLe YV Edv rpc- ahrpta Opq;p.a'a 0IoLpLEYV'rW 'roi Kvpov
abvro PQ 6 aoOxos is put before ro KVpt'O in
roLY] iEv 7rpArTS /pc'rTV Q ; E'v rphorOLs dL'r'yas
P Tr Kiuplyc] roi KUvpLov ab'roi Q ; iv Jpo7TOsS Q and after wapaAdxy in P ofa ai7ore
Opei'aura] oTwa] 8roTE 'rpdWw P Lampd-yot Q avb'ra]
M; oni P rOLELTWrTi Ka(7v,'rT P pavewl'7 P
om P alr6.v] ab'roi M ; rTv OpePdTrwv A.
CV 8t7. woo. 7l/A.]
WroTrrd7lrt P r 'rvwrdT-eivos
KAEarr M eL(P71/mol'eOw
Ical d' ?v i 8trA 77 o y rappxe~rac MP rwoXAdo(-o- QS)-
uevov PQS crTvovs S oa7raxvy0eS S ; orAcwa-
73 0 ' 6] oM I E'I riOov olvov PQ EICAvoV Xvia'Oes GM 9X7 P eWvorVpe6eaOaL PQS
M; yCrxKArvo S O &arb our'riov] om GPS 6)wodriw P iafvM PQ.

This content downloaded from on Wed, 27 May 2020 19:43:34 UTC
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8o 6 1aOeElpwov aXX rpov Kt

taytvlvo-KEC evo 7Vb aOTp.ttov 'VotLEr&7 r 7 ICVpli) awTroi.

o0E &"baoElpo)
MaoG-Tya? KlVa
icaTov E caL TO TO '79 E'7rtB77&7t
8t urcwTo-7ov fappaKOUv
7i1 77To 7rO cKVVOS 'Xa/3av'
O6L7m 7& 3Kcvpl rC
aVro0 EL c Kaca ro.7eta 71? oolaY/ vl9yovev, 7raV'oV m V ~ lav 6
4ovev. 8TC(~0r C a'toq 8a90opa^ a 70 oKVVbo yey7ov(C0 LapTrvpe.-aOw
0 KVoV i at, el tOqpto/axo q2v, o qrpoet7ropev CTF7C ell 8 aerXo 'cal
ETvXe, Tru7rToY/ 7; fT7V 70iV TO KVVO Kat t tvov &6rtoo.7.

or dav
afLETa 1i 2/.axo/ihvov 80 ocvovKcal
E Pa80 ~ X1Oov, 6o o70o
IKcEVO9? tPLO~ o o-e
727 7rXqy77 7tT aXXoTrpl~
rvA00q^ 2) iaVro q'rvy ) XX' T e7rKIvvov o,,, ra dojLov re tUpl)
avroVD rotroaaq XappavrT ftao-trtyaq Eca.80

o rtvtq Ov Kva vvo'-rrrv KarE67ratpoieeOvov roV o-vvv6o/ovu

avrov v7rayypt-V Tbv Kvva rTv UUVaOrT7r7v Kaara TV aO9Eve-TrvTpov ItvvCOv,
icat o-vL3 cKvXXoA2Ovat Kviva rva 2 a7rolaveiv, 7Tb A\ TItov 7T Ocvpli(
av'ov rrv oto-a Xa~pavTrm /dea'rTya9 8icKa.81

o0 'av 7 t feplta9 7rnv eavTroV fepl8a, 78Tv 7rXr lov aVrov /epl'8&ov
') OepwtoVrE, elov etay Ty 7a Eav'roK itcr7V7r Ka /AXOyv T70o 7TrX27lolo
kage Epydao-7rrat,
o .82 T7v7rr7eO&) )airya9 rpta'covra Kat Tro '/ OV' T&
Xa/3E'v7-I 7LaETCOh.

oO Vd 719 7pvy o-Thr) ) '7tov a .ro'3 . aTVreXoova Kcat OvTwv a7pUVy77.TV

&LEpiOyv 7VCov eloayay7 T7 t'ta ic7rvy, rvarrEO&w /dortrTat 7PptaKOVTa
Kat TO (47o1t0V o tIXa,86vrt 7toteMr0E .3

7r eaV 7T avapXco9 ME v Ev V 7a 7LtV KOd O aMEr'XovV 2) )'XXo rT

otov o0v ev8p0ov, )etpoiKoeo7..-84
ra dv vT oiccv dv X wpI 8tayvay ,7rdorov KOLVOV 'vra e7rtr?1etov

e6I Epya7 )r1pov pCAov Ka\ TOoTroV 7rpOKara-Ta,, T1eXta" 8E7 T 7v T70
78 o8 8tayrtvwKoAYlis G 70O Kvpov M. P ivXA. i Va 'rva] ab'bv KhVAwOirvaL G; ivA-
09 oE drto'Tdrwl4rapdcwQ elCQ al]e'8M wO7)Yvar TLya PS ; KVXXW7lvaL Q aroOdavl
radcav PQS 6 ooveoroas GS 6tacOopass] Q 7ro0i Kpiov GMS.
171s 8ta=Owpas Q; om P ro Kv70 v s] 7rjs Tro 82 on is given twice in M ; once (numbered
Kuvbs pvxaKcIs GPS; r70 cvxbs r70 KVV6bs vA- oa) before o and once (numbered oy) after it.
I quote the readings of the first version as MI,
acc's Q ~ E al 6 Q ica ~l] Q 1rpoelra-
Aevr S 88t;dw oral Advov PQ ~dvnv M. of the second as MA2 Oeploas rls P ab'roOi
so0 o0- wv S W"77 P &X.Xorpiov G MIG 7rXntwov GM 2'S peplias M2 eloa-
4 (1st)] ~ Kal P &AAov Q r0 o vpiov M ydyor P; eocdCyn M2 ab'roi M'G c"rOs Q
vocias] WoL17O Q ; o7roLeTro 6 4ovels P Aajt$. ro s 7rX. aCbro i dpy.] ro0tLre irC 7V &av'roi rhX77?Ow
lpaCr. c868eKa] om PQ c5EKa] om GS.
Mi2 hrX'aMwv S; 7rX~1ioL Q ad-roOi] om PQ
81 OC KLVYta 8 vd'7rlY] KlYoa o8vva'y r M ; 8UVva- epycdo'7raL] Tro4Oerat M1 7rpldKovra $ MI
T' KzbVa Q KtTareEP~o'/vov GS ; Kac4repd(-dl- P)- After &C?lAsLov G inserts 'rC: Kupw ph 7'js Aolpas
IeAvos MP ; Ka'reWpdpez Q OvvYl4AoVs] vdopovs M
83 oO Kal] om P a&vrpvyiQrwv M al
ab^rof] ab'rTv M bravyyp'o-o S; brayypo-lq G;
'arayypio-et MP ; lb7rayypelo- Q vvacrbv MQ eLo-aydyor P KvoL Q 'rpldKov'ra $ G.
84 ;W VdPXS Q p Kd4?fE M M[reAcXvas
TiVO &O. KVo v] Trv ; OEOvE'oTrepoV K6ba Q ; 'iV
aoeJ04ETrE'pwv GP; Tb 0revef'orTpov S avl3afcet
Q XXAov 'b Q ; AXXSd 'ri b GP.

This content downloaded from on Wed, 27 May 2020 19:43:34 UTC
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epyao7t-7piov T7XelWoav- Eia v q T

epyao7-lplov KvplZ tC t fo rw 7r
ofetXo/e"?v. av'r 3tc oo-a'Tv KCaTa
Kcat E7o'TaTa KowU)oT& 7~ irpoepyao
7eav ueptepwbElaC r74 e Too ' p?ov

ro7rov e'Tr0 7retoEv , Ey EpryaO77ptoV pUvXov Katl imrt/LeXhy'rl7at av'rov, oKc

'XovUL v l~etav oI 7TcV L aXXov 'epl&OV yE.wpyOt .Xyew T 7 wept TO 70t0To70V

7rf/ ea, V VbOp Ep87ot XOPp dpta q7 aL/TreXXova9, To ET 7- TLCVV(

epXo/evEoVT, T~o aXa/3 o70, V 7OV 7rOtetLO el E0 tU7, apettW 0 ,LVXko0.87

e 'a\v ol0 aVOvraL Tv XwpaCiov o0 OEv:XootwV v' a 7StpXlrat To 0r p

8sth 7rov avbr7(Wo XwpaCI~tv, .aeta EXYETrWtl.

werr eav epyo evpy, /ov 8 XX^rpto v arka daXko rpPi' 7rrpasev-
ovra Kat oV KaTrauyvTetL 7 r Zi a7a,oG KXXa 8tat O3vXrlOe a cpovETEVOt
77 Kkicret 9 1El 7ra"XwL E7-6Epe l, ?qLLWj77W T doXOKX'pov.8

sra or k'ov xwplov Q 8tayvC~TEL Mthe chapter abev,'res S OeAWOL, P] OE'ovorv

7rpoKa'arcXe M ; rpoxa'rawaXreV Q i] o1 MBGMS ; O tare Q abrrcv XwpalPwv] xwpa-
(piwv av'rav BGS ; Xwpapltwv Q.
T Oi X. *. K. Tc] om M KoSLVd77s] LoV7 P aCra-
re e'poL PQ 8oi0v . . &XAAorpI] ?v &'-
BdLotL Q f 74] byV PQ K~poOV P; om QAreW foivO & pAArpLOR BGS areXivA @ Q c AAo-
81sov] Y77 G; ' S Trby ~KOLVbV] Kal KOLIVbV P
rpla P, with which word it ends at the foot of
wpoKaraTaXdvra P abvroAs A radrwaav GPSf. 100 v. o;] AI Q a LCgeraL Q po-
KoIVo? S rpoo-pyaaO-aE'w P.
86 7T L-epoO4oCE Q e~pot P After VrIeet] om G KAdErt] Kanr BGS 'v] om BGS
pIXov MQ add : b oov oab (ob M). ejrEpep] /IAapel BGS; E',urpeL Q ; rPvapeZ M
87 vy is treated as part of last chapter in OhOiCXspwS GQ BGQS end with 7re. M
BGS iav s8 BGS XoWPdPLto P AIWe'hovsgoes on as follows: 7r 6 apxeovs Le',rataILVcas
G 7i P ets bTy puthov G dpPXOI.Yrw P8povs 31 K?al bY &ypYov rtvs Bia o 'aicore cuwv Kpca-
AXK C rS TIwpeL'OcO. (No number) o0 (om M) ra
BGPS. 70to;7 Q; om BGPS 6 I6hos] omt
6poO6e'oa wriV &ypv &varpE'Wo"rres 'E&v i:rtdo'ol
8s r-g d&v] av M, space being left for a
elt al Ka8 e'pBos YtoV 'roiro 'roX7h.d l 'rV7r'rW-
rubricated initial. The rubricator has neglected
lior 8tarniveKws edops~aeo'o'wav.
to fill it in, as he has also neglected to number

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