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January 24, 2021 · Issue No 10,246 · (based on 7 day Print Pack)

Our disunited kingdom

WMajority back border polls in Scotland and Northern Ireland WSNP set for May landslide
WNearly 1 in 3 want referendum in Wales WFewer people now regard themselves as British
Tim Shipman Political Editor The polls revealed that: l But pollster LucidTalk found but wide in Scotland and signifi- on the coronavirus, compared In a move which could trigger a Michael Gove met last week to dis-
Jason Allardyce Scotland Editor l Fifty per cent of Scots and 51 per that, among the under-45s, sup- cant in Wales with 61 per cent for Nicola Stur- political crisis later this year, the cuss plans for a campaign to build
cent of voters in Northern Ireland porters of Irish reunification lead l YouGov, which polled Wales and geon, the first minister. SNP yesterday announced that it is the case for the Union. Oliver
The UK is facing a constitutional want a border poll in the next five by 47 per cent to 46 per cent England, found 23 per cent of The Scottish poll, conducted by prepared to call a wildcat vote of its Lewis, who helped lead the recent
crisis that will strain the Union as years. The figure is a surprisingly l Northern Irish voters also think Welsh voters want independence, Panelbase, found that the Scottish own if Boris Johnson refuses to Brexit negotiations, is to be put in
new polls reveal a majority of vot- high 31 per cent in Wales there will be a united Ireland up from percentages in the teens National Party (SNP) is on course grant one himself. This tactic was charge. Gove has also discussed
ers in Scotland and Northern Ire- l Scotland would vote for inde- within 10 years, by a margin of 48 five years ago for a landslide in May’s Scottish used by supporters of Catalan plans with Gordon Brown, the
land want referendums on the pendence by a margin of 52 per per cent to 44 per cent l Voters in all four countries elections. A forecast by Sir John independence in Spain. former prime minister.
break-up of Britain. cent to 48 per cent when “don’t l Voters in Scotland, Wales, expect Scotland to become inde- Curtice, the election expert, shows Ministers say Johnson will flatly The YouGov poll also lays bare
A four-country survey we com- knows” are excluded Northern Ireland and even pendent within the next 10 years nationalists would pick up seven refuse that demand and revealed the level of public apathy about the
missioned also found that the l In Northern Ireland, unionists England say their dominant per- l Support for independence has more seats than in 2016, giving that the UK government had little future of the Union in England.
sense of British identity that once hold only a slender lead — 47 per sonal identity is Scottish, Welsh, been fuelled by perceptions of them 70 of the 129 MSPs. Sturgeon intention of offering early conces- While just 17 per cent of English
bound the country together is dis- cent to 42 per cent — over those Irish or English rather than British. Boris Johnson. Just 22 per cent of would take this as a mandate for a sions on further devolution either. voters would actively prefer
integrating. who want a united Ireland The gap is narrowest in England, Scots think he has done a good job second referendum. A cabinet committee chaired by Continued on page 2 →

Children face months at home RUSSIANS REVOLT Johnson beats his EU

as schools stay shut until Easter rivals to bag Biden call

Sian Griffiths and to the NHS and the scientists they groups being taught every other Tim Shipman Political Editor his condemnation of the riots in
Caroline Wheeler are in favour of pushing back the week from home. Washington incited by Trump, his
return date for schools for as long Kevin Courtney, co-general sec- Boris Johnson has made a decisive effusive welcome for Biden’s vic-
Children will not go back to school as possible. One thing is for sure — retary of the National Education break with Donald Trump, telling tory over a man he had been
next month and may not return to we will not risk coming out of this Union, who has been meeting his successor Joe Biden that his closely associated with is likely to
the classroom until after the Easter lockdown if there is any risk that Department for Education offi- election was “a moment of hope in be welcomed in the White House.
holidays. we will be plunged into another.” cials, said any reopening before a dark time” for the world. A Downing Street spokesman
Gavin Williamson, the educa- When schools reopen, it is Easter seemed “optimistic”, add- The prime minister made the said: “The prime minister warmly
tion secretary, is expected this understood it will be on a stag- ing: “It could be as late as May.” comments in a telephone call with welcomed the president’s decision
week to rule out children returning gered basis with those in specific Steve Chalke, founder of the the new president last night. to rejoin the Paris agreement on
to the classroom after the February year groups, such as those study- Oasis academy trust, said: “I do not It is understood he was the first climate change, as well as the
half-term holiday and will prepare ing for GCSEs and A-levels, allowed believe it will be safe for schools to European leader spoken to by World Health Organisation and the
parents for the prospect of many to return first. Rotas could be intro- reopen fully after half-term. There Biden since his inauguration on Covax programme to ensure equi-
more months of homeschooling. duced, with pupils in certain year may be a possibility after Easter.” Wednesday. table access for vaccines.
While he will not put an exact This week the government is Johnson also used the call to “They noted the significant chal-
date on the reopening of schools,
education leaders said they did not NEWMAN’S expected to nearly double the
number of children who will
welcome Biden’s announcements
that America would rejoin the
lenges facing the world during the
Continued on page 2 →
expect them to reopen fully until
mid-April or even as late as May.
VIEW receive catch-up tuition, from
250,000 this year to 450,000 next
Paris climate accords and the
World Health Organisation, and
A government source said: “We year. The tutoring programme will the two men discussed the INDEX
are in this for the long haul. We are be extended for two years. prospects of a free trade deal. Lottery News 2
going to start giving parents more Last April the government Downing Street called their con-
Weather News 27
information so they can start man- promised to hand out laptops to versation “warm and friendly” and
aging their expectations. Although schools that needed them for released a picture of Johnson chuc- Letters News 22
we have not arrived at an exact pupils but it has distributed only kling on the call. Sudoku News 26
date when we think schools will go about 700,000 out of a planned In a tweet, the prime minister TV & Radio Culture 39
back, it will not be after half-term.” 1.3 million. One of the country’s said: “Great to speak to President
The prospect of a delay will top academy trusts, Ark, is buying @JoeBiden this evening. I look for-
trouble exhausted working par- laptops for all its 26,000 pupils, ward to deepening the longstand-
ents trying to tackle homeschool- not just those in need. ing alliance between our two coun-
ing young children while simulta- tries as we drive a green and
neously doing their job. Coronavirus crisis, pages 10-11 sustainable recovery from COV-
A No 10 source added: “May is a Gavin’s tough week wasn’t a A woman in Moscow was among 2,000 people arrested supporting ID-19.” y(7HA9F6*LNSTRN( |||+z!@
very long way away and if it was left patch on ours, page 25 the jailed opposition leader Alexei Navalny Kremlin rattled, pages 16-17 While Johnson was outspoken in
2 The Sunday Times January 24, 2021


This week in The Sunday Times

Also on our phone app, on tablet Travellers from virus
and online at hotspots face UK ban
Visitors from Covid-hit cials have been shocked that the corona-
virus infection rate has failed to fall as
shopping centre in Stratford, east Lon-
don, and the Nightingale hospital in Sun-

DRESSED THE COVID countries could be forced

to pay for their stay in
quickly as expected.
They privately expressed fury at pic-
derland will also begin offering vaccina-
tions to members of the public.

TO KILL HEDONISTS quarantine or be barred

tures yesterday of passengers arriving at
Heathrow to a second day of queues with
little social distancing. Airport chiefs
Separately, hundreds of pharmacies
are to begin offering vaccines to the most
vulnerable and those who cannot or do
How Ana de Social media from Britain altogether blamed the Home Office for border not want to travel to one of the mass vac-
Armas, the Bond stars have been delays of up to three hours. Arrivals at cination centres.
shamed for going Tim Shipman, Andrew Gregory terminal 5 complained that the self-ser- The Queen’s official pharmacist, John
girl everyone is vice e-gates stayed closed while short- Bell & Croyden, which was established in
talking about, to Dubai, but its and Nicholas Hellen
staffed Border Force personnel struggled 1798, is to begin vaccinating members of
wowed Hollywood ruler won’t mind Boris Johnson will approve a new border to check extra paperwork, including evi- the public from Saturday. The store, in
crackdown on Tuesday that could ban dence of a negative coronavirus test. the Harley Street district of London, has
foreign passport-holders from countries The number of mass vaccination cen- been chosen by NHS England as a Cov-


NEY CULTURE where the coronavirus is mutating from
entering Britain.
tres is to treble from tomorrow as the
NHS steps up efforts to vaccinate Britain’s
id-19 vaccination site and will vaccinate
1,000 people a week.
Arrivals, including British citizens, 15 million most vulnerable people within Millions of those who have been vacci-
would be met and escorted to isolation three weeks. Almost six million people nated were warned by Professor Jonat-


hotels, where they will have to stay at have received a first dose. The govern- han Van-Tam, the deputy chief medical
their own expense. The proposals will ment has promised to provide the first officer, not to ignore lockdown restric-
have to be approved by a cabinet commit- dose to 15 million people by mid-Febru- tions. He said “protection takes up to
Gigafactories for With venues tee. Cabinet and Downing Street sources ary, including all health and social care three weeks to kick in” and they could
batteries are key closed, pop stars say plans are also “actively” under dis- staff, everyone over the age of 70 and spread the virus to friends and families.
to the future of have found a cussion for an outright ban on all people in care homes. Minutes of meetings held by the Scien-
passport-holders from hotspot countries There are 17 mass vaccination centres. tific Advisory Group for Emergencies
the car industry. new place to to stop them entering Britain, regardless From tomorrow at 8am, this number will (Sage) cite research suggesting 29 per
We must build a play online — of where they have been. expand to more than 50. New venues will cent of people will stick to the rules less
supply chain fast inside games The government has stopped flights include the Black Country Living strictly once they have received a vac-
from countries including Brazil and Museum in Dudley, a Victorian heritage cine, while 11 per cent will “probably no
South Africa where new variants have site made famous after it was used as the longer follow the rules”.
sprung up, and ministers already have set for hit BBC television drama Peaky Figures released yesterday showed

TRAVEL Christmas Appeal

the power to turn away foreign nationals
who have been in a Covid hotspot in the
previous 10 days.
Blinders. The Winter Gardens in Black-
pool, a former Ikea store at the Westfield
another 1,348 people had died in the UK
within 28 days of a Covid test, while a fur-
ther 33,552 people had tested positive.
A group of senior ministers want to go That takes the total deaths since the start

THE WHITSUNDAY ISLANDS You can still donate to even further, bringing in the first outright of the pandemic to 97, 329. It was also
our Christmas appeal in block on certain passport-holders in revealed that 4,076 Covid patients were
support of FareShare, recent history. The group is concerned by on hospital ventilators as of Friday, the
Discover the white sands and wildlife-rich waters a loophole that means a Brazilian or highest number since the start of the
Tusk and Sported
of this astonishing Australian archipelago by boat South African could enter the UK if they
flew via another international hub such More vaccination pandemic.
l More than 500 cases of the virus have
To donate
Call 0151 284 2336, go to
as Dubai or Paris.
Matt Hancock, the health secretary, is centres are to been recorded at the Driver and Vehicle
Licensing Agency’s offices in Swansea,
pressing hardest for the move but has
heavyweight support not just from his open tomorrow, where employees claim people with
symptoms were encouraged to return to
or use the QR code perennial lockdown ally Michael Gove
but also from Priti Patel, the home secre- including a work while vulnerable workers have had
requests to work from home turned
tary, and, crucially, the chancellor, Rishi
Sunak, who is usually an opponent of museum used in down, according to The Observer. It is
believed to be the largest workplace out-
such moves.
The draconian proposals are on the Peaky Blinders break of the virus.

table because ministers and No 10 offi- Covid questions and answers, page 11
8.35am Political scientist 10.35am Shadow home secretary 7pm Past Imperfect withh Ann
Professor Sir John Curtice Nick Thomas-Symonds ve,
Summers’s chief executive,
10am Health secretary 12 noon Personality Politics with Jacqueline Gold, right
Matt Hancock former MP Gyles Brandreth
NHS manager ‘jumped queue’ to get
JAN 23
JAN 23
JAN 22
SUPPORT RECYCLING jab meant for frontline workers
The recycled paper content of UK
1, 6, 25, 45, 49, 52 4, 16, 26, 29, 39 8, 16, 42, 44, 47 and she is understood to have hospital the following day for should be fined, the home
Thunderball 11 Lucky Stars 6, 7 newspapers in 2019 was 63.2% Sabah Meddings
Bonus 56 been working from home. At her jab, which took place secretary, Priti Patel, said it
A senior manager in the NHS 49, she is not in an age group between 11am and 11.45am. was “morally reprehensible”
has been accused of jumping that makes her eligible for a “Is there a VIP lane for to skip the queue.
the vaccine queue after vaccine. some NHS staff to get the A source close to Baynham
booking herself in for a Covid It is understood Baynham, vaccine?” asked a source. said that she was a “decent
jab despite falling outside the who lives in Nottinghamshire, “Diane didn’t fall into any and dedicated person” and
priority groups. drove to her local hospital on priority category to get the she had gone to the hospital
Diane Baynham, who leads Sunday evening to see vaccine. That’s someone and booked a vaccination on
a team at NHSX, the health whether any vaccines were else’s space she’s taken.” the understanding that
service’s digital arm, is spare. When told there were Under-50s are not likely to otherwise a dose would be
understood to have received none, she said she was an be invited for a vaccine until wasted.
the vaccine last week. While NHS worker and booked a jab autumn. In response to a NHS England said: “No one
she works for the NHS, she the next day. It is understood question last week over has been vaccinated as a
does not deal with patients, she then drove back to the whether queue-jumpers result of working for NHSX.”

Caribbean tax haven awash with vaccines

Emily Dugan to provide vaccinations free with more due on Thursday. Islands expects 3,000 doses
Social Affairs Correspondent to all British overseas The islands’ premier, Alden of the Oxford vaccine within a
territories. The Caymans McLaughlin, has said: “The fortnight. Bermuda, with 12
More than one in 10 adults on were the first to receive the relationship we have with the deaths, has had 9,750 doses
the Cayman Islands have vaccine, despite having just United Kingdom is paying with more due this week.
been protected against Covid- 38 people with the massive dividends.” Anguilla expects a delivery by
19 after a gift of Pfizer vaccine coronavirus. The islands have Martyn Roper, 55, the the middle of February.
from the UK. had 383 cases and two deaths islands’ governor, was given The Foreign Office said it
While many over-80s in in a population of about the vaccine on the first day of had a duty to protect the
Britain await a jab, the 65,000. The Caymans have the roll-out. That was four people of the overseas
Caribbean islands have no corporation, income or days before the RAF delivered territories and was
inoculated most over-70s and capital gains tax. The first it to Gibraltar, where 59 of its “committed to supply them
will soon move on to younger 9,750 doses of vaccine arrived 34,000 residents have died with a proportionate share of
people. The UK has pledged from Britain on January 5, from Covid-19. The Falkland the vaccines that it procures”.

Revealed: claims Holyrood has the

power to act unilaterally.
Alan Trench, of University
Johnson launched a lighthearted
bribery campaign to get the
president to the UK.
our College London’s constitution
unit, said it was “crystal
beats EU Ted Kaufman, the head of
the White House transition

disunited clear” the Scottish parliament

can hold a vote only if the UK
gives consent because
rivals to bag team used an interview last
week to joke that someone
could buy him a beer if
kingdom constitutional matters are
reserved to London.
Biden call Biden’s first overseas visit is
to the UK. Pierce promptly
But he believes it would be dispatched a case of British
lawful for the nationalists to beer to Kaufman to “seal the
→ Continued from page 1 hold a referendum seeking → Continued from page 1 deal” a source said.
Scotland to leave, another 28 negotiations on pandemic, but also the Pierce said in exchanges
per cent do not care one way independence, without unparalleled opportunities to with senior administration
or the other. Taken together, directly calling for it. build back better and greener officials that America has
the 45 per cent of voters The UK government said: together. The prime minister signalled it wants Britain to
balances the 46 per cent who “People . . . want to see praised President Biden’s join a global alliance to
would be upset if Scotland politicians across the UK early action on tackling develop technology so that
decided to go it alone. working in partnership to climate change and democratic countries are no
In all three countries a focus on defeating commitment to reach net longer reliant on Chinese
plurality of voters believes coronavirus. That remains zero by 2050. firms such as Huawei.
they would have done better the top priority of the UK “Building on the UK and Dominic Raab, the foreign
on the coronavirus if they had government, which has America’s long history of co- secretary, spoke on Thursday
been independent. supported jobs and operation in security and with Biden’s national security
The SNP’s decision businesses across all four defence, the leaders adviser, Jake Sullivan.
yesterday to back a nations. The question of recommitted to the Nato Raab said the two
referendum dares the prime Scottish independence was alliance and our shared countries should work
minister to challenge the settled decisively in 2014, values in promoting human together to combat Chinese
move in court. With serious when Scotland voted to rights and protecting influence. “In the horn of
doubts about the legality of remain part of the UK. Now, democracy.” Africa, many countries well
such a move, Sturgeon’s more than ever, we should be The two leaders are not disposed to the West are
preference is still for Johnson pulling together to expected to meet in person coming under quite a lot of
to grant a section 30 order strengthen our United until the G7 meeting in pressure from China. There’s
giving a referendum the UK Kingdom, instead of trying to Cornwall in June. a lot of work to be done by
government’s backing to separate it.” But it is understood that Britain, US and Europe.”
ensure the process and result Dame Karen Pierce, the
can be internationally Reports, pages 6-7 British ambassador in Danny Fortson, Business
recognised. However, she Editorial, page 20 Washington, has already Dominic Lawson, page 20
The Sunday Times January 24, 2021 3


to play
in drama
Tony Grew
Sir Kenneth Branagh, the
award-winning actor best
known for his Shakespearean
screen portrayals of Henry V
and Hamlet, is to take on the
role of Boris Johnson in a new
series for Sky TV.
This Sceptred Isle is a five-
part drama that will chart
how the prime minister, the
government and the country
dealt with the first wave of
the global pandemic. It is due
to be broadcast in autumn
next year.
The drama will be co-
written and directed by
Michael Winterbottom, who
said it would “weave together
countless true stories — from
Boris Johnson in No 10 to
Upper-middle-class women in the time of Pride and Prejudice were expected to be accomplished at the traditional arts. ‘The aim was to distinguish themselves on the marriage market,‘ says the historian Lucy Worsley frontline workers around the
country — chronicling the

By Georgian! Needlework and

efforts of scientists, doctors,
care home workers and
policy makers to protect us
from the virus”.
The prime minister has
already been portrayed on

piano keep lockdown Lizzies busy

screen by several actors,
including Richard Goulding
in the 2019 drama Brexit: The
Uncivil War, Stuart
McQuarrie in the 2005
television film A Very Social
Secretary — which features
Johnson when he was editor
Hobbies familiar to Jane Austen heroines are making a comeback as families swap screens for cross-stitch of The Spectator magazine —
Christian Brassington in the
More4 drama documentary
Louise Eccles nitely the most popular. Home crafts There has been strong demand for When Boris Met Dave, and
Consumer Affairs Editor such as needlework and art have stood WINSLET’S HAPPY TO novels despite shops being forced to Will Barton in the 2017 BBC


the test of time. close in November and January. At P&G drama Theresa vs. Boris: How
To fill the long days spent at home, the “During the lockdown periods, cus- Wells, a bookshop in Winchester two May Became PM.
heroines in Jane Austen’s novels mas- tomers have returned to these crafts, as doors down from the house where Aus- The prime minister,
tered the arts of needlework, painting skills to learn or rediscover, but also, The actress Kate Winslet has ten died and where her family held an however, has some way to go
and playing the pianoforte. For Mr Darcy many of our customers tell us it offers revealed that she has turned to account, sales have been buoyant. before he reaches the A-list
in Pride and Prejudice, knowledge of them escapism and the therapeutic housework to cope during lockdown. David Simpkin, a manager, said: “As heights of his predecessor
music, singing, drawing and “extensive nature of crafts such as embroidery and “I have become obsessed with with the previous lockdowns, people are Margaret Thatcher, who
reading” was the definition of an accom- cross stitch for example, helps them to sweeping my kitchen floor,” Winslet, really enjoying reading novels. Jane Aus- received the ultimate
plished woman. switch off.” 45, said. “I’m really going into the ten books have ticked along very nicely.” Hollywood accolade of being
Fast-forward 200 years, and the For many, such pastimes are a wel- cracks around the edges of the The book chain Blackwell’s said cus- portrayed by Meryl Streep.
enforced confinement of a third national come break from spending too much of skirting going: ‘Why is it dusty again? tomers were looking for “comfort reads” His hero Winston Churchill
lockdown is making many of us feel like their day staring at their mobile phone or Why is there more dog hair again? I including returning to novels they have has an even more impressive
we’re living in an Austen novel ourselves. TV screen. just hoovered this six hours ago.’ ” already read, such as those by Austen. list of screen appearances,
Retailers report that Britons are buy- Cavendish Pianos, the UK’s only piano She said she had not “become too Waterstones said online sales of having been played by
ing needlework kits, acrylic paints, nov- manufacturer, said sales rose by 50 per obsessed with any of the other romance novels were up by more than Richard Burton, Albert
els and even pianos to pass the time. cent this month compared with January aspects of cleaning” but that she was 900 per cent in January, compared with Finney and Gary Oldman,
Fatigued by endless video conferences, last year. “in charge of the laundry”. She was the same month last year. among others.
home schooling and family Zoom chats, a Adam Cox, 53, who runs the business speaking in an interview with the The historian Lucy Worsley, joint chief Johnson also has a record
growing rebellion against screen time has with his wife Charlie, in Bolton Abbey, in American actors’ union SAG-AFTRA. curator at Historic Royal Palaces and of appearing as himself on
also fuelled the nation’s love of physical the Yorkshire Dales, said: “During all Winslet shot to fame in the 1995 author of Jane Austen at Home, said that our screens, first attracting
books as they seek out tech-free hobbies. three lockdowns we have seen better film adaptation of Jane Austen’s while many people were emulating the attention outside politics with
The resurgence of traditional arts has sales than we would have normally. Many Bridgerton has Sense and Sensibility and became a slow pace of Austen-esque pastimes, his appearances when a
been boosted by the Netflix series Bridg- people have more time on their hands helped push up global superstar two years later with their motivation for doing so was very dif- backbench MP on the satirical
erton, an adaptation of Julia Quinn’s and have perhaps finished all the DIY sales of her lead role in Titanic, opposite ferent from those in the 19th century. BBC panel show Have I Got
novel The Duke and I, set in the early they needed to do around the house by embroidery kits. Leonardo DiCaprio. She said: “Young women were News for You.
1800s, during which characters are often now. I have started painting, for example. Right, Colin Firth Netflix’s decluttering guru Marie expected to do these things, which they He has one TV drama
seen playing the piano, reading and sew- I had always wanted to but never had as Mr Darcy Kondo and Sophie Hinchliffe, better called accomplishments, to distinguish credit, appearing in a 2009
ing in their drawing room. time previously.” known as Mrs Hinch, have found their themselves on the marriage market. So it episode of Eastenders when
Cross-stitch kit sales have risen by Jon Kelly, the owner of The Piano Shop tips on looking after the home very has a dark undertone to it. The difference he was mayor of London.
545 per cent this January compared with Bath, said that piano sales rose in 2020, popular during the pandemic. is we are doing these activities now for
the same month last year, according to while sheet music had sold particularly @IamLiamKelly fulfilment and relaxation, rather than
Hobbycraft, while acrylic paints and can- well, increasing by 25 per cent in 2020. feeling that we have to do them.”
vases are up by 369 per cent and 207 per He said: “People [are] spending more Meanwhile, a winter spent in lock-
cent respectively. time indoors and re-evaluating their lifes- down has also helped to revive the British
John Lewis said embroidery and cross- tyles and interests. With significantly tradition of marmalade-making. The
stitch kits were “a huge growing trend” more time at home, pianists have had craze for baking sourdough bread has
with sales up 261 per cent last week com- time to re-engage or to rediscover an given way on social media to videos of
pared with the same week last year. Sev- interest in piano-playing.” people boiling oranges and labelling jam
eral traditional designs, including a Vic- Jane Austen would practise the piano jars. Waitrose said online searches for
torian lavender sachet kit and a heritage early in the morning before a leisurely classic Seville orange marmalade were up
honeysuckle bookmark, are sold out. breakfast at 9am. Rachel Dodge, a by 1,136% this month. Even Elizabeth
Katherine Paterson, customer director contributor to Jane Austen’s Regency Hurley posted a photograph of herself on
at Hobbycraft, said: “Throughout the World magazine, said the author “wrote Twitter holding two jars of homemade
pandemic we’ve seen increased demand newsy letters, played the pianoforte, marmalade aloft.
for all things craft, but traditional crafts prayed with her family, sewed beauti- Winslet: titanic love for doing the @Louise_Eccles
and those synonymous with the regency fully, and loved brisk walks” during a typ- housework during the pandemic Branagh: series looks at
era, such as needlework and art, are defi- ical day. In the evenings, she would read. News Review, page 24 first wave of pandemic

You can still go on safari this Lloyd Webber battles to bring

summer . . . in the wilds of Wales Broadway-style bailout to West End

Jenny Coad here at home,” he said. The Liam Kelly fund, despite employing fourth time. It is due to open want to be there on the front
and Chris Haslam company, which normally hundreds of people. in May. line when that moment
offers trips to destinations Theatre producers will “In these difficult times, Ingram, producer of a new comes,” she said.
Until last year Paul Boardman ranging from Armenia to the prioritise reopening shows on there could be a preference West End musical, Back to the Theatres have been shut
and his wife, Marisol, spent Azores and Antarctica, Broadway before the West for shows to open on Future, feared investors on for much of the past year.
most of their time in South reports that its current End as Joe Biden’s Broadway,” Lloyd Webber both sides of the Atlantic Even when open, producers
America running intrepid 4x4 bestseller is a three-day safari government launches said. “With the emphasis that would focus on New York. “If complained that social
tours with Peru Safari. to the Forest of Dean in generous support packages America is putting on the West End loses a lot of distancing rules meant they
Now, after Covid killed the Gloucestershire where you for productions in America, commercial theatre, and the money and has a rough year could not make a profit.
business, their explorations can spot nightjars, goshawks, British impresarios fear. support they’re giving, I can while Broadway does well, Producers are lobbying
of Cusco, Lima and Lake hawfinches, mandarin duck, Andrew Lloyd Webber is see producers saying, ‘It’s where are they going to put ministers for grants, for tax
Titicaca have been replaced wild boar and badgers. among industry figures going to be best to put our their money? It’s going to be relief and to underwrite
with horse riding trips to the Abercrombie & Kent is urging ministers to learn from attentions to opening on Broadway,” he said. insurance coverage.
Black Mountains and boat offering trips including a America and prop up Broadway or on tour in Mackintosh, who Even the biggest players
rides to see dolphins, run by “royal journey” with a stay at beleaguered producers to America first’. produced hits including are feeling the squeeze. “We
their new company Celtic the Goring hotel, London, help restart shows across the “I don’t say that as some Les Misérables and Miss are at a point where if one
Routes. Rather than Andean where the Duchess of UK. America is poised to kind of threat, I see it as an Saigon, said the American goes into rehearsal for a
condors and alpacas, Cambridge spent her last launch a $15bn (£11bn) grant observation,” he added. scheme was a “strong sign production and it’s closed
travellers will see otters, night as a Middleton, a tour of scheme for venues and “What would you do if that the federal down again, I think even
golden eagles and ospreys. the Tower of London and a producers whose you’ve got that kind of government has people like myself would be
Welcome to summer visit to Glamis Castle, the productions were forced to money being offered to recognised how vital struggling,” Lloyd Webber
holidays 2021. Travel Queen Mother’s childhood close by the pandemic. you?” it is to city centres said.
companies are scrambling to Celtic Routes is organising adventures to Wales home in Scotland. Applicants can get up to The creative force to have theatres “Come Easter, if we can’t
provide UK holidays as the The small group tour 45 per cent of their 2019 behind Phantom back up”. get back up on our feet, I
virus keeps foreign trips in quantum leap swapping the Andy Tucker, general specialist Riviera Travel, sales in cash, up to the value of the Opera However, he did think producers are going to
limbo. “It’s a tour for the Danakil [in Ethiopia] for manager at Naturetrek, said offering UK-based travel for of $10m. and Cats said not fear shows be looking very hard at
times — it’s private, it’s Covid- Devon — but the same skills the firm organised the first time, has sold out of The only bespoke support he would choosing whether they will come back
safe, it doesn’t involve flights are required,” said Jarrod birdwatching trips in the UK its tours to the Highlands and for British theatres has come “fight for Broadway and whether they can risk it.”
but it’s funky and different,” Kyte, product and sales last summer and was Skye. It is planning to add from the government’s £1.6bn British over the West The government said it was
Boardman said. director. “If you’re prepared “overwhelmed” with new dates in the coming cultural recovery fund, set up theatre” and End. working on a “realistic return
Operators more familiar to look, you can still find bookings. “We’ve been spoilt weeks and announce details to stop artistic institutions that he wanted Sonia date” for theatres and other
with Africa than Aberystwyth wildlife spectacles that are by the ease of travel and had of its first cruise along the collapsing. Industry sources to open his Friedman, the large events and would help
are also offering original ways quite amazing here. Take the our minds waylaid by the lure British coast. calculate that less than 1 per shows in the producer of organisers “unlock the
to enjoy the UK this summer. Somerset Levels where you of exotic fauna. But what And, no, sunshine is not cent of grants have gone to UK first. He will Harry Potter barriers to restarting
Steppes Travel is introducing can observe starling many are realising now is guaranteed, but the so-called commercial theatre decide next and the Cursed including any challenges
cycling trips in Wales and murmurations or wading that, with events like the staycation has never looked operators. Production month whether Child, said she getting insurance. We are
working on a journey in birds in the tens of high-tide knot clouds at so appealing. companies owned by Lloyd to postpone his would open “as providing unprecedented
Devon that will involve guests thousands. We’ve got it all on Snettisham in Norfolk, we’ve Webber, Sir Cameron new London soon as it is safe” support to the cultural sector
following rivers to the sea. our doorstep, it just needs a got some of the world’s most What’s happening with our Mackintosh and Colin Ingram production of on both sides of and will do all we can so it
“It might seem like a different mindset.” dramatic wildlife spectacles summer holidays? Travel have had no support from the Cinderella for a Lloyd Webber: cry for help the Atlantic. “I bounces back strongly.”
4 The Sunday Times January 24, 2021


Sex question back on census in blow to trans rights NEWS

Nicholas Hellen make it easier for people to recognition certificate, for vital to ensuring that co-ordinated the protest, especially at a time when transgender or transsexual
and Tim Shipman “self-identify” their gender. those who have legally organisations can develop welcomed Sir Ian’s increasing numbers of girls individuals were advised to
Draft guidance for the changed gender. services targeted to the needs statement, which came in an are identifying as trans or select either male or female
The 2021 census, to be
conducted in March, will
census allowed non-binary,
transgender and intersex
There will be a separate,
voluntary question for those
of the LGBT population.”
Sir Ian’s statement follows
interview on Radio 4’s Today
non-binary. But we cannot
simply assume that the lives
“whichever you believe is
correct, irrespective of the
Welsh Tories quit
require everyone to declare respondents to give an aged over 16 about their intense behind-the-scenes She said: “Sex is an of these girls are not also details recorded on your over drink row
their sex, the national answer different from that on gender identity, which was discussions, and protests by a important predictor of affected by the fact that they birth certificate”. The census
statistician has said. their birth certificate. welcomed by Nancy Kelley, group of more than 80 outcomes across all areas of are female.” even permitted responses on The Welsh Tory leader Paul
By contrast, the last Sir Ian Diamond, who chief executive of Stonewall, academics who said: “Sex life, including education, The Government behalf of third parties. Davies and chief whip
census, which took place a heads the government a pressure group for LGBT and gender identity are wages, crime, and physical Equalities Office tentatively The ONS said: “We are Darren Millar have resigned
decade ago in 2011, allowed statistical service, said of the rights. She said: “It’s great distinct and should not be and mental health. If we do estimated in 2018 that there continuing to ask a binary after late-night drinking in
people to answer according coming census: “The that the 2021 census will conflated.” They feared the not monitor sex differences, were 200,000 to 500,000 choice male/female sex the Senedd, days after a ban
to what gender they felt question on sex is very simply include voluntary questions accuracy of studies into we cannot tackle sex transgender people. Only question. This approach is in December on pubs selling
themselves to be. your legal sex.” on sexual orientation and issues such as the gender pay discrimination. 4,910 had received a formal unchanged since 1801. There alcohol. Cardiff council is
The move is a setback for People in England and trans status for the first time. gap could be affected. Alice “Gender identity is not the gender recognition certificate will also be a new voluntary examining a possible breach
transgender rights advocates Wales will have to state the Collecting accurate Sullivan, professor of same thing as sex. since they were introduced in question on gender identity of Covid regulations. Davies,
and follows a government sex registered on a birth population data on sexual sociology at UCL (University Understanding people’s 2004. Under the guidance for people aged 16 and over 51, said he was “truly sorry”.
decision to scrap plans to certificate or a gender orientation and trans status is College London), who identities is important, operating in the last census, later in the questionnaire.”

Man held after

Shapps steers
death of boy, 11
A man in his thirties has been
arrested over the
“suspicious and
unexplained” death of an

UK towards
11-year-old boy in Lincoln on
Friday. Officers were alerted
after reports that the child
had died in Geneva Avenue,
a mile from Lincoln

taking hands 11 hid in cupboard

during party raid

off the wheel

Police issued 50 fines for
lockdown breaches after
raiding a student party
where they found 11 people
hiding in a cupboard at
university accommodation
in Birmingham. Revellers
had travelled from London
The transport secretary which matches a car’s speed to that of the
vehicle in front.
and Newcastle to the party
on Friday night.
is eager for Britain to be The AA and Thatcham Research, the
motor insurance industry’s research
the first country to allow body, have highlighted alarming weak-
Ibiza offers nurses
driverless cars, despite nesses in the technology. It cannot
change lanes to avoid trouble, but slows 4-star Covid deal
insurers’ deep concerns the car to a halt. The on-board display
must instantly stop showing entertain- Nurses are being offered a
Nicholas Hellen Transport Editor ment in an emergency, but a distracted package to work with Covid
driver may still struggle to react. patients for a week on the
Britain aims to become the first country The safety of the motorway network Spanish island of Ibiza,
to let drivers take their hands off the has already been called into question. enraging local healthcare
wheel on motorways. Grant Shapps, the Last week a coroner sought a review into workers who have worked
transport secretary, is pressing ahead smart motorways, which rely on technol- without a holiday or bonus.
with his ambition to clear the way for ogy to make up for the lack of a hard Four-star hotel rooms, travel
driverless cars. shoulder, after the deaths of two drivers expenses and €170 (£151) for
Senior officials at the Department for on the M1. a 12-hour shift are included.
Transport (DfT) told insurance industry Insurers fear Shapps will be swayed by
chiefs on Tuesday that lane-keeping tech- trying to position the UK as a world Officers at the scene in Birmingham of the killing of Keon Lincoln, right. Up to six people took part in the attack
nology could allow drivers to watch a leader. He has said he wants Britain to be
Man in court over
They’ve killed Keon, cried sister
film, send texts or check emails at the “the first country to see these benefits”.
wheel from the summer. The insurers stress that they are not ‘arson’ at hospital
However, the government is stepping objecting to drivers using the new lane-
back from a plan to permit this at 70mph keeping system, but want a human to be A man appeared in court
and signalled that it will apply in stop-
start motorway traffic at speeds of up to
The technology, the third of five stages
in charge at all times until the eventual
arrival of fully autonomous vehicles.
Lilian Greenwood, a Labour member
of the transport select committee, said
as mother fought to save him charged with arson with
intent to endanger life at
Leeds General Infirmary.
Kriss Jackson, 43, is also
leading to cars that have no driver, was ALKS was not yet ready to take over: “It charged with possession of a
approved in United Nations regulations simply isn’t safe for drivers to ignore the Hannah Al-Othman Keon, firing a gun from the at the local school who challenging investigation, bladed article, affray and
that came into force in Britain on Friday. road and do other things while the tech- and David Collins windows of a white Ford has three other children, given the number of two counts of assault.
It is confined to roads where traffic mov- nology is unable to respond safely to the people carrier at about fought to keep him offenders we believe were Patients were taken out on
ing in opposite directions is physically unexpected — whether that’s debris up On a quiet street of Victorian 3.30pm. conscious. involved, but I have a trolleys as fire broke out on
separated and no pedestrians or cyclists ahead, a pedestrian getting out of their terraces, a mother pulled off Muhammad Iqbal, 59, who Keon was taken away in an dedicated team of officers Thursday.
are allowed. vehicle or a red X sign.” her 15-year-old son’s clothing witnessed the aftermath of ambulance and died shortly working 24/7 to identify those
It follows a “call for evidence” in which Matthew Avery, director of insurance as she battled to revive him the attack, said the youths afterwards in Birmingham involved and we are making
the government asked for responses to
the idea of drivers “watching a film,
research at Thatcham Research, said: “If
the government introduces this too
from gunshot and stab
were dressed in black.
His wife, Rukhsana Iqbal,
Children’s Hospital.
The group’s getaway van
swift progress.
“My thoughts remain with
Devil’s Dyke ‘hate
checking emails or SMS, or accessing quickly it could become the next GM Keon Lincoln had been 50, said that she had heard was abandoned two miles [Keon’s family] in their time speech’ apology
other audio, video or written content”. crops” — a reference to how a public shot and stabbed on two or three gunshots. “I away after the of grief.”
Shapps has the authority under the backlash against “Frankenstein food” Thursday afternoon outside was on the phone and I youths crashed it into a house The family released a Facebook has apologised for
Automated and Electric Vehicles Act 2018 held back genetically modified crops. his house in Birmingham thought it was fireworks,” where Anika Henry lives with statement paying tribute to threatening to ban people
to designate which vehicles are capable He added: “Consumers might turn after being attacked by a gang she said. her parents. their “beloved” and “fun- from a Brighton community
“at least in some circumstances or situa- against it and say, ‘Automation is not safe, of up to six people. A neighbour, Nifa Begum, “I was in my house and I loving” boy who was group it had accused of
tions, of safely driving themselves”. there was that big crash last year.’ It could Yesterday, two 14-year-old 35, said: “Keon was lying in heard a loud bang, and I “senselessly taken from “hate speech” for
None yet exist, but new Teslas and a set automation back five or 10 years.” boys were under arrest and the front yard of a house on came downstairs to the car,” us”. “He had an infectious mentioning the name of the
Mercedes S-class due late this year are The DfT said: “We have sought views being questioned by West the street. His sister came said Henry, 29. laugh that lit up the room Sussex beauty spot Devil’s
expected to be among the first to be from industry and other stakeholders on Midlands police. running out on the phone, By the time she reached whenever he was in it,” it Dyke. Facebook last night
eligible. the use of the automated lane-keeping Detectives are continuing shouting. For this to happen the front door, the offenders said. promised to look into what it
They will have an automated lane- system to pave the way towards introduc- to piece together the here is scary.” had fled on foot. @DavidCollinsST said was a “clear” error.
keeping system (ALKS), which uses radar ing it safely on UK roads. No decision has movements of the group in After the attack, one of his Detective Chief Inspector
and cameras to keep a car on track. It is yet been made on whether to allow ALKS Handsworth. sisters was heard screaming Alastair Orencas, from the A child, killed by children.
the latest in a line of advances such as to operate up to 70mph.” Witnesses claim members “they’ve killed him,” as his West Midlands police We cannot accept this,
lane assist and adaptive cruise control, @NicholasHellen of the group drove towards mother, Charmaine, a cleaner homicide unit, said: “This is a India Knight, page 20

Flat-owners pay £1,500 a month for MPs put gas bill on expenses
‘useless’ fire marshals asleep on job while workers cough up
Leaseholders must pay as a vintage clothes shop. Three from 420 last March. They Caroline Wheeler and Tom about 1% higher than the choose to pay staff who are
much as £1,500 a month each wardens, expected to cost cost £331 a month per flat on Calver same month in 2019. working from home up to Devil’s Dyke: beauty spot fell
for the patrols, without which £1,300 per flat at an award- average in England, rising to The rising cost of working £26 a month tax-free to cover foul of Facebook rules
they would be ordered to winning estate in Islington, £499 in London, housing MPs are charging the from home has raised the cost of utilities but many
leave their homes. Yet guards north London, “patrol once ministry data shows. In total, taxpayer for heating and concerns among of them have chosen not to
have been caught sleeping or
watching TV on the job.
per hour. They told us they’ve
run out of Netflix shows to
leaseholders pay £174m a
year, Labour calculated.
electricity they used while
working from home during
campaigners, who claim it is
one rule for MPs and another
do so.
Sir Mark Hendrick, the
Sex attacker lured
These are the latest facts to watch,” said Megan Lum, 33, Last month, the lockdown. Most workers, on for ordinary workers. Few, if Labour MP for Preston, victims with job ad
emerge in the building safety a resident. government announced the other hand, are forced to any, FTSE 100 companies claimed £126 in fuel and
scandal exposed by the The wardens do not walk £30m to fit fire alarms so tall pay out of their own pockets. have so far offered to electricity in April and May A businessman who devised
Grenfell fire, which killed 72 along the external walkways, buildings would no longer Despite working largely reimburse their employees specifically for “home a plan to lure women with a
people in 2017. With 200,000 where a survey late last year need waking watches. But remotely during the first for remote working costs working” because of Covid- fake job advert for first aid
flats in more than 3,000 found defective fire barriers campaigners said risk lockdown last year, MPs during lockdown. 19. When claiming a £345 “training patients” was jailed
Martina Lees
towers wrapped in flammable and flammable polystyrene, assessors usually require at claimed £9.1m in expenses, The claims for extra energy electricity bill in September, for 6½ years and ordered to
Senior Property Writer
materials, waking watches triggering the decision to least one warden to stay after 11% more than during the bills, filed under “office Labour’s Toby Perkins, MP pay £10,000 to each victim.
“Useless” fire marshals cost were seen as a temporary begin the watch. Lum and her alarm upgrades. same period in 2019 when costs”, are within the rules for Chesterfield, justified the Kevin McCarthy, 67, of
owners of flats in dangerous measure until faults are fixed. husband, Oliver Sexton, 33, Roy Wilsher, the NFCC’s they claimed £8.2m. decided by the Independent amount by saying that it had Northwood, northwest
buildings at least £174m a Peter Mengerink, 48, who cannot move to start a family chairman, said it created According to an analysis of Parliamentary Standards “increased March onwards London, sexually assaulted
year. faces bills of £350 a month for after losing a cash buyer for “non-statutory and practical MPs’ expenses between the Authority (Ipsa). whilst working from home”. four women.
The number of blocks with a waking watch at his small his £715,000 flat. guidance”, but legal stay-at-home order MPs are allowed to charge John O’Connell, chief
a “waking watch”, where block of flats in east London, At a small Leeds building, responsibility for decisions announced on March 16 and the taxpayer for all utility bills executive of the campaign
wardens patrol buildings with
safety defects for signs of fire,
asked the NFCC on what basis
it had issued the guidance. It
residents last year had to pay
almost £1,500 each a month
lay with each building’s
“responsible person”, such as
the reopening of pubs on July
4, the lockdown travel bill for
for both their constituency
office and the home they
group the Taxpayers’
Alliance, said: “While MPs
After being sent to
has almost doubled in a year answered: “NFCC is unaware for wardens they say they saw the managing agent. “That MPs and their staff fell by 78% designate as their main must have the resources to do Gavin, letter is hailed
to 766, according to data of any formal research into watching TV on duty. “One includes the decision to from £1.8m to £412,000 residence, as long as the their jobs, many taxpayers
released under freedom of the effectiveness of waking morning the guy sat under his implement a waking watch.” compared with the same claims “relate to will be worried about the More than 5,000 Twitter
information (FOI) laws. watches.” duvet, asleep in his car,” said The NFCC is “concerned that period in 2019. parliamentary activity”. growing price of politics.” users “liked” a letter from
The officials whose It said there had been “no Rachael Loftus, 43, a in places there is an over- Claims for electricty and Average monthly During the first lockdown, Michael Rosen, the former
guidance caused the patrols generic impact assessment” leaseholder. provision of waking watch”, heating bills increased, even household energy bills are MPs claimed £1.7m more on children’s laureate, asking
to be introduced had no and no minutes were Responses from 39 of the he added. though April was the sunniest expected to rise by £18 this “office costs”, a rise of 41%. the education secretary,
evidence they worked, the available of meetings country’s 45 fire services to on record, according to the winter, or 18%, as millions of They were given a budget of Gavin Williamson, to explain
National Fire Chiefs Council formulating the guidance. FOI requests by the Labour Can’t pay, won’t pay: the Met Office. During that workers work from home £10,000 each to kit out home what a fronted adverbial is.
(NFCC) admitted in FOI “It’s just beyond belief,” Party show at least 766 true cost of the cladding month, MPs’ electricity and during the third national offices at the start of the He said grammar was being
responses. said Mengerink, who owns buildings have watches, up fallout, Home heating bills came to £48,723, lockdown. Companies can pandemic. taught with “rigid” terms.
The Sunday Times January 24, 2021 5


Last bastion of SEVERN HELL


boys’ boarding
eyes up girls
After 600 years, Winchester is considering a co-ed future
Sian Griffiths the last one standing . . . I think that all announced proposals to admit girls to the
Education Editor four will fall.” sixth form.
The debate about single-sex schools The first girls to join boys’ schools have
One of England’s oldest boys’ schools, has been one of the most divisive in edu- not always been made welcome, how-
Winchester College, is considering the cation. Boys’ schools have come under ever. Cathy Newman, the Channel 4 News
admission of girls. scrutiny — critics say they turn out enti- presenter who was an early scholarship
The 600-year-old alma mater of six tled, sexist young men — and questions girl at the previously all-boys Charter-
chancellors, including Rishi Sunak, has have been asked about whether girls’ house, has spoken of being sexually
said any such decision would be made by schools produce women uncomfortable assaulted while eating her lunch. Girls at
the governing body. With fees of £40,000 in workplaces often dominated by men. other schools have described being given
a year and the motto “Manners makyth Farr, a former high mistress of St Paul’s marks out of 10 for their appearance.
man”, it is one of only four remaining Girls’ School, has drawn attention to Until the 1960s, nearly all British
boys’ boarding schools. sexism and laddishness in workplaces, children went to single-sex schools.
Speaking after Winchester confirmed including the City, which she said was Today, about 9 per cent of independent
the discussions, Clarissa Farr, a member deterring high-flying girls. At St Paul’s she schools are girls-only, and 8 per cent
of the college’s governing body, said: worked on setting up shared lessons for boys-only. In the state sector, non-select-
“The past year has forced all schools to sixth-form pupils with a neighbouring ive secondaries are largely co-
examine the quality, accessibility and rel- boys’ school. St Paul’s boys’ school has educational. Girls-only schools make up
evance of their offer. Any school not appointed a female head and has 17 per cent of grammar schools, while
engaging in these challenging conver- 10 per cent are all-boys.
sations is not facing the future.” Defenders say single-sex schools give
The debate at Winchester, whose old ADDING UP boys and girls a chance to grow up free of

TO NO 11
boys include the 1930s England cricket the distractions of the opposite sex. Girls
captain Douglas Jardine, the former Cor- are more likely to do science A-levels in
byn aide Seumas Milne and the late girls-only schools; boys are more likely to The waters of the River Severn lapping at houses in Bewdley, Worcestershire. More rain is forecast in the next week
comedian Tim Brooke-Taylor, will inten- take English literature A-level. In the 2019
sify pressure on the other all-boys board- Sunday Times Parent Power school
ing schools — Eton, Harrow and Radley. league table, all-girl schools accounted
Three of the four have head teachers who
previously led co-educational schools.
Gavin Williamson, the education sec-
for half the top 30 places for combined
GCSE and A-level performance.
This weekend Winchester said admit-
First, the flooding. Now prepare for snow and ice
retary, said last year he would be “very ting girls had been discussed on and off
much in favour of Eton taking girls” — for a long time. Radley College and Eton Shingi Mararike A yellow weather warning felt, with the Environment large parts of the country this
only to be slapped down by the Old Eto- said they had no plans to admit girls. Har- is in place for most of today, Agency warning of week, the Met Office has
nian MP Jacob Rees-Mogg, who said the row declined to comment but drew atten- Large parts of the country leading to icy stretches of “exceptionally high river warned that the wet weather
school “works very well as it is”. tion to statements on its website extolling will get a chance to frolic in road and some travel levels” after days of heavy could “compound” the
A member of the Headmasters’ and the advantages of all-boys’ education. the snow today with up to disruption. The Met Office rainfall that left hundreds of impact felt in many areas
Headmistresses’ Conference, the profes- 10cm expected in some areas, said this could hamper the properties across the country already.
sional association for heads of top inde- but more wet weather will clean-up operations in parts flooded. On a visit to Cheshire last
pendent schools, said this weekend: bring misery for others. of the country recovering The River Severn breached week, the environment
“After the criticism of entitled male The heaviest fall is due in from flooding caused by temporary flood defences in secretary, George Eustice,
behaviour during the #MeToo movement Oxfordshire, Warwickshire Storm Christoph. “There’s a Bewdley, Worcestershire, called the forecast a cause for
and the debates about toxic masculinity, and Gloucestershire, while lot of water on fields and leaving homes and businesses concern with more rainfall
some of the remaining all-boys, all- other areas could wake up to flooded roads that could under water for the second landing on wet, soggy ground
boarding schools are thinking hard about Chancellors Hugh Gaitskell, above, coverings of 1cm to 3cm, freeze over and give way to time in a year after Storm posing “additional
whether they should go co-educational. Geoffrey Howe and Rishi Sunak Should all schools be co-educational? including the outskirts of icy conditions,” it warned. Dennis hit the town last challenges”.
There are only four still remaining — that attended Winchester College London and part of the Yesterday the impact of the February.
is not even a rump. No one wants to be Have your say at Midlands. wet weather was still being With rain set to return to Weather, page 27


UNION 1 3 4
We have been the best of How many MPs What is the
friends and sternest of enemies, does Northern population
writes Roland White. We have Ireland currently of Wales?
argued, in a more or less serious send to A 5.2m B 4.6m
fashion, for centuries, yet Westminster? C 3.2m D 3.9m

somehow managed to turn The 1707 Act of Union
hostile takeovers into what Boris followed the catastrophic A 11 B 18 C 20 D 24 Who is the current
Johnson once described as “the failure of Darien, a Scottish Great Steward of Scotland?

most successful political and colony in which country?
economic union in history”. A Sir Alex Ferguson
Yet suddenly the future of the A Newfoundland B Prince of Wales
United Kingdom seems B Dahomey C Sir Billy Connolly

uncertain. If this were a marriage, C Panama D Janette Krankie
there is a distinct suggestion that D Jamaica Which is the only year in

we would be staying together which Scotland has beaten
only for the sake of the children. Under which A Henry VII England at its own game
But how much do you know about monarch did B Henry VIII (cricket, obviously)?
the United Kingdom, past and Wales formally C Edward III
present. Test yourself with these unite with D Edward VI
10 questions. England? A 1877 B 1924 C 1941 D 2018

‘Scots independence is possible —

we must stop it being inevitable’
With polls suggesting the UK is coming apart at the seams, ministers are racing to keep it stitched together
Tim Shipman, Jason Allardyce and with 61 per cent who think Sturgeon has ble deal for Scotch whisky in trade agree- The argument will be “now is not the

John Boothman handled the crisis well. No wonder 37 per ments and how to ensure Scotland bene- time”.
cent of Scots think independence is likely fits from the defence industrial strategy. Neither in advance of May, nor imme-
even cabinet ministers met vir- if he remains at the helm, a figure that London has kept control of money that diately after the Holyrood elections will
tually last week to discuss the would drop to 29 per cent if Rishi Sunak, used to go into EU structural funds to pay the London government start offering
biggest long-term problem they the chancellor, were to take over and 27 for better roads in the Highlands, rather concessions. “The answer cannot be sim-
think the government faces. per cent if Labour’s Sir Keir Starmer than let the Scottish government get the ply giving the Scottish government more
Under the chairmanship of became prime minister. money and the credit. powers, because that creates a sense of
Michael Gove the ministers dis- All this begins to look like a perfect The government’s internal polling momentum that there can only be one
cussed how to deal with an elu- storm for the nationalists. Today’s Panel- shows that when people are asked end point, which is independence,” a
sive enemy that has spread base survey puts the independence vote detailed questions, they want a common cabinet minister said.
quickly through the population — a prob- on 49 per cent, five points ahead of the currency, welfare system and access to Nonetheless, officials are looking at
lem to which Nicola Sturgeon’s response unionists, with 7 per cent of voters unde- universities throughout the UK. “When reforms to the way government is done in
has seemed more in tune with public cided. With the “don’t knows” removed, you ask about the details, people are Britain, encompassing councils, mayors
opinion than Boris Johnson’s. A crunch that is a 52 per cent to 48 per cent win for instinctively unionist,” one of those and the way the devolved administra-
moment approaches this spring. Sturgeon’s team. familiar with the numbers said. tions interact, which could involve
The issue on the agenda was not the In London, the Union policy imple- Today’s poll suggests that the eco- greater devolution. Gove has also been in
coronavirus — or even Brexit — but the mentation committee has drawn up a nomic arguments may not wash. Only 36 talks with the former prime minister Gor-
future of the Union, and the growing five-step programme: to fight the Scottish per cent of Scots think they would be bet- don Brown, among others, on how to
spread of nationalist sentiment, in Scot- elections hard rather than offer up con- ter off outside the UK. save the Union.
land and Northern Ireland in particular. stitutional concessions in advance; With another crushing nationalist
Hanging over all their heads, though, simultaneously to launch a campaign to Holyrood win in sight, SNP politicians say
is a bigger constitutional question? What persuade Scots of the benefits of the Johnson can hardly stand in the way of a
happens if the Scottish National Party Union; to oppose a referendum and hope referendum. Today’s poll shows 50 per
(SNP) wins a solid mandate at the Scottish that causes the SNP to fight among itself cent of voters want one in the next five
parliament elections, due in May, for its over tactics; to consider further devolu- years, with 43 per cent opposed. That
demand for a second referendum. tion only later and only then as part of means even some unionists want the
Today’s poll shows that Sturgeon’s party wider reforms for the UK; and finally, if issue resolved. But the fact that more
is on course for a big win, polling more there is a referendum one day, to control than four in 10 voters do not want a vote
than 52 per cent in the constituency vote, the timing and terms of the vote. “I don’t will be heartening for No 10.
which the psephologist Sir John Curtice think there is any member of the cabinet Some senior nationalists are privately
says would translate into a gain for the who doesn’t realise how important this less confident. So what is Sturgeon’s plan IS DEVO-MAX BACK?
SNP of seven seats over the 2016 election. is,” a minister said. B? And why is there so little evidence of Brown is leading a constitutional
The cabinet’s Union committee will policy development on how independ- review for Labour expected within 18
look nervously at the figures showing that ence would work, with the likelihood of months to recommend a federal system,
voters in all four nations of the UK think SEND FOR SONIC trade barriers with England, doubts over with sweeping powers for Holyrood. A
Scotland will become independent in the Oliver Lewis, known throughout White- currency and signs it could take years devo-max model would devolve most
next 10 years. “We have to show people hall by his nickname “Sonic”, a Vote before Scotland could join the EU? functions, except defence and foreign
that it is not inevitable,” said one cabinet Leave veteran who was deputy to the Angry grassroots members recently affairs. A blueprint was published last
minister. chief negotiator, Lord Frost, in the Brexit took back control themselves — of the week by a citizens’ assembly of 100 peo-
One of the reasons for the SNP’s negotiating team, will take charge of the SNP’s national executive. Their influence ple set up by the Scottish government —
strength is identity. About 56 per cent of fight. The first step will be to properly seems to have told. Yesterday the party seeking more powers over tax, trade and
Scots see themselves as fully Scottish, or contest the election. agreed to publish a bill for a referendum immigration.
more Scottish than British, compared “We won’t be giving up without a and ask Johnson for approval for a Others say Johnson is attracted to the
with 12 per cent whose allegiance is pri- fight,” a senior No 10 official said. The legally binding vote. If that is not forth- idea of a royal commission, which could
marily to the UK. Only 27 per cent of “high-end argument” advanced by minis- coming, the policy makes clear, Sturgeon take years. But one ministerial aide said:
English voters put Englishness ahead of ters and unionists is designed to engen- is prepared to call a home-grown referen- “Some people mistake ministers politely
Britishness, though that rises to 41 per der more warmth towards the Union by dum. listening to their plans with ministers
cent among those who voted to leave the overturning the “woke left view” that it is Legal action would then ensue over agreeing to those plans.”
European Union. That helps explain why somehow a residue of empire. whether it could be binding. Martin Keat- If pressure did lead to a referendum,
only 15 per cent support English inde- Expect ministers to hail the London ings, a 35-year-old nationalist cam- London still has some cards. Alex Sal-
pendence. government — with two of the top four paigner from Dunfermline, appeared in mond was taken aback by how accommo-
Brexit and the coronavirus crisis also jobs in the hands of non-white ministers Scotland’s court of session last week. His dating David Cameron proved in the
appear to be driving Scottish voters away — as more multicultural than France or crowdfunded case is that, under the 1998 Edinburgh agreement on the 2014 refer-
from a union with England. Today’s poll Germany. The Union will be sold as for- Scotland Act, Holyrood has the power to endum, letting 16-year-olds vote and
shows that 53 per cent would vote to
rejoin the EU, a number that corresponds
ward-thinking on green issues and tech-
legislate for another referendum. If all
else fails, the Scottish government could
agreeing to hold it around the 700th anni-
versary of Bannockburn. If there is a next The Scots have an
closely with the number who would back
independence. Just 31 per cent say they
More practically, the case will be made
that the roll-out of the vaccine in Scot-
stage a non-binding referendum. time, Johnson and Gove would be less so.
Ministers would explore giving the vote aversion to the PM
would not. In England, by contrast, vot- land, using members of the British armed to Scots living elsewhere in the UK.
ers oppose rejoining by a margin of 42 forces, and the UK Treasury’s support for COULD THEY COPY CATALONIA? Another idea would be to put a third
per cent to 40 per cent. jobs is evidence of valuable co-operation. This strategy is not without its risks since option — perhaps devo-max — on the bal-
On the coronavirus, 42 per cent of “The point is to say that Scottish national- such a vote might be boycotted by oppo- lot paper. The three-option referendum
Scots think their country would have ists want you to chose between the two nents of independence. The unofficial is not popular: 71 per cent of Scottish vot- Support for leaving the UK Support for holding a referendum
handled the crisis better if they had been countries — why wouldn’t you want to 2017 Catalan independence referendum ers in today’s poll want a straight “yes” or in each country in each country in the next five years
independent, nearly double the 23 per have both?” one of those involved said. attracted a turnout of only 42 per cent. “no” choice. However, it suggests a third
cent who disagree. An outright majority “We have to show, not tell.” In London, this new hardline position option would drain support from the Scottish independence Scotland voters
— 53 per cent — think the decisions should In addition to Gove and the secretaries from the SNP will raise eyebrows, since SNP. While only 18 per cent would back Yes 49% Yes 50%
be made in Edinburgh, with just 14 per of state for Scotland, Wales and Northern ministers hoped Sturgeon would con- devo-max, with 35 per cent backing the No 44% No 43%
cent saying they should be made in Ireland, last week’s Union committee was tinue to insist that any referendum must status quo, that adds up to 53 per cent, Don’t know 7% Don’t know 7%
London. attended by Ben Wallace, Kwasi Kwar- be legal. But Johnson’s approach is no leaving 47 per cent for independence. All
The Scottish aversion to Johnson teng and Liz Truss, the cabinet ministers less hardline. “Boris knows that if he lost of which means Scottish independence United Ireland Northern Ireland voters
seems responsible. Just 22 per cent of respectively responsible for defence, a referendum and became the last prime looks possible, but is not yet inevitable. Yes 42% Yes 51%
Scottish voters think Johnson has done a business and trade. The issues discussed minister of the United Kingdom that he No 47% No 44%
good job on the coronavirus, compared recently include how to get the best possi- would have to resign,” a senior Tory said. Editorial, page 20 Don’t know 11% Don’t know 5%
Welsh independence Wales voters
Yes 23% Yes 31%

England’s great river of cash keeps nations afloat No 52%

Don’t know 11%
No 47%
Don’t know 22%
English independence
David Smith Scotland was £14,829, 12.4 per cent independent Scotland, but it is hard to would have an even bigger budget deficit Yes 15%
Economics Editor above the UK average of £13,196. see why. To make its public finances per head than Scotland. No 60% How do you think of yourself?
In contrast, revenue raised in manageable, Scotland would have to There is a similar picture for Northern
Don’t know 13% Northern Ireland voters
The tide has turned politically in favour Scotland, including a so-called reduce public spending significantly or Ireland. It combines the highest public
of independence in Scotland but the geographical share of North Sea oil raise more in taxes. The Gers figures spending per head in the UK — more Irish or more Both Irish More British
economics remains firmly against it. (Scotland receives the oil that would fall were used as the basis for the work of the than 15 per cent above the UK average — Irish than and British than Irish
As part of the UK, Scotland’s high levels within its notional share of the UK North Scottish Fiscal Commission, established and low levels of revenue. Its budget Holyrood seat forecast for British
of public spending are, in effect, Sea), is below the UK average. Scottish by the SNP (Scottish National Party) deficit per head is the biggest of any part Scottish elections in May
subsidised and made possible by English revenue per head in 2019-20 was administration. of the UK, according to ONS figures.
taxpayers, particularly those in London £12,058, 2.5 per cent below the UK For Wales and Northern Ireland, This raises an additional issue for 45% 13% 40%
and the southeast. average of £12,367. where the political picture is different in Northern Ireland. Those who favour Scottish National Party
The picture for the UK, confirmed in The difference between spending and terms of support for breaking away from breaking away from the rest of the UK 70 (+7)
figures from the Office for National revenues is borrowing, or the budget the rest of the UK, the economics is also would want, not independence, but Conservative since 2016 Scotland voters
Statistics, is that London, the southeast deficit, and even before the great against any such move. reunification; a united Ireland. But the 25 (-6) 56% 24% 12%
and the east of England are the big explosion of borrowing in the current Wales, the poorest part of the UK with Irish economy, less than a seventh of the Labour
revenue generators. fiscal year as a result of the coronavirus the exception of northeast England, has size of the UK, could not take on the 19 (-5)
In a normal year, they all run budget crisis, Scotland had a budget deficit of lower public expenditure per head than burden of high-spending Northern
Green England voters
surpluses, while every other region and more than £15bn. Scotland, but also the lowest level of Ireland.
10 (+4) 27% 33% 26%
nation runs a deficit, in some cases a Expressed as a percentage of gross revenue per head in the UK. A united Ireland would require a
substantial deficit. domestic product, the Scottish deficit In 2018-19, the latest year for which very long engagement and, in all Liberal Democrat
The Scottish government’s own was 8.6 per cent, compared with 2.5 per official figures are available, Welsh likelihood, a substantial dowry for 5 (nc)
figures, contained in its annual cent for the UK as a whole; more than public spending per head was £13,698, Northern Ireland to take with it from
Wales voters
government expenditure and revenue three times as big. 6.7 per cent above the UK average for the British government. There would
Scotland exercise (Gers), tell the story. In Supporters of independence say these that year. In contrast, revenue per head have to be a big shift in the policy 36% 23% 29%
Forecast by Sir John Curtice, professor
2019-20, the last fiscal year, public figures bear no relation to what the state in Wales was £9,391, just 77 per cent of position of the Westminster parties for
of politics at Strathclyde University
spending per head of population in of the public finances would be for an the UK average. An independent Wales that to be possible.
The Sunday Times January 24, 2021 7

7 8 10
Public spending per In which sport A Crown green
Answers: million, Northern Ireland 1.9 9 1872 The first official game
head in England was do home nations bowling
1 Panama A fifth of all liquid million, Scotland 5.5 million). was a 0-0 draw in Glasgow.
£12,559 in 2018-19. compete for B Croquet
Scottish wealth was somewhat 5 Prince of Wales, who is also Scotland’s team all played for
What was the the Lady Milne C Bridge
unwisely invested in the project, the Duke of Rothesay, Earl of Queen’s Park, the leading
equivalent figure Trophy? D Archery
which caused hundreds of Carrick and Baron of Renfrew Scottish club of the time. Five

for Northern Ireland? David Lloyd deaths from disease and 6 2018 Scotland won by six runs informal games were also played
Scotland v England George is the starvation and huge financial in a one-day international in between 1870 and 1872 (three
A £12,939 B £13,560 is the world’s oldest only Welshman losses. Saving the economy Edinburgh, helped by 140 not England wins and two draws).
C £14,497 D £14,821 international to have become meant union with England, out from Calum MacLeod. It was Two MPs, including William
football match. prime minister. which offered a rescue package revenge on the England and Gladstone, son of the prime
n what year w
In as
was Where was he of £398,000 (roughly £98m in Wales Cricket Board, whose minister, played in the first game
it first played? born? today’s money). lobbying for a slimmed-down for Scotland.
2 Henry VIII The government of 2019 World Cup led to Scotland’s 10 Lloyd George was once
A 1872 A Caernarfon Wales was brought into line with exclusion from the tournament. described as “the most famous
B 1868 B Monmouth England — whether Wales liked it 7 D: £14,821 In Scotland it was Welshman to have been born in
C 1881 C Liverpool or not — by acts in 1536 and 1543 £11,566 and in Wales £10,929. Manchester”. Just over a year
D 1878 D Manchester 3 11 There are 18 constituencies, 8 Bridge (and of course it’s a later his father died, and his
but the seven Sinn Fein MPs do sport — it’s recognised as such mother moved the family to live
not take their seats. by the International Olympic with her brother in
4 3.2 million (England 56.3 Committee). Llanystumdwy, northwest Wales.

Scotland The future hinges on identity — and

many young voters just don’t feel British
but the electorate that made that choice remained closed. If the result of the EU for the BBC in 2018 found that two thirds
ALEX is not the one that might be asked to referendum hinged on questions of of younger voters considered Scotland a

MASSIE make it again at some point in the future.

Excluding those who are undecided, our
sovereignty and belonging, so might the
future of the UK. And if this is an age in
better place than most other countries.
Unlike their elder compatriots, they are
Panelbase poll indicates that 71 per cent which identity trumps economics or also likely to think the future will be
of younger voters — those under 34 — other concerns, the wind blows in favour better than the past. SNP voters, in
may now support Scottish of the nationalists. particular, are strikingly more optimistic
independence, up from 52 per cent in A poll published this month reported than their Conservative counterparts.
our eve of referendum poll in 2014. that whereas just 23 per cent of voters Young voters are attracted to the idea
The United Kingdom is, in a quite literal “The referendum was my first chance aged over 55 consider themselves of independence on its own merits but
sense, dying. Supporters of Scottish to vote, at the age of 16,” said Alex Boyes, “Scottish, not British”, 40 per cent of also on account of all the things
independence have long persuaded 22, from Giffnock, East Renfrewshire, voters under 34 reject any British independence is not: it is not
themselves that the break-up of Britain studying strategic studies and component to their identity. Just one in Eurosceptic, it is not Conservative and
has become a matter of historical international law at Aberdeen five younger voters identify as equally would not feature Johnson as prime
inevitability. The question is when it will University. She puts her no vote down to Scottish and British. minister. In England younger voters
happen. youthful insouciance. “I was naive, Demography is not the same as overwhelmingly endorse Labour
As Angus Robertson, formerly the thinking that we would never leave the destiny and voters may change their candidates, but in Scotland they break
deputy leader of the Scottish National European Union. In hindsight, I should minds as they age. Nevertheless, the decisively in favour of the SNP.
Party, recently put it: each year “roughly probably have voted to leave the UK.” proportion of Scots who are comfortably That reinforces the scale of the
55,000 predominantly yes-supporting That is an increasingly typical view. British has halved in the past half challenge facing those who make the
16-year-olds” are added to the electoral Although the Covid-19 pandemic and century, a period in which the SNP has case for the Union — and for the United
roll while “55,000 predominantly no- Boris Johnson’s election as prime moved from the fringes of Scottish Kingdom. They must persuade a
supporting older voters” shuffle off the minister have contributed to the surge in politics to become the dominant party. generation less inclined to identify with
register. support for independence, Brexit — and That supremacy is so complete that the Britain, or even consider Britishness
While blunt — even crass, depending the sense that Scotland is unable to SNP can reasonably be considered relevant to their lives, that its best
upon your perspective — Robertson’s pursue its own destiny within the UK — is Scotland’s “natural party of interests are still best served by the
analysis is broadly accurate. It is six a more fundamental driver of the change government”. United Kingdom.
years since Scotland voted by 55-45 to in attitudes. It has reopened a national Other surveys confirm that younger A battle for hearts, then, as much as it
remain a part of the United Kingdom, question that might otherwise have Scots are especially patriotic. A survey is a struggle for minds.

Northern Ireland There will be no poll on a united

island soon, but don’t take the province for granted
technician on the British side admits that will not support one during its five-year unavailable in the rest of Ireland. Even
PAUL “half a border” would be an accurate term and the British government agrees. now, decades into the Celtic Tiger

BEW description.
UK ministers say this can mean the
Sinn Fein has set a target of 10 years
though in the past it has argued for five.
phenomenon and the brilliant Irish
economic turnaround, the Dublin
best of both worlds, that Northern Perhaps this is, in part, in deference economists John Fitzgerald and Edgar
Ireland will be a magnet for to the critical financial role of the United Morgenroth estimate living standards in
manufacturing firms that want a high Kingdom in the Covid crisis. Today’s poll Northern Ireland are higher than in the
degree of access to both Britain and the notes that 34 per cent think that they south, in part thanks to strong financial
EU for goods. Northern Ireland is to would be financially better off in a aid from Britain for public services.
In 2016 Brexit destabilised Northern become like Dubrovnik in the later united Ireland, but 54 per cent believe In the 1990s the UK government
Irish politics. All the evidence suggested Ottoman Empire, which traded they would be worse off — this includes rejected a menu of proposals from the
that it significantly increased Catholic successfully with both East and West. 29 per cent of nationalist SDLP Irish side designed to generate an
support for a united Ireland. Some The big surprise in the LucidTalk poll supporters and 47 per cent of the “island economy”. Both sides accepted
commentators insisted it had also is not the level of support for a united centrist Alliance Party. that there were two functioning
created a middle-class Protestant Ireland. There has, in fact, been a slight The unionist party leaders no longer economies on the island of Ireland.
constituency for unity, impressed by the increase in the pro-Union vote. Rather it support a border poll. The Alliance Neither the Good Friday agreement nor
modernising style of Leo Varadkar, the is the majority support of 50.7 per cent Party, with its growing strength in the the Irish protocol mandates a single
taoiseach. for a border poll within five years. It is centre ground, does not want one. This Ireland economy and for some time to
But is Northern Ireland, as Tony Blair easy enough to explain: simply add means that any border poll will be so far come the rhythm of economic and social
recently surmised, beginning to “settle those unionists who say “bring it on” to down the road that it will be held in life between north and south will be
down”? Today’s poll suggests that while the nationalist total. Early in this century circumstances no one today can predict. quite distinct.
things are finely balanced, a united David Trimble was in this camp and The centenary of Northern Ireland Northern Ireland will continue to
Ireland is far from a done deal. more recently Arlene Foster, the DUP creates a moment for reflection on the have a large state sector while the
What happens next will depend, in leader, appeared to have such a futility of crystal-ball gazing. All wise Republic will continue to have a unique
part, on whether economic gravity pulls moment. For such people, the attraction men in 1921 expected economic logic to relationship with foreign direct
Belfast south or keeps it close to Britain. is to end, for a while at least, the border move Dublin closer to London and investment.
A key breakthrough in the withdrawal poll debate and to concentrate on the Belfast closer to Dublin. Under the terms Northern Ireland will continue to face
agreement talks in 2019 came when the better governance of Northern Ireland. of the Government of Ireland Act of both ways as it has done for a long time.
Irish government decided it could live But the majority for a border poll 1920, Northern Ireland was expected to There is no historic train — instead, as
with two customs entities on the island should not allow us to miss the key point pay an imperial contribution for defence there has always been, a big task ahead
of Ireland. Northern Ireland remains that marks Northern Ireland out from and other UK-wide purposes as well as for those who want to make the case for
within the EU customs union and has the debate on the referendum in pay for its own services. In fact the Irish unity by consent.
unfettered access to the rest of the UK. Scotland.The SNP leadership wants a opposite happened and Northern
This is why ministers reject the phrase “a referendum as soon as possible — Ireland was in effect subsidised by the Lord Bew is emeritus professor of Irish
border in the Irish Sea”, to the fury of certainly within the next two years. centre: the Troubles merely increased history at Queen’s University Belfast and
Attitudes to Scottish How likely is Scottish independence the local media, which point out the Absolutely nobody in any political the reliance on UK support. chairman of the government’s advisory
independence within 10 years? array of checks on mainland goods going leadership role wants one in Ireland This delivered a level of economic and committee of historians on the Northern
into Northern Ireland. A senior now. The Irish government has said it social wellbeing to the northeast Ireland centenary commemorations
Scotland voters Northern Ireland voters
Pleased 48% Likely 60%

England voters
Not bothered 6%
Upset 41%
England voters
Unlikely 28%
Wales Celebrities are fired up to unleash Welsh dragon
Likely 49%
Pleased 17% Unlikely 19%
Not bothered 28% ambitions of intellectuals. It was people have tended to assert that cent against. Tony Blair devolved power
Upset 46% Wales voters GUTO passionate, but a minority sport. Plaid independence is not viable to Wales to try to kill independence, but
Northern Ireland voters
Pleased 44%
Likely 49%
Unlikely 23% HARRI Cymru’s failure to win a Westminster
seat beyond its heartlands in Gwynedd
economically. Buttress argues the
opposite — that being governed by
the process now seems to be fuelling it.
In younger age groups, the
and Dyfed speaks volumes — or should I Westminster has held Wales back, and it momentum builds further. Nearly a third
Not bothered 12% Scotland voters say “cyfrolau”. will be forever condemned to across Wales would vote to leave, and
Upset 43% Likely 49% Plaid Cymru are still struggling, but deprivation unless it takes back control. 16-years-olds have been given the right
Wales voters Unlikely 30% the idea of independence is taking off, He grew up on a council estate near to vote in the next elections to the Welsh
Pleased 21% with new recruits from very different Newport, suspicious of the Welsh Senedd, due this May.
Not bothered 30% Long before Brexit was even a twinkle in backgrounds. No one would describe language and looking towards Bristol, It is clear some Brexiteers have
Upset 39% Boris Johnson’s eye, I escorted him to Neville Southall as an intellectual, and not Cardiff, for his perspective. His contributed more to the cause of Welsh
the Welsh capital for a display of national though arguably the greatest goalkeeper county of Gwent delivered the largest independence than my late father. The
pride at its most raw and unrestrained — of all time, he was never really into rejection of devolution 40 years ago, and prospect of being attached to a
a battle against England at the politics. But recently “Big Nev” has been has remained hostile since. leftover English rump of the UK, if
How have these leaders Millennium Stadium. speaking at independence rallies calling But today’s Sunday Times poll shows Scotland and Northern Ireland head off,
performed on the coronavirus? We passed Cardiff prison, known for the “dragon” to “stand on its own one in five voters in that southeast seems bleak to many. And
(Scotland voters) locally as Fort Knox — less for its high two feet”. His argument is ultimately corner would vote to break having argued against pooling
security than the fact it is on Knox Road. against a system that has failed to free. One in three would in sovereignty with our neighbours to
Boris Johnson “Bet a nice BBC boy like you doesn’t deliver: “I don’t think people in Cardiff and south Wales facilitate trade and maximise influence,
Good job 22% know anyone in there,” said the man Westminster care about us.” in general. Interestingly, Brexiteers should not be surprised if the
Bad job 64% who was then mayor of London. His face Charlotte Church is another. The the largest percentage same logic is applied here.
when I told him that my father had been Cardiff singer has sold more than 10 who would vote against Is it unstoppable? Clearly not. A
Nicola Sturgeon an inmate was a picture. How could million records, and even as a teenager is in north Wales. majority in every county, class and age
Good job 61% Boris have hired a spokesman whose entertained some powerful people. But The breakdown group would stick with the Union in a
Bad job 25% father was a jailbird? she kicked off this year with a soulful among Labour vote tomorrow. But there is
Dad was not a career criminal. His blast for YesCymru. Her video message voters is also dissatisfaction. The system has been
brief stint inside was orchestrated, and says 50 countries have broken free of striking: 38 per destabilised, and the case for the Union
the “screws” were astonished to find an Westminster. “None have asked to cent are in the will need to be strengthened if it is to see
Sources: Panelbase polled 1,206 adults resident in NHS psychiatrist in their cells. He was return.” independence off the prospect of Wexit.
Scotland, January 19-22,
YouGov polled 1,416 adults in England, January 19-20, there for refusing to pay his TV licence as Then there is David Buttress, who is camp and 39 per
YouGov polled 1,059 aged 16+ in Wales, January 18-21
Lucidtalk polled 2,392 aged 16+ in Northern Ireland, January 15-18
part of a campaign for a Welsh language surprising on two fronts. The former Guto Harri, a former chief political
television channel. chief executive of Just Eat built a £5bn correspondent for the BBC, was the mayor
Where figures do not add up to 100%, Then, Welsh nationalism was largely company, making him one of Britain’s Church: video of London’s communications director,
‘don’t know’ and ‘won’t vote’ have not been included
driven by the linguistic and cultural most successful entrepreneurs. Such message 2008-2012
The Sunday Times January 24, 2021 9


Prêt-à-pod: £3,000 earphones turn up the style

Luxury brands such as At the top end of the scale, head-
phones that cost £3,000 or more offer
Harrods sells Louis Vuitton Horizon
earphones, with a distinctive bright
Earbud cases by,
clockwise from
workers and gamers, according to
Prada and Gucci are “three-dimensional” sound quality that green flower design, for £950. It is one of left, Miu Miu Jessica Newton, the department
makes it seem as if the music is coming the few designers to make its own ear- (£225), Browns store’s technology buyer, said: “Since the
cashing in on the Zoom from multiple speakers placed around phones, rather than just cases. Louis (£430), Dolce & start of lockdown, we have seen an
generation’s love of the listener, rather than from the head- Vuitton also makes an £810 miniature Gabbana (£115) increase in sales of headphones on our
phones themselves. version of its famous brown leather Dau- and Chanel website. Demand is driven by us all
listening gadgets Only a few years ago, headphones phine bag to store Apple’s AirPods Pro. (£730) spending more time at home.
were an afterthought, items that could be The bag, also sold at Harrods, comes with “Over-ear headphones, typically
Louise Eccles and Tilly Edgcumbe bought cheaply at high street electrical a long chain the department store says used for listening to music and for gam-
shops or came free with smartphones. allows customers to “keep your technol- ing and streaming, and now working
To spend £840 on a case for your earbuds The technology has improved since ogy close at hand while enhancing your from home, are proving particularly pop-
or £3,000 on a pair of headphones might then, but it is the design quality that has finest street-style ensemble”. ular, with customers either investing in a
have seemed rather indulgent a year ago. shifted most dramatically, turning these Gucci also makes an AirPods Pro case quality set or upgrading. The technology
Since the start of the pandemic, how- tiny loudspeakers into expensive gadgets that costs £840, while Prada sells a £455 has improved hugely, with better sound
ever, these have become the accessories — and now fashion accessories. white leather earphone case that meas- quality than ever before and longer bat-
you cannot do without — and Chanel, ures just 7cm by 5cm and has an adjusta- tery life.”
Prada, Fendi, Miu Miu and Gucci have ble chain you can wear like a necklace. According to the consumer organisa-
spotted the opportunity. As interest in sound quality has grown, tion Which?, you can buy an “extremely
It reflects the rise of so-called audio- 64 Audio, a brand that makes good, music-industry sound quality” pair
philes — fans of high-fidelity sound who hand-crafted earphones for music pro- of headphones for about £120.
are willing to pay over the odds for equip- fessionals, has branched out to the high Natalie Hitchins, the company’s head
ment that can recreate the quality of live
music performances — as well as our Louis Vuitton street, launching products that cost
as much as £2,999 in shops such as
of home products and services, said: “For
a pair costing more than this, you’re usu-
growing reliance on personal listening
devices. makes an £810 Selfridges.
The popularity of over-ear head-
ally paying for additional features, such
as wireless connectivity and noise cancel-
Because we use them to play music,
watch films, take part in Zoom meetings miniature version phones — such as Apple-owned Beats,
which come in bold primary colours
ling, rather than much improvement to
sound — and you should be able to get
and make phonecalls to friends and fam-
ily, increasing numbers of people are of its Dauphine and sell for as much as £300 — had waned
in recent years with the rise of earbuds:
these for less than £350.
“Beyond that, we’re talking very
happy to pay thousands of pounds for the
gadgets — even though they are easy to bag for AirPods wireless earphones designed to fit
inside the ear. Yet headphones have
minor differences that only an extremely
picky listener will notice.”
lose, and unlikely to be insured. enjoyed a revival this year among home- @Louise_Eccles

France’s favourite
thief steals hearts
of 70m viewers
Peter Conradi Paris language show in the
network’s history.
Move over, Bridgerton. A The original Lupin — a
television show inspired by dandyish master of disguise
the exploits of Arsène Lupin, with a monocle — has
France’s famous fictional fascinated generations of
gentleman thief, has become French readers since he first
a surprise hit on Netflix since appeared in a short story by
its launch a fortnight ago. Maurice Leblanc in a
The five-part series, magazine in 1905, spawning
starring Omar Sy as Assane films, television series,
Diop, the son of a Senegalese comics, computer games and
immigrant who sets out to an operetta.
avenge his father’s death by Among his most avid fans
recreating some of Lupin’s is Sy’s character: Diop’s
daring heists, will be watched father, Babakar, gives him a
by 70 million households copy of a Lupin book when he
during its first 28 days, the is a boy. Babakar is later
platform claims. wrongly accused of stealing
That is several million Marie Antoinette’s necklace
more than watched the from the wealthy Pellegrini
Regency drama Bridgerton family, for whom he works as
and other recent global hits a chauffeur. He is arrested
such as The Queen’s Gambit. and later found dead in his
As Sy, 43, tweeted to his cell, leaving his son looking
3.1 million followers: “70 for revenge — and making use
millions, that’s insane!!” of the tricks he has picked up
Created by the British from his hero.
writer George Kay, Lupin has Some of the show’s critics
already become the most- were sniffy at first, but such
watched non-English- reservations appeared to
have been brushed aside this
weekend as French
newspapers delighted in the
global popularity of a
character so deeply rooted in
their country’s culture.
The series has also revived
interest in the original Lupin
books. “In two weeks we have
sold the equivalent of what
we normally sell in a year of
Maurice Leblanc books,” said
Béatrice Duval, head of the
paperback publisher Le Livre
Omar Sy stars as Assane de Poche.
Diop in the Lupin series @Peter_Conradi

Eczema on the
rise after year of
Louise Eccles vulnerable to irritants and
and Roisin Kelly inflammation, itching and
dryness, and can split.”
Frequent hand-washing and Applying moisturiser does a
sanitising is causing a rise in lot to help, she added.
skin conditions and even Last February, the
premature ageing of the government asked people to
hands, dermatologists say. wash their hands frequently
Rising numbers of patients for 20 seconds. Soap breaks
are presenting with down the fatty layer
“lockdown hands” after a surrounding the virus
year of washing and applying particles that causes it to
alcohol gels to avoid the break up, neutralising it.
spread of coronavirus. Hand sanitiser became a
Doctors say our washing sought-after commodity,
routine, while essential, is particularly those with a 60%
stripping skin of its moisture minimum alcohol level.
and protective barrier, Healthcare workers in
leading to dry, itchy hands particular are struggling with
and, in some cases, eczema severe dermatitis, prompting
and infections. some dermatologists to set up
The problem has been drop-in clinics to help.
exacerbated by antibacterial Dr Sharon Wong, a
sprays and wipes, as well as consultant dermatologist,
the cold weather. recommended applying
Dr Justine Hextall, a fragrance-free moisturisers
consultant dermatologist and after washing and using
Fellow of the Royal College of those with “humectants”
Physicians, said she was such as glycerin — which trap
seeing many people with a moisture in the skin — and
new irritant hand eczema or anti-inflammatory
an exacerbation of pre- ingredients such as
existing dermatitis. niacinamide. “At night,
“The skin on our hands is consider a hand mask,” she
reasonably robust but said. “Use a much thicker
constant washing with soap layer of the same moisturiser
starts to remove the you use during the day.”
protective oils from our skin,”
she said. “Once this happens, How to fix lockdown
the skin becomes more hands, Style

Surgeons at work
at Harefield
cardiologist Rob
Smith, below

Every day they

seven days a week since the first surge. are damn competitive yet now suddenly
CHRISTINA This time, she says, it is much harder jug-
gling beds — as hospitals around the capi-
working as a team,” said Rahman Haley,
LAMB tal call to send their most desperately ill
Covid patients — while keeping up as a
“Emergency situations often bring out
the best in people, and that’s certainly
leading UK heart and lung transplant cen- been the case at Harefield,” said Nick

transplant new
tre. All this with everyone exhausted, Hunt, a hospital director. “Initiatives
having gone from the first wave to catch- we’d talked about for years have materi-
ing up on a backlog of heart and lung alised in weeks. Even with the incredible
In her small, cluttered office in Harefield operations, to the second wave, with all demands on staff and capacity, we’ve
Hospital, northwest London, the consult- leave cancelled. somehow introduced digital outpatient
ant cardiologist Dr Shelley Rahman Haley The new variant — and more testing clinics, home testing, webcam support in

life into the dying,

kicks some astonishingly high-heeled picking up asymptomatic cases — has ICUs [intensive care units], and new ways
green shoes out of the way and pulls out a resulted in as many as a fifth of staff either of collaborating remotely with other hos-
beautifully handwritten letter, all the off with Covid or isolating. “More and pitals that effectively give patients access
time talking 19 to the dozen. more staff are off with Covid this time,” to expert opinion from multiple sources.
It is from an 85-year-old woman and is Russell said. “I think I have the night shift The speed at which these solutions were
thanking her and her colleague, the car- sorted; then, within a couple of phone found was remarkable. We have literally

and they don’t

diac surgeon Mario Petrou, for “giving me calls, I have to start again.” transformed the clinical landscape.”
back” her son Graeme Tucker through Though Harefield may still look like But, he admits, the challenges are
recent open-heart surgery to replace his the old TB hospital it once was, it carries enormous. While the nation is fixated on
mitral valve. out some of the world’s most advanced daily death figures, which last week were
Tucker, 54, jogged a mile last week for surgery, including more than 3,000 the world’s highest per capita, the
the first time in six years — only four transplants since Professor Sir Magdi knock-on effects of Covid include a mas-

stop for Covid

months after taking what he thought was Yacoub performed the first double heart sive drop in lungs available for transplant
his final selfie with his wife and two and lung transplant in 1983. — numbers have fallen by half, according
young children at home in Somerset. Dealing with Covid has forced it to to Hunt — and a huge backlog in surgery.
The letter is a powerful reminder that innovate as never before. Spending two Delays in heart patients coming to hos-
even in the midst of a pandemic that has humbling days there last week, I found a pital have caused such deterioration that
pushed the NHS to breaking point and sense of adrenaline and esprit de corps surgeons are having to relearn from med-
hospitals to the fullest they have been, more common to field hospitals in war — ical school how to deal with dangerous
life-saving operations go on, thanks to the only this time the enemy is a microscopic conditions such as holes and ruptures
Harefield Hospital, with its world-leading organ donation incredible dedication of staff.
Last week Harefield carried out three
virus with a crown of club-shaped spikes.
Medical progress has often been
they have not seen for years.
“In 20 years as a cardiologist I’d seen a
unit, is still saving patients in the middle of this winter’s lung transplants in three days, each tak-
ing four to five hours, and it has done
driven by war. The Thomas splints rolled
out across battlefields in the First World
papillary rupture once or twice,” said Dr
Robert Smith, who runs the hospital’s
coronavirus surge. Seeing first-hand the doctors and nurses more than 100 heart operations since
Christmas. It has 10 patients who have
War reduced deaths from fractures from
80 per cent to 20 per cent. Ultrasound’s
heart attack centre. “In the past nine
months I’ve seen six, and mortality for
trying to cope felt like being back in a war zone been in hospital as long as 10 months
waiting for heart transplants, most of that
development allowed it to check cracks
in tanks in the Second World War and it is
that is eight in 10.”
Unlike at other hospitals, heart sur-
time with no visitors allowed. now a key diagnostic tool. More recently gery did not stop but was very limited —
All the while the sickest of the sick, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have only those in imminent danger — but also
many of them alarmingly young, lie greatly improved prosthetics for ampu- because people feared coming in, or
PHOTOGRAPHS BY JACK HILL comatose in a repurposed Covid-19 inten- tees and survival from gunshot wounds. when they did, they may have sat at home
sive care unit, plasters over their eyes and When I meet Rahman Haley, 49, and for days so were much more serious.
an array of tubes and wires pumping Petrou, 56, they have just finished a vir- “People definitely died unnecessarily
blood, oxygen and fluids in and out. One tual meeting with about 30 heart sur- of heart attacks, and that’s sad,” said
man in his forties was about to have his geons from hospitals across London, dis- Smith. “Cardiovascular disease is still the
end-of-life visit from his wife and young cussing cases as they now do every most common cause of death, but if peo-
children — the only time families enter. morning. “Patients are not just getting a ple come to hospital we will have them
“It’s trying to keep all plates spinning second opinion but maybe 20-plus, within 25 minutes on the table with their
in the air at once,” said Derval Russell, the which is incredible,” said Petrou. arteries open and putting in stents.”
site director, who has been working “And bear in mind, cardiac surgeons Despite great efforts to catch up over

That Ancelotti’s Zooming you again, love: Everton stars talk away the blues with isolated fans

David Collins “So once a month, then?” Dominic Calvert- He was in a hotel preparing
Northern Editor Cruise quips. Lewin, left, and for a match. He had all his
Dominic Calvert-Lewin, Carlo Ancelotti family in Italy to worry about,
Lying on his bed wearing a the Everton striker and have been and he’s there texting me.
ventilator mask to help him England player, is paired up keeping in touch That means everything to me.
breathe, Mark Cruise answers for chats with Billy Culshaw, with their club’s It’s given me a massive uplift
the Zoom call on his tablet. 80, who lives near Goodison supporters during quite a tough time.”
The kindly face of Carlo Park in Liverpool. His wife of “It’s a pleasure to do this,”
Ancelotti, the manager of 57 years, Brenda, died from Ancelotti said. “This club is
Cruise’s beloved football club bowel cancer in September strong in the community.
Everton, pops up. and he now lives alone. Last Some of the people are
Cruise, 53, who has motor week, Calvert-Lewin, 23, struggling in these moments
neurone disease, has become contacted Culshaw on Zoom of difficulties. But we are
“lockdown buddies” with and discussed their love of trying to stay close to them.
Ancelotti, part of the Premier the ITV quiz show Lingo. “It’s a different life [during
League club’s “Blue Family” Calvert-Lewin said: “The Covid]. Everyone of us is tired
campaign. Launched in lads [Everton footballers] of this situation. Our freedom
March, it pairs footballers and enjoy doing them. It’s good is not like before. We are not
staff for regular chats with for our welfare too. I speak to able to go to the restaurant. I
isolated or vulnerable people. the same people every day at think the thing I miss most for
Inevitably they talk about the moment, just like me is not being able to meet
Everton’s chances of winning everyone else. Chatting to friends. I go home, I watch
the league. Ancelotti says he people like Billy gives me a football on TV. If I have time I
is missing restaurants and big lift.” prepare a plate of pasta.”
seeing his friends. His wife, What started as a way for Cruise knows he will die
the Canadian businesswoman Everton to keep in touch with Everton also offers online place in our community and Liverpool are reporting more For the past year he has from his disease, but his
Mariann Barrena, has not left its fanbase has become a bingo and quiz nights, fitness of the role Everton can play in Covid-19 patients than at any been in regular contact with outlook is optimistic. “It will
the house since March. They lifeline for many on and coaching sessions, and providing a light in the time during the pandemic. Ancelotti through the welfare stop me running the London
talk about the rubbish Merseyside. The club has mental health support. It darkness of this situation we Cruise, who lives in calls. Ancelotti gave Cruise marathon or winning a darts
weather in Merseyside. supported more than 27,000 provides mobile phone credit are all faced with.” Blackburn with his wife Laura his private mobile number, championship. But it can’t
“I have a house in Crosby
with my wife and my dogs,”
families and made 25,000
check and welfare calls, The lads for people living alone and
even gas and electricity
The pandemic has hit the
region particularly hard. The
and their four children, was
diagnosed two years ago with
and they text each other
every couple of weeks. “I
stop me being a husband. It
can’t stop me being a father.
says Ancelotti, who has
managed Real Madrid, AC
hundreds of them by players.
They have provided more enjoy vouchers for those struggling
to pay their energy bills.
number of daily coronavirus
cases in Liverpool peaked on
motor neurone disease, a
progressive condition that
send him texts,” Cruise said.
“Just simple things like ‘hope
A son. A brother. A friend,” he
said. “My advice to anyone
Milan and Paris Saint-
Germain. “There is a
than 14,000 emergency food
parcels to families and more
doing Richard Kenyon, the chief
executive of Everton in the
January 4 at 929. That
number had declined to 338
affects his brain and nerves,
causing muscle weakness. He
your family are OK. The team
are doing well.’ He always
around Everton who is having
a hard time during the
beautiful beach and when the
weather is good you can
than 250,000 meals for
schoolchildren, the elderly
the chats Community, the club’s
charitable arm, said: “Our
by Wednesday, according to
the government website.
was recently forced to give up
his job as a detective sergeant
replies really quickly.
“He texted me out the blue
pandemic is ring them up.
Ring the club up.”
spend a nice time there.” and others in Liverpool. club has never lost sight of its However, hospitals in with Lancashire police. on New Year’s Eve at 9.30pm. @DavidCollinsST
The Sunday Times January 24, 2021 11


Britain’s mass vaccination programme 2½ million people would have been
has roared into action with dramatic vaccinated. “The more people that are
results. More than five million jabs protected against this virus, the less
have been administered, and the opportunity it has to get the upper
outlook for February and March is hand,” Dr Yvonne Doyle, the medical
much brighter than seemed likely at director of Public Health England, told
the start of winter. the BBC.
Yet for all the undoubted early Some scientists doubted that
success of a crucial national decision from the start, partly on the
campaign, concern is growing that grounds that no data was available on
the government’s two-dose strategy longer-term immunity. Two weeks ago
has a fatal flaw. What happens if the a group of leading UK and American
effects of the first jab wear off before doctors and scientists claimed that
the second jab is administered? delaying the second dose could have a
All three vaccines approved for use “catastrophic” impact on efforts to end
in Britain require two doses for the pandemic.
maximum protection. The safety and Yesterday Dr Chaand Nagpaul,
efficacy trials of the Pfizer, Moderna chairman of the British Medical
and Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccines Association, which represents more
were conducted with the assumption than 150,000 doctors, warned that the
of a month-long gap between doses. decision was “difficult to justify”.
The first jab alerts the immune system He has written to the chief medical
to the presence of a hostile invader; officer for England, Professor Chris
the second boosts long-term Whitty, calling for the gap between
protection. vaccine doses to be cut to six weeks.
The basis of the government’s “The absence of any international
decision to scrap the manufacturers’ support for the UK’s approach is a
recommended three to four-week cause of deep concern and risks
dosage intervals in favour of a 12-week undermining public and the
gap was mathematical, moral and at profession’s trust in the vaccination
least partly political. The calculation programme,” the letter stated.
was that it is better to use the limited Nagpaul told the BBC’s Breakfast:
early supplies of the vaccine to “Obviously the protection will not
provide a measure of protection to as vanish after six weeks, but what we do
broad a section of the population as not know is what level of protection
possible. Otherwise 50 per cent of will be offered . . . We should not be
supplies would have to be reserved extrapolating data where we don’t
for second jabs and by now only have it.”


Friday was not a good day to be a man to men in their sixties as an example
in your sixties. At a time when many also concealed “huge differences
Britons of that gender and vintage depending on how old you are”,
the summer, more and more are having actively deteriorating,” said Reed. “If fitter and take longer to get better — or not might have been looking forward to Professor Sir David Spiegelhalter of
life-saving surgery delayed. “What we someone needs a heart or lung but is sta- to,” said Dr Ian McGovern, 51, the critical early vaccination and a relief from Cambridge University told the BBC.
have now is more serious cases and more ble, we’ve had to make the really difficult care consultant showing me round. “This pandemic perils, the government’s The new variant might spell trouble
limited resources,” said Rahman Haley. decision to keep them off the list.” time most of the ECMO patients are in chief scientific adviser singled them for 80 and 90-year-olds but less so for
“It has gone from a cloud to a storm.” As for the 10 patients still waiting for their thirties and forties, even twenties out for a chilling warning: the mutant 40-year-olds, and the increase in
The Harefield and its sister hospital, hearts who cannot go home because they and not particularly overweight,” said his strain of the virus makes their chances mortality was “completely trivial” for
the Royal Brompton, now have 450 need intravenous infusions, she said: colleague Dr Alex Rosenberg. “They are of surviving Covid-19 measurably those in their twenties.
patients on their waiting list with pro- “It’s not easy. I’ve had families standing not diabetic, not high blood pressure. worse. Nor did Vallance’s warnings rate
gressive cardiac disease. “Many were put outside the windows waving.” They could be us.” Sir Patrick Vallance told a Downing highly on the government’s own
on a year ago and their condition has But Reed fears for the future. “Covid The new variant is also clearly more Street briefing that if you looked at a “probability yardstick”, which
deteriorated, and are now at risk of sud- will have an immensely long tail,” she infectious. This time round, far more group of 1,000 men in their sixties who attempts to standardise the language
den death,” said Petrou. “At the same warned. “At the moment we’re just focus- staff are catching it even though they had all been infected with the new used to describe future threats.
time we have to manage Covid patients so Graeme Tucker and family ing on mortality from the disease, but we have better PPE. Alarmingly, almost variant, “roughly 13 or 14 might be The prospect of a 30 per cent
have to adopt a ‘utilitarian approach’.” before his operation. Below, are seeing numbers of people with post- everyone I interview seems to have had it expected to die”, compared with only jump in mortality from the B.1.1.7
“These are really difficult decisions,” Dr Shelley Rahman Haley Covid fibrosis so will eventually need in the past few weeks. 10 with the original virus — an variant was judged a “realistic
said Rahman Haley. “If you have two and Mario Petrou lung transplants.” It feels like being in some awful dysto- increased death rate of at least 30%. possibility” with a 40-50 per cent
patients of similar age both in their forties So with fewer lungs available for trans- pian world, and I know that having seen it However, the small print of the likelihood — not enough to be “likely or
with similar symptoms, how on earth do plant, more will need them. As with I will never forget it. The stress on staff government’s data suggested that probable”.
you choose?” everything about this virus, she said, it is dealing with this every day, combined significantly less alarming conclusions “We are still likely to see deaths start
In the transplant centre, Dr Anna Reed hard to predict who: “I saw one CT scan with the relentless pressure of 11 months, might be equally valid about the to decline in the coming weeks given
is relieved to have got three lung trans- ST DIGITAL from the first wave where the lungs were is a recipe for many tears, and the hospi- severity of the Covid variant first the rapid decline in new cases,”
plants out of the way, with all three doing The transplant pioneers almost solid and I thought this person tal now has an in-house psychologist for identified in southeast England last concluded Professor Paul Hunter of
well. “That feels a huge achievement in turning unusable hearts, will not survive. Six months later they its staff. year. the University of East Anglia.
the current climate,” said Reed. kidneys and livers were clear. Others that had the disease “As ITU nurses we’re used to dealing The studies presented to the “But whether the fatality rate is 1 per
“It can be very rewarding as you take a into working organs again mildly have since deteriorated.” with the sad part, but never on this government’s Nervtag advisory group cent or 1.3 per cent doesn’t really
person who can’t even brush their teeth Go to She added: “It’s not just a lung prob- scale,” said Mima Churchill, 34, who had were based only on deaths where an change the fact that for a minority of
who then ends up climbing Sydney Har- lem. This is a multisystem disease, so the disease herself this month. individual Covid strain was identified people this is a very dangerous virus
bour Bridge. It’s amazing what we can do, people leaving ICU have problems with While I am on the unit, she is prepar- — a mere 8% of the total. The reference that is best avoided.”
but the downside is it’s for a finite num- kidneys, pancreas, heart and confusion.” ing for an end-of-life visit for one of her
ber of people for a finite number of
That becomes clear when I put on the
personal protective equipment (PPE) to
patients, the man in his forties who had
been on the machines for a month but IS FROZEN FOOD A POSSIBLE SOURCE
The hospital’s longest-surviving
transplant patient lasted 32 years
— and died of something unre-
enter the red zone of Covid intensive
care. I feel like a blue Teletubby with my
scrubs, gown, white Crocs, hairnet, and
was not improving.
“It was awful,” she told me the next
day. “His kids came, they were saying
lated — but lungs are particularly hood with visor and pipe attached to a goodbye and were young — he was young A new cold war has broken out Scientists have long doubted that
susceptible to rejection and only machine strapped on to my back, and the and fit, and it seemed so unfair. I have two between China and much of the the virus can survive long in frozen
half of the patients will still be only way to communicate is to shout. young kids and seeing his kids telling him western world. At stake are conditions.
alive after five years. Nurses do 12½-hour shifts like this. what they had been doing that day and international exports of frozen food The World Health Organisation had
Normally, the hospital per- Some people are on three life-sup- saying, ‘Daddy, please be OK,’ breaks my and the extent to which the previously found no evidence of
forms 40 or 50 lung trans- port machines. All are on ventilators, heart. coronavirus is capable of spreading in infection via food or food packaging,
plants a year, and between but many are on ECMO — extracorpo- “It seems so unfair you can’t even hug icy conditions. but draft WHO advice seen by The Wall
25 and 30 heart trans- real membrane oxygenation — them or give them tea and the PPE makes Chinese officials and government Street Journal last week suggested
plants, but this, she machines that oxygenate the blood you feel heartless — like they are being media have responded to a surge of that “transmission of the virus could
says, was significantly and take over the work of heart and comforted by a Dalek.” cases in recent weeks by claiming to occur from an external frozen package
down over the past year — lungs. Others have green-coloured That is not all. “You have a rubbish day have found live viruses on frozen to an individual”.
just 24 lung transplants and kidney machines. like that then go to the shop and see peo- seafood and in locally produced ice The draft advice was said to have
23 hearts. It is calm but very, very scary and, ple not wearing masks or distancing and cream made with imported milk been issued “in error”. The WHO
Covid does not just take up disturbingly, patients look neither think, ‘They just don’t get it,’” she said. powder. The government has has asked a team from Oxford
bed space, but also organs — old nor obese. The 25 patients are “It’s so selfish. You might be safe, but you introduced testing and disinfection University to assess studies of the virus
they cannot use those from aged from 35 to 76, and four are wouldn’t knowingly walk up to someone measures for imported foods, on surfaces.
anyone who was infected. female. The youngest the unit has lost and give them a deadly disease — yet including beef from Australia and New
“This means we are only was just 22. that’s what you’re doing.” Zealand and American pork. TONY ALLEN MILLS
transplanting people who are “This time patients are younger and @ChristinaLamb

IT’S NOT JUST GRAN FOUR UNDER-55s WHO HAVE HAD THE JAB Hospitals send Covid patients home
to ‘virtual wards’ under care of Dr App
Andrew Gregory to hospital for checks or message has been read. If Dr Matthew Knight, a
treatment if any concerns there are any problems, respiratory medicine
Thousands of people infected arise. clinicians can start a video consultant at West
with the coronavirus are The NHS has ordered call with the patient. Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS
being discharged early to hundreds of thousands of A trial of virtual wards at Trust, said: “Feedback from
“virtual wards” in their own pulse oximeters for the Watford General Hospital patients has been
homes to relieve pressure on virtual ward scheme. The found that clinicians were overwhelmingly positive.
hospitals. devices, which clip onto a able to identify any We know that hospitals are
Last week the NHS became finger, use beams of light to deterioration in patients with busy places and this can
so overwhelmed that even measure how much oxygen is minimal delay and bring make it hard to rest well
children with complex absorbed in the blood them back in for face-to-face if you are an inpatient. Our
medical needs had to be vessels. review. They were also able patients know we can keep
moved out of hospital so During the pandemic’s first to manage more patients than them safe and bring them in
Laura de Savary, 42, Ritu Mehra, 40, Darren Hilliker, 54, Aiysha Saleemi, 35, their beds could be used for wave, some patients suffered usual. at a moment’s notice if
Grimsby Kettering Cheshire Lewisham Covid-19 patients. silent hypoxia — also known Natasha Patel, 31, who needed.”
Watching Laura and other Ritu was so thrilled about the Receiving the vaccination A pharmacist at a hospital in More than 38,000 infected as happy hypoxia — in which works in finance in London A second trial by South
residents at The Old imminent arrival of the last week was yet another Lewisham, southeast patients remained in wards there is a dangerous lack of and lives in St Albans, Tyneside and Sunderland
Vicarage, a Grimsby care Covid-19 jab at Wicksteed example of how the NHS has London, Aiysha wanted to this weekend; only those able oxygen but no awareness of Hertfordshire, was recently NHS Foundation Trust has
home for people with Court, the care home she saved Darren’s life. have a vaccination to protect to handle patient-monitoring being seriously ill. discharged to a virtual Covid found that the use of virtual
special needs, receive the manages in Kettering, that The first time was 22 years her parents, Asif, 68, and technology are being moved Tara Donnelly, chief digital ward from Watford hospital. wards not only reduces the
vaccine was a moving she made a poster to put ago when he was involved in Nadia, 63, both of whom under the new scheme. officer at NHSX, said the “After going to A&E with what number of unnecessary
experience for staff. In on the door of their a car accident. He had his have found Covid-19 nerve- NHSX, the NHS’s “digital virtual wards made possible felt like an asthma attack, I coronavirus admissions but
October a resident died of makeshift vaccination spleen removed after the racking. For the first three transformation” unit, is the “remote monitoring of was tested and subsequently also improves patient
Covid and more than 20 centre. “I was there bang on crash, meaning he is months of the pandemic, collaborating with two digital patients’ symptoms and told I had Covid-19. I became satisfaction.
staff were infected. 8am,“ she said. clinically vulnerable. they did not leave the house. health companies, Huma and physiological parameters very unwell within days,” she Dr Tracey Lucas, a GP in
Laura’s father, Paul, 68, For her 11 residents, “It is guaranteed with “Unfortunately, my mum Luscii. Coronavirus patients such as heart rate, level of said. “However, after a few Sunderland, said patients in
who owns the home, called many of whom have absolute certainty — I owe had a breast cancer are provided with an app, oxygen saturation and stays in hospital, I was virtual wards were less
the jabs a “get-out-of-jail dementia, she is longing for my life to the NHS,” said diagnosis a few months ago,” into which they enter their temperature”. discharged into the virtual anxious. “They can be in
card”. “Because I see the the time when they can see Darren, from Poynton in said Aiysha. “So now we’ve symptoms, temperature, Clinicians see all the data hospital and once I was back their houses and a lot of them
homes I own as a family, I their family. Cheshire. got the added pressure of heart rate, respiratory rate in real time and any home I could use technology will be called three times a
don’t just have a daughter “Some of them are 98 or He has been shielding her immune system already and oxygen level. They check significant changes are to update the hospital.” day and do a video
there who I’m concerned 99 years old and they’ve for nearly a year at home being low.” their oxygen levels with a flagged up. Patients see a Patel added: “It’s been consultation,” she said.
about; I have 82 people that not been able to see their with his wife, Nicola, 47, and She is planning a trip in pulse oximeter three times a double tick when their data great to have the freedom to “Some are very worried to
I’m responsible for too, so great-grandchildren,” she their twins, James and August to Fez, Morocco, to day. Nurses and doctors are has been viewed, similar to be at home and try to get back have tested positive, so this
this is very reassuring.” said. Freddie, 9. study Arabic. in regular phone contact, and what is shown on your phone to normal after being in gives them reassurance.”
patients can be brought back screen when a WhatsApp hospital.” @AndrewGregory
12 The Sunday Times January 24, 2021


Sorry, minister — only Tory men can do the talking

Just one of the women in Matt Hancock, the health secretary, and appeared on the programmes 65 times

cabinet has been allowed

Dominic Raab, the foreign secretary, who
have each made 14 appearances on both. WHO’S ALLOWED ON TV? since the start of the first lockdown, while
Patel — the only female cabinet minister
Michael Gove, chancellor of the Duchy of to be put forward — has appeared just
on a Sunday politics show 0
since March, while their
Lancaster, has made 10 appearances.
Critics accuse Johnson of paying lip
Total number of appearances by cabinet ministers
BBC’s The Andrew Marr Show or Sky’s Sophy Ridge
ers on the
ge on 0 twice during the same time period. Thé-
rèse Coffey, who runs the Department for
service to equality but when he Sunday since the beginning of the first lockdown:
n: Work and Pensions and has overseen the
male peers can’t keep away addressed a group of female MPs late last expansion of universal credit, has not
year, he described himself as a feminist. Matt Hancock, health secretary appeared once, and nor has Liz Truss,
Caroline Wheeler
It is understood that Allegra Stratton,
the prime minister’s spokeswoman, has
Dominic Raab, foreign secretary
10 the international trade secretary.
By contrast, Labour has put forward
Deputy Political Editor
been tasked with implementing a new Michael Gove, minister for the Cabinet Office
ffice and
binet Of 17 male and 17 female shadow cabinet
When it comes to the flagship political TV strategy to redress the gender imbalance 10 Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster
ter members on The Andrew Marr Show. On
programmes on Sunday mornings, it within the party, parliament and policy. Sophy Ridge on Sunday, 18 male shadow
appears that the government is applying Details of the latest snub to Johnson’s Grant Shapps, transport secretary
y cabinet ministers and 17 female shadow
its “stay at home” message to the female
ranks of the cabinet.
female cabinet ministers have provoked a
backlash among senior women in the
Robert Jenrick, housing secretary
Rishi Sunak, chancellor 14 cabinet ministers have made an appear-
ance since the first lockdown.
Downing Street has put up only one party. Caroline Nokes, the former minis- George Eustice, environment minister
ister Johnson has previously been accused
female cabinet minister to answer ques- ter who chairs the Commons women and of not valuing the women in his top team
tions on either The Andrew Marr Show on equalities committee, said: “By not put- 3 Brandon Lewis, Northern Ireland after it emerged in December that Down-
BBC One or Sky’s Sophy Ridge on Sunday
since the start of the first lockdown on
ting up female ministers to speak on the
main political Sunday morning pro-
secretary 2 ing Street had not used a female minister
to lead its coronavirus press conference
March 23. Priti Patel, the home secretary, grammes, the party is failing to engage Boris Johnson, prime minister for more than six months. Patel has since
appeared on both programmes on June with half of the electorate. It also smacks
2 + Oliver Dowden, Robert Buckland
nd led two press conferences.

28 last year. of a government led by men for men.” and Alok Sharma A spokesman for the BBC said: “We
Of the 21 cabinet ministers under John- Baroness Jenkin of Kennington, who request female ministers and representa-
son, 16 are male, which critics say can co-founded Women2Win to promote 2 Priti Patel, home secretary tives from all of the political parties, but
affect perspectives on policy decisions. women in politics, said: “Women make we can’t control which political guests

An examination of the guest lists for up 51 per cent of the population, and it is Liz Truss, international trade Clockwise from agree to appear.”
both Sunday morning programmes unhelpful when they don’t see anyone
0 secretary above: Patel, A spokeswoman for Sky said: “Sky
reveals that 12 male cabinet ministers who looks like them and sounds like + Thérèse Coffey, Baroness Evans
s Hancock, Milling, News believes in parity of opinions and
have appeared on both shows during that them on the main political programmes.” and Amanda Milling Truss and Gove voices and is an advocate of diversity on
time, some repeatedly. These include In total, male cabinet ministers have screen and off screen.”

Climate tsar
seethes at Jenrick
over coalmine
Gabriel Pogrund The Department of
Whitehall Correspondent Business, Energy and
Industrial Strategy is the
Boris Johnson’s climate parent body of the Coal
change tsar is “apopletic” Authority and has ultimate
with a cabinet minister for responsibility for the sector.
approving Britain’s first new A civil servant said: “Alok
deep coalmine in decades. was apoplectic. So were civil
Alok Sharma, who quit as servants. There was just
business secretary this month disbelief that a decision like
to devote himself full-time to this could have been made.”
the presidency of the COP26 One Whitehall source said:
summit, is said to be furious “It f***s us at the very
with Robert Jenrick, the moment the world is
communities secretary, for watching us and expecting us
not stopping the mine in to step up on the issue.”
Cumbria. On January 11, less than a
On January 6, Jenrick week after the decision,
formally refused to intervene
in the £165m Whitehaven
project to remove coking coal Sharma:
from beneath the Irish Sea for angry that
steel-making. Jenrick, 39, he was not
decided not to use his powers consulted
to call in the scheme, which by Robert
would have given him the Jenrick
right to block it, instead
telling councillors he was
“content” for the decision to
be made locally. A
government source said
Jenrick did not consult
Sharma or other ministers on Sharma made one of his first
the plan, in line with planning speeches in his new role, and
guidance spoke of “accelerating the
Work is likely to begin on move from coal to clean
the first deep coalmine for 30 power”. He praised countries
years as the government tells for “phasing out coal”.
other nations to slash carbon The rescheduled COP26
emissions. The Swedish summit takes place in
climate activist Greta Glasgow in November.
Thunberg, 18, said the Last week Sharma offered
approval of the mine showed a glimpse of his anger at a
that Britain’s commitment to business select committee.
go carbon neutral by 2050 Asked whether it was an
“basically means nothing”. “embarrassment” for Britain,
The decision could he said: “I completely
complicate efforts to forge an understand the point you are
alliance with Joe Biden’s making.”
White House, which has Steve Reed, the shadow
described international communities secretary, said
action on climate change as a the decision was “another
key foreign policy goal. staggering example of Robert
Sharma, 53, who was Jenrick’s complete lack of
appointed to the COP26 role judgment”.
two days after Jenrick’s West Cumbria Mining
decision, was, according to majority-owned by an
two sources, upset about not Australian private equity
being consulted and with the fund, has said Whitehaven
verdict itself. will create 500 jobs.

Pensioner robbed by
bogus delivery men
Dipesh Gadher reliant on home delivery for
Home Affairs Correspondent groceries, and people have
got used to receiving packages
A gang of violent robbers almost daily. The woman has
posing as food delivery men told detectives that she was
gagged an 84-year-old woman not expecting a delivery that
and pinned her to the ground evening. However, she
before ransacking her home. opened the door when the
The five suspects sat on the men insisted they had
pensioner’s chest and stuffed brought her food.
a sock into her mouth after The suspects — described
forcing their way through the as white, in their twenties and
front door. They cut bangles wearing masks or balaclavas
from her wrist and stole — pushed their way into her
about £200 in cash, as well as home just after 6.30pm and
her bank cards and mobile searched it for valuables for
phone. 20-30 minutes.
The incident in Plaistow, Paramedics who arrived
east London, on Thursday afterwards said the woman
evening is the latest in a string was “in shock” but did not
of crimes where thieves have require hospital treatment.
pretended to be delivery men Police are appealing for
to exploit the circumstances witnesses. The suspects were
of the pandemic. A Scotland dressed in dark clothing and
Yard source said: “They know one was wearing a pair of
that people are far more black Nike tracksuit trousers
likely to be at home now, so with red piping. Anyone with
they are adapting their tactics information can call
accordingly.” Crimestoppers anonymously
Many elderly people or on 0800 555 111.
those who are shielding are @DipeshGadher
The Sunday Times January 24, 2021 13


Look after your DARK HORSE

Road race
heart to keep speeding

dementia at bay
Tony Allen-Mills
From the “be careful what
you wish for” department of
Greater Manchester police
(GMP) came a salutary
message last week.
Urged to take action by
Prestwich residents angered
by drivers speeding down
Staying fit in middle age In a subset of the study, researchers
measured the aortic stiffness of 542
quiet suburban streets, the
GMP sent neighbourhood
stops arteries stiffening adults when they were 64 and 68 years. officers from its special
Subsequent cognitive tests and brain constabulary to crack down
and may keep your brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans on the miscreants.
healthier for longer, assessed the size, connections and blood
supply of different brain regions at the
Some residents were
doubtless thrilled to see their
research shows age of 69. local bobbies backed up by
Researchers said the tests suggested expert drivers from the
Andrew Gregory Health Editor that targeting arterial health much earlier GMP’s tactical vehicle
in a person’s lifespan could provide cog- interception unit.
A healthy heart in middle age lowers the nitive benefits in older age and may help There have long been
risk of developing dementia later in life, to delay the onset of dementia, or avoid it complaints about night-time
according to a landmark study. altogether. “racing” down streets around
People who regularly exercise, eat and Arteries stiffen faster if someone has Heaton Park, a 600-acre
drink healthily, quit smoking and pre-existing heart diseases, high blood estate formerly owned by the
cut their salt intake in their forties and pressure, diabetes and other vascular Earl of Wilton on the leafy
fifties boost their chances of avoiding diseases. Stiffening also happens faster northern margins of
or delaying the onset of the condition with long-term exposure to poor health Manchester.
decades later. behaviours and lifestyle risk factors, such A police operation last
The findings, published in the journal as smoking or poor diet. Sunday soon managed to
PLOS Medicine, emerged from a 36-year “With arterial stiffness, it’s very impor- catch offenders in its net.
study which has tracked the health of tant to get in early to try and prevent it,” However, at the same time it
more than 10,000 Britons since 1985. said Chiesa. “With the aorta, once it has was discovered that some of
Researchers at Oxford University and changed from being elastic, which is the residents who had
University College London (UCL) said the what you want, to being a stiffer artery, complained in the first
results highlighted the importance of it’s very difficult to go back and make it place were among those
making lifestyle changes in middle age. less stiff. At the moment, there’s very few, doing the speeding
Most people know they can reduce if any, drugs at all which have been found themselves.
their risk of dementia by stimulating their that can actually reverse the process that “It’s notable that a number
brain — learning a new language, study- well. So it’s very much a case of trying to of the drivers stopped were
ing for new qualifications, completing stop it happening.” actually the original
crosswords or puzzles such as Sudoku, The researchers stressed that changes complainants,” the GMP’s
and reading challenging books. But few of lifestyle made earlier in life could help Bury South station
realise how significantly they can reduce to slow down arterial stiffening. tweeted.
their risk by looking after the rest of their Dr Richard Oakley, head of research at This is not the first time
body, particularly their heart. the Alzheimer’s Society, which funded speeding Mancunians have
Dr Scott Chiesa, research associate at the study, said the findings “shed impor- made headlines.
the UCL Institute of Cardiovascular Sci- tant light on a connection between the In 2019 the city led the
ence, said: “It’s very much a case of early health of our blood vessels and changes country in the number of
prevention for maximum gain ... when
you’re young, you’ve got to start thinking
Don’t in the brain”.
He added: “Dementia devastates lives,
speeding tickets issued, with
more than 124,000 handed
about the long-term consequences,
rather than wait until you get old and
wait and with the number of people with
dementia set to rise to one million by
out. The Metropolitan Police
in London issued 121,000 the
hope someone cures you.”
The body’s largest artery, the aorta,
until 2025, reducing our risk has never been
more important. We know what’s good
same year.
It may have been the first
can grow stiffer with age. For the first
time, the research found that faster aortic
you get for your heart is good for your head.” time, however, that any
speeders have called the
stiffening in mid-life to older age is linked old For top tips on looking after your Horses and their riders exercising in a brief outbreak of sun on the beach at West Wittering, West Sussex police to complain about
to markers of poorer brain health. heart, go to themselves.
The Sunday Times January 24, 2021 15


Rod Liddle
My party has definitely caught the public
mood. Now all we need is some votes

wonder if you can think back to a
time when the Labour Party,
we deserve. We stick at it, though,
because the polls suggest we are right.
defects and failing to recognise the
attraction Margaret Thatcher held for so Prime minister challenged Obsessives seeing
captured by extremists, was led by a
doddering, staggeringly inept leftie?
There is an enormous constituency of
voters for a social market party that is
many working-class voters.
The real problem, though, was that of evil everywhere
Estranged from its voter base, it was left-leaning economically but patriotic, the “Gang of Four” who made that
heading blithely towards a landslide communitarian, traditionalist and pro- declaration — Owen, Williams, Jenkins Further dispatches from the front line of
electoral defeat and the defection of family and has no time whatsoever for and that other one — only Owen, a the deranged obsessives’ war against
moderate MPs to a new party they divisive identitarian politics. brilliant politician, was actually a social everything. Two of the world’s top chess
set up, which seemed indistinguishable We recognise a need to invest in democrat. The rest were basically players, Magnus Carlsen and Anish Giri,
from the Liberals. industry and education, but at the same Liberals, both lower and upper case. have played a game in which — contrary
No, not 2019 and Magic Grandpa. time cleave strongly to the notion that a Hence a merger, against Owen’s wishes, to 100 or so years of tradition — black
There have been previous Magic person with a todger is a man. On that, with David Steel’s Liberal Party and the moved first. This was, they explained, a
Grandpas — even if the one I’m talking as on so many issues, we have the public SDP’s effective extinction. “symbolic gesture” against racism. It
about was on a different intellectual entirely on our side. It’s just that the The “Democrat” bit of Ed Davey’s raises the question as to whether white,
plane from Jeremy Corbyn. The only public don’t know that yet. hilarious coven is the vestigial tail of our with his inherent privilege, should be
thing they shared was dressing like the The Limehouse Declaration, seen own party and we may sue him to get it allowed to move at all during a game.
man who used to sell peanuts at Millwall from afar, is scarcely impressive, back. The Liberals would be the last Meanwhile, Leicester University has
matches. History repeats itself, not as concerning itself with Labour’s myriad party with which a true social democrat dumped boring old Geoffrey Chaucer
farce, but as a noisome belch occasioned would align themself. from its syllabus so as to concentrate on
by acid reflux. Owen, by contrast, was patriotic, literature with race, ethnic and gender
Anyway, tomorrow is the 40th strong on defence and a Eurosceptic, all themes. Perhaps the Wife of Bath’s
anniversary of the Limehouse policies the SDP continues to this day. I naked buttocks hanging out of a
Declaration, when David Owen, Roy spoke to Lord Owen on Friday. He was, window doesn’t do it for them any more.
Jenkins, Shirley Williams and the other as ever, charming, loquacious, haughty Better still, York University has
one* got the hell out of Michael Foot’s and astute, perhaps the finest prime removed an image of the three wise
rabble of a Labour Party and set up the minister we never had, if Ernest Bevin monkeys — see no evil, hear no evil,
SDP (Social Democratic Party). I trust will forgive me. The Liberals had been a speak no evil — from its website as they
you will be doing something fitting to grave problem right from the beginning, perpetuate racial stereotypes. It never
mark the occasion, such as repeatedly he said — and Jenkins had been a liberal occurred to me that the monkeys — of
banging your head against a wall. for a very long time. Where do Japanese origin — were anything other
The SDP is still going. I am proud to be Owen sits as an Independent Social you stand on than monkeys. If it occurred to the idiots
a member of what is possibly the fastest- Democrat in the Lords, the man who at York, they must be racist themselves.
growing party in the history of politics, came closer than anybody, including being woke? Maybe we should ban monkeys entirely
given that we had about eight members Nigel Farage, to overturning our rancid and have done with it.
two years ago and now have 2,000. two-party system. The SDP-Liberal
That’s a 25,000 per cent increase, mate. Alliance came just two percentage points
More than 100 join every month,
according to our excellent leader,
behind Labour in 1983.
You may see us out campaigning from
Breathe in and be
William Clouston.
I speak to Will most days — that’s one
time to time. We have a car, you see. On
the roof is a big SDP placard thing. Will
quids in with Covid
of the pleasures of being in such a small drives the car and shouts out stuff like
cabal. Another is that we can hold our We cleave “Vote SDP!” every now and then, I must say I rather liked the Department
annual meeting without flouting Covid through a loudspeaker. People see us of Health’s proposal to pay people
restrictions. We have lots of academics strongly to and sometimes respond by forming their
£500 to self-isolate with the
and writers, but what we need is a big hand into a fist and waving it up and coronavirus. It was exciting — a kind of
name to help us secure our political the notion down at us, which gives us l The health secretary, Matt new variants of the coronavirus “Catch Covid and win a Metro”.
breakthrough and hence prepare for encouragement. The dawn will surely Hancock, says one of the conditions emerging every day — an estimated You can imagine the conversations at
government. Occasionally Will rings me that a person not be long in coming. for lifting Covid restrictions will be 1,000 since the original outbreak. Like home, too. “We’re a bit skint this month,
with the exciting news that we have got “no new variants”. all other viruses, it will continue to love. Go and stand outside that care
the chap who played bass on an early with a todger *The other one was, of course, Bill Isn’t that a bit like saying “when all mutate. home and breathe in a lot.”
Uriah Heep album, and we mull over Rodgers. I knew it would come back to geese learn to speak fluent English” Is he trying to tell us something? Or The government now seems to have
whether this will give us the momentum is a man me eventually. or “when hell freezes over”? There are did he just, as they say, misspeak? gone cool on the idea.


Kremlin rattled as thousands

In the biggest Marc Bennetts Moscow
Matthew Campbell
making arrests, pulling people from the
crowd at random and lashing out with
wall and hit them with truncheons. In
nearby Vladivostok, on the Pacific coast,
at least one protester was reported to
sition media showed officers assaulting
detainees in police vans. One group of
protesters began marching towards the

nationwide protests Russian police detained more than 2,000

people in Moscow and cities across the
country yesterday as tens of thousands of
“The police attacked me as I was trying
to pull an elderly woman from the crush,”
said Maria Isayeva, a 25-year-old activist, Just in
have been beaten unconscious. A hand-
ful of people also briefly demonstrated in
Yakutsk, in northeastern Siberia, where
prison where Navalny is held. They were
met by a phalanx of riot police who had
cordoned off the area. Scores of people

since Vladimir Putin protesters braved freezing temperatures

and threats of prosecution to demand the
release of Alexei Navalny, the imprisoned
as her friends adjusted a blood-soaked
bandage wrapped around her head.
A crowd of protesters fought running
case — I
don’t plan
the temperature was minus 50C.
There was also unrest in St Petersburg,
Putin’s home town, where protesters
were arrested with some being thrown to
the ground and beaten by officers.
Navalny’s anti-corruption organisation

came to power, opposition leader.

As many as 50,000 people gathered in
a Moscow square a short walk from the
battles with police next to the Rossiya
theatre, which was advertising a per-
formance of It’s A Wonderful Life.
to hang
surged through police lines before
marching down the main street.
Navalny, 44, had called for the protests
has called for another protest on Satur-
Yesterday’s disturbances are expected

angry Russians have Kremlin to chant “freedom for Navalny”

and “Putin is a thief ” in what was
believed to be the biggest unsanctioned
Cheering crowds pelted officers with
snowballs. But as the mood darkened,
protesters attacked an apparent secret
in what is widely seen as a make-or-break
moment for the opposition as it tries to
tap into public frustration with economic
to provoke deep unease in the Kremlin,
haunted by histories of great upheavals
rooted in mass protests, from the Bolshe-

called for his jailed protest in the city since President Putin
came to power 21 years ago.
Among the hundreds detained in
police vehicle. The driver was taken to
hospital with a serious eye injury, state
media said.
woes and corruption. “Putin has been in
power for too long,” said Denis, 38, a
Moscow protester.
vik revolution to the death throes of
communism. Putin cannot afford to look
weak in the eyes of his security services

opponent to be freed Moscow was Navalny’s wife, Yulia, who

announced her arrest on Instagram from
a police van. She was later released.
Similar scenes played out in dozens of
cities across the country’s 11 time zones.
In Khabarovsk, in Russia’s far east, police
As evening fell, chaotic scenes contin-
ued across the capital as police pursued
demonstrators through Moscow’s alleys
but at the same time does not want to
turn Navalny into a martyr in the mould
of Nelson Mandela by locking him up and
Clashes broke out as riot police began reportedly lined detainees up against a and side-streets. Footage posted by oppo- throwing away the key.

France’s ‘teenage Rushdie’ earns 50,000 death threats with one jibe at Islam

than the 2018 World Cup, and “It has been a year since on social media but when it her own safety and that of her
PETER Mila has received more than my life ceased. I have the moved to a new level, Mila 750 fellow students at risk.

RADI 50,000 death threats.
Forced to leave her school
feeling of being dead while
still remaining in the world,”
went on French television to
assert her right to criticise
In an angry open letter, her
father accused those who run
in Villefontaine, near Lyons — she said in an interview religion — a stance backed the school of “using the first
and the boarding school she published by Le Point publicly by Macron. pretext” they could find to
had been sent to instead — magazine last week. “It is She has continued to be “get rid” of his daughter.
Paris she is under police protection extremely hard to see other bombarded with threats to Mila’s latest comments
at her parents’ home. people continuing their lives bury her alive, disfigure her have reignited the row but
It started like many spats on The teenager has found — to see them leave home or with acid or make her eat her Richard Malka, one of
social media during a session herself on the front line of a step out of a car. I can only own organs. Police have France’s most high-profile
on Instagram Live. A 16-year- very French battle. President step out of bed. The lack of identified at least 50 people lawyers, lauded her courage.
old French schoolgirl got into Emmanuel Macron’s drive to freedom . . . hurts me a lot. I responsible and detected “It is not a matter of her
a discussion about how a assert “republican values” of cry a lot, almost every day, attempts to find her address. trying to keep her anonymity.
lesbian friend of hers was not free speech and an often thinking of that.” On holiday in Malta in She will never have a normal
attracted to north Africans. aggressive secularism is Although her behaviour August, she was recognised life,” he said. “There is always
A young man responded facing resistance within the has been defended by by a young man of Algerian a reason to defend liberty.”
by calling them “racists” and country’s substantial Muslim Macron, she said he had origin who lives in France. To The 52-year-old, who is of
“dirty lesbians” and as the community. At the same never got in touch with her. If Mila lives under police protection. Right, a protest after the murder of teacher Samuel Paty her face, he threatened to Moroccan Jewish origin, has
exchange became more time, Macron is trying to he ever did, she would urge rape and kill her. He was lived under police protection
heated, the girl, named only foster openness about him to “place certain limits to social media after he showed parliament last week. arrested. Two months later a for the past six years h since
as Mila, seized on his Muslim France’s brutal war against the practice of Islam in pupils cartoons of the Into this maelstrom 23-year-old, named only as his work for Charlie Hebdo.
background. “Your religion is the independence of Algeria, France. To have stronger prophet Muhammad in a stepped Mila, a lippy but Kevin B, was jailed for three “At least I’m older and had a
shit,” she said. ancestral homeland of many punishment for insults made lesson on free speech. He was highly articulate pansexual years for posting videos life before,” he said.
Their encounter was French Muslim families, in the name of religion. To killed during the trial of 14 with a funky haircut. By her online on which he, too, Malka is astonished by the
intended to be private, but it
swiftly went viral in a way
although he refused last week
to make an official apology.
tolerate the simple veil but
not the full veil”. The lack of people linked to the 2015
murders at Charlie Hebdo,
own account, the aspiring
writer and singer was always
threatened to kill her — in
one, miming the action of
threats against Mila — which
he attributes to the
neither of them could have
imagined, provoking strong
Mila’s plight has been
likened by her lawyer to that
The president’s efforts to
rein in radical Islam have freedom the magazine that published
the cartoons.
argumentative and
uncompromising. Teachers
slitting her throat. Last month
during a conversation with
“amplifying effect” of social
media. “Twenty years ago
reactions from supporters
and critics alike.
of Salman Rushdie, the writer
forced into hiding in 1989
intensified since Samuel Paty,
a teacher, was beheaded by hurts me. Macron has been pushing
Muslim leaders to sign up to a
told her off for being scantily
dressed; class bullies said she
friends on social media, Mila
blurted out the location of
this would have all happened
in a playground and no one
A year later, the video has
been viewed 35 million times,
after a fatwa was issued by
Ayatollah Khomeini, the
an 18-year-old Chechen in
October. Paty had been the I cry a lot controversial law to fight
“Islamist separatism” that
“looked like a prostitute”.
She had long been
her boarding school, run by
the military. The army sent
would have heard anything
about it,” he said.
generating more comments Iranian leader. victim of a hate campaign on began its passage through accustomed to harassment her home, saying she had put @Peter_Conradi
The Sunday Times January 24, 2021 17


Anti-Putin protesters
confronting police in St
Petersburg, main picture,
Moscow, above, and a
bitterly cold Yekaterinburg,
left. Below, police in the
capital being pelted with

demand Navalny’s release

The Kremlin has dismissed pleas from “Just in case, I am announcing I don’t yet of Kremlin corruption. It claimed that vor of two poisonings with a suspected who were suspected of involvement in
the West to let Navalny go, instead plan to either hang myself on a window the palace, complete with “aqua gym”, nerve agent. “Now tens of millions of Rus- the plot to poison him and Navalny man-
launching a crackdown on his allies, grill or cut my veins or throat open with a various bars and a theatre, was built for sians have seen it.” aged to trick one of them into revealing,
arresting or fining several of them in the sharpened spoon,” he said from Mos- him by tycoons and officials who act as He believes indignation over the “pre- in a recorded phone conversation, how a
run-up to yesterday’s demonstrations. cow’s Matrosskaya Tishina prison. It is his “wallets”. posterous” palace in a country where an nerve agent had been smeared on his
Navalny was arrested on his return to
Russia last weekend from Germany,
notorious as the jail in which Sergei Mag-
nitsky, a lawyer who had irritated the
Under construction for more than a
decade, the complex includes an under-
Putin is estimated quarter of the population lives
in poverty has galvanised the opposition.
Various European laboratories identi-
where he spent five months recovering regime by exposing theft by state offi- ground ice hockey rink — Putin is a keen terrified. “There are lots of young people, stu- fied the poison as a variety of novichok,
from an attempt on his life with a sus- cials, was allegedly beaten to death. player — as well as a storage area for dents, coming out against Putin,” he said. the poison used against defector Sergei
pected Soviet-era nerve agent, which he “I know that outside my prison there “therapeutic mud”. It is estimated to be
He is “Putin is terrified. He is yesterday’s man.” Skripal in Salisbury in 2018.
blamed on Putin. are many good people, and help is on the worth £990m and is set in grounds larger yesterday’s Once he had recovered, Navalny had Kara-Murza, who was targeted in 2015
Long considered the Russian leader’s way,” Navalny added. than Monaco, including hundreds of no choice but to return to the country he and 2017 with a similar substance, said:
most dangerous opponent, he could now Famous for slick videos exposing cor- acres of vineyards, as well as a large man accuses of ordering his assassination, “You never fully recover from it. I spent
face more than 13 years in prison for ruption among the ruling elite, Navalny “buffer zone” owned by the Federal Kara-Murza added. “A Russian politician weeks speaking gibberish after it hap-
parole violations and what are widely has continued to embarrass authorities Security Service (FSB), which Putin, a cannot be outside Russia,” he said. pened. I had to learn how to walk again.”
regarded as trumped up charges of Yulia, wife of from behind bars, stirring public indigna- former KGB officer in Germany, once “When an opponent is outside the coun- Navalny, who spent 18 days in a coma,
embezzlement. He will be tried early next Alexei Navalny, at tion with a new video last week about a headed. try, he loses moral authority.” said he had suffered early problems with
month. In a message passed on by his the Moscow vast, luxury palace complex on the Black “Everybody already knows Putin is Navalny was flown to Germany for co-ordination. Now he appears to have
lawyer, he told his supporters yesterday protest Sea that he said had been built for Putin. corrupt, that the whole system he built is treatment on August 22 last year after fall- sprung back to vigorous health to present
not to believe prison officials if they sud- The two-hour video has notched up corrupt, but it is one thing to know it and ing ill on a return flight to Moscow from the Kremlin with its worst nightmare.
denly announced that he had committed 66m views on YouTube in just four days, another to see it,” said Vladimir Kara- Siberia. The Bellingcat investigative news
suicide in custody. making it Navalny’s most popular exposé Murza, an opposition activist and survi- website identified several FSB agents Editorial, page 20

NEW ZEALAND, PLEASE WELCOME . . . NORMALITY! From radio station cleaner to America’s

inquisitor — Larry King dies at 87

Nigel Farndale interview. “I think it’s the [cryonics] company might better on horses. After a
scariest thing there is. It’s the not be around, and it costs a former friend and financier
Larry King, the American talk total unknown. I’m amazed at lot of money. I don’t want to accused him of stealing
show host, has died at the age people who think they know take that away from my wife $5,000 to pay gambling debts
of 87 in Los Angeles. Earlier where they’re going.” or my kids to use.” — charges that were
this month it was reported He had been considering He rose from the humblest eventually dropped — he
that he had Covid-19. leaving instructions that his of backgrounds as the son of spent several years scraping a
Hunched forward over his corpse be cryogenically east European migrants in living as a freelance writer
microphone, hair swept back, frozen in case he could be New York, working as a and doing public relations
wearing colourful braces and resurrected in the future, but cleaner in a tiny radio station work for a race track.
outsized glasses, King was the was unsure: “I thought of in Miami until a disc jockey In 1972, nearly destitute, he
global face of CNN for 25 being frozen. That’s a pretty left and the manager put his last dollars on a horse
years, a chat show host for good bet. At least it’s a promoted him. He rose to at 70-1 and won $11,000.
more than six decades, and percentage bet, right? If television commentator and Despite that, he declared
America’s pre-eminent cable you’re frozen and they newspaper columnist. himself bankrupt in 1978 with
television interviewer in the discover a cure. But your King was an inveterate debts of roughly $350,000.
late 20th century. That same year marked the
He spent his career asking start of his comeback when
other people about their he was given a nationally-
lives, but his own was syndicated all-night show by
scarcely less colourful. He the Mutual Broadcasting
married seven women, one of System, a commercial radio
them twice, and survived a network. On the back of that
remarkable string of he secured a column with
afflictions — a heart attack, USA Today and other
prostate cancer, lung cancer, broadcasting work.
type two diabetes, and a In 1985 Ted Turner invited
stroke — but not Covid-19. him to join his fledgling CNN
The New Zealand band Shapeshifters playing at a stadium in Hawke’s Bay yesterday. Thousands of fans turned up to “I fear death, but there is with his own show, and King
watch what was the first in a series of concerts that are the largest outdoor events to be held since Covid began nothing I can do about it,” he became as big a celebrity as
once told The Times in an Larry King said he had considered having his body frozen many of his guests.
18 The Sunday Times January 24, 2021


American Diary Sarah Baxter

The nation I remember
has gone — in its place are
two parallel universes

eturning to Washington after moment, having spent part of my child- had travelled to the Capitol on January 6
an absence of more than a dec- hood in Montgomery, Alabama, in the with a gun rights group, although she was
ade was a surreal, out-of-body days of the civil rights movement. afraid to enter the building when she saw
experience. The empty streets, The press were not treated as the the pushing and shoving. She thinks
boarded-up shops, riot fencing enemy and I was seated near the foot of activists on both sides — QAnon, the pro-
and the presence of 20,000 the podium, ahead of celebrity guests Trump conspiracy mongers, and the
troops made Joe Biden’s inau- such as Beyoncé and Jay-Z. The great anarchists of Antifa, the anti-fascist
guration as America’s 46th Aretha Franklin sang My Country ’Tis of movement — stirred up the trouble.
president unlike any other, but that is not Thee to the tune of God Save the Queen. She did not watch Biden’s inaugural
what floored me. It was the sight of our I could barely have imagined conspir- speech, viewing him as the corrupt head
old home, where our children were acy theories would become so embedded of a crime family, borderline senile and in
young, with a for-sale sign. in the fabric of the nation. Or that Trump, need of a “food taster” to protect him
The yearning was almost unbearable. with his malign genius for voicing sup- from Harris. She believes Trump’s fare-
My husband said as we peered through pressed resentments, would make his well message — “We will be back in some
the windows: “It’s as if we could buy it political bones by espousing the false form” — before jetting off to Florida on Air
back and start our old lives again.” The “birther” narrative that Obama was born Force One, contained a “hidden mean-
owners had already removed their furni- in Kenya and had no right to be president. ing” about his return.
ture and it did not look as though much Humiliatingly, the first black president Like many Republicans, Ganser was
had changed since our days. had to dredge up his birth certificate — to affronted by Biden’s message about con-
The terraced house near Dupont Cir- show his papers, as though he were an fronting white supremacists, racists and
cle had a posh front and a grotty rear, interloper in his own country. domestic terrorists, regarding it as aimed
backing on to an alley, which in Washing- New conspiracies have begun to swirl at all Trump voters, the opposite of his
ton inevitably meant rats. We remem- around Kamala Harris, the first woman, intention. She thinks Biden’s executive
bered the poem our son wrote, aged six, the first black person and the first person orders — such as overturning the travel
for a class project on home wildlife: of south Asian descent to serve as vice- ban on people from mainly Muslim coun-
“There are black rats, white rats, grey president. She is said to have placed her tries, rejoining the World Health Organi-
rats, flat rats” — so many were splattered purse on the Bible so her hand did not sation and signing the Paris accords on
by cars. We do not miss everything. touch it as she took the oath of office, climate change, as well as his pathway to
In any case, there is no turning back. because — imagine this — she is a “Satan- citizenship for illegal immigrants and
Not for me, not for Biden and not for ist”. In fact, Harris had her hand on two inclusive policies on gender identity —
Donald Trump, now in exile in his Mar-a- Bibles, one belonging to a family friend will destroy America.
Lago resort. Our lives have shaped us, but and the other to Thurgood Marshall, the Ganser’s remarks are commonplace.
we cannot wade through nostalgia. first black Supreme Court justice. They can be heard non-stop on conserva-
Coming to power after the storming of I did not learn this from the internet tive cable news stations. In a warning to
the Capitol, facing the triple shocks of a (although it has been circulating on Face- Republicans, some of whom are leaning
political, economic and health crisis, book) but from Lauren Ganser, whom I towards impeachment, she would like
Biden will not find it possible to return to Nobody predicted when Biden won endowed Biden with almost godlike sta- Joe Biden being spoke to on my return to Pennsylvania the Grand Old Party to be subsumed into
the business as usual of the eight years he the Democratic nomination that the cor- tus among swooning Democrats. The sworn in last this weekend. I first met Ganser, 61, a the Patriot Party, if it is ever formed by
served with Barack Obama. Many of his onavirus would result in more than new president is not just regarded as the Wednesday Republican election monitor, during the Trump — a move he is contemplating,
personnel are retreads from that time — 400,000 deaths. He was merely “clean-up” guy but is receiving the kind of alongside his campaign and wanted to know whether according to The Wall Street Journal.
Jen Psaki, his new press secretary, gave regarded as the best available candidate reverential treatment I thought had gone wife, Jill. Below, she was going to give Biden a chance. She “I don’t know if the Republican Party
the game away when she nearly said
“President O” at her first White House They say to beat the left-wing Bernie Sanders (now
relegated to an internet joke for the Mich-
out of fashion during Obama’s second
term — when the swagger of “Yes we can”
the ‘Trump baby’
seems a kind woman, a
practising Catholic who
represents the people any more. It’s just
for Rinos [Republicans in name only],”
briefing — and Biden is going to have to
put his own stamp on this era to escape Kamala ael Foot-style coat and mittens he wore to
the inauguration). At best, the former
gave way to more modest achievements.
The left of the party is urging Biden’s
works as a behavioural
therapist and substi-
Ganser said. She added that the former
vice-president Mike Pence was “a perfect
the jibe that he heads a “Joebama”
Harris vice-president was meant to usher in a
period of calm, not be transformational.
team to be ambitious. Obama watered
down measures to boost the economy
tute teacher. Did the
new president’s call for
example — he abandoned Trump”.
If these views persist, there is no going
His inauguration address harked back
to Abraham Lincoln, with its call to “end
did not The foreign policy challenges are dif-
ferent too, with a resurgent China having
and reform the banks after the 2008
crash, as well as plans for affordable
unity strike a chord?
The short answer
back to the America I lived in before.
Each half of the nation inhabits an alter-
this uncivil war”, while his blitz of execu-
tive orders — and the target of 100 million
put her spread and survived Covid-19 in far better
shape than the West. It was the only
healthcare, in a spirit of co-operation the
Republicans did not reciprocate. By
is no. In fact, Ganser native universe. After the storming of the
Capitol, I doubt that Trump can return to
coronavirus vaccinations in 100 days —
was designed to evoke Franklin Roosev-
hand on major world economy to record a rise in
GDP last year, even though the figure of
nature Biden is even more risk-averse
than his former boss. He thinks the spirit
the White House in 2024. But I do know
that Biden faces the task of his life to bring
elt’s first 100 days in office, when the New
Deal to drag America out of the Great
the Bible 2.3 per cent represented the weakest
growth since the Mao era.
of the times calls for bold measures but is
afraid of further dividing the country.
the country together.
Doris Kearns Goodwin, the biographer
Depression was introduced at a clip.
In a country still reeling from the divi-
because In notes to Congress supporting her
appointment as the Treasury secretary,
The push and pull of these two impulses
will define his presidency.
of Lincoln and Roosevelt, said at the
conclusion of the Trump years: “It is
sions of the Trump era, however, Biden’s
problems are all his own. Nearly
she is a Janet Yellen, the former governor of the
Federal Reserve, said America must com-
When Obama was
elected in 2008, you
almost as if people have been in a war too
long and they don’t remember what
900,000 people filed new unemploy- ‘Satanist’ pete with China’s “economic statecraft”, did not have to be a Dem- peace is.”
ment claims last week, while more than advanced by President Xi Jinping through ocrat to feel that America I remember. I just wish I was sure
400,000 applied for pandemic unem- his belt and road initiative. The country had started a new chapter. I this truce will last.
ployment assistance. The boggling has years of lost time to make up. was the Sunday Times Washington
$1.9 trillion (£1.36 trillion) stimulus pack- Yet sending Trump packing, particu- correspondent and attended his inau- Kamala’s non-nuclear family,
age is only a sticking plaster. larly after the riot at the Capitol, has guration. For me it was an astonishing News Review, page 23

For the media outrage

liberals have is that the crucial first 100 days of
continued coverage the Biden administration.
of Trump will keep Snyder acknowledges the
him in the public eye, risk, but believes holding
giving him the Trump to account for

machine, Trump will can’t turn off the set; you live
in a state of rage and
agitation. It’s terrible to have
this model where people are
attention he needs
to remain a powerful force in
national politics.
“That’s how he gets back
January 6 is more important.
“There has to be some kind of
accountability for what
happened,” he said. “There

be a hard habit to kick

making money and also in,” said Tim Snyder, a needs to be a process.”
reaping vast rewards — career professor of history at Yale Others hope that having
success, validation — from and trenchant Trump critic. the more anodyne figure of
stimulating this politics of “He’ll try to turn himself into Biden in the White House will
contempt.” a martyr and create a turn the temperature down
Moving on from the grievance narrative about and speed up America’s
Trump became the media’s ratings windfall. Much of politics of contempt will be how he is the victim in all of Trump detox.
JOSH patron saint — in business
terms, at least.
America’s liberal-dominated
media cast aside even the
easier said than done. With
Trump having been kicked off
this. The media need to be
very careful about how they
For while conservative
media are already revving up
GLANCYY Digital subscriptions to pretence of objectivity during Twitter, there is a growing cover him.” to savage the new
The New York Times nearly the Trump era, openly clamour among some liberals In a matter of weeks, administration, getting
doubled in the first year of viewing the president as an to expel him from the public Trump’s second viewers frothing mad about
Trump’s presidency. The existential threat to America square entirely. Yet for impeachment trial in the the generally avuncular Biden
MSNBC host Rachel Maddow, and the world. They certainly ratings-hungry news Senate will begin, is a tricky task.
Washington ccccccccccccc one of Trump’s most vocal held him to account, but also possibility of a channels, it will be difficult to guaranteeing several more “Biden doesn’t fit that
critics, smashed her ratings went overboard at times, vast Trump- achieve. rounds of headlines. Will contempt industry very well
In November 2016, three records, pulling in as many as issuing such a relentless shaped hole in “It’s a symbiotic Republicans risk an internal — he just isn’t catnip for that
weeks after the election of five million viewers for drumbeat of negative their schedules. relationship between them schism and vote to convict crowd,” Harris said. “He
Donald Trump as America’s primetime interviews with coverage, they were at times “There’s and Trump,” said Ariana him? How will he fight back? naturally doesn’t excite
president, Mark Thompson, the president’s niece, Mary accused of having “Trump obviou sly going to be a crash Pekary, a politics producer at The Trump impeachment the kind of cultural battles
the chief executive of The Trump, and his former derangement syndrome”. in interest in national MSNBC for seven years before trial threatens to overshadow that the Obamas did, the
New York Times, joined lawyer Michael Cohen. This is one reason a recent politics,” said Ben Smith, a she resigned last year, calling Clintons did and certainly
friends for dinner at a French Meanwhile conservative Edelman poll found media columnist at The New cable news a “cancer” on Trump did.”
bistro in midtown Manhattan. outlets such as Fox News and fewer than half of York Times. “Trump was America. For all that media ratings
He was in a surprisingly Newsmax, which tended to Americans trust incredibly good at keeping She believes the liberal and readership might drop
buoyant mood. defend the president and traditional media, an all- our attention.” media, which have often without the Trump effect,
Trump may be bad news heap scorn on his critics, also time low. John Harris, the founding viewed themselves as a there may be some benefits
for America, the former BBC feasted on the carnival of There was a backlash editor of Politico, believes solution to Trump, are in fact too. Many journalists are
chief told the table, but he is outrage and culture war. Love too: many blamed America desperately needs to part of America’s broader looking forward to turning
going to be good for business. him or loathe him, America Trump’s political rise on move on not only from its problem, amplifying the their attention to a plethora
He pointed out The New York became addicted to Trump. CNN’s obsessive coverage Trump obsession but also the country’s divisions through of other American issues.
Times had sold hundreds of Yet now, as the former and the hours of free broader “contempt industry” hyperbole and melodrama. “The national story
thousands of subscriptions in president mulls his future on airtime they gave him when that has developed over the “Whether they realise it or remains incredibly toxic and
a matter of weeks. the Mar-a-Lago golf course, he ran for the White House past four decades and helped not, they often make the not the place that you’re
Thompson was right: the dominant question is: five years ago. create the division that led to problem worse,” she said. going to find common ground
Trump was a ratings godsend. how will the media — and the Watching the liberal media events such as the Capitol Hill “There is of course genuine and heal the country,” said
Four years of his presidential country at large — move on? engage in mortal combat with riot on January 6. fascination with Trump, like Smith, who believes that
opera provided a much- Can they kick the Trump Trump further alienated his “Trump gave voice to watching a car crash, but I focusing more on local issues
needed boost to struggling habit? Will objectivity and millions of supporters. And contempt, then stimulated think as journalists we should is one way to calm the
newspapers and flailing cable sobriety return to American once the hosannas of joy that yet more contempt in rise above that. In a for-profit national mood. “I’d certainly
news networks. Reliably media, or are they relics of a greeted last week’s Biden return,” Harris said. “That news model, though, they like to write about Trump as
outrageous, insidious, comic bygone era? inauguration have abated, contempt does become kind have no incentive to do that.” Maddow: critic of Trump little as I can,” he said.
and terrifying all at once: There was a cost to the networks are facing the of addictive after a while: you Another fear that many smashed ratings records @JoshGlancy
The Sunday Times January 24, 2021 19


Camilla Long
From Russia with self-love — behold the
madness of King Vlad’s pleasure palace

ou’ve probably seen the
footage: the funeral attire, the
and high-end lavatory brushes and
dressing rooms for waiters for some
Putin’s estate on
the Black Sea is A little voyeur
bitter Birkin, the flats. In the
end, Donald and Melania went
time. There are “dozens” of bog brushes
and bog paper holders costing nearly
said to be 39
times the size spirit means
quietly, slinking off to the thin
applause of their families. The
£1,500 a set: Putin has spent the “annual
pension of the average Russian
of Monaco
safe sex for
arrival of Joe Biden and the
disappearance of the former
pensioner” on latrines he “may never
enter”. It is true that the palace looks Bridgerton’s
president does, however, raise a
question. Who will play the role of the
like somewhere Elvis might have been
hiding: every nook, every cranny, every bedposts
world’s worst despot now? Who is going one of his echoing restrooms shrieks
to fly the flag for seriously bad sofas and Real Housewives of the Black Sea. There is a breed of British
gala dinners for 100 ashen “business What began life as a modest $10m villa middle-aged woman, square
associates”, now the Trumps have — a “small house” — has been allowed to of boob and firm of thigh,
kaftan-ed off to Mar-a-Lago in a whirl of billow to a $1bn “pleasure palace” filled who will quail at literally
bad juju? with eye-melting furniture and rancid nothing, not even a roomful
On Tuesday the answer arrived in the carpets. You look at the sprawling of hissing American film
form of a sensational video. To say the compound — 3½ times the size of the people who are demanding
details of Vladimir Putin’s secret palace local town — and you just think: no they get out, right now.
were gobstopping is to totally understate matter how much this man now buys, You can just imagine, for
the sheer I’m-bored insanity of the collects or builds, it will never be example, the stony stand-off
lacquered bunker this electrifying little enough. This isn’t a house but a “whole when the director of the
Gollum is said to have built on a city”, complete with petrol station, Regency romp Bridgerton
peninsula near a resort on the Black Sea. pipelines, three-lane motorway, border asked if the “room monitors”
I like to think I have some level of control and no-fly zone. It is more than at Castle Howard in North
tolerance for this sort of super-rich anything anyone could ever want, but Yorkshire might leave during
foreign madness, having spent years at when you’ve already done everything, the show’s many lurid sex
Tatler interviewing women who what are you going to do but build a scenes.
decorate their yachts to match their tunnel through the side of a mountain “The idea of a closed set is
bikinis. But, my God, just look at the just so you can get a perfect view of the sacrosanct,” she recently
drone footage of the estate — it’s 39 times sea while you sip your grim wine? whinnied, but they wouldn’t
the size of Monaco — and the palace’s There is a 260ft bridge simply “to get go and wouldn’t leave the
extraordinary interiors, recreated from
pictures and floorplans by Alexei
to the tea house” as well as a
subterranean ice rink, a port, a casino, a
How would you like a night out in his
dead Daddy Warbucks theatre with its And Japan wins gold in priceless cabinetry to the
mercy of Duke Simon’s
Navalny, the Russian opposition leader.
Navalny nearly died last year after
strip club, and a “long-suffering
amphitheatre” that has been constantly
stalls and circle and empty theatre bar,
as he lectures you on the exact the tin-ear Olympics heaving buttocks, and they
didn’t mind bellowing
Russian agents smeared novichok on his rebuilt. This isn’t even the first palace provenance and quality of the sofa instructions across the
underpants, but this hasn’t stopped him that’s been made here: the original one cushions and, I don’t know, how many The video Why on earth is Japan still in living memory. Normally naked, rutting actors, either.
putting together the video while he was had to be stripped and redone because lemurs were killed to make the fringe? I insisting the Olympics will people go mad if there’s so “We would be shooting a
recovering in a Berlin hospital. Watching of “mould”. If you want to know what bet even the performers don’t want to be reveals the happen? As of Friday officials much as a slight drop in sex scene and they would
his two-hour expectoration, in which, lunacy looks like, it is a 68-year-old man there, and they’re paid in “diamonds”. said they were hopeful that audience numbers for niche say, ‘Can you go easy on the
cushion by cushion, he reveals the completely demolishing a room only to Having everything in life tucked away satanic depths thousands of athletes would events at the far-flung edges bed? Can you go easy on the
satanic depths of Putin’s obsession with rebuild it and fill it with fruit machines from other people is rather solemn and flock to Tokyo in August. It of the village: can you bedpost?’” said the director.
“couches in the Louis XIV style”, you and old-man armchairs, like a Margate sad, isn’t it? Why build a theatre when of Putin’s would be a “challenge”, said imagine how sterile it would Obviously it is refreshing
just think: anyone capable of delivering pub. What kind of person needs an you can attend one with other people? athletics chief Sebastian look to see people wrestling, to hear that someone
such a sustained rant about soft “aquadiscotheque”? You can just Why have a church “imported from obsession Coe, but they’d be happy to cycling and diving in empty believes doing their job
furnishings after a nerve agent has been imagine Putin reclining next to its lonely Greece” when the whole point of take whatever measures stadiums? Who wants to correctly is more important
applied to their bare knackers deserves fountains in his silky sports-style worship is human contact? with ‘couches necessary, including events watch Russians doing than bending to an actor’s
undying awe and respect. swimming tanga while he bores his Mind you: can you imagine if it had “behind closed doors”. gymnastics in hazmats? And wetty emotions. And,
The vast palace, says Navalny, is guests to death by telling them how at been chic and tasteful? What a in the style of How greedy do you have that’s before we get to the anyway, the bedposts were
evidence that the president is mentally his vineyards “classical music is played disappointment that would have been. to be to want to do this? It dramas over who’s failed this the stars of the show: the
unwell. Putin has been lost “to sofas” for the maturing wine”. @CamillaLong Louis XIV’ would be the worst Olympics test or that. least wooden things in it.

No expense spared by Trotskyist’s heir Heseltine is
They don’t make socialists
the Brexiteers’
like they used to in
Coventry. Once upon a time, curious hero
Dave Nellist, 68, the
Trotskyist later expelled Michael Heseltine is in
from Labour, took just vogue around the cabinet
40 per cent of his MP’s table despite his anti-Brexit
salary — equivalent to the activism. Sources tell Atticus
wage of a skilled factory that Kwasi Kwarteng, 45, the
worker. business secretary, has been
Now his latter day devouring Heseltine’s No
successor in Coventry Stone Unturned, a 2011
South, the young Corbynista report on regionalism.
Zarah Sultana, is extracting That represents quite the
maximum value from the journey for Kwarteng, once
taxpayer. According to her a radical free-marketeer,
latest expenses return, and will please the PM, who
Sultana, 27, charged told colleagues he is
constituents £1,193.80 for a “basically a Brexity Hezza”.
new iPhone last year Whether Heseltine, 87, is
because, she claimed, her flattered is another thing: he
“old phone stopped Lee Anderson wants the national anthem sung in assembly has said Boris has been
working”. captured by a “right-wing,
But the spending did not
stop there. Sultana, who MP flies flag for patriotic lessons foreigner-bashing, inward-
looking view of the world”,
famously said she would and his economic strategy
celebrate Tony Blair’s death, Boris Johnson squirmed last week when asked if Joe Biden for Covid recovery is
charged £50,000 in non- was “woke”. Lee Anderson, 54, the Tory MP for Ashfield, is “deeply disappointing”.
staff expenses, the 39th- less equivocal. Speaking on a Zoom call last week, the red At least the only way is up.
highest of all MPs, and was wall MP declared: “What I would like to see is for us to be
even forced to repay £2,800 more patriotic in this country.”
after claiming for unspecific His first goal: “Fly the Union flag at every single school l Britain has spent more on
“consultancy” — later found and every single public building in this country.” Covid than its all-time
to be outside the rules. His second: “Make sure that our children at school sing contribution to the EU. Lord
The revolution may be the national anthem every day in assembly. Once we start Agnew of Oulton, the
imminent, but there’s to do that, we can bring that little bit of pride, we can be Cabinet Office minister,
nothing wrong making the more patriotic, and not ashamed of who we are right now.” acknowledged last week
most of the taxpayers’ There’s certainly no shame in Whitehall. Ministers are that Britain had contributed
money in the meantime. forever appearing on TV with a flag in the background. £226bn to the EU budget
and European Economic
Community since 1973.

Jenrick’s best-laid plans Mere pennies, then, relative

to £300bn Rishi Sunak has
spent on Covid.
Since Robert Jenrick became housing secretary, the
planning system, once notoriously dull, has become the l One assumes that Tom
subject of political intrigue. Take his decisions to award Tugendhat, 47, the Tory MP
Richard Desmond the £1bn Westferry development, and not who chairs the Beijing-
to block a new coalmine in Cumbria criticised by the sceptic China Research
climate activist Greta Thunberg. Group, opposes glorifying
With Holocaust Memorial Day falling this Wednesday, communism. But like
there is yet another controversy: his decision to “call in” for Michael Gove, who used to
judicial review a memorial in SW1 to the genocide, made hang a picture of Lenin in
shortly after meeting the former Tory minister Eric Pickles his office, he is capable of a
and Gerald Ronson of the Holocaust Memorial Foundation. surprise. Last week he was
That is despite growing local opposition to the plan and spotted on television
fears that it has been ill thought-through. slurping tea from that staple
On paper, Jenrick is supposed to be a “neutral arbiter”. of every middle-class leftie:
Surely that has to be reviewed too? a Che Guevara mug.
20 The Sunday Times January 24, 2021


Dominic Lawson
Germany, not Brexity
Britain, will vex Biden
Johnson’s next test will be to
take back control of the Union Berlin’s desire to appease Russia and China won’t endear it to the president

omething is stirring in the king- resolved for Irish Sea trade, the province’s he appointment of Antony Blinken as weaponry to Ukraine as a defence against shows, the principal force behind this
dom. Our comprehensive “state unique position, in both the UK market President Joe Biden’s secretary of Russian revanchism. “business first” policy is ... the interests of
state is bad news for Boris Johnson Biden will continue with Trump’s policy of German business. It was Merkel who drove the
of the union” survey today and the EU single market, could work to and Britain outside the EU; or so it is sanctioning companies involved in the Nord EU, in the dying days of the Trump
shows rising support for a its long-term advantage. There is, it said (with ill-concealed relish) by Stream 2 project — a pipeline intended to take administration, to sign up to an “investment
break-up of the UK. Half of should be said, no prospect of Irish reuni- those who deplore both the prime Russian gas direct to Germany, cutting Poland agreement” with China — despite calls from
Scottish voters want and expect fication in the foreseeable future. minister and Brexit. It is true that in and Ukraine out of the (highly profitable) loop, Biden’s people to hold off (not just because of
another referendum on inde- Nor, despite some rumblings, is Wales March 2019 Blinken described Brexit, of which the former German chancellor what was happening in Xinjiang but also in
and by extension Johnson, as “not just the dog Gerhard Schröder is a director. (Schröder is Hong Kong). Germany’s big manufacturing
pendence, while a similar num- going to break free. Support for independ-
that caught the car; this is the dog that caught also chairman of the Russian state-controlled companies see profits from China as vital to
ber in Northern Ireland want a poll on ence is low, though the government could the car and the car goes into reverse and runs oil giant Rosneft, and describes Putin as “a their prospects. As the former chief
reunifying the island of Ireland. This is not be doing more. Only the northeast of over the dog”. He added, with a possibly crystal-clear democrat”.) correspondent of Der Tagesspiegel, Harald
something that can be swept under the England is poorer, and the recent history exaggerated sense of Washington’s role in our Though Merkel shares none of Schröder’s Maass, wrote in The Spectator last week:
carpet by the government. Indeed, along of Wales is one of cancelled infrastructure democratic discourse, that any administration Putin-worship (far from it), her possible “Closing [its Xinjiang] factory would risk
with rebuilding the economy, it is the big schemes. Levelling-up should not stop at he worked in would seek to “keep Britain in” successor as chancellor is going to be a much Volkswagen’s entire China business, which
the EU. less congenial interlocutor, from Washington’s brings in billions in profits. Every second VW
post-pandemic political challenge. the Prince of Wales Bridge.
That ship sailed a while ago. And now, point of view. Armin Laschet, who last worldwide is sold in the People’s Republic.”
The impetus is strongest in Scotland, Scotland is different. Ms Sturgeon, according to a senior fellow at Washington’s weekend won the ballot for the leadership of You might think, given its not so ancient
and supporters of the Union are having to despite her battles with Alex Salmond, the Brookings Institution, state department Merkel’s CDU party, is firmly on its Russophile history, that VW would be concerned about the
look for solace in curious places. Could it former Scottish National Party (SNP) officials are talking of a “three-legged stool” — wing. When the British government called for images of what appear to be a form of
be that, because Brexit is submerging leader, is on a roll. The pandemic has the USA, the EU and the UK — which is actually sanctions against Moscow over the poisoning concentration camp for Uighurs and
some exporters and importers in a sea of been good for her, overshadowing Scot- flattering to Britain as a concept. of Sergei and Yulia Skripal in Salisbury by two clear evidence of forced labour. But as the
Then the question arises: what are the of Putin’s hitmen, Laschet tweeted: “If you former UK ambassador to Germany Sir Paul
red tape and causing problems in trade tish government failures in other areas. foreign policy priorities of the new force almost all Nato countries to show Lever put it to me last week: “Germany’s
between Great Britain and the EU, there is She has seen off another set of Tory and administration, and which of the two other legs solidarity, shouldn’t you have reliable attitude is that trade is the key to harmonious
a living example of the folly of separation? Labour Scottish leaders, and the SNP is on of the stool will be the sturdier in supporting its evidence?” Fortunately, Trump and indeed relations and should not be threatened, no
In truth such arguments should not be course to win in May’s Scottish parliament objectives? If Blinken’s performance during his Merkel did not share Laschet’s view that matter how vilely China behaves towards its
needed. The Union has worked for Scot- elections. confirmation hearing by the Senate foreign Moscow rather than London should be given own people. It is a genuine principle, but of
relations committee last week is any guide, it is the benefit of any doubt. course it is also self-serving.”
land in this crisis. Scotland went into it The Scottish leader is lucky to have
with Berlin, not London, that Washington is We should understand why politicians in To be fair to Germany, America had under
with a notional budget deficit more than Boris Johnson as prime minister. Scots going to have a fractious relationship. Berlin have an instinctive desire to appease Trump (and without consulting the EU) signed
three times that of the whole of the UK struggle to fathom the popularity of Mr Blinken told the senators that “President Russia — especially this year, the 80th a similar investment deal with Beijing — albeit
proportionally, a reflection of the tax- Johnson south of the border. A clear Trump was right in taking a tougher approach anniversary of Germany’s invasion of the before President Xi Jinping trashed the “one
payer subsidy it enjoys, and that deficit majority of Scottish voters opposed Brexit to China”, and concurred with the outgoing Soviet Union. It is insufficiently known, not country, two systems” commitment to Hong
will have ballooned as a result of the coro- and he is the embodiment of it. Scots also secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, that least in this country, that the civilian toll in the Kong’s citizens. I was struck by the comment of
Beijing’s treatment of its Muslim citizens in parts of the USSR occupied by German troops Bruno Maçães, Portugal’s former Europe
navirus crisis. The Westminster govern- see a prime minister who described devo- Xinjiang amounted to “genocide”. He praised was almost 14 million, of which more than two minister (who is far from anti-American, as I
ment’s ability to borrow and the Bank of lution as a “disaster”. Words matter, and Vladimir Putin’s most implacable internal million were the deaths of forced labourers, know from my conversations with him). He
England’s expansion of quantitative eas- so does character. Mr Johnson’s bumbling enemy, Alexei Navalny, as “a voice for and more than four million more were starved wrote, in response to US complaints that it
ing have enabled Scotland to receive its Englishness does not work for them. millions of Russians” and told Senator Mitt to extinction as a matter of Reich policy. It is should have been consulted over the China-EU
full share of Covid-19 support, including A battle looms. Michael Gove, the Cabi- Romney (who serves on the committee) he quite natural if a sense of guilt requiring deal: “Our ability to chart our own economic
had been “prescient” when in the 2012 expiation still pervades Berlin’s dealings with policy and choices does not have a ceiling.
the furlough scheme and other measures. net Office minister, is on the case but,
presidential election debates he had identified Moscow. There are no issues too important to be left to
There is a powerful echo here of the despite being born and raised in Scotland, Moscow as America’s “No 1 geopolitical foe” But as Berlin’s relationship with Beijing Europeans, no issues where an American
global financial crisis, just over a decade is unlikely to fare better than his boss. — especially telling, as Barack Obama (for power of suzerainty should be activated.”
ago, when Scottish banks almost brought Young Scots, in particular, think an oppor- whom Blinken worked) had mocked Romney These words reminded me that one of the
down the entire UK banking system but tunity was stolen from them in the 2014 for this. ideas behind the creation of the euro, right
were rescued by the government in a way referendum by older voters, and, with the This is all a bit tricky for Berlin — as Angela from its inception, was to challenge and ideally
Merkel, the outgoing German chancellor, well supplant the dollar as the world’s reserve
that would not have been possible for an passage of time, fewer of these older vot- understands. Seeking to disabuse those who currency. If the EU succeeded in that, it would
independent Scotland. ers remain. Our poll shows that 71 per cent nostalgically recalled the excellent be a more devastating blow to Washington’s
Scotland has also had the best of both of those aged under 34 favour independ- relationship she had with Obama and thought power than anything dreamt up in Moscow or
worlds during the pandemic, as far as that ence, although No 10 will take comfort Germany and the EU as a whole could restore Germany’s big Beijing. No, Boris Johnson’s Brexity
is possible in a serious health emergency. from the fact that 43 per cent of Scots do the status quo ante Donald Trump, Merkel told government in London is not going to be
Nicola Sturgeon, the first minister, has not want another referendum at all. reporters a day after Biden’s inauguration: manufacturers see Biden’s bête noire in the western alliance. It is
“Don’t think that from tomorrow there will Berlin and Brussels whose decisions are likely
been able to take lockdown and other
decisions independent of the UK govern-
Nevertheless, the fight to preserve the
Union is the coming battle, and it will be a
only be harmony between us” — and went on to profits from China as to infuriate Joe B. And he does have one thing
recall how she had clashed with Biden when, as in common with Donald Trump: a short fuse.
ment, and this has enabled her to look tough one to win for those who, like us, vice-president, he had advocated the sale of vital to their prospects
decisive and coherent. At the same time, believe separation would be bad both for
Scotland is benefiting, and will continue Scotland and for the rest of the UK. Should
to do so, from Westminster’s far-sighted it come to another referendum, there will
approach in funding vaccine research and be a close parallel with the 2016 EU vote. It
ensuring adequate supplies. is easier to argue for change than to cam-
Other parts of the UK could have the
best of both worlds too. Arlene Foster,
the first minister of Northern Ireland,
could never admit it as a Brexiteer, but,
paign for the status quo.
The risk for Mr Johnson is that he could
yet be the prime minister who delivered
Brexit and, partly as a result, presided
India Knight
assuming the current difficulties can be over the break-up of the UK.
A child, killed by children
Navalny’s brave battle — we cannot accept this
should be ours too
In Russia yesterday, we saw what auto- to prominence as an anti-corruption blog-
cratic regimes do when faced with legiti- ger, he is no keyboard warrior. How do you feel — honestly — about the brutal death of Keon Lincoln, 15?

mate challenges. Supporters of Alexei Things are not going Mr Putin’s way. He
Navalny, the opposition politician impris- will have regretted the passing of Donald here’s been a news story flickering at ever happen to families like mine or those of be dismissed. What can you usefully do?
oned in a tough Moscow jail, came out to Trump from the White House. For one the edges of my consciousness for the my friends. You can mind, really mind, and force
demonstrate. Hundreds of them were reason or another, the former American past three days. Every time I heard But the distance this presumptuous little list yourself to look, and you can become angry.
arrested during the nationwide protests. president chose not to attack or criticise about it I was horrified, and every — and I don’t think I’m the only person who You can listen to the pain of people who live in
time I quickly pushed it away and makes such lists — seeks to establish is communities where children get killed, and
So nervous were the authorities that some the Russian leader. In contrast, Joe Biden,
tried to think of something else. The ultimately as catastrophic as it is callous, not express surprise — or, worse, distaste —
close aides were imprisoned in the after meeting Mr Putin in 2011, famously story concerns a 15-year-old boy killed because it is in effect an attempt at exempting when that pain turns to rage. You can try to
run-up. Mr Navalny is popular and he and recalled that he looked into his eyes and by a mob close to his home in myself. It seeks to establish that this sort of understand and make an effort not to blank
his supporters are asking the right ques- “saw no soul”. It took six weeks after Birmingham last Thursday. He was reportedly crime belongs in its own little pigeonhole and these stories out. And you can have
tions of Vladimir Putin’s regime. November’s election before Russia con- shot and stabbed. It was half past three in the has absolutely nothing to do with the rest of uncomfortable discussions about children
It is hard to overstate the bravery of Mr gratulated Mr Biden on his victory. afternoon. Two 14-year-olds are in custody. society — that it is, put crudely, someone else’s and violence, which is real and which exists
The boy’s name was Keon Lincoln. He had problem, for someone else to solve, like some and which is transparently clearly linked to
Navalny. Most people, on surviving a If this presages a tougher stance from
four siblings. His mother works as a cleaner at a remote and terrible war going on elsewhere. social need.
novichok nerve agent poisoning by opera- Washington towards Moscow, that is a school and is “inconsolable”. That thinking ends up with the assumption While I’m at it: I’m so tired of naysayers
tives of the Russian state, as he did last good thing. Russia has never been ade- The story, and many others like it involving that the killing of a child such as Keon Lincoln saying that Black Lives Matter is an American
year, would have thought long and hard quately punished for the outrage of the communities where violence seems quotidian happens only in a world so far removed that import and wholly unrepresentative of British
before returning to Russia. He went back Salisbury novichok poisonings and for its and almost ordinary, causes my brain to make being temporarily appalled is enough, that society, and therefore neither here nor there,
when he recovered, a few days ago, know- support for repressive regimes across the a tiny, self-comforting adjustment and file the people like me don’t need to lift a finger or silly, dismissible, for show. The only reason it’s
horrible story into a specific folder. think too hard about why these things happen an American import is that there is no
ing that he would be arrested immedi- globe. All power to Mr Navalny’s elbow, I think it’s terrifying and tragic, and I feel and what we might collectively try to do about homegrown equivalent. You take what you
ately. Though the opposition leader came and his courageous followers. more sorry than I can say that such a thing them. It’s too complicated, too embedded, too can. If you finally, finally glimpse the cavalry
should happen to anyone, let alone to a child, far away. coming over the hill, you don’t stop to ask
let alone at the hands of other children. But But being appalled isn’t enough: being yourself if it speaks in your accent.
there is a part of me that is immediately appalled solves nothing. And the story sticks, By the way, where are all the people who
desperate to establish distance — a part that going round in my head even as it starts to fall claim black lives matter? The people who

Art transplant kicks in and quietly starts listing, almost on

autopilot, all the ways in which my family is
different from Keon Lincoln’s, reciting them
off the news bulletins. A 15-year-old, in broad
daylight, set upon by a mob, and dying of his
injuries, in the middle of a January afternoon,
changed their Instagram posts to a black
square for one day last June to show their
support for the movement in the aftermath of
like a mantra or a protective charm. in Birmingham. It can’t be forgotten and it can’t the murder of George Floyd in America, or
I don’t live in an area where such things deprived their followers of their entire social
The art world has suffered hugely in the deeply the need to make art sits within us. might happen. I am middle class. My children media presence for one whole day — do they
pandemic. Museums closed. Exhibitions The second is the empty extravagance of never had to contend with gangs. I don’t know have anything to say? Is the killing of Keon
anyone who carries a weapon. I am not black, Lincoln, a child, less horrific than the killing of
cancelled. Jobs lost. The joy of looking at the international art world.
and the 50% of me that isn’t white is as George Floyd? Is there a hierarchy when it
art has been snatched away from us. As our art critic writes in Culture today, fortunate as the half that is. comes to black people being killed? Or are we
But perhaps there is a silver lining. Two “Nothing of true cultural value ever hap- I can add to this self-reassuring list, so used to it happening that we make a noise
things have become clearer. The first is pens at a biennale.” The lack of activity
that expressing ourselves creatively this year has highlighted the gulf between
depending on the news story: I don’t know
anyone involved in “county lines” drug gangs, Where are all the only when other people pipe up first?
Detective Chief Inspector Alastair Orencas,
brings healing and pleasure. From
Grayson Perry’s Art Club on the television
everyday human creativity and the aes-
thetic acrobatics of the official art world.
even though in the part of rural Suffolk in
which I live it’s a deepening problem; my people who say black who is leading the inquiry into Keon’s death,
said the boy had died “in the most violent of
to the artistic tribute sites on Instagram The two are chalk and cheese. If the gap
family situation is not chaotic; I don’t abuse
drugs or alcohol; and so on and so forth, until I lives matter? Have circumstances”.
Keon’s family said he was “full of life and
that feed us with a daily dose of the old between them can be narrowed, some-
masters, the pandemic has revealed how thing valuable has come of the pandemic.
have convinced myself that nothing as
horrendous as the violent loss of a child could they nothing to say? love”. He was 15. We should all be angrier.
The Sunday Times January 24, 2021 21


Australia v
Google —
believe me,
this battle
affects us all

ry to imagine even a single day
without Google. You would be
lost, metaphorically and
literally. Bouncing from
irrelevant website to website.
Hopelessly wandering the
streets without a little blue dot
to guide you. No Google-owned
YouTube to distract the children. The
company is so important to us, it has
become a verb. When Google servers
briefly went down in December, millions
flapped around like lost ducklings.
This desperate fate could soon
descend on 25 million Australians. In
response to the dwindling revenues of
traditional media, the government there
plans to force Google, Facebook and co
to pay news companies if their content is
shared on their platforms. These tech
giants bank digital ad revenue each time
a user clicks a story, and the government
wants a small percentage to go to
whoever wrote it. If the two sides can’t
agree how much, an independent
arbitrator will decide for them.
“This is a huge reform, and the world
is watching what happens,” said
Australia’s treasurer, Josh Frydenberg,
recently. Google is watching too. Last
week it said the idea was “unworkable”
and would change the way the internet
operated. The company has threatened
to cut services in the country.
On the face of it, the dispute is about
how we protect diverse media in the era
of free content. But ultimately it’s about
who really runs the joint: governments
or tech firms. Just as an earthquake is
caused by shifts in the tectonic plates

Matthew Syed
deep below, this row is the latest flare-up
of a long-running subterranean war
between digital tech firms and analogue
democracies. The Cambridge Analytica
fiasco was a failure of outdated election

Piers Morgan’s idiotic rants reduce

law to keep up with novel forms of
targeting voters. Even modern rage
culture is, to some extent, the
consequence of a social media revenue
model that rewards emotional clicks

subtle arguments to soundbites over considered discussion.

So far it’s been a rout, mainly because
the tech giants offer something so
convenient and beneficial. Unlike the
products of their monopolistic
predecessors, theirs are often free to
use; and the bigger they are, the better

The row over a retired judge calling some lives ‘less valuable’ shows how debate is being demeaned

eborah James is a fabulous what happened next. An hour or so symbolises a wider catastrophe takes artificially emphatic stances,
person. Diagnosed with
stage 4 bowel cancer in 2016,
later, a clip of his intervention, stripped
of all context, was posted on Twitter.
unfolding in our public life. In a wise
essay in 1953, the philosopher Isaiah
conveys false certainty, caricatures
positions, strips away ambiguity, seeks Ultimately it’s
she has become an
inspirational campaigner,
Instant headlines followed. As the
“scandal” went viral, the story
Berlin contrasted two types of thinker:
the hedgehog and the fox. The hedgehog
scapegoats for complex problems and
cajoles guests into simplistic answers about who
writing a bestselling book and
columns. We have become
metastasised from one about how to
make complex moral judgments to one
has one big idea. It reduces everything to
this one idea. Everything else is filtered
that mislead the public — and then seeks
to humiliate them when they think really runs
close friends (our daughters
used to attend the same school), have a
about an evil judge seeking to euthanise
people. About 99% of the coverage, in
out. The fox, conversely, has lots of
ideas. It likes to see the broader context,
better of returning to the studio.
He becomes a temporary hero to the the joint:
mutual interest in psychology and share
a podcast producer.
other words, focused on about 1% of
what he actually said.
how concepts fit together, and is anxious
to bring more information to light.
deluded souls for whom he becomes a
cheerleader — at present, it is those who governments
Deborah was thrust into the spotlight
last week after a BBC debate with the
Then it got worse. The following
morning, Sumption was invited onto
Berlin’s point — although he made it
subtly — is that it is psychologically
support restrictions over Covid — but
they don’t see how he is systematically or tech firms?
retired judge Lord Sumption. Sumption Good Morning Britain to discuss a poll on easier to be a hedgehog, but to demeaning public debate upon which
set out his now familiar disagreements the pandemic. In the event, he was understand a complex world, it pays to we all ultimately rely, or how he will the hit for us addicts. The more users
with government policy over lockdown. hijacked by Piers Morgan, who be a fox. Neither meaning nor truth is soon be off to adopt another position, Google has, the more data it collects, the
He also made the point that in a world of constantly pressed him about his contained in bare facts, assertions, data riding soap boxes like waves. He doesn’t better the search results, which means
scarce resources, it is sometimes appearance on the BBC. ITV even played points, viral clips and simplistic seem to care about what soap box he is the more users it attracts, which means
necessary to ascribe relative value to the clip of his intervention, again headlines: rather, truth is contained on, provided it is topical and divisive. ... Every now and again I make a
human life. In essence, he argued that if stripped of context. Four times, within a context — how one thing relates But let’s not reduce this to Morgan, quixotic effort to ditch Google for
you face the awful decision of saving the Sumption attempted to explain that the to many other things, and how parts fits for platoons of people have been sucked another search engine — DuckDuckGo,
life of a 90-year-old or that of a nine- intervention was, indeed, clumsy, but into more complex wholes. into the vortex of this cesspool — for example, which doesn’t scoop up
year-old, you should save the latter. should be seen as part of a broader The tragedy is that the world is being individuals whose rationality has been your every thought. One failed search
A few minutes later, Sumption made contribution in which he acknowledged dragged — almost without our noticing — corrupted by the deep infrastructure of later, I’m back on the good stuff.
an intervention while Deborah was that all life has intrinsic value. Four towards ever more extreme this perilous age. It perhaps goes As a result, 85 to 95 per cent of online
making an eloquent contribution of her times, he was interrupted by Morgan, hedgehoggery. Twitter users argue on without saying that Twitter is a huge searches in most developed countries
own, and stated that her life was “less the exchange ending when Sumption the basis of 280-character caricatures of culprit, a digital cancer whose are on Google. In other words, the
valuable” than others. It was a clumsy, threatened to curtail the interview. one another’s positions. Television catastrophic influence on our process of finding and accessing
indeed crass, contribution from the Why did Morgan act this way? interviewers seek not to elicit consciousness has yet to be fully information — the building block of any
former judge, but it would have taken an Because he also had an eye on how a clip information, but to provoke viral grasped. Its algorithms are like acid, civilisation — is controlled by one private
inattentive viewer to have failed to from his own show might play on controversies. Readers respond to the silently eating away at the fabric of how company in another country, using
understand what he meant. For those Twitter. Sure enough, a little later, a headlines of articles rather than the we converse, engage and grow in techniques few understand.
two words made sense only in the light segment of their exchange was pumped words beneath them. Empathy has been collective wisdom. Its influence has Our dependency on a handful of
of the broader discussion and his onto the internet. By this stage, we were sacrificed in the rush to misconstrue and seeped into every medium; by proxy, Silicon Valley firms to handle our
fundamental point that, while all human left not with a parody of Sumption’s Nuance misrepresent. Nuance has been into every life. information is troubling. Sometimes
life is precious, we nevertheless position, but a parody of a parody. It was destroyed in a bonfire of contrived Yet I refuse to lose my optimism, the their power is obvious, as when Twitter
sometimes face dilemmas in which not as if a two-word intervention had come has been outrage. belief that with courage we can deleted Donald Trump’s account. But
all lives can be saved. to stand for the world-view of a human Morgan is, perhaps, the archetype of transcend this malaise. Two and a half there are subtler, more insidious risks
But I do not wish to get into a being. In years to come, I suspect that destroyed in the world into which we have arrived, a millennia ago, Socrates argued that too. According to a research paper based
discussion of Sumption’s views here (as few will remember anything of the parasite on the contours of democracy. rationality and shared understanding on the win margins in national elections
it happens, I largely agree that it is incident beyond a vague sense that a bonfire of He is a cunning operator who spotted would ultimately defeat their opposites. around the world, Google could
sometimes necessary to weigh human Sumption is sinister, perhaps wicked. the opportunities of Twitter early, It may take a sea change in attitudes to determine the outcome of “upwards of
life, but I disagree that it is in the public I have gone into this episode in detail contrived learning to surf the waves that to ensure that his words remain prophetic. 25 per cent” of them based on how it
interest to lift restrictions on social not because I hold any brief for outsiders seem arbitrary, but to him But we can do it. In fact, we must. displayed search results. There is no
distancing). Instead, I want to focus on Sumption, but because of how it outrage have become like second nature. He @MatthewSyed evidence it has done such a thing. But
what if it did so accidentally — a mutant
algorithm, say? How would we know?
We should hope the Australian
government wins this round. Our tech
reliance has been exacerbated by Covid-

NEWMAN’S 19. In the near future, our clothes,

homes, cars and fridges will be “smart

WEEK devices” collecting ever more data,

which will be crunched by computers
thousands of times more powerful than
today’s. On the current trajectory, a
small number of companies, doubtless
including Google, will control it all, at
which point governments won’t have the
means or stomach to stop them. Every
government will eventually face
Australia’s fight: convenience versus a
functioning democracy. Unfortunately,
recent history suggests that whenever
the two meet, convenience usually wins.

Jamie Bartlett is the author of The People

“I fear Trump will come back “It comes in mud brown, “You’re making a horrible mess — vs Tech: How the Internet Is Killing
in a second wave” sludge grey and rust” “I’ve a new strain. I blame Joe Wicks” I think you need a nap” Democracy
22 The Sunday Times January 24, 2021


Robert Colvile
While the left plays a smart game to widen the
welfare state, the Tories keep leaving the field

s Sir Patrick Vallance reminded cost of the measure — £6.6 billion a year, analogy, the prime minister is the Anglo- appearance before MPs, when he said he that a U-turn was coming, or that it was
us last week, when talking the equivalent of a penny on the basic Saxon chieftain, promising his weary would “rather see a focus on jobs and a not technically a cut. But the social
about the dangers of leaving rate of income tax and 5p on fuel duty. warriors that this will be the year they growth in wages than focusing on media pile-on will already have started.
lockdown too early, a good And again that resistance has been turn back the Vikings. But every time the welfare”, there has been no public The government will doubtless come
definition of insanity is “doing
the same thing over and over
crumbling. The main question at this
point is whether the inevitable extension
longboats land, the Danegeld is paid.
And MPs (and cabinet members) The £20 increase attempt to argue for this basic Tory
principle. Ministers say they are waiting
up with a compromise solution by
budget day — our CPS briefing note
again and expecting a different
outcome”. But on welfare
will be temporary or permanent.
The government states, rightly, that
become ever less willing to stick their
necks out, because they will look like in universal credit for the coronavirus clouds to clear
before talking about recovery — but the
offers some useful suggestions. But this
row is important for what it says about
policy, the government doesn’t seem to
have got the message.
the one-year limit was introduced on the
assumption that the pandemic would be
fools after the inevitable U-turn.
The result is bad presentation, bad will cost £6bn a result is that they have abandoned the
rhetorical field.
the future as well as the present.
The left is skilfully using the pandemic
Last summer the footballer Marcus
Rashford led a campaign to get ministers
over by now. Even free-market MPs
accept that the Tories cannot
politics and bad policy. The government
insists it has been careful never to rule year — that would Politically, this has allowed the left to
pretend there is a simple choice between
to campaign for a permanent reshaping
of the state, and has become expert at
to provide free school meals over the
holidays. The government huffed and
simultaneously push an economic
message of “get back on your own two
out an extension of the £20 rise. But the
impression of reluctance has certainly go a long way to keeping the £20 uplift and condemning
millions to misery. Letting a time-limited
assembling coalitions of the outraged to
that end. The government either seems
puffed — and eventually gave in.
Smarting at having to stump up
feet” and a public health command to
stay home and keep premises closed: it
been created, so that any shift looks like
a climbdown. There have also been clear fixing social care benefit expire is presented as “slashing
help for the poorest in the teeth of the
not to see these problems coming, or
cannot decide between fight and flight —
£120m, No 10 insisted it would resist any seems logical that as long as the divisions between No 10, the Treasury pandemic” (usually accompanied by a and so tries the first before falling back
future demands. But in November lockdowns last, support for the poorest and the Department for Work and countervailing “while handing billions to on the second. In the process, it cedes
Rashford came back for more. Again, the should stay. Polls show that only 21 per Pensions. their mates in coronavirus contracts”). not just the argument but the moral high
government huffed and puffed — but cent of Tory voters believe the increase In policy terms, it was obvious from claimants who needed it least — rather Tory MPs are particularly infuriated ground. And it contributes to the ratchet
ended up forking out £400m. should end in April as planned, although day one that the left would push to make than providing more help for those with by Labour’s use of opposition day effect by which it is always easier to say
Now Rashford is going for his hat- they prefer any extension to be the extension permanent. Yet the only children or those most affected by the debates to hound them. Last Monday the yes than no to extra spending. The
trick. At the start of the crisis, the temporary. counter-argument the government made pandemic. The same amount would go a House debated the motion that “the constituency for fiscal discipline on the
chancellor announced a one-year The delay in making a decision, was that it was expensive. There was no long way towards fixing social care, the government should stop the planned cut Tory benches is already at its smallest for
increase in universal credit of £20 a therefore, is partly because the Treasury debate (at least in public) about whether most obviously broken part of the in universal credit and working tax decades.
week. As I — and many, many others — wants to wait for the budget, and partly this was an effective way to spend welfare system. credit in April and give certainty today to With every jab, the end of the
predicted, Rashford has lent his voice, because of the vast uncertainties £6 billion, and what the alternatives Privately, ministers argue that we the six million families for whom it is pandemic’s acute phase comes closer.
and his social media following, to the surrounding the country’s trajectory. might be. should focus resources as the economy worth an extra £1,000 a year”. The The key thing, at that point, will be to
campaign to make the increase Yet the prime minister’s critics see a As my colleagues at the Centre for recovers on incentives to get people Tories were whipped to abstain. But ensure a rapid and robust economic
permanent. familiar pattern. Backbenchers are Policy Studies (CPS) think tank show in a back into work, upgrade their skills and their MPs will still be confronted, for recovery. The more the state swells, and
Again, those in government briefed summoned to defend the colours, only briefing note today, the flat £20 increase create new jobs, rather than raising the years, with accusations that they the more the debt grows, the harder that
that they would resist such demands, for their commander to sound the has plenty of flaws. For example, it did level of benefits. But beyond a glancing scorned the poorest at their time of will be to sustain.
pointing repeatedly to the extraordinary retreat. To use another historical more proportionately for those reference from Johnson in a recent greatest need. They can try to explain @RColvile


The Sunday Times,
1 London Bridge Street,
London SE1 9GF

Email: letters@ Mischa Barton, actress, 35 Rich pickings offshore wind farms Neil Diamond, singer, 80 Writing of the rich taking five- commissioned in 2019 was
Ade Edmondson, actor, 64 star vaccination breaks in £152 per megawatt hour —
Bamber Gascoigne, India, Camilla Long asks: three to four times the

U-turn ahead on
“What’s not to like?” current wholesale price.
Not sold on idea presenter, 86
Jools Holland, pianist, 63 (Comment, last week). The Professor Gordon Hughes
of a property tax Nastassja Kinski, actress, 60 same as what is wrong with School of Economics

vaccine passports
Desmond Morris, author, 93 plastic surgery: consumers Edinburgh University
You report that the chancellor Vic Reeves (Jim Moir), of these procedures are
is considering scrapping comedian, 62 creating a demand in Anthemic pandemic
council tax and stamp duty poorer countries for doctors A woman’s request for I Was
There is absolutely no doubt manage the programme — and replacing them with a whose skills could be better Glad by Sir Hubert Parry to
the government will have to and for keeping Baroness property tax based on the used in helping their own be played as she was
introduce vaccine passports, Harding and other members current value of people’s people. It is called “thinking vaccinated in Salisbury
as Tony Allen-Mills suggests of the Conservative homes (News, last week). globally”. Cathedral was, as you say,
(News, last week). Those chumocracy away from it. Many pensioners, me Ruth Grimsley, Sheffield highly appropriate (News,
countries that have regulated Andrew Setters, Carlisle included, bought their last week). Parry died in an
entry effectively will, as the properties long ago. We have Three times a lady earlier British pandemic —
situation improves, insist on Combination therapy no control over local prices, Rod Liddle asks: “How many the Spanish flu, in 1918.
vaccine certification for Those turning down the offer and in fact many of us would female cardiac surgeons are Philip Matthews, Salisbury
visitors. of a Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine be quite happy for our there?” (Comment, last
The questions are: when to “wait for the English one” The smiles of these Syrian children brought joy to readers properties to be worth less Ade Edmondson is 64 today week). I am very happy to Pay of the dragon
will our government (News, last week) may be than they now are, so that report that my triple bypass Philip Sherwell’s confidence
recognise the necessity for a
certificate? How will it
standing by for quite some
time. The Oxford-AstraZeneca
Smiling refugees week). There they were, in a
sodden landscape, with few
younger people could get a
foot on the ladder. ANNIVERSARIES and valve replacement was
carried out at St George’s
that post-virus China may
behave better because it
explain yet another sudden
change of mind? And how
vaccine was developed by an
international team of
a picture of hope possessions, but were still
able to smile. It was a
I cannot afford to pay a lot
more tax, I do not see why I 1848 Discovery of a nugget
Hospital in Tooting, south
London, by a team led by
“needs new friends” is,
sadly, wishful thinking
will it manage the extra scientists and manufactured Muhammed Abdullah’s welcome reminder that should have to move to a in California sparks the Professor Marjan Jahangiri. I (Comment, last week). The
workload of issuing these by a British-Swedish picture of Syrian refugees was humans overcome far worse different area and I certainly Gold Rush am sure many others have EU’s amoral indifference over
certificates to those who have multinational. Much of the the most amazingly positive situations than we face here. cannot downsize. Why 1972 Japanese soldier reason to be grateful to its recent trade deal, and the
already been vaccinated? UK supply is manufactured photograph I have seen in Shirley Millar should we be punished Shoichi Yokoi is found on women wielding the scalpel. bribery of the Belt and Road
My guess on the third of in Holland and is dispensed years (World News, last Downpatrick, Co Down for something that is not in Guam, unaware the Second Frank Hixson, Canterbury initiative, shows that Xi
these is: it will be contracted into vials in Germany and our control? World War has ended Jinping knows he does not
out at enormous cost to the Wales. Marcia MacLeod 1984 Apple Macintosh goes Cut a long story short have to win friends: he can
public and to the huge profit The idea of an English that they have learnt nothing London NW6 I was surprised to read John simply buy them.
of private firms. vaccine is another example of Liberal elites are and forgotten nothing.
on sale for $2,500
Carey’s claim that the Robert Frazer, Stockport
Alistair Nicoll, Sheffield the grand delusion peddled
by Boris Johnson and some
as bad as Trump Cal Finnigan, Lamarsh, Essex
has become a weapon by
biographer Richard Bradford
“has heroically slogged
Well documented members of his cabinet. Christopher Caldwell’s fine Truth commission Free speech vital which women are silenced, through the 8,000 pages of
Priti accurate
Priti Patel is ultimately in
I had my first vaccination last
weekend. Afterwards I was
Gordon Lethbridge
Sherborne, Dorset
article “Trump was inept —
but his instincts weren’t
Caldwell’s piece missed the
point. The main lesson to be
in gender debate harassed and attacked.
It is even more concerning
[Patricia Highsmith’s] diaries
and notebooks” (Books, last
charge, but it was her civil
servants who lost all this
handed a card showing my wrong” (World News, last drawn from Trump’s We are dismayed by recent that some parts of the media week). Every single quote police data (News, last week).
name, the date of vaccination Show of hands week) stepped outside the presidency is that the truth attacks on free speech within have taken up the cause of from Highsmith’s diaries and So maybe, if she did in fact
and details of the vaccine, While applauding the work of tendentious, follow-my- matters. Do not vote for a universities. Earlier this vilifying any woman who journals in Bradford’s book shout at some of them for
with a blank area to be our wonderful doctors and leader reporting that has so habitual liar — even if you month hundreds of academics speaks out about the attempts appears either in my own incompetence, she was right.
completed after I have had nurses, we should not forget often characterised Donald share his or her political signed an open letter against a to erode women’s hard-won biography of Highsmith, Dennis Marsh, Camberley
the second jab. Surely this the NHS administrative staff. Trump’s tenure. instincts. professor being appointed an rights. Beautiful Shadow, or Joan
would work perfectly well as My wife and I benefited from Obviously, he is a hard man Pete Wilkins, Aberystwyth OBE for her services to A free press is essential for Schenkar’s later work. Letters should arrive by noon
a coronavirus passport. the exemplary organisation of to like, but how many times academia. democracy, yet much of our Andrew Wilson on Thursday and include the
Gill Maden, Bexhill-on-Sea the York vaccination centre. do we need reassuring that Perfectly Frank The letter falsely intimated media seems to have been Kingsbridge, Devon full address and a phone
There is high-quality work Trump is a clown and a How appropriate that My Way that Professor Kathleen Stock, captured by a lobby group number. We may edit letters,
Credit check behind such successes. monster, his supporters by Frank Sinatra was played of Sussex University, is determined to erase the Blue remembered chills which must be exclusive to
I agree with your editorial Ashley Burgess, former racists and fascists? as Trump left Washington for transphobic. It ignored both protected characteristic of sex The winter of 1962-3 was The Sunday Times
(Comment, last week) that chairman, Scarborough and He is a symptom, not a the last time on Air Force the service she has given and under the Equality Act 2010 indeed harsh (Magazine, last
the government deserves North East Yorkshire cause. The problem may lie One. It was recently voted the achievement of any and punish those who dare to week). My vivid memories are
credit for the success of the Healthcare NHS Trust less with the “deplorables” the No 1 song choice for woman in reaching such challenge the gender identity of the milk, delivered daily by CORRECTIONS &
vaccination programme to and more with the elites that funerals. seniority in a male-dominated orthodoxy. the milkman, which froze in
date. Specifically, it deserves Vaccine passport race, loathe him most. John Cutland sector. Julie Bindel, author; Professor the bottle, causing a solid
credit for allowing the NHS to Business & Money Unfortunately, the signs are Wilton, Wiltshire We are concerned that Rosa Freedman, Reading white column to grow from its
anyone who questions University; Michael Biggs and neck, complete with foil lid on
whether sex can be equated Professor Selina Todd, Oxford top; and the large snowman,
Sceptical about National Bureau of Economic
Research estimated that
Great Barrington declaration,
whereby we cocoon those
just someone who used to
have a happy, busy life. I also
with gender identity will be
vilified in this way. The
University; Richard Collins,
University College Dublin; and
built from December’s snow,
which we danced around on
Lawson lockdown unemployment likely to be most at risk of dying from used to have a job. All that closing-down of speech about 30 others. Full list at my birthday — in April. Complaints concerning
caused by the shutdowns in Covid-19 and allow those not stopped in March. the fact that sex is immutable Marcia Yeates inaccuracies in all sections of
I was disappointed with America will result in almost at risk to get on with their My mother used to have a Hurstpierpoint, West Sussex The Sunday Times should be
Dominic Lawson’s column a million additional deaths lives. It is worth recalling that social life. That has gone too, addressed to complaints@
attacking lockdown sceptics over the next 15 years. only 388 under-60s with no and because of the lack of UK GDP; they employ 60% of Gone with the wind or
(Comment, last week). I He dismissed this by underlying health conditions aftercare for her hip A little business the private-sector workforce; Robert Sansom, of the Complaints, The Sunday
wrote him a polite note
asking him to engage with the
claiming that “adopting a . . .
herd immunity strategy” and
died in English hospitals last
year, according to the NHS.
replacement last January, she
is now barely able to walk.
advice for the PM and they led the jobs boom
after the financial crisis of
Institute of Engineering and
Technology, claims that the
Times, 1 London Bridge Street,
London SE1 9GF. In addition,
central plank of the sceptics’ “letting the virus rip” would Toby Young “Save lives” is the slogan. She How many of the 30 top 2008-9. Why does the cost of wind power has fallen the Independent Press
case — that lockdowns will have even more dire says hers is not worth saving. business leaders recruited by government never listen to below that of fossil fuels Standards Organisation (Ipso)
cause more harm than they economic consequences than This is the reality of Boris Johnson for his “council those who will ultimately (Letters, last week). This will examine formal
prevent over the long term. the present approach. Alternative remedy lockdown. I have been against of war” (Business, last week) drive growth and create confuses the reality of today complaints about the
This is not the view of a few But that is a caricature of Lawson dismisses the leading it from the off, and it does not come from small and employment? with extremely optimistic editorial content of UK
conspiracy theorists, but of the sceptics’ position. Far lockdown sceptics. Well, I am even seem to be effective. We medium-sized enterprises It drives us little people in promises about the situation newspapers and magazines.
serious economists and public from letting the virus rip, we not an Oxford professor, a have to find another solution. (SMEs)? It appears the the SME sector nuts. in a decade’s time. My Please go to our website for
health scientists. A recent favour a policy of “focused journalist or a former Suzanne Pattinson answer is: none. Peter Higgins, co-founder research shows that the full details of how to lodge a
working paper from the US protection”, as set out in the Supreme Court judge. I am Cambridge SMEs account for half of Charles Tyrwhitt menswear actual break-even cost for complaint.

This is a poor excuse for a my desk,” said D Stuart M. Philip Smith, before noting, US president’s motorcade perhaps he can put some of Finally, Froosch was Last week we asked: Would you inform the police of a
winter. But 1962-3 — now that “We feared a new ice age and “This is sounding like the alone would scarcely fit. I’m them up. worried by the army of food neighbour breaking lockdown rules?
was the real thing, and our the gulf stream reversing,” Four Yorkshiremen sketch not sure this has been Everyone loved the story of delivery robots trundling
feature on the big freeze set
off a flurry of memories from
said Priscilla Cullen.
They kept on coming, thick
. . .” Well, maybe a little. But
we enjoyed that too.
thought through.” Penelope
Spencer was dismayed:
vaccinations in Salisbury
Cathedral, with a free organ
around Milton Keynes: “We’ve
all seen The Terminator. We YES NO
readers who lived through it.
“Water pipes were frozen,
and fast. “My mother insisted
the skylight be open for fresh
From winter to summer: in
June the G7 will meet at tiny
“We’re booked into a house in
St Ives that week. God help
recital. “Uplifting and
joyous,” said Carole Anne
know how this ends.” Yes,
said Seagoon: “With Arnie
26% 74%
so we melted snow on the air. I woke to find an inch of Carbis Bay, Cornwall. Lovely us.” “Best of luck on the Rice; “Unimprovably right,” delivering your spuds and From a poll of 2,381 Times and Sunday Times readers
cooker,” said Peter Wright. snow at the foot of the bed,” place, bad idea, thought A303, world leaders,” said said Grub Street Geezer. saying, ‘I’ll be back . . . with
“My ink — yes, in those days said Roger Callan. “We wore George Rowell, a local: “The 128 people, adding, “I’m just Brian Burnell was perhaps a the milk.’” You just can’t help This week’s question:
we had fountain pens and our duffle coats and scarves hotel is small and the village heading down in my caravan touch too keen: “I’ve already doing the voice, can you? Should all schools be co-educational?
bottles of ink — froze solid on in class for weeks,” said has very narrow streets. The then.” If the hotel can’t cope, had two jabs. Can I go again?” Stephen Bleach Have your say at
The Sunday Times January 24, 2021 23



We needn’t rely on big chains selling produce from half a world away. This land is a larder of local and seasonal fare, says Joanna Blythman

ow do you fancy Sunday Why have we not been eating more markets to task for turning their backs on apples from far-flung places that have could be more localised and self-reliant.
lunch? We’ll start with UK-produced food in recent years? The UK-produced food. Lamb is a particular been stored for months and shipped Why export the good wild stuff and
dressed crab, spread on answer is intimately connected to the sore point. While UK sheep farmers have here, yet shoppers will struggle to find import the inferior farmed equivalent
toast, with curls of water- ascendancy of the supermarkets. TS Eliot more mature and so more flavourful ani- many varieties from British orchards dur- from the other side of the world? “Loca-
cress on the side. Next up, a remarked in Notes Towards the Definition mals to sell, the big chains prefer, for ing the autumn apple season. vorism”, the practice of eating locally
shoulder of lamb, slowly of Culture in 1948: “One symptom of the logistical and margin reasons, to buy Independent food shops better reflect produced food, is too readily dismissed
roasted so the meat falls decline in culture in Britain is indiffer- “spring” lamb from New Zealand. the potential of British food because they as a niche activity. Successive govern-
from the bone. We won’t ence to the art of preparing food.” Fair Shelves are heaped year-round with are more likely to obtain what they sell ments have fixated on exports and dele-
waste the fondant carrots, comment, perhaps, in that postwar locally, or at least from a shorter food gated responsibility for feeding the popu-
onions, celeriac and herbs period when availability trumped gas- chain. In 2003, Sir Terry Leahy, then the lation to supermarkets, whose opaque,
the joint sat on: we’ll eat them with the tronomy. Supermarkets have taken full chief executive of Tesco, reflected confi- strung-out, globalised food-procurement
gravy made from a glass of wine and the advantage of this indifference ever since. dently on the appeal of supermarkets. methods now look precarious, liable to
sticky, meaty sediment. Perhaps we’ll The first self-service shop — a Co-op in “Queuing at one store then trudging disruption and bad for the environment.

have kale or sprout tops, salted and east London — opened in 1948 and down Watford High Street in the rain to
crisped, with some January king cab- seemed to mark a new era of food choice. another shop . . . is this what people actu- f course, if we decided to follow this
bage, its purple-green leaves blanched Rationing had condemned us to a dull ally want to go back to?” Yet after a year of path, we would hit limits. Citrus
and tossed in butter. Everyone will want diet of labour-intensive raw ingredients; lockdown queues, small, independent fruit, coffee, chocolate, bananas,
roast potatoes; floury varieties are best nobody had heard of kiwi fruit. food businesses are trading briskly: sales rice, olive oil — the list of what can’t

for this purpose — King Edwards or Roost- leapt by 63 per cent in the three months be grown in the UK is substantial;
ers come to mind. Then a crowd-pleasing owadays, the typical large super- to last May, and have stayed strong since. we will always have to import those
traditional trifle: alcohol and raspberry- market stocks 45,000 products, More of us are prepared to spread our items. Yet some surprising things —
soaked sponge topped with thick layers many of them imported. At Christ- food spending among small traders grapes, melons, apricots and nuts —
of eggy custard and whipped cream. mas it was like stepping into global locally and online. “I think the future of might be coaxed into commercial pro-
Such a meal is easily made from summertime: shelves packed with supermarkets is in the balance,” says duction here, albeit in quantities insuffi-
100 per cent UK-produced ingredients, shiny plastic packs of southern hemi- Morgaine Gaye, a food-trend forecaster. cient to meet demand. Happily, the list of
even entirely local ones, depending on sphere berries, Peruvian asparagus and She predicts more of us will soon be buy- foods that we can grow or farm in some
where you live. If you like to flavour your Brazilian figs. The selection is huge — yet ing directly from producers. quantity is much, much longer.
custard with a little vanilla extract or toss more and more people find it lacking. The unusual circumstances of the past An audit of Britain’s agricultural sec-
a few toasted almonds over the cream, This is partly because it fails to reflect year have provided opportunities as well. tors would show we are well off in terms
let’s reduce that figure to 99 per cent. the ebb and flow of our seasons, but also Although small fishing fleets off Devon of meat, dairy, eggs and fish, reasonably
Seen through an international lens, because we would like to show more loy- and Cornwall feed local residents, on the strong in grains and weaker on fruits and
Britain is one of the luckier countries. alty to our farmers and growers, espe- Scottish west coast refrigerated trucks vegetables. But this reality has more to do
Our fertile, well-tended land is capable of cially those who are local to us. Must we have long collected the haul from small with supermarkets’ promiscuous global
producing all manner of wonderful edi- really have crunchy, hard, vapid Moroc- fishing boats — fabulous lobster, crabs, buying habits than any insurmountable
ble things. And yet we suffer from a deep- can strawberries in January? Can’t we prawns, langoustines and scallops — and inability to grow our own. Those lucky
seated lack of confidence in our ability to wait until we harvest riper, more fragrant whisked them south to the tapas bars of enough to have an allotment are redis-
feed ourselves well. The notion that, if we ones here, from April to October? Spain. In the first lockdown, a commu- covering the slumbering potential of UK
were left to our own agricultural and gas- British farmers regularly take super- nity minded enterprise sprang up beside horticulture. Beetroots of several hues,
tronomic devices, our meals would be the pier, selling shellfish caught by fisher- purple-fleshed carrots, quinces, black-
monotonous and meagre was embedded men at Kyle of Lochalsh, Kyleakin, Plock- skinned potatoes, white currants, red
in the public psyche long before Brexit ton, Broadford, Elgol and Dunvegan. gooseberries, rainbow chard, ridged
and Covid-19 entered the lexicon. Across these isles, our food supply courgettes as slim as your pinky, plump
Despite all the “back British farming” cherries, opulent plums, mulberries — all
rhetoric, many believe the UK’s food is this action on allotments, and among
fated to be the poor relation of richer small-scale growers who supply vegeta-
European nations. Market stalls on the ARGYLL ble boxes to consumers, is reintroducing
Continent groan under the weight of sun- genetic biodiversity to our fruit and vege-
soaked produce, while what we farm in table repertoire, just as surely as super-
Blighty is an enigma to many. markets have stripped it out.
This lack of knowledge about the food Plant food is fashionably to the fore of
we can produce has escalated, so fretting our minds; we are urged to eat fewer ani-
about the weekly shop is understanda- mal products. Yet while any sane person
ble. Last year was topped and tailed by would applaud an ecologically sensitive
food anxieties. The first lockdown saw expansion of our fruit and vegetable and
supermarket shelves emptied of basics arable sectors, an increased reliance on
such as flour. For the first time since the solely plant food would make us more
Second World War, we found ourselves dependent on imports. Tell people to cut
worrying about finding enough to eat. back on meat, fish, dairy and eggs, and
An unnerving litany of doom now tells you are counselling them to turn their
us Brexit is making our food insecurity backs on the UK’s strongest agricultural
even worse. Next thing you know, there categories. This seems perverse.
won’t be any clementines, eggs or rice, To improve Britain’s food security and
and those oh-so-essential avocados will make our food system less vulnerable to
become unaffordable. Yet now Brexit has global stresses — extreme weather, pan-
happened, might it also be an opportu- demics, wars — we need to increase home
nity to rethink that downbeat script? production, reducing our reliance on
What would it take to shift our food econ- faceless suppliers in faraway places who
omy away from one that covets the food feel no particular loyalty to us. Rewilding
of faraway places to one that relishes and the sweeping reforestation of pro-
what can be farmed on our doorstep? ductive agricultural land could also be at
There are signs this important discus- odds with developing a more self-reliant
sion is beginning. In an effort to increase food economy. A constructive compro-
the proportion of British food on shelves, mise would be the widespread adoption
David Potts, the chief executive of the of agroforestry systems, which integrate
Morrisons supermarket chain, made an animal and crop production in an ecolog-
appeal to food entrepreneurs this month. ically beneficial way.
“If there is a British entrepreneur trying This is the month of “Veganuary”, the
to set up a business in recessionary times,
they should call me. If it’s legal, decent,
Nowadays annual drive to encourage more to try
veganism, but a less extreme, perhaps
honest and there’s consumer demand,
the answer will be yes,” he said.
the average more palatable option for many is
“Regenuary”: eating foods — animal or
Britain’s food self-sufficiency — the
percentage supplied by domestic pro-
supermarket plant — for one month that are not
imported and are farmed using regenera-
duction — has varied wildly. It was as
much as 100 per cent pre-1750, down to
stocks tive methods. Expect heated debate, but
view it as healthy. As the French chef Mar-
30-40 per cent in the 1930s, then 60-70
per cent in the 1980s. Based on the farm-
45,000 cel Boulestin advises in his book Simple
French Cooking for English Homes: “Don’t
gate value of unprocessed foods, in 2019
we produced 55 per cent of what we ate.
products be afraid to talk about food. Food which is
worth eating is worth discussing.”

hen I watched the nuclear option with regard to the inauguration felt to me Emmanuel Macron, whose Clinton, who came a cropper mother is largely absent from
inauguration of its most important collective like a moment of celebration unconventional marriage to despite his wedding vows. our lives, so it looks almost
President Joe Biden unit: the family. and validation. his former teacher, Brigitte, What further sets the exotically civilised — ex-
and Vice-President Harris married Doug It wasn’t long ago that had been pored over in the Harris-Emhoff family apart is marital harmony is not how

Kamala Harris, my Emhoff in her forties. She has political families came in only press, was elected president the manner in which they most of us roll. Yet our
interest was piqued before not given birth, but says her one form: the nuclear one. It in 2017. But to see this shift seem to manage their politicians do not live in a
they walked to the fore to role of “Momala”, as her was the structure typified by happening in more socially arrangement in harmony vacuum, and as the electorate
swear their oaths. I was stepchildren call her, means Margaret Thatcher standing conservative America feels and with acceptance. While has grown up, putting real

family is the
watching not just two victors the most to her. If I were not on the steps of No 10 with more significant still. Doug Emhoff becomes the love first whatever the old
take their place in history, but an author and were in the husband Denis and children Perhaps we have finally first male White House social norms, it is gratifying to
those who came beside and slightest way suited to Mark and Carol. Any learnt that a conventional spouse, Kamala’s relationship see that reflected back by
behind them: the families. it helping to run the world’s deviation from this model family structure is no with his ex-wife, Kerstin those we vote into power.

modern blend
was a moment of personal joy primary superpower, that was as good as begging for guarantee of good behaviour. Emhoff, shows a maturity More than 1,000 new
to see the Harris-Emhoff could easily be me. I am a a beating at the ballot box. There has been no shortage and an approach to life that is stepfamilies are formed every
family in all their blended black full-time stepmother, This had started to crumble of evidence, from France’s hard not to admire. They are day in America, and less than
glory walking smartly in the married to an Englishman, before last year’s American François Mitterrand, who said to be friends and are half of those under 18 live
wake of the vice-president. with two white stepchildren — election. In France, had a 32-year affair, to Bill tangibly supportive: there with two heterosexual
We know that Harris is the can’t be many exes who parents in a first marriage. In
The new US vice-president’s first female vice-president,

Kamala Harris would show up for the the UK about 9 per cent of
home set-up has barely raised an and the first of black and at the finest hour of their former children live in a stepfamily.
south Asian descent. She also inauguration, partner’s wife, but Kerstin Moreover, our globalised
eyebrow. Politicians used to happens to be the most left, with was there at the inauguration, society has shifted away from
embrace conformity; now they powerful stepmother in the
world. She was accompanied
husband Doug
Emhoff, far left,
tweeting “Wow” and later
sharing on Instagram: “This
the racially homogenous
marriage; now about one in
reflect reality, says Rachel Edwards by her husband, Doug, and and her is real. So excited behind the six American couples are in
the children from his first stepchildren mask!” an interracial marriage.
marriage, Ella, 21, and Cole, Cole and Ella. Such a show of unity Living in the relationships we
26. On that day of moving and Right, the would be remarkable in truly want, rather than those
important firsts, this too Thatcher any blended family. As a not- that are socio-politically
marked a seismic shift. It was family in 1976 the-first wife and stepmother, expedient, is part of the way
the moment the world finally I applaud this level of co- we live now and most of us
stepped away from the operation. My stepchildren’s are happier for it.
24 The Sunday Times January 24, 2021


he view from the terrace of migrant workers whose poor treatment
Roka restaurant in downtown has been well documented, he created
Dubai is as optimistic as you’ll the Burj Khalifa; the world’s biggest shop-
find anywhere these dark ping arcade; an island in the shape of a
days. It’s not just that you look palm tree; and the region’s answer to
out over the Burj Khalifa, the Canary Wharf, the Dubai International
world’s tallest skyscraper. It’s Financial Centre (DIFC). He plumbed the
the people, mostly Britons, state with superfast communications
among them the former stars infrastructure and added seven-star
of reality TV shows, on hotels, beach resorts and a snow park so
extended holidays. They look happy, people could ski despite the 50C heat.
flexing tanned muscles, sipping dirty Westerners and rival local leaders
Martinis and posting pictures of them- sniggered, dismissing him as too big for
selves on social media. his dishdasha. But he dug in. To lure the
Yet when they get back to their beach- skilled expatriate workers he needed to
side villas and hotel suites, the mood of make his economic experiment work, he
many diners changes. Hostile messages offered a tax-free lifestyle, officially
ping in from Instagram and Twitter relaxed laws on alcohol consumption
followers locked down at home in Brit- and unofficially turned a blind eye to
ain, accusing them of failing to observe other social issues that rival emirates
government warnings on non-essential clamp down on. Unmarried couples, and
travel. The 260,000 Britons, including gay couples, live together in Dubai. Radhika Bose teaching stress-busting yoga from Delhi
leading influencers and footballers, who His liberal attitude does not seem to

While we baked
have flown to the desert city state since extend to his own family, however. In an
travel restrictions were lifted last year, interview with The Sunday Times in
have recklessly spread the virus to Dubai 2019, the sheikh’s first wife revealed how

banana bread,
and brought it back to Britain, critics say. he kicked her out of Dubai in the 1970s

How Dubai
Social media accounts have been set and has not allowed her to see her daugh-
up to name and shame the worst offend- ter since. The sheikh is also alleged to

the Australians
ers; the suspicion that some went on have kidnapped and imprisoned two of
sponsored freebies only adds to the rage. his other daughters.
Earlier this month the United Arab Emir- These scandals do not appear to have

turned to babkas
ates (UAE), of which Dubai is a part, was dented his business plan. Indeed, his

became the
removed from the UK’s list of travel corri- contrarian strategy reached new heights
dors. Returning travellers must now self- last year when, to gee up economic
isolate for 10 days when they get home. growth after a lockdown-induced eco-
Critics of “Covid Casablanca” question nomic contraction, he established diplo- From making fizzing kimchi to pineapple
why the city state is encouraging tourism matic and economic relations with Israel,
beer, every country has coped with lockdown

Covid haven
while the rest of the world shuts up shop. something unthinkable even as recently
But the most shocking thing about the as April. in its own eccentric way, writes Jenny Coad
outrage over Dubai’s business-as-usual “Dubai’s competitive advantage is

approach is that anyone is shocked at all. being a place where ‘the normal rules’ of
Dubai has spent years going against the the Middle East do not apply,” says Matt- ne of the strangely achieved feats worthy of Bake
grain in its breakneck promotion of the hew Page, who studies Gulf economies comforting features of Off. “We moved on to babkas

for hedonists
trade, transport, tourism, property and for the Carnegie Endowment for Interna- the pandemic has been and Basque cheesecakes,”
retail sectors that make up its economy. tional Peace. “It’s a pirate entrepôt — its universality. Just as says Cara Waters, a
They are the reason for its success — and where all are welcome as long as they the crisis has gone newspaper editor.
it is not going to stop now. help to create wealth.” global, so has enduring the The only problem was a
It might look like any other sun-kissed And it’s working. Emirates is the tedium of its associated shortage of wooden spoons;
coastal business and leisure hub but world’s largest international airline by lockdowns. Asking friends they’d been requisitioned for
Dubai is also something simpler: a giant miles flown. Dubai’s airport has long from Singapore to Los “Spoonvilles” — villages of
family business, headed by Mohammed Social media stars have been shamed for overtaken Heathrow to become the Angeles and Spain how they decorated spoons stuck in the
bin Rashid Al Maktoum. He is the kind of world’s busiest international hub, with survived the enforced time at ground all over the city to
chief executive ruler Donald Trump living it up in the Gulf state, but that’s just the almost 90 million passengers in 2019. The home, the answer came back keep children entertained.
could only dream of being, presiding DIFC has become the financial centre of the same: sourdough. Even in South Africans, prohibited
over a land of liberal financial laws and coverage its ruler wants, says John Arlidge the Middle East and Dubai Mall is the France, where boulangeries from buying alcohol, have
limited democracy, and his business plan most visited place on earth. are as common as betting taken to home-brewing, with
is straightforward: when others zig, zag. The sheikh now spies another oppor- shops, sales of flour and pineapple beer a national
Thirty years ago Gulf leaders were tunity to prosper by going against the breadmakers are on the rise. favourite. At one point
socially and economically conservative. grain: he wants to create the world’s “safe In other respects, however, pineapple sales increased 10-
Most emirates had tiny populations and space”. Thanks to the UAE’s young popu- we are deviating in intriguing fold and prices more than
no significant businesses outside oil and lation, outdoor lifestyle and strict rules ways. A journey down doubled. It’s a bit like cider,
gas. Strict laws on everything from on social distancing and mask-wearing, Google’s most searched-for I’m told.
alcohol to homosexuality discouraged Covid infection rates have been low. The terms reveals that the French A new “mobile dipping
westerners from investing or settling. country has recorded fewer than 800 spent last year seeking zone” in Copenhagen
“Our cities were inward-looking, one- deaths among its population of nearly 10 recipes for cheese naans, harbour — it looks like a
camel towns,” jokes one Emirati. million. A fast vaccine roll-out — its rate is brioche and croque floating sauna with a hole in
British-educated Sheikh Mohammed second only to Israel — means almost all monsieurs. Not just any old the middle — is doing brisk
wanted none of that. He invited the world inhabitants, including migrant workers, croque, but the sort made by business even with
to come and invest to make up for dwin- will be inoculated by the end of this year, the television chef Cyril temperatures a frigid 4C.
dling oil revenues. To get things going, he ministers say. That has helped Dubai to Lignac, whose marble cake The Spanish had their own
started an airline — Emirates — with two reopen its economy to leisure and busi- has a cult following. A friend Joe Wicks, in the form of
jets leased from Pakistan International ness travellers. Ministers have negotiated in Burgundy tells me yoghurt Patry Jordan, who offered live
Airlines and built a new airport terminal travel corridors wherever they can. With and kimchi experiments are classes every day in her
with a snazzy duty free. Using an army of nowhere else to fly to, every Tom, Dick fizzing away in dark online Gym Virtual. Delhi-
and Muhammad has come. cupboards across the based Radhika Bose got
New infections have surged since country. families together for yoga
Christmas, rising from about 1,000 cases In Italy, searches for with “immunity boosting
a day to 3,500 a day. But business Nutella cookies and plum asanas” and stress-busting
remains good. Emirates’ aircraft are two- cake recipes peaked last routines on Instagram.
thirds full on average, says Sir Tim Clark, March. Churros and bizcocho With borders closed, Hong
He is the the airline’s British president. Hotel occu-
pancy rates increased to 71 per cent last
esponjoso — sponge cakes —
were rustled up in Spanish
Kong residents hit the trails.
One hiker, Andrew Daniels,
kind of chief month, according to the hospitality ana-
lyst STR. The influx has helped to drive
kitchens. Americans made
dalgona coffee, which
completed all 160 — almost
800 miles. “Cheers to
executive business confidence to the highest level
since March. Economic growth this year
involves furiously beating
sugar, instant coffee and
optimism and making the
most of situations we’re
ruler Trump is forecast to rise by 4 per cent, after a 6
per cent fall last year.
boiling water and then
pouring it over iced milk — it
given,” he wrote.
The notion of being a
could only Will the outcry over Dubai’s Covidiots
damage its long-term appeal and
took TikTok by storm.
Finns made use of their
global citizen has been much
derided, but our lockdown
dream Dubai, with its palm tree island, has
attracted reality TV and social media
prospects? Quite the reverse. The sheikh
is probably enjoying the publicity. The
discarded Christmas trees by
knocking up spruce syrup,
inclinations rather prove the
point. Yes our tastes might
of being stars including, clockwise from top
left, Anton Danyluk, James Lock and
more people who know his Singapore in
the sand is open for business, the more
less sweet than maple and
used for gin cocktails or to
differ (and our Captain Tom is
a one-off ) but more unites
Yazmin Oukhellou, Georgia Harrison dirhams will flow into the economy, and dress salty cheese. than divides us — and we all
and Laura Anderson the more his family business will grow. In foodie Melbourne, they love sourdough.

All rise! This trial won’t be starting until 2023

In 2019 the Ministry of of cases that have foundered “Mo”, a public sector get the case to court, in what time limit and, importantly, court venues were required —
Backlogs in the justice system Justice (MoJ) took the because of a complainant or worker, was 18 when he was the judge described as no conditions attached to it. a remark met with raised
are punishing the victims “political decision” that the key witness losing faith at accused of serious offences. “outrageous negligence”. In its desperation to tackle eyebrows by those who had
backlog need not be reduced their trial being adjourned for He was arrested immediately, Meanwhile, the pretrial the backlog, the government watched the government sell
and allowing the guilty to walk further and cut sitting days by a second, third or fourth and then “released under delays leave the public is now insisting on a business- off 297 court buildings since
free, writes the Secret Barrister 15 per cent. This proved a
catastrophic misjudgment,
The risk is not merely that
investigation” for two years.
In that time, he lost his place
exposed to risk as criminals
remain at liberty to reoffend.
as-usual approach in the
courts, notwithstanding the
2010. “Nightingale courts” —
repurposed civic venues,

and the backlog started to disillusioned witnesses will at university and a job A judge last week declared recent national lockdown, theatres, halls and so forth —
report last week by Her mobile phones or computers, grow, climbing from 33,000 withdraw, but that the quality promotion, and it was more that the police’s use of and for court staff and legal have been identified as a key
Majesty’s justice chief now often take years. Files to more than 37,000 by the of evidence is damaged by the than three years before his “release under investigation” professionals, there are part of the answer. Only 19
inspectors described submitted to the understaffed start of last year. It will shortly passage of time. The currency trial finally went ahead and (RUI) is bringing the justice serious concerns that the have so far opened.
“unprecedented and Crown Prosecution Service surpass the present record of of criminal trials is live oral he was acquitted. “It’s scary,” system into “disrepute”. courts are not safe. The real While the Treasury’s
very serious court (CPS) are frequently 55,000. This all means that in testimony. The slightest slip he says. “Both as a defendant, RUI was introduced in 2017 solution to the justice backlog spending review in November
backlogs”. In crown courts, incomplete and missing key many cases it can take three or inconsistency can be fatal but I also feel for genuine after government restrictions has to be urgent investment promised long-overdue
where the most serious evidence, leading to a or four years for a criminal to the credibility of a witness victims. To have to wait on the use of police bail, across the criminal justice support for the criminal
criminal allegations are tried, revolving door of cases being allegation to be tried. in the eyes of a jury. almost four years for a which was the ministerial spectrum. The MoJ’s justice system, the figures
this backlog now stands at bounced between the CPS The impact upon victims of Many accused — including resolution is outrageous.” response to embarrassing response to the pandemic has quoted are not adequate.
more than 53,000 cases, and the police. crime is inestimable. “Annie” a number who will be wholly For guilty defendants, headlines about accused been glacial. It was obvious Long-term HMCTS plans to
contributing, the report said, Once a decision to charge a — not her real name — went to innocent — are spending however, the delays are a celebrities having to endure last March that extra court reduce the number of staff by
to “lengthy waits” at all stages suspect has been taken, it can the police in June 2017 to longer in custody awaiting boon. They can wait years for police bail for months on end. capacity would be needed. one-third remain official
of the criminal justice process then be a further six months report allegations of historic trial. If they are acquitted, their trial, knowing that Inevitably, the overstretched Last June, the then head of policy, and there has been no
that “benefit no one and risk before the overburdened rape and sexual abuse. Her there is no apology, let alone there’s a reasonable chance police stopped bailing Her Majesty’s Courts and commitment to abandon
damage to many”. court administration sends trial was first listed in compensation, for the that the key witnesses will people, and instead invented Tribunals Service (HMCTS) permanently the absurd
It would, however, be out the postal requisition September 2019, but pulled months or years of their lives lose heart and the the new concept of RUI, told the justice committee restrictions on sitting days.
wrong to assume, as the summoning the defendant to from the court list at short lost. prosecution will disappear. which, unlike bail, has no that an additional 200-plus Joined-up thinking remains
government insists, that these attend the magistrates’ court notice because of “lack of Defendants who are subject JULIA QUENZLER elusive in justice policy.
delays are solely the product for his first hearing. court time” — the official to an electronically Unless we provide the proper
of an unprecedented Serious offences will be jargon for lack of capacity. monitored curfew while on resources to our criminal
pandemic. The criminal sent to the crown court for It was relisted for last April, bail can find themselves in a justice system to investigate
justice system was already in trial. Even pre-Covid, it was but fell victim to the particularly fortuitous criminal offences, convict the
a uniquely vulnerable common for trial dates in bail pandemic. It was listed for a position, as the law provides guilty and acquit the
position, with backlogs and
delay a government-designed
cases to be nine months to a
year away. This is because
third time in the autumn,
only for the court, once To have to that every two days spent on
curfew count as one day of
innocent, we are taking risks
with the lives of our citizens.
feature, not a bug.
While it is true that Covid
artificial restrictions are
imposed by the government
again, to take it out of the list
at the 11th hour, and adjourn wait almost custody, should they receive a
custodial sentence. Even
We need to start seeing
criminal justice as
has presented unique
challenges for jury trials —
on “court sitting days” — the
number of days a year that
it to later this year. The
frustrated judge was moved four years for those who plead guilty early
on are victims — and
fundamental to civil
democracy, rather than
including a recent report that
69 judges have been struck
courtrooms are allowed to
open. This measure is
to suggest that Annie contact
her MP to draw attention to a resolution is beneficiaries — of the delays.
This month a judge at
something that affects only
criminals. The government
down by the virus — delay was
embedded throughout the
designed to save on the cost
of court staff, but results in
this state of affairs.
Home Office figures outrageous Canterbury crown court
refused to pass a custodial
should be taking the lead.

criminal justice system long perfectly serviceable published last year show that sentence on a man who had The Secret Barrister is a
before the virus left Wuhan. courtrooms lying locked and a quarter of complainants pleaded guilty to practising criminal barrister
Huge cuts to police budgets empty and paid judges sitting withdrew their support for downloading “unspeakable” and author of the Sunday
mean that investigations, at home while serious the police or the prosecution. images of children because of Times bestsellers Stories of the
particularly those involving criminal trials join an ever- As a prosecuting barrister, I the five-year delay it had Law and How It’s Broken and
digital evidence such as growing queue. have lost count of the number taken for the prosecution to Some courts have reopened with anti-Covid measures Fake Law
The Sunday Times January 24, 2021 25


Stig Abell
The ‘jitter in a cup’ has kept us full of
beans for centuries. Even a global
virus hasn’t put the lid on our craving

y children do not By the 18th century,
believe me when I London had more coffee
tell them that, shops than anywhere else in
when I grew up in Europe apart from
Loughborough in the Constantinople. In Oxford
1980s, there were no coffee they were seen as places to sit
shops. You didn’t go out for and think and talk and write;
coffee; you drank it at home as “penny universities”.
before you went out. It was Indeed, literature owes
functional, even slightly much to coffee. Voltaire and
unpleasant. Balzac were both apparently
Now the daily cappuccino 50-cups-a-day men. Margaret
or latte has been elevated to Atwood, who once wrote of
something like a human right: the pleasure of the “jitter in a
whatever global virus is cup”, has a blend named after
raging, we demand the her. Bach wrote a cantata
opportunity to venture out about coffee, with a libretto
for something overpriced and warning that “if I wasn’t
overstimulating. We embrace allowed, three times a day, to
its essential fraud: a beverage drink my little cup of coffee,
fattened and sweetened to be in my anguish I will turn into

Lizzie Catt with husband Will Dron and their children Alex and Eva. She says many working parents are struggling to cope with childcare and long periods of homeschooling essentially unrecognisable, in a shrivelled little goat”.
a cup we cannot recycle. Coffee is often used as an

Gavin’s tough
y baked beans!” and tear-jerking assembly videos, but the Yet coffee has held an excuse for something else,
wailed my six-year- pressure to educate during this more attraction for centuries. The whether to take a break from
old daughter. “If frightening, freezing lockdown is far story goes it was discovered work or to invite someone
you don’t like them, greater than during its sunny predeces- in the first millennium AD by home after a date. The gang
don’t eat them,” I sor. We’re going up against children an Ethiopian goatherd who in Friends use it to cling to
muttered, reading who’ve sensed blood in the water and noticed his charges were one another (Phoebe’s

week wasn’t a
an urgent work deployed all the weapons in their sprightlier after munching on exasperated psychoanalyst
email for the ump- armoury: feigned gormlessness; some berries. The drink boyfriend berates them for
teenth time as my repeated requests for water; mysterious made from the berries spread “sitting in your stupid coffee
five-year-old son, tummy aches; and a frankly masterful into Yemen, and coffee house with your stupid big
meant to be drawing and labelling a glacial pace. became part of Arab life. For cups, which, I’m sorry, might
picture of a dinosaur, pushed a flashing As soon as we’ve finished, we crack on centuries the raw beans were as well have nipples on

patch on ours
rubber duck into my eye. “I do like them,” with our own work until late in the even- boiled, until someone them”).
she said. “But look.” I looked. The bowl ing, breaking off to lob sandwiches, stumbled on the idea of And we, the locked-down
was upturned in her lap. Week two of breadsticks and fish fingers into young roasting them. The first coffee masses, see it as a sign of
homeschooling (part two), and things mouths. We’ve barely left the house, shop was opened in 1475 in freedom and a link to a world
were not going according to plan. occasionally shoving grumbling children Constantinople, and the in which sitting close to
There was little sympathy from par- into the muddy garden to jump on the concept travelled sleeplessly someone clutching four
ents watching the education secretary, trampoline. Thank goodness we have west into Europe. quid’s worth of sugary froth
Gavin Williamson, floundering in an that — many parents don’t. Pope Clement VIII was was unexceptional. You
interview last week, batting off calls for Google Meet’s backgrounds are a god- converted at the end of the might stop our children going
his resignation while admitting he send: the scenes of galloping horses and 16th century, apparently to school, but you cannot
couldn’t be sure whether schools would
return before Easter. The Department for Families are having to dered, should be supervised and which
plonked in front of the telly? Would it be
outer space mask domestic chaos to rival
the lavatory scene from Trainspotting, all
announcing, “This Satan’s
drink is so delicious that it
stop us going to Starbucks.
Our lives are measured not,
Education’s backtracking over exams
and decision to shut schools after one day do the impossible, possible to take part in a work Zoom
while teaching column addition and find-
chores abandoned except for the paint-
ing-the-Forth-Bridge-level endeavour of
would be a pity to let the
infidels have exclusive use of
as TS Eliot had it, with coffee
spoons, but with
of the spring term have ensured parents
and teachers are beyond exasperated but the education ing Lego Ironman’s flippy helmet?
Williamson’s decree that all schools
catering. In the evening, wired children
are wrestled into baths (maybe) and beds
it.” Francis Bacon noted that
it “comforteth the brain and
environmentally unfriendly
coffee cups — and you will
with Williamson.
This time three weeks ago, it all looked secretary says must provide three to five hours of daily
“high-quality remote learning” and his
from which they repeatedly emerge to
declare that they are not, unsurprisingly,
heart, and helpeth
digestion”, and thus became
have to prise those from our
cold, oversanitised hands.
a lot rosier, and Boris Johnson was busy
assuring the nation that schools were homeschooling may suggestion that parents report schools to
Ofsted if they were unsatisfied, prompted
tired after another day of inertia.
This lockdown has been brutal on
one of the first intellectuals to
embrace coffee as part of the Stig Abell is a presenter on
safe. The next morning I, along with mil-
lions of other primary school parents, continue until Easter, some schools (not ours) to issue warnings
that the work was mandatory.
children, with friends reporting that
their usually buoyant five, six and seven-
creative life. Times Radio

handed my children back to their teach-

ers with a sigh of relief and went home for writes Lizzie Catt With my husband on jury duty, moun-
tains of work to do and still in a daze, I
year-olds are suffering night terrors,
insomnia and meltdowns or are too What would life be
a strong coffee in a quiet house thinking it hadn’t even noticed the assignments, or, scared to sleep alone. We want to play
would be back to work for me and my
to be honest, figured out exactly what
Google Classroom was. After navigating
with them, cuddle them, go for long
walks and make everything OK but days
without coffee? But,
But that evening, with children in bed
and uniforms laid out for the morning,
the twists and turns of 2020 then virtu-
ally joining the hopeful toasts of New
are instead spent arguing over work-
sheets while battling to do our jobs.
then, what is life even
Johnson was back on TV announcing that
school was out till February half-term at
Year’s Eve, the stress of another lock-
down and a more terrifying Covid-19
Women with children are falling out of
the labour market to prop up the educa-
with coffee?
the earliest. My phone buzzed as a collec-
tive howl went up in group chats. With no
strain finally clobbered me.
For the first time in my freelance
tion system. Freelancers like me can’t ask
for furlough, and brush off questions
Attributed to Louis XV
notice to book time off or find extra career, I cancelled a meeting. “I’m really about how homeschool’s going. And we ALAMY
devices, parents scrambled to charge old sorry, but I . . . I feel like I’ve been hit have it relatively easy: many single par-
phones, rearrange commitments and around the head with a plank,” I told my ents and those with children who have
chuck down large G&Ts. colleague. I decided to deal with the special educational needs are facing
By the next morning, teachers at our stress, not by teaching my five-year-old intolerable pressures.
school had managed a superhuman son and six-year-old daughter, but by Working parents are up in arms: cam-
pivot, a full day of schoolwork landing on Williamson: launching a panic-fuelled campaign to paigner Anna Whitehouse, aka Mother-
Google Classroom by 10am. Parents were fending off calls suspend the academic year, firing off Pukka, was able to get 55,000 anguished
not feeling so ready. Many, according to for resignation emails to MPs and setting up a Facebook followers to fill out a TUC survey in a
my WhatsApp at least, were also hung- group. It made sense at the time. matter of days, discovering that seven out
over. Each child was issued with a list of Three weeks in, the shock has worn off of 10 of eligible mothers who’d asked for
assignments, videos from teachers read- but the situation hasn’t changed, and my furlough in this lockdown had been
ing stories and explaining concepts, and revolution isn’t going well. Talk from turned down. She is asking for 100,000 to
tasks to complete. friends and family about reprising Joe comment on one post with their experi-
The supposedly simple task of access- Wicks’s PE sessions or embracing sea- ences and tag the prime minister.
ing Google Classroom defeated many of shanty TikToks are met with a grimace. Anyone who thinks parents need to
us — passwords were, we finally remem- The basic obligations of work, being a stop moaning should take a scroll
bered, Pritt-Sticked into reading records, parent and educating in lockdown do not through the thousands of desperate sto-
not buried in the emails we were swearily fit into 24 hours: what parents are being ries. There is no perfect solution but if
trawling through — or were they on the asked to do is close to impossible. schools are going to be shut until Easter
ClassDojo app or Tapestry? What about Our children’s school has been bril- and beyond, a serious rethink is in order.
Purple Mash? Which child, we won- liant, offering support, music projects Parents need help. Kaffeetafel, painted by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner in 1907


Heard the
s a producer of sperm endometriosis, a condition men themselves. Gilbert the campaign, but Gilbert and
puns and synonyms, that can cause infertility. “My considers himself typical: Harries’s IVF treatment,
Rhod Gilbert is truly memories of the first few happy to sit in the which is only now resuming.
fecund. It’s his actual years are of Sian sitting background, assuming he is Worse still, the coronavirus

one about
sperm that has been the closest to the person we were not to blame. A blokey contributed to the death in
problem, which is why the talking to, whether it was a expectation that “my boys November of Gilbert’s father.
Welsh comedian is the nurse or a gynaecologist or can swim”, to quote Seinfeld, For weeks, when restrictions
slightly awkward — and GP,” says Gilbert, a stalwart of feeds into traditional male allowed, the comedian would

the joker who

slightly smutty — host of a standup and television reticence. The poet Benjamin visit his father’s care home in
new BBC documentary about comedy for more than 15 Zephaniah, who is outspoken west Wales. Malcolm Gilbert,
male fertility. years. “I was always just about his own infertility, tells a retired teacher, was blind
In the programme, behind, in a support position, Gilbert: “This culture of men and struggled to move after a

tackled male
inspired by his own decade- and very happy not to be in not talking to each other is heart attack. Father and son
long struggle to have a child, the spotlight.” killing us.” As Zephaniah had to greet each other
Gilbert’s gametes themselves Yet Gilbert was shocked by writes in Naked, part of his through a Perspex sheet.
are “senile swimmers in need two statistics he discovered anthology Too Black, Too “I set him up with a smart

of Zimmers”. Humour, he when he began to doubt his Strong: “My life is full of speaker and he was going
explains, is all he has in his own fertility. The male lonely childless through audiobooks at a rate
mission to tackle stigma, reproductive system is at eternities / where only poetry of knots; his mind was very
prudishness and urological least a contributing factor in gives me life.” active,” Gilbert says. “But in
neglect in academic research. half of problem cases. Gilbert is saddened, but the end I think the repeated
After 10 years off If meaningful conversation
and breaking down barriers
Moreover, sperm counts in
the developed world have
not surprised, that he cannot
find a support group for men
lockdowns meant depression
set in and he had a heart
me a
trying to become between men are Gilbert’s halved in the past 40 years. were in bad shape — literally. “Time to talk tackle.” At one with fertility problems. He attack. I think the lack of
goals, jokes are his wrecking The reason is not fully The majority were “wonky”, point in the documentary, an launches one on Facebook human contact got to him.”
father, the comedian balls. “I do worry that I’m understood. One theory to use his terminology, and ad agency politely suggests to and invites men to a Cardiff Malcolm’s death has
Rhod Gilbert is perpetuating the problem, holds that oestrogen in the had also suffered due to a Gilbert that dubbing an pub. Of the seven that show heightened Gilbert’s sense of
but we need to start talking water supply might be partly bacterial infection. Specialists awareness month up, none has talked openly mortality. “I’m starting to feel
leading a campaign about this and I’m prepared to blame (the hormone has advised Gilbert to live more “Cocktober” might break about his problems before. the grim reaper’s hand on my
to get men talking to use humour to try to move
things an inch,” he says from
been shown to affect sperm in
mice). But lifestyle choices
cleanly. He had already quit
smoking — a death sentence
advertising rules.
For decades, research has
Gilbert hopes to remain
the face of the campaign,
shoulder,” he says. Aware
now that the “tick-tock” of
about their bits,, he his home in north London. and men having children for sperm — and eased up on focused on gynaecology. working with charities to fertility affects men as well as
Gilbert, 52, and his wife later in life are thought to be booze and bad food. His Andrology, its male organise support groups and women, he adds: “I wish I’d
tells Simon Usborne Sian Harries, 39, a comedy the bigger cause. The average swimmers quickly perked up. counterpart, is a neglected get the medical profession started sooner and talked
writer, are among the one in age of a first-time father has His experience led him to field. Gilbert and Harries had involved. For the time being, about it sooner.”
seven British couples who gone from about 25 to almost launch an awareness undergone years of treatment however, the pandemic has
struggle to conceive. When 35 in Gilbert’s lifetime. campaign, Him Fertility. Its yet had never seen a male thrown everything off course Rhod Gilbert: Stand Up to
they sought help, about seven When he eventually got logo features a sperm in place fertility specialist until Gilbert in more ways than one. The Infertility is on BBC1 Wales
years ago, their only problem tested, he was told he had of the “i” in “Him” and the met one for the documentary. first lockdown delayed not tomorrow at 9pm and on
was assumed to be Harries’s enough sperm but that they website has the tagline: The rest of the problem is only the documentary and BBC iPlayer
26 The Sunday Times January 24, 2021

PUZZLES FEEDBACK Comments about our puzzles can be sent to or Puzzles
Editor, The Sunday Times, 1 London Bridge Street,
London SE1 9GF


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 Personal magnetism or a divinely bestowed talent (8) 2 Substance produced by an endocrine gland, carried in 1 Who said ’ello, ’ello, ’ello
6 In Joseph Heller’s novel, ____-22 is a no-win situation (5) blood to other organs and modifying their function (7) to sisters Vanessa, Lara
9 ____ tree is another name for false acacia (6) 3 Introduced laws once again, after a lapse (9) and Samira Boess?
12 Conor ____ O’Brien won seats as a member of the (Irish) 4 Southernmost peninsula of Skye, home of a branch of Clan 2 What percentage of UK
12 13 14
Labour party and the United Kingdom Unionist Party (6) MacDonald (5) shoppers have been
13 Boris Godunov was the best-known role sung by bass opera 5 The foremost Anglican _____ is that of 30A (13) barred from paying in
singer Feodor ____ (pictured) (9) 6 Karma ____, Culture Club’s No 1 single from their 1983 album cash since the first
15 16 14 Whatever ____ Wants is the best-known song from the 1955 Colour by Numbers (9) lockdown?
musical Damn Yankees (4) 7 Principal seaport of Sri Lanka, which Nelson described as 3 What links Whitney
15 ____ components can be used together without alteration (10) one of the world’s best natural harbours (11) Houston, Frank Capra,
16 Take the easiest way at the expense of high standards (3,7) 8 Relating to the liver (7) Ulysses S Grant and the
17 18 19 20
17 Releases pent-up energy — like the 26A in the past (4,3,5) 9 Capital and second largest city of Nebraska (7) pioneer aviators the
19 Have a discussion — or the opposite! (8) 10 ____’s first published mystery was Last Bus to Woodstock (5,6) Wright brothers?
21 London tube station with four Northern line platforms (6,4) 11 An upper chamber in a large medieval house (5) 4 How much is a 7kg lump
21 22 23 24 25 23 Something good may fall into one’s ____ (3) 18 In card play, an attempt to take a trick with a possible of excrement expected to
25 Villein who occupied a house and land in return for labour (6) rather than definite winner, hoping to gain an extra trick (7) net for a 20-year-old Thai
26 Titled passenger train from Paddington to Penzance (7,7,7) 20 His first major poetic work was The Shepheardes Calender (7) fisherman?
29 Feel strong hatred (6) 22 A sweetened form of oloroso sherry (7) 5 Who waved goodbye to
26 27 28
30 To whom Bob Mortimer’s Train Guy talks in YouTube skits (3) 24 Starter very commonly served in Britain in the 1970s (5,8) Hastings after three
31 Location of the St Lawrence Ground, formerly Britain’s only 25 British rowers won the men’s ____ four at every Olympic months on shore?
major cricket venue with a tree inside the boundary (10) games from 2000 to 2016 (7)
6 Iran has blamed what
29 30 31 32 33 Small parrot of Australia which feeds on nectar and pollen (8) 27 Show absolutely no concern about something (3,4,1,3)
group for power cuts
36 London terminus built by the South Eastern Railway (6,6) 28 Scottish crime-writer whose characters include the
blighting the country?
38 Jenny Eclair, Linda Smith or Miranda Hart (10) detective Karen Pirie and the psychologist Tony Hill (3,8)
40 1980 Winter Olympics venue in the Adirondacks (4,6) 31 The Falkirk Wheel lifts ____s by 24 metres (5,4) 7 What first has ONA, a
33 34 35 36 37
42 The golden ____ was an idol made by Aaron in Exodus (4) 32 Predatory fish with slender body and large jaws and teeth (9) restaurant in southwest
43 The star fruit (9) (pictured) France, achieved?
44 Roof turret allowing smoke to escape from a medieval 34 Clearly showed something, such as an emotion (7) 8 Why did the cupcakes for
building; a famous museum (6) 35 The film ____ Tourists is a 2009 a Cairo birthday party
38 39 40 41
45 Obtained money by scrounging (6) documentary about Americans land the baker in trouble
46 A family’s ____ branch is that of a seeking enlightenment in India (7) with the authorities?
younger son (5) 37 Pithy saying such as Oscar 9 What prestigious art
42 43 44
47 Women’s ____, Second World Wilde’s “I can resist everything award has been given to a
War civilian organisation created except temptation” (7) pink seesaw?
to strengthen the agricultural 39 Surname of the 44th US 10 Who were fined £200
45 46 47 workforce (4,4) president (5) each for breaching Covid
41 Michael ____’s televised travel rules by eating breakfast
included a circumnavigation (5) in a London café?
Note: The answers to the nine successive trios of Across clues share a feature which is appropriate for this puzzle

Each row, column and 3x3 box Each row, column
must contain the digits 1 to 9. and 3x3 box must
Winners will receive a Collins contain the digits
English Dictionary & Thesaurus. 1 to 9. The digits
within each group
To enter, complete the Very Hard puzzle and call 0901 292 of cells joined by
5275 (UK only) (ROI 1516 303 500), leaving your answer
(the numbers in the three shaded squares) and contact dotted lines must
details. Or text SUNDAY2, followed by a space, then your add up to the From these letters, make
answer (three numbers) and contact details — eg figure in the top- words of four or more letters,
SUNDAY2 123 John Smith, etc — to 84901 (UK only). Calls
cost £1.00 (ROI €1.50) plus your telephone company’s left-hand corner always including the central
network access charge. Texts cost £1 plus your standard of each group. letter. Answers must be in the
network charge. Winners will be picked at random from all Within each Concise Oxford Dictionary,
correct answers received. Lines close at midnight on
Saturday. If you call or text after this time you will not be dotted-line group, excluding capitalised words,
entered but may be charged. When entering by phone or a digit cannot be plurals, conjugated verbs
text, please provide your FULL name and address details, repeated. (past tense etc), adverbs
as incomplete entries may be charged but not entered.
STUCK? Call our clue line to get four clues for the Very ending in LY, comparatives
Hard puzzle on 0901 293 6265 (ROI 1514 515 120). Calls and superlatives.
cost £1 (ROI 76c) plus your telephone company’s network How you rate
access charge. For full terms and conditions, visit SP: Spoke, 0333 202 18 words, average; 25, good;
3390 (Mon-Fri 9am-5.30pm) 34, very good; 44, excellent.

CONCISE CROSSWORD 1714 MEPHISTO 3152 Tim Moorey Across Down

CROSSWORD 4939 David McLean

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 Long for British car that’s 1 Enter vehicle to get home, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

small (6) a rudimentary one (8, two
8 7 Lacking respect, words) 8
Independent MP sacked 2 New ideas leader put out 9 10
9 leaving obligations (4) for forensic test (4)
11 12 13
10 Religious mystery 3 Romeo and a smitten
10 11
14 15 showing in state capital, former lover (9)
11 12
nothing less (9) 4 Nearly all having gone
16 17 18 19 11 Rather engaging term north lied about
13 14 15 used in Queensland (4) Murrayfield beating (6)
13 Face model after work (6) 5 Justification for absorbing 13 14 15 16
14 Tinder provided by one mature port charges (10)
21 22 23 crazy man in Durban (6) 6 Coarse snuff apparently in
16 16 Bridge system in place not traditional Angus 17 18 19

24 25 entirely backed (4) enclosure (6)

17 18 Cattle pens time after time 7 Armed warriors clear,
26 27 28 29 overturned? Almost (6, marches banned (4) 20 21 22 23
18 19 20
two words) 8 Upset one on bench (8)
30 31 20 Jag seals about right for 9 Troublesome situation in
saloon worker? (9) fish pond (4) 24 25
22 32 21 Marshal reloading number 12 Sellers perhaps fastest
of linked mines (9) to make a public
23 33 34 24 No Scottish banks make a statement (10, three words)
loud noise for lady (6) 15 Raising a tax shelter
25 Insect up sticks caught (4) externally (9)
NAME ................................................................................... 28 Free men close ranks 17 Rake over very small area NAME ...................................................................................
Across Down originally to be different (6) below Italian mansion,
ADDRESS ................................................................................... 30 Narrow-minded on large bottom of garden (8) ADDRESS ...................................................................................
1 Greater number (8) 2 Scholarly world (8) island (6) 19 Play at once excited? I’m
................................................................................... ...................................................................................
8 Maximum (6) 3 Hospital visitor (10) 31 Opening item in not sure (8)
9 Soft colour (6) 4 Inactive (4) EMAIL ................................................................................... programme not started (4) 22 Witness leaving with Across Down
10 Train (8) 5 Christmas season (8) 32 Work out too much in oddly small maps in the
12 Greek cheese (4) 6 Hindu ascetic (4) Post your solution to The Sunday Times Mephisto 3152, public, then shower (9) corner (6) 1 One in gorgeous hat 2 Men on horse held up
13 Insignificance (10) 7 Determined (6) PO Box 29, Colchester, Essex CO2 8GZ, or email 33 Heard order for starter is 23 Note on raw recruit moving around island (5,7) music producer (5)
16 Baleful (10) 11 Remember (4,2,4) sweet (4) Republican sent out for 9 Bit of elastic attached to a 3 Might I grab your lime and
17 Monster (4) 14 Hero worship (8) The first correct solution picked at random after next 34 Prearranged call top agent Congress (6) jumper? (6,4) cut it? (4,7)
18 Major sign of adulthood (8) 15 Freshwater turtle (8) Saturday wins Collins World Atlas: Complete Edition, put out for spy (6) 26 Greek money as before left 10 Talk about a lengthy series 4 Mongrel dog ran around
21 Mawkish (6) 16 Instant (6) worth £30. Four runners-up will each receive £20. out for bulk carriers (4) of events (4) earl and whined (7)
Open to 18+ UK & ROI residents only.
22 Pound, in slang (6) 19 Boulder (4) 27 What’s turned up in 11 Medals hung around one 5 Not even funny (3)
23 Flexible (8) 20 Advantage (4) The Chambers Dictionary 13th edition is the primary morning-after pill box? (4) lad for actions (6-2) 6 Pat dogs or different
reference. Readers are invited to visit Tim Moorey’s 29 Judge accommodates 12 Exclude pilot one’s creature (9)
website at
number previously cut (4) regularly seen in pub (6) 7 Decoration-wise, one has
13 Large as well as light (4) tree up inside at Xmas! (5)
15 Foreign article about one 8 Car half-made by mostly

TETONOR MODERATE apt to shoot swimmer (3,7)

17 Toy bible a lord
rubbish robots (8)
12 National labs heading into
manufactured (6,4) distribution (11)
19 Slightly contrary 14 Barperson caught in act is
150 25 114 41 CODEWORD KENKEN information (4)
20 Give out a wave, perhaps,
questioned (9)
16 Head of school entertained
using radio (6) by schoolboy language (8)
In the grid, each 22 Former royal a 18 Old people procuring line
number represents cold-hearted bandit shot (8) for high priests? (7)
25 126 34 65 a letter of the
alphabet — all 26
24 Attractive and tan Polish
expert (4)
21 Completely pack up
belongings (5)
letters are used. 25 Cook a lamb with ease, 23 Try fun class A drug hit:
Use the initial clues adding new salt (4,6) lose it, gag and snap (5)
in the code table to 26 Cobblers found in Bow 25 Unopened post creates

66 31 210 27 work out the rest of

the code.
STUCK? To get
and Sweden (12) trouble (3)

four random extra

letter clues, call
0901 293 6266
35 64 12 288 (ROI 1514 415128) or
text STCLUE to
84901 (UK only). All the digits 1 to 6 must appear in every
Calls cost £1 (ROI row and column. In each thick-line The first correct solution opened after next Saturday wins a Cross Townsend
75c) plus your “block”, the target number in the top Quartz Blue Lacquer Rollerball pen worth £195. Three others win Townsend Quartz
telephone left-hand corner is calculated from the Blue Lacquer Ballpoint pens worth £175. Both have lifetime guarantees and are
inspired by the graceful lines of 1930s art deco design. Post solutions to
1 3 5 7 10 18 21 38 company’s digits in all the cells in the block, using The Sunday Times Crossword 4939, PO Box 29, Colchester, Essex CO2 8GZ, or
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Each number in the main grid can be formed by adding or charge. Texts cost
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pair of numbers should be used twice: once as part of an standard network CLUE WRITING CONTEST 1849: GOODWIN SANDS
addition and once as part of a multiplication. For example, a 10 charge. SP: Spoke,
and 24 in the main grid may be solved by the sums, 4 + 6 and 4 0333 202 3390 You are invited to write an original cryptic clue for the Winner 1846: Ross Harrison, Dechmont, West Lothian
Eyes right: Something occasionally heard during March is the grey
x 6, respectively. Enter each sum in the boxes below its answer. (ROI 0818 205 403) word above, in Sunday Times crossword style. Email cuckoo
Any blanks in the strip must be deduced, bearing in mind the (Mon-Fri 9am- your entry to
numbers are listed in ascending order. 5.30pm). The best entry selected after next Saturday wins £25. For a full report, visit
The Sunday Times January 24, 2021 27


Jeremy Clarkson
Going, going, gone — my opening bid for online
auction glory ended with a fat lot of nothing

or the past year or so, I’ve been 390-page-plus auction catalogue, a people in black tie and ball gowns, written about in every newspaper — It was sad that we wouldn’t be in the would start way above the guide price
living in the world’s smallest mask, a cup of coffee and a phone. And it discreetly bidding for a watercolour apart perhaps from the Daily Mirror and same room, but after the sale was over, and end up moments later in the
cottage while a team of men in was even harder to hear what the guide because they know something the rest of the Morning Star — and every house both, I knew, would be staggered and stratosphere. One rather pretty
hard hats and visible clothing was saying when he was talking through the contestants don’t. An auction then is round here had a catalogue on the impressed when they heard about the dragonfly wall light that had an
build me a house. The first three layers of germ-absorbent material where the wise and the well read go to ottoman. haul I’d amassed. Thirty pieces. I’d be estimated value starting from £1,000
lockdown meant nothing and I was 9ft away. Or see what he was find a bargain. It was a big deal. I had a friend in the cock of the walk. went for 12 times that.
happened for five weeks, but talking about, because the mask meant Of course, in these Coviddy times, the faraway Tooting in south London, who The first lot in which I’d expressed an I guess the problem was simple.
despite this, it’s now house- my glasses kept steaming up. Aynhoe Park event was all being done was after a 6ft floor lamp in the shape of interest was No 3, a pair of large People knew the recent history of
shaped. It even has windows, and soon But after just three hours, I had online, so the day before the sale I went a palm tree, and another who called mustard-coloured “castle chairs” that Aynhoe Park. They knew that Kate
it’ll have a roof. decided that I would be bidding for 30 of to the auctioneer’s website and inputted from the Turks and Caicos to say he had a guide price in the catalogue of Moss had read by the light from that
By the summer, it will be finished and the 605 lots. my credit card number, its expiry date, wanted a wooden head. between £1,500 and £2,500. That was dragonfly and that Colin Firth had sat in
then I’ll have a problem, because all the I have it in my mind that auctions turn that little number on the back that’s steep, especially when you factor in the those armchairs and that Cara
furniture I currently own would fit in the retail therapy into a sport, because, pretty much rubbed off, and all my 25% “buyer’s premium”. And the VAT on Delevingne had slept in that bed. And
downstairs lavatory. using quick wits and a numbered table contact details, which means I’ll now get top of that. But these things were as they were paying big money for this
That’s why my eyebrows shot up by tennis bat, you’re competing for glory junk mail to the end of time. luxuriant as Laurence Llewellyn- celebrity connection.
6ft when I was told about a local chap against a room full of opponents. There’s And, the next morning, I was told that Bowen’s hair, so I liked them. I wanted But whatever the reason, when the
who was selling virtually all the contents even an audience to whoop and cheer I’d done something wrong and that I them. And soon they would be mine. gigantic two-day sale ended, I had
of his large country house in and applaud when you win. wouldn’t be able to log on. This happens Bidding opened at £3,000, and before bought the square root of absolutely
Oxfordshire. It’s called Aynhoe Park and
apparently it’s been used as a party
That’s why charity auctions always do
so well. No one actually wants a rugby
every single time I try to use the internet
because all websites are designed by
I knew when my I’d had a chance to fall out of my chair, it
had reached £4,000. The man on the
nothing at all. Which means that when
the lockdown ends, I shall have to visit
venue in recent times for celebrities such
as Kate Moss and Cara Delevingne. So
ball signed by Lawrence Dallaglio, but
sitting at a table full of attractive women
Happily, the auctioneer agreed to call
friends heard other end of the line asked if I’d like to go
higher, and after I stuttered “no”, I heard
my local and rather excellent antique
shop where I can buy all the things I
everything in there was pretty groovy.
Especially the stuffed giraffes and the
competing for it is like a mating ritual.
And going home with it means you are
me on an old-fashioned phone when my
lots were about to come up, so I made
about my haul of the gavel fall.
I figured, though, that this was
need for about 50 quid.
Already, I have my eye on a mirror
picture of a naked young lady being
pleasured by a swan.
the king zebra, the walrus with the
biggest tusks, the alpha lion.
myself a cup of coffee and some snacks
and sat back, rather looking forward to
30 pieces, I’d be nothing more than early-doors
enthusiasm and that as the day wore on,
that’s currently being displayed in the
I went to a viewing, which, in
lockdown, was quite tricky, as it’s
There’s something else too. Auctions
are impossibly glamorous. We see this all
the day ahead.
I knew I’d be up against some stiff
cock of the walk and people settled down, the prices
would fall. But no. Every few minutes,
It’s only £25, possibly because no one
from Love Island has ever used it as a
difficult to juggle a pen, a notebook, the the time in films — elegant rooms full of competition because the sale had been the phone would ring, the bidding chopping board.

TEASER 3044 triangular peaks — one block

on the top row, two on the
next row, and so on.
This kept them quiet until I
heard, “I bet Dad could buy
some yellow blocks to build a
How many red, blue
and yellow blocks would
there be?
Colin Vout “My red one’s nicer!” “My
blue one’s taller!”
triangle bigger than either of
ours was, or a red and yellow
Send your solution to: The Sunday
Building Blocks “Why don’t you both work triangle, or a yellow and blue Times Teaser 3044, PO Box 29,
Colchester, Essex CO2 8GZ or email Amsterdam 6C sl London 1C sl
together to make one bigger triangle, with no blocks ever Athens 16 f Los Angeles 15 sh
The kids had used all the still?” I said. I could see they left over.” The first two correct solutions opened Auckland 24 sh Madrid 8 f
blocks each of them owned could use all these blocks to This kept me quiet, until I after next Saturday win £20. Open to
18+ UK & ROI residents only. Bangkok 34 s Mexico City 23 s
(fewer than 100 each) to build make another triangle. worked out that I could.
Barcelona 14 f Miami 25 s
Beijing 3 s Moscow 1 fg 15
Belgrade 13 f Nairobi 25 sh
David Howell Berlin 3 r New Delhi 22 s
Sally Brock
Bogota 18 th New Orleans 24 f
Boston -1 s New York 1 f
The first week of the Wijk aan Ke1 Bxh3 45 Bd1+ Kb5 46 Be2+ is Everyone likes a good freak makes all thirteen tricks
Brussels 5 f Oslo 1 f
Zee supertournament featured an instructive variation. Black’s deal. It can be so random as West gets squeezed 2
Budapest 8 f Panama 31 th 12
a refreshing number of high- king cannot approach the c3- that poor players can score between his spades and the
Buenos Aires 38 s Paris 4 sl
quality endgames. The seven- pawn, while if 46…Kc5 47 Kf2 heavily against the experts. ace of diamonds. moderate
Cairo 21 s Prague 3 sl
hour classical time control has the h3-bishop is imprisoned. This deal cropped in the I feel sorry for West at our
Calgary -12 f Rio de Janeiro 29 s
given the players licence to 44 Bd1+ Kb2 45 Bc2! White Tollemache Cup (inter-county final table. He heard his
Cape Town 26 s Rome 12 sh 4
delve deep into the mysteries of sets a cunning trap. 45…Ka3 teams of eight contest). partner open six clubs! South
Caracas 26 th San Francisco 10 s
each position. Back-pedalling. The natural overcalled six hearts, our
Casablanca 19 f Santiago 32 sh
White: Alexander Donchenko 45…Bf1 is Black’s only winning Both vulnerable, Dealer West friend found a raise to seven
Chicago -0 sl Seoul 8 s
Black: Radoslaw Wojtaszek attempt, but it backfires: 46 clubs and North bid seven
♠ K 10 8 7 2 Dubai 21 s Seychelles 28 th
Tata Steel Masters, Wijk aan Bd3 Bxh3 47 c4 Bxg4 48 Be2! ♥ 10 9 4 hearts. East doubled, hoping
Dublin 4 sl Singapore 29 th 2
Zee 2021
W________W Bh3 (48…Bxe2 49 Kxe2 and the ♦ K 10 8 4 3 for a spade lead. No doubt
♣– Geneva 6 f Stockholm 2 r 4
áWDWDWDWD] c-pawn decides) 49 c5 Bg2 50 West was struggling to decide
Gibraltar 15 r Sydney 32 s
àDWDWDWDW] Bd3! h3 51 c6 h2 52 c7 h1Q 53 ♠ J9653 N ♠– between a spade and the ace
♥ 875 ♥3 Guatemala 26 f Tel Aviv 17 s
ßWhWDW0WD] c8Q and Black has no checks, W E of diamonds, either of which
♦ AQJ9 ♦ 72 Helsinki 2 r Tenerife 19 f
so White will deliver mate. 46 ♣J ♣ A K Q 10 9 would have been fine.
ÞDWiW0P0W] Bd3 Ba2 47 Bb5 Bb1 48 Bd3
However, he eventually Hong Kong 19 sh Tokyo 7 r 23 3
ÝWDWDPDP0] Ba2 49 Bb5 Bb1 50 Bd3 ♠ AQ4 came up with a trump lead Istanbul 12 sh Toronto -3 f
ÜDK)bHWDP] ♥ AKQJ62 Jersey 8 sl Trinidad 28 sh
Draw agreed Neither side can ♦ 65 which didn’t trouble declarer
ÛWDWDWDBD] make progress. ♣ 74 in the slightest! Johannesburg 30 sh Tunis 18 s
ÚDWDWDWDW] La Paz 13 th Venice 10 f 5 moderate

ÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈ Lagos 28 f Vienna 6 f

Spot the Move 1255: The best score East-West Last week’s problem
White is a pawn up.
Nevertheless, when assessing
White to play.
went to those who were
allowed to play in five clubs, ♠ A K J 10 8 6 3
25 sh
17 sh
Washington DC
5 sl
endgames, surveying any sometimes doubled but ♥ A3 Key c=cloud, dr=drizzle, ds=dust storm, f=fair, fg=fog, g=gales, h=hail, UK forecast
à0WDbDW0W] ♦6 m=mist, r=rain, sh=showers, sl=sleet, sn=snow, s=sun, th=thunder, w=windy Much of England and Wales will have a cloudy and cold day,
imbalances is essential. Black’s ßWDWDpDPD] sometimes not. I find it ♣ A Q 10
king and bishop are currently hard to believe that any with outbreaks of rain, sleet or snow moving across the area
ÞDWDpDWDQ] ♠– N ♠ 95 from the west. Scotland and Ireland should be drier and
more active than their South would sell out to five ♥ J 10 9 ♥ Q8764
counterparts. Therefore
Wojtaszek offered a trade of
clubs undoubled, but these
things happen.
♦ 10 7 5 4 3 2
♣ J853
E ♦ AJ8
♣ K76
EUROPE brighter but with a few wintry showers. Winds will mostly be
light and rather variable in direction
knights. 39…Nc4 40 Nxc4 40 ÛP1PDWDP)] Now look at the deal from ♠ Q742
Nd5 is flawed: 40…Nd2+ 41 Kb2
Bxe4 and Black gains the upper
North-South’s point of view.
Some defended club
♥ K52
♦ KQ9 3
♣ 942 London, SE England
hand. 40…Bxc4+ 41 Kc2 Kb5 Kavalek-Ree, Wijk aan Zee 1982. contracts that went down:
West North East South Sleet or snow will move in from the west. Light to moderate
A stand-off has arisen. White’s Czech-American grandmaster six clubs one down, or seven 2♣ 2♠ *
Pass Pass cyclonic winds. Max 5C. Tonight, clear and cold. Min -3C
bishop appears stuck on g2, Lubomir Kavalek passed away clubs doubled down two, for Pass 3♠ Pass 4♦ 1 7 Midlands, E England
blocked by its own pawns and last week, aged 77. A former example. The lucky ones Pass 4NT Pass 5 ♣ **
Cloudy with sleet or snow in places. Light and variable winds.
preventing an invasion by the elite player, Kavalek was also a were allowed to play in Pass All Pass
* balanced positive 4 Max 4C. Tonight, widespread frost. Min -5C
enemy bishop. Meanwhile the successful writer and coached hearts. Two played in five
** 0 key cards 9 Channel Is, SW and Cent S England, S Wales
black king will outflank the both Bobby Fischer and Nigel hearts doubled plus one, both 10 Showers in the south, snow in the north. Variable winds,
opposing monarch. 42 Kd2 Short during world on the jack of clubs lead. Note 9
110 15 strongest in the Channel. Max 8C. Tonight, frosty. Min -5C
Ka4 43 Bf3! Refuting any championship matches. Can you that this was misplayed at Can you make your 6 5
N Wales, NW England, Isle of Man
notion White may end up in see how Kavalek ensured the both tables. On a club lead, opponents pay for making the 15
A few wintry showers. Light and variable winds. Max 3C.
zugzwang. 43…Kb3 43…Bf1 44 black king will be checkmated? declarer should ruff, play a weaker hand declarer? 13
14 Tonight, frost and fog. Min -4C
trump to hand, ruff another Presumably South has two
Send your solution (first move only), to Sunday Times Spot the Move 1255, Cent N and NE England
club and now play a spade to kings for his positive, and
The Sunday Times, PO Box 29, Colchester, Essex CO2 8GZ, or email to Mainly dry with sunny spells. Light and variable winds. Max The first correct answer drawn after next hand. When East shows out they must be in the red suits.
¬ A few showers are possible of rain will move into the 3C. Tonight, widespread frost. Min -4C
Saturday wins £20. Open to 18+ UK & ROI residents only. (but cannot ruff ) declarer Lead a club.
over Spain and Portugal but Low Countries and France Scotland
much of the day will be dry through the day Wintry showers but also some sunshine. Light southwesterly


Across: 1 Tort, 3 Carmarthen, 9 Hilum, 12 Encomia, 14 Dig for Victory, 15 Ignis fatuus, 16 Carrageen,
17 Weltschmerz, 18 Thalamus, 21 Marco Pierre White, 23 Ossa, 25 East Anglia, 27 Edna O’Brien,
with some sunshine
¬ Italy and the Adriatic will
¬ Central Europe will be
cloudy and cool with some
winds. Max 5C. Tonight, isolated showers. Min -10C
N Ireland, Republic of Ireland
be cloudier as an area of rain, showery outbreaks of snow Sunny spells and wintry showers. Light and variable winds.
29 Knur, 30 Michael van Gerwen, 33 Twin-tubs, 34 Scandinavia, 38 Moratoria, 39 Limbering up,
SUDOKU WARM-UP CODEWORD 40 Robert Menzies, 41 Ian Holm, 42 Eland, 43 Nina Simone, 44 Stan sleet or snow moves in from at times, especially over Max 5C. Tonight, a few showers. Min -2C
Down: 1 Thetis, 2 Raconteur, 4 Aramaic, 5 Midsummer Night, 6 Registries, 7 Hootch, the west Germany and Poland
8 Never the Twain, 9 Hackable, 10 Lionel Messi, 11 Mayan, 13 Mesothorax, 19 Shannon,
20 The Divine Miss M, 21 Meerkat, 22 Ingrid Bergman, 24 Abnegation, 26 Saudi Arabia,
28 Ben Collins, 31 Wrings out, 32 Statured, 35 Iberian, 36 Tannin, 37 Apeman, 38 Morse
¬ Greece and Turkey will
have a mixture of sunshine
¬ Much of Scandinavia will
be dry but there will be some THE WEEK AHEAD
and isolated showers snow flurries over Finland
MEPHISTO 3151 ¬ Cloud and outbreaks and northern Norway
Across: 1 Ippon, 5 Grisled, 10 Laired, 11 Kore, 12 Luau, 13 Tanaiste, 14 Incarvillea, 16 Alibi, 16 11 19
18 Datagram, 22 Cerberus, 25 Pents, 28 Scowthering, 29 Amounted, 30 Flog, 31 Nurr, 32 Blague,
33 Glassen, 34 Ydred Down: 1 Illiad, 2 Poundage, 3 Placet, 4 Nitre, 5 Gravure, 6 Renig, 7 Skill set, 2 2 3


8 Lose it, 9 Deepie, 15 Santours, 17 Bluenose, 19 Archean, 20 Sprang, 21 Ancora, 23 Railer,
24 Sogged, 26 Ettle, 27 Wedgy
2 3 7 4 10 8

SUDOKU 1414 KENKEN CROSSWORD 4938 Sun Sun sets/ Lights Moon Moon
Across: 1 Give up the ghost, 10 Occlude, 11 Chapati, 12 Nostalgia, 13 Toile, 14 Turgid, 15 Clarinet, 4 5 10
rises lights on off rises sets
18 Pedigree, 20 Angina, 23 Irony, 25 Euclidean, 26 Timpani, 27 Retrain, 28 Ring the changes
Down: 2 Incisor, 3 Emulating, 4 Pledge, 5 Hackable, 6 Graft, 7 Oration, 8 Toilet training, Aberdeen 08:22 16:18 08:20 12:10 06:10(Mon) 18 17 22
9 Point-to-pointer, 16 Rin Tin Tin, 17 Televise, 19 Doorman, 21 Iterate, 22 Scorch, 24 Yeast
Belfast 08:25 16:46 08:23 12:42 06:07(Mon)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Birmingham 08:00 16:39 07:59 12:37 05:37(Mon)
SPOT THE MOVE 1254 CONCISE CROSSWORD 1713 Bristol 07:59 16:45 07:57 12:45 05:34(Mon)
Mainly dry with Rain, sleet or snow Another spell of
1 Rh2! traps the black queen. 1…Ra1+ 2 Kc2 Across: 1 Pith, 3 Escapade, 9 Nomadic, 10 Quota, sunny spells. A few will move in from rain will arrive
11 Radio galaxy, 13 Martyr, 15 Unreal, 17 Uncertainty, Cardiff 08:01 16:48 08:00 12:48 05:36(Mon)
Rxd1 3 Rxg2 and Black is doomed wintry showers. the Atlantic. from the west.
20 Opera, 21 Piccolo, 22 Pussycat, 23 Keen Cork 08:24 17:07 08:23 13:07 06:00(Mon)
Down: 1 Panorama, 2 Tumid, 4 Social, 5 Acquaintance, Max 6C Max 10C Max 12C
Dublin 08:21 16:52 08:19 12:51 06:00(Mon)
TEASER 3043 6 Acolyte, 7 Exam, 8 Idiosyncrasy, 12 Play down,
14 Reuters, 16 Grappa, 18 Noose, 19 Coup Glasgow 08:24 16:33 08:23 12:27 06:09(Mon)
5159 and 5951
London 07:49 16:35 07:48 12:35 05:24(Mon)
TODAY’S SOLUTIONS Manchester 08:05 16:36 08:04 12:33 05:44(Mon)
6 2 0
Newcastle 08:09 16:27 08:08 12:22 05:51(Mon)
23 180 49 60 NEWS QUIZ POLYGON Norwich 07:48 16:25 07:46 12:23 05:24(Mon)
3 + 20 4 x 45 4 + 45 20 x 3
1 Baden-Württemberg police, where the triplets are aioli, alba, alcid, aldol, alibi, bail, bald, Plymouth 08:01 16:55 08:00 12:57 05:34(Mon) 10 10 5 7 6 7
100 26 156 43 officers 2 34%, says Which? 3 Proposed statues for ball, ballad, bill, biocidal, bloc, boil,
Donald Trump’s Garden of American Heroes 4 More bold, boll, cabal, cabildo, call, calla, cill,
25 x 4 6 + 20 4 x 39 39 + 4 12 11 13
than £200,000. Ambergris, made by whales, is clad, clod, coal, coil, cola, cold, lies low in the WSW evening twilight.
29 154 25 120 used in perfume 5 Dolly the seal, after treatment by diabolic, diabolical, dial, dill, diol, doll, At 7pm, Mars is high and bright in the S, shining 43 23 33
25 + 4 14 x 11 11 + 14 6 x 20 the RSPCA 6 Bitcoin miners 7 First vegan restaurant idli, idol, iliac, labial, laic, laical, libido,
to win a Michelin star 8 Icing was penis-shaped lido, lilac, lilo, load, local reddish below and left of the star Hamal in Aries.
84 31 168 20 9 Design of the Year, to Teeter-Totter Wall on the The Moon lies between the horns of Taurus and Thursday Friday Saturday
14 x 6 24 + 7 24 x 7 14 + 6 US-Mexico border 10 Nine Met police officers above Orion in the SE. Above and right of Orion Early rain clearing Wet at first in the Rain will affect
is Gemini, with the star Pollux below Castor. to leave some south. Becoming many places.
Winners Crossword 4936 M Pawson, Stanway, Essex, R Grodynski, Hertford, I McGregor, Brentwood, Essex, R Warren, Coventry Mephisto 3149 R Price, Tamerton Foliot, Snow in the north.
Devon, P O’Shea, St Albans, Hertfordshire, P Pugh, Chandler’s Ford, Hampshire, HAJ Staples, London SW19, C Tulloch, Glasgow Teaser 3041 JD Parker, Sutton Coldfield, The Moon lies below Pollux on Wednesday and sunny spells. brighter later.
West Midlands, S Shaw, Goosnargh, Lancashire Chess 1252 P Rawcliffe, Harrogate, North Yorkshire Sudoku 1412 S Pendray, Chalfont St Giles, Buckinghamshire is full in Cancer on Thursday. Alan Pickup Max 13C Max 12C Max 13C

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