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Week 3 Written Assignment

According to the Self Determination Theory, there are three useful characteristics of
intrinsic motivation:
1. Competence – when the citizens feels like they are achieving something
within the activity.
2. Autonomy - when the citizens feels like they're in control, it's me doing it by
my own free meaningful choice. 
3. Relatedness - when the citizens feels that the activity is connected to
something beyond themselves, something bigger and meaningful that can be
connected to their community and friends.
These conditions are important terms for a gamified system that could effectively
motivate behavior change, and we will build the solution according to these
The general idea is to create a quality sport time program between parent and
child. We will create a program for city employees and their families – "Active
family". The program gool is workout together, adult and children, (one parent and
one child) at least twice a week for a full year. We will develop an app to the city
employees, in the app minimum two members (adult and child) can register as a
team. Each team can choose spot activity from a variety of option (walking, gaging,
tennis, gym) and use the city's sports centers for free if they go together each week.
We will open a community for all the registered teams that includes sports trainers.
The teams that will train all year long will get free access to city's sports centers for
another year!
Competence – we want to encourage perseverance and create a sense of success
over time. In the app the teams will get "power points" for each week that they work
out together twice or more. They will have a progress map, every week they will see
that they have conquered another destination on the way for a full year training. The
teams will receive badges on persistence. After two months of persistence, they will
win a heart rate Watch.
Autonomy – the teams get the Autonomy to choose which sport activity they want
to do each practice and to choose more than one child to practice with
Relatedness – The added value for the parent is the quality time with his child and
modeling for sports healthy lifestyle. To encourage community creation the teams
will receive a badge for sharing photos after training and for joint training with
another teams.
All characteristics are linked to intrinsic motivation.
External motivation - To create external force that will help create the initial
commitment, the first external motivation element is the prize of the heart rate
Watch (after two month of persistence), The second is the reward at the end that
will encourage them to continue with the routine even after they achieve the goal.

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