Yellow Stone, Chocolates

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APRIL 2009

Chemistry ...
at Yellowstone
National Park

Health Benefits of Chocolate, p.13

By Bob Becker

Q. I was reading an article about global ments, n-butyl acetate (C6H12O2) comes fairly it evaporated and on the air that carried the
warming that described scientists analyz- close. Kerosene (a mixture of hydrocarbons water vapor. So, the isotopic content is related
ing samples of air from 800,000 years ago. ranging from C10H22 to C16H34) can also be to temperature, and the higher the ratio of
From this analysis, they found that current used, but it must be mixed with an additive— oxygen-18 to oxygen-16, the warmer the year.
carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are typically a halogenated hydrocarbon, in which By measuring the ratio of these two isotopes
at their highest level in more than 800,000 one or more hydrogen atoms in a hydrocar- in the ice samples, researchers can track how
years. How do scientists find samples of bon molecule are replaced by halogen atoms, temperatures change over the years.
800,000-year-old air? Also, you would
a. b. c.
H F F think that dating
the air would be as
A. They find them in tiny bubbles that are C H C H C H

cesar caminero
simple as dating
H H CI the ice in which
trapped at the bottom of ice sheets, some- H H H
times as much as 3.5 kilometers thick. These the bubbles are
ice sheets formed over the years, as snowfall Figure 1. Methane (a) and two examples of halogenated hydrocarbons: imbedded. But
fluoromethane (b) and chlorofluoromethane (c).
upon snowfall accumulated in areas such as snow remains
Antarctica, Greenland, and in high-altitude porous for quite some time and to depths
mountain ranges like the Andes in South of up to 100 meters. As it gets compacted

douglas hardy, dept. of geos. university of Mass., amherst

America. beneath more and more layers of snow, this
What scientists do to extract and analyze porosity decreases, and the bubbles of air
ice core samples is pretty remarkable. They eventually seal themselves off, but scientists
set up camp in these extremely cold regions have determined that this can create a lag time
and spend years drilling through the ice with between the age of the air and the age of the
large hollow coring drills. The technique ice in which it is imbedded.
allows them to bring up ice core samples that This lag time can be anywhere from 50 to
are typically 2-6 meters long, carefully remove 500 years. In other words, the age of trapped
them from the drill, and then send the drill air can only be linked to the time at which
down for more. the bubbles completely sealed themselves
It is interesting to note that beyond 300 Ice core extracted from the Andes in Bolivia. off under the pressure of all the snow above.
meters, the ice is under such great pressure This sealing off time introduces some degree
that it tends to flow and deform. (Even though of uncertainty into the information the scien-
ice is a solid, it is considered a plastic material such as fluorine, chlorine, or bromine (see tists obtain.
and deforms under substantial pressure.) This Fig.1)—to increase its density. Uncertainty is a part of any scientific
deformation would close off the hole each Once they are ready to be analyzed, the research, and although 500 years may not
time a core sample is removed. To avoid this ice core samples are placed in an ultra-clean seem like much in comparison with 800,000
problem, the hole must be filled to within 100 and very cold flask, where they are crushed years, it does make it challenging to show
meters from the surface with a fluid—typically up into tiny pieces to release the trapped air direct correlations between periods of rapid
a hydrocarbon, which is a compound made of bubbles. This air and the ice from which it temperature change—determined from the
carbon and hydrogen atoms (such as n-butyl came can then be analyzed to obtain a wealth ice itself—and periods of carbon dioxide
acetate)—to supply equal pressure outward of information. increases in the ice-embedded bubbles occur-
and keep the hole from sealing off. So how can scientists have any idea of ring at the same time.
This drilling fluid must not freeze at these what the temperatures were back when the There is a lot of discussion these days
subzero temperatures; is environmentally snow fell hundreds of thousands of years about greenhouse gases and global warming.
safe, nontoxic and nonhazardous; is relatively ago? One clue involves the ratio of oxygen-18 Among all of these discussions, it is easy to
inexpensive; can be easily cleaned off the core to oxygen-16. lose sight of the fact that dedicated men and
samples and recovered for reuse; and must More energy is needed to get the heavier women are working tirelessly and meticu-
have just the right density to match that of the water molecules into the atmosphere and keep lously in bitter cold trenches in the middle of
ice so that the pressures inward and outward them there. This means that the isotopic con- Antarctica and above the Arctic Circle to help
are equalized. tent of water falling as rain or snow depends us understand how climate has changed in the
Although no liquids meet all these require- on the temperature of the sea from which past and how it is changing now.

2 Chemmatters, APRIL 2009


Vol. 27, No. 2 APRIL 2009

Carolyn Ruth
Question from the Classroom 2

By Bob Becker
How do scientists know what levels of carbon dioxide and
other compounds were present in the air hundreds of
thousands of years ago?

Letting Off Steam THE
By Carolyn Ruth
Chocolate: The New Health Food. Or Is It? 13

Discover how geysers and hot springs come THE
to life at Yellowstone National Park.
By Gail Kay Haines
Spanish translation available online!
Chocolate contains more than 300 chemicals. Learn about the
Rainforests: A Disappearing Act 8 health benefits of some of these chemicals.

By Brian Rohrig Air Pollution: What Weather Satellites Tell Us 16

Rainforests are disappearing at an alarming rate, with half of
the original rainforest already destroyed. As they disappear, By Lee Ann Paradise
rainforests take with them foods and chemicals that we take Discover how weather satellites monitor air pollution around the
for granted. world and how air pollutants move across continents.

Those Blooming Algae! 10 Using Chemistry to Protect the Environment:

By Roberta Baxter Interview with Christopher Reddy, Environmental
Along many areas of the U.S. coastal waters, fish die because Chemist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic
tiny algae grow in massive quantities. Discover how this hap-
pens and what scientists are doing to prevent these algal Institution 18
“blooms” from happening again. By Christen Brownlee
Christopher Reddy explains how he and his colleagues monitor
TEACHERS! the pollution of rivers and oceans and how their work helps pro-
find your complete teacher’s tect the environment.
guide for this issue at
Cover photography by david strong, pennsylvania state university,
photo of onlookers by mike ciesielski

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chemmatters, APRIL 2009 3

undreds of visitors sit on
Plumbing system
benches or gather around
the grassless, barren-looking underground
geyser site. Some check their On the basis of data gathered so far, sci-
watches. Others get their entists suggest that the network of vents and
cameras ready. One of nature’s most spec- By Carolyn Ruth caves under Yellowstone National Park looks
tacular events, the eruption of Old Faithful in like the one represented in Fig. 1.
Yellowstone National Park, is about to occur. Most of the water ejected by Yellowstone’s
Soon, hot water bubbles upward and then hot springs and geysers—250 million liters
something gives. Steam well over 100 °C per day!—started out as rain or snow that
shoots up through a single nozzle-like vent. trickled through small cracks and around
Each cone-shaped eruption of Old Faithful mineral grains in the rocks and went down
Many scientists are as fascinated by this thousands of meters below the surface. There,
spectacle as the 2 million tourists visiting the the water sits in underground caves called
park each year. Those scientists also seek to chambers.
understand how these geysers and hot springs
come to life and the chemical composition of
the water they generate. It turns out that the
water contains chemicals unique to that area
as well as bacteria that thrive at very high
temperatures. Also, scientists have discovered
that the geysers and hot springs are caused by
the upward movement of molten rock and hot
water through an elaborate network of vents
Carolyn Ruth

and caves, although the details of how this

happens are still being fleshed out.

Earth’s Non-erupting Geyser
Cone-shaped eruption of Old Faithful at Surface Hot Spring Subordinate Geyser
Yellowstone National Park. Vent

lasts between 90 seconds and 5 minutes, with

jets shooting as high as 30 to 55 meters in the West Thumb Geyser Basin blue hot spring.
air, expelling between 13,000 to 30,000 liters Water Open Space
Porous Rock
of water. Vent
Yellowstone contains more than 10,000 Although temperatures in these chambers
tony fernandez, based on a drawing by carolyn ruth

geysers, hot springs, and steaming volcanic reach 300 °C or more, the water does not
vents that can erupt at any moment in various Superheated or
vaporize but remains liquid because it is under
locations. Because these eruptions are not Inside
Boiling Water great pressure from the rocks and water lying
the Earth
as big as volcanoes, they can be seen from a Vent above. (Note that under high pressures, the
short distance, offering a unique experience. boiling temperature of water changes. For
Imagine staring at Old Faithful when, sud- example, water at twice the atmospheric pres-
background photo: jupiterimages

denly, you hear the hissing sound of another sure boils at 121 °C—instead of 100 °C—and
geyser erupting a few hundred yards away to Increasing water at 10 times the atmospheric pressure
your right, followed by mud bubbling out not Incoming Water Flow
and Pressure boils at 180 °C!) The superheated water
far away. Then, you turn around, realizing the pushes its way up through openings, and, as
Figure 1. Schematic representation of the
presence, to your left, of hot, bubbling water underground plumbing system for geysers and the water rises, the pressure is reduced and
flowing out of the ground continuously. hot springs. the water begins to boil.

4 Chemmatters, APRIL 2009

If the pressure decreases rapidly, the boil- kilometers deep underground. This magma is primarily made of a type of highly viscous
ing water is released as steam, triggering a likely rises through fractures from the plume magma called rhyolite, which contains at least
geyser eruption. But if the pressure is released to the reservoir. 70% of silicon dioxide (SiO2).
more slowly or the opening on the surface is Robert Smith, professor of geophysics at As long as the water stays at high tem-
wide, the water bubbles to the surface into a the University of Utah and colleagues have peratures and pressures, the dissolved silicon
pool of hot water, creating a hot spring (Fig. 1). recently determined the size of the upper dioxide stays in solution. But as the hot water
The underground plumbing system for magma reservoir horizontally and vertically. rises up in a vent, it cools, the silicon dioxide
geysers is different from that of hot springs. In While studying how
the case of a hot spring, the plumbing system earthquakes occur around
is usually open enough to allow water to flow Yellowstone, the scientists
freely to the top (Fig. 1). noticed that underground
In a geyser, the plumbing system contains waves caused by these
at least one narrowing, usually close to the earthquakes moved slower
surface. Water above the narrowing acts like than usual in a particular
a lid, helping to maintain the pressure on the area. This is because
boiling water below. So, when the geyser sound is delayed in melted
erupts, it blows off this lid and shoots upward, rock compared to sur-
its size being determined by the width of the rounding, cooler rocks.
narrowing. The narrower the constriction, the Smith and his team
higher the plume of steam. suggest that this area,
After a geyser erupts, the underground located more than 6 kilo-
chamber is emptied, so surrounding cooler meters underground, con-

Carolyn Ruth
water starts moving downward sists of a large quantity of
to replace the erupted water, and partly molten magma. As
the cycle of water accumulat- a result, rocks in that area Minerva terrace at the top of Mammoth Hot Springs, showing deposits
ing underground and erupting are melted, which explains of white calcium carbonate.
begins again. The entire trip why earthquake waves
from the surface and back prob- move slower there than in surrounding rocks. becomes less soluble, and it deposits on the
ably takes at least 500 years. The scientists also measured unusual sides of the vent. The pathway in the vent
The water erupting today fell speeds for earthquake waves in a nearby area, narrows.
as rain or snow about the time located 2 kilometers underground. This time, Water that erupts from Old Faithful cools
that Christopher Columbus was the scientists suspect that fractures in the on the surface, and an increasing amount of
exploring the New World! Earth may contain gases such as carbon diox- silicon dioxide settles around the vent in the
Occasionally, the vents ide, which would come from the partly molten form of a cone.
become clogged and the water rock area when some of the rocks crystallize. At Mammoth Hot Springs, the emerging
moving upward is stopped. The “When an earthquake happens in that water contains calcium carbonate (CaCO3). As
clogs are usually cleared by area, this carbon dioxide could migrate to water erupts, white terraces of porous calcium
earthquakes, which occur fre- the surface and cause significant damage,” carbonate called travertines form around the
quently in the Yellowstone area. Smith says. “For example, an earthquake in hot springs as the calcium carbonate settles
Carolyn Ruth

About 2,000 earthquakes shake California in 1989 caused a massive killing of out of the cooling water.
the Park each year, which cor- trees, which could be due to release of carbon Silicon dioxide and calcium carbonate are
responds to an average of more dioxide located underground, as seems to be not the only chemicals that are found in gey-
than five earthquakes per day. Most are too the case in Yellowstone.” ser and hot spring waters. Scientists have also
small to feel, but some are significant. These results suggest that Yellowstone found arsenic.
staff should not only monitor geysers and hot Kirk Nordstrom, a geochemist at the U.S.
Heat, earthquakes, springs, but the possible emission of carbon Geological Survey in Boulder, Colo., and col-
dioxide as well, since it may pose a risk to leagues have studied the arsenic concentra-
and carbon dioxide human safety. tions in Yellowstone hot springs for many
The heat source for Yellowstone’s geysers years. The testing conditions are hazardous.
and hot springs is about six kilometers below Water full of unique Protective measures, such as wearing rubber
the surface in the form of partly molten rock gloves and using clean collection procedures,
called magma. The magma is located in a chemicals are necessary.
reservoir that extends from 8 to 16 kilometers What bubbles or erupts from geysers and “Any equipment that gets hot spring water
underground and that was discovered by seis- hot springs is not pure water. As water goes on it is washed with distilled water in the field
mologists at the University of Utah, Salt Lake downward through the ground and becomes before packing up,” Nordstrom says. “We also
City. Before reaching this reservoir, the magma hotter, it dissolves some of the minerals from try to avoid being downwind of hot spring
originates in a mantle plume that is 80 to 650 the rocks. The rock underneath Old Faithful vapors. We sample upwind and don’t sit or

chemmatters, APRIL 2009 5

kneel near hot, vaporous areas more than growth—a process called photosynthesis—
necessary. The vapors from hot springs may but that it was a new species of bacteria.
contain toxic levels of mercury (Hg), carbon Like other photosynthetic bacteria, plants,
dioxide, (CO2), and hydrogen sulfide (H2S).” and algae, this new type of bacterium, called
Norris Geyser Basin in Yellowstone Candidatus Chloracidobacterium thermophi-
National Park has the highest arsenic concen- lum, uses chlorophyll molecules to capture
trations. Arsenic tends to associate with gases sunlight, but in a way different than other
such as hydrogen sulfide. Also, the water bacteria.
is multicolored, thanks to minerals such as In some chlorophyll-containing bacteria
porous silicon dioxide; yellow sulfur; red, yel- and all plants, light absorbed by the chloro-

Carolyn Ruth
low, and orange arsenic compounds; and gray phyll molecules is used inside cells to produce
and black iron sulfides. the energy necessary to transform carbon
dioxide and water into carbohydrates and oxy- Calcium carbonate formations at Mammoth Hot
Springs in Yellowstone National Park.
New types of gen, a process called photosynthesis:

bacteria light to get down there for a direct look,” says

CO2 + H2O  carbohydrates + O2 Hank Heasler, a geologist at Yellowstone
Yellowstone’s hot springs also contain bac-
National Park. “Current techniques—such as
teria that flourish near boiling temperatures
The new bacterium has specialized radar interferometry and Global Positioning
and add bright green, yellow and orange col-
antenna-like structures called chlorosomes, System—can tell us fairly accurately what is
ors to the water. There are so many bacteria
each of which contains about 250,000 bac- happening on the surface but not what goes
that they form mats consisting of series of
teriochlorophyll molecules—a special type on underground.”
bacteria next to each other. Not only that, but
of chlorophyll molecules found in bacteria. Scientists suggest that the upward and
many bacterial mats are formed, sitting on top
This way, this bacterium can collect light more downward movements result from the
of each other.
efficiently than other bacteria—meaning that nearly continuous movement of hot water
it can perform photosynthesis with much less and molten volcanic rocks called basalt and
light than its neighbors. granite that are coming from the magma
“We estimate that this bacterium can effi- chamber discovered by the University of Utah
ciently grow at light intensities that are 1000 scientists. In some areas, the magma and
times lower than that required by a blade of hot water flow faster, resulting in an uplift
grass,” Bryant says. “Based on further stud- of the soil surface, and in other areas, the
ies in my lab, we are starting to understand circulation of magma and hot water is slower,
david ward,montana state university

how this is accomplished and how it differs leading to downward movements. But what
from the photosynthesis that occurs in other causes theses changes in magma and hot
bacteria.” water circulation is still a mystery.
“The discovery of this new bacterium Even Old Faithful is changing. Its eruptions
may provide new insights into how life can have been occurring further apart in recent
thrive without too much light,” Ward says. “It years. It could even stop to erupt in the future.
may tell us how photosynthesis started on Someday, visitors may sit in anticipation at
Mushroom Spring in Yellowstone National Park, Earth—at a time when there was little or no another site in the park as they do in front of
with an enlarged inset showing a cross section
of a microbial mat. oxygen—and whether life can exist in extreme Old Faithful now.
environments with very high temperatures
and low light intensity, as on some other
“These bacterial mats look like a piece of
planets.” Selected References
spinach lasagna,” says Don Bryant, professor Perkins, S. Yellowstone Rising. Science News,
of biotechnology at The Pennsylvania State Nov. 10, 2007, 172, p 293.
University, State College. “You can find differ-
A constantly Fergus, C. Going to the Mat.
ResearchPennState, Fall 2008, pp 13–16
ent species of bacteria in the different layers,
yet all these bacteria live together and cooper- changing landscape [ResearchPennState is the magazine
of The Pennsylvania State University,
ate to help one another.” Even though scientists have a better University Park, Penn., also available at
Recently, Bryant and David Ward, a micro- understanding of Yellowstone National Park’s, February 2009].
bial ecologist at Montana State University, Yellowstone National Park’s Yellowstone
underground structure and the chemistry
Bozeman, made an unexpected discovery. and life on its surface, this is not the end of ourvisit/yellowstone-today-archives.htm
While studying the photosynthetic bacteria the story. The park is constantly changing, [February 2009].
on the upper surface of a hot spring called making it hard to know what will happen in
Octopus Spring, they found a totally new the future. Carolyn Ruth is an adjunct professor of chemistry
at Mercyhurst College, Erie, Penn. Her most recent
bacterium. By looking at its DNA, they found “Our understanding of what happens ChemMatters article, “Extracting Medicine from
that not only was it using light as energy for in the deep Earth is limited by our inability Plants”, appeared in the February 2003 issue.

6 Chemmatters, APRIL 2009


Activity 1 Activity 2

Make your Boil water under

own volcano different pressures

anne helmenstine
m ages

You will need You will need

Safety goggles Safety goggles
1-liter bottle 250-mL vacuum filtration flask
6 cups flour Rubber stopper to close off the top of flask
2 cups salt Faucet with suction filtration attachment
4 tablespoons cooking oil Heavy-walled tubing to connect side arm of flask to faucet
2 cups water projection; this tubing should be heavy-walled so that it won’t
Red food coloring collapse under reduced pressure
Enough warm water to almost fill the bottle 50-mL slightly warm water
6 drops of detergent
2 tablesppons baking soda What to do
5%-vinegar solution
Wear the safety goggles
Securely clamp the flask to a heavy stand to prevent it from falling
What to do over and breaking; never hold this flask with your hands while
Wear the safety goggles. doing this activity.
Knead the flour, salt, oil, and the 2 cups of water together to Put the slightly warm water into the flask.
make a dough. Stand a bottle in a baking pan and mold the dough Insert a stopper in the flask.
around it into a volcano shape. Don’t cover the hole or drop Attach tubing to the sidearm of the flask and the side of the faucet
dough into the bottle. suction filtration attachment.
Fill the bottle most of the way with warm water and a bit of food Turn on water to highest flow.
color. At the end of the activity, turn off the water and break the vacuum
Add detergent. by gently removing the rubber hose from the side of the faucet
Add baking soda. suction filtration attachment.
Add vinegar slowly until the volcano ceases to produce bubbles.
How it works
How it works Boiling is defined as the temperature at which the vapor pressure
The detergent and the baking soda (NaHCO3) dissolve in of water equals the air pressure above the surface of the water. The
the warm water. When the vinegar, which contains acetic acid temperature at which water boils can vary significantly, as revealed by
(CH3COOH) is added, the following chemical reaction occurs: this activity.
Here is what happens: As the tap water flows past the tubing
NaHCO3 + CH3COOH ➝ NaCH3COO + CO2 + H2O,
attached to the faucet, air from the tube is drawn into the water that
is pouring down the drain. This in turn removes air from the flask. Air
in which NaCH3COO is sodium acetate, CO2 is carbon dioxide, and
from the flask is flowing from the high pressure area inside the flask
H2O is water.
to the low pressure area in the tubing.
Carbon dioxide gets trapped inside the soap bubbles, and the The water in the flask is under atmospheric pressure before the
combination of carbon dioxide and soap emerges from the top of faucet is turned on and does not boil. When the air above the surface
the bottle and flows down the sides of the volcano-shaped dough. of the water in the flask is reduced significantly, the water in the flask
You are witnessing a volcano explosion! is now under very low pressure and boils.
– Carolyn Ruth – Carolyn Ruth

chemmatters, APRIL 2009 7

here is a word for you: “chocoholic,”
when you need chocolate. Nothing
else will do. Just thinking about hot
fudge drizzling over ice cream raises
your spirits. You crave a truffle, a Kit-Kat, a
mug of velvety hot cocoa. Few, if any, other
foods evoke such passion.
So what is unique about chocolate? Recent
scientific findings are providing new evidence
that chocolate may be healthier than is usually

So many good
chemicals …
One of the reasons chocolate is unique is
the temperature at which it melts: between
94 °F and 97 °F. A morsel of chocolate slides
across your tongue and liquefies into a perfect
puddle of taste sensation. The human body, at
98.6 °F is just above the chocolate’s melting
temperature. “Melts in your mouth”? Defi-
nitely true.
Chocolate contains more than 300 Another chemical known to make us
chemicals. Caffeine, a stimulant, is the most happy when we eat chocolate is anan-
well known, but it is present only in small damide, so named because it means
amounts. Another stimulant is theobromine, “bliss” in Sanskrit. Not only is it pres-
found in amounts slightly higher than caffeine. ent in chocolate, but it is also produced
The two molecules are identical except for one by the brain and blocks out pain and
methyl group (CH3), but it is not yet clear how depression.

mike ciesielski
they act together in chocolate. But when anandamide is produced
by the brain, it is broken down
quickly, so its effects don’t last.
O CH3 O CH3 Emmanuelle diTomaso, an assistant
biologist at Massachusetts
N HN General Hospital,
Boston, Mass., and Daniele
Piomelli, professor of phar- N
CH3 CH3 macology at the H
CaffeineCaffeine molecule Theobromine
Theobromine molecule University of
have shown that Anandamide
Anandamide molecule
chemicals in
chocolate may inhibit
all strucures: cesar caminero

this natural breakdown NH2

of anandamide. This
means that when
you eat choco-
late, anandamide

Phenylethylamine molecule

molecules from
chocolate stay in

the body longer.

chemmatters, APRIL 2009 13

Then, there is phenylethylamine (PEA), a beneficial effects against heart disease. The antioxidants epicatechin and procyanidin B2
natural brain chemical which stimulates the scientists showed that cocoa polyphenols than when they drank regular chocolate milk.
parts of the brain that keep you alert and mim- acted as antioxidants in the body, compared Another piece of good news: You might
ics the brain chemistry of a person in love. with coconut butter and sugar alone. Also, think that chocolate causes acne, decays
the scientists discovered that in hamsters, teeth, and makes you fat. Not so. No cur-
Is chocolate cocoa powder at a dose equivalent to two rent research connects specific foods to skin
dark chocolate bars per day significantly problems. Chocolate husks contain chemicals
healthy? inhibited atherosclerosis, a type of heart that prevent tooth decay (although they don’t
Recent studies have explored chemicals in disease in which fat clogs up arteries, and offset the added sugar), and too much food
chocolate called polyphenols, which belong raised the levels of good cholesterol. causes weight gain.
to a larger group of chemicals called antioxi- Cocoa is especially rich in chemicals called But how about all this saturated fat, usually
dants. These chemicals protect cells against flavanols, which are flavonoids also found in blamed for the ills of chocolate? Let’s look
damage from free radicals—atoms, mol- tea, wine, and nuts. Ian Mcdonald, professor at how chocolate is made to understand why
ecules, or ions with unpaired electrons. of metabolic physiology at The University chocolate is not totally healthy.
Inside cells, free radicals damage DNA of Nottingham, and colleagues have shown
and have been associated with Alzheimer’s that people who consumed a flavanol-rich How chocolate
disease, heart disease, and cancer. Antioxi- cocoa beverage had increased blood flow in
dants prevent this damage from happening by their brains. This result suggests that cocoa is made
blocking the action of free radicals and may flavanols could be used to prevent vascular The cacao beans used to make chocolate
therefore reduce the risk of being affected by impairments in the brain resulting from, say, come from a tree called Theobroma cacao
these diseases. a stroke. (food of the Gods) that is cultivated in the
Antioxidants work by slowing or preventing Norman Hollenberg, professor of medicine tropics. Tiny flies called midges pollinate the
a chemical reaction called oxidation, which at the Harvard Medical School and
can produce free radicals. Antioxidants termi- Brigham and Women’s Hospital,
nate this reaction by preventing free radicals and colleagues have observed that Production of Chocolate
from being formed. Examples of antioxidants the consumption of a flavanol-rich
include thiols, which are organic compounds cocoa beverage also increases the A B
that contain a functional group composed of amount of nitric oxide in the blood
a sulfur atom and a hydrogen atom (-SH) and vessels, allowing them to dilate and
polyphenols, which are organic compounds stay pliable. This result suggests that
that contain OH groups attached to six-mem- cocoa flavanols could also be used
bered benzene rings. to improve heart health.
Also, Juan Carlos
OH OH Espin de Gea, a senior
Cocoa beans are harvested Cocoa beans are fermented
HO OH research scientist at and dried
HO the Spanish Research
Council in Murcia, E F
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Spain, and colleagues
Examples of polyphenols: phenol (a); pyrocatechol (b); phloroglucinol (c);
Phenol (a) and
hydroquinone (d) three examples of phenol derivatives: pyrogallol
are working on pro-
(b), phloroglucinol (c), and hydroquinone (d). These molecules cessing the cocoa
are components of large molecules called polyphenols.
beans differently to
include the flavonoids
The health benefits of some polyphenols— usually lost in the processing of the
such as quercetin, which is found in citrus beans. They asked six volunteers to
fruit, buckwheat, and onions—are well estab- consume a milk beverage made with Beans are ground, leading Chocolate liquor is pressed,
to a “chocolate liquor” creating cocoa butter
lished, while other polyphenols’ health effects flavonoid-enriched cocoa and later
are still being investigated. The largest and to drink chocolate milk made from
best studied group of polyphenols are the traditional cocoa. When they drank Products: G
flavonoids, a group of several thousand com- the flavonoid-enriched cocoa, these * baking chocolate and
pounds present in various fruits, vegetables, volunteers had eight times more of liquid chocolate
and chocolate. ** chocolate-coated
all structures: cesar caminero

OH products
Joe Vinson, professor
OH OH *** plain or milk chocolate
of chemistry at the Uni-
versity of Scranton, Pa., OH OH

and his research students OH OH

(a) OH (b) Chocolate liquor is pressed
have found that polyphe- OH
and ground, creating cocoa
nols in chocolate have Examples of flavanols:
Examples of flavanols:epicatechin
epicatechin (a) (a) and epigallocatechin
and epigallocatechin (b) (b). powder *

14 Chemmatters, APRIL 2009

trees, and each pod contains 20 to 60 seeds to form a liquid paste called chocolate liquor. chocolate, and chocolate syrup. They dis-
in a sweet pulp. The pods are removed from To make dark, semisweet, and bittersweet covered that natural cocoa contains the most
the tree, split with a machete, and the pulp chocolates, nibs and sugar (and sometimes antioxidants, followed by baking chocolates,
and beans are removed and fermented under additional cocoa butter) are mixed together dark chocolates, baking chips, and finally
banana leaves in the sun. for up to 72 hours to further smooth and milk chocolate and syrups, when compared
Then, the sugary pulp breaks down, heat- blend all particles, creating creamy chocolate. on an equal weight basis. So if you want to
ing the beans. Many chemical changes take So here’s the bad news: Cocoa butter is consume a lot of chocolate, you may be better
place, affecting flavor, aroma, and color. The essentially all fat. There are three major kinds: a off choosing natural cocoa or dark chocolate
rich cocoa aromas develop, and the beans “bad-for-you” saturated fat called palmitic acid; rather than milk chocolate or chocolate syrup.
change from purple to chocolate brown. After oleic acid, a heart-healthy monounsaturated fat; Over the past two decades, various candy
fermentation, the beans are dried on and stearic acid, part of which later converts makers—including The Hershey Co. and
bamboo mats or wooden floors. to oleic acid in the liver. Overall, one-third of Mars, Inc.—have been trying to use this sci-
These dried beans are chocolate’s fat is known to be unhealthy. All entific knowledge by making chocolate-based
shipped to the manufacturing three kinds of fats produce high amounts of candies that are high in antioxidants and fla-
plants, where they are cleaned, calories in the body, although they do not cause vanols. The most recent trend is “premium”
sorted, and roasted. This an increase in blood cholesterol when chocolate, often made of top-quality beans
roasting loosens consumed in chocolate. with high cacao content, no milk, and fewer
the bean shells so Here’s the good news: Choco- additives.
they can be easily late straight from the tree has Scientists may even be able to modify the
removed. What is left more beneficial chemicals than genes of the cocoa tree in the future. Last
are dark chips called possibly any other food, including June, Mars, Inc., partnered with IBM and the

nibs, which are crushed blueberries, red wine, or green tea. U.S. Department of Agriculture to launch a
mike ciesie

They are not only antioxidant, but five-year project to unravel the genome of the
anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, cocoa bean. The team of scientists from these
anti-cancerous, and anti-viral. three institutions may find ways to make the
So why is chocolate often rated cocoa tree more resistant to pests and disease
C D junk? It’s all in the processing. and provide healthier, more nutritious, and
Processing determines whether better-tasting chocolate.
chocolate is a healthy food or a Want the most for your calories? And your
high-calorie indulgence. Roasting dollars? Check out the nutrition information
and fermenting tends to decrease on the labels. The fewer additives, the better.
the amount of antioxidants. Food Meanwhile, dark chocolate or chocolate nibs
stores sell mainly milk chocolate, are a healthy alternative to milk chocolate or
with sugar, milk, and extra chocolate syrup.
Cocoa beans are cleaned The beans’ shells are removed rimages
and roasted cocoa butter added ju
pite So, is chocolate a healthy food, a
because they taste luxury item, or junk? It can be all three,
H I good, but the more just not all at the same time. The
noncocoa items are choice is yours. Go easy! Go dark!
added to cocoa, the Go chocolate!
more dilute the healthy
chemicals become.

Making Selected references

Beckett, S. P. The Science of Chocolate,
Chocolate liquor is mixed with The mixture is stirred in a healthier 2nd ed; The Royal Society of Chemistry:
sugar and cocoa butter (and
milk for milk chocolate)
tank with more cocoa butter
versions Cambridge, UK, 2008.
American Chemical Society: The Elements of

of chocolate Chocolate
W. Jeffrey Hurst, principal com/elements_of_chocolate/ [February
scientist at Hershey Co., Hershey, 2009].
Penn., and colleagues have com- The Exploratorium, Science Museum in San
Francisco: The Sweet Lure of Chocolate
pared the amount of antioxidants
in cocoa-containing products. exploring_chocolate/ [February 2009].
The products they considered
anthony fernandez

were natural cocoa, unsweetened Gail Kay Haines is a science writer and book
Enrobing process ** Molding process *** author from Olympia, Wash. Her most recent
baking chocolate, dark chocolate,
article, “Coffee: Brain Booster to Go?” appeared in
semisweet baking chips, milk
the December 2008 issue.

chemmatters, APRIL 2009 15


Geysers Another entertaining site on Chemistry of chocolate ellites at

Check out the GeyserWorld rainforests (prepared by the Chemist Joanna sat_tab.php?image=ir. You can also
Web site, prepared by Alan Glen- educational Web site Enchanted Marie Millward, track NASA and NOAA’s weather

non, a scientist at the University of Learning) can be found at http:// from the University satellites in real time at http://
Santa Barbara, Calif.: http://www. of Bristol’s School of The site con- subjects/rainforest/Animals.shtml. Chemistry, United NOAA.html.
tains information about geysers Algal blooms Kingdom, has pre-
from around the world with many The Woods Hole Oceano- pared the Celebrate Earth Day
stunning pictures. Geysers can be graphic Institution provides an following Web site on the chem- To celebrate this year’s Earth
found on other planets or moons, overview of toxic algal blooms istry of chocolate: http://www.chm. Day (April 22) and its theme,
such as Enceladus, a moon of throughout the world at http:// “Air—The Sky’s
Jupiter, as revealed by the NASA’s ward/introduction.htm. the Limit,”
Cassini-Huygens spacecraft: http:// do?pid=14899. Also, the National An entertaining and informa- the American tive Web site on the making of Chemical Soci-
2008/11/081126133405.htm. chocolate, its chemistry, and the ety encourages
Rainforests latest news about chocolate can you to tour a
An entertaining Web site about be found at recycling center or a laboratory
rainforests describing the animals,
Also, some universities offer or government
plants, and peoples that live in the
courses on the chemistry of choc- facility that
rainforest has been prepared by Earth Day Network
olate, such as Princeton University, monitors the Earth, soil, or the
scientists at the California Institute

N. J.: atmosphere. Also, K-12 students

of Technology, Pasadena: http://
main/news/archive/S17/61/34M17/ are invited to participate in a Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin-
krubal/rainforest/serve_home.html. istration’s National Ocean Service haiku poem contest by submitting
has dedicated a Web site to toxic Weather satellites entries to their Chemists Celebrate
algal blooms: http://oceanservice. Explore pictures taken by Earth Day local section coordina-, and weather satellites worldwide at tor. Winners will be entered in the
the Centers for Disease Control http://internationalweatherarchive. national contest and the national
and Prevention describe their org/satellite.php. The National winner will be announced on Earth
efforts to better understand toxic Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin- Day. More information about Earth
mike ciesielski

algal blooms at http://www.cdc. istration’s (NOAA’s) National Day is available at http://www.acs.

gov/hab/. Weather Service offers updated org/earthday and http://www.
pictures taken by its weather sat-

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