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Cargo hoses should

be tested every 2 years every year every 5 years every 3 years

Where is the correct

discharge for
residues and
washings containing at the forward end of
NLS situated? vessel above the waterline below the waterline at the waterline
Nitrogen is used provide better prevent
instead of inert gas in protection against contamination of
order to kill micro-organisms explosion cargo aid ease of use

In addition to
fireman's outfits,
how many BA sets
should be carried in a
chemical tanker? 2 4 1 3

The list of cargoes

capable of being
carried on board a
particular chemical The certificate of
tanker is called The cargo list fitness The IOPP Certificate The Chemical List
Ballast water may be
loaded into tanks
previously containing certificated to carry
NLS that have been ballast properly cleaned stripped discharged
All NLS are listed in
the IBC Code chapter 17 13 16 15
Cargoes with high
melting points that
may solidify require heating special additives agitation cooling
allowing the cargo to
Temperature control applying heat in a monitoring the cargo adopt ambient allowing the cargo to
of cargoes means controlled manner temperature temperatures heat naturally
When loading toxic
cargo, measurement
should always be closed uncontrolled open restricted
In the event of cargo
spillage, which of the
following should be The clean up
informed first? The agent contracter The ship owner The Port Authority

Chemical tankers are

built with either
'gravity' or 'pressure'
type cargo tanks. A
'gravity' tank is one
having a design
pressure at the top of
the tank of: 0.1 bar 2.7 bar 1.7 bar 0.7 bar
What is the material
used most commonly
for cargo
piping,valves and
pumps? Plastic Stainless Steel Cast iron Steel

An important
publication required
to be approved by
the Flag State and
carried on board The Procedures and
every chemical The Operational The Procedures The Arrangements Arrangements
tanker is called ? Manual Manual Manual Manual

Cares should be
taken when
disconnecting cargo
pipes and lines the pipes may be the pipes may be
because ______ electrically charged brittle residues may remain the pipes are delicate

How far from land

must the vessel be
before residues of
NLS Category B C & D
may be discharged
into the sea? 50 miles 30 miles 25 miles 12 miles

Which of the
following would NOT
normally be used for
heating chemical
cargoes? Electricity Water Thermal Oils Steam

The term PADDING

means protecting
cargo with a blanket
of inert gas, such as
___ carbon dioxide nitrogen argon oxygen

Category A
substances will often
require cleaning
before sailing from
the discharge port.
The procedure is
called a _____ prewash hot wash cold wash A-wash
Which cargo
operations are to be
recorded in the Cargo All cargo operations All petroleum cargo
Record Book? All bunker operations involving NLS operations All cargo operations

The transportation of
chemical cargoes is
internationally by
which Marpol
Annex? 1 2 5 3
Prior to unloading, all
pumps, valves and
should be ___ sighted overhauled cleaned function tested
If a cargo is of low
flash point it is said
to be flammable poisonous toxic non-flammable
Inhibitors are used to
stop the product
from boiling melting vaporising self-reacting

Where is the correct

discharge for
residues and
washings containing At the forward end of
NLS situated? Above the waterline At the waterline Below the waterline the vessel
What does the term
pH value of a
chemical cargo refer the viscosity of a the temperature of the acidity or the colour of a
to? product the product alkalinity of a product product
Bulk Chemical Code
apply to all ships all chemical tankers all tankers all bulk carriers

On chemical tankers,
refers to
complications pollution of the
concerning environment the cargo health of personnel temperature control
The term solubility
refers to the ability
to mix with water oil air other liquids
Personal escape sets all cabin berths and
are to be provided all persons expected additional sets for
for____ on board all crewmembers working spaces all cabins

The category of
chemical posing the
greatest threat of
harm to the marine
enviroment is
category ______ C B A D
To help establish safe
levels of toxicty,
which equipment is
often used? Avometers Oxygen analysers Draeger tubes Explosmeters
Ullage is the distance
from the underside the bottom of the
of the deck to tank the reference point the liquid surface the sounding pipe
Open cargo venting
should only be used
for cargoes that do
not present a hazard
when inhaled and
have a flash point of
above 60 30 40 50
Tank cleaning will
require the vessel's The garbage The ballast water The certificate of
officers to consult management plan management plan The P&A manual fitness
Cargo samples in
general are analysed
in order to _____ control quality determine acidity see what it looks like test for temperature

What is the minimum

distance from the
forward division of
the accommodation
for accesses to the
accommodation? 2m 3m 1m 4m
Methanol is a
common ____ vapour acid alcohol alkaline
In a Type 2 chemical
tanker the tank's
capacity is limited to
______ 3000 m3 4000 m3 1000 m3 2000 m3
In the event of cargo
spillage cargo
operations should be continued speeded up slowed down suspended

What is the term for

filling tanks and line
with N2, or similar
liquid or gas, to
prevent cargo
contact with the
atmosphere? Blanketing Inerting Padding Covering
Cargo Record Books
must be retained on
board for _____ 4 years 2 years 1 year 3 years
Ingestion means
poisoning by ______ swallowing skin contact breathing absoption
The flammable range
of different chemicals
may be the same always different always the same often different

As well as chemical
cargoes, what may
chemical tankers also
be used to transport? nuclear waste other liquid products bulk solids waste products
Before cargo
operations begin, the
responsible person
on board and the
representative will ship/shore safety ship/shore operation
complete a meeting agreement checklist plan ship details plan
Permant or Portable
ventilation systems
may be fitted to the engine room accommodation pump rooms cargo tanks

Inhibited or
cargoes should not
be carried adjacent
to ______ ambient cargoes heated cargoes any cargoes cooled cargoes

The frequency of
pressure testing
ashore of BA sets
should be as a
minimum be every
____ 6 years 15 years 5 years 10 years
If information
concerning a cargo is loaded till
not available it information becomes
should be _____ available loaded loaded with caution not loaded

The bursting pressure

of new cargo hoses is
required to be
designed working
pressure multiplied
by ______ 2 6 4 5

What are generally

the main cargo
pumps fitted on
board chemical
tankers? piston pumps screw pumps centrifugal pumps gear pumps
Who should tank
cleaning operations a shore
be supervised by? representative a responsible officer a pumpman a deck officer
Who has the
responsibilty for
issuing certificates The classification The Master of the
following survey? Society Port State Control The Flag State vessel
the chief mate's the master has an enclosed space
A cargo tank should verbal permission has advised that the a permit to work has entry permit has been
not be entered unless been obtained atmosphere is safe been issued issued
What is Marpol
73/78 Convention fire fighting
about? safety equipment equipment pollution prevention hours of work
The master or
Who is responsible responsible officer
on board for cargo appointed by the
operations? the OOW The Chief Officer The master master
The physical data of a The information
liquid chemical can supplied by the
be found on MSDS manufacturer all of these ICS Cargo Data Sheets
What should cargo
sample lockers be fully resistant
constructed of? stainless steel wood neoprene material
Procedures in the
event of an
emergency should be
understood by ____ all deck officers all ratings all ratings all crewmembers

Before cargo
operations start the
master should
establish proper
liason between the the flag state
ship and _____ the harbour control the port authority the terminal administration

Epoxy coatings in
tanks , which have
been stressed give the coating time
beyond their to 'weather out' the
chemical resistance trapped solvents
during the carriage of using good
strong solvents, tend heat up the coating ventilation, and do nothing - the Inform the owner
to soften. If you and try to speed up recover it's hardness softness of the that the coating has
encounter this the re-hardening again, prior loading coating is not of any been rendered
condition you would: process? the next cargo? consequence? useless?

The category of cargo

requiring the most
efficient stripping
arrangement is
category______ B D C A
Submerged pumps
are commonly driven
____ mechanically hydraulically electrically by steam

In the chemical trade

the acceptable
means of cargo line
segregation in case of by double valve by double blank
two non-compatible segregation using by double valve flanges with a drain
products is: by single blank flange sluice valves only segregation between them
Stainless steel tanks
are sometimes
required to be
'passivated' applying 12-15%
especially after tank nitric acid on tank
surface repairs have surfaces, either with a
been carried out and spraying brush or spray; then
aggressive cargoes grinding off any cleaning the tanl by concentrated washing off after 10-
are to be loaded. corrosion spot with a application of caustic hydrofluoric acids in 20 minutes using
'Passivation' grinding disc of about soda on all surfaces, the tank and then copious amounts of
normally consist of: '80 grain'? then washing off? wiping it off? fresh water?

Sometimes in order
to improve suction to
the pumps when
discharging 'light' or
'gassing' cargoes, the
tanks are pressurised
by admission of inert
gas under
overpressure from
the inert gas fans. In
this respect one must
remember that tanks
are generally
dimensioned to
withstand a vapour
pressure of: 4000 mm wg? 3200 mm wg? 1200 mm wg? 2500 mm wg?

To accommodate
expansion of piping extra strong pipes
on the deck of a that can withstand
chemical tanker the flanges on the pipes natural bends at the forces of
following are fitted: at frequent intervals expansion glands intervals expansion?

In chemical tankers,
to avoid having a
deteriorating effect
on cargoes and also
to avoid cargoes
attacking them,
steam heating coil
are generally made
of: cuprous alloys? mild steel? copper? stainless steel?
Inert gas is produces
on board ships by
____ the main boilers any of these the auxillary boilers an inert gas generator

The purpose of
remotely controlled
measuring of tank Height from bottom Height from liquid
levels are to shell to top stringers surface to top Height of liquid in the Height of bottom
measure: in the tank stringers in the tank tank girdirs in the tank
One of the
requirements for
crude oil washing on
tankers is that an
inert gas system
be fitted. According
to regulations an
inert gas system is every cargo tank, slop
required for which every cargo tank and tank, cofferdan and every cargo tank,slop
spaces? slop tank ramp space tank and cofferdam every cargo tank

On tankers, the crude

oil washing check list the inert gas oxygen
states(amongst other the inert gas pressure content must be the quality of the
things) that during the inert gas system is to be recorded below 4.5% in order inert gas must be
crude oil washing should be in prior to starting to start or continue frequently checked
operations____ operation washing washing and recorded
normally the
Loading through the approved way to load done to increase the
pumproom is to be avoided permissible slop tanks loading rate
Steam heating coils
are provided in some increase the volume reduce the volume of heat cargoes which
cargo tanks in order provide warm water of the cargo within the cargo within the have a high pour
to _____ when tank cleaning the tank tank point

Before arriving in a
port where it is
intended to crude oil
wash, the tank
washing system
should be pressure 125% of normal
tested to _____ working pressure n.w.p 150% of n.w.p 75% of n.w.p

When entering port

for loading the cargo,
the tank oxygen level
should be ____ or
below. 5% 11% 8% 3%
During cargo form eddies
operations, a wind decrease air pressure lower the temp of oil increase air pressure containing petroleum
blowing may _____ in a cargo tank cargo in cargo tank vapour

You have orders to

load a cargo of API
gravity 10.0. The
gravity of this cargo the same as sea heavier than fresh lighter than fresh the same as fresh
is ____ water water water water

Which pair of devices

are fitted on deck to
prevent inert gas or
cargo vapours from
flowing back into the the bulkhead valve, the bulkhead valve, the spectacle flange, the non-return
engine room? the deck seal. the non-return valve the bernoulli tube valve,the deck seal
The purpose of inert provide increase in comply with double- prevent outside air allow sufficient
gas systems aboard cargo discharge hull pollution from entering the oxygen in the tanks to
tankers is to _____ pressure regulations tanks sustain life

to cool the inert gases

produced by the to remove sulphur to remove soot
What is the purpose to cool the hot gases boiler by running the combustion particles and to
of inert gas scrubber and remove the soot gases through water components from the saturate the gas with
tower? particles screens gases water.
Where is the inert at the inert gas line
gas tapped which is at the inert gas from scrubber to at the inert gas fan
led to the oxygen discharge line to the inert gas fan(suction discharge manometer
analyser? bulkhead valve at the boiler uptake line) connection

When you measure

the level of oil in a
cargo tank, at the
same time you
should measure the
_____ ullage temperature oxygen level pressure
An inert gas system
should be used to blow through cargo discharge liquid cargo prevent fires in pump reduce the oxygen
_____ lines from tanks rooms content in tanks

When cargo
operations are taking
place at an oil
terminal, what must
ship engine notice Minor repairs can be Engine at immediate No notice needs to be
be? Engine at short notice carried out notice specified

Prior to starting the

cargo pumps for
discharge of cargo it
must be ensured that all ballast tanks are the inert gas plant is the inert gas plant is the pump room
_____ inerted. running on stand-by. ready for start-up. piping is inerted.

Oxygen deficiency
will begin to cause
problems to
personnel if it falls
below _____ 16% by volume 21% by volume 19% by volume 12% by volume

In theory, a cargo
pump should be able
to draw up a liquid to
a height equalling
pressure. This would
be approximately
_____ 15 metres 5 metres 30 metres 10 metres

amount in inches of
mercury the total force necessary to distance of the distance the suction
The static suction suction head is below overcome frictional suction liquid level liquid level is below
head of a pump is the atmospheric losses in the pump above the center line the center line of the
_____ pressure. and piping. of the pump. pump.
In spaces declared
gas-free, further gas when the
may be released temperature of the after loose scale and when water is loaded when oxygen levels
_____ sea water rises sludge are disturbed into the cargo tank become reduced

On many modern
tankers, which of the
following devices is
used to reduce cargo
pump leakage to the
pump room bilge? Mechanical seals. Shaft sleeves. Clipper seals. Finger rings.

If a bonding cable is
not connected by the
terminal when you should insert an
joining a manifold for insulating flange or you should use an you should use an you should not
cargo operations single length of non- oxygen analyzer at all International Shore commence cargo
_____ conducting hose times connection operations

the venting system the inert gas plant

can be set to must be operational
In the event of a maintain atmospheric within one hour of
failure in the inert pressure and the the discharge rate failure and the
gas plant during discharge can must be reduced until discharge may the discharge must be
discharge _____ continue. the plant is repaired. continue for this time. immediately halted.

Which safety device

is fitted on the deck
inert gas line to
monitor the supply
condition of the inert The inert gas low The inert gas reverse The inert gas low flow The inert gas high
gas? pressure alarm flow alarm alarm temperature alarm

Deficient oxygen
content inside a
confined space can
be detected with a combustible gas
_____ litmus paper indicator an oxy-warn meter a hydrometer

During cargo
operations or all accommodation
whenever dangerous keep closed all ports doors and windows
vapour may be and windows which should be opened to
present on deck immediately cease all are facing the cargo allow vapour to
_____ cargo operations hoist flag Bravo area dissipate

Responsibility for the

provision of hoses to
a ship's manifold at
an oil terminal rests
with the _____ Master of the vessel officer on deck oil company terminal
The main inert gas
distribution line on gauge glass to
deck is provided with monitor the presence portable oxygen Pressure / Vacuum
a _____ of liquid. flow meter. content analyser. breaker.
What protective
devices are fitted to
the seawater supply
to the deck seal,
ensuring an effective High water level / A booster aggregate
water barrier in the overflow alarm, high for the sea water, Aggregate failure, Deck seal pump
deck seal and deck seal deck seal high high deck seal failure, low deck seal
preventing gas temperature, low temperature alarm, temperature, low water pressure, low
backflow to the deck seal level, low high water deck seal flow, low deck seal water flow,
engine room? deck seal pressure level/overflow alarm. deck seal level. low level of deck seal
Oxygen reduction is
particularly likely in the vessel is the tanks have been
cargo tanks where the tanks have just inert gas or steam operating in warm empty for a long
_____ been cleaned have just been used weather conditions period of time

If a combination
carrier is engaged in
the carriage of
cargoes other than
oil, the main inert gas
supply line on deck
(with the exception secured by
of the inert gas padlocking the inert
supply to the slop gas main supply isolated by fitting a
tanks) must be _____ drained and washed. removed. valve. blind flange.

At what pressures
are P/V valves
usually set to open in
relation to
atmospheric 3 PSI above / 4 PSI P/V valves are not 2 PSI above / 0,5 PSI 1 PSI above / 1 PSI
pressure? below? required. below? below?
Volatile petroleum oil
has a flash point
_____ below 15 below 30 below 60 below 80
An overdose of toxic
petroleum vapour
affects your sense of improving it taking it away improving it reducing it
smell by _____ temporarily completely permanently temporarily
To cool, remove To improve the O2
sulfur dioxide and To cool, clean and content of the
What is the purpose particulate soot from add sulfur dioxide to To mix fluegas and inertgas and
of the 'scrubber'? the fluegas? the fluegas? air? particulate soot?
The proportion of
nitrogen in inert gas
is approximately
_____ 77% by volume 51% by volume 56% by volume 82% by volume
A space that has would be expected to must be filled with can only be said to be
been declared 'gas- remain gas-free until water if no cargo is to gas-free at the time
free' _____ the tank is next filled be loaded soon must be kept empty of the test
The process of
removing the last
remaining liquid
content from a cargo
tank is called _____ stripping cleaning dredging vacuuming

The lowest
temperature at which
oil will continue to
flow if it is cooled is
called the _____ flash point liquidisation point pour point melting point
When oil
temperature rises,
the volume _____ increases reduces varies remains the same
What is the purpose To regulate the A watertank for fire To avoid backflow of No particular
of a deck seal? fluegas pressure? fighting purpose? gas to the engine? purpose?

Gas generators in
inert gas systems
shall have alarms to
indicate faulty
conditions. Which of
the following
conditions do not
require alarm Failure of power
according to present Failure of power supply to the
regulations? (SOLAS supply to the automatic control Insufficient fuel oil
II-2/62.19.2) generator system Insufficient air supply supply

When discharging a
double hulled tanker,
the discharge plan
must take into crude oil washing and
account the need to discharging excessive free a discharge rate that a discharge rate that
avoid _____ simultaneously. surface. is too slow. is too fast.

Whilst discharging
cargo, if the oxygen
content within the
inert gas main is
above the SOLAS
and the Engine Room
inform you that they Call the chief
cannot reduce it, engineer and Call the master and
what would your continue with cargo continue with cargo Stop all cargo Continue with cargo
actions be? operations. operations. operations. operations.

Pitting in the suction

areas of a centrifugal
pump bronze
impeller is usually
caused by _____ cavitation. electrolysis. corrosion. abrasion.
SOLAS 1974 requires
the oxygen content in
the Inert Gas Main to
be not more than
_____ by volume. 8.00% 6.00% 5.00% 4.00%

Before inert gas is

introduced into a
cargo tank, it should
be established that
the oxygen content
of the gas is not more
than _____ 5% by volume 8% by volume 10% by volume 2% by volume
Through a seawater Through the main
Inert gas - how is sea Through the deck seal aggregate pump seawater pumps or
water supplied to the pump fitted in the fitted on the cargo Through the deck fire through the cargo
deck seal? engine room deck line condenser pump

provide for the flow

of small volumes of
The purpose of enable load/discharge measure provide an audible tank atmospheres
pressure/vacuum of oil without opening pressure/suction alarm in the event of caused by variations
valves is to _____ sighting ports levels in cargo tanks pressure build-up in temperature

By removing the fresh

air intake blank on By opening the By keeping the boiler
How is fresh air By stopping the boiler the inert gas fan suction cover on the uptake valves closed
supply ensured in firing so that only suction line, ensuring inert gas supply fans and opening the
cargo tanks via the fresh air is supplied that the boiler uptake and stopping the inspection cover on
inert gas supply line? by the boiler uptake valve is closed boiler the scrubber tower

Inert gas- how can

you tell if the
demister units in the By the differential
scrubber tower need By the colour change pressure measured by By the inert gas By the tell-tale
to be cleaned? in the tell-tale glass U-tube. suction pressure overflow pipe

Your vessel is loading

liquid oil cargo and
oil begins to flow out
of a tank vent. Your set out drip pans,
first action should be sawdust and oil close the manifold carry out emergency open a valve to
to _____ dispersant valve stop procedures another cargo tank
The correct position six inches (15cm) two feet (60cm) from as close to the
for taking a 'bottom' from the surface of the surface of the from the surface of bottom of the tank as
sample is _____ the tank floor. tank floor. the tank floor. possible.

How can you be A zero setting knob The instrument is

assured that the inert The instrument is activates a The instrument is calibrated with fresh
gas analyser will give calibrated every year 'Wheatstone Bridge' calibrated with air every 3 months
the correct reading of in the presence of the with a calibrated nitrogen holding 3 % and should indicate
the oxygen content Classification resistor in order to oxygen (grey colour 21 % oxygen in fresh
of the inert gas? Surveyor. compare. test bottle) air
What is the
advantage of having
a steam turbine A steam driven A steam turbine
driven inert gas fan turbine fan does not A steam turbine fan is driven fan creates
on a tanker fitted easily trip when there less costly to maintain A steam turbine fan initial load on the
with an auxiliary is a malfunction on and more easy to can give higher boiler facilitating inert
steam plant? the inert gas plant operate. speeds gas production
In the Inert Gas
system, - what types
of Deck Seal units are The open and the The single and the The dry and the wet The circular and the
there? closed type combined type type square type
turbine type
Inert gas blowers are low speed type reciprocating type paddle type low centrifugal blower
_____ centrifugal fans. blower units. speed blowers. fans.

How is the inert gas

pressure controlled
in the inert gas
distribution line and By an automatic
relevant cargo tanks By throttling of the By adjusting the cargo By adjusting the trim pressure control
during discharge ? boiler uptake valve discharging rate of the vessel system

What is the condition

of the inert gas as it
is produced by the Superheated and
boilers or inert gas black or greyish in Free of oxygen and Hot and containing
generator? colour Dirty and saturated clean soot particles

In the engine control

Using a portable Using the oxygen room at the main
How is the quality oxygen analyser and content and IG Using a manometer inert gas console,
and supply of inert U-tube, with an pressure recorder and thermometer where an engineer
gas checked and officer standing-by all located in the cargo fitted in the main should be standing-by
recorded? the time control room inert gas supply line all the time

Which of the
requirements to fixed
foam systems for
cargo deck area on Sufficient foam
tankers do not concentrate shall be The capacity of any
correspond to supplied to ensure at Application throw in foam applicator shall The number of foam
present regulations? least one hour of still air condition shall not be less than 400 l applicators shall not
(SOLAS II-2/61) foam generation not be less than 15 m per minute be less than four
The master onboard
a VLCC of 280,000
dwt has received a
telex from the cargo
terminal asking if the
SPM-moorings are Two tongue- Two tongue-
according to the type/hinged type/hinged One tongue-
OCIMF standard. bowstoppers with bowstopper with type/hinged One smith-type
What fitting must separate closed centre bow closed bowstopper centre bracket with centre
you have in order to fairleads. Capacity fairlead. Capacity 200 bow closed fairlead. bow fairlead. capacity
comply? 200 tons. tons. Capacity 200 tons. 150 tons.

Which group of basic

protection devices Alarms for high water Alarms for high water
are fitted on the Alarms for high water Alarms for high water level, high flow, high level, pump failure,
scrubber tower's sea level, low flow, low level, low water level, water pressure and high sea water
cooling water supply water pressure and pump failure and low high sea water temperature and low
system? pump failure. gas pressure. temperature. gas pressure.

In an inert gas system

audible and visible
alarms shall be
provided to indicate
faulty conditions in
the installation.
Which of the
following conditions
do not activate the
alarms? (SOLAS II- High water level in High air pressure in
2/62.19.1) the flue gas scrubber High gas pressure water seal High gas temperature
How is cooling /
cleaning water
supplied to the inert By the deck seal sea By the main sea By the cargo By the scrubber sea
gas scrubber tower? water pump water pumps condenser pump water pump
What are duty
officers provided A breathing
with to check the A portable oxygen apparatus to enter
quality of inert gas ? An explosimeter analyser A tank scope the tank
Oil Detection
What does ODME Monitoring Oil Detection Oil Detecting - Master Over board Detecting
mean? Equipment. Measure Equipment. Evaluating. Measure Equipment.

What ensures that no

sea water droplets
are carried with the
inert gas while the
gas is washed and
cooled in the
scrubber tower? The demister units The gas dryer unit The centrifugal traps The regenerator
variable in density
heavier than lighter than dependent on oxygen the same density as
Inert gas is _____ hydrocarbon gas. hydrocarbon gas. content. hydrocarbon gas.
Which of the
following Maintaining the
requirements to inert atmosphere in any
gas system for oil Eliminate the need Keep a low pressure part of the tank
cargo tanks do not for air to enter the in the tanks at all within an oxygen Inert empty cargo
correspond to tank during normal times at sea and in content not tanks to a level at
present regulations? operation (gas- port (periods of gas- exceeding 8% by which combustion
(SOLAS II-2/62.2) freeing excepted) freeing excepted) volume cannot be supported
Make the pipes
What is the purpose capable to move back
with a expansion To avoid the pipe Used in case a pipe is and forth inside the To connect two pipes
coupling? expansion problems. too short. coupling. together.

To supervise the
pressure conditions
in the cargo tanks, a
special device is
fitted for this
purpose. What is it Negative/positive Pressure/vacuum Tank atmosphere
called? pressure valve. valve. Supervising valve. control valve.
Which of these
pumps is NOT a
displacement pump? Gear. Rotary. Centrifugal. Reciprocating.
One of the following
is NOT an alarm on
an inert gas plant, Scrubber high water Deck seal low water
which one? Low oxygen alarm level alarm alarm Low pressure alarm

According to the
regulations in force,
one of the following
stripping devices is a
demand on an oil
tanker. Which one? Stripping pump. Not any particular. Ejector. Vacuum strip.

What is the required To maintain the

diameter of the crude required pressure and No special
oil washing lines, flow to the machine To maintain the requirement to the
according to the ship in use. pressure. line dimension. To maintain the flow.
To prevent
What is the purpose combustion gases to
of the deck water To adjust the inert To wash the inert gas flow back and enter To supervise the inert
seal? gas flow. a second time. the burner. gas pressure.
The most common Gate valves, globe Globe valves, suction
valves used on an oil valves and butterfly valves and draining Butterfly valves and Ball valves and
tanker are: valves. valves. stripping valves. discharging valves.
What is the main
quencher for an oil
tanker? Powder. Foam. Carbonic acid. Water.
What are The pressure control
consequences of an The pressure control valve will
high oxygen content valve and the flue gas The alarm in Chief automatically close,
alarm sound during isolating valves will Officer cabin will the ventilation valve The plant is shut
normal operation? automatically close sound loud and clear will open down

When there are two

slop tanks on board,
what are the correct
names of these slop Port and starboard Slop tank 1 and slop Two last tanks to Primary and
tanks? slop tank. tank 2. load. secondary slop tank.

To discharge the last

amount of cargo
ashore, the stripping
pump through the
small diameter line is
used. Where does
this small diameter
line come from in the
pump room and
where is the line
ending at the From the stripping From the stripping From the stripping
manifold? pump pump From the cargo pump pump

On the bottom lines

there are cross over
valves which make it
possible to flow
cargo from one
bottom line to
another. When
loading more than
one grade of cargo,
what is the
regarding these cross Two valves No special Three valves One valve
over valves? segregation. requirement. segregation. segregation.
What kind of fixed
extinguishing plant is
installed to use on an
oil tanker Foam plant. CO2 plant. Water spray plant. Powder plant.

How can we maintain By increasing pump By control of liquid By control of liquid By reducing vapour
necessary NPSH? rpm flow temperature pressure

It is a rule that the

inert gas supply
valves to the cargo
tanks must have drainage of the inert securing in a closed fitting blind or easy removal and
provision for _____ gas. position. spectacle flanges. inspection.
What is the name of
the line which is used
to strip the last
amounts of cargo Cargo deposits
ashore? Stand by line stripping line. Small diameter line. Displacement line.
What is the pumping
capacity depending
on? Liquid viscosity Total pressure head Liquid temperature Suction pressure

Notice is to be placed
at entrances as
Three (3) breathing required 'NO
apparatus sets with ENTRANCE WITHOUT An Entry Permit is
Which of the spare bottles and a PERMISSION OF required each time a
following is refilling compressor is No Smoking is RESPONSIBLE person enters the
compulsory on ships fitted in the allowed in any place PERSON (C/O) , INERT pump room for any
fitted with inert gas? forecastle. at all on the vessel. GAS !!!!' reason.

If we reduce the head

to appr. 75 % of
normal, what will the
power consumption
of the pump be? 70.00% 60.00% 100.00% 82.00%

Before entry into a

cargo tank which has
contained a the tank must be the tank must be
petroleum product adjacent tanks must static electricity must tested for sufficient filled with fresh water
_____ be empty be measured oxygen and emptied
The 'small diameter The drip-tray under The shore-side of the
line' on a crude oil the cargo manifold, cargo manifold
carrier goes from the The ship's side, above port and starboard valves, port and
pumproom to _____ the waterline side The sloptanks starboard side
Operation of Min 8 bar drive According to the
eductor- what is Continuous checking Min 12 bar drive pressure and high specific eductor's
correct? suction pressure pressure back pressure performance curve.

Why is the inlet to

the sloptank often To avoid build-up of
directed towards the static electricity, To avoid too much
bulkhead (see the To reduce the settling which may cause agitation of the oily None of the
illustration) ? time explosion water in the tank mentioned
At which level will
the slop-system high
level alarm sound ? 96.00% 90.00% 98.00% 97.00%

Bulwarks are
generally not They tend to contain They stiffen the tank They are an They restrict the
permitted in the heavy vapours deck too much and unnecessary extra outflow of water
cargo tanks areas inboard during cargo do not allow weight structure- during heavy
because: operations? flexibility? wise? weather?
The Part Flow System The Part Flow System
makes it possible to makes it possible to
The Part Flow System observe the discharge measure the oil
makes it possible to The Part Flow System visually for oil content, even if the
What is the purpose observe the discharge makes it possible to content, on older Oil Discharge
of a 'part flow display visually for oil discharge dirty ballast tankers with Monitoring
system' installed on content, even in below the water line discharge below the Equipment is not
some oil tankers ? darkness on older tankers waterline working

Make it possible to
retain most of the
recovered oil in the
primary sloptank,
What is the purpose while cleaner part of Enable both the
of the decanting line the water will flow Make it possible to fill primary and
between two into the secondary the secondary secondary sloptank to Make it possible to
sloptanks when you sloptank, where it can sloptank, if the be filled without avoid build-up of
are waterwashing a be re-used as wash- primary sloptank fills using the main cargo static electricity
cargo tank? water up lines during waterwashing

What is the highest

permitted back-
pressure for the 1.25 times the
Cargo Pump when it maximum working
is tested? pressure 18.0 bar 25.0 bar 5.0 bar

The use of steam

driven ejectors for
ventilation of cargo Steam at high
tanks having velocities may
flammable vapours in generate static
them is not electricity which It being not a very
recommended now- might cause incentive It is rather expensive effective system for It might cause burns
a-days due to: sparks? to waste steam? tank ventilation? to unwary personnel?
During air
venting/gas freeing
of tanks the blowers
use air from? The scrubber The ventilation line The engine room The blower air inlet
Are all pumps and No, the sea water
blowers shut down No, the sea water pumps and the
during the shut-down pumps are still blowers are still Fresh water cooling
procedure? running Yes, all is shut down running of deck seal running



















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