Moniac - Hydromechanical Analog Computer

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The Moniac
A Hydromechanical Analog Computer of the 1950s

Once upon a time there was a reaching England just before the out- mance in three-hour examinations.
student at the London School of break of World War II. He spent three Nevertheless, Phillips subsequently
Economics […] who got into and a half years in Japanese POW rose to full professor in economics in
difficulties […] with such ques- camps, where, under an ever-present less than a decade. He died in 1975,
tions as whether Savings are threat of execution, he managed to and his work was celebrated a quar-
necessarily equal to Investment construct, hide, and maintain a radio ter of a century later in a collected
[…] but he realised that mone- receiver. After the war he returned to edition [3], which includes all of his
tary flows and stocks of money London to study sociology as a published papers, together with sev-
could be thought of as tankfuls mature undergraduate at the London eral unpublished ones. The volume
of water … Prof. James Meade School of Economics (LSE). Becom- also includes commentaries by con-
(later Nobel Laureate for Econom- ing disillusioned by sociology but fas- temporaries and others, as well as a
ics), 1951 [1] cinated by economics, he stayed on to detailed historical assessment.
do graduate work in the latter area. This article aims to bring wider
The odd-looking machine is an As an undergraduate, he managed attention to his “ingenious computa-
ingenious hydraulic device that only a pass degree in sociology, tional device [and] inspired piece of
teaches economical principles in attributed to his chain-smoking habit, pedagogy” [4], while emphasizing the
a few easy and graphic opera- which detracted from his perfor- relationship between his work and
tions. It was invented by a New control engineering.
Zealand electrical engineer
named A. W. Phillips, and THE ORIGINS OF THE MACHINE
dubbed the ‘Moniac’ by its initial The hydraulic simulator became a reali-
US enthusiast, economist A. P. ty as a result of a conversation between
Lerner […] to suggest “money, Bill Phillips and fellow economist Wal-
the ENIAC and something mani- ter Newlyn in 1949. Newlyn, born in
acal. Fortune Magazine, 1952 [2] 1915, had left school without qualifica-
tions, but, after part-time self-study and
Most analog computers, as IEEE army service in France and India, was
Control Systems Magazine readers are admitted to the LSE a year before
reminded by the June 2005 special Phillips, where they became close
section, were firmly based on friends. In 1949 Newlyn had just taken
mechanical or electrical principles. up a junior academic post at Leeds Uni-
The ‘Moniac,’ or Phillips Machine as it versity. He later became a distinguished
is more commonly known (figures 1 monetary theorist, held a number of
and 2), was different. An analog simu- important posts in Africa, and was
lator of a national economy, the Moni- chair of development economics at
ac used the flow of colored water to Leeds University from 1967 to 1978.
represent the dynamics of the flow of While the notion of representing
money. Its creation was a result of the the flow of money in an economy by
inspired collaboration between the FIGURE 1 Bill Phillips and the prototype the flow of water was not new,
electrical-engineer-turned-economist machine. Phillips demonstrated the machine Phillips wrote a draft paper outlining
A.W.H. (Bill) Phillips and his econo- at a 1949 London School of Economics how a physical device could actually
mist colleague Walter Newlyn. Seminar, during which he gave an exposi- be built. At the heart of such a device
tion of Keynesian and Robertsonian eco-
Phillips was born in New Zealand nomics, followed by a practical simulation of
would be the hydraulic system shown
in 1914 and as a young man traveled key features of these theories using the in Figure 3, where the upper pipe rep-
through Australia, China, and Russia, hydraulic simulator. resents the flow to the market, while


the lower pipe represents the flow perspex together, while inter-
from the market, thus altering the mittently supplementing some
level of the stocks tank. The openings areas of Bill’s subsidiary course
of the two valves are determined by [that is, rather limited] knowl-
the supply and demand curves. edge of economics.
Newlyn was enthusiastic and per- In the same notes Newlyn testifies
suaded his head of department at to Phillips’s ingenuity
Leeds to advance £100 for construc- in combining electrical and
tion of a prototype. This prototype, in hydraulic features in the articu-
the grand tradition of such projects, lation, and in manually fashion-
was built over the summer of 1949 in ing, with outstanding skill,
a garage in Croydon [5], [6]. In critical shapes such as the expo-
unpublished notes held by his widow, nential [note—the true shape is
Newlyn recalls: described below] slit of the out-
Work started in the Easter flow from the main tank; but
vacation of 1949, which I was perhaps above all his ability to
spending in London. We spent improvise—surely a legacy from
some time on discussing the his days as a Japanese prisoner
precise specification for the full of war. An electric motor was
model, and Bill solved some required to drive the graph, so
hydraulic problems such as hav- he bought a second-hand clock
ing constant base outflows from that served the purpose. Pumps
FIGURE 2 The restored Mark II Phillips
the tanks, and the final draw- were obtained from RAF dispos-
machine in the Cambridge University
Department of Economics, 2003. A team ings were made. The actual con- als; windscreen wipers from a
from the Engineering Department refur- struction was carried out in the Lancaster bomber were adapted
bished the machine in preparation for a con- garage of Bill’s friends in Croy- for another function; and some
ference celebrating the 100th birthday of the don during the summer vaca- of the smaller parts were made
Cambridge Economics Department, held in
tion of 1949. My main role was by a friend who owned a factory
September 2003.
that of the craftsman’s mate— for making dolls’ eyes …
sanding and glueing pieces of A demonstration that took place at
the LSE in November 1949 before a
distinguished audience of economists
was a great success. Development
was subsequently funded by LSE, and
the resulting “Type II” machine was
ready by autumn 1950. In the same
year Phillips published a paper on the
machine [7], as a result of which he
was appointed to a lectureship—in
spite of his poor degree result (his
pass degree was the lowest grade)
and while still a postgraduate stu-
dent. He was examined for his Ph.D.
in late 1953, was promoted to reader
the following year, and became a full
professor in 1958.


Figure 4 is a detailed drawing of the
“Type II” Phillips machine from the
archives of the LSE. The water flow
representing total national income
FIGURE 3 Phillips’s sketch of the fundamental component of a hydraulic simulator of an enters at the top of the machine. Taxa-
economy, from an unpublished paper now in the possession of Martin Slater, Fellow of St. tion revenue is diverted to one side
Edmund Hall, Oxford. This paper was the stimulus for building the prototype machine. and savings to the other; the remainder


FIGURE 4 The machine explained in the context of the US economy. The water flowing in the perspex pipes represents the flow of money as
income, savings, taxation, imports, and exports, while the levels in the transparent tanks represent stocks of money held as domestic or for-
eign reserves. (Source: LSE James Meade Archive, File 16/3)


tant aspect of the machine, as with
The Basic Monetary Model many other analog simulators, is that
the model can run much faster than
t the heart of the Phillips machine lay a simple, first-order model of the dynamics of
an economy, although the machine allowed various higher-order elaborations. In real time, enabling economic cycles
Phillips’s own words: that may take several years to be
Let u be the production flow, v the consumption flow, w the stocks and p the price, observed in a few minutes.
all measured, for simplicity, from a base at which the system is in equilibrium. We have In essence, then, the machine
then, by definition, the identity solves differential equations; see the
sidebar “The Basic Monetary Model.”
u−v = But as Phillips pointed out in his 1950
paper, “The hydraulic model will give
and three hypotheses, solutions for nonlinear systems as eas-
ily as for linear ones. It is not even
u = lp
necessary for the relationships to be in
v = mp
analytical form: so long as the curves
and can be drawn the machine will record
w = np the correct solutions, within the limits
where l, m, and n are parameters. of its accuracy.” Readers interested in
If at time t = 0, from equilibrium, there is a spontaneous change,v , in consump- a more detailed description of the
tion, then machine’s design and function are
referred to the relevant chapters of [3].
= u − (v + v ) = (l − m)p − v The machine was claimed to have
an accuracy of ±4%, and thus was
Also never viewed as a highly accurate
dp 1
= computational device. Its real signifi-
dq n
cance seems to lie in the way it aided
Therefore [after some manipulation] understanding of complex ideas of
[. . . ] economics, particularly dynamics.
The pedagogical value of the machine
n − (l − m)p + v = 0 was recognized by its inventors. Writ-
ing in 1950, Newlyn remarked
The solution of this equation, The outstanding feature of
the model is that it permits a
v l−m
p= (1 − e n t ) visual demonstration of the
l −m
process of change in a multivari-
gives the path of the induced price change. able system, in which the vari-
[. . . ] ables are functionally related. It
This simple model could be further developed, in particular by making a distinction can be used at different levels
between working and liquid stocks, introducing lags into the production and consump- according to the sophistication
tion functions, and linking the demand curve for liquid stocks to the rate of change of of the student, and is best used
price [. . . ]. Each of these developments would result in an oscillatory system [. . .]. [7] in tutorial work with one or two
students who can actually par-
ticipate in the experiments […]
[The machine is particularly
is consumption expenditure. Similarly, introduced by government fiscal con- useful] at that stage of perplexi-
flows in other pipes represent imports trol action. Adjustable cams allow the ty and confusion which occurs
and exports, while tanks (acting as input of arbitrary functions, while when the student has encoun-
integrators, from a control engineering tapered slots with a profile inversely tered a considerable number of
point of view) represent financial bal- proportional to the square root of the apparently conflicting ideas and
ances of various kinds. Inflows and height ensure that the outflow from a is trying to reconcile them. It
outflows between the various compo- tank is proportional to the head of was with this state of confusion
nents are controlled by valves actuated water. Pens driven by the water levels in mind that the model was
by floats, pulleys, and servos. In this representing variables such as interest originally conceived and it is at
way, various mechanisms in the econ- rates, imports, and exports are used to this stage that it has been found
omy are simulated, including feedback generate plots against time. An impor- to be of most value. [8]


Those who used the machine or could be interconnected to simulate discipline of classical control to prob-
observed it in action made comments their interaction, something that lems of economics and related areas.
similar to remarks made by the users appears to have led to important new Indeed, he was not the only engineer
of other analog simulators of the peri- insights into the dynamics of interna- to do this. Arnold Tustin wrote a
od. For example, users were enthusi- tional economies [6, p. 108]. book on the topic [13], [14], which
astic about the way the device gave a Apart from the continuing use of Phillips reviewed for Economic Journal
“feel” for economic behavior, present- the prototype at Leeds by Newlyn in 1954. Jay Forrester, one of the
ed visual (rather than numerical) until his retirement in the late 1970s, major contributors to the develop-
results, and was accessible without the machines fell into disuse as other ment of computer technology, also
explicit advanced mathematics. computation and simulation methods applied engineering ideas, particular-
But the Phillips machine was differ- became available. In the late 1980s a ly control engineering ideas, to the
ent from other analog simulators of the machine was renovated by the Suntory- study of industrial production and
time in one highly significant respect: Toyota International Centre for Eco- society in general from the late 1950s
the flow of water through transparent nomics and Related Disciplines and onwards [15].
pipes and tanks rendered the time used for demonstrations. This Phillips’s last published papers
variation and steady-state values of all machine is now on permanent display owed much to contemporary devel-
of the variables immediately apparent. at the British Science Museum. The opments in control and system
There was something direct about the most recent full renovation is the dynamics, covering such matters as
money/ water analogy that an elec- Cambridge machine shown in Figure optimization, parameter estimation,
tronic analog computer, say, would 2, which is being used again for and moving-average errors.
have been unable to reproduce, even demonstration purposes in the eco-
though the computational accuracy of nomics first-year lectures! The Leeds CONCLUSIONS
the latter might have been higher. As prototype is also being restored. The Phillips machine is unusual, per-
Morgan and Boumans remark: haps unique, in the world of analog
All the records show that the PHILLIPS’S LATER WORK computers and simulators in employ-
demonstrative power of the Phillips is probably remembered in ing hydraulic components to simulate
Phillips machine made a deep economics circles primarily for the dynamic systems, rather than electrical
impression. Seeing the machine Phillips curve, which aroused some or mechanical devices. Indeed, it seems
working is different from pic- controversy and even hostility. The likely that Phillips knew little about
tures of it, as those who have curve, published in 1958, expressed a contemporary electronic simulators
seen the Phillips machine work- relationship between unemployment until some time after the construction
ing readily attest. Spectators and wage changes [10]. It was based of his machine, when he collaborated
could not only see the red water on fitting a curve to empirical data, with Richard Tizard of the National
streaming through the pipes, but but at its root is a dynamic economic Physical Laboratory on links between
also hear the bubbling and model (albeit highly simplified) economics and control theory [4].
splashing as it ran through the informed by Phillips’s experience with While the machine may seem
machine. They were able to see the machine and his understanding of quaint to us now, it is difficult to
not a 2-D picture or system of control theory; see the sidebar “Three- imagine that any other contemporary
equations, or even a static 3-D Term Control of an Economy.” simulator would have been quite so
representation, but the kind of Phillips had already exploited successful in directly demonstrating
interrelated and dynamic cause- classical control theory in economic the dynamic behavior of an economic
effect changes over time that models in two earlier papers in the system both to students and profes-
economists suppose to happen in Economic Journal in 1954 and 1957, in sional economists.
the circular flow of the aggregate which he addressed the problem of
economy. The working machine stabilizing an economy, including a ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
was a 4-D representation. [9] description and analysis of the use of Figures 1 and 4 are reproduced cour-
In all, about a dozen machines integral and derivative action as well tesy of the LSE, although it has not
were built, ultimately ending up not as proportional control [11], [12]. It been possible to trace the copyright
only in British universities but also as seems highly likely that Phillips’s holder of Figure 4. Figure 2 is copy-
far afield as Melbourne, Australia; work on the machine greatly assisted right of the Marshall Society, Cam-
Roosevelt College, Harvard; the Ford his general insights into the dynam- bridge University, and Figure 5 is
Motor Company; and the Central ics of economic systems. Clearly, reproduced by permission of Black-
Bank of Guatemala! One machine with a background in electrical engi- well Publishing. Allan McRobie, of
was built as a mirror image of Figure neering, Phillips was in a good posi- the Cambridge University Engineer-
4, so that two national economies tion to apply the comparatively new ing Department, demonstrated the


Three-Term Control of an Economy

n 1954 Phillips published [11], based on his Ph.D. thesis, in which he applied classical control theory explicitly to the stabilization of
an economy:
[. . .] if any stabilisation poli-
cy is to be successful it must be
made up of a suitable combina- f (−fi)
tion of proportional, integral and
∋ + π
derivative elements. A strong +
(−fp) Lc
proportional element is needed + +
as the basis of the policy, suffi- P
cient integral correction should D (−fd)
be added to obtain complete
correction of an error within a
reasonable amount of time and dP u
an element of derivative correc- P dt
D (k) La
tion is required to overcome the
oscillatory tendencies which + + − E
P + + + LP
may be introduced by the other (1-l)
two elements of the policy. If
the system itself has a con-
siderable tendency to oscil-
late [. . .], the integral element
in the policy should be made
very weak or avoided entire-
FIGURE S1 Phillips's illustration of three-term stabilization of an economy from [11]. The lower
ly, unless it can be accompa-
part of the diagram represents the model of the economy relating production P to demand E.
nied by sufficient derivative
Stabilization using integral, proportional, and derivative terms is shown in the upper part of the
correction to offset the desta- diagram. Notice that various pure time lags Lx are included in the model. A detailed explanation
bilising effects [. . .]. is given in the original paper and related articles in [3].

Phillips machine in action, and Bjoern REFERENCES hydraulic machine,” in Models: The Third Dimen-
Hassler supplied a short video [1] J. Meade, “That’s the way the money goes,” sion of Science, S. De Chadarevian and N. Hop-
LSE Society Mag., pp. 10–11, Jan. 1951. wood, Eds. Stanford, CA: Stanford Univ. Press,
sequence that can be viewed at [2] “The Moniac,” Fortune Mag., pp. 100–101, Mar. 2004, chap. 13, pp. 369–401, . 1952. [10] A.W. Phillips, “The relation between
Robert Leeson very kindly read a [3] R. Leeson, Ed., A.W.H. Phillips: Collected Works unemployment and the rate of change of
in Contemporary Perspective. Cambridge, UK: money wage rates in the United Kingdom,
draft of this article and made helpful Cambridge Univ. Press, 2000. 1861–1957,” Economica, vol. 25, no. 100, pp.
comments. Doreen Newlyn talked to [4] D. Swade, “The Phillips machine and the his- 283–99, 1958. (Reprinted as Chapter 28, pp.
me at length and supplied a copy of tory of computing,” in A.W.H. Phillips: Collected 269–281, of Leeson.)
Works in Contemporary Perspective, R. Leeson, Ed. [11] A.W. Phillips, “Stabilisation policy in a
Phillips’s original, unpublished paper Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2000, closed economy,” Economic J., vol. 64, no. 254, pp.
(from which Figure 3 is taken) and pp. 120–126. 290–323, 1954. (Reprinted as Chapter 16,
her late husband’s notes. [5] W. Newlyn, “The origins of the machine in a per- pp. 134–168, of Leeson.)
sonal context,” in A.W.H. Phillips: Collected Works in
[12] A.W. Phillips, “Stabilisation policy and the
Contemporary Perspective, R. Leeson, Ed. Cambridge,
AUTHOR INFORMATION time-forms of lagged responses,” Economic J., vol.
UK: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2000, pp. 31–38.
67, pp. 265–77, 1957. (Reprinted as Chapter 17,
Chris Bissell is professor of telematics [6] N. Barr, “The history of the Phillips machine,”
pp. 169-183, of Leeson.)
in A.W.H. Phillips: Collected Works in Contemporary
at the UK Open University, where he [13] A. Tustin, The Mechanisms of Economic Sys-
Perspective, R. Leeson, Ed. Cambridge, UK: Cam-
recently celebrated 25 years of service. bridge Univ. Press, 2000, pp. 89–114. tems—An Approach to the Problems of Economic Sta-
bilisation from the Point of View of Control-
He has written distance-teaching [7] A.W. Phillips, “Mechanical models in eco-
nomic dynamics,” Economica, vol. 17, no. 67, pp. System Engineering, Heinemann, 1954.
materials on control engineering, [14] C.C. Bissell, “Pioneers of control: an inter-
283–305, 1950. (Reprinted as Chapter 10, pp.
telecommunications, information tech- 68–88, of Leeson.) view with Arnold Tustin,” IEE Rev., pp. 223–226,
nology, signal processing, and media [8] W. Newlyn, “The Phillips/Newlyn hydraulic June 1992.
model,” Yorkshire Bull., vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 110–127, [15] J.W. Forrester, “Industrial dynamics: a
studies. His major research interests
Nov. 1950. major breakthrough for decision makers,” Har-
are in the history of technology and [9] M.S. Morgan and M. Boumans, “Secrets hid- vard Bus. Rev., vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 37–66, Jul-Aug,
engineering education. den by two-dimensionality: the economy as a 1958.


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