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• 7 years of total IT experience
• 5 years of Informatica experience
Informatica experience
• 6 years of Oracle

SDLC: 7 years of IT experience in Business Requirements Analysis, Designing, coing an testing
• SDLC: 7
of Data !are"ousi
ng implement
ns across #inancial
#inancial,, $"armaceu
tical,, Insurance
Insurance an Telecom

•Informatica: 5 year
yearss of Data
Data !ar
ng expe
ce usin
g Informat
ica Power
Power Center 
7.1.1/7.1./7.!/".1/#.1.1/$.7% Power Mart "./#.1.1/#.&/$.7% Power Connect  for &A$ R'(, &A$ B!,
$eople soft'Oracle Apps'&ie)el'DB*,
Apps'&ie)el'DB*, $o+er xc"ange, $o+er Analy-er,
Analy-er, $o+er $lug, T., Data mart
&ie)el 7%/'*///'5%5, &ie)el !are"ouse 6%(, &ie)el I0, O.A$, O.T$%

• Data Mo'elin( ) Data Arc*itecture:  1 years of experience +or2ing on n3To3

n implementation
of Data +are"ouse, Dimensional Data 0oeling experience using R+in 1%5'1%/'(%5%5'(%5%*, Ralp"
4im)all Approac", &tar'&no+fla2e 0oeling, O.A$, #AT  Dimensions ta)les, $"ysical  .ogical
ata moeling an Oracle Designer%

• +u,ine,, Intelli(ence: 
Intelli(ence:   * years of Business Intelligence experience using ognos 7%/'6%/'5%x,
Business O)ects 6%5'6%/'5%8 for complex reporting against Oracle an &9. &er:er, ;!e)3Intelligence
*%5, Designer 5%8, De:eloper &uite, Info <ie+, BO =ni:erse De:eloper, BO &uper:isor, BO &et
 Analy-er *%/>, rystal
rystal Reports 6%x'5%x'1%x'(%x
6%x'5%x'1%x'(%x,, &9R (%x, 0& Access
Access Reports%

• Data-a,e,: 6
Data-a,e,: 6 years of experience using Oracle ?i'@i'@%/'7%/, DB* @%/'7%/'6%/, 0& &9. &er:er 
*//5'*///'7%/'6%/, 0& Access 7%/'*///, $.'&9., &9.$lus, &9..oaer an De:eloper *///

'ucation: 0aster in omputer &cience

ec*nical S0ill,

Data Info
a Powe
Powerr Cent
er .!/
7% Powe
Powerr Mart
!are"ousing "./#.1.1/#.!/$.7.%Informatica $o+er
$o+er Analy-er
Analy-er,, Informatica 
Informatica   $o+er $lug,
$lug, Informatica
De,i(ner% 2or0flow Mana(er% 2or0flow Monitor ,
Monitor , T., TI, Datamart, O.A$, O.T$,
0applet, Transformations,
Transformations, &9.$lus, &9..oaer 

Dimensional Dimension
Dimensionalal Data 0oeling,
0oeling, Data 0oeling,
0oeling, &tar oin &c"ema
&c"ema 0oeling,
0oeling, &no+fla2e
Data 0oeling, #AT an Dimensions Ta)les, $"ysical an .ogical Data 0oeling, R!IC
0oeling 1%5'1%/'(%5'(%*, Oracle Designer, $o+er Designer 

Data Analys
is Requ
entt Analy
s, Busi
s Analy
s, eta
il esi
gn,, ata
ata flo+
flo+ iag
ms,, ata
efinition ta)le, Business Rules, ata moeling, Data !are"ousing, system integration,
an team )uiling
BI Tools
ols Busi
ss O)e
s 6%5'
/ ;!e)3
ce,, *%5 Des
nerr 5%/ an
an &9..
Toa, Disco:erer,
Disco:erer, ognos &eries 7%/'6%/, &eagate
&eagate rystal Reports
Reports @%/, Data Reports,
De:eloper */// ;#orms1%5'5%/, Reports *%5'(%/>, 0& Access Reports

s Oracl
e ?i'@
0& &9.
&9. &er:e
&er:err *//5'
*//5' *///'7
%/,, 0& Acc
s% r+i
n, Desig
&9.Ca:igator, TOAD
$rogramming &9., $.'&9., &9. $lus, Transact &9., AC&I &9., <isual Basic, ET0., DET0., , F
=I F, =nix &"ell &cripting, $R. $rogramming, functions, pac2ages, riggers, &9. .oaer,
DBA acti:ities, De:eloper'*///,
n:ironment !in (%x'?5'?@, !ino+s ?5'?@'CT'*///'G$

PR34SSI35AL 6PRI5C

UPS% Morri,town% 5

Senior Informatica Deelo;er 

T"e o)ecti:e of t"is proect it to integrate a non3integrate mail s"ipping selection an orer 
process ,+it" an automate +e)3)ase platform t"at +ill control an monitor mail s"ipping
acti:ities% Data 0art +ill pro:ie for s"ipping, ecision, management, fulfillment an reporting for 
t"e en user% 0ultiple carrier eli:ery information +ill )e pro:ie, parameters to specify s"ipping
requirements +ill )e mae a:aila)le, an electronic orer fulfillment to t"e carrier +ill occur% A
uni:erse is )uilt on top of t"is ata mart to "elp t"e )usiness users to generate reports t"at +ill "elp
in ecision ma2ing% T"e maor o)ecti:es in:ol:e integrating t"e carriers a:aila)le at ifferent
+or2stations, pro:iing t"e rate plan for t"e carriers, automatic reconciliation of manifest an

• In:ol:e in Requirement Analysis, T. Design an De:elopment for extracting from t"e
source systems an loaing it into t"e Datamart%
• De:elope complex mappings to loa ata from &ource &ystem ;Oracle> an flat files
• =se Informatica $o+er enter !or2flo+ manager to create sessions an +or2flo+s to run
t"e logic em)ee in t"e mappings%
• reate ifferent transformations li2e &ource 9ualifier, xpression, Router, #ilter, .oo2up,
&equence enerator, Cormali-er transformations for loaing t"e ata into t"e targets%
• !rote complex &9. scripts to a:oi Informatica oiners an .oo23ups to impro:e t"e
performance as t"e :olume of t"e ata +as "ea:y%
• !rote scripts to ensure e3mails sent to respecti:e people on #ailure'&uccess, error "anling,
control'auiting of ifferent processes%
• Requirement at"ering an Business Analysis% $erforme Business Disco:ery to efine
functional specifications%
•  Analy-e, esigne, e:elope, implemente an maintaine moerate to complex initial
loa an incremental loa mappings to pro:ie ata for enterprise ata +are"ouse%
• De:elope Informatica mappings, ena)ling t"e extract, transport an loaing of t"e ata into
target ta)les%
• !or2e +it" 0emory cac"e for static an ynamic for t"e )etter t"roug"put of sessions
containing Ran2, .oo2up, oiner, &orter an Aggregator transformations%
• Designe t"e R iagrams, logical moel ;relations"ip, carinality, attri)utes, an, caniate
2eys> an p"ysical ata)ase ;capacity planning, o)ect creation an aggregation strategies>
for Oracle as per )usiness requirements using R!in%
• !or2e on Informatica $o+erenter tool 3 &ource Analy-er, Data !are"ousing esigner,
0apping  0applet Designer an Transformation Designer%
• De:elope $.'&9. proceures'pac2ages to 2ic2off t"e &9. .oaer control files'proceures
to loa t"e ata into Oracle%
• Implemente ata cleansing for files using Informatica ;on:ersion of BDI3A&II, *5(
• xecuting test scripts to :erify actual results against expecte results )y using $o+er 
onnect for source ;DB*> :aliation an Oracle for target :aliations%
• $repare ocumentation for )usiness ata flo+ from source to mart an also for t"e c"anges
mae to t"e mappings'sessions existing to eliminate t"e errors%
• Define file pro:isioning process ;D! $re processing &teps>% 8//H automation of file
pro:isioning process using =CIG, Informatica mappings an oracle utilities%
• Responsi)le for migrating proect )et+een en:ironments ;De:, Test, 9A, $ro>
• Buil scripts for loaing exceptions into Data)ase% ;=CIG an &9. loaer utilities>%
• !or2 flo+ 0anager is use for creating an maintaining t"e &essions% !or2 flo+
0onitor is use to eit, sc"eule, copy, a)orts an eletes t"e session%
• enerate reports in O:erue an prepai amount analysis, &"ort3term ynamic liquiity
analysis, ap analysis on <arious simulation scenarios%
• &olely responsi)le for t"e aily loas an "anling t"e reect ata%

nironment : Informatica $o+er enter @%/'7%x, $o+er onnect ;&tri:a Detail>, #lat files, Oracle
8/g'?i, =CIG ;IB0'AIG>, !ino+s CT, r+in 1%/, 0& &9. &er:er *//5'*///, .'&9., OBO. #iles ,
&ie)el 7%/, =T.#I., IB0 DB* @%/, 0ainframes, Toa, $erl, =nix scripting, Business O)ects 6%5

4ran0lin 4inancial ,erice,% 5YC


Senior Informatica Deelo;er 

T"e o)ecti:e of t"is proect is e:elopment of ompany Business 0anagement ata mart an
reporting system to analy-e t"e expenses incurre on .egal &er:ices )ase on ifferent regions '
i:isions etc% T"e ata is o)taine from isparate sources li2e #lat files an Oracle ta)les% T"e ata is
extracte from t"e sources using Informatica as t"e T. Tool%

T"e purpose of "a:ing ata mart for asset e:aluation is to ease t"e customers in analy-ing t"eir 
assets :aluation% T"e ata mart is unique in its structure )ut separate into four su)ect areas
epening on t"e functionality, t"ey are Re<ue,t Su-=ect Area% A,,et Su-=ect Area% Polic> Su-=ect
Area ) Anal>,t8, 4unction, Su-=ect Area % T"e Request su)ect area eals +it" all t"e functionality
relate to requests raise +it" t"e customer to get t"e :aluation of t"e asset requeste% T"e Asset
su)ect area eals +it" all t"e functionality relate to assets, +"ic" are require for t"e customers %it
eals +it" all t"e costs associate to respecti:e assets% $olicy su)ect area eals +it" all t"e policies,
+"ic" are require to calculate t"e :aluation of assets% T"ese are internal to t"e )usinessJ e:ery
policy "as its o+n formula an also :arious t"res"ols ;Bounary limits>%

• Business Analysis an Requirements ollection%
• Designe proceures for getting t"e ata from all systems to Data !are"ousing system%
• T"e ata +as stanari-e to store :arious Business =nits in ta)les%
• De:elop .ogical an $"ysical ata moels t"at capture current state'future state ata
elements an ata flo+s using r+in ' &tar &c"ema%
• Designe mapping ocuments an e:elope T. mappings using Informatica%
• &tuie t"e existing O.T$ system;s> an reate facts, imensions an star sc"ema
representation for t"e ata mart%
• Drille out eac" of t"e ata flo+ on a page to plan +"ic" ta)les to +or2 on, an for 
sequencing t"e transformations +it"in eac" ata set%
•  Analy-e I0& Rx Data using I0& tools suc" as Gponent an Gponent $lantra2, regaring
segmentation  profiling%
• =se Informatica po+er center for ;T.> extraction, transformation an loaing ata
from "eterogeneous source systems%
• =se t"e pmrep utility to p erform )asic tas2s on t"e repository%
• In:ol:e in importing &ource'Target Ta)les from t"e respecti:e ata)ases an create
reusa)le Transformations ;oiner, Routers, .oo2ups, Ran2, #ilter, xpression, an
 Aggregator>, 0applets an 0appings using Designer moule of Informatica%
• reate &tore $roceures for ata transformation purpose%
• enerate $.'&9. an &"ell scripts for sc"euling perioic loa processes%
• xtract ata from Oracle an uploa to Teraata ta)les using Teraata utilities
• =se 9ueryman to analy-e'insert'upate ata in Teraata ta)les%
• oe Teraata macros for stanar upate 'create :ie+s'rop ta)les%
• =se Teraata utility BT9 to summari-e ata for :arious criteria an uploa to en
• =se #A&TG$ORT to extract ata from Teraata ta)les into &equential files%
• xtracte ata from prouction Teraata ta)les to test en:ironment%
• !or2e on xternal .oaer to populate t"e target Teraata%
• Responsi)le for creating t"e catalogs in t"e role of aministrator for t"e report generators
using Impromptu%
• $u)lis"e Impromptu reports to upfront )y using I!R Report Aministrator%
• =se ognos Transformer to )uil multiimensional cu)es%
•  Applie $erformance tuning tec"niques for cu)es to reuce calculate time an partitione
• reate =nix &"ell &cripts +rote &c"euler utilities for automating t"e )ac2up of 
Data)ase' Transaction log%

nironment: Informatica $o+erenter 7%8%8'6%* $o+er0art 1%7, I0& Rx Data, r!in 1%/, Teraata
<*R5'<*R1 ;Teraata 0anager, BT9, 9ueryman, Bul2loa, #ast.oa, Data)ase 9uery 0anager,
!inDDI>, ognos Impromptu 6%/, ontrol 0, ognos $o+er$lay Transformer 6%/, ognos $o+er$lay
6%/, OBO., DB*, 0& &9. &er:er 7%/'*///, Oracle ?i, &"ell &cripting, &9., $.'&9., &un &olaris
*%6, !ino+s CT 1%/%

U.S. Cellular Cor;. ?formerl> Prime Co PCS@% IL

D2 Informatica Deelo;er 

=%&% ellular orporation is t"e nationKs eig"t" largest +ireless telecommunications

pro:ier% =%&% ellular recently acquire t"e "icago lan area )usiness of $rimeo $&% $rimeo
pro:ies its customers +it" a +ie range of +ireless proucts% T"e enterprise ata +are"ouse is
esigne, e:elope an implemente for t"e former company $rimeo $ersonal ommunications%
$rimeo D! is e:elope to e:aluate t"e current situation )usiness practices, "ar+are
infrastructure as +ell as current applications in use%

• Requirement at"ering an Business Analysis% $erforme Business Disco:ery to efine
functional specifications%
•  Analysis, Design an De:elopment, test an implementation of Informatica
transformations an +or2flo+s for extracting t"e ata from t"e multiple legacy s ystems%
• Responsi)le for t"e Data 0oeling an populating t"e )usiness rules using mappings
into t"e Repository for 0eta Data management%
• In:ol:e in .ogical an $"ysical moels for &taging, Transition an $rouction
!are"ouses using r+in 1%/%
• xtracte metaata from r+in moel into Informatica  Repository using Informatica
$o+er $lug%
• De:elope extraction mappings to loa ata from &ource systems to OD& to Dimension
ata sources%
• Installe an onfigure Informatica  $o+er enter 7%8'6%* client tools an connecte
+it" eac" ata)ase in Data !are "ouse using ODB net+or2 layer%
• =se Repository manager to create Repository, =ser groups, =sers an manage users
)y setting up t"eir pri:ileges an profile%
• De:elope complex mappings in Informatica to loa t"e ata from :arious sources using
ifferent transformations li2e &ource 9ualifier, .oo2 up ;connecte an unconnecte>,
xpression, Aggregate, =pate &trategy, &equence enerator, oiner, #ilter, =pate
&trategy Ran2 an Router transformations% =se e)ugger to test t"e mapping an fixe
t"e )ugs%
• xecute sessions, sequential an concurrent )atc"es for proper execution of mappings
an sent e3mail using +or2flo+ manager%
• =se session partitions, ynamic cac"e memory, an inex cac"e to impro:e t"e
performance of Informatica ser:er%
• Designe an De:elope t"e Informatica +or2flo+s'sessions to extract, transform an
loa t"e ata into Target%
• !rote &9., $.'&9. coes, store proceures an pac2ages%
• De:elope proceures to populate t"e customer ata +are"ouse +it" transaction ata,
cycle an mont"ly summary ata, an "istorical ata%
• Designe Informatica transformations for loaing ata from :arious sources li2e flat files'
OI'ODB sources%
• !or2e closely +it" &oft+are De:elopers to isolate, trac2, an trou)les"oot efects
• !or2e +it" ifferent Informatica tuning issues an fine3tune t"e transformations to
ma2e t"em more efficient in terms of performance%
• !or2e on =CIG an s"ell scripts% De:elope =CIG s"ell scripts to run t"e pmcm
functionality to start an stop sessions an )atc"es%
• reate complex reports )y lin2ing ata from multiple sources, using functionalities li2e
&lice an Dice, Drill Do+n, 0aster Detail etc%
• De:elope an pu)lis"e reports on t"e +e) t"roug" !e) Intelligence%
• =tili-e Test Director ;Defect Trac2ing Tool> for communication +it" t"e prouction
personnel, e:elopers an team mem)ers%
• Defects are logge an c"ange requests are su)mitte using efects moule of Test

nironment: Informatica $o+er enter 6%*, $o+er onnect, $o+er Analy-er, Business O)ects
6%/, r+in 1%/, Oracle ?i, &9., $.'&9., &9. &er:er *///, DB* @%/, !inCT1%/'*///%

Am(en% 2a,*in(ton% D.C

D2 Informatica Deelo;er 

 Amgen $"armaceuticals e:elope a ata +are"ouse using Informatica to transform t"e ata t"at is
extracte from :arious source systems li2e &9. &er:er, &y)ase an to loa t"e ata +are"ouse )uilt
on Oracle% ognos is use to generate t"e reports% r+in is use for ata moeling%

• &ource ata analysis an esign%
• De:elop .ogical an $"ysical ata moels t"at capture current state'future state ata
elements an ata flo+s using r+in%
• xtensi:ely use Informatica $o+erenter as an T. tool to extract, transform an loa
ata from remote sources to D!%
• Built t"e !0& moule of t"e D! )ase on t"e t"ir party Brig"t point system%
• Built R0&  ER& moules of t"e D! )ase on t"e internal transactional system%
• !rote s"ell scripts an store proceures to automate t"e aggregate )uiling process%
• !or2e extensi:ely on transformations li2e #ilter, Router, Aggregator, .oo2up, =pate
&trategy, &tore $roceure, &equence generator an oiner transformations%
• reate multiple mappings using Reusa)le Transformations an 0applets%
• reate, launc"e  sc"eule sessions an )atc"es using $o+erenter 
&er:er'!or2flo+ 0anager%
• De:elope a prototype for esigne interface an estimate t"e performance criteria%
• =se onnecte an unconnecte loo2ups in :arious complex mappings%
• Re:ie+e an ocumente existing &9..oaer T. scripts%
• !or2e on De)ugging, Trou)les"ooting an ocumentation of t"e Data !are"ouse%
• Ientifie t"e unerlying ta)les an )usiness rules )y for+ar an re:erse engineering
using R!IC%
• Responsi)le for e:elopment, test an prouctions mapping migration using repository
manager% Also use Repository 0anager to maintain t"e metaata, &ecurity an
Reporting% Tuning t"e Informatica Repository an 0appings for optimum performance%
• reate stanar an A "oc reports using Business O)ects%

nironment: Informatica $o+erenter 5%8, Business O)ects 1%8, R+in (%5, $.'&9., Oracle @%/,
DB*, !ino+s *///,

Infoec* LD.% In'ia

3racle Deelo;er 

InfoTec" is a soft+are e:elopment company t"at e:elops soft+areKs for its clients in client ser:er 
en:ironment an it "as an elegant +or2force, +"ic" executes t"e proects +it" t"e cutting ege
tec"nologies% It "as e:elope :arious proects for its clients for )an2ing sector, security loc2ers, Real
estate an many ot"er i:erse clients

• Design of t"e o:erall ata)ase using ntity Relations"ip iagrams%
• !rote triggers an store proceures in $.'&9.%
• Builing, e)ugging an running forms%
• Data loaing an xtracting functions using &9.%
• Designe an e:elope all t"e ta)les, :ie+s for t"e system in Oracle%
• Designing an e:eloping forms :aliation proceures for query an upate of Data%
• reate forms, an queries%
• reate reports for ifferent criteria%

nironmentL Oracle @i, &9.'$.&9., !ino+s CT%

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