Ground Up: Cultivating Sustainable Agriculture in The Catskill Region

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Cultivating Sustainable Agriculture in the Catskill Region

Prepared by the Columbia University Urban Design Research Seminar >> Spring 2010
Urban Design Program, Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation,
Columbia University >>
Nidhi Bhatnagar, Elenora Encheva, Jenny Joe, Brad Kingsley, Henry Martes, Cyntia Navarro, Julia O’Brien, Monica Pinjani, Josh
Turner, Manas Vanwari, Sunghwan Yoon, Richard Plunz (Director)

Urban Design Lab, Earth Institute, Columbia University >>

Kubi Ackerman, Richard Gonzalez, Tong Hao, Richard Plunz (Director), Maria-Paola Sutto, Emily Weidenhof, Xiaomeng Xu

Open Space Institute >>

Tally Blumberg, Pati Canseco, Jennifer Grossman, Gillian Weber-Mollod, Abigail Weinberg

Catskill Mountain Keeper >>

Wes Gillingham (Director)

Emily Weidenhof, Editor
with Nidhi Bhatnagar

The organization of the Urban Design Research Seminar and preparation of this publication have been a collaborative effort
involving many organizations and individuals. All photographs were taken by Columbia University unless otherwise noted.
The Project Team was essential to the success of this effort. We are grateful to the farmers of the Upper Delaware region.
For production we appreciate the careful work of Tom Leung of i2Print, Inc. We also thank others who have contributed to the
completion of this publication through sharing of information and resources:
Sullivan Division of Planning and Environmental Management Luiz C. Aragon (Commissioner), Ethan Cohen, Heather Jacksy
Pure Catskills/Watershed Agricultural Council Challey Comer
American Farmland Trust, New York Division David Haight, Jennifer Small
Upper Delaware Preservation Coalition (UDPC) DJ Branch, Troy Bystrom, Daria Dorosh
Delaware Highlands Conservancy Melinda Ketcham
Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) Johanna Dyer, Mark Izeman, Elinor Tarlow
The New School Nevin Cohen, Anna Meroni
Just Food Jacquie Berger, Michael Hayes
River Reporter Fritz Mayer
LightHawk Flight & Aerial Services Kelly Tucker
The editors are extremely grateful to the NORCROSS WILDLIFE FOUNDATION and the WATERSHED AGRICULTURAL COUNCIL for their
generous financial support, which has been essential to the completion of this publication.
Copyright © Columbia University 2011 All Rights Reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced without written consent
from the editor.
1 Preface
2 The Big Picture
4 Sullivan County Agriculture
6 Mountain Dell Farm
10 Organic Certification & Farmer’s Pledge
12 Gorzynski Farm
14 Food Safety & Farmers Markets
16 Willow Wisp Organic Farm
20 Marcellus Shale & Education
22 Dirie Dairy Farm
25 Farm to School
26 Tonjes Dairy Farm
29 Mobile Processing
30 Snow Dance Farm
33 Education
34 What If...
41 Afterward
42 10 Points
six farms


Mountain Dell Farm


Mark Dunau & Lisa Wujnovich

John Gorzynski



PA ~ 100 miles CT
DIRIESwartz Tim & Mary Tonjes


Richard & Mary Ann Dirie Marc Jaffe Union Square
1,600 feet

1,600 feet
The glory of the farmer is that, in the division of labors, it is his part to create ...
... But as I said, we must not paint the farmer in rose-color.
Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Farming,” (1858)

This publication is fourth in a series decline in agricultural production in In surveys, local residents routinely
produced by a post-graduate-level Sullivan County has been drastic. In value the rural landscape and agrarian
seminar within the Urban Design 1920 the U.S. Department of Agriculture lifestyle,8 yet there appears to be
Program at Columbia University. Each recorded 3,543 farms with 414,841 mixed political support for landscape
has been focused on environmental combined acreage. In 2003, only 235 preservation options. To date there
issues facing the Upper Delaware River farms remained, with 63,500 combined has been no participation in the
region1: the development potential of acreage.5 Recently, however, there New York State Farmland Protection
the Route 97 highway corridor (spring are signs that this downward trend Program in either Sullivan or Delaware
2002)2; the impacts of the proposed may have bottomed out. One 2008 counties. By contrast, Orange County
New York Regional Interconnection estimate indicates an increase of 149 has enrolled 3,151 acres.9 The Town
power transmission line (spring 2007)3; farms, to 384 total, since 2003.6 We of Warwick in Orange County has
the impacts of residential subdivision are interested in the trajectory of this pioneered agricultural protection
within the watershed (spring 2008); renewed activity. zoning, which is an alternative way of
and the impact of Marcellus Shale gas securing preservation.10 It is important
extraction (spring 2009)4. The connection On the following pages are chronicles to counter the common perception
between this year’s study and last year’s of six farms that are doing things that somehow community economic
is particularly timely, given the growing differently. In recent years one of the growth must prioritize consumptive
impetus to industrialize the agrarian most important changes in farming has land “development” and accompanying
landscape through gas extraction. been the renewal of regional agricultural service sector jobs. On this question
Involved is the question of food versus markets, and especially the rapidly the economic evidence has not been
fuel, and short-term profit versus long- expanding urban appetite for fresh local conclusive.11 And local economic
term economic development. produce. The growth of the New York City alternatives are evolving. For farmers
Greenmarket Program, the largest in the and their communities, the long-term
Emerson had it right. Farming is a country, is an impressive indicator of this rewards of initiating farm businesses
“creative act.” But even in 1858 the trend.7 Farmers are innovating outreach begin to look attractive. Innovation and
romance of farming had its down side to new markets. Concurrent has been an initial leap of faith are required. It is
and more so today. Heeding Emerson’s innovation in local farming techniques. especially the “leap” that herein gains
advice, this publication is not a study The intention of this study is to provide our gratitude and respect.
in “rose-color.” In recent decades, the a public affirmation of these potentials
agricultural statistics have not been through conversations within the farming
on the farmer’s side. For example, the community. Richard Plunz, Columbia University

1. K.J. Hutzel, K. Saul, eds., Case Studies in Regional Environmental Design: Upper Delaware River Corridor. Columbia University Urban Design Research Seminar, 2002.
2. A River Endangered. Proposed Power Transmission and Its Impact on Cultural History along the Upper Delaware River. Columbia University Urban Design Research Seminar, Spring 2007.
3. A Citizen’s Guide to Residential Development. Western Sullivan and the Upper Delaware River Basin. Columbia University Urban Design Research Seminar, Spring 2008.
4. E. Weidenhof, editor with V. Ngo and R. Gonzalez, Hancock & The Marcellus Shale: Visioning the Impacts of Natural Gas Extraction along the Upper Delaware. Columbia University Urban
Design Research Seminar, Spring 2009.
5. (accessed August 2010).
6. “Sullivan County Agricultural Facts and Figures 2008,” Cornell Cooperative Extension of Sullivan County.
7. Jane McGroarty, “Green Market,” New Village Journal 2 (2000), There are currently 50 Greenmarket locations in New York City. greenmarket/marketfacts (accessed August 2010).
8. For example, surveys indicate that the agrarian landscape is fundamental to sustaining the second home economy. See: “2008 Second Home Owner Study” conducted by the Sullivan
County Division of Planning and Community Development. (accessed August 2010).
9.“New York State Farmland Protection Program Funding History,” American Farmland Trust (2009). Sullivan County has developed a planning strategy for agricultural redevelopment.
See: (accessed August 2010). Orange County Acerage from D. Church, Commissioner of Planning.
10. J. Russell, “Agricultural Protection Zoning: How Well Has It Worked?” Planning News, New York Planning Federation, Spring 2010, Summer 2010.
11. Compared with residential subdivision, the agricultural land use represents a far higher return to local governments on the tax dollar. See: “A Cost of Community Services
Study for Sullivan County,” Sullivan County Division of Planning and Community Development.
MunicipalResources/ (accessed August 2010). 1
in America now travels at The mass quantities of food imported
least [1,490 miles] from between countries have nearly
quadrupled over the past four decades
The definition of local food can vary;
local food is food that is grown within a
farm to plate.”1 alone as the world’s total population “reasonable” distance from where it is
has doubled.2 This dependence on consumed. What local food consumers
long-distance food is affecting rural have in common is a commitment
economies, as small farms and to purchase food that ensures
small food businesses become the environmental, social, and economic
most expendable links in an ever- stability.4 In New York State, local food
growing food chain. The globalization travels less than 200 miles.5
of our food system also has a heavy
reliance on artificial methods: storage FARMS IN THE UNITED STATES
using chemicals and preservatives,
and packaging to keep food “fresh” According to a July 2009 U.S. Census
during travel. Food from the average Bureau report, the total population in
supermarket can travel more than 1,500 the United States was 307,006,550. Of
miles. By contrast, locally sourced food that population, fewer than one percent
travels an average of just 44.6 miles.3 claimed farming as an occupation (and
about two percent actually lived on
Today, there is a growing awareness farms). Only about 960,000 persons
of the importance of eating healthful claimed farming as their principal
and fresh food. However, today’s food occupation, and a similar number of
network is sensitive to disruptions by farmers claimed some other principal
climate change and rising fuel prices. It occupation.
is important to be innovative and create
local food systems that can provide fresh
and nutritious food choices.

John & Sue Gorzynski’s Farm

“1% of the population is Today there are 2.1 million farms in
the United States, a drastic drop from
responsible for feeding 6.8 million in 1935. As the number of
farms has decreased, the average age
100% of the population of farmers has continued to rise. Forty
Local and regional food systems
contribute to ensuring the economic,
in the United States.”6 percent of the farmers in this country are environmental, and social sustainability
55 years old or older.7 The thinning farm of local farms and the communities
population has led to concerns about the they serve. Buying local keeps dollars
long-term sustainability of family farms in within the community. It also brings
the United States. farmers and consumers closer together,
increasing consumers’ knowledge of
However, the demand for local food seasonal produce and the nutritional
continues to increase. As food travels advantages of eating locally grown food.
longer distances, increased packaging, Programs such as urban agriculture,
storage, transportation and distribution community gardens, farmers markets
costs have decreased the farmer’s and farm to school initiatives also work
profit margin. About 20 percent of each to enhance this critical connection
dollar spent on food purchased in a while encouraging potential farmers to
supermarket goes to the farmer. That learn about the basics of farming and
amount could increase up to 80 percent agriculture.
if food were distributed locally and sold
via direct sales.8 Thus, farmers markets
provide a competitive edge for New York
State farmers.

1. B. Halweil, “Healthy Food, Healthy Communities,” Worldwatch Institute, 2004, (accessed September 2010).
2., 3. C. Lazaroff, “Food Travels Far to Reach Your Plate,” 2002, (accessed September 2010).
4. S. Dewerrdt, “Is local Food Better?” The Worldwatch Institute, 2009, (accessed September 2010).
5. W.P. Heddenn, How Great Cities Are Fed, D.C. Heath and Company, New York, 1929, p. 1. (as cited in S. Stringer, “Food In the Public Interest,” February 2009.)
6. “Ag 101: Demographics,” U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, (accessed September 2010).
7. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
8. USDA Economic Research Service.

Sullivan County1 History

Agriculture has long been a predominant

Catskill Forest
industry for Sullivan County. The
influx of European immigrants in the
1800s transformed the county into a
sizable farming establishment. With
the advent of rail transportation,
agricultural products were distributed
within the region as well as north to
the capital, Albany, and south to New
York City. Sullivan County became a
significant food supply resource to urban
Liberty communities. This trend continued
through the 1960s, when Sullivan
County’s agricultural production peaked,
with more than 500 operating farms.
Today, the agricultural sector generates
Monticello a total of $68.7 million a year, with 382
farms on 57,877 acres of land. The
cumulative economic impact is $206.1
million a year as each dollar turns over
three times in the county.2

Water and Soil

Sloped woodland, lush valleys, and
freshwater lakes and streams largely
Agriculture District
dominate Sullivan County’s landscape
Delaware River which is bounded by the Delaware
River to the southwest. The abundance
and accessibility of clean water has
supported farming operations for
generations. About 2 percent of Sullivan
Current Sullivan County farmland and products3 farmland is Grade I soil, which is best
suited for cropland.

Gre Nu


en rser
Gr N

ee u

ho y

nh rse

ou ry

$2.3 Mil.


ul For

Du try est



20 $6


202 Livestock
Dairy $6.4 Mil. $32 Mil. Poultry

M il.
$10 Mil.


382 FARMS $68.7 Million

BY TYPE by product

Marcellus Shale play in the Northeast U.S. REGION Development Pressure

Sullivan County is about a two-hour drive Challenges to the agricultural districts in

from New York City, which is the largest Sullivan County have grown along with
NEW YORK metropoliton region in the country. With its rural enterprise expansion. Because
such close proximity to more than 21 farmland typically has significant road
COUNTY million urban dwellers and the growing frontage, cleared fields, and access
* popularity of farmers markets, Sullivan to sewer and water lines, real estate
County producers are well situated to speculators indentify it as prime land
supply fresh, local food for residents and for a second-home market. Rising land
commercial enterprises in the metro prices encouraged many farmers to
region. sell their properties between 2001 and
2007, and at the same time Sullivan
VIRGINIA Food Movement County experienced a 65 percent
increase in second-home ownership.5
Sullivan County also sits above vast
Since the 1990s, the organic, local and
natural gas reserves in the Marcellus
slow food movements have reinvigorated
Shale formation. Drilling companies
farming in Sullivan County. Of the
make aggressive leasing offers, often
county’s 382 farms, more than half are
with a high signing bonus. As a result,
livestock, followed by dairy, vegetable,
many struggling farmers sell leases on
greenhouse nursery, and poultry and
their fields and meadows.
duck farms.

New York metro region foodshed4

0 50 100 200 Miles

Developed (open space)

Developed (urbanized)


Second-home growth vs. agriculture districts6

New York Metro Foodshed

200 miles




GROWTH Delaware
MORE Fallsburg

Baltimore Cochecton


Tusten Mamakating

Washington DC Forestburgh

LESS Lumberland


1. Sullivan County Soil Data, USDA National Soil Survey.

2, 3. “Sullivan County Agricultural Facts and Figures,” Cornell Cooperative Extension of Sullivan County, 2009.
4. Image courtesy of The Urban Design Lab, The Earth Institute at Columbia University, 2010.
5, 6. “Second Home Owner Study: Assessing Attitudes, Consumer Behavior and Housing Tenure in Sullivan County,” Division of Planning & Environmental Management, October 2008. 5
Mountain Dell

Mark Dunau & Lisa Wujnovich

BACKGROUND: Playwright and NYC caterer
ACRES: Five in production
PRODUCT: Leafy greens
MARKETS: High-end restaurants, health food stores, local restaurants, CSA

Source: Unless otherwise noted, M. Dunau, personal communication, February 5 and May 6, 2010.

My son is graduating from college and my daughter is in her
first year ... these five acres have provided all of our income
for 20 years, so you can make it off of five acres ... even here.

Mountain Dell rogue farmer
is owned and the mountain
Mountain keeper
Dell was certified the ornery
Organic farmer
adherence the milk
to quality standards that man
years operated
farming by Mark Dunau, his wife Lisa
20 30 for 11 years before Mark and Lisa 30 are often more sustainable30 than USDA
previous career
and their two children. The ?? purposefully gave up the certification ?? Organic label requirements.
family owns
hat of choice 50 acres
married, two of land
children in Delaware because
married, two they consider
children the program
married, two children married, two children
County no hat ball cap (homemade) stocking cap
Mountain Dell Farm growsstocking cap
beard just south of the Cannonsville flawed, a belief shared by many 50 types
reservoir but keep only five of these long and curly
farmers. Mark is quick to point out grey and bushy medium
of vegetables on fields that are length
acres in production at one time. They that this change was a luxury he approximately 15 to 25 feet wide and up
supply leafy greens to health food could afford because his business to 600 feet long. The success of the farm
stores, local restaurants, and community plan was built around direct sales to is largely due to the use of floating row
supported agriculture (CSA) customers, upscale restaurants in New York. He covers, which are fabric tarps that cover
with their primary focus on high-end differentiates himself from commodity a field of vegetables to retain moisture
restaurants in New York City. Prior to farmers who must become certified and heat during the coldest parts of
starting the farm, they lived in New York organic if they wish to be allowed in the growing season. By using row covers,
City, where Mark was a playwright and market under the USDA Organic label. Mark and Lisa are able to increase their
Lisa was in the catering business. With Mark and Lisa’s close relationship with production by 50 percent. This allows
these past contacts, they have built a their clientele, half of whom have been Mountain Dell to continually provide
network for their current market. with them during their entire 20 years fresh products to their customers, even
of farming, allows them flexibility and late into the fall season.
CUSTOMERS manhattan restaurants, health store, local restaurants and individiuals

Mark & Lisa’s long growing season CSA (community supported agriculture)










25 01 08 15 22 29 07 14 21 28 31 07 14 21 28 30 05 12 19 26 30 03 10 17 24 31 01


Greenhouse with Greenhouses with
Eastern 40 fluorescent lights electric and
exposure small vent fan propane heaters
inside circulation fans

120 flats
60 plants per flat 70 flats

12 feet
6 feet

110 flats

lettuce radicchio fennel row cover

Standard flats with 60 plants per flat

50,000 transplants per year.

25 01 08 15 22 29 07 14 21 28 31 07 14 21 28 30 05 12 19 26 30 03 10 17 24 31 01


Mark & Lisa’s fields - Photograph by Mark Dunau

Mark and Lisa transplant close to
50,000 seedlings by hand each year,
primarily lettuce, radicchio, and fennel.
They directly seed brassicas (arugula,
broccoli rabe, tatsoi, bok choy, kyona
mizuna, and hakurei turnips) from mid-
April until the beginning of September.
The row cover is an important
component to their success. These
layers of cloth placed over the seedlings
maintain moisture in the soil and protect
plants from frost damage. A typical brassica
grows 50 percent faster when protected.

25 coolers
800 pounds of greens

1982 Chevy Suburban

300,000 miles


3-hour trip


25 01 08 15 22 29 07 14 21 28 31 07 14 21 28 30 05 12 19 26 30 03 10 17 24 31 01


Mountain Dell Farms

ORGANIC CERTIFICATION country for organic farms and is seeing
a steady increase. But while more and
more farms are adapting to the organic
The United States Department of
method of production, many farmers
Agriculture (USDA) established the
still maintain conventional practices
Organic Foods Production Act in 1990
because of the costs associated with
with a stated goal to “respond to site-
going organic. In the United States, the
specific conditions by integrating
average yearly production expenditures
cultural, biological, and mechanical
for organic farms are higher, at
practices that foster cycling of resources,
$171,978, versus a conventional
promote ecological balance, and
farm’s average yearly expenditures of
conserve biodiversity.”1 The current
$109,359.2 These conventional farms
National Organic Program (NOP)
are excluded from many local and
develops, implements, and administers
regional markets because all produce
national production, handling, and
sold under the Organic label must meet
labeling standards. With 827 certified
the criteria set forth by the USDA.
farms, New York State ranks fourth in the

$3.16 billion total sales in 2008 by U.S. certified & exempt organic farms.3
$1.94 billion crop sales
$1.22 billion livestock, poultry, & poultry product sales
$105,133,000 New York State organic sales, about 3.3% of U.S. total

Organic farms in the United States4

The Farmer’s Pledge is the farmer’s pledge5 “Reduce food miles by
committed to socially just, selling produce locally and
At the time of the implementation of the regionally”
ecologically sound and National Organic Program, half of the
humane growing practices organic farmers in New York and the Much of the lettuce consumed in New
not covered by the United States were not certified. Without York State is grown in California using
National Organic Program. this certification, they were prohibited water that has been diverted several
by law from describing themselves hundred miles with the help of federal
as organic. Mark Dunau started the water subsidies. This practice enables
Farmer’s Pledge with the Northeast lettuce to grow in vast quantities in
Organic Farming Association (NOFA) dry lands that would otherwise not
of New York as an alternative to USDA be suitable and it also depresses the
organic certification. This is a pledge price paid for New York greens. Even if
made by farmers to farm in an organic, California lettuce is certified organic,
sustainable way, documented in one the process of growing it and getting
page rather than the 200 pages of USDA it to New York creates a large carbon
regulations. Currently 120 farmers footprint.
that are not certified USDA organic are
still farming organically, following the
Farmer’s Pledge. Most of the signers “Create beneficial habitats for
of the pledge make their living through wildlife and biodiversity”
direct sales and do not need USDA
approval. It is their relationship with their For organic certification, USDA requires
customers, not USDA, that keeps them buffer zones around a farm field to
in business. Mark remains active in protect against chemical contamination
local politics and is continually working by runoff from nearby farms. This can
to improve USDA organic certification compete with existing wildlife habitats
standards. The following four sections surrounding the farms.
from the Farmer’s Pledge express
commitments that are not included in “Pay a living wage to all farm
USDA organic standards: workers and acknowledge their
freedom of association”
“Practice minimal processing
OF food products to preserve The National Labor Relations Act
the natural nutritional value of does not cover farm workers, and
food” consequently, they can be fired for union
organizing. There is also no federal
No use of irradiation, ultra- minimum wage law that covers all farm
pasteurization, excessive heat, synthetic workers. Therefore, farm workers are
preservatives, or GMO processing often dependent on state minimum
agents or additives is permitted. Include wage laws for protection. Unfortunately,
all ingredients on labels. This method many of those laws exempt farm workers
succeeds in extending the shelf life of from several of their provisions.
milk, thereby creating less demand for
organic milk and lowering the price paid
to organic dairy farmers.

1. M. Gold, “Organic Production/Organic Food: Information Access Tools,” USDA, June 2007. (accessed July 2010).
2, 3. “2007 Census of Agriculture: 2008 Organic Production Survey,” USDA.>.2007 (accessed July 2010).
4. H. Fairfield, “The Hotspots for Organic Food,” New York Times, May 3,2009. (accessed July 2010).
5. M. Dunau,“The Farmers Plege,” NOFA-NY. (accessed September 2010).

John & Sue Gorzynski

BACKGROUND: Farmer’s son, one of the first farmers at the NYC Greenmarket
PRODUCT: 500 varieties of vegetables and 100 varieties of fruits
MARKETS: Farmers markets, direct sales
SOIL: Grade II

Source: Unless otherwise noted, J. Gorzynski, personal communication, February 5 and May 6, 2010.

CROP diversity is key
to my success
It begins with the basic elements of good soil, clean water,
sunlight, and of course, seeds.

In 1982, John Gorzynski and his wife programs, John educates novice farmers JOHN’S DIVERSECROPS
n keeper the52ornery
Sue, bought farmer
acres of Grade II soil in the milk man
on sustainable the new guy
agricultural stewardship.
Cochecton30 Center to start an organic John supplements his soil with organic
30 10 FALLOW
farm. A strong
?? believer that “healthy rock fertilizers to enhance its fertility.
?? ?? He -Clover cover crop to fix nitrogen in the soil
-Mulch hay cover to keep the ground from
soil grows healthy
married, crops,”
two he produces
children follows atwo
married, five-year
childrencrop rotation system
married, two children
more thanstocking cap
500 varieties of vegetables stocking cap stocking
that helps reduce soil erosion, minimize cap -Rye
and aboutgrey andvarieties
100 bushy of fruits in medium length
the buildup neckand
of pests, improve yields, beard -Winter wheat
a single year. Renowned throughout ensure efficient water management.
Sullivan County and a regular at the CABBAGE (100+ varieties)
Biodiversity in farming is critical for the -Cabbage
Union Square Greenmarket in New York -Brussels sprouts
City, John was one of the first farmers individual farmer and for the nation at -Cauliflower
to directly sell his organic produce to an large. Insects, disease, or the vagaries -Broccoli
urban market. of weather can wipe out entire crops. -Mustard greens
The strength of John’s model lies in his
John has been growing fresh produce for wide variety of crops. Should some crops CORN
-Sweet corn
more than 30 years and was certified fail, others continue to thrive, balancing -Spinach
organic by NOFA of New York, the the potential loss and ensuring enough -Lettuce
Organic Crop Improvement Association, yield to generate income. Unfortunately, -Winter greens
NYC Greenmarket, and others. However, trends in large-scale agro-industry MIXED VEGETABLES
new regulatory standards for food safety encourage a monoculture approach for -Tomatoes
and organic certification impose greater farming, shrinking the biodiversity in -Beets
burdens than benefits to certain crops crops. According to the United Nations -Herbs
and the farmers cultivating them. As a Food and Agriculture Organization, 75 -Onions
result, John decided to forgo his organic percent of the world’s genetic diversity of -Leeks
certification and continue to operate on agricultural crops has been eliminated.
the basis of sustainable and natural food Today only 10 types of vegetables
production. account for 95 percent of the worldwide -Pumpkin
vegetable production.1 -Butternut squash
Through his community supported
agriculture (CSA) and apprenticeship

John’s five-year crop rotation cycle


500 ft 500 ft 500 ft 500 ft 500 ft

1. D. Suzuki and M. Faisal,“Better than Nature?” Sustainable Table. (accessed September 2010).
The United States is the world’s largest
For Organic certification, the National consumer of methyl bromide, a chemical
Organic Standards Board requires buffer proven to increase crop yields by about
zones around a field to ensure that 20 percent. Currently it is used for
chemical drift and water runoff from growing 17 crops, including strawberries,
roads and neighboring conventional tomatoes, peppers, and cucurbits.
farms do not contaminate the Approximately 83 percent of American
organically grown produce. use of this chemical is for soil fumigation
and 11 percent is for postharvest
New regulations under the Food Safety treatment of stored commodities.2
Law require buffers of 100 feet from the
farm field boundary along main access To produce higher yields without
roads, and eight-foot buffers along other chemical inputs, many organic farmers--
boundaries for protection from wildlife. whether certified by USDA or not--use
If John Gorzynski were to comply with cover crops to feed their soil. Mulch
these requirements to be eligible for hay, for example, conserves moisture,
Organic certification, his arable area prevents weeds from growing, and as it
would decrease by almost 50 percent. decomposes, is a supplement feed for
worms. Clover fixes nitrogen in the soil
USDA requires certified Organic farmers and costs only $25 to $30 per acre, as
to clean their fresh produce with a opposed to nitrogen-blend fertilizers that
chlorine solution before sale.1 Many can cost up to $44 per acre.
farmers find this requirement contrary to
the idea of fresh, chemical-fre produce
and have chosen to forgo their organic

Gorzynski’s farmland with and without required USDA buffers

Current area: USDA reduction:

Greenmarket farms in New York State
FARMERS MARKETS Rutland farmers markets in nyc3

The New York City Greenmarkets
ington program started in 1976 with one
farmer. Today there are 46 market
locations distributed throughout the five
Cayuga Rensse- boroughs with 183 participating farms,
Yates Chenango
Otsego Schoharie
Albany and 16 markets operate year-round. A
Tompkins recent USDA report listed New York State
Berkshire as having the second-highest number
Delaware Colum-
Steuben Chemung Broome bia of farmers markets in the nation.
Approximately 250,000 customers, or 3
Susquehanna Dutchess percent of the city’s population, frequent
Sullivan these open-air markets each week
New London
during peak season.
Orange Putnam New Haven

Rock- Food purchased in supermarkets
throughout the country travels an
Warren Suffolk average of 1,500 miles before being
Northam- placed on a shelf for consumption.4
paton Union
Hunterdon Because fresh food loses 40 percent of
its nutritional value during its first three
days, local produce that is frequently
Lancaster Vegetables, Herbs, Fruits, Flowers, Plants
sold very soon after harvest and sold
Burlington at these greenmarkets is an incredibly
Meat, Poultry
Camden important contribution to a healthy
Gloucester Dairy, Cheese community.
Fish, Seafood
Bakery, Wine, Jam, Syrup, Specialties

1. J. Montecalvo, “Optimization of Food Safety Programs for Organic Post Harvest Handling of Foods,” Department of Food Science and Nutrition, California.
food%20safety/Optimization%20of%20Food%20Safety%20Programs.pdf (accessed September 2010).
2. D. Chellemi, G.T Church, N. Kokalis-Burelle, E. N. Rosskopf, “Alternatives to Methyl Bromide: A Florida Perspective,” APSnet, 2005.
apsnetfeatures/Pages/MethylAlternatives.aspx (accessed September 2010).
3. “Greenmarkets Farmers Markets.” GrowNYC. (accessed 2010).
4.“What Is local?,” Sustainable Table. (accessed 2010).

Union Square Farmers Market, New York City

Willow Wisp
Organic Farm

Greg Swartz
BACKGROUND: Translator, ski instructor, family hardware business, no farming background
PRODUCT: Fifty types of certified organic vegetables, culinary herbs, cut flowers
MARKETS: Local farmers markets, CSA, wholesale
SOIL: Grade II
Source: Unless otherwise noted, G. Swartz, personal communication, February 5 and May 6, 2010.

Apprenticeships are key.

k manStarting a farm from scratch is a

the new guy
tremendous challenge, especially
Upper Delaware River valley because
of their connections to a strong local
assistance with the New York Beginning
Farmer Loan Program. But based on his
for someone without any farming community. Their search for land was personal experience, Greg questions the
?? was the case for Greg
background. This primarily based on soil quality. They effectiveness of these programs to get
o children Swartz, of Willow
Wisptwo children
Organic Farm. purchased 12 acres of land with Grade new farmers on land.
p stocking cap
Ten years ago, Greg decided to become II soil: Basher Silt Loam for vegetables
gth neck beard
a farmer. He took two apprenticeships and Welsboro Channery Loam for fruits. The primary investment for Greg was
and then worked on another farm for At that time, the average cost was approximately $200,000, including
five years. This practical experience $10,000 per acre. For a new farmer, the the 12-acre farmland purchase, basic
and mentorship by successful farmers financial hurdle can be high. While Greg transportation (12 foot box truck), basic
was the most effective way for Greg to and Tannis invested in their farm and equipment and tools (tractor, seeders,
learn the extensive skills that farming education without federal or state aid, greenhouse, fencing, hand tools, etc.)
requires. He supplemented his hands- many organizations do offer assistance. and his first annual crop investment
on experience by reading and attending The USDA’s Beginning Farmer and (seeds, perennial plants, etc.). For
conferences. Looking back, Greg strongly Rancher Development Program (BFRDP) Willow Wisp Farm, the secondary
believes that mentoring is a critical way educates emerging farmers in business investment during the first year of full
to promote and support the growth of and finance and provides alternatives production included a barn, a water well,
new farmers. to down payments on farmland. BFRDP and a walk-in cooler for approximately
organizes an exchange between retiring $30,000.
In 2006, Greg and his wife, Tannis, and beginning farmers. New York
decided to purchase farmland in the State also provides low-cost financial

Local farmers apprenticeship system

Pioneered first NYC Greenmarket.
Develops effective, regional farming
techniques & passes these along to other

Runs apprenticeship program
on his farm, providing for UNIVERSITY Teaches farming & management
basics. Provides assistance
housing (cabins) & a stipend for interns. mentorship. COOPERATIVE with grant & loan applications.


Two apprenticeships & then worked
on another farm for five years. Business Value-added
Supplementary reading & conferences. skills. cheese making skills.

The investment in starting a farm

Start your own farm...
Reading, conferences $120,000
7-year internship
12 acres total:
5 acres of vegetables
4 acres of fruit

50% to local greenmarkets

25% to CSA (40 people)
25% wholesale to restaurants,
CROP YIELD stores, retreat centers, caterers $20,000
12 foot box truck

$30,000 $6,000
Other investments: Greenhouse
barn, water well,
walk-in cooler
Tools & equipment

Willow Wisp farmland and barn

Annual crop list and CSA share goals

Beans (green, yellow)
Broccoli Rabe
Collard greens
Japanese turnips
Lettuce (many varieties)
Mustard (green, red)
Bok Choy
Peas (sugar snap, snow)
Potatoes (many varieties)
Spring onions
Summer squash
Swiss chard
Winter squash
Cut Flowers

Winter Share Summer Share

December 3 to May 27 June 4 to November 26

Willow Wisp’s CSA program brings

Summer crops Winter crops inside greenhouse
high-quality food to the community,
raises awareness about the benefits of
local food consumption, and provides
a direct connection between farmer
and consumer. Each stakeholder--the
farm has about 40 families--pays $575
in the summer and $400 in the winter
and receives more than 50 varieties
of vegetables, herbs, and flowers.
That accounts for a quarter of Willow
Wisp’s market; sales to local wholesale
markets, restaurants, retreat centers,
and caterers are another 25 percent and
sales to local greenmarkets constitute
50 percent. 19

Gas drilling parcels leased around Willow Wisp Farm as of May 2010 THE MARCELLUS SHALE AND

In addition to the challenges of starting

a farm from scratch, Greg Swartz
faces the growing threat of natural gas
drilling. The Catskill region is extremely
valuable in the Northeast because

RA DIUS of its pristine natural environment.

00 FT
The Delaware River and its reservoir
10 network, some of the purest water in
the country, supplies drinking water to
the DE, NJ, PA, and NY region including
New York City. The agricultural and
dairy farms in the area are dependent
on the abundance and purity of this
water. And the Catskill economy is
dependent on these productive farms.
Energy companies have identified the
potential for vast quantities of natural
DELAWARE RIVER gas in the Marcellus and Utica shale
substrates that run thousands of
feet below the region’s surface. The
gas is located deep within the shale
Gas drilling on farmland in Dimock, PA - Photograph © 2009 J. Henry Fair in small, dispersed pockets, making
conventional extraction very inefficient
and difficult. Hydraulic fracturing and
the horizontal drilling process, developed
for this difficult extraction, pump large
quantities of chemical-laden water into
the earth. This poses significant threats
to the environment, since many of the
fracturing chemicals can contaminate
aquifers and the groundwater supply.
Adverse impacts on local communities
include noise and pollution from heavy
drilling equipment and the high volume
of water transport by truck to and from
the drilling site.

All of the properties directly surrounding

Willow Wisp Farm have been leased
to gas companies to allow for natural
gas exploration and extraction. The
Swartz family declined to sign a lease
but this leaves them little recourse if
the companies decide to drill on the
neighboring land. The worst scenario,
Greg says, would be to leave and lose
the equity in their farm. And while the
deflated property proceeds would pay
off their debt, it would not leave them
with enough capital to begin farming

Just Food is a not-for-profit organization The 400-acre Hawthorne Valley

that seeks to decrease the divide Farm is in located about 35 miles
between New York City and rural food southeast of Albany, New York, close
FARMER producers. Its various programs connect to the Massachusetts border. The farm
FARMER nearby farms with NYC neighborhoods by was established in 1972 by farmers,
facilitating farms’ production, marketing, artisans, and educators who wanted
and distribution to urban consumers. to safeguard the future of small-scale
Small to medium-sized farmers find farming through the education of
DISTRIBUTOR customers in the city through Just children and young adults. The farm
DISTRIBUTOR Food’s community supported agriculture has multiple departments: farm, dairy,
DISTRIBUTOR operation in NYC, where city-dwellers greenmarket; a CSA program, bakery,
can purchase a share of the crop and a retail store. Each department
directly from a farmer. The consumer is run by a different manager while
CONSUMER receives fresh produce throughout the functioning under the umbrella of
CONSUMER growing season, and the farmer benefits Hawthorne Valley Farm. Some of their
CONSUMER from the security of guaranteed income. current programs include:
Just Food City Farm Program Just Food’s Fresh Food for All program
connects city pantries and soup kitchens FARMER APPRENTICE PROGRAM
with a network of local family farms Aspiring farmers of all ages, spend five
that provide fresh, healthful fruits and months to two years living and working
FARMER vegetables. The program also connects on a farm receiving comprehensive
FARMER the farmers to the urban communities exposure to dairy, beef, and vegetable
they serve through educational operations.
programming and farm visits. To find out
FOOD MARKET Young adults work alongside farmers
FOOD MARKET as counselors and as interns, teaching
students from various nearby schools.


CONSUMER Interested farmers learn about
CONSUMER aspects of their land, including the
interrelationships between regional
Just Food Fresh Food for All Program farming and ecosystem conservation.


FARMER This program offers business planning
FARMER courses and visits to successful
sustainable farms for both aspiring and
established farmers.



1. “Building a Just and Sustainable Food System for NYC!” Just Food. (accessed September 2010).
2. “Farm Departments,” Hawthorne Valley Farm, (accessed September 2010).
Dairy Farm

Richard & Mary Ann Dirie

BACKGROUND: Established by Richard’s parents in 1944
PRODUCT: Raw milk, third-party supply to Dairylea
MARKETS: Local residents, Dairylea
LIVESTOCK: 40-50 grass-fed Holsteins

Source: Unless otherwise noted, R. Dirie, personal communication, February 5 and May 6, 2010.

We can’t say how much we want for the milk. We get
whatever they say ... They make a blend price, but how do I
know what’s going for what?

farmer the milk man the new guy

The Dirie Dairy Farm has operated on keeping many local farms in business. Dirie sells raw milk for $5 a gallon, or
30 10
Sullivan County’s Shandelee Mountain Marketing and distribution then become $4 if the consumer supplies the bottle.
?? ??
n for moremarried,
than sixtwo
childrenThe 95-acre criticaltwo
married, steps in this strategy.
children In New York State the sale of raw milk
traditional dairy farm
stocking cap has been in the stocking cap is prohibited everywhere except on the
Dirie family sincelength
medium 1944, and Richard and In April
neck beard2009, the Dirie’s small-scale producer’s farm, and it may only be
Mary Ann Dirie now operate it with their dairy became one of only 25 New York sold directly to the consumer. This strict
two sons, Doug and Mike. State farms licensed to sell raw milk. law severely limits a farmer’s ability to
While this was an exciting venture to market raw milk. Dirie’s raw-milk sales
The future of the farm, however, provide a new product in a growing niche are mostly reliant on word of mouth,
remains unknown because the current market, the decision to sell raw milk was local press releases, and a sign posted
turbulence in the dairy industry. Federal necessary to maintain the farm’s bottom at the foot of their driveway. The summer
regulations designed for large-scale line. brings a strong market from second-
operations and fixed pricing structures home owners and vacationing families.
render smaller dairies, like the Diries, Raw milk is unpasteurized and The Diries could increase raw-milk
uneconomical, as the cost of milk unprocessed. Despite debate about sales substantially if they could reach a
production outweighs the price farmers the safety of raw milk for human broader market year-round.
are paid. To stabilize their operations, consumption, demand has increased
some dairy farms have invested in in recent years. At the Dirie Dairy, raw For now, the sale of raw milk has
on-site pasteurization or contributed to milk--typically the milk that remains heightened Dirie’s profile within Sullivan
the construction and operation of local after sales to third-party processors, like County and is adding to the farm’s
creameries. Value-added products are Dairylea--is bottled as demand warrants. viability.

Mary Ann Dirie explains mechanical milk pumps Dirie’s advertising

Milk pricing system as explained by the Diries

? ?
Cows Pasture Opaque market processes,
no control over product distribution
Blended price:
farmers left at mercy
of the market
15.03 /cwt
Dirie Dairy
Ration Silo -
Stanchions II.
15.29 /cwt

Raw milk
receiving tank IV.
Receiving Third-party milk
distribution, farmer 13.85 /cwt
pays transportation costs
Classified pricing
Milk for on-site system
direct sales

Dirie’s farm and cows Classes of milk


Grade A milk used Grade A milk used Grade A milk used Grade A milk used to
in all beverage milks in fluid cream to produce cream produce butter & any
products, yogurt, cheese & hard milk in dried form
or perishable manufactured cheese
products (ice cream,
cottage cheese, &

Farm to school1 Research and Extension Program is
Potential growth of Farm to School Program
another important collaborator in the
U. S. Department of Agriculture NYS Farm to School effort. Its aim is to
and New York State Farm to School provide important outreach education,
IMMEDIATE STEPS programs allow school districts to buy research, and development for local
directly from local farmers and educate agriculture.
Compare students about the benefits of eating
regulations local food. Passed in 2002, the New The Sullivan County Board of
York State Farm to School legislation Cooperative Educational Services
is a collaboration between the state (BOCES) works with all eight school
Build relationships and USDA to encourage the purchase districts in the county and therefore has
with dairy farmers of New York farm products by schools, the potential to implement the NYS Farm
universities, and other educational to School initiatives.
Contract institutions. The program’s current
distributers coordinating committee is a group To realize this goal, BOCES must first
of school service personnel, local compile all federal, state, and local
farmers, health care professionals, local legislation related to school meals and
Develop associations, and government officials identify standards for farmer eligibility.
tools for who are committed to the importance Next, the board must reach out to the 16
schools of eating local. This diverse committee local dairy farmers who would benefit
meets regularly to respond to the needs from this program and guide them
of schools and farmers and to generate through the certification process and
strategies to raise awareness. food safety rules. Then distribution that
ensures freshness and convenience
The programs and initiatives train must be arranged. Finally, BOCES must
school chefs to cook with local foods create cost calculation tools for schools
and develop recipes and new products to assist them in allocating federal and
using local resources. The Farm to You state funds to maintain the program.
Fest! (NY Harvest for NY Kids Week) is
held in the fall to celebrate locally grown Teachers play an important role in these
produce. In 2009, the Department of initiatives by educating students about
Agriculture & Markets provided close healthful food choices. And parents can
Include fresh set a good example by serving local,
produce & meat to 82,000 educational materials to
schools, libraries, and 4-H Clubs to help fresh food at home and supporting the
promote healthful and local eating. farmers in their communities.
Comply with The Cornell University Farm to School
food safety


Develop new
lunch menus


1. “Farm to School, New York Profile,” Urban & Environmental Policy Institute, Occidental College. (accessed 2010).
Dairy Farm

Tim & Mary Tonjes

BACKGROUND: Dairy farmers, became cheese-makers in 2003
ACRES: 130 owned, 170 rented
PRODUCT: Yogurt, Kefir, buttermilk, ricotta, mozzarella, Caerphilly, rambler, blue, Cow Hill cheeses
MARKETS: Greenmarket, Sullivan & Orange county farmers markets, Peck’s Supermarket
LIVESTOCK: 90-100 grass-fed Holsteins
Source: Unless otherwise noted, T. Tonjes, personal communication, March 1, 2010.
It’s a dairy farm; you change, otherwise
we would be out of business

Tim and Mary purchased the Tonjes burdens of additional landownership, learn the art of cheese making. With
Dairy Farm, in operation since 1950, and the neighbor receives a lower tax their newfound expertise, they created
from Tim’s father. Located in Callicoon, assessment for keeping his land in a line of dairy products that fostered
the 130-acre farm has 90 to 100 active agricultural production. a loyal local customer base. With this
Holsteins, 50 of which are milked success, they eventually invested in a
at any one time. The dairy cows are In 1999, as milk prices were in a retrofit of their traditional dairy operation
considered a closed herd, which means downward trend, Tim began researching and purchased pasteurizing and
that all the animals are born and raised cheese making as a way to stabilize the processing equipment to support their
on-site. The herd has a diet of 98 family business. Three years later, Rick growing cheese market. Their “cheese
percent grasses and 2 percent grains Bishop of Sullivan County’s Agricultural cave” is built into the sloped ground on
for nutritional diversity. The reliance on Economic Development program their property. The surrounding earth
a grass-based diet requires more land (and a fellow farmer) unveiled the helps maintain a constant temperature
than the Tonjeses own, so they rent Cheesemobile--a 12-by-36-foot mobile in summer and winter, which is essential
an additional 170 acres for harvesting dairy processing facility approved by New for curing the cheese. This business is a
hay. This arrangement with a neighbor York State. After brief training on the family endeavor; Tim and Mary’s 14-year-
is quite common for pasture-raised fundamentals of cheese production, the old son is very interested in farming and
herds and is mutually beneficial. Mary Tonjeses became the first dairy farmers now works hard alongside his parents.
and Tim are able to avoid the financial to use this “incubator” equipment to

The cheese vat at Tonjes Farm

Tonjes cheeses on sale at the Union Square
When working with short-shelf-life
products such as dairy, immediate
access to markets is critical. The
Tonjeses have sold their products at
Union Square’s Greenmarket for nearly
eight years, generating 75 percent
of their yearly revenue. The products
sold include pasteurized yogurt, Kefir,
cultured buttermilk, fromage blanc,
whole-milk ricotta, and mozzarella, as
well as aged cheeses such as Caerphilly,
rambler, blue cheese, and Cow Hill. Of
all the products offered, yogurt accounts
for the most sales throughout the year,
followed by mozzarella and buttermilk.
In addition to the Union Square
Greenmarket, the Tonjeses have also
dealt with smaller grocery markets, such
as Peck’s. Small retail stores accept
smaller quantities of product, in contrast
to large chain stores that demand
The cheese cave at Tonjes Dairy Farm distribution by the pallet.

Not all the milk produced by the

Tonjeses is used for cheese production.
According to Tim, about half of the total
production is sold wholesale as fluid
milk. Although the low price of fluid
milk is one of the primary reasons the
Tonjeses began making cheese, selling
wholesale ensures that all their milk
is sold fresh and is a sound fallback if
cheese sales decline. In all, Tonjes Dairy
Farm produces nearly 20,000 pounds of
milk products per year.

The Cheesemobile
the Cheesemobile today1 GLYNWOOD Mobile Meat
The Cheesemobile was the result of
an incubator initiative funded by the The awareness and recent popularity of
Northeast Sustainable Agriculture locally grown, pasture-fed, organic meat
Research and Education Program. This have increased demand and created a
modular cheese-making unit helps new market in Sullivan County, where
train novice cheese makers in Sullivan the climate and topography are well
County, providing them with on-farm suited to livestock. Because of the lack
equipment and expertise to produce of local slaughterhouses, farmers who
quality cheese. want to sell meat to local customers
must transport their livestock long
The unit is a 12-by-36-foot trailer distances for processing and then bring
equipped with air handlers, a boiler, the carcasses back after two weeks,
sinks, coolers, and a room with the which is the USDA alloted time for meat
essential equipment to make, package, to cure.
and age cheese. Tonjes Dairy was the
first farm to participate in this incubator Following the strategy of the mobile
program, and the unit was leased to cheese-processing unit that helped the
their farm for a period of two years. Tonjeses launch their cheese business,
Apart from instruction in making quality the Glynwood Center has created a
cheese, the program also provided mobile meat-processing unit. The
knowledge about how to anticipate Modular Harvest System is currently the
demands for aged versus fresh cheese, only modular mobile slaughterhouse in
and how to calculate the quantity of milk the country, with processing capacity
required.2 for large animals in sanitary conditions,
approved by USDA. It consists of a
The one-year contract for the 53-foot-long trailer for slaughter and
Cheesemobile is $200 per month, and chilling, a refrigeration truck where the
the tenant must invest in installation carcasses can then be cut and wrapped,
and time for skill development. Despite a waste trailer, and a small office trailer.
the success of the Cheesemobile at the
Tonjes Farm, the unit went underutilized Innovative ideas like the mobile meat-
during its lease in Grahmsville, and no processing unit and the Cheesemobile
other dairies have leased it since. are giving medium- and small-scale
farmers infrastructure that’s essential to
the sustainability of their farms.

1. P. Smith, “Cheese on Wheels,” The CBS Interactive Business Network, April 2006. (accessed July 2010).
2. K. Newman, “Have Rennet, Will Travel,” New York Times, March 8, 2006. (accessed 2010).
3. “Local Meat Processing: The Glynwood Solution,” Glynwood Farm.
(accessed September 2010).
Snow Dance

Marc Jaffe
BACKGROUND: Information technology business professional
PRODUCT: Chicken, turkey, pork
MARKETS: Farmers markets, restaurants
SOIL: Grade II
Source: Unless otherwise noted, M. Jaffe, personal communication, March 1 and May 6, 2010.

For me, it’s about personal relationships with the
chefs. They invite me to their restaurants, we share
a gourmet meal with a wine connoisseur, and this
way I get personal feedback.

Marc Jaffe, an IT professional who dealings to a select few, since every

Closest USDA-approved facilities
formerly owned a firm in Manhattan, chef has his or her own requirements. Otsego
moved to his second home in Sullivan Because farming is a lifestyle choice for
County post 9/11. He started farming Marc, he does his business on the basis Steiner Packing Co
Otego, NY
as a lifestyle choice and today owns 80 of personal relationships with people
acres of land. Without prior knowledge who understand and recognize that not Delaware
of farming, he began by training with the every bird will be the same weight and
Cornell Cooperative Extension. He soon size. The chickens at his farm range from 72.7 miles
2 hr drive
began raising livestock, as the land was three to five pounds each, and Marc gets
not suitable for crops. With less than a price of $14-$15 per chicken. Each
$50,000 in capital and only a tractor pig provides approximately 200-300
Snow Dance
and manual labor, he started by raising pounds of meat at a price of $3-$3.50 Wayne Farm
pasture-fed chickens. After various per pound. Delivery is done through a 69.1 miles Sullivan
experiments with breeds, Jaffe today distributor in Monticello, but Marc makes 2 hr drive
deals exclusively with chickens, turkeys, a personal visit to the restaurants now
pigs, goats, lambs, and ring-necked and then.
pheasants. He distributes his meat to
Zeilur Caruth Quality Meats
high-end restaurants locally and in New Marc transports his animals for Moscow, PA
York City. slaughter to a USDA and a state-
inspected facility, each two hours’
Jaffe breeds Tamworth pigs and ring- driving distance from the farm. A
necked pheasants at chefs’ requests. slaughterhouse in the county would
Believing in face-to-face relationships allow him to operate more efficiently.
with his chefs, he has limited his

Marc’s yearly raising cycle






Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

Marc rotates the animals seasonally location every season. He follows this
to protect the land and avoid excess procedure to avoid overgrazing yet allow
accumulation of manure. His animals for fertilization. This pasture rotation
are secured on 80 acres surrounded system gives the grass time to grow
by electric fences that run on 12-volt back.
batteries. A creek corridor acts as a
USDA-approved riparian buffer zone to Marc also uses the topography of his
filter wastes that might drain into the land to the fullest extent. He keeps his
creek. Currently, 20 acres of land is in pigs at the bottom of the slope, ensuring
use for farming, and Marc has no plans odors don’t reach his home. The piglets
for expansion. are moved up the slope as they grow,
and in the final few weeks before they
Marc is a firm believer that nature are taken for slaughter, they are kept in
replenishes itself. The sheds that he a wire pen near the road for easy access
uses for his animals are mobile, and he to transportation.
simply transports them to a different

Jaffe’s Tamworth pigs


Cornell Cooperative Extension is a The New Farmer Development Project

state and national outreach network (NFDP) is an initiative by GrowNYC, a
for agricultural education. The Sullivan nonprofit whose goal is to improve the
County office primarily works on quality of life in New York City through a
agricultural production, business, and clean and healthy environment. NFDP
ag-economic development, which seeks helps connect immigrants who have
to bridge the gap between the consumer some farming experience with small
and the farmer. Its also gives consumers farms in the region. It also focuses on
greater access to local food, with six additional educational support for the
farmers markets selling local produce immigrants.
in Sullivan County from May through
October. Created in 2000 as a collaboration
between Greenmarket and Cornell
With the help of Cornell Cooperative Cooperative Extension’s NYC Program,
Extension, the Tonjeses were able to the project supports novice farmers
secure a Land Grant in 2002 for the in the City, Hudson Valley and Catskill
mobile cheese-processing facility that Regions, New Jersey, and Northeastern
helped them implement their new Pennsylvania. By providing support to
business model. Recently Extension has the next generation of farmers, NFDP
obtained a grant for building a meat- helps strengthen farmers markets and
processing facility and slaughterhouse in regional food security by providing the
Sullivan County to serve the more than public with easy access to fresh food.
200 livestock farms in the region. At the same time, this strategy helps
preserve local farmland and farm
The New Farmer Training Program at communities.
Cornell Cooperative Extension has 60 to
65 graduates, more than 85 percent of To date, 16 individuals and their
whom work in agricultural enterprises. families--from the Dominican Republic,
There are two main courses in the Colombia, Ecuador, and Mexico--have
program: Business Management and started their own farms with the support
Principles of Livestock Management. of NFDP’s La Nueva Siembra Program.
Students come from a variety of These new farmers sell vegetables,
backgrounds. Among them are retirees flowers, traditional ethnic produce, eggs,
with experience in business but not in and honey at more than 40 farmers
agriculture, and young entrepreneurs markets. Many of these markets are
who are passionate about agriculture located in immigrant neighborhoods,
but lack their own startup capital. allowing NFDP farmers to sell to
members of their community.

NFDP has partnered with the National

Immigrant Farming Initiative and the
Northeast Network of Immigrant Farming
Projects to further develop its model.

1. “Learn about Cornell Cooperative Extension,” Cornell Cooperative Extension, March 15, 2010. (accessed July 2010).
2.“New Farmer Development Project,” GrowNYC. (accessed September 2010).

The case studies in this report have The connections between farmers and This report seeks to raise awareness--
illustrated the Catskill region’s potential their markets must also be addressed. among farmers, their neighbors,
to generate local economic activity and At the local scale, Sullivan County could governments and agencies, and local
be a significant part of the New York procure local produce and milk for businesses--about the viability of farming
metropolitan area’s foodshed. Realizing district schools and other institutions. in Sullivan County, its contribution to
that potential depends on the success of The implementation of farm-to-school the county’s economy, and its potential
small-scale agriculture. programs would give struggling farmers to grow, given innovative technology,
a stable, consistent market. The county strategic marketing, and farm-friendly
More than half of Sullivan County’s could also help develop a local brand for policies. The ultimate goal is to cultivate
productive soil is not being used for its agricultural sector, a marketing sustainable agriculture in the Catskills.
agriculture. The lack of infrastructure strategy that could play into the robust
and distribution impedes the growth of demand for fresh food in New York Next, we pose a series of hypothetical
existing farms and hinders the creation City and the greater metropolitan area. “what ifs” to encourage creative thinking
of new enterprises. A quick-freeze facility Moreover, urban dwellers are a likely and new ideas that will help agriculture
for fruits and vegetables, for example, target for agritourism in Sullivan County. become a vibrant sector in Sullivan
would create jobs, permit farmers to Agritourism, along with organic labeling, County.
expand their operations, and give helps increase farm incomes. All such
consumers--particularly institutional efforts that connect farmers with their
customers like schools and hospitals-- local and regional markets would
access to local food outside the growing improve the profitability of farming in
season. It could even help farmers Sullivan County.
extend their CSA seasons.

1. All available land in Sullivan County
were in production?
2. Schools in Sullivan County were
mandated to serve local milk?
3. Sullivan County developed value-added
4. The government supported agritourism

WHAT if...
all available land in Sullivan County wERE in production?


225,114 ACRES 99,421 ACRES 57,877 ACRES


SUPPLY1 DEMAND3 supply of local food for NYC amounts

to only $147 million, divided among
According to the Sullivan County annual Sullivan County is on the edge of one suppliers from New York, New Jersey,
farm survey in 2009, a total sum of of the largest consumer markets in and Connecticut. Thus, the total demand
57,877 acres of land was in some sort of the world. The New York City metro for local far outweighs the supply.
active production, with a total economic area has a population of approximately Sullivan County has the land, water,
value of $68.7 million. This means a 18,818,536. Manhattan alone hosts a location, and potential connections to
total yield of $1,187 per year per acre of market of more than 9 million people become a premier food supply source for
cultivated land. The projections above and is one of the world’s premier dining- the New York City metropolitan area.
are based on a complete use of farm out destinations, with more than 18,696
worthy soil (Grade I,II,III) within the restaurants. The NYC food market is a
agricultural districts of Sullivan County. $30-billion-a-year industry. The fresh
food component (dairy, produce, meat,
What does the county get and eggs) was worth $500 million for New York City metropolitan area
the years 2004-2010, but demand
back?2 is growing. While a large quantity of
Production on all farm-worthy soils several major New York State products
could in fact generate revenue for the (apples, cabbage, onions, and sweet
county three-fold. The agricultural tax corn) make their way through existing
base requires less infrastructure than food distribution systems, channels for
residential development and can better other products grown in-state are less
withstand the boom and bust cycles of developed. Poultry and meat products, COUNTY

real estate speculation. In a survey of for example, have little representation in

second-home owners in Sullivan County, current NYC local distribution systems.
the vast majority of respondents showed It is estimated that the overall annual 100 miles
at least some concern for the amount of demand for local agricultural products
taxes they paid. Most felt as though they exceeds $866 million within the NYC
received little in exchange. metro area. Currently, the total annual

1. “Sullivan County Agricultural Facts and Figures,” Cornell Cooperative Extension of Sullivan County, 2009.
2. “Second Home Owner Study: Assessing Attitudes, Consumer Behavior and Housing Tenure in Sullivan County,” Division of Planning & Environmental Management, October 2008.
3. “Final Report: NYC Wholesale Farmers Market Study,” Market Ventures, Inc./Karp Resources, Albany, January 2005.
WHAT if...
schools in Sullivan County were mandated to serve local milk?
Local schools & dairy farms

Elementary school
Middle school
16 Dairy farmers
High school
Dairy farm
21 Schools1
11,000 Students
1 cup (1/16 gallon) Daily milk serving per student2
687.5 gallons/day Daily school milk volume
43 gallons/day Daily supply per farmer

A NEW PROGRAM THE EFFECTS refrigeration equipment would be

necessary since milk would be delivered
Establishing a connection between ON THE FARMING SECTOR: The fresh and ready to serve daily.
public schools and local farmers is an implementation of a Farm to School
important consideration in increasing milk program could stabilize income for ON SULLIVAN COUNTY: The program
marketing options for Sullivan County 16 local dairy farms by securing a daily would help sustain 16 dairy farms and
farmers and keeping farmland in demand of 43 gallons, at five times create new jobs for administrative staff
production. At the same time, it is a the purchase price from a processing at BOCES and for local distributors.
vital step toward improving the health of plant like Dairylea. In the example of It would also allow farms to hire new
the county’s youngest population. Such Dirie Dairy, this means that 10 percent workers and improve their business
a connection would have immediate of their milk production would provide strategies. County children would be
as well as indirect long-term positive nearly 40 percent of their income for at served fresh milk with greater nutritional
results, not only to the agricultural and least nine months of the year. value daily, while their parents would
educational sectors, but also to the pay less for it. The county government
overall quality of life. New York State ON SCHOOLS: Purchasing from local would save on infrastructure costs for
already has a Farm to School program, dairy farms would directly affect the second homes that would be built on
which could be implemented through price of milk sold to students. Even approximately 400 acres of farmland
the Sullivan County Board of Cooperative if farmers sold at their retail price that would now not be abandoned.
Educational Services (BOCES). Since ($5.00 per gallon), and with a generous Preserving that farmland would also
starting a new program entails many allocation of 20 percent for distribution maintain the environmental benefits
logistical challenges, an easy first step and administrative costs, schools and derived from its carbon-absorbing
is to mandate that schools serve local parents would still save nearly 20 vegetation and fertile soil.
milk. Among other benefits, that action percent in milk costs. Enrollment in the
would give dairy farms the steady market USDA Special Milk Program reimburses
they need, saving acres of farmland from schools $0.16 per cup, allowing them
abandonment. to reduce the selling price. No new

1. New York Schools, Sullivan County School Districts, (accessed September 2010).
2. USDA, Food Buying Guide for Child Nutrition Programs, (accessed September 2010).

WHAT if...
ADDING VALUE1 developing solutions, and opening up
market channels. The service analyzes
Value-added agriculture involves critical “megatrends”--availability of labor,
increasing the economic value and the declining supply and rising cost of
consumer appeal of an agricultural natural resources, and shifting models
commodity. Some examples of value- of distribution and transportation. It also
added agricultural products are cheese determines the ideal distance between
(from milk) and jam (from fruit). It is a farmer and consumer to ensure high-
production and marketing strategy that quality products.
requires a better understanding of the
rapidly changing food industry, food
safety issues, and consumer preferences.
For producers, capturing value usually Foodlink Distribution Center, based in
means additional processing and Rochester, NY, believes partnerships
marketing costs. For example, the and collaboration are fundamental
producer’s share of the food dollar has components to product sales. Foodlink
seen a steady decline since 1900. In provides food, nutrition, education,
2005, the average farmer’s share of the and resources to at-risk communities
food dollar was 22 cents, down from in ten counties of central and western
about 33 cents in the 1970s. The rest New York State. Foodlink partners with
of the food dollar goes to processing, Freshlink Farms, Red Jacket Orchards,
distribution and marketing. and Pederson Farms to supply local New
York produce to schools, wholesalers,
AN EXAMPLE suppliers, and restaurants in the greater
Rochester area.
Red Jacket Orchards in Geneva, NY, is a
family fruit farm. It processes, packs, and
markets fruit and value-added products
through its own distribution network. Red PRODUCTS4
Jacket transports its own products and Value-added products generate new
some products from other neighboring markets for commodity farm produce,
farms to 25 New York City Greenmarkets, increasing farm incomes, and generating
the Hunts Point Terminal Market, and new jobs and rural development. Some
a number of restaurants and specialty farmers can diversify by renting their
food stores. Red Jacket Orchards recently space and land for catered events to
leased 5,000 square feet of warehouse generate added revenue. Educational
space in Brooklyn so that it can offer campaigns that explain to passersby
more efficient delivery. This warehouse what is happening in the fields during
provides one central point to manage the growing season can attract visitors
packaging size, labeling, and other and remind customers to return each
marketing strategies. year when products become available.
Industry statistics indicate that retaining
UNDERSTANDING MARKET past customers is a much more efficient
TRENDS2 use of time, effort, and marketing dollars
than working to establish or reestablish a
USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service new customer base each year.
works to improve agricultural product
distribution by identifying opportunities,

1, 4. J. Fulton, “Value-Added Business Ventures through Producer Alliances,” New Ventures In Food and Agriculture for Indiana, Purdue University.
extmedia/ID/ID-318.pdf (accessed September 2010).
3. (accessed Septebmer 2010).
3. J. Barry, “Smart Distribution Strategies – A Review of Some Northeast Distribution Businesses and Their Strategies,” May 2006.
WHAT if...
the government supported agritourism policy?
AGRITOURISM The European example
A recent study by the Leopold Center for The European Union (EU) has created
Sustainable Agriculture at Iowa State incentives for producers to add value to
University indicates that over the past agricultural production by participating
30 years, farm income has remained in agritourism.3 The EU designates
flat while farm expenses have more than certain geographic regions, and within
tripled. To balance their bottom line, these regions, local products that
many farmers have become dependent are linked to the area’s culture and
upon government subsidies and income history. The government protects these
from second jobs known as “off-farm products against production in any other
activities.” Statistics from the Economic part of that country. This encourages
Research Service, an agency within the agritourism, which can be a method of
Department of Agriculture, provide a revitalizing rural areas by increasing
snapshot of the situation. In 1977, family farm income, creating new jobs and
farmers had an average household diversifying the tourism sector.4
income of $14,867, with 70 percent of
that figure from off-farm activities. By Veneto, a region located in northeastern
2005, the gap between these income Italy, comprises 7,194 square miles
sources had widened, with the average of flatland, hills, and mountains with
income at $81,420 and off-farm income 15,000 farms. The average farm is 4.5
accounting for 80 percent.1 hectares (about 12 acres).5 Agritourism
in the Veneto reverses the traditional
Agritourism entails activities, conducted method of transporting agricultural
by a farmer on the farm, that promote products to off-farm markets: it brings
the sale, marketing, production, customers to the farm. Customers
harvesting, or use of farm products are prepared to spend generously
and educate the public about farming on vacations in rural areas. In most
methods and farm life.2 Agritourism cases agricultural production remains
enables farmers to generate additional the primary activity of the farm, and
revenue while staying on the farm and agritourism adds value to marketing
using their already established skills. opportunities.6

Italy has three national rural tourism

organizations.7 Terra Nostra supports
many farms in 18 regional associations
by publishing and advertising local
guides, providing local development
projects, and forming joint ventures
with schools. Turismo Verde promotes
hundreds of farms through an
“information service” tool. Agriturist
promotes 200 farms with publications,
activities, and promotional events, such
as seminars and conferences.

1, 6. M. Villano, “How Old McDonald Keeps His Farm. New York Times. February 17, 2007.
2, 3, 7. R. Clemens, “Keeping Farmers on the Land: Agritourism in the European Union,” Iowa Ag Review, Summer 2004, Vol. 10 No. 03.
4. N.Y. AGRIC & MKTS 301.15 Definitions, 308. Right to farm.
5. E. Biuso, “Down on the Farm with Your Sleeves Rolled Up. New York Times. November 23, 2007.
WHAT if...
encouraging agritourism8 Businesses must register with the
Kansas Department of Commerce to be
in Kentucky eligible.
The Kentucky legislature is considering
a bill that would give professionals in in New York
agritourism protection from liability The Upstate New York Agritourism
and would require sites of agritourism and Education Program offers three
activities to post appropriate warning levels of grants between $10,000 and
notices. $50,000 to local farmers to encourage
agritourism development. These grants
in Kansas can be used to finance projects such as
The Agritourism Promotion Act of sightseeing amenities, farm tours, and
2004 limits liability through mandatory tourist accommodations.
signage. The bill also creates a tax credit
equal to 20 percent of the agritourism
liability insurance that farmers are
required to buy, up to $2,000 a year.

“For a small farm to “We couldn’t survive

survive in today’s world, on tours alone, but the
it’s going to have to come money we make from them
According to a Cornell
up with some kind of plan certainly allows us to
report from 2000, farmers
to diversify. Growing crops stay small and dedicated
who turned to agritourism
is no longer enough to to quality artisan cheese-
could be as much as 40
survive on small acreage.” making. It’s become a huge
percent more profitable.11
and irreplaceable part of
Ken Cook, President of the Environmental our income.” Dee Harley, Harley
Working Group9 Farms, Pescadero, CA 10

The Department of Agriculture does not

In August 2006, State Senator George H. Winner, Jr. (R-C, Elmira) and Assemblyman David keep statistics on agritourism, but Jane
Koon (D, Fairport) sponsored a bill that promotes agricultural tourism as an increasingly Eckert, president of Eckert AgriMarketing,
popular practice vital to the future of the state’s agricultural industry. It was signed into law by a consulting firm in St. Louis, estimates
Governor George Pataki. According to Winner and Koon, the 2006-2007 state budget that 4 or 5 percent of the
included $1 million for agritourism projects administered through nation’s 2.1 million farms
the State Department of Agriculture and Markets. Additional grants will provide up to $50,000 engage in some form of
in matching funds for projects involving traditional agritourism activities.12 agritourism, up from her 2 percent
estimate in the 1990s.13

8. The Vermont Legislative Research Shop, Government Activities in Support of Agritourism, The University of Vermont.
9. J. Iovine, “A New Cash Crop: The Farm as a Theme Park.” New York Times. November 2, 1997.
10, 13. M. Villano, “How Old McDonald Keeps His Farm. New York Times. February 17, 2007.
11, 12. Press release from New York State Assembly, August 31, 2006.

With an expanding global population, interests, investment from a variety of This report has profiled Catskill farmers
increasing pressure on our natural sectors, and an acknowledgment that we to illustrate their creative solutions to
resources, and food insecurity for must act now to preserve the core of our obstacles that prevent a more viable
many communities around the world, local food system. economic model for small scale local
locally grown food is becoming a more agriculture. Together they have the
critical focus for us all. According to The basic concept of a foodshed capacity to sustain a regional foodshed.
the Regional Plan Association, in the connects food with its origin – the Their stories are intended to motivate
Northeast alone, where 2 percent of the land from which it comes. Local a movement that connects us to a
country’s land base contains 20 percent farmland is what makes local food local food base that changes our food
of the nation’s population, an 18 percent possible. To build a more locally based, consumption patterns to improve human
increase in the population is expected self-reliant food economy, we must nutrition and reduce agriculture’s
by 2025. That’s 9 million more mouths understand a foodshed’s specific environmental footprint. In turn, this
to feed. At the same time, we are losing geographic and ecological dimensions can increase a farmer’s access to a
our agricultural land base at an alarming and conditions. Local food is not a regional market that pays a decent wage
national rate of two acres each minute. fixed concept; it constantly adapts to for labor, encouraging communities to
This rate of conversion has accelerated harmonize with nature and shifting develop infrastructure and networks
in each successive decade since the development patterns. Sustainable food to support local farms, and ultimately
1950s and reached a peak in the early production, processing, distribution, and protecting farmland from conversion.
1990s. During that period, New York consumption can be integrated only after
State saw one farm lost to development we safeguard and enhance this farmland A new conservation paradigm is required
every three days. The reliance on food foundation. Through a collaborative to preserve our farms and our local
imported from across the country, and effort to establish an awareness of how food. We must create a system that
even across the globe, has wide ranging current trends influence land use and can attract newcomers by making land
implications. Today, one in five children human health, we can design wise policy affordable and create sustainable
in New York City has Type II diabetes, to encourage food security, nutrition, and markets by developing infrastructure
a result of poor diet and inadequate environmental protection. Energy use to process, distribute, and transport
exercise, and one in four people under and climate change concerns suggest our food. Whether you buy local food
the age of 18 is considered obese. that food grown in closer proximity to because it’s convenient or tastes
The production and transportation of its point of consumption will use less better, your dollar will support the local
food is responsible for 20 percent of all energy and produce less pollution. The economy, protect the environment, and
fossil fuel consumption. The frequency closer food is produced to where it is conserve a working landscape. Local
of contaminated food outbreaks from consumed, the greater the likelihood food is a part of our culture. Local food
large commodity-based farms continues that it will be fresh, in season, and more is an investment in New York State’s
to increase. Responding to this situation nutritious. future. Buy local, and vote with your fork.
requires a coordination of diverse

Jennifer Grossman, Open Space Institute

Create incentives to buy local at county and statewide scales,
strengthening relationships between local food production and
food consumers.
Target incentives toward entrepreneurs interested in starting a
farm or expanding a current business.
Enact policies to reduce risk and liability for farmers who
participate in agritourism.

FOR consumers
Purchase fresh groceries from local farmers, through a CSA, or
at a farmers market. Know the benefits of eating seasonally and
Understand the principles of organically grown food and the
importance of balanced nutrition.
Encourage children and others to learn about how and where food
is grown. Take trips to local farms and ask your supermarket to
identify locally grown food.

FOR farmers
Sign up for distribution assistance programs, such as
Greenmarkets and the Just Food Program.
Start an apprenticeship program at your farm to teach aspiring
farmers and receive extra help.
Allocate 100% of your land to new farming strategies and
techniques. Test organic approaches.
Reach out to your end market and get to know consumers
personally, to better understand their needs.

Nidhi Bhatnagar is a native of New Henry Martes is a native of Bronx, Manas Vanwari is a native of Mumbai,
Delhi, India. She received her Bachelor New York. He received his Bachelor of India. He received his Bachelor of
of Architecture from the School Architecture from Rensselaer Polytechnic Architecture from Kamla Raheja
of Architecture, C.E.P.T University, Institute. He has interned for the City of Vidyanidhi Institute of Architecture in
Ahmedabad. A registered architect in New York and worked professionally in Mumbai. He worked professionally for
India, she worked professionally before White Plains, New York before receiving Charles Correa before receiving his
receiving her Master of Science in his Master of Science in Architecture and Master of Science in Architecture and
Architecture and Urban Design from Urban Design from Columbia University Urban Design from Columbia University
Columbia University in 2010. in 2010. in 2010.

Eleonora Encheva is a native of Cyntia Navarro is a native of Lima, Sunghwan Yoon is a native of Seoul,
Bulgaria. She received her Bachelor of Peru. She received her Bachelor of South Korea. He received his Bachelor of
Arts in Architecture and Mathematics Architecture from Florida International Architecture and Master of Architecture
from Columbia University in 2007. She University. She worked professionally for from Hanyang University. He worked
was cofounder and president of the AECOM Design and Burt Hill Architects professionally for four years in Seoul
Green Builders at Columbia club in before receiving her Master of Science before receiving his Master of Science
2008-09 and is committed to promoting in Architecture and Urban Design from in Architecture and Urban Design from
sustainability practices. She received her Columbia University in 2010. Columbia University in 2010.
Masters in Architecture from Columbia
in 2010. Monica Pinjani is a native of Karachi, Richard Plunz is Professor of
Pakistan. She received her Bachelor of Architecture at the Graduate School of
Jenny Joe is a native of Nanjing, Architecture from Indus Valley School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation
China. She received her Bachelor of Art and Architecture. She worked as an at Columbia University, where he
Architecture from Rensselaer Polytechnic architect in Karachi before receiving her directs the Urban Design Program.
Institute. She worked professionally Master of Science in Architecture and He also directs the Urban Design Lab
in New York City before receiving her Urban Design from Columbia University at Columbia’s Earth Institute. He is a
Master of Science in Architecture and in 2010. member of the Town of Lumberland
Urban Design from Columbia University Planning Board in Sullivan County, New
in 2010. Josh Turner is a native of Kansas City, York.
Missouri. He received his Bachelor
Brad Kingsley is a native of Hutchinson, of Architecture from the University
Kansas. He received his Bachelor of Kansas. He is a LEED accredited
of Architecture from Kansas State professional and worked as an architect
University in 2005. He worked in Dallas, Texas, before receiving his
professionally in Kansas City, Missouri, Master of Science in Architecture and
and New York City before receiving his Urban Design from Columbia University
Master of Science in Architecture and in 2010.
Urban Design from Columbia University
in 2010.

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