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1) You have had a bank account for a few years. Recently you
received a letter from the bank stating that your account is
$240 overdrawn and that you will be charged $70 which will
be taken directly from your account. You know that this
information is incorrect.
Dear Sir  or Madam,
I am writing in response to a letter that I received from your bank a few days ago.
The letter stated that I am $240 overdrawn and that you will be charging me $70
due to this. I request you to verify the information before imposing the charge.

I would like to point out that the reason I am overdrawn is because of a mistake
made by your bank. If you analyse the recond you will notice that I wrote several
weeks ago explaining the situation. For the last twelve months, I have been paying
$300 a month for a car I bought. The monthly payments were taken directly from
my bank account. However, two months ago I sold the car and I wrote to you
instructing you to stop paying the monthly instalments. I received a letter from you
acknowledging my request, but, for some reason, nothing was done about it.
Another $300 instalment has been paid this month and this is the reason I am
shown overdrawn in my statement.
I would like you to contact the garage from where I bought the car. Please, explain
your error and ask them to return the money.
Yours faithfully,
Harold Acton
2) You recently visited a place that had a strong impact on you.
Now you want to write to your friend about the place.
 Dear Gretel,
Hope you are doing great. I am writing this letter to tell you about a
fascinating place that I discovered unexpectedly very near to our college. I
would like you to join me next time I go there.
While cycling last morning, I took a detour from our regular path and cycled
along the banks of the stream that passes behind the main college building.
After one kilometre or so, I reached a dead end and when I was about to
turn, I became anxious to know where the stream goes beyond this as I could
see no land post that end. I was gasped to see that the small looking stream
turned into a beautiful waterfall with sun-raises cutting through the water
and displaying prism colours. The place looked so serene and calm. The
most astonishing part was the beauty of nature and I wished to stay there for
As I know you have an interest in photography, I do not think you should
miss taking pictures of this wonderful place. I will be cycling to this place
again on Saturday and I would really want you to come along with me and
see the beauty of nature for yourself.
See you on Saturday!
Best wishes,

 Dear Samuel,
I hope you are doing excellent. I am writing to inform you about a place I
had been to for the first time and the experience is overwhelming. I would
like to take you there and show you how this part of the city is different from
the rest.
Recently, I, along with a group of people, visited a slum area as part of
social activity. This slum is situated in a distant place, away from the city
outskirts and could be reached on foot only. Upon entering the area, I was
surprised by the children who were ready to welcome us; they were eagerly
waiting that someone would bring something for them to eat. We spent
about 4 hours playing games, explained to them the importance of personal
hygiene, taught them few important social aspects, gave them food which we
took along with us and at the end of the session we distributed around 30
winter blankets for each family in the slum. When we were in the midst of
the slum, I personally saw and felt their poverty, their longing for help and
their need for social awareness. When we were leaving, I was so happy to
see the smiles on their faces.
The trip to the slum infused me with an idea to gather a few more and ask
them for their help in supporting the slum dwellers. I know that you are very
much interested in these types of philanthropic activities.
If you agree, we can visit there next week and help them in any way
Yours truly,
 An English-speaking friend wants to spend a two-week holiday
in your region and has written asking for information and
 You have recently migrated to another country. Now write a
letter to your friend to describe your present life.
Dear Lee,
Hope you and your family are doing fine. I'm sorry that I couldn’t get back
to you with an update from my end earlier after moving to Australia about a
month ago, but that’s so because I was terribly busy with getting my things
organized after moving to this new country.
Anyway, now I am all set with my new life and trying to adapt to the new
environment and conditions of this new country slowly. Of course, it will
take a bit longer for me to understand the life and culture, but people are
charming and friendly here. The place, where I live now, is a small town but
it is certainly a beautiful place with lots of trees and beautiful landscape. So,
I guess, you can say that I am enjoying my time here.
By the way, in case if you were wondering, I decided to move to Australia
because the profession and skills I have are in high demand here. I am
expecting to work in Australia for at least 10 years.
That should do it for now, but I sure would like to get back to you with some
more updates soon.
Warm wishes,

1) Dear Linh,
Thanks so much for your letter which arrived a few days ago . I'm really
happy because you always miss and think of me.
How are you? I hear that you are going to travel with your family next
week. I wish you will have a good time. Last weekend I went to the party
arranged to congratulate Lan. She won competition in her office. That
night we had a good time. The party was arranged at Lan’s house. Her
mother and sister helped to us to prepare interesting dinner. We want to
make her surprised. There were many people to join this party and maybe
you know some of them. After good meal, we talked and listened
romantic songs and danced together. We had interesting and
unforgettable night with friends. Are you going to next Friday? Don’t
forget to send me some postcards from places where you will come.
Best regards,
Van Anh

2) Imagine you stayed in an unusual place when you went on

holiday. Write a letter to a friend.

In your letter you should:

· Say where this place is and who you went with

· Describe the place and what it was so unusual about it

· How you felt about the whole experience in general

Dear Helen,

You'll never guess where I went on holiday last month!

My friends and I decided to experience something unusual, so we

chose to stay in a place called Prison Hotel. It is an old naval jail situated

in Korosta. It used to be a prison for Russian sailors and political

prisoners. The receptionist was a former prison guard, and he even had

a gun! Scary, isn't it?

The place was cold and dark, the food disgusting and the beds

uncomfortable. My whole body is still aching. But, for ten euros per

night we couldn't expect more. Though it was a unique experience, we

will definitely choose an ordinary place to stay next time!

Anyway, I must go and get on with my work.

Best wishes,



1) Dear Ms. Lee,

I would like to thank you for the invaluable support you provided to me
during my recent career search.

When I began this search, I had very little idea how to go about it – or
especially, how to network to discover new job opportunities. The
information and advice you gave (and, in particular, the list of contacts you
shared with me) made all the difference in helping me to focus my job

I’m happy to report that I have just accepted a new position with ACME
Auto! Again, thank you so very much. I greatly appreciate your generosity.

2) Dear Mr. Gold:

Thank you for taking the time to meet with me today. I enjoyed learning more
about the Social Media Manager position within Gold Enterprise. It’s an
excellent match for my skills and interests, given my background as an SEO

Your modern approach to social media marketing, including your highly

refined SEO tactics, confirmed my desire to become a member of your team.

In addition to my enthusiasm, I’d also bring my social media expertise, time

management skills and team player approach to the department.

Thank you again for reserving an hour out of your busy schedule to interview
me today. I remain very interested in becoming a member of your team and
look forward to speaking with you again!


3) Dear Mr. Gold:

Thank you for offering me the position of Social Media Manager with Gold
Enterprise. I appreciate all the time you took to interview me and consider my
application, and I am delighted to accept the position.

Out of respect for my current employer, I’d like to extend them the courtesy of
two weeks’ notice. Following that, I’ll be ready to join the team on Monday,
December 28. Please let me know if these dates line up with your schedule.

Until then, I’ll look forward to joining your team! Thank you for this
tremendous opportunity.

4) My dearest Jennifer,

Thank you so much for having me and Peter this weekend! We had a fantastic
time in Seattle, thanks to your hospitality. I don’t think I’ll ever forget the
steak-frites from Jacques Pepin!

Your home is absolutely gorgeous and we couldn’t have been more

comfortable. It’s safe to say you have the coziest bed on the planet!

If you ever find yourself in Savannah, know you have a place to stay!

With love,


5) My dear friend Sara,

Thank you for the gorgeous pair of earrings you sent me for my birthday! You
know me so well. That rose gold is going to match at least half my wardrobe!

It’s been ten years since we met in that fateful English 101 class, and I couldn’t
be more grateful for your friendship.

Thanks again for making my birthday even more special. I’ll send you a pic
when I wear them to work on Monday!

With love,


6) Dear Amy,

Thank you so much for coming out to celebrate my 40th birthday! There’s no
doubt this is going to be my best decade yet, and part of that is because I
rang it in with you.
I hope you enjoyed your time at the party! You'll forever hold a special place
in my heart and I can’t thank you enough for making the drive.

Beyond that, the silk scarf you gave me is absolutely stunning. I’ve already put
it on a few times and paraded before the mirror! You’re so thoughtful (and a
girl can never have too many scarves)!

I love you to the moon and back. Thank you for making my birthday even
more meaningful. Talk soon!

Your loving friend,Bella

1) Dear Mr. Williams,

I’m writing to say sorry that I couldn’t attend the meeting last week. I feel
really bad about missing the meeting really hope that I could explain what
happened to me last week.

Last Wednesday, I was on my way to the office then my motorcycle broke

down and I wasn’t able to find any repair shop nearby. I had to drag it with
me for about thirty minutes before I could find a mechanic to help me fix it.
Sadly, the meeting had already started when I was still at the repair shop and
also my phone was dead so I couldn’t call anyone to inform about my

I have already asked our collegues about the contents of the meeting and
have taken some notes to make sure I can fully understand the meeting last
week. Additionally, I would like to invite everyone to lunch tomorrow.

Once again, I want to express my sincere apology, and I hope I can

compensate for my absence in the future.

Yours faithfully,


2) Dear Mrs. Fischer,

I am writing to apologize for passing notes in class. I realize that you
were discussing important concepts that are going to help us write
our upcoming analysis essays and do well on the final, and
I should have been paying closer attention. From now on, I’ll limit my
classroom communication to helpful comments that are related to the
subject matter and wait to discuss personal things until after class.
I also wanted to thank you for giving me a warning instead of
detention because my coach would have benched me if I had been
late to practice. I promise you won ’t have to make that decision
Bill Tammen
1) Dear Lisa,

I heard that you got a new job as a Quality Analyst in Offshore Outsourcing
Limited on February 27. I am writing this letter to congratulate you on the

Even after completing your graduation with Bachelors in Business

Administration a year back, you have been searching for a job. I understand
that due to the pandemic finding a good job was a bit difficult. However,
now it seems that you have overcome the struggle and obstacle with a great
job in a prestigious organization. I am sure that you will get all the success
ahead in your life.

I wish you all the best in the new job and congratulate you again from my

Your friendJane Chadwick

2) Dear Jack,

I am happy to hear that you successfully topped in your board examinations. I do

not have words to express how happy I am with this news. I am writing this letter
to convey my heartiest congratulations and best wishes to you. I saw your result,
which left me highly delighted, knowing that you secured distinction in every
subject. I was pleased on seeing that you secured 100% in Mathematics.
You must have practised hard to achieve this success, and it indeed is a matter of
pride for your family members, relative, and friends. Congratulations to you for
such a splendid achievement. I was always aware that you could surely do
something great like this. Your success is indeed proof of your hard work,
dedication, concentration, and sacrifices. I have always been impressed with your
dedication to learning and better understanding approach. This indeed is a moment
of grand celebration!

Congratulations once again, and I hope that you achieve the most significant
success in everything you want.

3) Dear Deborah,

Congratulations on the completion of your doctorate in Business administration.

I have observed with admiration as you sought to better yourself and advance your
career while striving to maintain excellent performance in the workplace. Now that
your efforts have paid off, I am filled with profound joy. I congratulate and
celebrate your success and wish you many more to come.

Rex Timothy

1) Nguyen Phuong Hang

14 Ngo May, Quy Nhon, Binh Dinh

26th September, 2021 

Dear Sir/Madam,

Through the recruitment information on the website, I am writing to apply

for the position of English teacher. I find this is a job that completely
matches my qualifications, experience, and working skills so far.

I am 24 years old and currently teaching in Quy Nhon city. In terms of my

educational background, I hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Pedagogical English,
completed in 2019 from Quy Nhon University. Moreover, I also cleared the
IELTS examination last year in December with a 6.5 degree.

I have been working as a teacher for London English Center in Quynhon

since 2019; therefore, I have experience working with students. Besides, I
have been a volunteer English teacher in SOS children’s village in Quy
Nhon city since the school holidays include the months of July and August
in 2018. 

I consider myself to be an active, creative, and hard-working person. I am

passionate about teaching English. In addition to that, I have communication
skills as well as other soft skills that are essential for my job. 

I am attaching my detailed resume along with the scanned copies of the

relevant documents as mentioned in the advertisement. I am available for an
interview on any weekday including Saturdays.

I can be contacted at the above address, or by telephone on 090 112 8048.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon!

Yours faithfully,

Nguyen Phuong Hang.

1) Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to express my dismay at the service at your Eden Hill branch on
Saturday 14 January.
I often collect prescriptions from the pharmacy on behalf of my
grandmother, Mrs Elaine Bingham. On this occasion there were two
prescriptions: one for 10 x 50 mg Kendomol and one for 50 x 100 mg
Leoprone. I was served quickly even though there appeared to be only one
pharmacist on duty. However, as I was leaving I saw that I had been given
500 mg tablets of Kendomol. This is ten times stronger than the prescription
called for.
If I hadn't noticed the difference between the prescription and the actual
tablets, my grandmother could have taken a dangerous overdose of
Kendomol. I would be worried about getting any future prescriptions at
Eden Hill.
The pharmacist apologised and corrected the mistake but I wanted to bring it
to your attention. I think it happened because there were not enough staff on
duty. I understand that mistakes happen but there needs to be a minimum of
two pharmacists at all times so all prescriptions can be checked.
I hope you can take steps to make sure this mistake does not happen again.
Yours faithfully,
Roger Bingha
2) Dear Sir,

I am writing this letter to express my disappointment with the quality of service from
your company. I booked online a package tour on the website of your company but
unfortunately, the trip did not live up to my expectations.

When it comes to my trip, I was deeply dissatisfied not only with delayed flight
but also low- quality service from your company. As I booked all- inclusive
vacation package, the accommodation at least should have provided necessities
to satisfy my demands but it did not. For three days, I had to live cramped in a
narrow and lightly furnished room. In addition to, the air conditioner and the
shower were out of order, which really annoyed me. Moreover, a visit to the zoo
was cancelled unwarrantedly only because of rainy weather.

In this worst case scenario, I expect to receive a refund from your company for all
the charges I paid or any measures you could take to compensate for me. I look
forward to a swift solution to this matter.

Yours sincerely,


1) Dear Mr Richardson,
I am writing to ask whether your café may like to donate a voucher for the
local primary school's upcoming trivia night scheduled for 30 March. We
hope to raise enough money at the trivia night to purchase new recorders
for our school's music program. We will give prizes to the top three teams
and include other items in a silent auction.
Any donation would be gratefully received. It may be as small as coffee and
cake for two or as generous as a $100 dining voucher that a family could
use for lunch. In exchange for your generosity, we would place an
advertisement for your business on our answer sheets. If you could provide
a poster, we would also happily hang this in our school hall on our trivia
Thank you for your time reading this letter and considering our request. If
you'd like to donate or need more information, you can call or email me
using the contact details above. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Kind regards
2. Dear Ms Henderson,
I am writing to ask for media coverage of my upcoming salon opening in
Toowoomba. I have salons in Brisbane and the Gold Coast, and can't wait to open
my latest branch on 1 May. I think Toowoomba residents would love to know
about my salon's high-end experience and hair, beauty and cosmetic services.
I'd love you to visit my salon on opening day and learn more. You can interview
me and my employees and take advantage of a complimentary hair or beauty
treatment. This will let you write a feature article on the Cuts by Dale difference
using your firsthand experience.
Thank you for your considering my proposal and I hope to see you on opening
day. I have enclosed a brochure so you can familiarise yourself with our services.
If you'd like a treatment, please call me on the number above so I can book your
appointment at a time that's convenient for you. I look forward to hearing from
you soon.
Yours faithfully
3) Dear Sir/Mam,
I am writing this letter to request information about availing loan from your bank
for starting a business nearby my home in the next month.
As per the market research, I hope that constructing a restaurant in the proposed
site would be a huge success. Since the area is a home to students studying in the
regional university, it is expected that around 2000 students can be the potential
customers of my business.
For setting up the restaurant, I would require to invest Rs 50 lakh which I seek as
the loan amount from bank.  I request you to provide me all the required
information including eligibility criteria and the documents to be submitted along
with the application.
Furthermore, I would like to inform that there is no other restaurant in the area
which would provide a great possibility for the business to grow. And hence, I
hope that I would be able to repay the loan in 3 years or earlier.
Kindly provide me the requested information as soon as possible so that the loan
application can be processed at the earliest.
Yours faithfully,

1) Dear Mai,
I want to make a small announcement that next week is my birthday, and it
would be great if you can take your time and join us for a small party at my
house. It will be start at 5pm and maybe ended early around 9pm, so I hope
it is a suitable time for you and everyone. There will be birthday cake,
delicious dishes that are made by may mom, and a lot of candies at the party.
We can eat and play a lot of fun games afterwards.
Call me if you cannot make it to my party I am looking forward to hearing
from you soon.
2) Dear Mr. Cleveland,

On behalf of Big weld LTD and associates, it is my pleasure to invite you to the
opening of the 20th Annual Charity Big weld Charity ball. It would be an honor to
have you as a guest of honor for the event.

The event takes place on Friday the 15th of September at the Grand Royal Hotel.
Expected guests include Hollywood celebrities and Artists. The event will be
opened officially by Hollywood legend, Morgan Freeman, and Chris Rock, a
veteran Comedian, who will serve as the master of ceremonies for5 the event.

3) Dear Ann and David.

We're writing to invite you to our house-warming party on May 26th.

Our new house is wonderful; it’s a semi-detached town house with three
bedrooms and a small back garden. The kitchen is huge, and is fitted with
wooden cupboards that make you feel as if you are in a country kitchen. All
three bedrooms are rather small but very cosy. The living room is quite big
and has lovely French windows which open onto a terrace.
You shouldn't have too much trouble finding the house, but here are a few
directions so you don’t get lost. Take the A27 road for Lewes and turn right at
the roundabout where there is a signpost for Hawkstead. Drive through the
town until you get to the post office, then turn left into Potter’s Lane. Our
house is number 23, on the right-hand side.
We hope you’ll be able to make it to our party. Looking forward to seeing
you then.
Bill and Laura

1) Quy Nhơn, Binh Dinh
July 15th, 2021

Dear Hang,

I was surprised when I saw your wedding invitation. I had to read this
invitation several times to make sure it was really you. I'll definitely attend
this happy occasion.

I will be going to Saigon on Saturday night for your wedding on Sunday.

Looking forward to sharing this time with you.

2) Thank you for your kind invitation to John and Jane's engagement party
on Friday, January 16 at 6:30 p.m. My wife and I will be happy to attend
and eagerly look forward to helping you celebrate this happy occasion.
3) Thank you for inviting us to be part of Jane's graduation celebration.
We're eager to see you all again. This event will make seeing you even
more special.
We'll be arri ving Thursday at 7:00 p.m. on flight 401. Thank you for
offering to pick us up and getting us a room at the Doe Inn. You seem to
think of everything. We look forward to spending this time with you and
getting better acquainted with Jane and her husband.
4) John and I were delighted to receive the invitation to your barbecue. We
accept and are looking forward to the event. I've misplaced the invitation,
but as I recall, the barbecue is on Thursday, June 15, at 6:30. Please let
me know if I am mistaken. We look forward to another great evening
with you.
1) I am writing this letter to thank you for the invitation on (mention the
date) but I will not be able to attend it due to my exams which have been
proponed to that date. So now I have to revise for my exam it all again
and complete it soon. As you know that I will be giving my Ph.D. exam,
I might not be able to attend it. I would really like to be a part of this
event (mention the event) someday but this time it does not seem
possible. I hope you will understand my situation. 

I know that this event is really special to you and your family. So I want to
congratulate you all on a special day. I wish you all the best for the day and
so once again I congratulate you all. Give my love to all. Will miss you.

Thank you for inviting me and also for understanding my situation.

Warm Regards,

2) [Event organiser’s name]

[Event organiser’s business address]

Dear [Name]

Thank you so much for your kind invitation to speak at your event on [date].

It is with much regret that I must decline your invitation as I [insert reason],
however I would be happy to be considered for any future events.

I’d like to take this opportunity to wish you well for your event and I hope it is a
huge success.

Yours Sincerely,
[Your name]

3) Dear Ms. Golightly:

Thank you for the recent invitation. I’m sorry I will not be able to attend the
reception honoring the board of directors in your new office building. I have
another meeting in Canton, which has been scheduled for several weeks.
I have watched your building go up from the start and hope you will give me
another opportunity in the future to visit with you and get a closer look.
4) Dear Mr. Henry:
I deeply regret I am unable to accept your kind invitation to meet you and your
associate for the reception honoring William Tow. I will be in New York on
August 8
If it is possible I would like Senior Vice President Faye Forsythe to represent me at
this reception.
Best wishes with the reception.
5) Dear Minh,
Thanks a lot for your letter. It’s great to hear that you are going for a picnic at Cuc
Phuong National Park next weekend. But I’m really sorry I can’t join you because
I'm having a test in Maths on Monday, so I have to prepare for it. Let’s make it
another time perhaps.
Thanks for thinking of me, and give my best regards to your parents. Have a great
time on your picnic.
Your friend,


1) 25 Le Duan St. District 1
Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
April 17, 2003
Dear Sir, I saw your school's advertisement in today's edi-tion of the Viet
Nam News.
I am interested in learning Vietnamese and I would like some
information about your school.
I speak a little Vietnamese, but I want to learn to read and write it. Could
you please send details of courses and fees? I can complete a spoken Vietnamese
test if necessary.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully.
John Robinson
1) Transactional letters ( trang 68)
Ngo Kieu Nhi
   06 Ngo May
                                                             9 Dec, 2021                                                                      
Dear Sir/Madam,
With reference to your advertisement in yesterday’s edition of the Forest
English News, I am writing to ask you for further information about the
Summer Course. I am interested in taking your course. 
Firstly, could you let me know the exact date the course starts and how long
it lasts? In addition to that I would be grateful if you could let me know
exactly how much the course costs. Also, I would like to know how many
hours a week it is.
Finally, could you please let me know how many students there are in each
Thank you in advance. I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,

1. Could you give me advice? I want to travel around your
country for a month. Where should I go? What should I
Dear Tran,
Lovely to hear from you and how exciting!
I am glad that you have been able to manage a month-long vacation. You've
picked a great area to travel in a must-see attraction, Da Lat gardens. In this
city, a wide variety of flowers bloom throughout the year like hydrangeas,
lavenders and you name it. It has a very calm and relaxed way of enjoying
life. Another place to take the people is Hue Imperial Citadel. A place
imbued with the history of Vietnam, you will see the culture imbued with
national identity and ancient heritage, and so on.
As for food, there’s quite a variety here. I’d recommended trying Pho and
Quang noodles - they’re both really typical VietNam foods. You can also eat
well and cheaply at street markets.
Can’t wait to see you.
Best wishes,
2) I want to earn some money at the weekends, so I'm
looking for a part-time job in a café or a shop. Which do
you think would be more fun? Write soon - I need your
Dear Hana,
Thanks very much for your letter, and of oourse l'm too glad to give you
my advice.
I think it's more fun to work part-time at a coffee shop. If you work as a
waitress or cashier in a coffee shop, you will have the opportunity to
improve your communication skills and quick-thinking skills. I believe
the working environment in the cafe is also more dynamic than in the
shop, because you have to be more physically active.
However, you should also consider the salaries of both workplaces and
how far from your accommodation to the working place. And choosing
one that fits your schedule.
I hope my advice is helpful. Hope you get a part-time job soon.
Lots of love,

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