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//Graph --- Adjacency matrix and Adjacency list representation

//Function for DFS and BFS





struct node ** convmattolist(int **,int,char *);

void printlist(struct node **,int);

void printadjmatrix(int **,int);

struct node

int nodeno;

int edgeweight;

struct node *link;


int main()

int **A;

int rows,edges,snode,enode,weight;

int i;

char directed[4];

struct node **list;

printf("Please enter the number of nodes in the graph\n");


printf("Please enter the number of edges in the graph\n");


printf("Is the graph directed\n");


A = (int **)malloc(rows * sizeof(int *));


*(A+i) = (int *) calloc(rows,sizeof(int));

// Read the graph information and construct the adjacency matrix

printf("Enter the start node, end node and weight of edge no %d\n",i);

list = convmattolist(A,rows,directed);



return 0;

struct node ** convmattolist(int **A,int rows,char *dir)

//Fill in the code here


void printadjmatrix(int **A,int rows)

printf("Adjacency Matrix Representation:\n");

//Fill in the code here

void printlist(struct node **list,int rows)

printf("Adjacency List Representation:\n");

//Fill in the code here

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