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4 members 5 members
Instructions Appoint a leader!
5 minutes to
prepare • Read the situation below.
Appoint a time
• You are given five (5) minutes to prepare.
20 minutes to • You are given twenty (20) minutes to present the discussion.
present the
discussion • Each student is responsible to introduce one of the aspects given, but all students
should contribute to the discussion.
• Remember to take brief notes which you may use to develop your email.

Third Assessment:
Email Writing
• Instructions
• Read the situation below.
• You are given five (5) minutes to prepare.
• You are given ten (10) minutes to present the discussion.
• Each student is responsible to introduce one of the aspects given, but all students should
contribute to the discussion.
• Remember to take brief notes which you may use to develop your email.
A group of you have been given the task of planning an event as part of your company’s corporate
social responsibility (CSR) initiative. Have a discussion on the following aspects:
• the kind of event you would like to carry out and the objectives
• the activities to be held as part of the event
• budget, funding and promotion of the event to the staff
• committees and duties for staff to help run the event
the kind of event you would like to carry out and the objectives

Aspect I
to plan an event as part Event 1: One Ringgit One Hope
of your company’s
corporate social Objectives:
responsibility (CSR) 1. To create positive and
initiative. productive relationships with
internal stakeholders
2. To create positive and
productive relationships with
external stakeholders
to plan an event as part
the activities to be held as part of the event of your company’s
corporate social
responsibility (CSR)
Aspect 2
Activity 1: “Colour Run”
Time: In the morning
Activity 2: “Charity Concert” Time: At night
Additional info:
- No winners or prizes Additional info:
- Showered with colored - Tickets will be sold
powder online
- Benefits, attract more - All profits will be
audience to the event. donated to the needy
- More audience, more children
budget, funding and promotion of the event to the staff

Aspect 3
Budget – RM25,000
Funding: Company provides RM10
Sponsorship: Secure RM15 000
Promotion: Via company website
committees and duties for staff to help run the event

Aspect 4
Promotion: IT Department; via
company website
Suggestions: HR Department suggest
to set up three main committees
Starting the During the Ending the
discussion discussion discussion
Starting the discussion
Good morning, everyone. How
are you? I hope you are doing
Greet everyone well this morning.

Thank you for attending this

Thank everyone for coming

State the objective of the

We are here today to discuss about
Confirm the attendance and the event that we need to carry out
absentees as part of our company’s corporate
social responsibility (CSR) initiative.

It looks like everyone is here. So let’s

start our discussion.
During the discussion
Make a suggestion Agreeing Justifying

I would like to suggest a charity-

That’s a good idea Amran! We can use
type of event.
this platform to get all the stakeholders
From this event, we can help the
involved too.
needy children in our community.

Yes, I agree with all of you, by involving

What if we named it “One Ringgit
the stakeholders in the event, it can also
One Hope”?. We collect donations
helps to create positive and productive
from those who attend the event
relationships with both internal and
and then channel the donations to
external stakeholders. It’s like killing two
the needy children.
birds with one stone!
During the discussion
Make a suggestion Disagreeing Agreeing Alternative suggestions Justifying

What about the activities? Anyone What if we conduct a forum? The

have any suggestions? stakeholders can be the panels.

I’m sorry but I don’t think that’s a good

Yes, I agree with you Chong. If the
idea. Personally, I think we need to
activity is fun and interesting, it will
create a more fun activity to attract
attract more people to join the event.
more people to attend the event.
Let’s say, for those who wish to
May I suggest if we conduct a ‘Colour
participate in the run, they would have to
Run’ activity where the runners are
pay RM10 as a fee. If we manage to
showered with colored powder? It’s
attract more people to participate, we
definitely going to be fun and
would be able to collect more donations.
Closing the discussion
I’m sorry to interrupt, but we nearly have 10
Remind them about the time
more minutes to end our discussion.

I think we've covered everything on the list.

Cut off discussion politely I guess that will be all for today. / It looks
like we've run out of time, so I guess we'll
finish here.

Based on our discussion before, we have

Briefly review all the key
agreed to conduct “One Ringgit One Hope”.

Thank everyone for their Again, I want to thank you all for taking time
participation out of your busy schedules to be here today.
Eyes & facial expressions
Non-verbal communication
Hand gestures

Body positioning
General body language
Note-taking skills
Use abbreviation, symbols and key words

Write in point form or conceptual mapping

Don’t waste time taking down notes. Focus on the

discussion as well.
Use appropriate
Exchange greetings Give feedback language to close the

Introduce task Negotiate Take notes

Present ideas, Keep in mind positive

Decide on suitable
opinions & values when
suggestions interacting

Use appropriate
Agree & disagree language functions for

Justify & clarify Use appropriate non-

points verbal communication

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