Me130 Assignment 5

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ME 130-2

Assignment 5
Name: Macaroyo, Ghio Naro G.
Student Number: 2017100508

Question 1: Name four physical quantities that are conserved and two quantities that are not
conserved during a process.
The four physical quantities that are conserved are mass, energy, momentum, and
electrical charge, while the two quantities that are not conserved are volume and kinetic energy.
Conserved physical quantities are physical quantities that does not change over time. An
example for this is in an isolated system, energy is a quantity that can be saved. It can take on
different forms, such as light or heat, but the total quantity of energy in the system remains
constant. Electric charge, momentum, and rotational momentum are other examples of preserved
quantities in an isolated system. An example for not conserved physical quantity is the kinetic
energy in which, sound, heat, and deformation of the items all result from some of the kinetic


Admin, “Conserved quantity,” Quantum Physics Lady, 20-Apr-2017. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 03-Jan-

“When is a physical quantity conserved? - macmillan learning.” [Online]. Available:
[Accessed: 03-Jan-2022].
Question 2: Define mass and volume flow rates. How are they related to each other?
The mass of a liquid material passing per unit time is known as the mass flow rate. To put
it another way, the mass flow rate is the rate at which liquid passes through a unit area. The
formula for mass flow rate is m = pVA, in which, p is fluid density, V is liquid velocity, and A is
cross-sectional area. Volume flow rate is defined as the volume of fluid that passes through a
given cross-sectional area per unit time, the formula that is used for volume flow rate is Q = vA,
in which, Q is volume flow rate, v is velocity flow, and A is cross-sectional area. These two flow
rates are related to each other due to when an increase in mas flow rate leads to an increase in
volume flow rate, and vice versa. They are directly proportional to each other.


Admin, “Mass flow rate formula - definition and examples,” BYJUS, 14-Sep-2020.
[Online]. Available: [Accessed: 03-Jan-2022].

“What is volume flow rate? (article) | fluids,” Khan Academy. [Online]. Available:
flow-rate. [Accessed: 03-Jan-2022].
Question 3: Does the amount of mass entering a control volume have to be equal to the amount
of mass leaving during an unsteady flow process?
Unsteady-flow processes, also known as transient-flow processes, are the flow processes
involved. However, unsteady-flow processes start and end over a finite time period (t) in contrast
to steady-flow processes.The amount of mass that is entering a control volume does not have to
be equal to the amount of mass that is leaving during an unsteady flow process. There is just one
incoming flow and one outlet flow in the control volume. Because the entrance and exit flow
rates aren't equal, the mass within the control volume will grow as time passes, furthermore, the
mass in the control volume fluctuates with time during an unsteady-flow operation. The mass
balance can be used to control volume in a system going through any process.


Thermodynamics ebook: Unsteady-Flow Process. [Online]. Available:
doc=&topic=th&chap_sec=04.5&page=theory. [Accessed: 03-Jan-2022].
Question 4: When is the flow through a control volume steady?
The flow through a control volume becomes steady when it involves no changes with
time at any given specified position, the flow through a control volume is considered to be steady
if the qualities of the control volume do not change with time at any fixed place. A steady-state
process is one in which a fluid flows steadily across a control volume. A wide variety of devices,
such as turbines, compressors, and nozzles, can be modeled (classified) as steady-flow devices
since they run under the same conditions for a long time. As time passes, a steady state flow
process necessitates that conditions at all places in an apparatus remain constant. There must be
no accumulation of mass or energy over the time period of interest. In the flow path through each
element of the system, the same mass flow rate will remain constant.


“The First Law of Thermodynamics: Control Volumes.” [Online]. Available:
%20Thermodynamics_Control%20Volumes.pdf. [Accessed: 03-Jan-2022].
Question 5: Consider a device with one inlet and one outlet. If the volume flow rates at the inlet
and at the outlet are the same, is the flow through this device necessarily steady? Why?
The volume of fluid that travels through a particular cross-sectional area per unit time is
known as volume flow rate, and the formula for volume flow rate is Q = vA, where Q stands for
volume flow rate, v stands for velocity flow, and A stands for cross-sectional area. The flow
through the device is not necessarily steady, unless the density of the fluid remains constant. to
achieve a steady flow, the mass flow rate through the control volume must remain in a constant
state. During a fluid's travel, the continuity equation stipulates that the mass of the fluid must be
preserved, hence constant volume at inlet and outlet does not equal constant mass at inlet and


“What is volume flow rate? (article) | fluids,” Khan Academy. [Online]. Available:
flow-rate. [Accessed: 03-Jan-2022].

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