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WFDS’s mission is to support the creation of sustainable high-quality skate facilities for leisure and similar competitions. This
can be achieved by creating a worldwide network of selected certified suppliers and designers that cooperate with World Skate in
achieving these ambitions. 

World Skate creates the “Next Generation” skate facilities with “the certified supplier’s group”. The supplier's group is founded
on three key elements:

1. Create high-quality leisure and competition skate parks

The design of skate facilities that satisfy the highest quality standards for both recreational and competitions purposes.
Along with providing services through objective and expert advice, mediation, selection, and setting up procedures and
protocols to guarantee this standard of quality.
2. Sustainability
World Skate develops a project group to investigate if current working methods and materials can be used more
sustainably, and to also support the development of materials that can replace current materials without compromising
their functionality. Before 2028, we would like to set a new standard in terms of materialization and working methods
for the development and management of skate parks in the most sustainable way possible.
3. Global network
World Skate aspires to develop a global network of high-quality skate facilities so that skaters from all over the world
may train at an internationally competitive level while also improving themselves and the sport.

Anyone who is actively involved in designing and building skate facilities is eligible for certification. World Skate makes a
distinction between 2 categories of quality suppliers:

1. Experienced companies that have already developed high-quality skate facilities at a global level.
2. Local experienced companies that want to develop from a good to a high-quality level.

Certified World Skate suppliers are capable of delivering the highest level in design and build in the industry. The quality of a
supplier is determined by the information that is supplied on the intake form as well as an on-spot inspection of skate facilities (if
needed) and the experience and expertise that a supplier has displayed over the years of incorporation.

The result for an applicant can be one of the following:

A. Approved globally - the applicant can be certified as a global certified supplier.

B. Approved locally - the applicant can be certified as a regional or national certified supplier.
C. In development - the applicant has a good level but needs to upgrade to be certified.
D. Denied - the applicant’s request is denied as the review shows an inefficient level of quality.

The certification is valid for 2 years, after which the supplier can apply for World Skate for renewal of the certification. The
candidate will be evaluated based on the updated information.

Certified suppliers are expected to:

 Participate in the recruitment and development of skate facilities according to the certification standards and
working procedures.
 Actively participates in the project team World Skate “The Next Generation” concept.
 Actively participates in the project team, “Skills in Design and Build” to create a worldwide network of
quality skate facilities.

Moreover, designers and suppliers can apply to join the assessment committee, which is World Skate's central platform for
monitoring and analyzing the design and construction quality of skate facilities. Members of this group can assist in the creation
of certification standards and procedures under the leadership of World Skate.

Certification entitles the participant to:

 Mention of certification in own means of communication (established logo and text World Skate).
 Inclusion certified suppliers list on the website and in other communications of World Skate.
 Participation in the outsourcing procedure for assignments in accordance with the procedures.
 Participation in working groups such as “Next Generation” and “Skills in design and build”.

Certification obliges the participant to:

 Compliance with the agreements according to the World skate outsourcing procedures.
 When approached by a third party for services covered by the “Certified supplier” agreement, to notify such
party to World Skate for further arrangements regarding these services.
 Certified supplier undertakes to offer only World Skate certified skate park facilities.
 Promote WS as a partner and its goals related to the skate facilities.
 The certified supplier allows all communication about the assignment and its own proposal to go through
World Skate.

Certification entitles World Skate to:

 Have the final verdict in appointing selected assignments to individual certified suppliers.
 Have the right to inspect the applicant's overall activities and capabilities.
 To unilaterally dissolve the agreement in the event of non-compliance of the supplier.
 The right to use the logo and name of the certified supplier in the World Skate communication.
 The right to act as the main contractor for the certified supplier on behalf of the contracting party.

Certification obligates World Skate to:

 Work only with certified suppliers for assignments that are commissioned by World Skate.
 Support and promote its certified suppliers in the communications.


1. Name: 
2. Visitor Address (company):
3. Legal Address (company):
4. Name legal owner(s):
5. Tax identification no:
6. Chamber of Commerce no:

Documents — Applicants must submit a copy of their Chamber of Commerce subscription extract.


1. Date of incorporation:
2. Are the legal owner/s also experienced skaters? Yes | No
3. Give a short description of the company and include:

 What separates your company from the rest?

 What are the strong and the weak points?
 What are the areas of expertise?
Documents – Applicants must send a copy of their CV.


1. What are the ambitions or goals of the company?

2. Are there any international ambitions?
3. Are there ambitions to be innovative and/or sustainable? (If yes give some examples that the company applied) 
4. Is the company involved with any nonprofit projects or organizations? Yes | No
(If yes, write down which organizations)
5. Is there involvement with gender equality projects? Yes | No

Documents — Applicants have to include examples of innovative and/or sustainable projects in their submission.


1. Does the company hold any of the following?

 Technical certification?
 Safety certification?
 Environmental certification?

Documents - Applicants must submit a copy of their certifications. 


1. Does the company hold Liability insurance? Y | N

2. Does the company hold a separate project installation insurance? Y | N 


1. How many full-time employees do the company hold?

2. What percentage of your team has skate experience?
3. How many full-time employees have experienced project managers?
4. Do you deploy any international project team/s? Y | N
((4) when yes name the number of teams you can deploy simultaneously)

Experience in design and construction  

1. How many full-time staff members are employed?

2. How many full-time designers are employed?
3. What percentage of project designs are outsourced?
(If outsourced give the name of the third party)
4. Company can design and build quality skate ramps and parks out of - Steel | Wood | Concrete
(Cross out what is not applicable)
5. Do your architectural designs complement the environment they are built-in?
6. What kind of skate facilities are preferred to construct? Competition projects | Leisure projects | Both
(Cross out what is not applicable)
7. How many street-style skatepark facilities above 950m2 have been realized in the past three years?
8. How many park-style skatepark facilities above 850m2 have been realized in the past three years?
9. How much experience (expressed in years) does the applicant have with building concrete skate facilities?
10. How many international projects were done in the past five years?
11. How many skatepark facility projects of 1000 m² to 2000 m² can you run simultaneously?
12. How many projects deadlines have been missed in the last five years and what was the reason?
13. Does the company also design and produce temporary event skateparks facilities in concrete?
14. Does the company also develop and build portable event skate ramps out of steel framework?
15. What local and or international skatepark standards are applied in the company’s projects?

Documents - Applicants must submit the following documents.

a. 3 projects where the skatepark compliments the environment in an architectural sense
b. Portfolio of at least 5 designs from the last three years
c. Resume designer/s

1. What unique project references does the company have?

2. List 2 projects that are designed and build which are more than 10 years old.
3. List 2 projects that are designed and build to your highest quality abilities.

Documents – Applicants must include a list of references with | city governments | professional skaters | media | others

1. What are processes and or protocols in place within the company?


1. Are Bank guarantees and performance bonds readily available?

2. If the applicant is part of a group of companies, can a parent company guarantee be provided?
3. Are there any financial claims that you know of that could hurt the sound status of the company?

Documents - Applicants must include balance sheets and profit and loss statements of the last three years. 

1. Are there current or upcoming legal claims towards the company?

2. Applicant represents compliance with the local labor requirements of the country
3. Does Applicant have legal expenses insurance?

Applicants guarantee that the information they provide is accurate and complete.

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