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Analysis of construction projects by means of value curves

Article  in  International Journal of Project Management · October 2010

DOI: 10.1016/j.ijproman.2009.11.003


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P. Ballesteros-Pérez
Universitat Politècnica de València


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International Journal of Project Management 28 (2010) 719–731

Analysis of construction projects by means of value curves

P. Ballesteros Pérez a,1, Mª.C. González-Cruz b,*, J.P. Pastor-Ferrando b
Depuración de Aguas del Mediterráneo S.L. Cánovas del Castillo Square 1, 5, Postal Code 46005 Valencia, Spain
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Camino de Vera, s/n Postal Code 46022 Valencia, Spain

Received 18 April 2008; received in revised form 2 November 2009; accepted 10 November 2009


The present work analyzes the expectations and relationships of the three key stakeholders involved in the construction project man-
agement process: the construction Promoter (the company that finances, owns and represents the interests of the client), the project
designers (the company that elaborates the construction project) and the builder (the company that executes the construction project).
In this article we propose an analysis of the project stakeholders’ expectations using the strategy canvas tool (a graphical model that
uses value curves as a way of measuring the evaluation of the key factors involved in the design of the construction project document).
The analysis aims to provide evidence on the phases, characteristics and documents of the construction project design and manage-
ment process better rated by the agents involved in the process. The analysis of the value curves will provide evidence on deficiencies in
the elaboration of the construction project document and will allow us to propose some solutions for certain situations. The work pre-
sented is based on the answers supplied by 111 interviewed people belonging to the three agents mentioned above.
Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd and IPMA. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Project; Construction; Strategy canvas; Value curve; Stakeholders

1. Introduction for the Promoter and always exist the element that will
serve as link and guide among the different agents involved:
Nowadays the business world is in constant change (Kim the construction project.
and Mauborgne, 1999). Continual innovation is necessary The construction project can be considered as a tool for
because market sectors are also highly dynamic and change- the design of new facilities. For years the construction pro-
able (Fernández, 2005; Drucker, 2002). Mention is fre- ject process has been evolving to reach its present configu-
quently made of customer focus when designing or ration not only in terms of the documents layout but also
redesigning new products or services in organizations, but the related procedural methods.
it is also very true that this often does not lead to significant One of the aims of this paper is to define the common
results or achievements (Leonard and Rayport, 1997; characteristics of present-day construction projects in Span-
Huovila and Serén, 1998). ish practice. For this end we have studied which aspects are
The planning of facilities can be viewed as an integrated better valued by the different agents involved in the process.
system in which different agents interact with the purpose The stakeholders selected for the present study are: Public
of materializing a new facility and obtaining some benefit. administration or Private Promoters (depending on the
The construction process, usually begins with an interest financial source), project designers and builders.
These stakeholders have been chosen as the most repre-
sentative, but the conclusions of this article are also applicable
Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 96 387 98 66x75654; fax: +34 96 387 to companies which have direct contact with the execution
98 69x79869.
E-mail addresses: (P.B. Pérez), mcgonzal@d-
of the construction projects, e.g. of technical assistance (Mª.C. González-Cruz). and project management companies. The findings only are
Tel.: +34 96 352 09 22, mobile: +639 230 917; fax: +34 96 353 12 25. applicable to companies directly related to construction

0263-7863/$36.00 Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd and IPMA. All rights reserved.

720 P.B. Pérez et al. / International Journal of Project Management 28 (2010) 719–731

projects because stakeholders from sub-sectors of the con- 90% of the investment in civil works corresponds to public
struction industry, such as material and equipment suppli- administrations and affiliate companies.
ers, have different expectations to the stakeholders above. A fundamental role in the development of this activity is
The tool that we have used is the strategy canvas (Kim played by project engineers (Pellicer et al., 2004). Some
and Mauborgne, 2004), first developed by Chan Kim and characteristics inherent to the construction project have
Renée Mauborgne in 1997 (Kim and Mauborgne, 1997) significant impact on the work to be done by these organi-
and successfully applied to the design and re-design of zations. As an illustration we can mention (Austin et al.,
products and services. 1996):

2. Background  The needs of the client (Promoter, end users) are not
usually sufficiently defined and considered.
The construction project management involves numerous  The technical specifications or conditions established are
participants: end users, Promoters, construction companies, not documented and cannot, therefore, present clear
project designers, government/public bodies as well as a subsequent traceability.
large number of sub-contractors, suppliers and other entities.  Some essential specifications (cost) are excluded from
The end product, whether civil engineering works or the iterative process without paying attention to the
buildings, is a complex combination of innumerable par- implications for the end product or its exploitation.
ties, each with its own particular technology and human  The design process is not planned. It is difficult to find
resources. It is described solely by the construction project procedural approaches that can be applicable to a wide
through its designs, plans, technical specifications, etc. range of cases.
The construction sector is complex. It is difficult to put  The selection of the technical solutions chosen from among
into one of the three main economic categories (primary, the possible alternatives is not managed systematically.
secondary and tertiary). One fairly widespread opinion con-  Javier Rui-Wamba assures that (Rui-Wamba, 1999).
siders it to be in an intermediate situation, half way between  The traditional paths do not lead to the future.
industrial and service activities. But the construction activ-  Working methods must change drastically.
ity presents further substantial doses of difficulty, configur-  Current methods must not only be improved, but
ing a set of features that define the work to be carried out, transformed.
contractual relationships, and organization. Seen as a pro-
cess, it has two characteristics of production: it takes place It is common to propose qualitative intervening actions
by commission or under request, and it is intermittent. The to improve project quality standards (Serpell and Fer-
peculiarities of construction as a productive activity are that nando, 1998), and to carry out analyzes of the causes
this industry is characterized by the production of heteroge- why projects generally end up extending their time frame
neous and diverse goods, which are made in different places and increasing their cost (Shing-Tao, 2002). Nevertheless,
and under different circumstances, with processes not ame- It is strange, to study project risks and uncertainties (de
nable to mechanization, and working on most occasions la Cruz et al., 2006). This article aims to analyze the weak-
under request, hence not being able to extend the scope of nesses in the Spanish construction projects occurring as a
its activity (SEOPAN, 2003; Merchán, 2000). consequence of the national economic situation, and to
The market, moreover, is dominated by the demand for propose feasible improvement actions.
each specific project, and the different bidders must com- Some affirmations commonly shared in the world of
pete with each other to obtain the adjudication of the pro- construction projects have been well-read in the bibliogra-
ject. In most cases, the contract is awarded to the lowest phy (Merchán, 2000):
bidder. Consequently the price of the product is formalized
prior to the production process. This prior determination  Those who participate in the construction process
of the price has two consequences (Merchán, 2000): are not sufficiently aware that such a process is a chain
of contracts between different stakeholders. At any time,
 It forces the entrepreneur to narrow his profit margins; the client has the power to demand the quality required.
even at a time of depression when he must present exces- Not taking this into account generates many problems.
sively low prices in order to ensure that he remains in the  The importance of the technical studies prior to project
market, at the expense of zero or near-zero surpluses. planning is undervalued. Much attention is paid to
 The final price of the product usually presents substan- bureaucratic and administrative aspects to the detriment
tial variations from that agreed, especially at a time of of technical aspects.
inflation.  Excessively tight deadlines are set for technical studies.
 All too often, the party commissioning the project con-
In many countries, construction is one of the most siders it to be a mere administrative formality in order to
dynamic economic activities. This is the case of Spain, obtain the construction license. This ignorance of what a
where construction has experienced a dramatic growth in project really is, implies that quality is not demanded of
the last years (SEOPAN, 2003). Additionally, more than it, and it is not considered important.
P.B. Pérez et al. / International Journal of Project Management 28 (2010) 719–731 721

 The internal control of the project as well as its external 4. Description of the strategy canvas tool
supervision, are non-existent in a large number of cases.
 Absence in the project of specifications about use and The authors of the strategy canvas or value curves, W.
service life. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne, describe the tool as fol-
 In tendering and adjudication, excessive weight is given lows (Kim and Mauborgne, 2004):
to delivery times and economic aspects, to the detriment The value curve is the basic component of the strategy
of quality and technical aspects. canvas and constitutes a graphical representation of the rel-
 There is no effective system for the selection of construc- ative performance of a firm in terms of the competitiveness
tion firms. variables of its industry [. . .].
 The user has very little protection against problems A strategy canvas serves to see the future in the present.
deriving from poor project quality. To achieve this, the firms must understand how to interpret
 Construction regulations are over-abundant and com- value curves. The value curves of an industry contain a
plex, as well as incomplete. huge amount of strategic knowledge about the current
 The public administration is slow to regulate the and future situation of a firm.
establishment of failure prevention systems, i.e. effective This technique has started to be used in recent years in
regulations for the control of the project and its imple- the field of marketing (Kim and Mauborgne, 1999) and
mentation, together with a system of guarantees to the in innovation (especially value innovation (Kim and Mau-
user. borgne, 1997, 2002; Drucker, 2001)) and is useful for focus-
 The new regulations continue to be based on schemes of ing efforts on the key factors most valued by clients in the
technical organization that, on many occasions, have process of designing new products (Leonard and Rayport,
become obsolete. 1997; Huovila and Serén, 1998; Garsden, 1994). The pur-
pose of the curves is to highlight the parameters that are
3. Considerations most valued by clients in the future product, and to com-
pare them with those of existing products. From the fitness
For the present study we have designed a question- between the two curves emerge opportunities for improve-
naire that has been answered by experts of Spanish public ment and innovation.
and private organizations. Although the study has been In the present study, we use the strategy canvas tool to
conducted for the case study of Spain, the analysis tools compare how different clients (the three stakeholders under
used can be applicable to any country, organization, analysis) value the same product (the “project document”).
region or economic sector that manages construction The application of the tool for this purpose requires no
projects. modifications of the strategy canvas technique or value
The three key stakeholders involved in the construction curves.
project process are: public administration or Private Pro- Regarding the application of the strategy canvas tool to
moters (analyzed as a single agent representing the end user a sector different from that of industry or services, its use
(MacMillan, 2006)), the Engineering project designers, and has no constraints as a construction project can be consid-
the builders. The other participants generally are subordi- ered as an element of comparable attributes or features
nate to one of the main stakeholders (Chinyio et al., (items to value) that has to be attained for certain end users
1998) and for the sake of simplicity have not been consid- or clients, who will demand product adaptation to their
ered in this analysis. expectations and needs.
The “project document” is considered as the main link In case of having to modify the expectations of the
between the stockholders involved in the construction pro- stakeholders, or the products or services related to the
ject management process (Kathleen and Harmon, 2003). curves, the strategic canvas tool must be applied with the
Hence, the construction project process has been divided tools described by Kim and Mauborgne: the four actions
(from project conception to project execution) into phases framework , the eliminate-reduce-raise-create grid and the
that are evaluated using a set of critical success factors for initial litmus test for BOS: focus, divergence, compelling
building projects (Chan et al., 2004; Parfitt and Sanvido, tagline (Kim and Mauborgne, 2004).
This can be justified by the fact that about 30% of the 5. Description of the experiment
project failures occur between the stages of project design
and project execution (Puddicombe, 1997). This affirma- 5.1. Structure of the value items
tion along with the fact that project designers and contrac-
tors are traditionally seen as “adversaries” (James and In order to apply the strategy canvas to the “construc-
Robinson, 2003) support the idea that the “project docu- tion project document” the quality parameters of the pro-
ment” should be considered as a cooperation tool that ject were identified for further valuation and comparison.
helps to meet the common interest of all stakeholders The items to be valued coincide with a sequence of phases
involved in the process and to avoid time delays and eco- that reflect critical success factors in the management of
nomic losses (Tommy et al., 2006). construction projects (Chan et al., 2004; Parfitt and
722 P.B. Pérez et al. / International Journal of Project Management 28 (2010) 719–731

Sanvido, 1993). Each item represents a unitary element of Table 1

valuation and comparison. Scoring scale of the items.
The “construction project document” process was Range Importance Consideration Quality Need Depth
divided into five phases: study of alternatives, pre-definition, of item (%)
definition, control of project execution and completion, and
each of these project phases were divided into different items 1 0–20 Never None Never Negligible
2 20–40 Exceptional Minimum Rarely Superficial
chronologically in order as mentioned above. A detailed 3 40–60 Regular Medium Regularly Medium
description of each item is given in Annex1, which was deliv- 4 60–80 Habitual High Habitual High
ered to the professionals answering the questionnaire. 5 80–100 Always Maximum Essential Complete
Even taking into account that it is not a complete check-
list, we consider that, in general, an “ideal” project would
be sufficiently defined. It is evident that the greater the
definition of the items, the lower the probability of defects resulting values of the items in each group were averaged.
in the project (Chang and Chiu, 2005). The standard deviations were calculated for the items in
each group.
5.2. The questionnaire In order to complete a statistical basic analysis on the
answers of three stakeholders, four ANOVAs was carried
After the definition of the items, we designed a question- out for each of 35 items, distributed in five phases, which
naire that was sent to 321 specific professionals chosen to will be described later on. The first ANOVA studied the
Spanish public and private entities related to construction. average of the answers of the three stakeholders simulta-
The questionnaire was sent of personalized form by three neously, whereas the other three remaining ANOVAs,
means of communication: fax, e-mail and by mail. One hun- compared the average of the answers of the three stake-
dred and eleven professionals answered the questionnaire. holders, in pairs.
The average time that they used was 30 min. In the results The last step consisted of the graphical representation of
there was sufficient representation from the three key groups. the three value curves (one curve for each stakeholder).
The profile of the professionals who answered the Finally, the curves were analyzed and some conclusions
questionnaire was as follows: were drawn from the results.
According to ANOVAs, those average answers of items
 Thirty four representatives of projects consulting. They of every Stakeholder that had high probability of not dif-
were project managers, consulting managers, technical fering from the average of the answers of another Stake-
specialists, and project technicians in general. holder, have been represented by a black solid color in
 Forty two representatives of Building companies. They the nodes of the value curves.
were: owners, general managers, responsible for public
administration contracting, specialists in studies of con- 6. Graphic analysis of the strategy canvas
struction, supervisors of construction, chiefs responsible
for production. The results obtained from the different valuations permit
 Thirty five representatives of private companies and the graphical representation of the strategy canvas and the
public administration. They were: chief operating offi- value curves for each of the five stages of the construction
cers, construction managers, chief engineers, and project project process (Table 2).
engineers (in public administration companies). On the Chan and Mauborgne (Kim and Mauborgne, 1997,
side of private companies: responsible for area, strategic 2004) describe how to interpret strategy canvas for different
development directors and investors. industrial products with the same client. The present paper
analyzes the resulting graphics, taking into consideration
The instructions indicated that the expert had to answer that in our case study there is a single product (project)
the questionnaire exclusively on behalf of the interests of and different clients (stakeholders). Next is a brief descrip-
the entity he/she was currently working for. The expert tion of the interpretation of the graphics:
should avoid any bias against the interests of other agents Comparison of the valuations (curve peaks) for each
in case he/she had had some prior professional contact item enables us to identify those project aspects more liable
with them. Additionally, the scoring scale of the items to remain unattended or unsolved. Remember that in most
(1–5 points) organized into groups as shown in Table 1, cases the financing for the project comes from the Pro-
was clearly explained in the instructions. moter, and thus his interests prevail over the rest. However,
The questionnaire can be seen in Annex 1. the project designer and the builder also have negotiating
power as they are necessary agents to successfully execute
5.3. Results and graphical representation the construction project.
As shown in Fig. 1, in the Phase 1 of the construction
The data obtained from the 111 questionnaires were project management process, it is evident that the Pro-
then processed for each of the three stakeholders, and the moter and the project designer show common interests.
Table 2
Score of the value items according to the questionnaire data (N: number of interviewed subjects; l: arithmetic mean value of the answers; r: standard deviation of the answers).
No. Phases/items Project consultancy Construction firm Promoter/admin.
N l r N l r N l r
1 Study of alternatives
I Multidimensional study of reality 34 2.80 0.66 42 1.81 0.40 35 3.97 0.90
II Drafting of conditions 34 4.13 0.63 42 2.62 0.62 35 4.77 0.41
III Complete definition of the problem or need 34 4.05 0.34 42 2.84 0.74 35 4.55 0.65
IV Assumption of simplifying hypotheses 34 3.74 0.88 42 1.98 0.38 35 2.62 0.59
V Sketches of viable and possibly optimal alternatives 34 4.15 0.43 42 3.72 1.02 35 4.01 0.60
VI Analysis and comparison of alternatives 34 3.94 0.48 42 3.05 0.67 35 4.12 0.78
VII Reasoned choice of the most suitable alternative 34 4.18 0.47 42 2.54 0.86 35 4.08 0.38
2 Pre-definition
I Definition of environment (multi-theme cartography) 34 2.68 0.78 42 3.87 0.59 35 3.58 0.84
II General vision (of the whole need-conditions-solution set) 34 4.74 0.39 42 4.22 0.75 35 4.44 0.43
III Justificatory calculations 34 4.57 0.41 42 2.89 0.94 35 3.87 0.61
IV Traceability of the sequence of calculations 34 2.87 0.54 42 1.84 0.78 35 2.02 0.74
V Summary and conclusions of results of the calculations 34 3.90 0.78 42 4.07 0.51 35 3.79 0.34
3 Definition
I Functionality and limits of functionality 34 3.77 0.87 42 3.89 1.08 35 4.81 0.55
II Conditions of obsolescence 34 1.76 0.33 42 1.94 0.45 35 3.97 0.59
III Geometrics (plans) 34 3.23 0.66 42 4.88 0.27 35 2.00 0.47
IV Detailed engineering 34 2.12 0.68 42 4.75 0.48 35 1.52 0.53
V Legal and contractual aspects 34 3.94 0.58 42 4.60 0.54 35 4.95 0.32
VI Integrating focus 34 3.54 0.47 42 4.58 0.69 35 3.78 0.59
VII Budgetary (works, running and maint) 34 3.98 0.66 42 4.50 0.41 35 4.31 0.53
VIII Optional future expansion 34 1.83 0.62 42 3.42 0.68 35 3.87 0.97
4 Control of execution
I Definition of technical specif. 34 3.89 0.54 42 4.64 0.42 35 3.87 0.84
II Construction methodology 34 2.74 0.54 42 4.34 0.57 35 2.02 0.41
III Study of interferences 34 3.34 0.65 42 4.65 0.31 35 4.33 0.74
IV Studies of coordination with other works 34 1.53 0.45 42 3.85 0.62 35 2.13 1.03
V Management of waste generated 34 3.39 0.43 42 4.12 0.52 35 4.32 0.38
VI Organization of the works 34 1.04 0.19 42 4.79 0.34 35 1.87 0.56
VII Protocoliz hazardous and specia. tasks 34 3.15 0.42 42 4.32 0.41 35 3.10 0.58
P.B. Pérez et al. / International Journal of Project Management 28 (2010) 719–731

VIII Quality control plan 34 4.07 0.55 42 4.17 0.48 35 3.23 0.66
IX Calculation of indirect costs 34 1.74 0.65 42 4.97 0.16 35 4.01 0.54
X Forecast of evolution of certifications 34 1.87 0.74 42 4.54 0.52 35 4.78 0.31
5 Closure
I Sequence of the construction project 34 2.34 0.35 42 1.24 0.48 35 2.15 0.70
II Development of the testing period (simulation of different scenarios) 34 2.87 0.65 42 4.07 0.80 35 3.84 0.62
III Verification of the initial hypotheses 34 3.88 0.57 42 3.07 0.48 35 3.88 0.53
IV Project As-built 34 2.26 0.76 42 2.07 0.78 35 3.04 0.45
V Lesson learnt 34 2.01 0.64 42 2.25 0.27 35 1.57 0.57
724 Greater P.B. Pérez et al. / International Journal of Project Management 28 (2010) 719–731

Phase 1: Study of Alternatives

Project Consultancy Construction firm Promoter / Administration

Multidimensional Drafting of Complete Definition Assumption of Sketches of Viable Analysis and Reasoned choice of
Study of Reality Conditions of the Problem or Simplifying and possibly optimal Comparison of the most suitable
Need Hypotheses Alternatives Alternatives Alternative


Fig. 1. Value curves of Phase 1: study of alternatives.


Phase 2: Pre-Definition
Project Consultancy Construction firm Promoter / Administration

Definition of Environment General Vision (of the whole Justificatory Calculations Traceability of the Sequence Summary and Conclusions of
(Multi-theme Cartography) Need-Conditions-Solution of Calculations Results of the Calculations


Fig. 2. Value curves of Phase 2: project pre-definition.

By contrast, the construction firm, in general, does not The project designer plays a crucial role at this stage as
have great expectations at this stage. he has to make the problem solution provided by the
The results indicate that the Promoter is the firm with a Promoter converge towards a single solution that the
higher level of expectations for the first group of items. At design firm will have to materialize. It is then logical that
this stage the problem is analyzed in detail to find suitable the designer’s valuations are higher than those of the other
solutions that meet the specific requirements of the client. agents. In fact he shows great interest in the traceability of
The interests of the construction firm increase as the execu- the project calculations (Item IV).
tion process is fully defined. The real fact is that Spanish construction projects lack a
In Phase 2 (pre-definition) of the construction project well-defined presentation of the calculations in the project
management process the interests of the three agents are document, which makes it difficult to trace the procedure
more similar than in Phase 1 (see Fig. 2). There is more dis- followed in the calculation of certain project elements.
persion in the valuations of certain items. The Promoter As shown in Fig. 3, in Phase 3, despite the dispersion of
shows particular interest in the overall definition of the the valuations being lower than in the previous phases,
problem, the problem solutions and the calculation esti- there are more differences in the interests of the three
mates. On the other hand, the construction firm is also agents: the builder is interested in the detailed definition
interested in these aspects as well as in the cartographic of what is to be built and therefore highly valuates the
definition of the facility site (Item I). items concerning how the project is defined, the legal and
P.B. Pérez et al. / International Journal of Project Management 28 (2010) 719–731 725

Phase 3: Definition
Project Consultancy Construction firm Promoter / Administration

Functionality and Conditions of Geometrics Detailed Legal and Integrating focus Budgetary Optional Future
Limits of Obsolescence (Plans) Engineering Contractual (Works, Running expansion
Functionality Aspects and Maint.)


Fig. 3. Value curves of Phase 3: definition.


Project Consultancy

Construction firm
Phase 4: Control of Execution
Promoter / Administration

Definition of Construction Study of Studies of Management Organization Protocoliz. Quality Calculation of Forecast of
Technical Methodology Interferences Coordination of Waste of the Works Hazardous Control Plan Indirect Costs Evolution of
Specif. with other generated and Special. Certifications
works Tasks


Fig. 4. Value curves of Phase 4: control of project execution.

contractual relationship and in particular the economic The construction firm highly values the items related to
aspects and project management costs. The Promoter is project execution control. By contrast, the Promoter
interested in knowing the limits of use of what he is going neglects these items and shows more interest in the aspects
to finance (Item I), fully defining the legal-contractual that either may affect the execution of the projected facility
relationship, budget distribution and future expectations (Items I and VIII) or may cause unexpected problems that
of the constructed facility. The technical specifications of the firm will have to assume (Items III, V, and VII). The
the projects are of less importance. The designer must elab- Promoter also shows interest in the budgetary aspects
orate a project document that satisfies the other two agents (Items IX and X).
and that adequately defines the relationships between The designer has certain inertia as he acts accordingly to
agents and allows for the control of the project over the the interests of the Promoter. Many are the aspects to be
builder during project execution. In general, it seems that defined in the construction project and if there are insuffi-
the project does not satisfy all the expectations of the Pro- cient resources for the correct design of the project, it may
moter or builder. happen that the project is poorly defined. Since the project
In Phase 4 (control of project execution) there is low dis- is financed by the Promoter, his interests will prevail in the
persion in the values. In general this phase follows the definition of the project and this is the reason why the Value
trends of the previous phases, as shown in Fig. 4 (see curve of the designer is similar to that of the Promoter
Tables 3 and 4). although it does not completely meet their expectations.
Table 3
ANOVAs 1 and 2 (significance level a = 0.05).
ANOVA 1 (three stakeholder together) Fa, n I, I 1 = 3.10 ANOVA 2 (stakeholders 1 and 2) Fa, n I, I 1 = 3.98
2.86 89.55 48.47 3 111 44.78 0.45 99.76 0 2.31 18.62 20.93 2 76 18.62 0.28 65.82 0
3.84 95.64 34.57 3 111 47.82 0.32 149.38 0 3.38 43.32 28.86 2 76 43.32 0.39 111.09 0
3.81 60.69 40.63 3 111 30.34 0.38 80.66 0 3.45 27.82 26.27 2 76 27.82 0.35 78.37 0
2.78 59.11 43.31 3 111 29.56 0.40 73.70 0 2.86 58.85 31.48 2 76 58.85 0.43 138.37 0
3.96 3.73 61.00 3 111 1.87 0.56 3.31 0 3.94 3.51 48.76 2 76 3.51 0.66 5.33 0
3.70 25.91 46.69 3 111 12.95 0.43 29.96 0 3.50 15.05 26.01 2 76 15.05 0.35 42.82 0
3.60 66.69 42.52 3 111 33.35 0.39 84.69 0 3.36 51.10 37.61 2 76 51.10 0.51 100.54 0
3.38 28.17 58.34 3 111 14.09 0.54 26.08 0 3.28 26.91 34.35 2 76 26.91 0.46 57.96 0
4.47 5.12 34.37 3 111 2.56 0.32 8.05 0 4.48 5.14 28.08 2 76 5.14 0.38 13.54 0
3.78 54.72 54.43 3 111 27.36 0.50 54.29 0 3.73 53.63 41.77 2 76 53.63 0.56 94.99 0
2.24 21.93 53.19 3 111 10.97 0.49 22.27 0 2.36 20.16 34.57 2 76 20.16 0.47 43.15 0
3.92 1.55 34.67 3 111 0.78 0.32 2.41 1 3.99 0.55 30.74 2 76 0.55 0.42 1.32 1
4.16 23.01 83.09 3 111 11.50 0.77 14.95 0 3.83 0.27 72.80 2 76 0.27 0.98 0.28 1
2.56 107.46 23.73 3 111 53.73 0.22 244.53 0 1.85 0.62 11.90 2 76 0.62 0.16 3.83 1
3.37 162.12 24.87 3 111 81.06 0.23 351.95 0 4.06 51.73 17.36 2 76 51.73 0.23 220.45 0
2.80 232.87 34.26 3 111 116.43 0.32 367.08 0 3.44 131.42 24.71 2 76 131.42 0.33 393.64 0
4.50 18.18 26.54 3 111 9.09 0.25 36.99 0 4.27 8.28 23.06 2 76 8.28 0.31 26.56 0
3.97 23.21 38.65 3 111 11.60 0.36 32.43 0 4.06 20.55 26.81 2 76 20.55 0.36 56.72 0
4.26 5.16 30.82 3 111 2.58 0.29 9.04 0 4.24 5.14 21.27 2 76 5.14 0.29 17.88 0
3.04 79.96 63.63 3 111 39.98 0.59 67.85 0 2.63 48.03 31.64 2 76 48.03 0.43 112.33 0
4.13 15.22 40.85 3 111 7.61 0.38 20.12 0 4.27 10.69 16.86 2 76 10.69 0.23 46.92 0
3.03 110.57 28.66 3 111 55.29 0.27 208.35 0 3.54 48.64 22.94 2 76 48.64 0.31 156.88 0
4.11 34.13 36.50 3 111 17.06 0.34 50.49 0 4.00 32.61 17.88 2 76 32.61 0.24 134.93 0
2.50 113.26 58.51 3 111 56.63 0.54 104.52 0 2.69 102.27 22.44 2 76 102.27 0.30 337.20 0
3.94 16.69 22.10 3 111 8.34 0.20 40.78 0 3.76 10.13 17.19 2 76 10.13 0.23 43.59 0
2.57 303.85 16.59 3 111 151.92 0.15 988.81 0 2.92 267.19 5.93 2 76 267.19 0.08 3333.7 0
3.52 37.67 24.15 3 111 18.83 0.22 84.22 0 3.74 26.01 12.71 2 76 26.01 0.17 151.39 0
3.82 19.44 34.24 3 111 9.72 0.32 30.66 0 4.12 0.19 19.43 2 76 0.19 0.26 0.72 1
P.B. Pérez et al. / International Journal of Project Management 28 (2010) 719–731

3.57 202.88 24.91 3 111 101.44 0.23 439.87 0 3.36 198.23 14.99 2 76 198.23 0.20 978.43 0
3.73 183.77 32.42 3 111 91.89 0.30 306.05 0 3.21 135.45 29.16 2 76 135.45 0.39 343.77 0
1.91 27.16 30.15 3 111 13.58 0.28 48.64 0 1.79 22.99 13.49 2 76 22.99 0.18 126.12 0
3.59 29.46 53.25 3 111 14.73 0.49 29.88 0 3.47 27.36 40.18 2 76 27.36 0.54 50.39 0
3.61 17.28 29.72 3 111 8.64 0.28 31.39 0 3.48 12.47 20.17 2 76 12.47 0.27 45.74 0
2.46 19.50 50.89 3 111 9.75 0.47 20.70 0 2.17 0.69 44.01 2 76 0.69 0.59 1.15 1
1.94 8.98 27.55 3 111 4.49 0.26 17.60 0 2.13 1.09 16.51 2 76 1.09 0.22 4.91 0
Table 4
ANOVAs 3 and 4 (significance level a = 0.05).
ANOVA 3 (stakeholders 1 and 3) Fa, n I, I 1 = 3.98 ANOVA 4 (stakeholders 2 and 3) Fa, n I, I 1 = 3.98
3.39 23.61 41.91 2 69 23.61 0.63 37.75 0 2.89 89.81 34.10 2 77 89.81 0.45 197.54 0
4.45 7.07 18.81 2 69 7.07 0.28 25.16 0 3.70 88.98 21.48 2 77 88.98 0.29 310.76 0
4.30 4.31 18.18 2 69 4.31 0.27 15.89 0 3.70 56.29 36.82 2 77 56.29 0.49 114.67 0
3.18 21.64 37.39 2 69 21.64 0.56 38.77 0 2.30 7.88 17.76 2 77 7.88 0.24 33.31 0
4.08 0.34 18.34 2 69 0.34 0.27 1.24 1 3.87 1.62 54.90 2 77 1.62 0.73 2.21 1
4.03 0.56 28.29 2 69 0.56 0.42 1.32 1 3.59 22.04 39.09 2 77 22.04 0.52 42.29 0
4.13 0.17 12.20 2 69 0.17 0.18 0.95 1 3.31 45.65 35.23 2 77 45.65 0.47 97.18 0
3.13 13.97 44.07 2 69 13.97 0.66 21.24 0 3.73 1.62 38.26 2 77 1.62 0.51 3.17 1
4.59 1.55 11.31 2 69 1.55 0.17 9.20 0 4.33 0.93 29.35 2 77 0.93 0.39 2.38 1
4.22 8.45 18.20 2 69 8.45 0.27 31.12 0 3.38 18.49 48.88 2 77 18.49 0.65 28.37 0
2.45 12.46 28.24 2 69 12.46 0.42 29.57 0 1.93 0.62 43.56 2 77 0.62 0.58 1.07 1
3.85 0.21 24.01 2 69 0.21 0.36 0.58 1 3.93 1.51 14.59 2 77 1.51 0.19 7.76 0
4.29 18.66 35.26 2 69 18.66 0.53 35.45 0 4.35 16.29 58.11 2 77 16.29 0.77 21.03 0
2.87 84.25 15.43 2 69 84.25 0.23 365.85 0 2.96 79.33 20.14 2 77 79.33 0.27 295.44 0
2.62 26.10 21.89 2 69 26.10 0.33 79.90 0 3.44 159.67 10.50 2 77 159.67 0.14 1140.5 0
1.82 6.21 24.81 2 69 6.21 0.37 16.77 0 3.14 200.83 19.00 2 77 200.83 0.25 792.89 0
4.45 17.60 14.58 2 69 17.60 0.22 80.85 0 4.78 2.36 15.44 2 77 2.36 0.21 11.46 0
3.66 0.99 19.13 2 69 0.99 0.29 3.48 1 4.18 12.32 31.36 2 77 12.32 0.42 29.47 0
4.15 1.88 23.93 2 69 1.88 0.36 5.26 0 4.41 0.69 16.44 2 77 0.69 0.22 3.17 1
2.85 71.79 44.68 2 69 71.79 0.67 107.66 0 3.65 3.90 50.95 2 77 3.90 0.68 5.74 0
3.88 0.01 33.61 2 69 0.01 0.50 0.01 1 4.26 11.41 31.22 2 77 11.41 0.42 27.42 0
2.38 8.94 15.34 2 69 8.94 0.23 39.06 0 3.18 103.61 19.04 2 77 103.61 0.25 408.21 0
3.84 16.91 32.56 2 69 16.91 0.49 34.79 0 4.49 1.97 22.56 2 77 1.97 0.30 6.55 0
1.83 6.21 42.75 2 69 6.21 0.64 9.73 0 2.99 56.95 51.83 2 77 56.95 0.69 82.41 0
3.86 14.92 11.01 2 69 14.92 0.16 90.78 0 4.22 0.77 16.00 2 77 0.77 0.21 3.61 1
1.46 11.88 11.85 2 69 11.88 0.18 67.17 0 3.33 164.13 15.40 2 77 164.13 0.21 799.25 0
3.13 0.04 17.26 2 69 0.04 0.26 0.17 1 3.71 28.65 18.33 2 77 28.65 0.24 117.23 0
3.65 12.17 24.79 2 69 12.17 0.37 32.89 0 3.70 17.01 24.26 2 77 17.01 0.32 52.59 0
P.B. Pérez et al. / International Journal of Project Management 28 (2010) 719–731

2.88 88.89 23.86 2 69 88.89 0.36 249.63 0 4.49 17.74 10.96 2 77 17.74 0.15 121.36 0
3.33 146.07 21.34 2 69 146.07 0.32 458.66 0 4.66 1.11 14.35 2 77 1.11 0.19 5.79 0
2.25 0.62 20.70 2 69 0.62 0.31 2.02 1 1.70 15.94 26.11 2 77 15.94 0.35 45.80 0
3.36 16.23 27.01 2 69 16.23 0.40 40.26 0 3.96 1.02 39.31 2 77 1.02 0.52 1.94 1
3.88 0.00 20.27 2 69 0.00 0.30 0.00 1 3.48 12.63 19.00 2 77 12.63 0.25 49.86 0
2.65 10.49 25.95 2 69 10.49 0.39 27.10 0 2.56 18.11 31.83 2 77 18.11 0.42 42.68 0
1.79 3.34 24.56 2 69 3.34 0.37 9.11 0 1.91 8.90 14.04 2 77 8.90 0.19 47.56 0
728 Greater
P.B. Pérez et al. / International Journal of Project Management 28 (2010) 719–731

Phase 5: Closure

Project Consultancy Construction firm Promoter / Administration

Sequence of the Construction Development of the Testing Verification of the Initial Project as Built Lesson learnt
project Period (Simulation of different Hypotheses


Fig. 5. Value curves of Phase 5: project completion.

In the context of the present study, the construction pro- construction firm), have, for every item, the most restrictive
jects follow the same pattern: project quality is close to the expectation (the higher punctuation) of both curves of
Promoter’s interests but the project does not clearly define value that now he represents: his habitual curve and the
all the aspects that the construction firm considers relevant. role who has substituted.
Thus, during the execution phase the builder must specify
and fully determine certain aspects that were only superfi- 7. Discussion
cially indicated in the project. This fact has two conse-
quences: the construction firm assumes project design The most important conclusions that can be drawn from
functions not corresponding to it and the control of the the analysis of the value curves have been discussed above
builder’s activities is lower than it should be during project during the description of the value curves of the different
execution. project phases, with particular attention to Spanish con-
In the phase of project completion (Fig. 5) is when the struction projects.
highest loss of value of the project document occurs. The Additionally, we can mention two other relevant obser-
Promoter is interested in proving that what has been built vations. First, the sections and aspects of the construction
works (Item II) and meets its client’s needs (Item III), and project document are defined and specified to meet the
then it needs fully defined project documents for the correct interests of the financing agent rather than to elaborate a
exploitation of what has been built (Item IV). well-balanced project. Great efforts are made to meet the
In this last project phase it is important for the construc- quality needs of the Promoter whereas the items only rele-
tion firm to test and check the end product, to deliver the vant for the construction firm are poorly defined in the pro-
product to the Promoter and to finish the contractual ject document.
relationship. The consequences of all this is that certain areas of the
In the project completion phase little importance is usu- project are resolved by the construction firm itself in the
ally given to revision and feedback of the projected prod- absence of a sufficiently defined project. Paradoxically
uct, probably due to inadequate management of the enough, although the construction firm allocates more
partial delivery times, which results in an overlapping resources to overcome the lack of information, its benefits
between the end of a project and the starting of a new may even be higher since the control of the other two
one. agents decreases during the phase of project execution.
Items I, IV and V related to using feedback for future As a result, the budgetary distribution varies in the detri-
projects (Garsden, 1994) are at low levels. The project ment of the Promoter.
should always count with an adequate final phase of pro- Secondly, there is no feedback during the project life
ject completion that included project revisions in order to cycle in its final phase.
improve future results and expectations (Pulaski and Hor- Research in the field of knowledge management indi-
man, 2005). cates that most of the Knowledge existing in this field
In “design and build” contracts, one of the three stake- resides in the minds of construction experts (Pulaski and
holders does not exist (usually the project consultancy) and Horman, 2005). The “As-built” project and the effective
his curve of value does not exist in the strategy canvas use of this experience in a form suitable for sharing with
either. The curve of the Stakeholder that assumes the func- the members of the project organization and the other par-
tions of the stakeholder that does not exist (generally the ticipants in the process should serve to anticipate future
P.B. Pérez et al. / International Journal of Project Management 28 (2010) 719–731 729

requirements and thus better meet the interests of all the A.2. Items
The opportunity of change lies precisely in this last The items are grouped into five groups that represent the
consequence: feedback capabilities. Rather than trying to phases of definition, design and operation of the construc-
reduce the differences in the value curves of the agents, tion project. Please rate each item from 1 to 5. The scoring
the project should provide a detailed description of the dif- scale corresponds to the following intervals:

Score of the item Importance (%) Frequency Quality Need Detail

1 0–20 Never None None Negligible
2 20–40 Hardly ever Low Low Low
3 40–60 Regularly Moderate Moderate Moderate
4 60–80 Almost always High High High
5 80–100 Always Very high Crucial Very high

ferent aspects of the construction project accordingly to the Below is a description of the five groups and the items in
specific interests of each stakeholder. In other words, the roman numerals. Please carefully read the instructions of
project document should represent a higher conceptual step the set of items in a group before scoring the item. At the
that incorporates the needs of the three key stakeholders end you will find an answer sheet to write down your answers.
involved in the process. Here is a detailed description of the meaning of the
In this final phase of the project is when the mistakes items. Although the checklist of items could be more com-
made, the undefined aspects or the deviations from the prehensive, we consider that it suffices to correctly define
agents’ initial interests become more evident; therefore an ideal construction project.
it is important not to extend something apparently final-
ized and to avoid as much as possible starting a new A.2.1. Group 1: study of alternatives
project before assimilating the feedback for use in future Item I. Multidimensional analysis of reality. It involves
works. the technical, economic, physical, environmental, social,
legal and political study of reality. As an illustration this
Appendix A. Annex 1: questionnaire item may include from the State of the Art of technology,
pre-studies in the area, interviews to local people, study of
A.1. Introduction future demographic changes, and so on. It is a complex and
varied item.
The Universidad Politécnica of Valencia is developing a Item II. Constraints. It consists of calibrating the condi-
study on valuation that includes the key stakeholders tioning factors, constraints and opportunities of the multidi-
involved in the design, planning and execution of construc- mensional analysis of reality, and listing them on the project
tion projects in Spain. The term “project” includes from documents for further consideration during project design.
the design and planning of the project document to the exe- Item III. Comprehensive definition of the problem or
cution of the facilities. need. It defines the problem and tries to understand the
You have received the questionnaire because you belong problem setting. The object of the project should be re-
to one of the three main agents involved in the construction defined using the new data.
project management process, namely an engineer of the Item IV. Simplifying hypotheses. After the formulation
administration (or private Promoter), a Project Engineer, of the problem, the initial hypotheses of the real world
or an engineer of a construction firm. are simplified to allow the use of standard analysis tools,
The aim of the present questionnaire is that you, on models and techniques.
behalf of the interests and functions of the agent you Item V. Feasible and optimal alternatives. It consists of
represent (administration/Promoter, design firm or con- performing estimations on the options that allow the mate-
struction firm) and ONLY yours, valuate a set of items rialization of the construction that best solves the project
(using a scale from 1 to 5) according to the relative impor- needs.
tance of each item in the construction project management Item VI. Alternative analysis and comparison. It consists
and operation process. of comparing alternatives previously selected using the
Please indicate whether you have previous experience as appropriate tool, for example, discrete multicriteria deci-
one of the other agents of the process. Try to omit this sion analysis (MCDA). The decision analysis models and
experience in your analysis so that your answers ONLY tools should be justified now in the documents.
represent the particular interests of the agent you are cur- Item VII. Justified selection of the best alternative. It con-
rently working for. This is crucial to avoid biased results sists of evaluating the potential alternatives by describing
in the subsequent statistical data analysis. their advantages and disadvantages.
730 P.B. Pérez et al. / International Journal of Project Management 28 (2010) 719–731

A.2.2. Group 2: pre-definition sider not only the execution of the works but also the esti-
Item I. Definition of the setting (multimathematical car- mation of the maintenance and service life costs of the
tography). It indicates the need for processing the data constructed facilities. The correct distribution of the budget
about the future construction setting for further use during facilitates control over the construction firm.
project execution. It consists mainly of the mapping of the Item VIII. Future optional project extensions. It consists
site as well as of all non-graphical data collected at earlier of a document that at least briefly presents optional actions
stages. that would improve the construction in the future or during
Item II. General view (of the set need-requirements-solu- project execution. This involves substantial savings in the
tion). It defines the goal and scope of the project, which future.
provides a general view of the project or need and the goals
to achieve with the project. A.2.4. Group 4: control of project execution
Item III. Calculations. It includes the different calcula- Item I. Definition of the technical specifications. Prior to
tion techniques and tools that provide the specific data pre- project execution the quality requirement of the different
sented in the detailed project documents. components should be indicated, specifying the maximum
Item IV. Traceability of the calculation sequence. It indi- and minimum operational values.
cates the sequence followed in the calculations of a partic- Item II. Building approach. It includes the way of execut-
ular project, both in the individual calculation documents ing the construction works in terms of the materials and
and in the general document, which will allow us to under- human resources available. It should be defined in a way
stand certain conclusions. that any builder with knowledge on the basic building tech-
Item V. Summary and conclusions of the calculations. It niques could be capable of executing the project only with
reflects how the physical reality of the projected work will the help of the project documents.
be in relation to the calculations performed. Item III. Study of interferences. It studies the interfer-
ences in the services affected by the works, e.g. traffic diver-
A.2.3. Group 3: definition sions, current operation, environmental resources managed
Item I. Functionality and functionality limits. For the by public and private organizations, and so on. Any aspect
selected solution, indicate how it fits to the pre-established affected by the construction of the works should be indi-
functionality requirements and in which situations it is no cated in the project documents.
longer useful or it is not clear that it will work (out-of- Item IV. Studies of project coordination effectiveness. It
range values, non-considered scenarios, and so on). might be interesting to coordinate different construction
Item II. Obsolescence conditions. It provides an estima- projects to optimize resources. It is not necessary that the
tion of the maturity date of the product as well as a descrip- projects be similar in nature although they should allow
tion of the situations in which the project object would be for interaction so that all agents involved in the construc-
out of service because it is no longer profitable or for any tion process obtain benefits.
other reason. This item is fairly vague because it works Item V. Waste disposal. Planning the way to dispose of
with hypotheses difficult to anticipate. the waste generated during the construction works.
Item III. Geometry (planes). It comprises the detailed Item VI. Work planning. It involves planning and
geometrical description of the works. describing the works and resources, risks, tolerances, etc.
Item IV. Detail engineering. It includes highly specialized It should include permit and expropriation management
studies necessary for the correct operation of the project. procedures, minimization and correction of interferences,
Item V. Legal and contractual factors (of the construc- power and space resources necessary for the execution of
tion project). They define the procedural approach the construction works, etc.
involved in the construction project management process Item VII. Protocol of hazardous and specialized works.
and the contractual relationships between the Promoter Hazardous works or complex works requiring special
and the builder. attention should follow a protocol to minimize failures or
Item VI. Integrated approach. All aspects of the project accidents.
are presented in a comprehensive manner. When a facility Item VIII. Quality control plan. Detailed planning of all
is built, each of the elements involved in the process is aspects related to the quality of the works.
affected by different conditioning factors that must be con- Item IX. Estimation of indirect costs. At this stage the
sidered jointly. An illustration of a non-comprehensive level of knowledge of the project should allow the estima-
approach is to describe preventive or environmental factors tion of the indirect costs of construction. The current
in separate documents. method is to use cost percentages that are justified later
Item VII. Budgetary factors (execution, exploitation and during the execution of the works, but previous managerial
maintenance). The correct distribution of the budget experience could serve to provide more accurate estimates.
involves a high control over the execution of the works Item X. Anticipation of the evolution of the certifications.
and also a good description of what is to be built. The bud- As a consequence of an adequate and detailed planning of
get should be at least distributed as required by the builder the costs for budget distribution, not only for the Promoter
for supplier bidding. Additionally, the budget should con- but also for the construction firm.
P.B. Pérez et al. / International Journal of Project Management 28 (2010) 719–731 731

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